
     1  # A series of end-to-end tests on the Please binary.
     2  #
     3  # These are a little fragile since they assume things about specific output messages, which
     4  # of course we might rather not. However it's something of a pain to get good test coverage
     5  # since by its nature the tool has heaps of side effects, so this is at least one way of
     6  # reassuring ourselves that it does behave as expected.
     7  #
     8  # Note that we have to be kinda careful with this; since it invokes plz to run tests while
     9  # an instance of it is already going, there are potential concurrency issues. These are
    10  # mitigated by having these tests only run tests in this package which are tagged as manual
    11  # so the bootstrap script won't try to run them twice simultaneously.
    13  subinclude('//build_defs:plz_e2e_test')
    15  # Tests the expected output of 'query somepath'.
    16  # Note that you have to be careful with the choice of targets, since the path
    17  # found is not necessarily unique or stable.
    18  plz_e2e_test(
    19      name = 'query_somepath_test',
    20      cmd = 'plz query somepath //tools/junit_runner //third_party/java:_junit#bin',
    21      expected_output = 'query_somepath_test.txt',
    22  )
    24  plz_e2e_test(
    25      name = 'query_somepath_reverse_test',
    26      cmd = 'plz query somepath //third_party/java:_junit#bin //tools/junit_runner',
    27      expected_output = 'query_somepath_test.txt',  # Output should be the same as above
    28  )
    30  plz_e2e_test(
    31      name = 'query_somepath_nopath_test',
    32      cmd = 'plz query somepath //src:please //third_party/java:junit',
    33      expected_output = 'query_somepath_nopath_test.txt',
    34  )
    36  # Tests that targets can only use other targets that they depend on.
    37  plz_e2e_test(
    38      name = 'dep_required_test',
    39      cmd = 'plz build //test:failed_dep',
    40      expect_output_contains = "//test:failed_dep can't use //src/core; doesn't depend on target //src/core",
    41      expected_failure = True,
    42  )
    44  build_rule(
    45      name = 'failed_dep',
    46      cmd = 'echo $(location //src/core)',
    47      labels = ['manual'],
    48  )
    50  # Test that we count test output correctly. Also indirectly tests access to test data files.
    51  # Note that we're stripping coloured output for now. Later we should probably have a flag or something.
    52  plz_e2e_test(
    53      name = 'test_output_test',
    54      cmd = 'plz test //test:test_output_test_1 //test:test_output_test_2 | sed "s/\033\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g"',
    55      expect_output_contains = '6 tests run; 6 passed.',
    56      # Invokes a containerised test although it's not itself.
    57      labels = ['container'],
    58  )
    60  gentest(
    61      name = 'test_output_test_1',
    62      data = ['test_output_test_1.txt'],
    63      labels = ['manual'],
    64      test_cmd = 'cp $(location test_output_test_1.txt) test.results',
    65  )
    67  gentest(
    68      name = 'test_output_test_2',
    69      container = True,
    70      data = ['test_output_test_2.xml'],
    71      labels = ['manual'],
    72      test_cmd = 'cp $(location test_output_test_2.xml) test.results',
    73  )
    75  # Test that on re-running a test it is cached.
    76  plz_e2e_test(
    77      name = 'test_caching_test',
    78      cmd = 'plz test //test:caching_test && plz test -v 4 //test:caching_test',
    79      expect_output_contains = 'Not re-running test //test:caching_test',
    80  )
    82  gentest(
    83      name = 'caching_test',
    84      labels = ['manual'],
    85      no_test_output = True,
    86      test_cmd = 'true',
    87      deps = ['//src:please'],
    88  )
    90  # Test that we don't generate coverage on running a test normally (because it's slower).
    91  python_test(
    92      name = '_no_coverage_output_test',
    93      srcs = [''],
    94      labels = ['manual'],
    95  )
    97  plz_e2e_test(
    98      name = 'no_coverage_output_test',
    99      cmd = 'plz test //test:_no_coverage_output_test',
   100      expect_file_doesnt_exist = '../../../bin/test/.test_coverage__no_coverage_output_test*',
   101      labels = ['python3'],
   102  )
   104  # Test that we do generate it when using plz cover.
   105  python_test(
   106      name = '_coverage_output_test',
   107      srcs = [''],
   108      labels = ['manual'],
   109  )
   111  plz_e2e_test(
   112      name = 'coverage_output_test',
   113      cmd = 'plz cover //test:_coverage_output_test',
   114      expect_file_exists = '../../../bin/test/.test_coverage__coverage_output_test*',
   115      # Temporarily disabled until #25 is resolved. Until then it recompiles various go_library
   116      # rules which makes it (and possibly others) flaky.
   117      labels = ['manual'],
   118  )
   120  # Quick test for plz run
   121  plz_e2e_test(
   122      name = 'plz_run_test',
   123      cmd = 'plz run //src:please -- --version',
   124      expect_output_contains = 'Please version',
   125  )
   127  # Test for query alltargets
   128  plz_e2e_test(
   129      name = 'query_alltargets_test',
   130      cmd = 'plz query alltargets',
   131      expect_output_contains = '//src:please',
   132  )
   134  # Test for query output
   135  plz_e2e_test(
   136      name = 'query_output_test',
   137      cmd = 'plz query output //test:query_output_filegroup',
   138      expected_output = 'query_output_test.txt',
   139  )
   141  filegroup(
   142      name = 'query_output_filegroup',
   143      srcs = ['//src:please'],
   144  )
   146  # Test running a test with no-cache
   147  plz_e2e_test(
   148      name = 'test_nocache_test',
   149      cmd = 'plz test --nocache //test:nocache_test',
   150  )
   152  gentest(
   153      name = 'nocache_test',
   154      labels = ['manual'],
   155      no_test_output = True,
   156      test_cmd = 'true',
   157      deps = ['//src:please'],
   158  )
   160  # Simulates a code generating rule to test the require / provide mechanism.
   161  plz_e2e_test(
   162      name = 'require_provide_test',
   163      cmd = 'plz build //test/moar:require_provide_check -v 2 -p',
   164      expect_output_doesnt_contain = '//test/moar:test_require',
   165  )
   167  # Test for running individual tests
   168  python_test(
   169      name = 'individual_test_run_py',
   170      srcs = [''],
   171      labels = ['manual'],
   172  )
   174  plz_e2e_test(
   175      name = 'individual_python_test',
   176      cmd = 'plz test //test:individual_test_run_py TestRunningIndividualTests.test_first_thing',
   177      expect_output_contains = '1 test target and 1 test run',
   178      labels = ['python3'],
   179  )
   181  java_test(
   182      name = 'individual_test_run_java',
   183      srcs = [''],
   184      labels = ['manual'],
   185      deps = [
   186          '//third_party/java:junit',
   187      ],
   188  )
   190  plz_e2e_test(
   191      name = 'individual_java_test',
   192      cmd = 'plz test //test:individual_test_run_java testFirstThing',
   193      expect_output_contains = '1 test target and 1 test run',
   194      labels = ['java'],
   195  )
   197  java_test(
   198      name = 'no_test_run_java',
   199      srcs = [''],
   200      labels = ['manual'],
   201      deps = [
   202          '//third_party/java:junit',
   203      ],
   204  )
   206  plz_e2e_test(
   207      name = 'no_java_test',
   208      cmd = 'plz test -p //test:no_test_run_java wibblewobble',
   209      expect_output_contains = '1 failed',
   210      expected_failure = True,
   211  )
   213  # Test re-runs.
   214  go_test(
   215      name = 'num_runs_go_test',
   216      srcs = ['num_runs_test.go'],
   217      labels = ['manual'],
   218  )
   220  plz_e2e_test(
   221      name = 'num_runs_test',
   222      cmd = 'plz test -p --num_runs=5 //test:num_runs_go_test',
   223      expect_output_contains = '5 passed',
   224  )
   226  # Tests for query affectedtests.
   227  plz_e2e_test(
   228      name = 'query_affectedtests_test',
   229      cmd = 'plz query affectedtargets --tests -p test/affectedtests_test.go',
   230      expected_output = 'query_affectedtests_test.txt',
   231  )
   233  plz_e2e_test(
   234      name = 'query_affectedtests_stdin_test',
   235      cmd = 'echo test/affectedtests_test.go | plz query affectedtargets --tests -p -',
   236      expected_output = 'query_affectedtests_test.txt',
   237  )
   239  go_test(
   240      name = 'affectedtests_test',
   241      srcs = ['affectedtests_test.go'],
   242  )
   244  go_test(
   245      name = 'affectedtests_manual_test',
   246      srcs = ['affectedtests_test.go'],
   247      labels = ['manual'],
   248  )
   250  # Tests for query completions
   251  plz_e2e_test(
   252      name = 'basic_completion_test',
   253      cmd = 'plz query completions //test/completions: | sort',
   254      expected_output = 'basic_completions.txt',
   255  )
   257  plz_e2e_test(
   258      name = 'build_completion_test',
   259      cmd = 'plz query completions //test/completions: --cmd build | sort',
   260      expected_output = 'basic_completions.txt',
   261  )
   263  plz_e2e_test(
   264      name = 'test_completion_test',
   265      cmd = 'plz query completions //test/completions: --cmd test | sort',
   266      expected_output = 'test_completions.txt',
   267  )
   269  plz_e2e_test(
   270      name = 'run_completion_test',
   271      cmd = 'plz query completions //test/completions: --cmd run | sort',
   272      expected_output = 'run_completions.txt',
   273  )
   275  # Flag tests
   276  plz_e2e_test(
   277      name = 'extra_flag_test',
   278      cmd = 'plz cache clean',
   279      expected_failure = True,
   280  )
   282  # Test the add_out functionality which has a subtle dependency on the order
   283  # we do things relating to the cache.
   284  genrule(
   285      name = '_add_out_gen',
   286      cmd = 'echo hello > _add_out_gen.txt',
   287      post_build = lambda name, _: add_out(name, '_add_out_gen.txt'),
   288  )
   290  gentest(
   291      name = '_add_out_test',
   292      data = [':_add_out_gen'],
   293      labels = ['manual'],
   294      no_test_output = True,
   295      test_cmd = 'ls test/_add_out_gen.txt',
   296  )
   298  plz_e2e_test(
   299      name = 'add_out_test',
   300      cmd = 'plz build //test:_add_out_test && plz clean //test:_add_out_gen && plz test //test:_add_out_test',
   301  )
   303  # Test the extra output functionality.
   304  go_test(
   305      name = 'extra_test_output_go_test',
   306      srcs = ['extra_test_output_test.go'],
   307      container = True,
   308      labels = ['manual'],
   309      test_outputs = ['truth.txt'],
   310  )
   312  plz_e2e_test(
   313      name = 'extra_test_output_test',
   314      cmd = 'plz test //test:extra_test_output_go_test',
   315      expect_file_exists = '../../../bin/test/truth.txt',
   316      labels = ['container'],
   317  )
   319  # Test 'query alltargets'
   320  plz_e2e_test(
   321      name = 'query_alltargets_1_test',
   322      cmd = 'plz query alltargets //test/moar/...',
   323      expected_output = 'query_alltargets_1.txt',
   324  )
   326  plz_e2e_test(
   327      name = 'query_alltargets_2_test',
   328      cmd = 'plz query alltargets //test/moar/... --include test',
   329      expected_output = 'query_alltargets_2.txt',
   330  )
   332  plz_e2e_test(
   333      name = 'cyclic_dependency_test',
   334      cmd = 'plz test //plz-out/tmp/test/cyclic_dependency_test#.test/test/cycle:all',
   335      data = ['cycle/TEST_BUILD'],
   336      expect_output_contains = 'Dependency cycle found',
   337      expected_failure = True,
   338      pre_cmd = 'mv test/cycle/TEST_BUILD test/cycle/BUILD',
   339  )
   341  # Used manually for testing the test flakiness stuff.
   342  python_test(
   343      name = 'flaky_test',
   344      srcs = [''],
   345      flaky = True,
   346      labels = ['manual'],
   347  )
   349  # Tests on commands / flags etc.
   350  plz_e2e_test(
   351      name = 'unknown_command_test',
   352      cmd = 'plz fix',
   353      expect_output_contains = 'Unknown command',
   354      expected_failure = True,
   355  )
   357  plz_e2e_test(
   358      name = 'unknown_flag_test',
   359      cmd = 'plz build --wibble',
   360      expect_output_contains = 'Unknown flag',
   361      expected_failure = True,
   362  )
   364  # Tests on the stamp attribute.
   365  # These essentially pass as long as they can build.
   366  # (Note that we can't use -v because OSX is unlikely to have a new enough version of bash).
   367  build_rule(
   368      name = 'stamp_negative_test',
   369      cmd = '[ -z ${STAMP+x} ]',
   370      no_test_output = True,
   371      test = True,
   372      test_cmd = 'true',
   373  )
   375  build_rule(
   376      name = 'stamp_positive_test',
   377      cmd = '[ ! -z ${STAMP+x} ]',
   378      no_test_output = True,
   379      stamp = True,
   380      test = True,
   381      test_cmd = 'true',
   382  )
   384  # Test on a build rule that writes a symlink.
   385  genrule(
   386      name = 'symlink_gen',
   387      srcs = ['symlink_test.txt'],
   388      outs = ['symlink_test.txt'],
   389      cmd = 'ln -s $SRCS $OUTS',
   390  )
   392  gentest(
   393      name = 'symlink_test',
   394      data = [':symlink_gen'],
   395      no_test_output = True,
   396      test_cmd = 'test -L test/symlink_test.txt',
   397  )
   399  # This rule tests the no_test_output flag. If that isn't honoured
   400  # plz would report a test failure because results were missing.
   401  gentest(
   402      name = 'no_test_output_test',
   403      no_test_output = True,
   404      test_cmd = 'echo SUCCESS',
   405  )
   407  # This tests that data files exist in the correct location, and
   408  # indirectly performs a basic test of sh_test which we don't use elsewhere.
   409  sh_test(
   410      name = 'data_files_test',
   411      src = '',
   412      data = ['container_data.txt'],
   413  )
   415  # This test is here as a convenience to test the flakiness functionality.
   416  # It's just using random internally so won't pass consistently.
   417  python_test(
   418      name = 'flakiness_test',
   419      srcs = [''],
   420      flaky = 5,
   421      labels = ['manual'],
   422  )
   424  # Test that it's not possible to glob the BUILD file at parse time.
   425  if 'BUILD' in glob(['*']):
   426      raise ParseError('should not be able to glob the BUILD file')