
     1  # 2006 October 1
     2  #
     3  # The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
     4  # a legal notice, here is a blessing:
     5  #
     6  #    May you do good and not evil.
     7  #    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
     8  #    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
     9  #
    10  #*************************************************************************
    11  # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
    12  # focus of this script is testing the FTS1 module, and in particular
    13  # the Porter stemmer.
    14  #
    15  # $Id: fts1porter.test,v 1.5 2006/10/03 19:37:37 drh Exp $
    16  #
    18  set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
    19  source $testdir/tester.tcl
    21  # If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1 is defined, omit this file.
    22  ifcapable !fts1 {
    23    finish_test
    24    return
    25  }
    27  # Test data for the Porter stemmer.  The first word of each line
    28  # is the input.  The second word is the desired output.
    29  #
    30  # This test data is taken from
    31  # There is no claim of copyright made on that page, but you should
    32  # probably contact the author (Martin Porter - the inventor of the
    33  # Porter Stemmer algorithm) if you want to use this test data in a
    34  # commerical product of some kind.  The stemmer code in FTS1 is a
    35  # complete rewrite from scratch based on the algorithm specification
    36  # and does not contain any code under copyright.
    37  #
    38  set porter_test_data {
    39      a                    a
    40      aaron                aaron
    41      abaissiez            abaissiez
    42      abandon              abandon
    43      abandoned            abandon
    44      abase                abas
    45      abash                abash
    46      abate                abat
    47      abated               abat
    48      abatement            abat
    49      abatements           abat
    50      abates               abat
    51      abbess               abbess
    52      abbey                abbei
    53      abbeys               abbei
    54      abbominable          abbomin
    55      abbot                abbot
    56      abbots               abbot
    57      abbreviated          abbrevi
    58      abed                 ab
    59      abel                 abel
    60      aberga               aberga
    61      abergavenny          abergavenni
    62      abet                 abet
    63      abetting             abet
    64      abhominable          abhomin
    65      abhor                abhor
    66      abhorr               abhorr
    67      abhorred             abhor
    68      abhorring            abhor
    69      abhors               abhor
    70      abhorson             abhorson
    71      abide                abid
    72      abides               abid
    73      abilities            abil
    74      ability              abil
    75      abject               abject
    76      abjectly             abjectli
    77      abjects              abject
    78      abjur                abjur
    79      abjure               abjur
    80      able                 abl
    81      abler                abler
    82      aboard               aboard
    83      abode                abod
    84      aboded               abod
    85      abodements           abod
    86      aboding              abod
    87      abominable           abomin
    88      abominably           abomin
    89      abominations         abomin
    90      abortive             abort
    91      abortives            abort
    92      abound               abound
    93      abounding            abound
    94      about                about
    95      above                abov
    96      abr                  abr
    97      abraham              abraham
    98      abram                abram
    99      abreast              abreast
   100      abridg               abridg
   101      abridge              abridg
   102      abridged             abridg
   103      abridgment           abridg
   104      abroach              abroach
   105      abroad               abroad
   106      abrogate             abrog
   107      abrook               abrook
   108      abrupt               abrupt
   109      abruption            abrupt
   110      abruptly             abruptli
   111      absence              absenc
   112      absent               absent
   113      absey                absei
   114      absolute             absolut
   115      absolutely           absolut
   116      absolv               absolv
   117      absolver             absolv
   118      abstains             abstain
   119      abstemious           abstemi
   120      abstinence           abstin
   121      abstract             abstract
   122      absurd               absurd
   123      absyrtus             absyrtu
   124      abundance            abund
   125      abundant             abund
   126      abundantly           abundantli
   127      abus                 abu
   128      abuse                abus
   129      abused               abus
   130      abuser               abus
   131      abuses               abus
   132      abusing              abus
   133      abutting             abut
   134      aby                  abi
   135      abysm                abysm
   136      ac                   ac
   137      academe              academ
   138      academes             academ
   139      accent               accent
   140      accents              accent
   141      accept               accept
   142      acceptable           accept
   143      acceptance           accept
   144      accepted             accept
   145      accepts              accept
   146      access               access
   147      accessary            accessari
   148      accessible           access
   149      accidence            accid
   150      accident             accid
   151      accidental           accident
   152      accidentally         accident
   153      accidents            accid
   154      accite               accit
   155      accited              accit
   156      accites              accit
   157      acclamations         acclam
   158      accommodate          accommod
   159      accommodated         accommod
   160      accommodation        accommod
   161      accommodations       accommod
   162      accommodo            accommodo
   163      accompanied          accompani
   164      accompany            accompani
   165      accompanying         accompani
   166      accomplices          accomplic
   167      accomplish           accomplish
   168      accomplished         accomplish
   169      accomplishing        accomplish
   170      accomplishment       accomplish
   171      accompt              accompt
   172      accord               accord
   173      accordant            accord
   174      accorded             accord
   175      accordeth            accordeth
   176      according            accord
   177      accordingly          accordingli
   178      accords              accord
   179      accost               accost
   180      accosted             accost
   181      account              account
   182      accountant           account
   183      accounted            account
   184      accounts             account
   185      accoutred            accoutr
   186      accoutrement         accoutr
   187      accoutrements        accoutr
   188      accrue               accru
   189      accumulate           accumul
   190      accumulated          accumul
   191      accumulation         accumul
   192      accurs               accur
   193      accursed             accurs
   194      accurst              accurst
   195      accus                accu
   196      accusation           accus
   197      accusations          accus
   198      accusative           accus
   199      accusativo           accusativo
   200      accuse               accus
   201      accused              accus
   202      accuser              accus
   203      accusers             accus
   204      accuses              accus
   205      accuseth             accuseth
   206      accusing             accus
   207      accustom             accustom
   208      accustomed           accustom
   209      ace                  ac
   210      acerb                acerb
   211      ache                 ach
   212      acheron              acheron
   213      aches                ach
   214      achiev               achiev
   215      achieve              achiev
   216      achieved             achiev
   217      achievement          achiev
   218      achievements         achiev
   219      achiever             achiev
   220      achieves             achiev
   221      achieving            achiev
   222      achilles             achil
   223      aching               ach
   224      achitophel           achitophel
   225      acknowledg           acknowledg
   226      acknowledge          acknowledg
   227      acknowledged         acknowledg
   228      acknowledgment       acknowledg
   229      acknown              acknown
   230      acold                acold
   231      aconitum             aconitum
   232      acordo               acordo
   233      acorn                acorn
   234      acquaint             acquaint
   235      acquaintance         acquaint
   236      acquainted           acquaint
   237      acquaints            acquaint
   238      acquir               acquir
   239      acquire              acquir
   240      acquisition          acquisit
   241      acquit               acquit
   242      acquittance          acquitt
   243      acquittances         acquitt
   244      acquitted            acquit
   245      acre                 acr
   246      acres                acr
   247      across               across
   248      act                  act
   249      actaeon              actaeon
   250      acted                act
   251      acting               act
   252      action               action
   253      actions              action
   254      actium               actium
   255      active               activ
   256      actively             activ
   257      activity             activ
   258      actor                actor
   259      actors               actor
   260      acts                 act
   261      actual               actual
   262      acture               actur
   263      acute                acut
   264      acutely              acut
   265      ad                   ad
   266      adage                adag
   267      adallas              adalla
   268      adam                 adam
   269      adamant              adam
   270      add                  add
   271      added                ad
   272      adder                adder
   273      adders               adder
   274      addeth               addeth
   275      addict               addict
   276      addicted             addict
   277      addiction            addict
   278      adding               ad
   279      addition             addit
   280      additions            addit
   281      addle                addl
   282      address              address
   283      addressing           address
   284      addrest              addrest
   285      adds                 add
   286      adhere               adher
   287      adheres              adher
   288      adieu                adieu
   289      adieus               adieu
   290      adjacent             adjac
   291      adjoin               adjoin
   292      adjoining            adjoin
   293      adjourn              adjourn
   294      adjudg               adjudg
   295      adjudged             adjudg
   296      adjunct              adjunct
   297      administer           administ
   298      administration       administr
   299      admir                admir
   300      admirable            admir
   301      admiral              admir
   302      admiration           admir
   303      admire               admir
   304      admired              admir
   305      admirer              admir
   306      admiring             admir
   307      admiringly           admiringli
   308      admission            admiss
   309      admit                admit
   310      admits               admit
   311      admittance           admitt
   312      admitted             admit
   313      admitting            admit
   314      admonish             admonish
   315      admonishing          admonish
   316      admonishment         admonish
   317      admonishments        admonish
   318      admonition           admonit
   319      ado                  ado
   320      adonis               adoni
   321      adopt                adopt
   322      adopted              adopt
   323      adoptedly            adoptedli
   324      adoption             adopt
   325      adoptious            adopti
   326      adopts               adopt
   327      ador                 ador
   328      adoration            ador
   329      adorations           ador
   330      adore                ador
   331      adorer               ador
   332      adores               ador
   333      adorest              adorest
   334      adoreth              adoreth
   335      adoring              ador
   336      adorn                adorn
   337      adorned              adorn
   338      adornings            adorn
   339      adornment            adorn
   340      adorns               adorn
   341      adown                adown
   342      adramadio            adramadio
   343      adrian               adrian
   344      adriana              adriana
   345      adriano              adriano
   346      adriatic             adriat
   347      adsum                adsum
   348      adulation            adul
   349      adulterate           adulter
   350      adulterates          adulter
   351      adulterers           adulter
   352      adulteress           adulteress
   353      adulteries           adulteri
   354      adulterous           adulter
   355      adultery             adulteri
   356      adultress            adultress
   357      advanc               advanc
   358      advance              advanc
   359      advanced             advanc
   360      advancement          advanc
   361      advancements         advanc
   362      advances             advanc
   363      advancing            advanc
   364      advantage            advantag
   365      advantageable        advantag
   366      advantaged           advantag
   367      advantageous         advantag
   368      advantages           advantag
   369      advantaging          advantag
   370      advent               advent
   371      adventur             adventur
   372      adventure            adventur
   373      adventures           adventur
   374      adventuring          adventur
   375      adventurous          adventur
   376      adventurously        adventur
   377      adversaries          adversari
   378      adversary            adversari
   379      adverse              advers
   380      adversely            advers
   381      adversities          advers
   382      adversity            advers
   383      advertis             adverti
   384      advertise            advertis
   385      advertised           advertis
   386      advertisement        advertis
   387      advertising          advertis
   388      advice               advic
   389      advis                advi
   390      advise               advis
   391      advised              advis
   392      advisedly            advisedli
   393      advises              advis
   394      advisings            advis
   395      advocate             advoc
   396      advocation           advoc
   397      aeacida              aeacida
   398      aeacides             aeacid
   399      aedile               aedil
   400      aediles              aedil
   401      aegeon               aegeon
   402      aegion               aegion
   403      aegles               aegl
   404      aemelia              aemelia
   405      aemilia              aemilia
   406      aemilius             aemiliu
   407      aeneas               aenea
   408      aeolus               aeolu
   409      aer                  aer
   410      aerial               aerial
   411      aery                 aeri
   412      aesculapius          aesculapiu
   413      aeson                aeson
   414      aesop                aesop
   415      aetna                aetna
   416      afar                 afar
   417      afear                afear
   418      afeard               afeard
   419      affability           affabl
   420      affable              affabl
   421      affair               affair
   422      affaire              affair
   423      affairs              affair
   424      affect               affect
   425      affectation          affect
   426      affectations         affect
   427      affected             affect
   428      affectedly           affectedli
   429      affecteth            affecteth
   430      affecting            affect
   431      affection            affect
   432      affectionate         affection
   433      affectionately       affection
   434      affections           affect
   435      affects              affect
   436      affeer               affeer
   437      affianc              affianc
   438      affiance             affianc
   439      affianced            affianc
   440      affied               affi
   441      affin                affin
   442      affined              affin
   443      affinity             affin
   444      affirm               affirm
   445      affirmation          affirm
   446      affirmatives         affirm
   447      afflict              afflict
   448      afflicted            afflict
   449      affliction           afflict
   450      afflictions          afflict
   451      afflicts             afflict
   452      afford               afford
   453      affordeth            affordeth
   454      affords              afford
   455      affray               affrai
   456      affright             affright
   457      affrighted           affright
   458      affrights            affright
   459      affront              affront
   460      affronted            affront
   461      affy                 affi
   462      afield               afield
   463      afire                afir
   464      afloat               afloat
   465      afoot                afoot
   466      afore                afor
   467      aforehand            aforehand
   468      aforesaid            aforesaid
   469      afraid               afraid
   470      afresh               afresh
   471      afric                afric
   472      africa               africa
   473      african              african
   474      afront               afront
   475      after                after
   476      afternoon            afternoon
   477      afterward            afterward
   478      afterwards           afterward
   479      ag                   ag
   480      again                again
   481      against              against
   482      agamemmon            agamemmon
   483      agamemnon            agamemnon
   484      agate                agat
   485      agaz                 agaz
   486      age                  ag
   487      aged                 ag
   488      agenor               agenor
   489      agent                agent
   490      agents               agent
   491      ages                 ag
   492      aggravate            aggrav
   493      aggrief              aggrief
   494      agile                agil
   495      agincourt            agincourt
   496      agitation            agit
   497      aglet                aglet
   498      agnize               agniz
   499      ago                  ago
   500      agone                agon
   501      agony                agoni
   502      agree                agre
   503      agreed               agre
   504      agreeing             agre
   505      agreement            agreement
   506      agrees               agre
   507      agrippa              agrippa
   508      aground              aground
   509      ague                 agu
   510      aguecheek            aguecheek
   511      agued                agu
   512      agueface             aguefac
   513      agues                agu
   514      ah                   ah
   515      aha                  aha
   516      ahungry              ahungri
   517      ai                   ai
   518      aialvolio            aialvolio
   519      aiaria               aiaria
   520      aid                  aid
   521      aidance              aidanc
   522      aidant               aidant
   523      aided                aid
   524      aiding               aid
   525      aidless              aidless
   526      aids                 aid
   527      ail                  ail
   528      aim                  aim
   529      aimed                aim
   530      aimest               aimest
   531      aiming               aim
   532      aims                 aim
   533      ainsi                ainsi
   534      aio                  aio
   535      air                  air
   536      aired                air
   537      airless              airless
   538      airs                 air
   539      airy                 airi
   540      ajax                 ajax
   541      akilling             akil
   542      al                   al
   543      alabaster            alabast
   544      alack                alack
   545      alacrity             alacr
   546      alarbus              alarbu
   547      alarm                alarm
   548      alarms               alarm
   549      alarum               alarum
   550      alarums              alarum
   551      alas                 ala
   552      alb                  alb
   553      alban                alban
   554      albans               alban
   555      albany               albani
   556      albeit               albeit
   557      albion               albion
   558      alchemist            alchemist
   559      alchemy              alchemi
   560      alcibiades           alcibiad
   561      alcides              alcid
   562      alder                alder
   563      alderman             alderman
   564      aldermen             aldermen
   565      ale                  al
   566      alecto               alecto
   567      alehouse             alehous
   568      alehouses            alehous
   569      alencon              alencon
   570      alengon              alengon
   571      aleppo               aleppo
   572      ales                 al
   573      alewife              alewif
   574      alexander            alexand
   575      alexanders           alexand
   576      alexandria           alexandria
   577      alexandrian          alexandrian
   578      alexas               alexa
   579      alias                alia
   580      alice                alic
   581      alien                alien
   582      aliena               aliena
   583      alight               alight
   584      alighted             alight
   585      alights              alight
   586      aliis                alii
   587      alike                alik
   588      alisander            alisand
   589      alive                aliv
   590      all                  all
   591      alla                 alla
   592      allay                allai
   593      allayed              allai
   594      allaying             allai
   595      allayment            allay
   596      allayments           allay
   597      allays               allai
   598      allegation           alleg
   599      allegations          alleg
   600      allege               alleg
   601      alleged              alleg
   602      allegiance           allegi
   603      allegiant            allegi
   604      alley                allei
   605      alleys               allei
   606      allhallowmas         allhallowma
   607      alliance             allianc
   608      allicholy            allicholi
   609      allied               alli
   610      allies               alli
   611      alligant             allig
   612      alligator            allig
   613      allons               allon
   614      allot                allot
   615      allots               allot
   616      allotted             allot
   617      allottery            allotteri
   618      allow                allow
   619      allowance            allow
   620      allowed              allow
   621      allowing             allow
   622      allows               allow
   623      allur                allur
   624      allure               allur
   625      allurement           allur
   626      alluring             allur
   627      allusion             allus
   628      ally                 alli
   629      allycholly           allycholli
   630      almain               almain
   631      almanac              almanac
   632      almanack             almanack
   633      almanacs             almanac
   634      almighty             almighti
   635      almond               almond
   636      almost               almost
   637      alms                 alm
   638      almsman              almsman
   639      aloes                alo
   640      aloft                aloft
   641      alone                alon
   642      along                along
   643      alonso               alonso
   644      aloof                aloof
   645      aloud                aloud
   646      alphabet             alphabet
   647      alphabetical         alphabet
   648      alphonso             alphonso
   649      alps                 alp
   650      already              alreadi
   651      also                 also
   652      alt                  alt
   653      altar                altar
   654      altars               altar
   655      alter                alter
   656      alteration           alter
   657      altered              alter
   658      alters               alter
   659      althaea              althaea
   660      although             although
   661      altitude             altitud
   662      altogether           altogeth
   663      alton                alton
   664      alway                alwai
   665      always               alwai
   666      am                   am
   667      amaimon              amaimon
   668      amain                amain
   669      amaking              amak
   670      amamon               amamon
   671      amaz                 amaz
   672      amaze                amaz
   673      amazed               amaz
   674      amazedly             amazedli
   675      amazedness           amazed
   676      amazement            amaz
   677      amazes               amaz
   678      amazeth              amazeth
   679      amazing              amaz
   680      amazon               amazon
   681      amazonian            amazonian
   682      amazons              amazon
   683      ambassador           ambassador
   684      ambassadors          ambassador
   685      amber                amber
   686      ambiguides           ambiguid
   687      ambiguities          ambigu
   688      ambiguous            ambigu
   689      ambition             ambit
   690      ambitions            ambit
   691      ambitious            ambiti
   692      ambitiously          ambiti
   693      amble                ambl
   694      ambled               ambl
   695      ambles               ambl
   696      ambling              ambl
   697      ambo                 ambo
   698      ambuscadoes          ambuscado
   699      ambush               ambush
   700      amen                 amen
   701      amend                amend
   702      amended              amend
   703      amendment            amend
   704      amends               amend
   705      amerce               amerc
   706      america              america
   707      ames                 am
   708      amiable              amiabl
   709      amid                 amid
   710      amidst               amidst
   711      amiens               amien
   712      amis                 ami
   713      amiss                amiss
   714      amities              amiti
   715      amity                amiti
   716      amnipotent           amnipot
   717      among                among
   718      amongst              amongst
   719      amorous              amor
   720      amorously            amor
   721      amort                amort
   722      amount               amount
   723      amounts              amount
   724      amour                amour
   725      amphimacus           amphimacu
   726      ample                ampl
   727      ampler               ampler
   728      amplest              amplest
   729      amplified            amplifi
   730      amplify              amplifi
   731      amply                ampli
   732      ampthill             ampthil
   733      amurath              amurath
   734      amyntas              amynta
   735      an                   an
   736      anatomiz             anatomiz
   737      anatomize            anatom
   738      anatomy              anatomi
   739      ancestor             ancestor
   740      ancestors            ancestor
   741      ancestry             ancestri
   742      anchises             anchis
   743      anchor               anchor
   744      anchorage            anchorag
   745      anchored             anchor
   746      anchoring            anchor
   747      anchors              anchor
   748      anchovies            anchovi
   749      ancient              ancient
   750      ancientry            ancientri
   751      ancients             ancient
   752      ancus                ancu
   753      and                  and
   754      andirons             andiron
   755      andpholus            andpholu
   756      andren               andren
   757      andrew               andrew
   758      andromache           andromach
   759      andronici            andronici
   760      andronicus           andronicu
   761      anew                 anew
   762      ang                  ang
   763      angel                angel
   764      angelica             angelica
   765      angelical            angel
   766      angelo               angelo
   767      angels               angel
   768      anger                anger
   769      angerly              angerli
   770      angers               anger
   771      anges                ang
   772      angiers              angier
   773      angl                 angl
   774      anglais              anglai
   775      angle                angl
   776      angler               angler
   777      angleterre           angleterr
   778      angliae              anglia
   779      angling              angl
   780      anglish              anglish
   781      angrily              angrili
   782      angry                angri
   783      anguish              anguish
   784      angus                angu
   785      animal               anim
   786      animals              anim
   787      animis               animi
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   804      anointed             anoint
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   875      apostles             apostl
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  1036      arma                 arma
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  1054      army                 armi
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  1087      arthur               arthur
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  1089      articles             articl
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  1091      artificer            artific
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  1204      astronomers          astronom
  1205      astronomical         astronom
  1206      astronomy            astronomi
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  1213      athenians            athenian
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  1220      atomy                atomi
  1221      atone                aton
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  1223      atonements           aton
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  1260      attorneys            attornei
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  1264      attractive           attract
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  1268      attributes           attribut
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  1270      attributive          attribut
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  1274      auburn               auburn
  1275      aucun                aucun
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  1277      audaciously          audaci
  1278      audacity             audac
  1279      audible              audibl
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  1282      audit                audit
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  1284      auditors             auditor
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  1287      audrey               audrei
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  1289      aufidiuses           aufidius
  1290      auger                auger
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  1298      augures              augur
  1299      auguring             augur
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  1305      aumerle              aumerl
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  1310      aurora               aurora
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  1312      aussi                aussi
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  1315      austereness          auster
  1316      austerity            auster
  1317      austria              austria
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  1322      authority            author
  1323      authorized           author
  1324      authorizing          author
  1325      authors              author
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  1328      autumn               autumn
  1329      auvergne             auvergn
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  1334      avaunt               avaunt
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  1338      avenged              aveng
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  1343      avis                 avi
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  1346      avoiding             avoid
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  1366      awards               award
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  1368      away                 awai
  1369      awe                  aw
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  1371      aweless              aweless
  1372      awful                aw
  1373      awhile               awhil
  1374      awkward              awkward
  1375      awl                  awl
  1376      awooing              awoo
  1377      awork                awork
  1378      awry                 awri
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  1380      axle                 axl
  1381      axletree             axletre
  1382      ay                   ay
  1383      aye                  ay
  1384      ayez                 ayez
  1385      ayli                 ayli
  1386      azur                 azur
  1387      azure                azur
  1388      b                    b
  1389      ba                   ba
  1390      baa                  baa
  1391      babbl                babbl
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  1393      babbling             babbl
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  1398      baboons              baboon
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  1411      backs                back
  1412      backward             backward
  1413      backwardly           backwardli
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  1416      bacons               bacon
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  1418      bade                 bade
  1419      badge                badg
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  1430      bagot                bagot
  1431      bagpipe              bagpip
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  1434      bailiff              bailiff
  1435      baillez              baillez
  1436      baily                baili
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  1448      baked                bake
  1449      baker                baker
  1450      bakers               baker
  1451      bakes                bake
  1452      baking               bake
  1453      bal                  bal
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  1455      balance              balanc
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  1466      ballasting           ballast
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  1468      ballow               ballow
  1469      balls                ball
  1470      balm                 balm
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  1472      balmy                balmi
  1473      balsam               balsam
  1474      balsamum             balsamum
  1475      balth                balth
  1476      balthasar            balthasar
  1477      balthazar            balthazar
  1478      bames                bame
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  1480      banbury              banburi
  1481      band                 band
  1482      bandied              bandi
  1483      banding              band
  1484      bandit               bandit
  1485      banditti             banditti
  1486      banditto             banditto
  1487      bands                band
  1488      bandy                bandi
  1489      bandying             bandi
  1490      bane                 bane
  1491      banes                bane
  1492      bang                 bang
  1493      bangor               bangor
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  1498      banister             banist
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  1500      bankrout             bankrout
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  1502      bankrupts            bankrupt
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  1514      bans                 ban
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  1517      baptiz               baptiz
  1518      bar                  bar
  1519      barbarian            barbarian
  1520      barbarians           barbarian
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  1522      barbarous            barbar
  1523      barbary              barbari
  1524      barbason             barbason
  1525      barbed               barb
  1526      barber               barber
  1527      barbermonger         barbermong
  1528      bard                 bard
  1529      bardolph             bardolph
  1530      bards                bard
  1531      bare                 bare
  1532      bared                bare
  1533      barefac              barefac
  1534      barefaced            barefac
  1535      barefoot             barefoot
  1536      bareheaded           barehead
  1537      barely               bare
  1538      bareness             bare
  1539      barful               bar
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  1541      bargains             bargain
  1542      barge                barg
  1543      bargulus             bargulu
  1544      baring               bare
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  1546      barking              bark
  1547      barkloughly          barkloughli
  1548      barks                bark
  1549      barky                barki
  1550      barley               barlei
  1551      barm                 barm
  1552      barn                 barn
  1553      barnacles            barnacl
  1554      barnardine           barnardin
  1555      barne                barn
  1556      barnes               barn
  1557      barnet               barnet
  1558      barns                barn
  1559      baron                baron
  1560      barons               baron
  1561      barony               baroni
  1562      barr                 barr
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  1564      barrel               barrel
  1565      barrels              barrel
  1566      barren               barren
  1567      barrenly             barrenli
  1568      barrenness           barren
  1569      barricado            barricado
  1570      barricadoes          barricado
  1571      barrow               barrow
  1572      bars                 bar
  1573      barson               barson
  1574      barter               barter
  1575      bartholomew          bartholomew
  1576      bas                  ba
  1577      basan                basan
  1578      base                 base
  1579      baseless             baseless
  1580      basely               base
  1581      baseness             base
  1582      baser                baser
  1583      bases                base
  1584      basest               basest
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  1586      bashfulness          bash
  1587      basilisco            basilisco
  1588      basilisk             basilisk
  1589      basilisks            basilisk
  1590      basimecu             basimecu
  1591      basin                basin
  1592      basingstoke          basingstok
  1593      basins               basin
  1594      basis                basi
  1595      bask                 bask
  1596      basket               basket
  1597      baskets              basket
  1598      bass                 bass
  1599      bassanio             bassanio
  1600      basset               basset
  1601      bassianus            bassianu
  1602      basta                basta
  1603      bastard              bastard
  1604      bastardizing         bastard
  1605      bastardly            bastardli
  1606      bastards             bastard
  1607      bastardy             bastardi
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  1611      basting              bast
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  1613      batailles            batail
  1614      batch                batch
  1615      bate                 bate
  1616      bated                bate
  1617      bates                bate
  1618      bath                 bath
  1619      bathe                bath
  1620      bathed               bath
  1621      bathing              bath
  1622      baths                bath
  1623      bating               bate
  1624      batler               batler
  1625      bats                 bat
  1626      batt                 batt
  1627      battalia             battalia
  1628      battalions           battalion
  1629      batten               batten
  1630      batter               batter
  1631      battering            batter
  1632      batters              batter
  1633      battery              batteri
  1634      battle               battl
  1635      battled              battl
  1636      battlefield          battlefield
  1637      battlements          battlement
  1638      battles              battl
  1639      batty                batti
  1640      bauble               baubl
  1641      baubles              baubl
  1642      baubling             baubl
  1643      baulk                baulk
  1644      bavin                bavin
  1645      bawcock              bawcock
  1646      bawd                 bawd
  1647      bawdry               bawdri
  1648      bawds                bawd
  1649      bawdy                bawdi
  1650      bawl                 bawl
  1651      bawling              bawl
  1652      bay                  bai
  1653      baying               bai
  1654      baynard              baynard
  1655      bayonne              bayonn
  1656      bays                 bai
  1657      be                   be
  1658      beach                beach
  1659      beached              beach
  1660      beachy               beachi
  1661      beacon               beacon
  1662      bead                 bead
  1663      beaded               bead
  1664      beadle               beadl
  1665      beadles              beadl
  1666      beads                bead
  1667      beadsmen             beadsmen
  1668      beagle               beagl
  1669      beagles              beagl
  1670      beak                 beak
  1671      beaks                beak
  1672      beam                 beam
  1673      beamed               beam
  1674      beams                beam
  1675      bean                 bean
  1676      beans                bean
  1677      bear                 bear
  1678      beard                beard
  1679      bearded              beard
  1680      beardless            beardless
  1681      beards               beard
  1682      bearer               bearer
  1683      bearers              bearer
  1684      bearest              bearest
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  1686      bearing              bear
  1687      bears                bear
  1688      beast                beast
  1689      beastliest           beastliest
  1690      beastliness          beastli
  1691      beastly              beastli
  1692      beasts               beast
  1693      beat                 beat
  1694      beated               beat
  1695      beaten               beaten
  1696      beating              beat
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  1698      beats                beat
  1699      beau                 beau
  1700      beaufort             beaufort
  1701      beaumond             beaumond
  1702      beaumont             beaumont
  1703      beauteous            beauteou
  1704      beautied             beauti
  1705      beauties             beauti
  1706      beautified           beautifi
  1707      beautiful            beauti
  1708      beautify             beautifi
  1709      beauty               beauti
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  1711      beavers              beaver
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  1715      bechance             bechanc
  1716      bechanced            bechanc
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  1718      beckon               beckon
  1719      beckons              beckon
  1720      becks                beck
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  1725      becoming             becom
  1726      becomings            becom
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  1730      bedaub               bedaub
  1731      bedazzled            bedazzl
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  1733      bedclothes           bedcloth
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  1735      bedeck               bedeck
  1736      bedecking            bedeck
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  1739      bedfellows           bedfellow
  1740      bedford              bedford
  1741      bedlam               bedlam
  1742      bedrench             bedrench
  1743      bedrid               bedrid
  1744      beds                 bed
  1745      bedtime              bedtim
  1746      bedward              bedward
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  1748      beef                 beef
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  1754      beest                beest
  1755      beetle               beetl
  1756      beetles              beetl
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  1759      befallen             befallen
  1760      befalls              befal
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  1764      befitting            befit
  1765      befor                befor
  1766      before               befor
  1767      beforehand           beforehand
  1768      befortune            befortun
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  1770      befriended           befriend
  1771      befriends            befriend
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  1773      began                began
  1774      beget                beget
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  1776      begetting            beget
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  1781      beggarman            beggarman
  1782      beggars              beggar
  1783      beggary              beggari
  1784      begging              beg
  1785      begin                begin
  1786      beginners            beginn
  1787      beginning            begin
  1788      beginnings           begin
  1789      begins               begin
  1790      begnawn              begnawn
  1791      begone               begon
  1792      begot                begot
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  1796      beguil               beguil
  1797      beguile              beguil
  1798      beguiled             beguil
  1799      beguiles             beguil
  1800      beguiling            beguil
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  1802      behalf               behalf
  1803      behalfs              behalf
  1804      behav                behav
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  1808      behaviors            behavior
  1809      behaviour            behaviour
  1810      behaviours           behaviour
  1811      behead               behead
  1812      beheaded             behead
  1813      beheld               beheld
  1814      behest               behest
  1815      behests              behest
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  1817      behold               behold
  1818      beholder             behold
  1819      beholders            behold
  1820      beholdest            beholdest
  1821      beholding            behold
  1822      beholds              behold
  1823      behoof               behoof
  1824      behooffull           behoofful
  1825      behooves             behoov
  1826      behove               behov
  1827      behoves              behov
  1828      behowls              behowl
  1829      being                be
  1830      bel                  bel
  1831      belarius             belariu
  1832      belch                belch
  1833      belching             belch
  1834      beldam               beldam
  1835      beldame              beldam
  1836      beldams              beldam
  1837      belee                bele
  1838      belgia               belgia
  1839      belie                beli
  1840      belied               beli
  1841      belief               belief
  1842      beliest              beliest
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  1844      believe              believ
  1845      believed             believ
  1846      believes             believ
  1847      believest            believest
  1848      believing            believ
  1849      belike               belik
  1850      bell                 bell
  1851      bellario             bellario
  1852      belle                bell
  1853      bellied              belli
  1854      bellies              belli
  1855      bellman              bellman
  1856      bellona              bellona
  1857      bellow               bellow
  1858      bellowed             bellow
  1859      bellowing            bellow
  1860      bellows              bellow
  1861      bells                bell
  1862      belly                belli
  1863      bellyful             belly
  1864      belman               belman
  1865      belmont              belmont
  1866      belock               belock
  1867      belong               belong
  1868      belonging            belong
  1869      belongings           belong
  1870      belongs              belong
  1871      belov                belov
  1872      beloved              belov
  1873      beloving             belov
  1874      below                below
  1875      belt                 belt
  1876      belzebub             belzebub
  1877      bemadding            bemad
  1878      bemet                bemet
  1879      bemete               bemet
  1880      bemoan               bemoan
  1881      bemoaned             bemoan
  1882      bemock               bemock
  1883      bemoil               bemoil
  1884      bemonster            bemonst
  1885      ben                  ben
  1886      bench                bench
  1887      bencher              bencher
  1888      benches              bench
  1889      bend                 bend
  1890      bended               bend
  1891      bending              bend
  1892      bends                bend
  1893      bene                 bene
  1894      beneath              beneath
  1895      benedicite           benedicit
  1896      benedick             benedick
  1897      benediction          benedict
  1898      benedictus           benedictu
  1899      benefactors          benefactor
  1900      benefice             benefic
  1901      beneficial           benefici
  1902      benefit              benefit
  1903      benefited            benefit
  1904      benefits             benefit
  1905      benetted             benet
  1906      benevolence          benevol
  1907      benevolences         benevol
  1908      benied               beni
  1909      benison              benison
  1910      bennet               bennet
  1911      bent                 bent
  1912      bentii               bentii
  1913      bentivolii           bentivolii
  1914      bents                bent
  1915      benumbed             benumb
  1916      benvolio             benvolio
  1917      bepaint              bepaint
  1918      bepray               beprai
  1919      bequeath             bequeath
  1920      bequeathed           bequeath
  1921      bequeathing          bequeath
  1922      bequest              bequest
  1923      ber                  ber
  1924      berard               berard
  1925      berattle             berattl
  1926      beray                berai
  1927      bere                 bere
  1928      bereave              bereav
  1929      bereaved             bereav
  1930      bereaves             bereav
  1931      bereft               bereft
  1932      bergamo              bergamo
  1933      bergomask            bergomask
  1934      berhym               berhym
  1935      berhyme              berhym
  1936      berkeley             berkelei
  1937      bermoothes           bermooth
  1938      bernardo             bernardo
  1939      berod                berod
  1940      berowne              berown
  1941      berri                berri
  1942      berries              berri
  1943      berrord              berrord
  1944      berry                berri
  1945      bertram              bertram
  1946      berwick              berwick
  1947      bescreen             bescreen
  1948      beseech              beseech
  1949      beseeched            beseech
  1950      beseechers           beseech
  1951      beseeching           beseech
  1952      beseek               beseek
  1953      beseem               beseem
  1954      beseemeth            beseemeth
  1955      beseeming            beseem
  1956      beseems              beseem
  1957      beset                beset
  1958      beshrew              beshrew
  1959      beside               besid
  1960      besides              besid
  1961      besieg               besieg
  1962      besiege              besieg
  1963      besieged             besieg
  1964      beslubber            beslubb
  1965      besmear              besmear
  1966      besmeared            besmear
  1967      besmirch             besmirch
  1968      besom                besom
  1969      besort               besort
  1970      besotted             besot
  1971      bespake              bespak
  1972      bespeak              bespeak
  1973      bespice              bespic
  1974      bespoke              bespok
  1975      bespotted            bespot
  1976      bess                 bess
  1977      bessy                bessi
  1978      best                 best
  1979      bestained            bestain
  1980      bested               best
  1981      bestial              bestial
  1982      bestir               bestir
  1983      bestirr              bestirr
  1984      bestow               bestow
  1985      bestowed             bestow
  1986      bestowing            bestow
  1987      bestows              bestow
  1988      bestraught           bestraught
  1989      bestrew              bestrew
  1990      bestrid              bestrid
  1991      bestride             bestrid
  1992      bestrides            bestrid
  1993      bet                  bet
  1994      betake               betak
  1995      beteem               beteem
  1996      bethink              bethink
  1997      bethought            bethought
  1998      bethrothed           bethroth
  1999      bethump              bethump
  2000      betid                betid
  2001      betide               betid
  2002      betideth             betideth
  2003      betime               betim
  2004      betimes              betim
  2005      betoken              betoken
  2006      betook               betook
  2007      betossed             betoss
  2008      betray               betrai
  2009      betrayed             betrai
  2010      betraying            betrai
  2011      betrays              betrai
  2012      betrims              betrim
  2013      betroth              betroth
  2014      betrothed            betroth
  2015      betroths             betroth
  2016      bett                 bett
  2017      betted               bet
  2018      better               better
  2019      bettered             better
  2020      bettering            better
  2021      betters              better
  2022      betting              bet
  2023      bettre               bettr
  2024      between              between
  2025      betwixt              betwixt
  2026      bevel                bevel
  2027      beverage             beverag
  2028      bevis                bevi
  2029      bevy                 bevi
  2030      bewail               bewail
  2031      bewailed             bewail
  2032      bewailing            bewail
  2033      bewails              bewail
  2034      beware               bewar
  2035      bewasted             bewast
  2036      beweep               beweep
  2037      bewept               bewept
  2038      bewet                bewet
  2039      bewhored             bewhor
  2040      bewitch              bewitch
  2041      bewitched            bewitch
  2042      bewitchment          bewitch
  2043      bewray               bewrai
  2044      beyond               beyond
  2045      bezonian             bezonian
  2046      bezonians            bezonian
  2047      bianca               bianca
  2048      bianco               bianco
  2049      bias                 bia
  2050      bibble               bibbl
  2051      bickerings           bicker
  2052      bid                  bid
  2053      bidden               bidden
  2054      bidding              bid
  2055      biddings             bid
  2056      biddy                biddi
  2057      bide                 bide
  2058      bides                bide
  2059      biding               bide
  2060      bids                 bid
  2061      bien                 bien
  2062      bier                 bier
  2063      bifold               bifold
  2064      big                  big
  2065      bigamy               bigami
  2066      biggen               biggen
  2067      bigger               bigger
  2068      bigness              big
  2069      bigot                bigot
  2070      bilberry             bilberri
  2071      bilbo                bilbo
  2072      bilboes              bilbo
  2073      bilbow               bilbow
  2074      bill                 bill
  2075      billeted             billet
  2076      billets              billet
  2077      billiards            billiard
  2078      billing              bill
  2079      billow               billow
  2080      billows              billow
  2081      bills                bill
  2082      bin                  bin
  2083      bind                 bind
  2084      bindeth              bindeth
  2085      binding              bind
  2086      binds                bind
  2087      biondello            biondello
  2088      birch                birch
  2089      bird                 bird
  2090      birding              bird
  2091      birdlime             birdlim
  2092      birds                bird
  2093      birnam               birnam
  2094      birth                birth
  2095      birthday             birthdai
  2096      birthdom             birthdom
  2097      birthplace           birthplac
  2098      birthright           birthright
  2099      birthrights          birthright
  2100      births               birth
  2101      bis                  bi
  2102      biscuit              biscuit
  2103      bishop               bishop
  2104      bishops              bishop
  2105      bisson               bisson
  2106      bit                  bit
  2107      bitch                bitch
  2108      bite                 bite
  2109      biter                biter
  2110      bites                bite
  2111      biting               bite
  2112      bits                 bit
  2113      bitt                 bitt
  2114      bitten               bitten
  2115      bitter               bitter
  2116      bitterest            bitterest
  2117      bitterly             bitterli
  2118      bitterness           bitter
  2119      blab                 blab
  2120      blabb                blabb
  2121      blabbing             blab
  2122      blabs                blab
  2123      black                black
  2124      blackamoor           blackamoor
  2125      blackamoors          blackamoor
  2126      blackberries         blackberri
  2127      blackberry           blackberri
  2128      blacker              blacker
  2129      blackest             blackest
  2130      blackfriars          blackfriar
  2131      blackheath           blackheath
  2132      blackmere            blackmer
  2133      blackness            black
  2134      blacks               black
  2135      bladder              bladder
  2136      bladders             bladder
  2137      blade                blade
  2138      bladed               blade
  2139      blades               blade
  2140      blains               blain
  2141      blam                 blam
  2142      blame                blame
  2143      blamed               blame
  2144      blameful             blame
  2145      blameless            blameless
  2146      blames               blame
  2147      blanc                blanc
  2148      blanca               blanca
  2149      blanch               blanch
  2150      blank                blank
  2151      blanket              blanket
  2152      blanks               blank
  2153      blaspheme            blasphem
  2154      blaspheming          blasphem
  2155      blasphemous          blasphem
  2156      blasphemy            blasphemi
  2157      blast                blast
  2158      blasted              blast
  2159      blasting             blast
  2160      blastments           blastment
  2161      blasts               blast
  2162      blaz                 blaz
  2163      blaze                blaze
  2164      blazes               blaze
  2165      blazing              blaze
  2166      blazon               blazon
  2167      blazoned             blazon
  2168      blazoning            blazon
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  2170      bleaching            bleach
  2171      bleak                bleak
  2172      blear                blear
  2173      bleared              blear
  2174      bleat                bleat
  2175      bleated              bleat
  2176      bleats               bleat
  2177      bled                 bled
  2178      bleed                bleed
  2179      bleedest             bleedest
  2180      bleedeth             bleedeth
  2181      bleeding             bleed
  2182      bleeds               bleed
  2183      blemish              blemish
  2184      blemishes            blemish
  2185      blench               blench
  2186      blenches             blench
  2187      blend                blend
  2188      blended              blend
  2189      blent                blent
  2190      bless                bless
  2191      blessed              bless
  2192      blessedly            blessedli
  2193      blessedness          blessed
  2194      blesses              bless
  2195      blesseth             blesseth
  2196      blessing             bless
  2197      blessings            bless
  2198      blest                blest
  2199      blew                 blew
  2200      blind                blind
  2201      blinded              blind
  2202      blindfold            blindfold
  2203      blinding             blind
  2204      blindly              blindli
  2205      blindness            blind
  2206      blinds               blind
  2207      blink                blink
  2208      blinking             blink
  2209      bliss                bliss
  2210      blist                blist
  2211      blister              blister
  2212      blisters             blister
  2213      blithe               blith
  2214      blithild             blithild
  2215      bloat                bloat
  2216      block                block
  2217      blockish             blockish
  2218      blocks               block
  2219      blois                bloi
  2220      blood                blood
  2221      blooded              blood
  2222      bloodhound           bloodhound
  2223      bloodied             bloodi
  2224      bloodier             bloodier
  2225      bloodiest            bloodiest
  2226      bloodily             bloodili
  2227      bloodless            bloodless
  2228      bloods               blood
  2229      bloodshed            bloodsh
  2230      bloodshedding        bloodshed
  2231      bloodstained         bloodstain
  2232      bloody               bloodi
  2233      bloom                bloom
  2234      blooms               bloom
  2235      blossom              blossom
  2236      blossoming           blossom
  2237      blossoms             blossom
  2238      blot                 blot
  2239      blots                blot
  2240      blotted              blot
  2241      blotting             blot
  2242      blount               blount
  2243      blow                 blow
  2244      blowed               blow
  2245      blowers              blower
  2246      blowest              blowest
  2247      blowing              blow
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  2249      blows                blow
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  2251      blubb                blubb
  2252      blubber              blubber
  2253      blubbering           blubber
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  2256      bluest               bluest
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  2259      blunter              blunter
  2260      bluntest             bluntest
  2261      blunting             blunt
  2262      bluntly              bluntli
  2263      bluntness            blunt
  2264      blunts               blunt
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  2266      blurr                blurr
  2267      blurs                blur
  2268      blush                blush
  2269      blushes              blush
  2270      blushest             blushest
  2271      blushing             blush
  2272      blust                blust
  2273      bluster              bluster
  2274      blusterer            bluster
  2275      blusters             bluster
  2276      bo                   bo
  2277      boar                 boar
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  2279      boarded              board
  2280      boarding             board
  2281      boards               board
  2282      boarish              boarish
  2283      boars                boar
  2284      boast                boast
  2285      boasted              boast
  2286      boastful             boast
  2287      boasting             boast
  2288      boasts               boast
  2289      boat                 boat
  2290      boats                boat
  2291      boatswain            boatswain
  2292      bob                  bob
  2293      bobb                 bobb
  2294      boblibindo           boblibindo
  2295      bobtail              bobtail
  2296      bocchus              bocchu
  2297      bode                 bode
  2298      boded                bode
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  2300      bodes                bode
  2301      bodg                 bodg
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  2303      bodies               bodi
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  2305      bodily               bodili
  2306      boding               bode
  2307      bodkin               bodkin
  2308      body                 bodi
  2309      bodykins             bodykin
  2310      bog                  bog
  2311      boggle               boggl
  2312      boggler              boggler
  2313      bogs                 bog
  2314      bohemia              bohemia
  2315      bohemian             bohemian
  2316      bohun                bohun
  2317      boil                 boil
  2318      boiling              boil
  2319      boils                boil
  2320      boist                boist
  2321      boisterous           boister
  2322      boisterously         boister
  2323      boitier              boitier
  2324      bold                 bold
  2325      bolden               bolden
  2326      bolder               bolder
  2327      boldest              boldest
  2328      boldly               boldli
  2329      boldness             bold
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  2331      bolingbroke          bolingbrok
  2332      bolster              bolster
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  2334      bolted               bolt
  2335      bolter               bolter
  2336      bolters              bolter
  2337      bolting              bolt
  2338      bolts                bolt
  2339      bombard              bombard
  2340      bombards             bombard
  2341      bombast              bombast
  2342      bon                  bon
  2343      bona                 bona
  2344      bond                 bond
  2345      bondage              bondag
  2346      bonded               bond
  2347      bondmaid             bondmaid
  2348      bondman              bondman
  2349      bondmen              bondmen
  2350      bonds                bond
  2351      bondslave            bondslav
  2352      bone                 bone
  2353      boneless             boneless
  2354      bones                bone
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  2356      bonfires             bonfir
  2357      bonjour              bonjour
  2358      bonne                bonn
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  2360      bonneted             bonnet
  2361      bonny                bonni
  2362      bonos                bono
  2363      bonto                bonto
  2364      bonville             bonvil
  2365      bood                 bood
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  2367      bookish              bookish
  2368      books                book
  2369      boon                 boon
  2370      boor                 boor
  2371      boorish              boorish
  2372      boors                boor
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  2374      booted               boot
  2375      booties              booti
  2376      bootless             bootless
  2377      boots                boot
  2378      booty                booti
  2379      bor                  bor
  2380      bora                 bora
  2381      borachio             borachio
  2382      bordeaux             bordeaux
  2383      border               border
  2384      bordered             border
  2385      borderers            border
  2386      borders              border
  2387      bore                 bore
  2388      boreas               borea
  2389      bores                bore
  2390      boring               bore
  2391      born                 born
  2392      borne                born
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  2394      boroughs             borough
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  2396      borrowed             borrow
  2397      borrower             borrow
  2398      borrowing            borrow
  2399      borrows              borrow
  2400      bosko                bosko
  2401      boskos               bosko
  2402      bosky                boski
  2403      bosom                bosom
  2404      bosoms               bosom
  2405      boson                boson
  2406      boss                 boss
  2407      bosworth             bosworth
  2408      botch                botch
  2409      botcher              botcher
  2410      botches              botch
  2411      botchy               botchi
  2412      both                 both
  2413      bots                 bot
  2414      bottle               bottl
  2415      bottled              bottl
  2416      bottles              bottl
  2417      bottom               bottom
  2418      bottomless           bottomless
  2419      bottoms              bottom
  2420      bouciqualt           bouciqualt
  2421      bouge                boug
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  2423      boughs               bough
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  2425      bounce               bounc
  2426      bouncing             bounc
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  2428      bounded              bound
  2429      bounden              bounden
  2430      boundeth             boundeth
  2431      bounding             bound
  2432      boundless            boundless
  2433      bounds               bound
  2434      bounteous            bounteou
  2435      bounteously          bounteous
  2436      bounties             bounti
  2437      bountiful            bounti
  2438      bountifully          bountifulli
  2439      bounty               bounti
  2440      bourbier             bourbier
  2441      bourbon              bourbon
  2442      bourchier            bourchier
  2443      bourdeaux            bourdeaux
  2444      bourn                bourn
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  2446      bouts                bout
  2447      bove                 bove
  2448      bow                  bow
  2449      bowcase              bowcas
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  2451      bowels               bowel
  2452      bower                bower
  2453      bowing               bow
  2454      bowl                 bowl
  2455      bowler               bowler
  2456      bowling              bowl
  2457      bowls                bowl
  2458      bows                 bow
  2459      bowsprit             bowsprit
  2460      bowstring            bowstr
  2461      box                  box
  2462      boxes                box
  2463      boy                  boi
  2464      boyet                boyet
  2465      boyish               boyish
  2466      boys                 boi
  2467      brabant              brabant
  2468      brabantio            brabantio
  2469      brabble              brabbl
  2470      brabbler             brabbler
  2471      brac                 brac
  2472      brace                brace
  2473      bracelet             bracelet
  2474      bracelets            bracelet
  2475      brach                brach
  2476      bracy                braci
  2477      brag                 brag
  2478      bragg                bragg
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  2480      braggards            braggard
  2481      braggart             braggart
  2482      braggarts            braggart
  2483      bragged              brag
  2484      bragging             brag
  2485      bragless             bragless
  2486      brags                brag
  2487      braid                braid
  2488      braided              braid
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  2490      brained              brain
  2491      brainford            brainford
  2492      brainish             brainish
  2493      brainless            brainless
  2494      brains               brain
  2495      brainsick            brainsick
  2496      brainsickly          brainsickli
  2497      brake                brake
  2498      brakenbury           brakenburi
  2499      brakes               brake
  2500      brambles             brambl
  2501      bran                 bran
  2502      branch               branch
  2503      branches             branch
  2504      branchless           branchless
  2505      brand                brand
  2506      branded              brand
  2507      brandish             brandish
  2508      brandon              brandon
  2509      brands               brand
  2510      bras                 bra
  2511      brass                brass
  2512      brassy               brassi
  2513      brat                 brat
  2514      brats                brat
  2515      brav                 brav
  2516      brave                brave
  2517      braved               brave
  2518      bravely              brave
  2519      braver               braver
  2520      bravery              braveri
  2521      braves               brave
  2522      bravest              bravest
  2523      braving              brave
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  2525      brawler              brawler
  2526      brawling             brawl
  2527      brawls               brawl
  2528      brawn                brawn
  2529      brawns               brawn
  2530      bray                 brai
  2531      braying              brai
  2532      braz                 braz
  2533      brazen               brazen
  2534      brazier              brazier
  2535      breach               breach
  2536      breaches             breach
  2537      bread                bread
  2538      breadth              breadth
  2539      break                break
  2540      breaker              breaker
  2541      breakfast            breakfast
  2542      breaking             break
  2543      breaks               break
  2544      breast               breast
  2545      breasted             breast
  2546      breasting            breast
  2547      breastplate          breastplat
  2548      breasts              breast
  2549      breath               breath
  2550      breathe              breath
  2551      breathed             breath
  2552      breather             breather
  2553      breathers            breather
  2554      breathes             breath
  2555      breathest            breathest
  2556      breathing            breath
  2557      breathless           breathless
  2558      breaths              breath
  2559      brecknock            brecknock
  2560      bred                 bred
  2561      breech               breech
  2562      breeches             breech
  2563      breeching            breech
  2564      breed                breed
  2565      breeder              breeder
  2566      breeders             breeder
  2567      breeding             breed
  2568      breeds               breed
  2569      breese               brees
  2570      breeze               breez
  2571      breff                breff
  2572      bretagne             bretagn
  2573      brethen              brethen
  2574      bretheren            bretheren
  2575      brethren             brethren
  2576      brevis               brevi
  2577      brevity              breviti
  2578      brew                 brew
  2579      brewage              brewag
  2580      brewer               brewer
  2581      brewers              brewer
  2582      brewing              brew
  2583      brews                brew
  2584      briareus             briareu
  2585      briars               briar
  2586      brib                 brib
  2587      bribe                bribe
  2588      briber               briber
  2589      bribes               bribe
  2590      brick                brick
  2591      bricklayer           bricklay
  2592      bricks               brick
  2593      bridal               bridal
  2594      bride                bride
  2595      bridegroom           bridegroom
  2596      bridegrooms          bridegroom
  2597      brides               bride
  2598      bridge               bridg
  2599      bridgenorth          bridgenorth
  2600      bridges              bridg
  2601      bridget              bridget
  2602      bridle               bridl
  2603      bridled              bridl
  2604      brief                brief
  2605      briefer              briefer
  2606      briefest             briefest
  2607      briefly              briefli
  2608      briefness            brief
  2609      brier                brier
  2610      briers               brier
  2611      brigandine           brigandin
  2612      bright               bright
  2613      brighten             brighten
  2614      brightest            brightest
  2615      brightly             brightli
  2616      brightness           bright
  2617      brim                 brim
  2618      brimful              brim
  2619      brims                brim
  2620      brimstone            brimston
  2621      brinded              brind
  2622      brine                brine
  2623      bring                bring
  2624      bringer              bringer
  2625      bringeth             bringeth
  2626      bringing             bring
  2627      bringings            bring
  2628      brings               bring
  2629      brinish              brinish
  2630      brink                brink
  2631      brisk                brisk
  2632      brisky               briski
  2633      bristle              bristl
  2634      bristled             bristl
  2635      bristly              bristli
  2636      bristol              bristol
  2637      bristow              bristow
  2638      britain              britain
  2639      britaine             britain
  2640      britaines            britain
  2641      british              british
  2642      briton               briton
  2643      britons              briton
  2644      brittany             brittani
  2645      brittle              brittl
  2646      broach               broach
  2647      broached             broach
  2648      broad                broad
  2649      broader              broader
  2650      broadsides           broadsid
  2651      brocas               broca
  2652      brock                brock
  2653      brogues              brogu
  2654      broil                broil
  2655      broiling             broil
  2656      broils               broil
  2657      broke                broke
  2658      broken               broken
  2659      brokenly             brokenli
  2660      broker               broker
  2661      brokers              broker
  2662      brokes               broke
  2663      broking              broke
  2664      brooch               brooch
  2665      brooches             brooch
  2666      brood                brood
  2667      brooded              brood
  2668      brooding             brood
  2669      brook                brook
  2670      brooks               brook
  2671      broom                broom
  2672      broomstaff           broomstaff
  2673      broth                broth
  2674      brothel              brothel
  2675      brother              brother
  2676      brotherhood          brotherhood
  2677      brotherhoods         brotherhood
  2678      brotherly            brotherli
  2679      brothers             brother
  2680      broths               broth
  2681      brought              brought
  2682      brow                 brow
  2683      brown                brown
  2684      browner              browner
  2685      brownist             brownist
  2686      browny               browni
  2687      brows                brow
  2688      browse               brows
  2689      browsing             brows
  2690      bruis                brui
  2691      bruise               bruis
  2692      bruised              bruis
  2693      bruises              bruis
  2694      bruising             bruis
  2695      bruit                bruit
  2696      bruited              bruit
  2697      brundusium           brundusium
  2698      brunt                brunt
  2699      brush                brush
  2700      brushes              brush
  2701      brute                brute
  2702      brutish              brutish
  2703      brutus               brutu
  2704      bubble               bubbl
  2705      bubbles              bubbl
  2706      bubbling             bubbl
  2707      bubukles             bubukl
  2708      buck                 buck
  2709      bucket               bucket
  2710      buckets              bucket
  2711      bucking              buck
  2712      buckingham           buckingham
  2713      buckle               buckl
  2714      buckled              buckl
  2715      buckler              buckler
  2716      bucklers             buckler
  2717      bucklersbury         bucklersburi
  2718      buckles              buckl
  2719      buckram              buckram
  2720      bucks                buck
  2721      bud                  bud
  2722      budded               bud
  2723      budding              bud
  2724      budge                budg
  2725      budger               budger
  2726      budget               budget
  2727      buds                 bud
  2728      buff                 buff
  2729      buffet               buffet
  2730      buffeting            buffet
  2731      buffets              buffet
  2732      bug                  bug
  2733      bugbear              bugbear
  2734      bugle                bugl
  2735      bugs                 bug
  2736      build                build
  2737      builded              build
  2738      buildeth             buildeth
  2739      building             build
  2740      buildings            build
  2741      builds               build
  2742      built                built
  2743      bulk                 bulk
  2744      bulks                bulk
  2745      bull                 bull
  2746      bullcalf             bullcalf
  2747      bullen               bullen
  2748      bullens              bullen
  2749      bullet               bullet
  2750      bullets              bullet
  2751      bullocks             bullock
  2752      bulls                bull
  2753      bully                bulli
  2754      bulmer               bulmer
  2755      bulwark              bulwark
  2756      bulwarks             bulwark
  2757      bum                  bum
  2758      bumbast              bumbast
  2759      bump                 bump
  2760      bumper               bumper
  2761      bums                 bum
  2762      bunch                bunch
  2763      bunches              bunch
  2764      bundle               bundl
  2765      bung                 bung
  2766      bunghole             bunghol
  2767      bungle               bungl
  2768      bunting              bunt
  2769      buoy                 buoi
  2770      bur                  bur
  2771      burbolt              burbolt
  2772      burd                 burd
  2773      burden               burden
  2774      burdened             burden
  2775      burdening            burden
  2776      burdenous            burden
  2777      burdens              burden
  2778      burgh                burgh
  2779      burgher              burgher
  2780      burghers             burgher
  2781      burglary             burglari
  2782      burgomasters         burgomast
  2783      burgonet             burgonet
  2784      burgundy             burgundi
  2785      burial               burial
  2786      buried               buri
  2787      burier               burier
  2788      buriest              buriest
  2789      burly                burli
  2790      burn                 burn
  2791      burned               burn
  2792      burnet               burnet
  2793      burneth              burneth
  2794      burning              burn
  2795      burnish              burnish
  2796      burns                burn
  2797      burnt                burnt
  2798      burr                 burr
  2799      burrows              burrow
  2800      burs                 bur
  2801      burst                burst
  2802      bursting             burst
  2803      bursts               burst
  2804      burthen              burthen
  2805      burthens             burthen
  2806      burton               burton
  2807      bury                 buri
  2808      burying              buri
  2809      bush                 bush
  2810      bushels              bushel
  2811      bushes               bush
  2812      bushy                bushi
  2813      busied               busi
  2814      busily               busili
  2815      busines              busin
  2816      business             busi
  2817      businesses           busi
  2818      buskin               buskin
  2819      busky                buski
  2820      buss                 buss
  2821      busses               buss
  2822      bussing              buss
  2823      bustle               bustl
  2824      bustling             bustl
  2825      busy                 busi
  2826      but                  but
  2827      butcheed             butche
  2828      butcher              butcher
  2829      butchered            butcher
  2830      butcheries           butcheri
  2831      butcherly            butcherli
  2832      butchers             butcher
  2833      butchery             butcheri
  2834      butler               butler
  2835      butt                 butt
  2836      butter               butter
  2837      buttered             butter
  2838      butterflies          butterfli
  2839      butterfly            butterfli
  2840      butterwoman          butterwoman
  2841      buttery              butteri
  2842      buttock              buttock
  2843      buttocks             buttock
  2844      button               button
  2845      buttonhole           buttonhol
  2846      buttons              button
  2847      buttress             buttress
  2848      buttry               buttri
  2849      butts                butt
  2850      buxom                buxom
  2851      buy                  bui
  2852      buyer                buyer
  2853      buying               bui
  2854      buys                 bui
  2855      buzz                 buzz
  2856      buzzard              buzzard
  2857      buzzards             buzzard
  2858      buzzers              buzzer
  2859      buzzing              buzz
  2860      by                   by
  2861      bye                  bye
  2862      byzantium            byzantium
  2863      c                    c
  2864      ca                   ca
  2865      cabbage              cabbag
  2866      cabileros            cabilero
  2867      cabin                cabin
  2868      cabins               cabin
  2869      cable                cabl
  2870      cables               cabl
  2871      cackling             cackl
  2872      cacodemon            cacodemon
  2873      caddis               caddi
  2874      caddisses            caddiss
  2875      cade                 cade
  2876      cadence              cadenc
  2877      cadent               cadent
  2878      cades                cade
  2879      cadmus               cadmu
  2880      caduceus             caduceu
  2881      cadwal               cadwal
  2882      cadwallader          cadwallad
  2883      caelius              caeliu
  2884      caelo                caelo
  2885      caesar               caesar
  2886      caesarion            caesarion
  2887      caesars              caesar
  2888      cage                 cage
  2889      caged                cage
  2890      cagion               cagion
  2891      cain                 cain
  2892      caithness            caith
  2893      caitiff              caitiff
  2894      caitiffs             caitiff
  2895      caius                caiu
  2896      cak                  cak
  2897      cake                 cake
  2898      cakes                cake
  2899      calaber              calab
  2900      calais               calai
  2901      calamities           calam
  2902      calamity             calam
  2903      calchas              calcha
  2904      calculate            calcul
  2905      calen                calen
  2906      calendar             calendar
  2907      calendars            calendar
  2908      calf                 calf
  2909      caliban              caliban
  2910      calibans             caliban
  2911      calipolis            calipoli
  2912      cality               caliti
  2913      caliver              caliv
  2914      call                 call
  2915      callat               callat
  2916      called               call
  2917      callet               callet
  2918      calling              call
  2919      calls                call
  2920      calm                 calm
  2921      calmest              calmest
  2922      calmly               calmli
  2923      calmness             calm
  2924      calms                calm
  2925      calpurnia            calpurnia
  2926      calumniate           calumni
  2927      calumniating         calumni
  2928      calumnious           calumni
  2929      calumny              calumni
  2930      calve                calv
  2931      calved               calv
  2932      calves               calv
  2933      calveskins           calveskin
  2934      calydon              calydon
  2935      cam                  cam
  2936      cambio               cambio
  2937      cambria              cambria
  2938      cambric              cambric
  2939      cambrics             cambric
  2940      cambridge            cambridg
  2941      cambyses             cambys
  2942      came                 came
  2943      camel                camel
  2944      camelot              camelot
  2945      camels               camel
  2946      camest               camest
  2947      camillo              camillo
  2948      camlet               camlet
  2949      camomile             camomil
  2950      camp                 camp
  2951      campeius             campeiu
  2952      camping              camp
  2953      camps                camp
  2954      can                  can
  2955      canakin              canakin
  2956      canaries             canari
  2957      canary               canari
  2958      cancel               cancel
  2959      cancell              cancel
  2960      cancelled            cancel
  2961      cancelling           cancel
  2962      cancels              cancel
  2963      cancer               cancer
  2964      candidatus           candidatu
  2965      candied              candi
  2966      candle               candl
  2967      candles              candl
  2968      candlesticks         candlestick
  2969      candy                candi
  2970      canidius             canidiu
  2971      cank                 cank
  2972      canker               canker
  2973      cankerblossom        cankerblossom
  2974      cankers              canker
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  2976      cannibals            cannib
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  2981      canon                canon
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  2983      canonize             canon
  2984      canonized            canon
  2985      canons               canon
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  2987      canopies             canopi
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  2992      cantle               cantl
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  2994      canus                canu
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  3000      capable              capabl
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  3004      capdv                capdv
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  3009      capers               caper
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  3012      capilet              capilet
  3013      capitaine            capitain
  3014      capital              capit
  3015      capite               capit
  3016      capitol              capitol
  3017      capitulate           capitul
  3018      capocchia            capocchia
  3019      capon                capon
  3020      capons               capon
  3021      capp                 capp
  3022      cappadocia           cappadocia
  3023      capriccio            capriccio
  3024      capricious           caprici
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  3034      captive              captiv
  3035      captives             captiv
  3036      captivity            captiv
  3037      captum               captum
  3038      capucius             capuciu
  3039      capulet              capulet
  3040      capulets             capulet
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  3043      caracks              carack
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  3049      carbuncles           carbuncl
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  3054      carcasses            carcass
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  3058      carders              carder
  3059      cardinal             cardin
  3060      cardinally           cardin
  3061      cardinals            cardin
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  3063      cards                card
  3064      carduus              carduu
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  3068      careers              career
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  3071      careless             careless
  3072      carelessly           carelessli
  3073      carelessness         careless
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  3075      caret                caret
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  3081      carmen               carmen
  3082      carnal               carnal
  3083      carnally             carnal
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  3103      carriers             carrier
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  3106      carrions             carrion
  3107      carry                carri
  3108      carrying             carri
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  3111      carters              carter
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  3119      carving              carv
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  3121      casa                 casa
  3122      casaer               casaer
  3123      casca                casca
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  3126      casements            casement
  3127      cases                case
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  3129      cashier              cashier
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  3134      caskets              casket
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  3139      cassibelan           cassibelan
  3140      cassio               cassio
  3141      cassius              cassiu
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  3146      castaways            castawai
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  3150      castigation          castig
  3151      castile              castil
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  3158      casually             casual
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  3160      casualty             casualti
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  3162      cataian              cataian
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  3165      cataracts            cataract
  3166      catarrhs             catarrh
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  3170      catches              catch
  3171      catching             catch
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  3173      catechising          catechis
  3174      catechism            catech
  3175      catechize            catech
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  3178      caters               cater
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  3181      catesby              catesbi
  3182      cathedral            cathedr
  3183      catlike              catlik
  3184      catling              catl
  3185      catlings             catl
  3186      cato                 cato
  3187      cats                 cat
  3188      cattle               cattl
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  3190      caudle               caudl
  3191      cauf                 cauf
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  3193      cauldron             cauldron
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  3203      cautelous            cautel
  3204      cautels              cautel
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  3207      cautions             caution
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  3209      cavalery             cavaleri
  3210      cavaliers            cavali
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  3213      caverns              cavern
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  3216      caviary              caviari
  3217      cavil                cavil
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  3220      cawdron              cawdron
  3221      cawing               caw
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  3248      censurers            censur
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  3252      centaurs             centaur
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  3257      centurions           centurion
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  3263      ceremonies           ceremoni
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  3265      ceremoniously        ceremoni
  3266      ceremony             ceremoni
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  3270      certainer            certain
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  3273      certainty            certainti
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  3277      certifies            certifi
  3278      certify              certifi
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  3297      chairs               chair
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  3299      chalice              chalic
  3300      chalices             chalic
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  3303      chalky               chalki
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  3308      challengers          challeng
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  3316      chambermaids         chambermaid
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  3322      champains            champain
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  3324      champions            champion
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  3329      chances              chanc
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  3337      changelings          changel
  3338      changer              changer
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  3343      channels             channel
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  3346      chanticleer          chanticl
  3347      chanting             chant
  3348      chantries            chantri
  3349      chantry              chantri
  3350      chants               chant
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  3353      chape                chape
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  3358      chaplains            chaplain
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  3362      chaps                chap
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  3367      characters           charact
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  3369      characts             charact
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  3386      charitably           charit
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  3389      charlemain           charlemain
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  3395      charmian             charmian
  3396      charming             charm
  3397      charmingly           charmingli
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  3400      charnel              charnel
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  3402      charon               charon
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  3413      chasing              chase
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  3416      chastis              chasti
  3417      chastise             chastis
  3418      chastised            chastis
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  3420      chastity             chastiti
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  3422      chatham              chatham
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  3425      chatt                chatt
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  3428      chattering           chatter
  3429      chattles             chattl
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  3431      chaunted             chaunt
  3432      chaw                 chaw
  3433      chawdron             chawdron
  3434      che                  che
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  3436      cheapen              cheapen
  3437      cheaper              cheaper
  3438      cheapest             cheapest
  3439      cheaply              cheapli
  3440      cheapside            cheapsid
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  3442      cheated              cheat
  3443      cheater              cheater
  3444      cheaters             cheater
  3445      cheating             cheat
  3446      cheats               cheat
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  3449      checker              checker
  3450      checking             check
  3451      checks               check
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  3453      cheeks               cheek
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  3455      cheered              cheer
  3456      cheerer              cheerer
  3457      cheerful             cheer
  3458      cheerfully           cheerfulli
  3459      cheering             cheer
  3460      cheerless            cheerless
  3461      cheerly              cheerli
  3462      cheers               cheer
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  3474      chertsey             chertsei
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  3477      cherubin             cherubin
  3478      cherubins            cherubin
  3479      cheshu               cheshu
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  3481      chest                chest
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  3484      chestnuts            chestnut
  3485      chests               chest
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  3488      cheval               cheval
  3489      chevalier            chevali
  3490      chevaliers           chevali
  3491      cheveril             cheveril
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  3493      chewed               chew
  3494      chewet               chewet
  3495      chewing              chew
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  3498      chick                chick
  3499      chicken              chicken
  3500      chickens             chicken
  3501      chicurmurco          chicurmurco
  3502      chid                 chid
  3503      chidden              chidden
  3504      chide                chide
  3505      chiders              chider
  3506      chides               chide
  3507      chiding              chide
  3508      chief                chief
  3509      chiefest             chiefest
  3510      chiefly              chiefli
  3511      chien                chien
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  3513      childed              child
  3514      childeric            childer
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  3516      childhoods           childhood
  3517      childing             child
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  3520      childlike            childlik
  3521      childness            child
  3522      children             children
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  3524      chilling             chill
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  3526      chimes               chime
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  3529      chimneys             chimnei
  3530      chimurcho            chimurcho
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  3532      china                china
  3533      chine                chine
  3534      chines               chine
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  3536      chinks               chink
  3537      chins                chin
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  3541      chiron               chiron
  3542      chirping             chirp
  3543      chirrah              chirrah
  3544      chirurgeonly         chirurgeonli
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  3548      chivalry             chivalri
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  3550      choicely             choic
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  3553      choirs               choir
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  3557      chokes               choke
  3558      choking              choke
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  3560      choleric             choler
  3561      cholers              choler
  3562      chollors             chollor
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  3567      choosing             choos
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  3569      chopine              chopin
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  3571      chopp                chopp
  3572      chopped              chop
  3573      chopping             chop
  3574      choppy               choppi
  3575      chops                chop
  3576      chopt                chopt
  3577      chor                 chor
  3578      choristers           chorist
  3579      chorus               choru
  3580      chose                chose
  3581      chosen               chosen
  3582      chough               chough
  3583      choughs              chough
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  3588      christendoms         christendom
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  3592      christianlike        christianlik
  3593      christians           christian
  3594      christmas            christma
  3595      christom             christom
  3596      christopher          christoph
  3597      christophero         christophero
  3598      chronicle            chronicl
  3599      chronicled           chronicl
  3600      chronicler           chronicl
  3601      chroniclers          chronicl
  3602      chronicles           chronicl
  3603      chrysolite           chrysolit
  3604      chuck                chuck
  3605      chucks               chuck
  3606      chud                 chud
  3607      chuffs               chuff
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  3609      churches             church
  3610      churchman            churchman
  3611      churchmen            churchmen
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  3613      churchyards          churchyard
  3614      churl                churl
  3615      churlish             churlish
  3616      churlishly           churlishli
  3617      churls               churl
  3618      churn                churn
  3619      chus                 chu
  3620      cicatrice            cicatric
  3621      cicatrices           cicatric
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  3623      cicero               cicero
  3624      ciceter              cicet
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  3626      ciitzens             ciitzen
  3627      cilicia              cilicia
  3628      cimber               cimber
  3629      cimmerian            cimmerian
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  3632      cinders              cinder
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  3634      cinna                cinna
  3635      cinque               cinqu
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  3637      ciphers              cipher
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  3639      circe                circ
  3640      circle               circl
  3641      circled              circl
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  3643      circling             circl
  3644      circuit              circuit
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  3648      circummur            circummur
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  3651      circumscription      circumscript
  3652      circumspect          circumspect
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  3654      circumstanced        circumstanc
  3655      circumstances        circumst
  3656      circumstantial       circumstanti
  3657      circumvent           circumv
  3658      circumvention        circumvent
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  3660      citadel              citadel
  3661      cital                cital
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  3663      cited                cite
  3664      cites                cite
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  3668      citizens             citizen
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  3670      city                 citi
  3671      civet                civet
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  3673      civility             civil
  3674      civilly              civilli
  3675      clack                clack
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  3678      claiming             claim
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  3682      clammer              clammer
  3683      clamor               clamor
  3684      clamorous            clamor
  3685      clamors              clamor
  3686      clamour              clamour
  3687      clamours             clamour
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  3689      clangor              clangor
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  3693      clapper              clapper
  3694      clapping             clap
  3695      claps                clap
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  3698      claret               claret
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  3701      clasps               clasp
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  3705      claudius             claudiu
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  3709      clawing              claw
  3710      claws                claw
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  3712      clays                clai
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  3715      cleanly              cleanli
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  3720      clearer              clearer
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  3723      clearness            clear
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  3740      clergymen            clergymen
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  3742      clerkly              clerkli
  3743      clerks               clerk
  3744      clew                 clew
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  3746      clients              client
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  3749      cliffords            clifford
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  3758      climbing             climb
  3759      climbs               climb
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  3763      clinking             clink
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  3766      clipp                clipp
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  3768      clippeth             clippeth
  3769      clipping             clip
  3770      clipt                clipt
  3771      clitus               clitu
  3772      clo                  clo
  3773      cloak                cloak
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  3775      cloaks               cloak
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  3777      clocks               clock
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  3779      cloddy               cloddi
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  3782      clogging             clog
  3783      clogs                clog
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  3791      closeness            close
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  3797      closure              closur
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  3804      clothes              cloth
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  3806      clothiers            clothier
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  3815      cloudy               cloudi
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  3817      clouted              clout
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  3826      clowns               clown
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  3828      cloyed               cloi
  3829      cloying              cloi
  3830      cloyless             cloyless
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  3832      cloys                cloi
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  3834      clubs                club
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  3841      cneius               cneiu
  3842      cnemies              cnemi
  3843      co                   co
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  3845      coaches              coach
  3846      coachmakers          coachmak
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  3848      coactive             coactiv
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  3851      coals                coal
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  3855      coasting             coast
  3856      coasts               coast
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  3859      coats                coat
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  3861      cobbled              cobbl
  3862      cobbler              cobbler
  3863      cobham               cobham
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  3866      cobwebs              cobweb
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  3869      cockatrices          cockatric
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  3871      cockled              cockl
  3872      cockney              cocknei
  3873      cockpit              cockpit
  3874      cocks                cock
  3875      cocksure             cocksur
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  3877      cocytus              cocytu
  3878      cod                  cod
  3879      codding              cod
  3880      codling              codl
  3881      codpiece             codpiec
  3882      codpieces            codpiec
  3883      cods                 cod
  3884      coelestibus          coelestibu
  3885      coesar               coesar
  3886      coeur                coeur
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  3888      coffers              coffer
  3889      coffin               coffin
  3890      coffins              coffin
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  3894      cogitations          cogit
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  3896      cognizance           cogniz
  3897      cogscomb             cogscomb
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  3899      coher                coher
  3900      cohere               coher
  3901      coherence            coher
  3902      coherent             coher
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  3908      coinage              coinag
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  3910      coining              coin
  3911      coins                coin
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  3916      colder               colder
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  3918      coldly               coldli
  3919      coldness             cold
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  3924      collars              collar
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  3934      colliers             collier
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  3946      colouring            colour
  3947      colours              colour
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  3952      columbines           columbin
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  3960      combatants           combat
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  3962      combating            combat
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  3966      combine              combin
  3967      combined             combin
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  3969      combustion           combust
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  3972      comedians            comedian
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  3975      comely               come
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  3996      comings              come
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  4047      commoners            common
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  4049      commons              common
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  4141      compulsive           compuls
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  4216      confederate          confeder
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  4363      consonant            conson
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  4412      consumptions         consumpt
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  4474      contrariously        contrari
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  4556      copulatives          copul
  4557      copy                 copi
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  4577      corioli              corioli
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  4583      cornelius            corneliu
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  4593      coronal              coron
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  4596      coronets             coronet
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  4662      counsellors          counsellor
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  4734      courtly              courtli
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  4753      coverture            covertur
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  4756      coveting             covet
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  4766      cowardly             cowardli
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  4770      cowl                 cowl
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  4772      cowslips             cowslip
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  4775      coxcombs             coxcomb
  4776      coy                  coi
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  4784      cozening             cozen
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  4794      cracks               crack
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  4796      cradled              cradl
  4797      cradles              cradl
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  4799      crafted              craft
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  4834      crazy                crazi
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  4850      creditors            creditor
  4851      credo                credo
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  4853      credulous            credul
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  4896      cripple              crippl
  4897      crisp                crisp
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  4899      crispian             crispian
  4900      crispianus           crispianu
  4901      crispin              crispin
  4902      critic               critic
  4903      critical             critic
  4904      critics              critic
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  4906      croaking             croak
  4907      croaks               croak
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  4909      cromer               cromer
  4910      cromwell             cromwel
  4911      crone                crone
  4912      crook                crook
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  4914      crooked              crook
  4915      crooking             crook
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  4917      cropp                cropp
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  4930      crouching            crouch
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  4934      crowding             crowd
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  4939      crown                crown
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  4942      crownet              crownet
  4943      crownets             crownet
  4944      crowning             crown
  4945      crowns               crown
  4946      crows                crow
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  4948      cruel                cruel
  4949      cruell               cruell
  4950      crueller             crueller
  4951      cruelly              cruelli
  4952      cruels               cruel
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  4961      crushest             crushest
  4962      crushing             crush
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  4964      crusts               crust
  4965      crusty               crusti
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  4967      crutches             crutch
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  4969      crying               cry
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  4971      crystalline          crystallin
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  4975      cubiculo             cubiculo
  4976      cubit                cubit
  4977      cubs                 cub
  4978      cuckold              cuckold
  4979      cuckoldly            cuckoldli
  4980      cuckolds             cuckold
  4981      cuckoo               cuckoo
  4982      cucullus             cucullu
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  4984      cudgeled             cudgel
  4985      cudgell              cudgel
  4986      cudgelling           cudgel
  4987      cudgels              cudgel
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  4989      cues                 cue
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  4991      cuffs                cuff
  4992      cuique               cuiqu
  4993      cull                 cull
  4994      culling              cull
  4995      cullion              cullion
  4996      cullionly            cullionli
  4997      cullions             cullion
  4998      culpable             culpabl
  4999      culverin             culverin
  5000      cum                  cum
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  5002      cumberland           cumberland
  5003      cunning              cun
  5004      cunningly            cunningli
  5005      cunnings             cun
  5006      cuore                cuor
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  5008      cupbearer            cupbear
  5009      cupboarding          cupboard
  5010      cupid                cupid
  5011      cupids               cupid
  5012      cuppele              cuppel
  5013      cups                 cup
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  5019      curbing              curb
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  5023      curds                curd
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  5025      cured                cure
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  5027      curer                curer
  5028      cures                cure
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  5030      curing               cure
  5031      curio                curio
  5032      curiosity            curios
  5033      curious              curiou
  5034      curiously            curious
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  5036      curled               curl
  5037      curling              curl
  5038      curls                curl
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  5040      currants             currant
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  5042      currents             current
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  5044      curry                curri
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  5048      curses               curs
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  5050      cursing              curs
  5051      cursorary            cursorari
  5052      curst                curst
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  5054      curstest             curstest
  5055      curstness            curst
  5056      cursy                cursi
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  5058      curtain              curtain
  5059      curtains             curtain
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  5062      curtle               curtl
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  5064      curtsies             curtsi
  5065      curtsy               curtsi
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  5067      curvets              curvet
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  5069      cushion              cushion
  5070      cushions             cushion
  5071      custalorum           custalorum
  5072      custard              custard
  5073      custody              custodi
  5074      custom               custom
  5075      customary            customari
  5076      customed             custom
  5077      customer             custom
  5078      customers            custom
  5079      customs              custom
  5080      custure              custur
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  5082      cutler               cutler
  5083      cutpurse             cutpurs
  5084      cutpurses            cutpurs
  5085      cuts                 cut
  5086      cutter               cutter
  5087      cutting              cut
  5088      cuttle               cuttl
  5089      cxsar                cxsar
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  5091      cydnus               cydnu
  5092      cygnet               cygnet
  5093      cygnets              cygnet
  5094      cym                  cym
  5095      cymbals              cymbal
  5096      cymbeline            cymbelin
  5097      cyme                 cyme
  5098      cynic                cynic
  5099      cynthia              cynthia
  5100      cypress              cypress
  5101      cypriot              cypriot
  5102      cyprus               cypru
  5103      cyrus                cyru
  5104      cytherea             cytherea
  5105      d                    d
  5106      dabbled              dabbl
  5107      dace                 dace
  5108      dad                  dad
  5109      daedalus             daedalu
  5110      daemon               daemon
  5111      daff                 daff
  5112      daffed               daf
  5113      daffest              daffest
  5114      daffodils            daffodil
  5115      dagger               dagger
  5116      daggers              dagger
  5117      dagonet              dagonet
  5118      daily                daili
  5119      daintier             daintier
  5120      dainties             dainti
  5121      daintiest            daintiest
  5122      daintily             daintili
  5123      daintiness           dainti
  5124      daintry              daintri
  5125      dainty               dainti
  5126      daisied              daisi
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  5179      dapples              dappl
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  5239      dazzling             dazzl
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  5482      demonstrative        demonstr
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  5495      denis                deni
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  5498      denny                denni
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  5508      denying              deni
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  5673      deux                 deux
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  5805      dimming              dim
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  5813      dines                dine
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  5817      dinners              dinner
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  5822      diomedes             diomed
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  5827      dips                 dip
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  6220      doctors              doctor
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  6246      dollars              dollar
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  6250      dolours              dolour
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  6253      dolts                dolt
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  6282      doors                door
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  6284      doreus               doreu
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  6287      dorothy              dorothi
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  6347      dowry                dowri
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  6363      dragging             drag
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  6380      drawers              drawer
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  6383      drawling             drawl
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  6387      draymen              draymen
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  6396      dreamers             dreamer
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  6433      drizzles             drizzl
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  6437      dromios              dromio
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  6439      drones               drone
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  6454      dropsies             dropsi
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  6462      drovier              drovier
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  6471      drowsy               drowsi
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  6476      drugg                drugg
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  6485      drunkards            drunkard
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  6490      dryness              dryness
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  6494      dubb                 dubb
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  6496      ducats               ducat
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  6500      duchy                duchi
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  6503      ducks                duck
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  6506      duellist             duellist
  6507      duello               duello
  6508      duer                 duer
  6509      dues                 due
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  6511      dug                  dug
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  6515      dukedoms             dukedom
  6516      dukes                duke
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  6526      dully                dulli
  6527      dulness              dul
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  6530      dumb                 dumb
  6531      dumbe                dumb
  6532      dumbly               dumbl
  6533      dumbness             dumb
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  6535      dumps                dump
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  6539      dungeon              dungeon
  6540      dungeons             dungeon
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  6542      dunghills            dunghil
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  6545      dunsinane            dunsinan
  6546      dunsmore             dunsmor
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  6550      during               dure
  6551      durst                durst
  6552      dusky                duski
  6553      dust                 dust
  6554      dusted               dust
  6555      dusty                dusti
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  6558      duteous              duteou
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  6560      dutiful              duti
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  6571      dye                  dye
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  6581      eagles               eagl
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  6583      eanlings             eanl
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  6586      earl                 earl
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  6589      earliest             earliest
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  6592      early                earli
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  6596      earnestly            earnestli
  6597      earnestness          earnest
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  6603      earthly              earthli
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  6605      earthquakes          earthquak
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  6621      eastern              eastern
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  6628      eating               eat
  6629      eats                 eat
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  6636      ebony                eboni
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  6657      edges                edg
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  6670      educated             educ
  6671      education            educ
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  6683      effus                effu
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  6692      eggs                 egg
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  6694      eglamour             eglamour
  6695      eglantine            eglantin
  6696      egma                 egma
  6697      ego                  ego
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  6703      egyptians            egyptian
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  6706      eighteen             eighteen
  6707      eighth               eighth
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  6709      eighty               eighti
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  6713      eke                  ek
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  6724      elected              elect
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  6729      elements             element
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  6731      elephants            eleph
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  6733      eleven               eleven
  6734      eleventh             eleventh
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  6738      elinor               elinor
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  6740      ell                  ell
  6741      elle                 ell
  6742      ellen                ellen
  6743      elm                  elm
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  6745      eloquent             eloqu
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  6747      elsewhere            elsewher
  6748      elsinore             elsinor
  6749      eltham               eltham
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  6752      ely                  eli
  6753      elysium              elysium
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  6757      embalms              embalm
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  6759      embarked             embark
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  6762      embassage            embassag
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  6766      embattl              embattl
  6767      embattle             embattl
  6768      embay                embai
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  6773      emblems              emblem
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  6776      emboldens            embolden
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  6778      embossed             emboss
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  6781      embowell             embowel
  6782      embrac               embrac
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  6784      embraced             embrac
  6785      embracement          embrac
  6786      embracements         embrac
  6787      embraces             embrac
  6788      embracing            embrac
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  6791      embroidery           embroideri
  6792      emhracing            emhrac
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  6794      eminence             emin
  6795      eminent              emin
  6796      eminently            emin
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  6798      emnity               emniti
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  6801      emperess             emperess
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  6803      emperor              emperor
  6804      empery               emperi
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  6807      empirics             empir
  6808      empiricutic          empiricut
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  6811      employed             emploi
  6812      employer             employ
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  6818      emptier              emptier
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  6821      empty                empti
  6822      emptying             empti
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  6824      emulation            emul
  6825      emulations           emul
  6826      emulator             emul
  6827      emulous              emul
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  6834      enamelled            enamel
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  6836      enamoured            enamour
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  6839      encamped             encamp
  6840      encave               encav
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  6843      enchafed             enchaf
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  6859      enclosing            enclos
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  6864      encompassment        encompass
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  6872      encouraged           encourag
  6873      encouragement        encourag
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  6937      engender             engend
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  6948      englishmen           englishmen
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  6953      engrafted            engraft
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  6968      enjoyer              enjoy
  6969      enjoying             enjoi
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  6983      enmity               enmiti
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  6985      ennobled             ennobl
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  6990      enormous             enorm
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  6999      enrage               enrag
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  7003      enrapt               enrapt
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  7012      enrolled             enrol
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  7015      enschedul            enschedul
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  7031      ensnared             ensnar
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  7037      ensues               ensu
  7038      ensuing              ensu
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  7044      entangles            entangl
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  7048      entering             enter
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  7054      entertainer          entertain
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  7057      entertainments       entertain
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  7059      enthralled           enthral
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  7066      entirely             entir
  7067      entitle              entitl
  7068      entitled             entitl
  7069      entitling            entitl
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  7071      entombed             entomb
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  7086      entry                entri
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  7099      envy                 envi
  7100      envying              envi
  7101      enwheel              enwheel
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  7105      ephesians            ephesian
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  7113      epidaurus            epidauru
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  7116      epileptic            epilept
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  7118      epilogues            epilogu
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  7125      epithets             epithet
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  7142      equivocator          equivoc
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  7146      erbears              erbear
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  7151      ercame               ercam
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  7154      ercharged            ercharg
  7155      ercharging           ercharg
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  7158      ercover              ercov
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  7160      erdoing              erdo
  7161      ere                  er
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  7176      erglanced            erglanc
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  7180      ergrown              ergrown
  7181      ergrowth             ergrowth
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  7183      erhanging            erhang
  7184      erhasty              erhasti
  7185      erhear               erhear
  7186      erheard              erheard
  7187      eringoes             eringo
  7188      erjoy                erjoi
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  7193      erlooking            erlook
  7194      ermaster             ermast
  7195      ermengare            ermengar
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  7198      ernight              ernight
  7199      eros                 ero
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  7201      erparted             erpart
  7202      erpast               erpast
  7203      erpays               erpai
  7204      erpeer               erpeer
  7205      erperch              erperch
  7206      erpicturing          erpictur
  7207      erpingham            erpingham
  7208      erposting            erpost
  7209      erpow                erpow
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  7211      erpressed            erpress
  7212      err                  err
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  7220      errest               errest
  7221      erring               er
  7222      erroneous            erron
  7223      error                error
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  7225      errs                 err
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  7227      errun                errun
  7228      erset                erset
  7229      ershade              ershad
  7230      ershades             ershad
  7231      ershine              ershin
  7232      ershot               ershot
  7233      ersized              ersiz
  7234      erskip               erskip
  7235      erslips              erslip
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  7237      erst                 erst
  7238      erstare              erstar
  7239      erstep               erstep
  7240      erstunk              erstunk
  7241      ersway               erswai
  7242      ersways              erswai
  7243      erswell              erswel
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  7245      ertake               ertak
  7246      erteemed             erteem
  7247      erthrow              erthrow
  7248      erthrown             erthrown
  7249      erthrows             erthrow
  7250      ertook               ertook
  7251      ertop                ertop
  7252      ertopping            ertop
  7253      ertrip               ertrip
  7254      erturn               erturn
  7255      erudition            erudit
  7256      eruption             erupt
  7257      eruptions            erupt
  7258      ervalues             ervalu
  7259      erwalk               erwalk
  7260      erwatch              erwatch
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  7262      erweens              erween
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  7336      europe               europ
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  7556      exteriorly           exteriorli
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  7571      exton                exton
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  7584      extravagant          extravag
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  7610      eyne                 eyn
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  7615      fables               fabl
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  7627      facing               face
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  7632      factions             faction
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  7635      factors              factor
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  7637      faculty              faculti
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  7655      fainting             faint
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  7684      falconer             falcon
  7685      falconers            falcon
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  7689      falleth              falleth
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  7691      fallible             fallibl
  7692      falling              fall
  7693      fallow               fallow
  7694      fallows              fallow
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  7704      falsing              fals
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  7706      falstaffs            falstaff
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  7712      familiarity          familiar
  7713      familiarly           familiarli
  7714      familiars            familiar
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  7718      famished             famish
  7719      famous               famou
  7720      famoused             famous
  7721      famously             famous
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  7727      fanes                fane
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  7730      fangless             fangless
  7731      fangs                fang
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  7734      fans                 fan
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  7738      fantastical          fantast
  7739      fantastically        fantast
  7740      fantasticoes         fantastico
  7741      fantasy              fantasi
  7742      fap                  fap
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  7745      farced               farc
  7746      fardel               fardel
  7747      fardels              fardel
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  7751      farewells            farewel
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  7755      farmer               farmer
  7756      farmhouse            farmhous
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  7758      farre                farr
  7759      farrow               farrow
  7760      farther              farther
  7761      farthest             farthest
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  7763      farthingale          farthingal
  7764      farthingales         farthingal
  7765      farthings            farth
  7766      fartuous             fartuou
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  7769      fashionable          fashion
  7770      fashioning           fashion
  7771      fashions             fashion
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  7780      fastolfe             fastolf
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  7784      fatally              fatal
  7785      fate                 fate
  7786      fated                fate
  7787      fates                fate
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  7789      fathered             father
  7790      fatherless           fatherless
  7791      fatherly             fatherli
  7792      fathers              father
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  7794      fathomless           fathomless
  7795      fathoms              fathom
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  7802      fatting              fat
  7803      fatuus               fatuu
  7804      fauconbridge         fauconbridg
  7805      faulconbridge        faulconbridg
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  7824      favourers            favour
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  7833      fawns                fawn
  7834      fay                  fai
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  7845      fearless             fearless
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  7848      feasted              feast
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  7850      feasts               feast
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  7856      feathers             feather
  7857      featly               featli
  7858      feats                feat
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  7860      feature              featur
  7861      featured             featur
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  7863      features             featur
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  7865      fecks                feck
  7866      fed                  fed
  7867      fedary               fedari
  7868      federary             federari
  7869      fee                  fee
  7870      feeble               feebl
  7871      feebled              feebl
  7872      feebleness           feebl
  7873      feebling             feebl
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  7877      feeders              feeder
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  7879      feeding              feed
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  7883      feeling              feel
  7884      feelingly            feelingli
  7885      feels                feel
  7886      fees                 fee
  7887      feet                 feet
  7888      fehemently           fehement
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  7890      feigned              feign
  7891      feigning             feign
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  7893      feith                feith
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  7895      felicity             felic
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  7897      fellest              fellest
  7898      fellies              felli
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  7900      fellowly             fellowli
  7901      fellows              fellow
  7902      fellowship           fellowship
  7903      fellowships          fellowship
  7904      fells                fell
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  7906      felonious            feloni
  7907      felony               feloni
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  7910      females              femal
  7911      feminine             feminin
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  7915      fencer               fencer
  7916      fencing              fenc
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  7919      fenny                fenni
  7920      fens                 fen
  7921      fenton               fenton
  7922      fer                  fer
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  7924      fere                 fere
  7925      fernseed             fernse
  7926      ferrara              ferrara
  7927      ferrers              ferrer
  7928      ferret               ferret
  7929      ferry                ferri
  7930      ferryman             ferryman
  7931      fertile              fertil
  7932      fertility            fertil
  7933      fervency             fervenc
  7934      fervour              fervour
  7935      fery                 feri
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  7937      feste                fest
  7938      fester               fester
  7939      festinate            festin
  7940      festinately          festin
  7941      festival             festiv
  7942      festivals            festiv
  7943      fet                  fet
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  7945      fetches              fetch
  7946      fetching             fetch
  7947      fetlock              fetlock
  7948      fetlocks             fetlock
  7949      fett                 fett
  7950      fetter               fetter
  7951      fettering            fetter
  7952      fetters              fetter
  7953      fettle               fettl
  7954      feu                  feu
  7955      feud                 feud
  7956      fever                fever
  7957      feverous             fever
  7958      fevers               fever
  7959      few                  few
  7960      fewer                fewer
  7961      fewest               fewest
  7962      fewness              few
  7963      fickle               fickl
  7964      fickleness           fickl
  7965      fico                 fico
  7966      fiction              fiction
  7967      fiddle               fiddl
  7968      fiddler              fiddler
  7969      fiddlestick          fiddlestick
  7970      fidele               fidel
  7971      fidelicet            fidelicet
  7972      fidelity             fidel
  7973      fidius               fidiu
  7974      fie                  fie
  7975      field                field
  7976      fielded              field
  7977      fields               field
  7978      fiend                fiend
  7979      fiends               fiend
  7980      fierce               fierc
  7981      fiercely             fierc
  7982      fierceness           fierc
  7983      fiery                fieri
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  7985      fifes                fife
  7986      fifteen              fifteen
  7987      fifteens             fifteen
  7988      fifteenth            fifteenth
  7989      fifth                fifth
  7990      fifty                fifti
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  8002      figure               figur
  8003      figured              figur
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  8010      filches              filch
  8011      filching             filch
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  8019      fillet               fillet
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  8025      fils                 fil
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  8027      filths               filth
  8028      filthy               filthi
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  8083      fishmonger           fishmong
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  8105      fives                five
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  8116      flagons              flagon
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  8124      flamens              flamen
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  8126      flaming              flame
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  8130      flap                 flap
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  8133      flashes              flash
  8134      flashing             flash
  8135      flask                flask
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  8140      flatt                flatt
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  8152      flavius              flaviu
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  8158      flaying              flai
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  8173      fleeter              fleeter
  8174      fleeting             fleet
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  8179      fleshly              fleshli
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  8181      fleshmonger          fleshmong
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  8187      flidge               flidg
  8188      fliers               flier
  8189      flies                fli
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  8192      flights              flight
  8193      flighty              flighti
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  8195      fling                fling
  8196      flint                flint
  8197      flints               flint
  8198      flinty               flinti
  8199      flirt                flirt
  8200      float                float
  8201      floated              float
  8202      floating             float
  8203      flock                flock
  8204      flocks               flock
  8205      flood                flood
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  8207      floods               flood
  8208      floor                floor
  8209      flora                flora
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  8212      florentines          florentin
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  8214      florizel             florizel
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  8225      flouts               flout
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  8238      flushing             flush
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  8240      flute                flute
  8241      flutes               flute
  8242      flutter              flutter
  8243      flux                 flux
  8244      fluxive              fluxiv
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  8246      flying               fly
  8247      fo                   fo
  8248      foal                 foal
  8249      foals                foal
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  8251      foamed               foam
  8252      foaming              foam
  8253      foams                foam
  8254      foamy                foami
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  8260      foemen               foemen
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  8264      fogs                 fog
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  8266      foi                  foi
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  8275      foisons              foison
  8276      foist                foist
  8277      foix                 foix
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  8279      folded               fold
  8280      folds                fold
  8281      folio                folio
  8282      folk                 folk
  8283      folks                folk
  8284      follies              folli
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  8286      followed             follow
  8287      follower             follow
  8288      followers            follow
  8289      followest            followest
  8290      following            follow
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  8294      fonder               fonder
  8295      fondly               fondli
  8296      fondness             fond
  8297      font                 font
  8298      fontibell            fontibel
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  8300      fool                 fool
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  8302      foolery              fooleri
  8303      foolhardy            foolhardi
  8304      fooling              fool
  8305      foolish              foolish
  8306      foolishly            foolishli
  8307      foolishness          foolish
  8308      fools                fool
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  8312      footboys             footboi
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  8317      footmen              footmen
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  8320      footstool            footstool
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  8324      foppish              foppish
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  8332      forbears             forbear
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  8334      forbidden            forbidden
  8335      forbiddenly          forbiddenli
  8336      forbids              forbid
  8337      forbod               forbod
  8338      forborne             forborn
  8339      forc                 forc
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  8342      forceful             forc
  8343      forceless            forceless
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  8346      forcibly             forcibl
  8347      forcing              forc
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  8350      fordo                fordo
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  8352      fordone              fordon
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  8356      forefathers          forefath
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  8362      foreheads            forehead
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  8365      foreigner            foreign
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  8367      foreknowing          foreknow
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  8374      forerunning          forerun
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  8377      foresaw              foresaw
  8378      foresay              foresai
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  8380      foreseeing           forese
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  8389      foresters            forest
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  8392      foretelling          foretel
  8393      foretells            foretel
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  8397      forever              forev
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  8401      forewarning          forewarn
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  8428      forgoing             forgo
  8429      forgone              forgon
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  8431      forgotten            forgotten
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  8434      forks                fork
  8435      forlorn              forlorn
  8436      form                 form
  8437      formal               formal
  8438      formally             formal
  8439      formed               form
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  8441      formerly             formerli
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  8443      forms                form
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  8445      fornications         fornic
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  8453      forsook              forsook
  8454      forsooth             forsooth
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  8458      forswearing          forswear
  8459      forswore             forswor
  8460      forsworn             forsworn
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  8466      forthright           forthright
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  8483      fortune              fortun
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  8487      forty                forti
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  8490      forwarding           forward
  8491      forwardness          forward
  8492      forwards             forward
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  8497      fostered             foster
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  8504      foulness             foul
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  8509      founder              founder
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  8521      fowling              fowl
  8522      fowls                fowl
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  8528      fractions            fraction
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  8531      fragments            fragment
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  8536      frailty              frailti
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  8540      frames               frame
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  8551      francis              franci
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  8553      franciscan           franciscan
  8554      francisco            francisco
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  8563      franticly            franticli
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  8570      fraughting           fraught
  8571      fray                 frai
  8572      frays                frai
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  8575      freckles             freckl
  8576      frederick            frederick
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  8578      freed                freed
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  8580      freedoms             freedom
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  8582      freelier             freelier
  8583      freely               freeli
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  8585      freemen              freemen
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  8587      freer                freer
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  8590      freetown             freetown
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  8594      freezings            freez
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  8597      frenchmen            frenchmen
  8598      frenchwoman          frenchwoman
  8599      frenzy               frenzi
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  8601      frequents            frequent
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  8605      freshest             freshest
  8606      freshly              freshli
  8607      freshness            fresh
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  8612      fretten              fretten
  8613      fretting             fret
  8614      friar                friar
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  8617      fridays              fridai
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  8620      friending            friend
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  8622      friendliness         friendli
  8623      friendly             friendli
  8624      friends              friend
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  8626      friendships          friendship
  8627      frieze               friez
  8628      fright               fright
  8629      frighted             fright
  8630      frightened           frighten
  8631      frightful            fright
  8632      frighting            fright
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  8635      fringed              fring
  8636      frippery             fripperi
  8637      frisk                frisk
  8638      fritters             fritter
  8639      frivolous            frivol
  8640      fro                  fro
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  8642      frog                 frog
  8643      frogmore             frogmor
  8644      froissart            froissart
  8645      frolic               frolic
  8646      from                 from
  8647      front                front
  8648      fronted              front
  8649      frontier             frontier
  8650      frontiers            frontier
  8651      fronting             front
  8652      frontlet             frontlet
  8653      fronts               front
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  8655      frosts               frost
  8656      frosty               frosti
  8657      froth                froth
  8658      froward              froward
  8659      frown                frown
  8660      frowning             frown
  8661      frowningly           frowningli
  8662      frowns               frown
  8663      froze                froze
  8664      frozen               frozen
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  8666      frugal               frugal
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  8668      fruiterer            fruiter
  8669      fruitful             fruit
  8670      fruitfully           fruitfulli
  8671      fruitfulness         fruit
  8672      fruition             fruition
  8673      fruitless            fruitless
  8674      fruits               fruit
  8675      frush                frush
  8676      frustrate            frustrat
  8677      frutify              frutifi
  8678      fry                  fry
  8679      fubb                 fubb
  8680      fuel                 fuel
  8681      fugitive             fugit
  8682      fulfil               fulfil
  8683      fulfill              fulfil
  8684      fulfilling           fulfil
  8685      fulfils              fulfil
  8686      full                 full
  8687      fullam               fullam
  8688      fuller               fuller
  8689      fullers              fuller
  8690      fullest              fullest
  8691      fullness             full
  8692      fully                fulli
  8693      fulness              ful
  8694      fulsome              fulsom
  8695      fulvia               fulvia
  8696      fum                  fum
  8697      fumble               fumbl
  8698      fumbles              fumbl
  8699      fumblest             fumblest
  8700      fumbling             fumbl
  8701      fume                 fume
  8702      fumes                fume
  8703      fuming               fume
  8704      fumiter              fumit
  8705      fumitory             fumitori
  8706      fun                  fun
  8707      function             function
  8708      functions            function
  8709      fundamental          fundament
  8710      funeral              funer
  8711      funerals             funer
  8712      fur                  fur
  8713      furbish              furbish
  8714      furies               furi
  8715      furious              furiou
  8716      furlongs             furlong
  8717      furnace              furnac
  8718      furnaces             furnac
  8719      furnish              furnish
  8720      furnished            furnish
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  8733      furthermore          furthermor
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  8741      fusty                fusti
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  8744      futurity             futur
  8745      g                    g
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  8766      gainsaying           gainsai
  8767      gainsays             gainsai
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  8773      galen                galen
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  8782      galley               gallei
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  8804      gambols              gambol
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  8813      gamut                gamut
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  8819      gaolers              gaoler
  8820      gaols                gaol
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  8859      garters              garter
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  8881      gaudy                gaudi
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  8892      gawds                gawd
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  8896      gaz                  gaz
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  8903      gazing               gaze
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  8916      gems                 gem
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  8942      gentlemen            gentlemen
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  8948      gentlewomen          gentlewomen
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  8956      germane              german
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  8972      ghostly              ghostli
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  9017      gipsy                gipsi
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  9022      girdles              girdl
  9023      girdling             girdl
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  9025      girls                girl
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  9027      girth                girth
  9028      gis                  gi
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  9038      givings              give
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  9053      glares               glare
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  9062      gleaning             glean
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  9074      gliding              glide
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  9077      glimmers             glimmer
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  9079      glimpses             glimps
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  9083      glistering           glister
  9084      glisters             glister
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  9090      gloomy               gloomi
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  9095      gloriously           glorious
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  9103      gloucestershire      gloucestershir
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  9106      gloves               glove
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  9109      glowing              glow
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  9119      glutt                glutt
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  9122      gluttoning           glutton
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  9125      gnarling             gnarl
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  9130      gnawn                gnawn
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  9139      goats                goat
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  9141      gobbo                gobbo
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  9143      goblets              goblet
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  9145      goblins              goblin
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  9156      godliness            godli
  9157      godly                godli
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  9171      goldenly             goldenli
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  9173      goldsmiths           goldsmith
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  9175      goliases             golias
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  9179      gondolier            gondoli
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  9181      goneril              goneril
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  9183      gonzago              gonzago
  9184      gonzalo              gonzalo
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  9188      goodliest            goodliest
  9189      goodly               goodli
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  9197      goodwin              goodwin
  9198      goodwins             goodwin
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  9200      goodyears            goodyear
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  9203      goosequills          goosequil
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  9205      gor                  gor
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  9207      gorboduc             gorboduc
  9208      gordian              gordian
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  9211      gorg                 gorg
  9212      gorge                gorg
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  9218      gormandizing         gormand
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  9222      gospels              gospel
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  9236      gouty                gouti
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  9242      governor             governor
  9243      governors            governor
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  9247      gowns                gown
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  9274      grande               grand
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  9278      grandmother          grandmoth
  9279      grandpre             grandpr
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  9282      grandsires           grandsir
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  9291      grapples             grappl
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  9294      grasped              grasp
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  9305      gratii               gratii
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  9309      gratitude            gratitud
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  9326      gravy                gravi
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  9336      greasy               greasi
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  9343      grecians             grecian
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  9356      greenly              greenli
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  9372      greybeards           greybeard
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  9374      greyhounds           greyhound
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  9379      grievances           grievanc
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  9384      grieving             griev
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  9387      grievously           grievous
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  9404      grissel              grissel
  9405      grize                grize
  9406      grizzle              grizzl
  9407      grizzled             grizzl
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  9409      groaning             groan
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  9412      groats               groat
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  9415      grooms               groom
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  9417      groping              grope
  9418      gros                 gro
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  9420      grosser              grosser
  9421      grossly              grossli
  9422      grossness            gross
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  9424      grounded             ground
  9425      groundlings          groundl
  9426      grounds              ground
  9427      grove                grove
  9428      grovel               grovel
  9429      grovelling           grovel
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  9434      grown                grown
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  9439      grubs                grub
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  9442      grudges              grudg
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  9503      gulfs                gulf
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  9505      gulls                gull
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  9507      gumm                 gumm
  9508      gums                 gum
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  9516      gusts                gust
  9517      gusty                gusti
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  9526      gyves                gyve
  9527      h                    h
  9528      ha                   ha
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  9531      habiliments          habili
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  9539      hackney              hacknei
  9540      hacks                hack
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  9542      hadst                hadst
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  9548      haggards             haggard
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  9550      haggled              haggl
  9551      hags                 hag
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  9555      hailstones           hailston
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  9557      hairless             hairless
  9558      hairs                hair
  9559      hairy                hairi
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  9561      halberd              halberd
  9562      halberds             halberd
  9563      halcyon              halcyon
  9564      hale                 hale
  9565      haled                hale
  9566      hales                hale
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  9568      halfcan              halfcan
  9569      halfpence            halfpenc
  9570      halfpenny            halfpenni
  9571      halfpennyworth       halfpennyworth
  9572      halfway              halfwai
  9573      halidom              halidom
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  9575      halloa               halloa
  9576      halloing             hallo
  9577      hallond              hallond
  9578      halloo               halloo
  9579      hallooing            halloo
  9580      hallow               hallow
  9581      hallowed             hallow
  9582      hallowmas            hallowma
  9583      hallown              hallown
  9584      hals                 hal
  9585      halt                 halt
  9586      halter               halter
  9587      halters              halter
  9588      halting              halt
  9589      halts                halt
  9590      halves               halv
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  9592      hames                hame
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  9594      hammer               hammer
  9595      hammered             hammer
  9596      hammering            hammer
  9597      hammers              hammer
  9598      hamper               hamper
  9599      hampton              hampton
  9600      hams                 ham
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  9603      handed               hand
  9604      handful              hand
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  9606      handicraftsmen       handicraftsmen
  9607      handing              hand
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  9610      handkerchers         handkerch
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  9612      handle               handl
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  9616      handlest             handlest
  9617      handling             handl
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  9619      handmaids            handmaid
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  9623      handsomely           handsom
  9624      handsomeness         handsom
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  9626      handy                handi
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  9628      hanged               hang
  9629      hangers              hanger
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  9631      hanging              hang
  9632      hangings             hang
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  9634      hangmen              hangmen
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  9639      haply                hapli
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  9647      happiness            happi
  9648      happy                happi
  9649      haps                 hap
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  9653      harbour              harbour
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  9657      harcourt             harcourt
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  9663      hardiness            hardi
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  9667      hardy                hardi
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  9670      hares                hare
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  9672      hark                 hark
  9673      harlot               harlot
  9674      harlotry             harlotri
  9675      harlots              harlot
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  9677      harmed               harm
  9678      harmful              harm
  9679      harming              harm
  9680      harmless             harmless
  9681      harmonious           harmoni
  9682      harmony              harmoni
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  9687      harpier              harpier
  9688      harping              harp
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  9691      harrow               harrow
  9692      harrows              harrow
  9693      harry                harri
  9694      harsh                harsh
  9695      harshly              harshli
  9696      harshness            harsh
  9697      hart                 hart
  9698      harts                hart
  9699      harum                harum
  9700      harvest              harvest
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  9703      haste                hast
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  9705      hasten               hasten
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  9707      hastily              hastili
  9708      hasting              hast
  9709      hastings             hast
  9710      hasty                hasti
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  9715      hatching             hatch
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  9720      hater                hater
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  9725      hath                 hath
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  9727      hatred               hatr
  9728      hats                 hat
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  9733      haughty              haughti
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  9737      haunted              haunt
  9738      haunting             haunt
  9739      haunts               haunt
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  9741      hautboys             hautboi
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  9744      havens               haven
  9745      haver                haver
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  9747      havings              have
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  9752      hawking              hawk
  9753      hawks                hawk
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  9755      hawthorns            hawthorn
  9756      hay                  hai
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  9758      hazarded             hazard
  9759      hazards              hazard
  9760      hazel                hazel
  9761      hazelnut             hazelnut
  9762      he                   he
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  9766      headier              headier
  9767      heading              head
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  9769      headless             headless
  9770      headlong             headlong
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  9774      heady                headi
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  9776      healed               heal
  9777      healing              heal
  9778      heals                heal
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  9780      healthful            health
  9781      healths              health
  9782      healthsome           healthsom
  9783      healthy              healthi
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  9785      heaping              heap
  9786      heaps                heap
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  9790      hearers              hearer
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  9797      hearkens             hearken
  9798      hears                hear
  9799      hearsay              hearsai
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  9801      hearsed              hears
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  9806      heartbreaking        heartbreak
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  9808      hearten              hearten
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  9812      heartiness           hearti
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  9815      heartly              heartli
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  9818      heartstrings         heartstr
  9819      hearty               hearti
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  9822      heath                heath
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  9824      heathenish           heathenish
  9825      heating              heat
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  9837      heavily              heavili
  9838      heaviness            heavi
  9839      heaving              heav
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  9843      hebrew               hebrew
  9844      hecate               hecat
  9845      hectic               hectic
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  9847      hectors              hector
  9848      hecuba               hecuba
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  9850      hedge                hedg
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  9852      hedgehogs            hedgehog
  9853      hedges               hedg
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  9857      heedfull             heedful
  9858      heedfully            heedfulli
  9859      heedless             heedless
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  9861      heels                heel
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  9863      hefts                heft
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  9865      heifers              heifer
  9866      heigh                heigh
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  9868      heighten             heighten
  9869      heinous              heinou
  9870      heinously            heinous
  9871      heir                 heir
  9872      heiress              heiress
  9873      heirless             heirless
  9874      heirs                heir
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  9876      helen                helen
  9877      helena               helena
  9878      helenus              helenu
  9879      helias               helia
  9880      helicons             helicon
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  9882      hellespont           hellespont
  9883      hellfire             hellfir
  9884      hellish              hellish
  9885      helm                 helm
  9886      helmed               helm
  9887      helmet               helmet
  9888      helmets              helmet
  9889      helms                helm
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  9891      helper               helper
  9892      helpers              helper
  9893      helpful              help
  9894      helping              help
  9895      helpless             helpless
  9896      helps                help
  9897      helter               helter
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  9899      heme                 heme
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  9901      hemm                 hemm
  9902      hemp                 hemp
  9903      hempen               hempen
  9904      hems                 hem
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  9908      henceforward         henceforward
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  9912      henry                henri
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  9914      hent                 hent
  9915      henton               henton
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  9917      herald               herald
  9918      heraldry             heraldri
  9919      heralds              herald
  9920      herb                 herb
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  9922      herblets             herblet
  9923      herbs                herb
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  9925      hercules             hercul
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  9927      herds                herd
  9928      herdsman             herdsman
  9929      herdsmen             herdsmen
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  9932      hereabouts           hereabout
  9933      hereafter            hereaft
  9934      hereby               herebi
  9935      hereditary           hereditari
  9936      hereford             hereford
  9937      herefordshire        herefordshir
  9938      herein               herein
  9939      hereof               hereof
  9940      heresies             heresi
  9941      heresy               heresi
  9942      heretic              heret
  9943      heretics             heret
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  9945      hereupon             hereupon
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  9947      heritier             heriti
  9948      hermes               herm
  9949      hermia               hermia
  9950      hermione             hermion
  9951      hermit               hermit
  9952      hermitage            hermitag
  9953      hermits              hermit
  9954      herne                hern
  9955      hero                 hero
  9956      herod                herod
  9957      herods               herod
  9958      heroes               hero
  9959      heroic               heroic
  9960      heroical             heroic
  9961      herring              her
  9962      herrings             her
  9963      hers                 her
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  9966      hesperus             hesperu
  9967      hest                 hest
  9968      hests                hest
  9969      heure                heur
  9970      heureux              heureux
  9971      hew                  hew
  9972      hewgh                hewgh
  9973      hewing               hew
  9974      hewn                 hewn
  9975      hews                 hew
  9976      hey                  hei
  9977      heyday               heydai
  9978      hibocrates           hibocr
  9979      hic                  hic
  9980      hiccups              hiccup
  9981      hick                 hick
  9982      hid                  hid
  9983      hidden               hidden
  9984      hide                 hide
  9985      hideous              hideou
  9986      hideously            hideous
  9987      hideousness          hideous
  9988      hides                hide
  9989      hidest               hidest
  9990      hiding               hide
  9991      hie                  hie
  9992      hied                 hi
  9993      hiems                hiem
  9994      hies                 hi
  9995      hig                  hig
  9996      high                 high
  9997      higher               higher
  9998      highest              highest
  9999      highly               highli
 10000      highmost             highmost
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 10005      hilding              hild
 10006      hildings             hild
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 10008      hillo                hillo
 10009      hilloa               hilloa
 10010      hills                hill
 10011      hilt                 hilt
 10012      hilts                hilt
 10013      hily                 hili
 10014      him                  him
 10015      himself              himself
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 10017      hinckley             hincklei
 10018      hind                 hind
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 10020      hindered             hinder
 10021      hinders              hinder
 10022      hindmost             hindmost
 10023      hinds                hind
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 10025      hinge                hing
 10026      hinges               hing
 10027      hint                 hint
 10028      hip                  hip
 10029      hipp                 hipp
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 10031      hippolyta            hippolyta
 10032      hips                 hip
 10033      hir                  hir
 10034      hire                 hire
 10035      hired                hire
 10036      hiren                hiren
 10037      hirtius              hirtiu
 10038      his                  hi
 10039      hisperia             hisperia
 10040      hiss                 hiss
 10041      hisses               hiss
 10042      hissing              hiss
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 10044      historical           histor
 10045      history              histori
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 10048      hitherto             hitherto
 10049      hitherward           hitherward
 10050      hitherwards          hitherward
 10051      hits                 hit
 10052      hitting              hit
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 10054      hives                hive
 10055      hizzing              hizz
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 10057      hoa                  hoa
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 10059      hoard                hoard
 10060      hoarded              hoard
 10061      hoarding             hoard
 10062      hoars                hoar
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 10064      hoary                hoari
 10065      hob                  hob
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 10069      hobgoblin            hobgoblin
 10070      hobnails             hobnail
 10071      hoc                  hoc
 10072      hod                  hod
 10073      hodge                hodg
 10074      hog                  hog
 10075      hogs                 hog
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 10077      hogsheads            hogshead
 10078      hois                 hoi
 10079      hoise                hois
 10080      hoist                hoist
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 10082      hoists               hoist
 10083      holborn              holborn
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 10085      holden               holden
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 10089      holding              hold
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 10092      holes                hole
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 10094      holidame             holidam
 10095      holiday              holidai
 10096      holidays             holidai
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 10100      holiness             holi
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 10103      hollander            holland
 10104      hollanders           holland
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 10106      holloaing            holloa
 10107      hollow               hollow
 10108      hollowly             hollowli
 10109      hollowness           hollow
 10110      holly                holli
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 10112      holofernes           holofern
 10113      holp                 holp
 10114      holy                 holi
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 10116      homager              homag
 10117      home                 home
 10118      homely               home
 10119      homes                home
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 10121      homeward             homeward
 10122      homewards            homeward
 10123      homicide             homicid
 10124      homicides            homicid
 10125      homily               homili
 10126      hominem              hominem
 10127      hommes               homm
 10128      homo                 homo
 10129      honest               honest
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 10131      honestest            honestest
 10132      honestly             honestli
 10133      honesty              honesti
 10134      honey                honei
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 10136      honeying             honei
 10137      honeyless            honeyless
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 10139      honeysuckles         honeysuckl
 10140      honi                 honi
 10141      honneur              honneur
 10142      honor                honor
 10143      honorable            honor
 10144      honorably            honor
 10145      honorato             honorato
 10146      honors               honor
 10147      honour               honour
 10148      honourable           honour
 10149      honourably           honour
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 10151      honourest            honourest
 10152      honourible           honour
 10153      honouring            honour
 10154      honours              honour
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 10157      hooded               hood
 10158      hoodman              hoodman
 10159      hoods                hood
 10160      hoodwink             hoodwink
 10161      hoof                 hoof
 10162      hoofs                hoof
 10163      hook                 hook
 10164      hooking              hook
 10165      hooks                hook
 10166      hoop                 hoop
 10167      hoops                hoop
 10168      hoot                 hoot
 10169      hooted               hoot
 10170      hooting              hoot
 10171      hoots                hoot
 10172      hop                  hop
 10173      hope                 hope
 10174      hopeful              hope
 10175      hopeless             hopeless
 10176      hopes                hope
 10177      hopest               hopest
 10178      hoping               hope
 10179      hopkins              hopkin
 10180      hoppedance           hopped
 10181      hor                  hor
 10182      horace               horac
 10183      horatio              horatio
 10184      horizon              horizon
 10185      horn                 horn
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 10187      horned               horn
 10188      horner               horner
 10189      horning              horn
 10190      hornpipes            hornpip
 10191      horns                horn
 10192      horologe             horolog
 10193      horrible             horribl
 10194      horribly             horribl
 10195      horrid               horrid
 10196      horrider             horrid
 10197      horridly             horridli
 10198      horror               horror
 10199      horrors              horror
 10200      hors                 hor
 10201      horse                hors
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 10203      horsed               hors
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 10205      horseman             horseman
 10206      horsemanship         horsemanship
 10207      horsemen             horsemen
 10208      horses               hors
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 10210      horsing              hors
 10211      hortensio            hortensio
 10212      hortensius           hortensiu
 10213      horum                horum
 10214      hose                 hose
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 10216      hospital             hospit
 10217      hospitality          hospit
 10218      host                 host
 10219      hostage              hostag
 10220      hostages             hostag
 10221      hostess              hostess
 10222      hostile              hostil
 10223      hostility            hostil
 10224      hostilius            hostiliu
 10225      hosts                host
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 10227      hotly                hotli
 10228      hotspur              hotspur
 10229      hotter               hotter
 10230      hottest              hottest
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 10232      hounds               hound
 10233      hour                 hour
 10234      hourly               hourli
 10235      hours                hour
 10236      hous                 hou
 10237      house                hous
 10238      household            household
 10239      householder          household
 10240      householders         household
 10241      households           household
 10242      housekeeper          housekeep
 10243      housekeepers         housekeep
 10244      housekeeping         housekeep
 10245      houseless            houseless
 10246      houses               hous
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 10248      housewifery          housewiferi
 10249      housewives           housew
 10250      hovel                hovel
 10251      hover                hover
 10252      hovered              hover
 10253      hovering             hover
 10254      hovers               hover
 10255      how                  how
 10256      howbeit              howbeit
 10257      howe                 how
 10258      howeer               howeer
 10259      however              howev
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 10262      howlet               howlet
 10263      howling              howl
 10264      howls                howl
 10265      howsoe               howso
 10266      howsoever            howsoev
 10267      howsome              howsom
 10268      hoxes                hox
 10269      hoy                  hoi
 10270      hoyday               hoydai
 10271      hubert               hubert
 10272      huddled              huddl
 10273      huddling             huddl
 10274      hue                  hue
 10275      hued                 hu
 10276      hues                 hue
 10277      hug                  hug
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 10279      hugely               huge
 10280      hugeness             huge
 10281      hugg                 hugg
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 10283      hugh                 hugh
 10284      hugs                 hug
 10285      hujus                huju
 10286      hulk                 hulk
 10287      hulks                hulk
 10288      hull                 hull
 10289      hulling              hull
 10290      hullo                hullo
 10291      hum                  hum
 10292      human                human
 10293      humane               human
 10294      humanely             human
 10295      humanity             human
 10296      humble               humbl
 10297      humbled              humbl
 10298      humbleness           humbl
 10299      humbler              humbler
 10300      humbles              humbl
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 10302      humbling             humbl
 10303      humbly               humbl
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 10305      humh                 humh
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 10307      humility             humil
 10308      humming              hum
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 10310      humorous             humor
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 10312      humour               humour
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 10314      humours              humour
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 10316      humphry              humphri
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 10319      hundreds             hundr
 10320      hundredth            hundredth
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 10323      hungary              hungari
 10324      hunger               hunger
 10325      hungerford           hungerford
 10326      hungerly             hungerli
 10327      hungry               hungri
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 10329      hunted               hunt
 10330      hunter               hunter
 10331      hunters              hunter
 10332      hunteth              hunteth
 10333      hunting              hunt
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 10335      huntress             huntress
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 10338      huntsmen             huntsmen
 10339      hurdle               hurdl
 10340      hurl                 hurl
 10341      hurling              hurl
 10342      hurls                hurl
 10343      hurly                hurli
 10344      hurlyburly           hurlyburli
 10345      hurricano            hurricano
 10346      hurricanoes          hurricano
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 10348      hurries              hurri
 10349      hurry                hurri
 10350      hurt                 hurt
 10351      hurting              hurt
 10352      hurtled              hurtl
 10353      hurtless             hurtless
 10354      hurtling             hurtl
 10355      hurts                hurt
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 10357      husbanded            husband
 10358      husbandless          husbandless
 10359      husbandry            husbandri
 10360      husbands             husband
 10361      hush                 hush
 10362      hushes               hush
 10363      husht                husht
 10364      husks                husk
 10365      huswife              huswif
 10366      huswifes             huswif
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 10368      hybla                hybla
 10369      hydra                hydra
 10370      hyen                 hyen
 10371      hymen                hymen
 10372      hymenaeus            hymenaeu
 10373      hymn                 hymn
 10374      hymns                hymn
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 10376      hyperbolical         hyperbol
 10377      hyperion             hyperion
 10378      hypocrisy            hypocrisi
 10379      hypocrite            hypocrit
 10380      hypocrites           hypocrit
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 10382      hyrcania             hyrcania
 10383      hyrcanian            hyrcanian
 10384      hyssop               hyssop
 10385      hysterica            hysterica
 10386      i                    i
 10387      iachimo              iachimo
 10388      iaculis              iaculi
 10389      iago                 iago
 10390      iament               iament
 10391      ibat                 ibat
 10392      icarus               icaru
 10393      ice                  ic
 10394      iceland              iceland
 10395      ici                  ici
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 10397      icicles              icicl
 10398      icy                  ici
 10399      idea                 idea
 10400      ideas                idea
 10401      idem                 idem
 10402      iden                 iden
 10403      ides                 id
 10404      idiot                idiot
 10405      idiots               idiot
 10406      idle                 idl
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 10408      idles                idl
 10409      idly                 idli
 10410      idol                 idol
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 10412      idolatry             idolatri
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 10415      ifs                  if
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 10417      ignoble              ignobl
 10418      ignobly              ignobl
 10419      ignominious          ignomini
 10420      ignominy             ignomini
 10421      ignomy               ignomi
 10422      ignorance            ignor
 10423      ignorant             ignor
 10424      ii                   ii
 10425      iii                  iii
 10426      iiii                 iiii
 10427      il                   il
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 10429      ild                  ild
 10430      ilion                ilion
 10431      ilium                ilium
 10432      ill                  ill
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 10435      illness              ill
 10436      illo                 illo
 10437      ills                 ill
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 10439      illumin              illumin
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 10443      illusions            illus
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 10445      illustrated          illustr
 10446      illustrious          illustri
 10447      illyria              illyria
 10448      illyrian             illyrian
 10449      ils                  il
 10450      im                   im
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 10453      images               imag
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 10455      imaginary            imaginari
 10456      imagination          imagin
 10457      imaginations         imagin
 10458      imagine              imagin
 10459      imagining            imagin
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 10462      imbecility           imbecil
 10463      imbrue               imbru
 10464      imitari              imitari
 10465      imitate              imit
 10466      imitated             imit
 10467      imitation            imit
 10468      imitations           imit
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 10470      immanity             imman
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 10473      immediacy            immediaci
 10474      immediate            immedi
 10475      immediately          immedi
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 10477      imminent             immin
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 10479      immoderately         immoder
 10480      immodest             immodest
 10481      immoment             immoment
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 10483      immortaliz           immortaliz
 10484      immortally           immort
 10485      immur                immur
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 10492      impairing            impair
 10493      impale               impal
 10494      impaled              impal
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 10497      imparted             impart
 10498      impartial            imparti
 10499      impartment           impart
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 10503      impatient            impati
 10504      impatiently          impati
 10505      impawn               impawn
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 10508      impeachment          impeach
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 10512      impediments          impedi
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 10515      imperceiverant       imperceiver
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 10517      imperfection         imperfect
 10518      imperfections        imperfect
 10519      imperfectly          imperfectli
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 10521      imperious            imperi
 10522      imperiously          imperi
 10523      impertinency         impertin
 10524      impertinent          impertin
 10525      impeticos            impetico
 10526      impetuosity          impetuos
 10527      impetuous            impetu
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 10529      impiety              impieti
 10530      impious              impiou
 10531      implacable           implac
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 10535      implorators          implor
 10536      implore              implor
 10537      implored             implor
 10538      imploring            implor
 10539      impon                impon
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 10541      importance           import
 10542      importancy           import
 10543      important            import
 10544      importantly          importantli
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 10546      importeth            importeth
 10547      importing            import
 10548      importless           importless
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 10550      importun             importun
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 10552      importunate          importun
 10553      importune            importun
 10554      importunes           importun
 10555      importunity          importun
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 10560      impositions          imposit
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 10562      impossibility        imposs
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 10565      impostor             impostor
 10566      impostors            impostor
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 10568      impotent             impot
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 10570      impregnable          impregn
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 10575      impression           impress
 10576      impressure           impressur
 10577      imprimendum          imprimendum
 10578      imprimis             imprimi
 10579      imprint              imprint
 10580      imprinted            imprint
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 10582      imprisoned           imprison
 10583      imprisoning          imprison
 10584      imprisonment         imprison
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 10590      impudency            impud
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 10592      impudently           impud
 10593      impudique            impudiqu
 10594      impugn               impugn
 10595      impugns              impugn
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 10599      in                   in
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 10601      inaidable            inaid
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 10604      incaged              incag
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 10608      incarnadine          incarnadin
 10609      incarnate            incarn
 10610      incarnation          incarn
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 10615      incenses             incens
 10616      incensing            incens
 10617      incertain            incertain
 10618      incertainties        incertainti
 10619      incertainty          incertainti
 10620      incessant            incess
 10621      incessantly          incessantli
 10622      incest               incest
 10623      incestuous           incestu
 10624      inch                 inch
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 10626      inches               inch
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 10628      incident             incid
 10629      incision             incis
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 10633      incivility           incivil
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 10635      inclinable           inclin
 10636      inclination          inclin
 10637      incline              inclin
 10638      inclined             inclin
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 10640      inclining            inclin
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 10653      incontinently        incontin
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 10655      inconveniences       inconveni
 10656      inconvenient         inconveni
 10657      incony               inconi
 10658      incorporate          incorpor
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 10662      increase             increas
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 10665      increasing           increas
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 10668      incur                incur
 10669      incurable            incur
 10670      incurr               incurr
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 10682      indexes              index
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 10697      indignations         indign
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 10703      indirections         indirect
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 10705      indiscreet           indiscreet
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 10708      indisposition        indisposit
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 10710      indistinct           indistinct
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 10718      induc                induc
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 10728      indulgences          indulg
 10729      indulgent            indulg
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 10732      industriously        industri
 10733      industry             industri
 10734      inequality           inequ
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 10737      inexecrable          inexecr
 10738      inexorable           inexor
 10739      inexplicable         inexplic
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 10741      infallibly           infal
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 10768      infinitely           infinit
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 10772      infirmity            infirm
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 10774      infixing             infix
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 10777      inflaming            inflam
 10778      inflammation         inflamm
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 10780      infliction           inflict
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 10794      infringed            infring
 10795      infus                infu
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 10797      infused              infus
 10798      infusing             infus
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 10802      ingeniously          ingeni
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 10804      ingots               ingot
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 10811      ingratitudes         ingratitud
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 10813      ingredients          ingredi
 10814      ingross              ingross
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 10826      inheriting           inherit
 10827      inheritor            inheritor
 10828      inheritors           inheritor
 10829      inheritrix           inheritrix
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 10834      inhuman              inhuman
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 10845      injurious            injuri
 10846      injury               injuri
 10847      injustice            injustic
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 10850      inkle                inkl
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 10852      inkling              inkl
 10853      inky                 inki
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 10855      inland               inland
 10856      inlay                inlai
 10857      inly                 inli
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 10860      inner                inner
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 10867      innovator            innov
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 10869      innumerable          innumer
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 10873      inquir               inquir
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 10880      insanie              insani
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 10895      inset                inset
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 10901      insinuateth          insinuateth
 10902      insinuating          insinu
 10903      insinuation          insinu
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 10905      insisting            insist
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 10908      insolence            insol
 10909      insolent             insol
 10910      insomuch             insomuch
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 10913      inspirations         inspir
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 10920      instances            instanc
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 10922      instantly            instantli
 10923      instate              instat
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 10932      instinctively        instinct
 10933      institute            institut
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 10937      instruction          instruct
 10938      instructions         instruct
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 10941      instrumental         instrument
 10942      instruments          instrument
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 10944      insufficience        insuffici
 10945      insufficiency        insuffici
 10946      insult               insult
 10947      insulted             insult
 10948      insulting            insult
 10949      insultment           insult
 10950      insults              insult
 10951      insupportable        insupport
 10952      insuppressive        insuppress
 10953      insurrection         insurrect
 10954      insurrections        insurrect
 10955      int                  int
 10956      integer              integ
 10957      integritas           integrita
 10958      integrity            integr
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 11760      leaning              lean
 11761      leanness             lean
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 11765      leaping              leap
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 11772      learning             learn
 11773      learnings            learn
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 11780      leasing              leas
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 11784      leav                 leav
 11785      leave                leav
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 11788      leaver               leaver
 11789      leaves               leav
 11790      leaving              leav
 11791      leavy                leavi
 11792      lecher               lecher
 11793      lecherous            lecher
 11794      lechers              lecher
 11795      lechery              lecheri
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 11806      leers                leer
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 11828      leiger               leiger
 11829      leigers              leiger
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 11831      leisurely            leisur
 11832      leisures             leisur
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 11834      lemon                lemon
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 11838      lending              lend
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 11854      leonato              leonato
 11855      leonatus             leonatu
 11856      leontes              leont
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 11858      leopards             leopard
 11859      leper                leper
 11860      leperous             leper
 11861      lepidus              lepidu
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 11863      lequel               lequel
 11864      lers                 ler
 11865      les                  le
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 11867      lessen               lessen
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 11869      lesser               lesser
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 11871      lessoned             lesson
 11872      lessons              lesson
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 11877      lethargies           lethargi
 11878      lethargy             lethargi
 11879      lethe                leth
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 11881      lett                 lett
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 11883      letters              letter
 11884      letting              let
 11885      lettuce              lettuc
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 11889      levell               level
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 11897      levies               levi
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 11899      levy                 levi
 11900      levying              levi
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 11916      libertine            libertin
 11917      libertines           libertin
 11918      liberty              liberti
 11919      library              librari
 11920      libya                libya
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 11922      licens               licen
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 11925      lichas               licha
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 11932      lids                 lid
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 11939      liegemen             liegemen
 11940      lien                 lien
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 11942      liest                liest
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 11945      lieutenant           lieuten
 11946      lieutenantry         lieutenantri
 11947      lieutenants          lieuten
 11948      lieve                liev
 11949      life                 life
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 11952      lifelings            lifel
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 11956      lifteth              lifteth
 11957      lifting              lift
 11958      lifts                lift
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 11961      liggens              liggen
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 11963      lighted              light
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 11966      lighter              lighter
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 11971      lightnings           lightn
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 11985      liking               like
 11986      likings              like
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 11988      lily                 lili
 11989      lim                  lim
 11990      limander             limand
 11991      limb                 limb
 11992      limbeck              limbeck
 11993      limbecks             limbeck
 11994      limber               limber
 11995      limbo                limbo
 11996      limbs                limb
 11997      lime                 lime
 11998      limed                lime
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 12002      limitation           limit
 12003      limited              limit
 12004      limits               limit
 12005      limn                 limn
 12006      limp                 limp
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 12008      limps                limp
 12009      lin                  lin
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 12011      lincolnshire         lincolnshir
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 12027      lining               line
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 12029      links                link
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 12034      lionel               lionel
 12035      lioness              lioness
 12036      lions                lion
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 12038      lipp                 lipp
 12039      lips                 lip
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 12042      liquor               liquor
 12043      liquorish            liquorish
 12044      liquors              liquor
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 12051      listening            listen
 12052      lists                list
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 12073      living               live
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 12076      lizards              lizard
 12077      ll                   ll
 12078      lll                  lll
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 12080      lnd                  lnd
 12081      lo                   lo
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 12091      loath                loath
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 12094      loather              loather
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 12097      loathly              loathli
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 12100      loathsomeness        loathsom
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 12105      lobby                lobbi
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 12123      lodowick             lodowick
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 12128      loggerheads          loggerhead
 12129      loggets              logget
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 12144      lonely               lone
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 12152      longing              long
 12153      longings             long
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 12158      loof                 loof
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 12172      loosen               loosen
 12173      loosing              loos
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 12175      lopp                 lopp
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 12179      lording              lord
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 12182      lordly               lordli
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 12185      lordships            lordship
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 12189      lorship              lorship
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 12210      louring              lour
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 12213      lousy                lousi
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 12216      louts                lout
 12217      louvre               louvr
 12218      lov                  lov
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 12224      loveliness           loveli
 12225      lovell               lovel
 12226      lovely               love
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 12230      loves                love
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 12247      loyalty              loyalti
 12248      lozel                lozel
 12249      lt                   lt
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 12251      lubberly             lubberli
 12252      luc                  luc
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 12254      luce                 luce
 12255      lucentio             lucentio
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 12258      luciana              luciana
 12259      lucianus             lucianu
 12260      lucifer              lucif
 12261      lucifier             lucifi
 12262      lucilius             luciliu
 12263      lucina               lucina
 12264      lucio                lucio
 12265      lucius               luciu
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 12271      lucky                lucki
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 12274      lucretia             lucretia
 12275      lucullius            luculliu
 12276      lucullus             lucullu
 12277      lucy                 luci
 12278      lud                  lud
 12279      ludlow               ludlow
 12280      lug                  lug
 12281      lugg                 lugg
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 12285      lull                 lull
 12286      lulla                lulla
 12287      lullaby              lullabi
 12288      lulls                lull
 12289      lumbert              lumbert
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 12291      lumpish              lumpish
 12292      luna                 luna
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 12294      lunacy               lunaci
 12295      lunatic              lunat
 12296      lunatics             lunat
 12297      lunes                lune
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 12299      lupercal             luperc
 12300      lurch                lurch
 12301      lure                 lure
 12302      lurk                 lurk
 12303      lurketh              lurketh
 12304      lurking              lurk
 12305      lurks                lurk
 12306      luscious             lusciou
 12307      lush                 lush
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 12310      luster               luster
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 12314      lustig               lustig
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 12316      lustily              lustili
 12317      lustre               lustr
 12318      lustrous             lustrou
 12319      lusts                lust
 12320      lusty                lusti
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 12322      lutes                lute
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 12326      luxuriously          luxuri
 12327      luxury               luxuri
 12328      ly                   ly
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 12331      lydia                lydia
 12332      lye                  lye
 12333      lyen                 lyen
 12334      lying                ly
 12335      lym                  lym
 12336      lymoges              lymog
 12337      lynn                 lynn
 12338      lysander             lysand
 12339      m                    m
 12340      ma                   ma
 12341      maan                 maan
 12342      mab                  mab
 12343      macbeth              macbeth
 12344      maccabaeus           maccabaeu
 12345      macdonwald           macdonwald
 12346      macduff              macduff
 12347      mace                 mace
 12348      macedon              macedon
 12349      maces                mace
 12350      machiavel            machiavel
 12351      machination          machin
 12352      machinations         machin
 12353      machine              machin
 12354      mack                 mack
 12355      macmorris            macmorri
 12356      maculate             macul
 12357      maculation           macul
 12358      mad                  mad
 12359      madam                madam
 12360      madame               madam
 12361      madams               madam
 12362      madcap               madcap
 12363      madded               mad
 12364      madding              mad
 12365      made                 made
 12366      madeira              madeira
 12367      madly                madli
 12368      madman               madman
 12369      madmen               madmen
 12370      madness              mad
 12371      madonna              madonna
 12372      madrigals            madrig
 12373      mads                 mad
 12374      maecenas             maecena
 12375      maggot               maggot
 12376      maggots              maggot
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 12378      magical              magic
 12379      magician             magician
 12380      magistrate           magistr
 12381      magistrates          magistr
 12382      magnanimity          magnanim
 12383      magnanimous          magnanim
 12384      magni                magni
 12385      magnifi              magnifi
 12386      magnificence         magnific
 12387      magnificent          magnific
 12388      magnifico            magnifico
 12389      magnificoes          magnifico
 12390      magnus               magnu
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 12392      mahu                 mahu
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 12396      maidenheads          maidenhead
 12397      maidenhood           maidenhood
 12398      maidenhoods          maidenhood
 12399      maidenliest          maidenliest
 12400      maidenly             maidenli
 12401      maidens              maiden
 12402      maidhood             maidhood
 12403      maids                maid
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 12405      mailed               mail
 12406      mails                mail
 12407      maim                 maim
 12408      maimed               maim
 12409      maims                maim
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 12411      maincourse           maincours
 12412      maine                main
 12413      mainly               mainli
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 12415      mains                main
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 12418      maintains            maintain
 12419      maintenance          mainten
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 12424      majestic             majest
 12425      majestical           majest
 12426      majestically         majest
 12427      majesties            majesti
 12428      majesty              majesti
 12429      major                major
 12430      majority             major
 12431      mak                  mak
 12432      make                 make
 12433      makeless             makeless
 12434      maker                maker
 12435      makers               maker
 12436      makes                make
 12437      makest               makest
 12438      maketh               maketh
 12439      making               make
 12440      makings              make
 12441      mal                  mal
 12442      mala                 mala
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 12444      malady               maladi
 12445      malapert             malapert
 12446      malcolm              malcolm
 12447      malcontent           malcont
 12448      malcontents          malcont
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 12451      malefactions         malefact
 12452      malefactor           malefactor
 12453      malefactors          malefactor
 12454      males                male
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 12456      malevolent           malevol
 12457      malhecho             malhecho
 12458      malice               malic
 12459      malicious            malici
 12460      maliciously          malici
 12461      malign               malign
 12462      malignancy           malign
 12463      malignant            malign
 12464      malignantly          malignantli
 12465      malkin               malkin
 12466      mall                 mall
 12467      mallard              mallard
 12468      mallet               mallet
 12469      mallows              mallow
 12470      malmsey              malmsei
 12471      malt                 malt
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 12473      malvolio             malvolio
 12474      mamillius            mamilliu
 12475      mammering            mammer
 12476      mammet               mammet
 12477      mammets              mammet
 12478      mammock              mammock
 12479      man                  man
 12480      manacle              manacl
 12481      manacles             manacl
 12482      manage               manag
 12483      managed              manag
 12484      manager              manag
 12485      managing             manag
 12486      manakin              manakin
 12487      manchus              manchu
 12488      mandate              mandat
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 12490      mandrake             mandrak
 12491      mandrakes            mandrak
 12492      mane                 mane
 12493      manent               manent
 12494      manes                mane
 12495      manet                manet
 12496      manfully             manfulli
 12497      mangle               mangl
 12498      mangled              mangl
 12499      mangles              mangl
 12500      mangling             mangl
 12501      mangy                mangi
 12502      manhood              manhood
 12503      manhoods             manhood
 12504      manifest             manifest
 12505      manifested           manifest
 12506      manifests            manifest
 12507      manifold             manifold
 12508      manifoldly           manifoldli
 12509      manka                manka
 12510      mankind              mankind
 12511      manlike              manlik
 12512      manly                manli
 12513      mann                 mann
 12514      manna                manna
 12515      manner               manner
 12516      mannerly             mannerli
 12517      manners              manner
 12518      manningtree          manningtre
 12519      mannish              mannish
 12520      manor                manor
 12521      manors               manor
 12522      mans                 man
 12523      mansion              mansion
 12524      mansionry            mansionri
 12525      mansions             mansion
 12526      manslaughter         manslaught
 12527      mantle               mantl
 12528      mantled              mantl
 12529      mantles              mantl
 12530      mantua               mantua
 12531      mantuan              mantuan
 12532      manual               manual
 12533      manure               manur
 12534      manured              manur
 12535      manus                manu
 12536      many                 mani
 12537      map                  map
 12538      mapp                 mapp
 12539      maps                 map
 12540      mar                  mar
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 12542      marbled              marbl
 12543      marcade              marcad
 12544      marcellus            marcellu
 12545      march                march
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 12547      marcheth             marcheth
 12548      marching             march
 12549      marchioness          marchio
 12550      marchpane            marchpan
 12551      marcians             marcian
 12552      marcius              marciu
 12553      marcus               marcu
 12554      mardian              mardian
 12555      mare                 mare
 12556      mares                mare
 12557      marg                 marg
 12558      margarelon           margarelon
 12559      margaret             margaret
 12560      marge                marg
 12561      margent              margent
 12562      margery              margeri
 12563      maria                maria
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 12565      mariana              mariana
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 12689      maws                 maw
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 12693      mayest               mayest
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 12698      maze                 maze
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 12706      meadows              meadow
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 12756      meditation           medit
 12757      meditations          medit
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 12759      mediterraneum        mediterraneum
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 12796      members              member
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 12843      mercury              mercuri
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 12845      mercy                merci
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 12857      mermaids             mermaid
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 12862      merriman             merriman
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 12872      mess                 mess
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 12877      messenger            messeng
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 12883      metals               metal
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 12888      metaphysics          metaphys
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 12899      methods              method
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 12905      mette                mett
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 12908      meus                 meu
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 12916      michaelmas           michaelma
 12917      micher               micher
 12918      miching              mich
 12919      mickle               mickl
 12920      microcosm            microcosm
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 12924      middle               middl
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 12927      midriff              midriff
 12928      midst                midst
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 12948      mildews              mildew
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 12952      miles                mile
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 12954      militarist           militarist
 12955      military             militari
 12956      milk                 milk
 12957      milking              milk
 12958      milkmaid             milkmaid
 12959      milks                milk
 12960      milksops             milksop
 12961      milky                milki
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 12963      mille                mill
 12964      miller               miller
 12965      milliner             millin
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 12967      millioned            million
 12968      millions             million
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 12971      milo                 milo
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 12981      minds                mind
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 12987      mingle               mingl
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 12989      mingling             mingl
 12990      minikin              minikin
 12991      minim                minim
 12992      minime               minim
 12993      minimo               minimo
 12994      minimus              minimu
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 12997      minions              minion
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 13012      mints                mint
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 13015      minutes              minut
 13016      minx                 minx
 13017      mio                  mio
 13018      mir                  mir
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 13021      miracles             miracl
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 13029      miry                 miri
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 13032      misadventure         misadventur
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 13037      misbecome            misbecom
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 13047      miscarry             miscarri
 13048      miscarrying          miscarri
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 13109      misses               miss
 13110      misshap              misshap
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 13112      missheathed          missheath
 13113      missing              miss
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 13116      missive              missiv
 13117      missives             missiv
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 13122      mistake              mistak
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 13158      mixtures             mixtur
 13159      mm                   mm
 13160      mnd                  mnd
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 13162      moans                moan
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 13172      mocking              mock
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 13185      modesty              modesti
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 13187      modo                 modo
 13188      module               modul
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 13190      moi                  moi
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 13192      moist                moist
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 13202      mollis               molli
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 13205      mome                 mome
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 13208      moming               mome
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 13219      monastic             monast
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 13233      monkeys              monkei
 13234      monks                monk
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 13239      monsieurs            monsieur
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 13251      montant              montant
 13252      montez               montez
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 13254      montgomery           montgomeri
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 13256      monthly              monthli
 13257      months               month
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 13261      monuments            monument
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 13271      moonshines           moonshin
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 13287      moreover             moreov
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 13290      mori                 mori
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 13292      morn                 morn
 13293      morning              morn
 13294      mornings             morn
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 13296      morris               morri
 13297      morrow               morrow
 13298      morrows              morrow
 13299      morsel               morsel
 13300      morsels              morsel
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 13303      mortality            mortal
 13304      mortally             mortal
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 13309      mortifying           mortifi
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 13320      moth                 moth
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 13322      mothers              mother
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 13326      motions              motion
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 13341      mounsieur            mounsieur
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 13345      mountaineers         mountain
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 13347      mountains            mountain
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 13362      mourning             mourn
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 13579      naughty              naughti
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 13608      necessary            necessari
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 13650      neighbouring         neighbour
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 13683      nettles              nettl
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 13748      nipp                 nipp
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 13750      nipple               nippl
 13751      nips                 nip
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 13753      nly                  nly
 13754      nnight               nnight
 13755      nnights              nnight
 13756      no                   no
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 13758      nob                  nob
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 13761      noble                nobl
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 13763      noblemen             noblemen
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 13776      noddles              noddl
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 13778      nods                 nod
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 13802      nooks                nook
 13803      noon                 noon
 13804      noonday              noondai
 13805      noontide             noontid
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 13807      norbery              norberi
 13808      norfolk              norfolk
 13809      norman               norman
 13810      normandy             normandi
 13811      normans              norman
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 13814      northamptonshire     northamptonshir
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 13818      northumberland       northumberland
 13819      northumberlands      northumberland
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 13822      norways              norwai
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 13829      noses                nose
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 13833      nostrils             nostril
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 13836      notably              notabl
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 13849      notify               notifi
 13850      noting               note
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 13853      notoriously          notori
 13854      notre                notr
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 13869      novelty              novelti
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 13872      novice               novic
 13873      novices              novic
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 13875      now                  now
 13876      nowhere              nowher
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 13915      nym                  nym
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 13917      nymphs               nymph
 13918      o                    o
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 13984      obstinate            obstin
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 14082      olympus              olympu
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 14084      omans                oman
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 14091      omitting             omit
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 14106      onwards              onward
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 14110      oozy                 oozi
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 14183      ordinary             ordinari
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 14293      outsells             outsel
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 14367      overshines           overshin
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 14403      owls                 owl
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 14407      owning               own
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 14409      owy                  owi
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 14446      pageants             pageant
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 14452      pails                pail
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 14456      painfully            painfulli
 14457      pains                pain
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 14462      paintings            paint
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 14493      palms                palm
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 14498      palsy                palsi
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 14502      paly                 pali
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 14509      pancakes             pancak
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 14515      panders              pander
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 14534      pantry               pantri
 14535      pants                pant
 14536      pap                  pap
 14537      papal                papal
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 14539      papers               paper
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 14541      paphos               papho
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 14543      paps                 pap
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 14549      paradoxes            paradox
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 14551      paragons             paragon
 14552      parallel             parallel
 14553      parallels            parallel
 14554      paramour             paramour
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 14558      parasite             parasit
 14559      parasites            parasit
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 14562      parcell              parcel
 14563      parcels              parcel
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 14566      parching             parch
 14567      parchment            parchment
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 14570      pardona              pardona
 14571      pardoned             pardon
 14572      pardoner             pardon
 14573      pardoning            pardon
 14574      pardonne             pardonn
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 14580      parel                parel
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 14590      parisians            parisian
 14591      paritors             paritor
 14592      park                 park
 14593      parks                park
 14594      parle                parl
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 14596      parles               parl
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 14598      parlez               parlez
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 14601      parlour              parlour
 14602      parlous              parlou
 14603      parmacity            parmac
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 14606      parricides           parricid
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 14608      parrots              parrot
 14609      parsley              parslei
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 14618      parthian             parthian
 14619      parthians            parthian
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 14621      partial              partial
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 14628      particularities      particular
 14629      particularize        particular
 14630      particularly         particularli
 14631      particulars          particular
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 14633      parting              part
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 14635      partisans            partisan
 14636      partition            partit
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 14638      partlet              partlet
 14639      partly               partli
 14640      partner              partner
 14641      partners             partner
 14642      partridge            partridg
 14643      parts                part
 14644      party                parti
 14645      pas                  pa
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 14664      passioning           passion
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 14674      pastimes             pastim
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 14682      pat                  pat
 14683      patay                patai
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 14685      patchery             patcheri
 14686      patches              patch
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 14690      patents              patent
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 14692      pates                pate
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 14697      pathways             pathwai
 14698      patience             patienc
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 14700      patiently            patient
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 14704      patricians           patrician
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 14707      patroclus            patroclu
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 14709      patronage            patronag
 14710      patroness            patro
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 14712      patrum               patrum
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 14726      pausingly            pausingli
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 14728      pav                  pav
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 14738      pax                  pax
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 14743      payments             payment
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 14746      paysans              paysan
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 14750      peaceably            peaceabl
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 14757      peacocks             peacock
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 14759      peaking              peak
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 14761      peals                peal
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 14764      pearl                pearl
 14765      pearls               pearl
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 14776      peating              peat
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 14779      pebbles              pebbl
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 14781      pecks                peck
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 14783      pecus                pecu
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 14791      pedlars              pedlar
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 14798      peeps                peep
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 14801      peering              peer
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 14803      peers                peer
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 14805      peevish              peevish
 14806      peevishly            peevishli
 14807      peflur               peflur
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 14809      pegasus              pegasu
 14810      pegs                 peg
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 14813      peize                peiz
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 14822      pelting              pelt
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 14826      penalty              penalti
 14827      penance              penanc
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 14830      pencill              pencil
 14831      pencils              pencil
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 14834      pendragon            pendragon
 14835      pendulous            pendul
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 14838      penetrate            penetr
 14839      penetrative          penetr
 14840      penitence            penit
 14841      penitent             penit
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 14843      penitently           penit
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 14849      penning              pen
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 14853      pennyworths          pennyworth
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 14866      penury               penuri
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 14870      peoples              peopl
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 14874      peppered             pepper
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 14883      perch                perch
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 14889      perdita              perdita
 14890      perdition            perdit
 14891      perdonato            perdonato
 14892      perdu                perdu
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 14894      perdurably           perdur
 14895      perdy                perdi
 14896      pere                 pere
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 14898      peremptorily         peremptorili
 14899      peremptory           peremptori
 14900      perfect              perfect
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 14902      perfecter            perfect
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 14905      perfections          perfect
 14906      perfectly            perfectli
 14907      perfectness          perfect
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 14909      perfidiously         perfidi
 14910      perforce             perforc
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 14912      performance          perform
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 14915      performer            perform
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 14917      performing           perform
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 14919      perfum               perfum
 14920      perfume              perfum
 14921      perfumed             perfum
 14922      perfumer             perfum
 14923      perfumes             perfum
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 14927      perigort             perigort
 14928      perigouna            perigouna
 14929      peril                peril
 14930      perilous             peril
 14931      perils               peril
 14932      period               period
 14933      periods              period
 14934      perish               perish
 14935      perished             perish
 14936      perishest            perishest
 14937      perisheth            perisheth
 14938      perishing            perish
 14939      periwig              periwig
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 14944      perjury              perjuri
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 14948      permanent            perman
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 14950      permissive           permiss
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 14952      permitted            permit
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 14954      perniciously         pernici
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 14957      perpendicular        perpendicular
 14958      perpendicularly      perpendicularli
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 14960      perpetually          perpetu
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 14996      persuaded            persuad
 14997      persuades            persuad
 14998      persuading           persuad
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 15003      pertaining           pertain
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 15007      pertly               pertli
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 15010      perturbations        perturb
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 15016      perusing             perus
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 15054      phantasimes          phantasim
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 15063      pheebus              pheebu
 15064      pheeze               pheez
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 15067      philario             philario
 15068      philarmonus          philarmonu
 15069      philemon             philemon
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 15072      philippe             philipp
 15073      philippi             philippi
 15074      phillida             phillida
 15075      philo                philo
 15076      philomel             philomel
 15077      philomela            philomela
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 15079      philosophers         philosoph
 15080      philosophical        philosoph
 15081      philosophy           philosophi
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 15083      philotus             philotu
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 15086      phoebus              phoebu
 15087      phoenicia            phoenicia
 15088      phoenicians          phoenician
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 15090      phorbus              phorbu
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 15094      phrases              phrase
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 15096      phrygian             phrygian
 15097      phrynia              phrynia
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 15099      physical             physic
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 15101      physicians           physician
 15102      physics              physic
 15103      pia                  pia
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 15105      pible                pibl
 15106      picardy              picardi
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 15108      pickaxe              pickax
 15109      pickaxes             pickax
 15110      pickbone             pickbon
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 15112      pickers              picker
 15113      picking              pick
 15114      pickle               pickl
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 15116      pickpurse            pickpurs
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 15123      pictures             pictur
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 15128      pieces               piec
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 15138      piercing             pierc
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 15140      piers                pier
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 15142      piety                pieti
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 15145      pigeons              pigeon
 15146      pight                pight
 15147      pigmy                pigmi
 15148      pigrogromitus        pigrogromitu
 15149      pike                 pike
 15150      pikes                pike
 15151      pil                  pil
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 15153      pilates              pilat
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 15156      piles                pile
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 15158      pilfering            pilfer
 15159      pilgrim              pilgrim
 15160      pilgrimage           pilgrimag
 15161      pilgrims             pilgrim
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 15164      pillagers            pillag
 15165      pillar               pillar
 15166      pillars              pillar
 15167      pillicock            pillicock
 15168      pillory              pillori
 15169      pillow               pillow
 15170      pillows              pillow
 15171      pills                pill
 15172      pilot                pilot
 15173      pilots               pilot
 15174      pimpernell           pimpernel
 15175      pin                  pin
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 15178      pinches              pinch
 15179      pinching             pinch
 15180      pindarus             pindaru
 15181      pine                 pine
 15182      pined                pine
 15183      pines                pine
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 15185      pining               pine
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 15187      pink                 pink
 15188      pinn                 pinn
 15189      pinnace              pinnac
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 15196      pioner               pioner
 15197      pioners              pioner
 15198      pious                piou
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 15201      piper                piper
 15202      pipers               piper
 15203      pipes                pipe
 15204      piping               pipe
 15205      pippin               pippin
 15206      pippins              pippin
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 15208      pirates              pirat
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 15210      pisanio              pisanio
 15211      pish                 pish
 15212      pismires             pismir
 15213      piss                 piss
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 15215      pistol               pistol
 15216      pistols              pistol
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 15219      pitched              pitch
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 15221      pitchers             pitcher
 15222      pitchy               pitchi
 15223      piteous              piteou
 15224      piteously            piteous
 15225      pitfall              pitfal
 15226      pith                 pith
 15227      pithless             pithless
 15228      pithy                pithi
 15229      pitie                piti
 15230      pitied               piti
 15231      pities               piti
 15232      pitiful              piti
 15233      pitifully            pitifulli
 15234      pitiless             pitiless
 15235      pits                 pit
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 15237      pittie               pitti
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 15240      pitying              piti
 15241      pius                 piu
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 15248      placid               placid
 15249      placing              place
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 15252      plackets             placket
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 15256      plagues              plagu
 15257      plaguing             plagu
 15258      plaguy               plagui
 15259      plain                plain
 15260      plainer              plainer
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 15262      plaining             plain
 15263      plainings            plain
 15264      plainly              plainli
 15265      plainness            plain
 15266      plains               plain
 15267      plainsong            plainsong
 15268      plaintful            plaint
 15269      plaintiff            plaintiff
 15270      plaintiffs           plaintiff
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 15274      planetary            planetari
 15275      planets              planet
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 15280      plantagenets         plantagenet
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 15291      plat                 plat
 15292      plate                plate
 15293      plated               plate
 15294      plates               plate
 15295      platform             platform
 15296      platforms            platform
 15297      plats                plat
 15298      platted              plat
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 15300      plausive             plausiv
 15301      plautus              plautu
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 15303      played               plai
 15304      player               player
 15305      players              player
 15306      playeth              playeth
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 15308      playfellows          playfellow
 15309      playhouse            playhous
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 15311      plays                plai
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 15317      pleader              pleader
 15318      pleaders             pleader
 15319      pleading             plead
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 15323      pleasant             pleasant
 15324      pleasantly           pleasantli
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 15328      pleasers             pleaser
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 15334      pleasures            pleasur
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 15339      pledges              pledg
 15340      pleines              plein
 15341      plenitude            plenitud
 15342      plenteous            plenteou
 15343      plenteously          plenteous
 15344      plenties             plenti
 15345      plentiful            plenti
 15346      plentifully          plentifulli
 15347      plenty               plenti
 15348      pless                pless
 15349      plessed              pless
 15350      plessing             pless
 15351      pliant               pliant
 15352      plied                pli
 15353      plies                pli
 15354      plight               plight
 15355      plighted             plight
 15356      plighter             plighter
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 15360      plodding             plod
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 15362      plood                plood
 15363      ploody               ploodi
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 15365      plots                plot
 15366      plotted              plot
 15367      plotter              plotter
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 15370      ploughman            ploughman
 15371      ploughmen            ploughmen
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 15373      plows                plow
 15374      pluck                pluck
 15375      plucked              pluck
 15376      plucker              plucker
 15377      plucking             pluck
 15378      plucks               pluck
 15379      plue                 plue
 15380      plum                 plum
 15381      plume                plume
 15382      plumed               plume
 15383      plumes               plume
 15384      plummet              plummet
 15385      plump                plump
 15386      plumpy               plumpi
 15387      plums                plum
 15388      plung                plung
 15389      plunge               plung
 15390      plunged              plung
 15391      plural               plural
 15392      plurisy              plurisi
 15393      plus                 plu
 15394      pluto                pluto
 15395      plutus               plutu
 15396      ply                  ply
 15397      po                   po
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 15399      pocketing            pocket
 15400      pockets              pocket
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 15402      pody                 podi
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 15405      poet                 poet
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 15408      poets                poet
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 15410      poinards             poinard
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 15415      pointing             point
 15416      points               point
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 15419      poising              pois
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 15422      poisoner             poison
 15423      poisoning            poison
 15424      poisonous            poison
 15425      poisons              poison
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 15427      poking               poke
 15428      pol                  pol
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 15430      polacks              polack
 15431      poland               poland
 15432      pold                 pold
 15433      pole                 pole
 15434      poleaxe              poleax
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 15436      polecats             polecat
 15437      polemon              polemon
 15438      poles                pole
 15439      poli                 poli
 15440      policies             polici
 15441      policy               polici
 15442      polish               polish
 15443      polished             polish
 15444      politic              polit
 15445      politician           politician
 15446      politicians          politician
 15447      politicly            politicli
 15448      polixenes            polixen
 15449      poll                 poll
 15450      polluted             pollut
 15451      pollution            pollut
 15452      polonius             poloniu
 15453      poltroons            poltroon
 15454      polusion             polus
 15455      polydamus            polydamu
 15456      polydore             polydor
 15457      polyxena             polyxena
 15458      pomander             pomand
 15459      pomegranate          pomegran
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 15461      pomfret              pomfret
 15462      pomgarnet            pomgarnet
 15463      pommel               pommel
 15464      pomp                 pomp
 15465      pompeius             pompeiu
 15466      pompey               pompei
 15467      pompion              pompion
 15468      pompous              pompou
 15469      pomps                pomp
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 15472      ponderous            ponder
 15473      ponds                pond
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 15475      poniards             poniard
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 15477      pontic               pontic
 15478      pontifical           pontif
 15479      ponton               ponton
 15480      pooh                 pooh
 15481      pool                 pool
 15482      poole                pool
 15483      poop                 poop
 15484      poor                 poor
 15485      poorer               poorer
 15486      poorest              poorest
 15487      poorly               poorli
 15488      pop                  pop
 15489      pope                 pope
 15490      popedom              popedom
 15491      popilius             popiliu
 15492      popingay             popingai
 15493      popish               popish
 15494      popp                 popp
 15495      poppy                poppi
 15496      pops                 pop
 15497      popular              popular
 15498      popularity           popular
 15499      populous             popul
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 15501      porches              porch
 15502      pore                 pore
 15503      poring               pore
 15504      pork                 pork
 15505      porn                 porn
 15506      porpentine           porpentin
 15507      porridge             porridg
 15508      porringer            porring
 15509      port                 port
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 15511      portage              portag
 15512      portal               portal
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 15516      portends             portend
 15517      portent              portent
 15518      portentous           portent
 15519      portents             portent
 15520      porter               porter
 15521      porters              porter
 15522      portia               portia
 15523      portion              portion
 15524      portly               portli
 15525      portotartarossa      portotartarossa
 15526      portrait             portrait
 15527      portraiture          portraitur
 15528      ports                port
 15529      portugal             portug
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 15531      posied               posi
 15532      posies               posi
 15533      position             posit
 15534      positive             posit
 15535      positively           posit
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 15541      possessing           possess
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 15546      possets              posset
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 15548      possibility          possibl
 15549      possible             possibl
 15550      possibly             possibl
 15551      possitable           possit
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 15553      poste                post
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 15556      posteriors           posterior
 15557      posterity            poster
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 15559      posterns             postern
 15560      posters              poster
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 15562      posthorses           posthors
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 15564      posting              post
 15565      postmaster           postmast
 15566      posts                post
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 15568      posture              postur
 15569      postures             postur
 15570      posy                 posi
 15571      pot                  pot
 15572      potable              potabl
 15573      potations            potat
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 15575      potatoes             potato
 15576      potch                potch
 15577      potency              potenc
 15578      potent               potent
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 15581      potently             potent
 15582      potents              potent
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 15586      potions              potion
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 15588      pots                 pot
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 15590      potting              pot
 15591      pottle               pottl
 15592      pouch                pouch
 15593      poulter              poulter
 15594      poultice             poultic
 15595      poultney             poultnei
 15596      pouncet              pouncet
 15597      pound                pound
 15598      pounds               pound
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 15600      pourest              pourest
 15601      pouring              pour
 15602      pourquoi             pourquoi
 15603      pours                pour
 15604      pout                 pout
 15605      poverty              poverti
 15606      pow                  pow
 15607      powd                 powd
 15608      powder               powder
 15609      power                power
 15610      powerful             power
 15611      powerfully           powerfulli
 15612      powerless            powerless
 15613      powers               power
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 15615      poys                 poi
 15616      poysam               poysam
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 15621      practicer            practic
 15622      practices            practic
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 15627      practiser            practis
 15628      practisers           practis
 15629      practises            practis
 15630      practising           practis
 15631      praeclarissimus      praeclarissimu
 15632      praemunire           praemunir
 15633      praetor              praetor
 15634      praetors             praetor
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 15636      prague               pragu
 15637      prain                prain
 15638      prains               prain
 15639      prais                prai
 15640      praise               prais
 15641      praised              prais
 15642      praises              prais
 15643      praisest             praisest
 15644      praiseworthy         praiseworthi
 15645      praising             prais
 15646      prancing             pranc
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 15648      pranks               prank
 15649      prat                 prat
 15650      prate                prate
 15651      prated               prate
 15652      prater               prater
 15653      prating              prate
 15654      prattle              prattl
 15655      prattler             prattler
 15656      prattling            prattl
 15657      prave                prave
 15658      prawls               prawl
 15659      prawns               prawn
 15660      pray                 prai
 15661      prayer               prayer
 15662      prayers              prayer
 15663      praying              prai
 15664      prays                prai
 15665      pre                  pre
 15666      preach               preach
 15667      preached             preach
 15668      preachers            preacher
 15669      preaches             preach
 15670      preaching            preach
 15671      preachment           preachment
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 15673      preambulate          preambul
 15674      precedence           preced
 15675      precedent            preced
 15676      preceding            preced
 15677      precept              precept
 15678      preceptial           precepti
 15679      precepts             precept
 15680      precinct             precinct
 15681      precious             preciou
 15682      preciously           precious
 15683      precipice            precipic
 15684      precipitating        precipit
 15685      precipitation        precipit
 15686      precise              precis
 15687      precisely            precis
 15688      preciseness          precis
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 15690      precor               precor
 15691      precurse             precurs
 15692      precursors           precursor
 15693      predeceased          predeceas
 15694      predecessor          predecessor
 15695      predecessors         predecessor
 15696      predestinate         predestin
 15697      predicament          predica
 15698      predict              predict
 15699      prediction           predict
 15700      predictions          predict
 15701      predominance         predomin
 15702      predominant          predomin
 15703      predominate          predomin
 15704      preeches             preech
 15705      preeminence          preemin
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 15707      prefer               prefer
 15708      preferment           prefer
 15709      preferments          prefer
 15710      preferr              preferr
 15711      preferreth           preferreth
 15712      preferring           prefer
 15713      prefers              prefer
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 17997      sealing              seal
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 18057      seein                seein
 18058      seeing               see
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 18060      seeking              seek
 18061      seeks                seek
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 18082      seeting              seet
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 18091      seizing              seiz
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 18100      seller               seller
 18101      selling              sell
 18102      sells                sell
 18103      selves               selv
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 18105      semblably            semblabl
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 18107      semblances           semblanc
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 18315      sheathe              sheath
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 18327      sheepcotes           sheepcot
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 18386      shirley              shirlei
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 18494      shuffling            shuffl
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 18499      shunning             shun
 18500      shuns                shun
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 18502      shuts                shut
 18503      shuttle              shuttl
 18504      shy                  shy
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 18509      sibyls               sibyl
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 18525      sickly               sickli
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 18531      sides                side
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 18547      sightly              sightli
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 18558      signifying           signifi
 18559      signior              signior
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 18563      signor               signor
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 18580      silling              sill
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 18592      simon                simon
 18593      simony               simoni
 18594      simp                 simp
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 18599      simples              simpl
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 18602      simular              simular
 18603      simulation           simul
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 18607      sincerely            sincer
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 18612      sinews               sinew
 18613      sinewy               sinewi
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 18617      singe                sing
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 18622      singing              sing
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 18626      singly               singli
 18627      sings                sing
 18628      singular             singular
 18629      singulariter         singularit
 18630      singularities        singular
 18631      singularity          singular
 18632      singuled             singul
 18633      sinister             sinist
 18634      sink                 sink
 18635      sinking              sink
 18636      sinks                sink
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 18639      sinners              sinner
 18640      sinning              sin
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 18642      sins                 sin
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 18646      sire                 sire
 18647      siren                siren
 18648      sirrah               sirrah
 18649      sirs                 sir
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 18653      sisterly             sisterli
 18654      sisters              sister
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 18656      sith                 sith
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 18658      sits                 sit
 18659      sitting              sit
 18660      situate              situat
 18661      situation            situat
 18662      situations           situat
 18663      siward               siward
 18664      six                  six
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 18666      sixpences            sixpenc
 18667      sixpenny             sixpenni
 18668      sixteen              sixteen
 18669      sixth                sixth
 18670      sixty                sixti
 18671      siz                  siz
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 18673      sizes                size
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 18677      skein                skein
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 18680      skilful              skil
 18681      skilfully            skilfulli
 18682      skill                skill
 18683      skilless             skilless
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 18685      skillful             skill
 18686      skills               skill
 18687      skim                 skim
 18688      skimble              skimbl
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 18690      skinker              skinker
 18691      skinny               skinni
 18692      skins                skin
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 18694      skipp                skipp
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 18696      skipping             skip
 18697      skirmish             skirmish
 18698      skirmishes           skirmish
 18699      skirr                skirr
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 18701      skirts               skirt
 18702      skittish             skittish
 18703      skulking             skulk
 18704      skull                skull
 18705      skulls               skull
 18706      sky                  sky
 18707      skyey                skyei
 18708      skyish               skyish
 18709      slab                 slab
 18710      slack                slack
 18711      slackly              slackli
 18712      slackness            slack
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 18714      slake                slake
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 18718      slanderer            slander
 18719      slanderers           slander
 18720      slandering           slander
 18721      slanderous           slander
 18722      slanders             slander
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 18727      slaughterer          slaughter
 18728      slaughterman         slaughterman
 18729      slaughtermen         slaughtermen
 18730      slaughterous         slaughter
 18731      slaughters           slaughter
 18732      slave                slave
 18733      slaver               slaver
 18734      slavery              slaveri
 18735      slaves               slave
 18736      slavish              slavish
 18737      slay                 slai
 18738      slayeth              slayeth
 18739      slaying              slai
 18740      slays                slai
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 18744      sleekly              sleekli
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 18746      sleeper              sleeper
 18747      sleepers             sleeper
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 18749      sleeping             sleep
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 18753      sleeves              sleev
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 18755      sleided              sleid
 18756      sleight              sleight
 18757      sleights             sleight
 18758      slender              slender
 18759      slenderer            slender
 18760      slenderly            slenderli
 18761      slept                slept
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 18763      slewest              slewest
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 18766      slide                slide
 18767      slides               slide
 18768      sliding              slide
 18769      slight               slight
 18770      slighted             slight
 18771      slightest            slightest
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 18774      slights              slight
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 18777      slimy                slimi
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 18779      slink                slink
 18780      slip                 slip
 18781      slipp                slipp
 18782      slipper              slipper
 18783      slippers             slipper
 18784      slippery             slipperi
 18785      slips                slip
 18786      slish                slish
 18787      slit                 slit
 18788      sliver               sliver
 18789      slobb                slobb
 18790      slomber              slomber
 18791      slop                 slop
 18792      slope                slope
 18793      slops                slop
 18794      sloth                sloth
 18795      slothful             sloth
 18796      slough               slough
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 18798      slovenry             slovenri
 18799      slow                 slow
 18800      slower               slower
 18801      slowly               slowli
 18802      slowness             slow
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 18804      slug                 slug
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 18807      sluggish             sluggish
 18808      sluic                sluic
 18809      slumb                slumb
 18810      slumber              slumber
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 18814      slut                 slut
 18815      sluts                slut
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 18817      sluttish             sluttish
 18818      sluttishness         sluttish
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 18820      slys                 sly
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 18823      smacks               smack
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 18825      smaller              smaller
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 18827      smallness            small
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 18829      smart                smart
 18830      smarting             smart
 18831      smartly              smartli
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 18833      smatter              smatter
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 18835      smell                smell
 18836      smelling             smell
 18837      smells               smell
 18838      smelt                smelt
 18839      smil                 smil
 18840      smile                smile
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 18842      smiles               smile
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 18845      smiling              smile
 18846      smilingly            smilingli
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 18848      smirched             smirch
 18849      smit                 smit
 18850      smite                smite
 18851      smites               smite
 18852      smith                smith
 18853      smithfield           smithfield
 18854      smock                smock
 18855      smocks               smock
 18856      smok                 smok
 18857      smoke                smoke
 18858      smoked               smoke
 18859      smokes               smoke
 18860      smoking              smoke
 18861      smoky                smoki
 18862      smooth               smooth
 18863      smoothed             smooth
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 18866      smoothness           smooth
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 18869      smoth                smoth
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 18872      smothering           smother
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 18874      smulkin              smulkin
 18875      smutch               smutch
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 18878      snails               snail
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 18880      snakes               snake
 18881      snaky                snaki
 18882      snap                 snap
 18883      snapp                snapp
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 18885      snar                 snar
 18886      snare                snare
 18887      snares               snare
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 18889      snarleth             snarleth
 18890      snarling             snarl
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 18893      snatches             snatch
 18894      snatching            snatch
 18895      sneak                sneak
 18896      sneaking             sneak
 18897      sneap                sneap
 18898      sneaping             sneap
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 18901      snipe                snipe
 18902      snipt                snipt
 18903      snore                snore
 18904      snores               snore
 18905      snoring              snore
 18906      snorting             snort
 18907      snout                snout
 18908      snow                 snow
 18909      snowballs            snowbal
 18910      snowed               snow
 18911      snowy                snowi
 18912      snuff                snuff
 18913      snuffs               snuff
 18914      snug                 snug
 18915      so                   so
 18916      soak                 soak
 18917      soaking              soak
 18918      soaks                soak
 18919      soar                 soar
 18920      soaring              soar
 18921      soars                soar
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 18924      sober                sober
 18925      soberly              soberli
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 18927      sobs                 sob
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 18929      societies            societi
 18930      society              societi
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 18933      sod                  sod
 18934      sodden               sodden
 18935      soe                  soe
 18936      soever               soever
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 18939      softens              soften
 18940      softer               softer
 18941      softest              softest
 18942      softly               softli
 18943      softness             soft
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 18947      soit                 soit
 18948      sojourn              sojourn
 18949      sol                  sol
 18950      sola                 sola
 18951      solace               solac
 18952      solanio              solanio
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 18954      soldat               soldat
 18955      solder               solder
 18956      soldest              soldest
 18957      soldier              soldier
 18958      soldiers             soldier
 18959      soldiership          soldiership
 18960      sole                 sole
 18961      solely               sole
 18962      solem                solem
 18963      solemn               solemn
 18964      solemness            solem
 18965      solemnities          solemn
 18966      solemnity            solemn
 18967      solemniz             solemniz
 18968      solemnize            solemn
 18969      solemnized           solemn
 18970      solemnly             solemnli
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 18974      solicited            solicit
 18975      soliciting           solicit
 18976      solicitings          solicit
 18977      solicitor            solicitor
 18978      solicits             solicit
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 18980      solidares            solidar
 18981      solidity             solid
 18982      solinus              solinu
 18983      solitary             solitari
 18984      solomon              solomon
 18985      solon                solon
 18986      solum                solum
 18987      solus                solu
 18988      solyman              solyman
 18989      some                 some
 18990      somebody             somebodi
 18991      someone              someon
 18992      somerset             somerset
 18993      somerville           somervil
 18994      something            someth
 18995      sometime             sometim
 18996      sometimes            sometim
 18997      somever              somev
 18998      somewhat             somewhat
 18999      somewhere            somewher
 19000      somewhither          somewhith
 19001      somme                somm
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 19003      sonance              sonanc
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 19005      songs                song
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 19007      sonneting            sonnet
 19008      sonnets              sonnet
 19009      sons                 son
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 19011      sonties              sonti
 19012      soon                 soon
 19013      sooner               sooner
 19014      soonest              soonest
 19015      sooth                sooth
 19016      soothe               sooth
 19017      soothers             soother
 19018      soothing             sooth
 19019      soothsay             soothsai
 19020      soothsayer           soothsay
 19021      sooty                sooti
 19022      sop                  sop
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 19024      sophisticated        sophist
 19025      sophy                sophi
 19026      sops                 sop
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 19028      sorcerers            sorcer
 19029      sorceress            sorceress
 19030      sorceries            sorceri
 19031      sorcery              sorceri
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 19033      sorel                sorel
 19034      sorely               sore
 19035      sorer                sorer
 19036      sores                sore
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 19040      sorrowed             sorrow
 19041      sorrowest            sorrowest
 19042      sorrowful            sorrow
 19043      sorrowing            sorrow
 19044      sorrows              sorrow
 19045      sorry                sorri
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 19047      sortance             sortanc
 19048      sorted               sort
 19049      sorting              sort
 19050      sorts                sort
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 19052      sot                  sot
 19053      soto                 soto
 19054      sots                 sot
 19055      sottish              sottish
 19056      soud                 soud
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 19058      soul                 soul
 19059      sould                sould
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 19061      souls                soul
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 19071      sounds               sound
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 19074      sources              sourc
 19075      sourest              sourest
 19076      sourly               sourli
 19077      sours                sour
 19078      sous                 sou
 19079      souse                sous
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 19081      southam              southam
 19082      southampton          southampton
 19083      southerly            southerli
 19084      southern             southern
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 19086      southwark            southwark
 19087      southwell            southwel
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 19089      sov                  sov
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 19091      sovereignest         sovereignest
 19092      sovereignly          sovereignli
 19093      sovereignty          sovereignti
 19094      sovereignvours       sovereignvour
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 19096      sowing               sow
 19097      sowl                 sowl
 19098      sowter               sowter
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 19100      spaces               space
 19101      spacious             spaciou
 19102      spade                spade
 19103      spades               spade
 19104      spain                spain
 19105      spak                 spak
 19106      spake                spake
 19107      spakest              spakest
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 19109      spangle              spangl
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 19111      spaniard             spaniard
 19112      spaniel              spaniel
 19113      spaniels             spaniel
 19114      spanish              spanish
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 19116      spans                span
 19117      spar                 spar
 19118      spare                spare
 19119      spares               spare
 19120      sparing              spare
 19121      sparingly            sparingli
 19122      spark                spark
 19123      sparkle              sparkl
 19124      sparkles             sparkl
 19125      sparkling            sparkl
 19126      sparks               spark
 19127      sparrow              sparrow
 19128      sparrows             sparrow
 19129      sparta               sparta
 19130      spartan              spartan
 19131      spavin               spavin
 19132      spavins              spavin
 19133      spawn                spawn
 19134      speak                speak
 19135      speaker              speaker
 19136      speakers             speaker
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 19139      speaking             speak
 19140      speaks               speak
 19141      spear                spear
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 19145      specialities         special
 19146      specially            special
 19147      specialties          specialti
 19148      specialty            specialti
 19149      specify              specifi
 19150      speciously           specious
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 19153      spectacles           spectacl
 19154      spectators           spectat
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 19157      speculations         specul
 19158      speculative          specul
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 19168      speediness           speedi
 19169      speeding             speed
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 19171      speedy               speedi
 19172      speens               speen
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 19180      spending             spend
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 19183      spent                spent
 19184      sperato              sperato
 19185      sperm                sperm
 19186      spero                spero
 19187      sperr                sperr
 19188      spher                spher
 19189      sphere               sphere
 19190      sphered              sphere
 19191      spheres              sphere
 19192      spherical            spheric
 19193      sphery               spheri
 19194      sphinx               sphinx
 19195      spice                spice
 19196      spiced               spice
 19197      spicery              spiceri
 19198      spices               spice
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 19200      spiders              spider
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 19202      spies                spi
 19203      spieth               spieth
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 19205      spigot               spigot
 19206      spill                spill
 19207      spilling             spill
 19208      spills               spill
 19209      spilt                spilt
 19210      spilth               spilth
 19211      spin                 spin
 19212      spinii               spinii
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 19215      spinsters            spinster
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 19218      spirited             spirit
 19219      spiritless           spiritless
 19220      spirits              spirit
 19221      spiritual            spiritu
 19222      spiritualty          spiritualti
 19223      spirt                spirt
 19224      spit                 spit
 19225      spital               spital
 19226      spite                spite
 19227      spited               spite
 19228      spiteful             spite
 19229      spites               spite
 19230      spits                spit
 19231      spitted              spit
 19232      spitting             spit
 19233      splay                splai
 19234      spleen               spleen
 19235      spleenful            spleen
 19236      spleens              spleen
 19237      spleeny              spleeni
 19238      splendour            splendour
 19239      splenitive           splenit
 19240      splinter             splinter
 19241      splinters            splinter
 19242      split                split
 19243      splits               split
 19244      splitted             split
 19245      splitting            split
 19246      spoil                spoil
 19247      spoils               spoil
 19248      spok                 spok
 19249      spoke                spoke
 19250      spoken               spoken
 19251      spokes               spoke
 19252      spokesman            spokesman
 19253      sponge               spong
 19254      spongy               spongi
 19255      spoon                spoon
 19256      spoons               spoon
 19257      sport                sport
 19258      sportful             sport
 19259      sporting             sport
 19260      sportive             sportiv
 19261      sports               sport
 19262      spot                 spot
 19263      spotless             spotless
 19264      spots                spot
 19265      spotted              spot
 19266      spousal              spousal
 19267      spouse               spous
 19268      spout                spout
 19269      spouting             spout
 19270      spouts               spout
 19271      sprag                sprag
 19272      sprang               sprang
 19273      sprat                sprat
 19274      sprawl               sprawl
 19275      spray                sprai
 19276      sprays               sprai
 19277      spread               spread
 19278      spreading            spread
 19279      spreads              spread
 19280      sprighted            spright
 19281      sprightful           spright
 19282      sprightly            sprightli
 19283      sprigs               sprig
 19284      spring               spring
 19285      springe              spring
 19286      springes             spring
 19287      springeth            springeth
 19288      springhalt           springhalt
 19289      springing            spring
 19290      springs              spring
 19291      springtime           springtim
 19292      sprinkle             sprinkl
 19293      sprinkles            sprinkl
 19294      sprite               sprite
 19295      sprited              sprite
 19296      spritely             sprite
 19297      sprites              sprite
 19298      spriting             sprite
 19299      sprout               sprout
 19300      spruce               spruce
 19301      sprung               sprung
 19302      spun                 spun
 19303      spur                 spur
 19304      spurio               spurio
 19305      spurn                spurn
 19306      spurns               spurn
 19307      spurr                spurr
 19308      spurrer              spurrer
 19309      spurring             spur
 19310      spurs                spur
 19311      spy                  spy
 19312      spying               spy
 19313      squabble             squabbl
 19314      squadron             squadron
 19315      squadrons            squadron
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 19317      squar                squar
 19318      square               squar
 19319      squarer              squarer
 19320      squares              squar
 19321      squash               squash
 19322      squeak               squeak
 19323      squeaking            squeak
 19324      squeal               squeal
 19325      squealing            squeal
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 19327      squeezing            squeez
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 19329      squier               squier
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 19331      squiny               squini
 19332      squire               squir
 19333      squires              squir
 19334      squirrel             squirrel
 19335      st                   st
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 19337      stabb                stabb
 19338      stabbed              stab
 19339      stabbing             stab
 19340      stable               stabl
 19341      stableness           stabl
 19342      stables              stabl
 19343      stablish             stablish
 19344      stablishment         stablish
 19345      stabs                stab
 19346      stacks               stack
 19347      staff                staff
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 19349      staffords            stafford
 19350      staffordshire        staffordshir
 19351      stag                 stag
 19352      stage                stage
 19353      stages               stage
 19354      stagger              stagger
 19355      staggering           stagger
 19356      staggers             stagger
 19357      stags                stag
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 19359      staider              staider
 19360      stain                stain
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 19362      staines              stain
 19363      staineth             staineth
 19364      staining             stain
 19365      stainless            stainless
 19366      stains               stain
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 19368      stairs               stair
 19369      stake                stake
 19370      stakes               stake
 19371      stale                stale
 19372      staled               stale
 19373      stalk                stalk
 19374      stalking             stalk
 19375      stalks               stalk
 19376      stall                stall
 19377      stalling             stall
 19378      stalls               stall
 19379      stamford             stamford
 19380      stammer              stammer
 19381      stamp                stamp
 19382      stamped              stamp
 19383      stamps               stamp
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 19388      standards            standard
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 19396      stanley              stanlei
 19397      stanze               stanz
 19398      stanzo               stanzo
 19399      stanzos              stanzo
 19400      staple               stapl
 19401      staples              stapl
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 19403      stare                stare
 19404      stared               stare
 19405      stares               stare
 19406      staring              stare
 19407      starings             stare
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 19409      starkly              starkli
 19410      starlight            starlight
 19411      starling             starl
 19412      starr                starr
 19413      starry               starri
 19414      stars                star
 19415      start                start
 19416      started              start
 19417      starting             start
 19418      startingly           startingli
 19419      startle              startl
 19420      startles             startl
 19421      starts               start
 19422      starv                starv
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 19425      starvelackey         starvelackei
 19426      starveling           starvel
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 19428      starving             starv
 19429      state                state
 19430      statelier            stateli
 19431      stately              state
 19432      states               state
 19433      statesman            statesman
 19434      statesmen            statesmen
 19435      statilius            statiliu
 19436      station              station
 19437      statist              statist
 19438      statists             statist
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 19440      statues              statu
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 19442      statures             statur
 19443      statute              statut
 19444      statutes             statut
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 19446      staves               stave
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 19448      stayed               stai
 19449      stayest              stayest
 19450      staying              stai
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 19452      stead                stead
 19453      steaded              stead
 19454      steadfast            steadfast
 19455      steadier             steadier
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 19458      stealer              stealer
 19459      stealers             stealer
 19460      stealing             steal
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 19462      stealth              stealth
 19463      stealthy             stealthi
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 19466      steel                steel
 19467      steeled              steel
 19468      steely               steeli
 19469      steep                steep
 19470      steeped              steep
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 19472      steeples             steepl
 19473      steeps               steep
 19474      steepy               steepi
 19475      steer                steer
 19476      steerage             steerag
 19477      steering             steer
 19478      steers               steer
 19479      stelled              stell
 19480      stem                 stem
 19481      stemming             stem
 19482      stench               stench
 19483      step                 step
 19484      stepdame             stepdam
 19485      stephano             stephano
 19486      stephen              stephen
 19487      stepmothers          stepmoth
 19488      stepp                stepp
 19489      stepping             step
 19490      steps                step
 19491      sterile              steril
 19492      sterility            steril
 19493      sterling             sterl
 19494      stern                stern
 19495      sternage             sternag
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 19497      sternest             sternest
 19498      sternness            stern
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 19502      stewards             steward
 19503      stewardship          stewardship
 19504      stewed               stew
 19505      stews                stew
 19506      stick                stick
 19507      sticking             stick
 19508      stickler             stickler
 19509      sticks               stick
 19510      stiff                stiff
 19511      stiffen              stiffen
 19512      stiffly              stiffli
 19513      stifle               stifl
 19514      stifled              stifl
 19515      stifles              stifl
 19516      stigmatic            stigmat
 19517      stigmatical          stigmat
 19518      stile                stile
 19519      still                still
 19520      stiller              stiller
 19521      stillest             stillest
 19522      stillness            still
 19523      stilly               stilli
 19524      sting                sting
 19525      stinging             sting
 19526      stingless            stingless
 19527      stings               sting
 19528      stink                stink
 19529      stinking             stink
 19530      stinkingly           stinkingli
 19531      stinks               stink
 19532      stint                stint
 19533      stinted              stint
 19534      stints               stint
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 19536      stirr                stirr
 19537      stirred              stir
 19538      stirrer              stirrer
 19539      stirrers             stirrer
 19540      stirreth             stirreth
 19541      stirring             stir
 19542      stirrup              stirrup
 19543      stirrups             stirrup
 19544      stirs                stir
 19545      stitchery            stitcheri
 19546      stitches             stitch
 19547      stithied             stithi
 19548      stithy               stithi
 19549      stoccadoes           stoccado
 19550      stoccata             stoccata
 19551      stock                stock
 19552      stockfish            stockfish
 19553      stocking             stock
 19554      stockings            stock
 19555      stockish             stockish
 19556      stocks               stock
 19557      stog                 stog
 19558      stogs                stog
 19559      stoics               stoic
 19560      stokesly             stokesli
 19561      stol                 stol
 19562      stole                stole
 19563      stolen               stolen
 19564      stolest              stolest
 19565      stomach              stomach
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 19567      stomaching           stomach
 19568      stomachs             stomach
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 19570      stone                stone
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 19573      stonish              stonish
 19574      stony                stoni
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 19576      stool                stool
 19577      stools               stool
 19578      stoop                stoop
 19579      stooping             stoop
 19580      stoops               stoop
 19581      stop                 stop
 19582      stope                stope
 19583      stopp                stopp
 19584      stopped              stop
 19585      stopping             stop
 19586      stops                stop
 19587      stor                 stor
 19588      store                store
 19589      storehouse           storehous
 19590      storehouses          storehous
 19591      stores               store
 19592      stories              stori
 19593      storm                storm
 19594      stormed              storm
 19595      storming             storm
 19596      storms               storm
 19597      stormy               stormi
 19598      story                stori
 19599      stoup                stoup
 19600      stoups               stoup
 19601      stout                stout
 19602      stouter              stouter
 19603      stoutly              stoutli
 19604      stoutness            stout
 19605      stover               stover
 19606      stow                 stow
 19607      stowage              stowag
 19608      stowed               stow
 19609      strachy              strachi
 19610      stragglers           straggler
 19611      straggling           straggl
 19612      straight             straight
 19613      straightest          straightest
 19614      straightway          straightwai
 19615      strain               strain
 19616      strained             strain
 19617      straining            strain
 19618      strains              strain
 19619      strait               strait
 19620      straited             strait
 19621      straiter             straiter
 19622      straitly             straitli
 19623      straitness           strait
 19624      straits              strait
 19625      strand               strand
 19626      strange              strang
 19627      strangely            strang
 19628      strangeness          strang
 19629      stranger             stranger
 19630      strangers            stranger
 19631      strangest            strangest
 19632      strangle             strangl
 19633      strangled            strangl
 19634      strangler            strangler
 19635      strangles            strangl
 19636      strangling           strangl
 19637      strappado            strappado
 19638      straps               strap
 19639      stratagem            stratagem
 19640      stratagems           stratagem
 19641      stratford            stratford
 19642      strato               strato
 19643      straw                straw
 19644      strawberries         strawberri
 19645      strawberry           strawberri
 19646      straws               straw
 19647      strawy               strawi
 19648      stray                strai
 19649      straying             strai
 19650      strays               strai
 19651      streak               streak
 19652      streaks              streak
 19653      stream               stream
 19654      streamers            streamer
 19655      streaming            stream
 19656      streams              stream
 19657      streching            strech
 19658      street               street
 19659      streets              street
 19660      strength             strength
 19661      strengthen           strengthen
 19662      strengthened         strengthen
 19663      strengthless         strengthless
 19664      strengths            strength
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 19666      stretched            stretch
 19667      stretches            stretch
 19668      stretching           stretch
 19669      strew                strew
 19670      strewing             strew
 19671      strewings            strew
 19672      strewments           strewment
 19673      stricken             stricken
 19674      strict               strict
 19675      stricter             stricter
 19676      strictest            strictest
 19677      strictly             strictli
 19678      stricture            strictur
 19679      stride               stride
 19680      strides              stride
 19681      striding             stride
 19682      strife               strife
 19683      strifes              strife
 19684      strik                strik
 19685      strike               strike
 19686      strikers             striker
 19687      strikes              strike
 19688      strikest             strikest
 19689      striking             strike
 19690      string               string
 19691      stringless           stringless
 19692      strings              string
 19693      strip                strip
 19694      stripes              stripe
 19695      stripling            stripl
 19696      striplings           stripl
 19697      stripp               stripp
 19698      stripping            strip
 19699      striv                striv
 19700      strive               strive
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 19703      strok                strok
 19704      stroke               stroke
 19705      strokes              stroke
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 19707      stronds              strond
 19708      strong               strong
 19709      stronger             stronger
 19710      strongest            strongest
 19711      strongly             strongli
 19712      strooke              strook
 19713      strossers            strosser
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 19715      strown               strown
 19716      stroy                stroi
 19717      struck               struck
 19718      strucken             strucken
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 19720      struggles            struggl
 19721      struggling           struggl
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 19727      struts               strut
 19728      strutted             strut
 19729      strutting            strut
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 19732      stubbornest          stubbornest
 19733      stubbornly           stubbornli
 19734      stubbornness         stubborn
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 19740      studies              studi
 19741      studious             studiou
 19742      studiously           studious
 19743      studs                stud
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 19745      studying             studi
 19746      stuff                stuff
 19747      stuffing             stuf
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 19749      stumble              stumbl
 19750      stumbled             stumbl
 19751      stumblest            stumblest
 19752      stumbling            stumbl
 19753      stump                stump
 19754      stumps               stump
 19755      stung                stung
 19756      stupefy              stupefi
 19757      stupid               stupid
 19758      stupified            stupifi
 19759      stuprum              stuprum
 19760      sturdy               sturdi
 19761      sty                  sty
 19762      styga                styga
 19763      stygian              stygian
 19764      styl                 styl
 19765      style                style
 19766      styx                 styx
 19767      su                   su
 19768      sub                  sub
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 19770      subdu                subdu
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 19772      subdued              subdu
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 19774      subdues              subdu
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 19777      subjected            subject
 19778      subjection           subject
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 19782      submissive           submiss
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 19785      submitting           submit
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 19793      subscription         subscript
 19794      subsequent           subsequ
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 19796      subsidy              subsidi
 19797      subsist              subsist
 19798      subsisting           subsist
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 19800      substances           substanc
 19801      substantial          substanti
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 19803      substituted          substitut
 19804      substitutes          substitut
 19805      substitution         substitut
 19806      subtile              subtil
 19807      subtilly             subtilli
 19808      subtle               subtl
 19809      subtleties           subtleti
 19810      subtlety             subtleti
 19811      subtly               subtli
 19812      subtractors          subtractor
 19813      suburbs              suburb
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 19818      succeeded            succeed
 19819      succeeders           succeed
 19820      succeeding           succeed
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 19826      successfully         successfulli
 19827      succession           success
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 19836      sucker               sucker
 19837      suckers              sucker
 19838      sucking              suck
 19839      suckle               suckl
 19840      sucks                suck
 19841      sudden               sudden
 19842      suddenly             suddenli
 19843      sue                  sue
 19844      sued                 su
 19845      suerly               suerli
 19846      sues                 sue
 19847      sueth                sueth
 19848      suff                 suff
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 19850      sufferance           suffer
 19851      sufferances          suffer
 19852      suffered             suffer
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 19854      suffers              suffer
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 19856      suffice              suffic
 19857      sufficed             suffic
 19858      suffices             suffic
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 19861      sufficient           suffici
 19862      sufficiently         suffici
 19863      sufficing            suffic
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 19867      suffocating          suffoc
 19868      suffocation          suffoc
 19869      suffolk              suffolk
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 19871      suffrages            suffrag
 19872      sug                  sug
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 19874      sugarsop             sugarsop
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 19876      suggested            suggest
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 19881      suis                 sui
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 19884      suited               suit
 19885      suiting              suit
 19886      suitor               suitor
 19887      suitors              suitor
 19888      suits                suit
 19889      suivez               suivez
 19890      sullen               sullen
 19891      sullens              sullen
 19892      sullied              sulli
 19893      sullies              sulli
 19894      sully                sulli
 19895      sulph                sulph
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 19897      sulphur              sulphur
 19898      sulphurous           sulphur
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 19900      sultry               sultri
 19901      sum                  sum
 19902      sumless              sumless
 19903      summ                 summ
 19904      summa                summa
 19905      summary              summari
 19906      summer               summer
 19907      summers              summer
 19908      summit               summit
 19909      summon               summon
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 19911      summons              summon
 19912      sumpter              sumpter
 19913      sumptuous            sumptuou
 19914      sumptuously          sumptuous
 19915      sums                 sum
 19916      sun                  sun
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 19918      sunburning           sunburn
 19919      sunburnt             sunburnt
 19920      sund                 sund
 19921      sunday               sundai
 19922      sundays              sundai
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 19924      sunders              sunder
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 19927      sunk                 sunk
 19928      sunken               sunken
 19929      sunny                sunni
 19930      sunrising            sunris
 19931      suns                 sun
 19932      sunset               sunset
 19933      sunshine             sunshin
 19934      sup                  sup
 19935      super                super
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 19937      superficially        superfici
 19938      superfluity          superflu
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 19940      superfluously        superflu
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 19951      superstitiously      superstiti
 19952      supersubtle          supersubtl
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 19959      supping              sup
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 19972      suppliest            suppliest
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 19997      supreme              suprem
 19998      sups                 sup
 19999      sur                  sur
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 20002      surd                 surd
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 20005      surely               sure
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 20009      surety               sureti
 20010      surfeit              surfeit
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 20097      swathing             swath
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 20100      swaying              swai
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 20196      syracusians          syracusian
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 20199      t                    t
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 20214      tackles              tackl
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 20216      tacklings            tackl
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 20220      taffety              taffeti
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 20278      tangled              tangl
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 20282      tanned               tan
 20283      tanner               tanner
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 20285      tanta                tanta
 20286      tantaene             tantaen
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 20288      tape                 tape
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 20292      tapestry             tapestri
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 20296      tapsters             tapster
 20297      tar                  tar
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 20315      tarry                tarri
 20316      tarrying             tarri
 20317      tart                 tart
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 20319      tartars              tartar
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 20321      tartness             tart
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 20323      tasker               tasker
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 20343      taunts               taunt
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 20346      taverns              tavern
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 20349      tawny                tawni
 20350      tax                  tax
 20351      taxation             taxat
 20352      taxations            taxat
 20353      taxes                tax
 20354      taxing               tax
 20355      tc                   tc
 20356      te                   te
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 20359      teachers             teacher
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 20362      teacheth             teacheth
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 20367      tearing              tear
 20368      tears                tear
 20369      tearsheet            tearsheet
 20370      teat                 teat
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 20372      tediously            tedious
 20373      tediousness          tedious
 20374      teem                 teem
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 20376      teems                teem
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 20378      teeth                teeth
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 20380      telamon              telamon
 20381      telamonius           telamoniu
 20382      tell                 tell
 20383      teller               teller
 20384      telling              tell
 20385      tells                tell
 20386      tellus               tellu
 20387      temp                 temp
 20388      temper               temper
 20389      temperality          temper
 20390      temperance           temper
 20391      temperate            temper
 20392      temperately          temper
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 20395      tempests             tempest
 20396      tempestuous          tempestu
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 20398      temples              templ
 20399      temporal             tempor
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 20401      temporiz             temporiz
 20402      temporize            tempor
 20403      temporizer           tempor
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 20410      tempters             tempter
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 20417      tenantius            tenantiu
 20418      tenantless           tenantless
 20419      tenants              tenant
 20420      tench                tench
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 20426      tenderly             tenderli
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 20428      tenders              tender
 20429      tending              tend
 20430      tends                tend
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 20433      tenements            tenement
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 20436      tenour               tenour
 20437      tenours              tenour
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 20441      tenth                tenth
 20442      tenths               tenth
 20443      tents                tent
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 20445      tenures              tenur
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 20447      tereus               tereu
 20448      term                 term
 20449      termagant            termag
 20450      termed               term
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 20452      termless             termless
 20453      terms                term
 20454      terra                terra
 20455      terrace              terrac
 20456      terram               terram
 20457      terras               terra
 20458      terre                terr
 20459      terrene              terren
 20460      terrestrial          terrestri
 20461      terrible             terribl
 20462      terribly             terribl
 20463      territories          territori
 20464      territory            territori
 20465      terror               terror
 20466      terrors              terror
 20467      tertian              tertian
 20468      tertio               tertio
 20469      test                 test
 20470      testament            testament
 20471      tested               test
 20472      tester               tester
 20473      testern              testern
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 20475      testimonied          testimoni
 20476      testimonies          testimoni
 20477      testimony            testimoni
 20478      testiness            testi
 20479      testril              testril
 20480      testy                testi
 20481      tetchy               tetchi
 20482      tether               tether
 20483      tetter               tetter
 20484      tevil                tevil
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 20797      tittles              tittl
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 21129      tripolis             tripoli
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 21234      tufts                tuft
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 21243      tumbler              tumbler
 21244      tumbling             tumbl
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 21259      turbulent            turbul
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 21265      turkeys              turkei
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 21267      turks                turk
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 21269      turmoil              turmoil
 21270      turmoiled            turmoil
 21271      turn                 turn
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 21274      turncoats            turncoat
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 21277      turning              turn
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 21279      turns                turn
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 21284      turrets              turret
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 21286      turtles              turtl
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 21288      tuscan               tuscan
 21289      tush                 tush
 21290      tut                  tut
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 21292      tutored              tutor
 21293      tutors               tutor
 21294      tutto                tutto
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 21299      tway                 twai
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 21303      twelve               twelv
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 21306      twenty               twenti
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 21318      twinkle              twinkl
 21319      twinkled             twinkl
 21320      twinkling            twinkl
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 21322      twins                twin
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 21327      twits                twit
 21328      twitting             twit
 21329      twixt                twixt
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 21333      twopences            twopenc
 21334      twos                 two
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 21340      tying                ty
 21341      tyke                 tyke
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 21344      types                type
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 21349      tyrannous            tyrann
 21350      tyranny              tyranni
 21351      tyrant               tyrant
 21352      tyrants              tyrant
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 21354      tyrrel               tyrrel
 21355      u                    u
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 21361      ugliest              ugliest
 21362      ugly                 ugli
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 21365      ulysses              ulyss
 21366      um                   um
 21367      umber                umber
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 21369      umbrage              umbrag
 21370      umfrevile            umfrevil
 21371      umpire               umpir
 21372      umpires              umpir
 21373      un                   un
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 21375      unaccommodated       unaccommod
 21376      unaccompanied        unaccompani
 21377      unaccustom           unaccustom
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 21382      unadvised            unadvis
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 21384      unagreeable          unagre
 21385      unanel               unanel
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 21390      unaptness            unapt
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 21412      unbefitting          unbefit
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 21417      unbent               unbent
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 21428      unbodied             unbodi
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 21430      unbolted             unbolt
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 21434      unbosom              unbosom
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 21438      unbowed              unbow
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 21444      unbreech             unbreech
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 21447      unbruis              unbrui
 21448      unbruised            unbruis
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 21450      unbuckles            unbuckl
 21451      unbuckling           unbuckl
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 21453      unburden             unburden
 21454      unburdens            unburden
 21455      unburied             unburi
 21456      unburnt              unburnt
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 21459      unbuttoning          unbutton
 21460      uncapable            uncap
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 21463      uncasing             uncas
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 21466      uncertainty          uncertainti
 21467      unchain              unchain
 21468      unchanging           unchang
 21469      uncharge             uncharg
 21470      uncharged            uncharg
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 21472      unchary              unchari
 21473      unchaste             unchast
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 21475      unchilded            unchild
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 21480      unclean              unclean
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 21482      uncleanly            uncleanli
 21483      uncleanness          unclean
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 21485      unclew               unclew
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 21488      uncolted             uncolt
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 21490      uncomfortable        uncomfort
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 21492      uncomprehensive      uncomprehens
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 21495      unconfirmed          unconfirm
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 21508      uncouth              uncouth
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 21513      uncrown              uncrown
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 21515      unctuous             unctuou
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 21518      uncurbable           uncurb
 21519      uncurbed             uncurb
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 21534      undergoing           undergo
 21535      undergone            undergon
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 21538      underlings           underl
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 21540      underminers          undermin
 21541      underneath           underneath
 21542      underprizing         underpr
 21543      underprop            underprop
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 21546      understanding        understand
 21547      understandings       understand
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 21550      underta              underta
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 21552      undertakeing         undertak
 21553      undertaker           undertak
 21554      undertakes           undertak
 21555      undertaking          undertak
 21556      undertakings         undertak
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 21558      undervalu            undervalu
 21559      undervalued          undervalu
 21560      underwent            underw
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 21566      undeservers          undeserv
 21567      undeserving          undeserv
 21568      undetermin           undetermin
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 21573      undishonoured        undishonour
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 21575      undistinguishable    undistinguish
 21576      undistinguished      undistinguish
 21577      undividable          undivid
 21578      undivided            undivid
 21579      undivulged           undivulg
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 21582      undoing              undo
 21583      undone               undon
 21584      undoubted            undoubt
 21585      undoubtedly          undoubtedli
 21586      undream              undream
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 21588      undressed            undress
 21589      undrown              undrown
 21590      unduteous            undut
 21591      undutiful            unduti
 21592      une                  un
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 21594      unearned             unearn
 21595      unearthly            unearthli
 21596      uneasines            uneasin
 21597      uneasy               uneasi
 21598      uneath               uneath
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 21603      uneven               uneven
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 21608      unexperient          unexperi
 21609      unexpressive         unexpress
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 21615      unfasten             unfasten
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 21619      unfeed               unfe
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 21627      unfill               unfil
 21628      unfinish             unfinish
 21629      unfirm               unfirm
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 21631      unfitness            unfit
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 21637      unfolding            unfold
 21638      unfolds              unfold
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 21642      unforfeited          unforfeit
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 21644      unfortunate          unfortun
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 21647      unfriended           unfriend
 21648      unfurnish            unfurnish
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 21655      ungentleness         ungentl
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 21658      ungodly              ungodli
 21659      ungor                ungor
 21660      ungot                ungot
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 21662      ungovern             ungovern
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 21664      ungrateful           ungrat
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 21667      unguarded            unguard
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 21670      unhack               unhack
 21671      unhair               unhair
 21672      unhallow             unhallow
 21673      unhallowed           unhallow
 21674      unhand               unhand
 21675      unhandled            unhandl
 21676      unhandsome           unhandsom
 21677      unhang               unhang
 21678      unhappied            unhappi
 21679      unhappily            unhappili
 21680      unhappiness          unhappi
 21681      unhappy              unhappi
 21682      unhardened           unharden
 21683      unharm               unharm
 21684      unhatch              unhatch
 21685      unheard              unheard
 21686      unhearts             unheart
 21687      unheedful            unheed
 21688      unheedfully          unheedfulli
 21689      unheedy              unheedi
 21690      unhelpful            unhelp
 21691      unhidden             unhidden
 21692      unholy               unholi
 21693      unhop                unhop
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 21695      unhorse              unhors
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 21698      unhoused             unhous
 21699      unhurtful            unhurt
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 21701      unicorns             unicorn
 21702      unimproved           unimprov
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 21704      uninhabited          uninhabit
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 21707      unions               union
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 21710      unity                uniti
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 21712      universe             univers
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 21714      university           univers
 21715      unjointed            unjoint
 21716      unjust               unjust
 21717      unjustice            unjustic
 21718      unjustly             unjustli
 21719      unkennel             unkennel
 21720      unkept               unkept
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 21726      unkinglike           unkinglik
 21727      unkiss               unkiss
 21728      unknit               unknit
 21729      unknowing            unknow
 21730      unknown              unknown
 21731      unlace               unlac
 21732      unlaid               unlaid
 21733      unlawful             unlaw
 21734      unlawfully           unlawfulli
 21735      unlearn              unlearn
 21736      unlearned            unlearn
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 21738      unlesson             unlesson
 21739      unletter             unlett
 21740      unlettered           unlett
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 21742      unlike               unlik
 21743      unlikely             unlik
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 21745      unlineal             unlin
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 21747      unload               unload
 21748      unloaded             unload
 21749      unloading            unload
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 21752      unlocks              unlock
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 21756      unloose              unloos
 21757      unlov                unlov
 21758      unloving             unlov
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 21760      unlucky              unlucki
 21761      unmade               unmad
 21762      unmake               unmak
 21763      unmanly              unmanli
 21764      unmann               unmann
 21765      unmanner             unmann
 21766      unmannerd            unmannerd
 21767      unmannerly           unmannerli
 21768      unmarried            unmarri
 21769      unmask               unmask
 21770      unmasked             unmask
 21771      unmasking            unmask
 21772      unmasks              unmask
 21773      unmast               unmast
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 21775      unmatchable          unmatch
 21776      unmatched            unmatch
 21777      unmeasurable         unmeasur
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 21780      unmerciful           unmerci
 21781      unmeritable          unmerit
 21782      unmeriting           unmerit
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 21784      unmindfull           unmindful
 21785      unmingled            unmingl
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 21787      unmitigated          unmitig
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 21789      unmoan               unmoan
 21790      unmov                unmov
 21791      unmoved              unmov
 21792      unmoving             unmov
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 21794      unmuffling           unmuffl
 21795      unmusical            unmus
 21796      unmuzzle             unmuzzl
 21797      unmuzzled            unmuzzl
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 21799      unnaturally          unnatur
 21800      unnaturalness        unnatur
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 21802      unnecessary          unnecessari
 21803      unneighbourly        unneighbourli
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 21805      unnoble              unnobl
 21806      unnoted              unnot
 21807      unnumb               unnumb
 21808      unnumber             unnumb
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 21810      unpack               unpack
 21811      unpaid               unpaid
 21812      unparagon            unparagon
 21813      unparallel           unparallel
 21814      unpartial            unparti
 21815      unpath               unpath
 21816      unpaved              unpav
 21817      unpay                unpai
 21818      unpeaceable          unpeac
 21819      unpeg                unpeg
 21820      unpeople             unpeopl
 21821      unpeopled            unpeopl
 21822      unperfect            unperfect
 21823      unperfectness        unperfect
 21824      unpick               unpick
 21825      unpin                unpin
 21826      unpink               unpink
 21827      unpitied             unpiti
 21828      unpitifully          unpitifulli
 21829      unplagu              unplagu
 21830      unplausive           unplaus
 21831      unpleas              unplea
 21832      unpleasant           unpleas
 21833      unpleasing           unpleas
 21834      unpolicied           unpolici
 21835      unpolish             unpolish
 21836      unpolished           unpolish
 21837      unpolluted           unpollut
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 21839      unpossessing         unpossess
 21840      unpossible           unposs
 21841      unpractis            unpracti
 21842      unpregnant           unpregn
 21843      unpremeditated       unpremedit
 21844      unprepar             unprepar
 21845      unprepared           unprepar
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 21847      unprevailing         unprevail
 21848      unprevented          unprev
 21849      unpriz               unpriz
 21850      unprizable           unpriz
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 21852      unprofited           unprofit
 21853      unproper             unprop
 21854      unproperly           unproperli
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 21858      unprovident          unprovid
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 21861      unpruned             unprun
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 21863      unpurged             unpurg
 21864      unpurpos             unpurpo
 21865      unqualitied          unqual
 21866      unqueen              unqueen
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 21868      unquestionable       unquestion
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 21870      unquietly            unquietli
 21871      unquietness          unquiet
 21872      unraised             unrais
 21873      unrak                unrak
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 21875      unready              unreadi
 21876      unreal               unreal
 21877      unreasonable         unreason
 21878      unreasonably         unreason
 21879      unreclaimed          unreclaim
 21880      unreconciled         unreconcil
 21881      unreconciliable      unreconcili
 21882      unrecounted          unrecount
 21883      unrecuring           unrecur
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 21886      unrelenting          unrel
 21887      unremovable          unremov
 21888      unremovably          unremov
 21889      unreprievable        unrepriev
 21890      unresolv             unresolv
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 21892      unrespective         unrespect
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 21899      unrevers             unrev
 21900      unrewarded           unreward
 21901      unrighteous          unright
 21902      unrightful           unright
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 21904      unripp               unripp
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 21906      unroll               unrol
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 21908      unroosted            unroost
 21909      unroot               unroot
 21910      unrough              unrough
 21911      unruly               unruli
 21912      unsafe               unsaf
 21913      unsaluted            unsalut
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 21915      unsatisfied          unsatisfi
 21916      unsavoury            unsavouri
 21917      unsay                unsai
 21918      unscalable           unscal
 21919      unscann              unscann
 21920      unscarr              unscarr
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 21922      unscorch             unscorch
 21923      unscour              unscour
 21924      unscratch            unscratch
 21925      unseal               unseal
 21926      unseam               unseam
 21927      unsearch             unsearch
 21928      unseason             unseason
 21929      unseasonable         unseason
 21930      unseasonably         unseason
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 21932      unseconded           unsecond
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 21936      unseeming            unseem
 21937      unseemly             unseemli
 21938      unseen               unseen
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 21940      unseparable          unsepar
 21941      unserviceable        unservic
 21942      unset                unset
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 21944      unsettled            unsettl
 21945      unsever              unsev
 21946      unsex                unsex
 21947      unshak               unshak
 21948      unshaked             unshak
 21949      unshaken             unshaken
 21950      unshaped             unshap
 21951      unshapes             unshap
 21952      unsheath             unsheath
 21953      unsheathe            unsheath
 21954      unshorn              unshorn
 21955      unshout              unshout
 21956      unshown              unshown
 21957      unshrinking          unshrink
 21958      unshrubb             unshrubb
 21959      unshunn              unshunn
 21960      unshunnable          unshunn
 21961      unsifted             unsift
 21962      unsightly            unsightli
 21963      unsinew              unsinew
 21964      unsisting            unsist
 21965      unskilful            unskil
 21966      unskilfully          unskilfulli
 21967      unskillful           unskil
 21968      unslipping           unslip
 21969      unsmirched           unsmirch
 21970      unsoil               unsoil
 21971      unsolicited          unsolicit
 21972      unsorted             unsort
 21973      unsought             unsought
 21974      unsound              unsound
 21975      unsounded            unsound
 21976      unspeak              unspeak
 21977      unspeakable          unspeak
 21978      unspeaking           unspeak
 21979      unsphere             unspher
 21980      unspoke              unspok
 21981      unspoken             unspoken
 21982      unspotted            unspot
 21983      unsquar              unsquar
 21984      unstable             unstabl
 21985      unstaid              unstaid
 21986      unstain              unstain
 21987      unstained            unstain
 21988      unstanched           unstanch
 21989      unstate              unstat
 21990      unsteadfast          unsteadfast
 21991      unstooping           unstoop
 21992      unstringed           unstring
 21993      unstuff              unstuff
 21994      unsubstantial        unsubstanti
 21995      unsuitable           unsuit
 21996      unsuiting            unsuit
 21997      unsullied            unsulli
 21998      unsunn               unsunn
 21999      unsur                unsur
 22000      unsure               unsur
 22001      unsuspected          unsuspect
 22002      unsway               unswai
 22003      unswayable           unsway
 22004      unswayed             unswai
 22005      unswear              unswear
 22006      unswept              unswept
 22007      unsworn              unsworn
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 22011      untangled            untangl
 22012      untasted             untast
 22013      untaught             untaught
 22014      untempering          untemp
 22015      untender             untend
 22016      untent               untent
 22017      untented             untent
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 22019      unthankfulness       unthank
 22020      unthink              unthink
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 22046      untrimmed            untrim
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 22059      untutored            untutor
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 22108      unworthy             unworthi
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 22158      urine                urin
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 22164      ursula               ursula
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 22192      usurper              usurp
 22193      usurpers             usurp
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 22197      usury                usuri
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 22209      utterly              utterli
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 22212      uy                   uy
 22213      v                    v
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 22238      valentinus           valentinu
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 22241      valerius             valeriu
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 22245      valiantness          valiant
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 22249      valleys              vallei
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 22261      valuing              valu
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 22274      vanquisheth          vanquisheth
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 22282      vapour               vapour
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 22287      variation            variat
 22288      variations           variat
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 22290      variest              variest
 22291      variety              varieti
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 22295      varlets              varlet
 22296      varletto             varletto
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 22299      varro                varro
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 22304      vassals              vassal
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 22306      vastidity            vastid
 22307      vasty                vasti
 22308      vat                  vat
 22309      vater                vater
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 22372      ventures             ventur
 22373      venturing            ventur
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 22376      venus                venu
 22377      venuto               venuto
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 22389      verg                 verg
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 22399      verite               verit
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 22415      vessels              vessel
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 22478      viii                 viii
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 22536      virginius            virginiu
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 22559      visitors             visitor
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 22567      vitx                 vitx
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 22571      vixen                vixen
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 22587      voided               void
 22588      voiding              void
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 22596      volsces              volsc
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 22598      volscians            volscian
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 22602      voluble              volubl
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 22606      volumnius            volumniu
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 22608      voluntary            voluntari
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 22610      voluptuousness       voluptu
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 22613      vomits               vomit
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 22656      w                    w
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 22782      warriors             warrior
 22783      wars                 war
 22784      wart                 wart
 22785      warwick              warwick
 22786      warwickshire         warwickshir
 22787      wary                 wari
 22788      was                  wa
 22789      wash                 wash
 22790      washed               wash
 22791      washer               washer
 22792      washes               wash
 22793      washford             washford
 22794      washing              wash
 22795      wasp                 wasp
 22796      waspish              waspish
 22797      wasps                wasp
 22798      wassail              wassail
 22799      wassails             wassail
 22800      wast                 wast
 22801      waste                wast
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 22803      wasteful             wast
 22804      wasters              waster
 22805      wastes               wast
 22806      wasting              wast
 22807      wat                  wat
 22808      watch                watch
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 22811      watches              watch
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 22813      watching             watch
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 22816      watchmen             watchmen
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 22818      water                water
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 22823      watering             water
 22824      waterish             waterish
 22825      waterpots            waterpot
 22826      waterrugs            waterrug
 22827      waters               water
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 22829      watery               wateri
 22830      wav                  wav
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 22833      waver                waver
 22834      waverer              waver
 22835      wavering             waver
 22836      waves                wave
 22837      waving               wave
 22838      waw                  waw
 22839      wawl                 wawl
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 22842      waxen                waxen
 22843      waxes                wax
 22844      waxing               wax
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 22847      waylay               waylai
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 22850      waywarder            wayward
 22851      waywardness          wayward
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 22856      weaker               weaker
 22857      weakest              weakest
 22858      weakling             weakl
 22859      weakly               weakli
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 22866      wealthy              wealthi
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 22870      weapons              weapon
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 22877      wearily              wearili
 22878      weariness            weari
 22879      wearing              wear
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 22882      weary                weari
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 22886      weathers             weather
 22887      weav                 weav
 22888      weave                weav
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 22890      weavers              weaver
 22891      weaves               weav
 22892      weaving              weav
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 22896      wedding              wed
 22897      wedg                 wedg
 22898      wedged               wedg
 22899      wedges               wedg
 22900      wedlock              wedlock
 22901      wednesday            wednesdai
 22902      weed                 weed
 22903      weeded               weed
 22904      weeder               weeder
 22905      weeding              weed
 22906      weeds                weed
 22907      weedy                weedi
 22908      week                 week
 22909      weeke                week
 22910      weekly               weekli
 22911      weeks                week
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 22913      weening              ween
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 22915      weeper               weeper
 22916      weeping              weep
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 22918      weepings             weep
 22919      weeps                weep
 22920      weet                 weet
 22921      weigh                weigh
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 22928      weights              weight
 22929      weighty              weighti
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 22933      welcomer             welcom
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 22942      welshmen             welshmen
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 22945      wenches              wench
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 22953      west                 west
 22954      western              western
 22955      westminster          westminst
 22956      westmoreland         westmoreland
 22957      westward             westward
 22958      wet                  wet
 22959      wether               wether
 22960      wetting              wet
 22961      wezand               wezand
 22962      whale                whale
 22963      whales               whale
 22964      wharf                wharf
 22965      wharfs               wharf
 22966      what                 what
 22967      whate                whate
 22968      whatever             whatev
 22969      whatsoe              whatso
 22970      whatsoever           whatsoev
 22971      whatsome             whatsom
 22972      whe                  whe
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 22974      wheaten              wheaten
 22975      wheel                wheel
 22976      wheeling             wheel
 22977      wheels               wheel
 22978      wheer                wheer
 22979      wheeson              wheeson
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 22982      whelks               whelk
 22983      whelm                whelm
 22984      whelp                whelp
 22985      whelped              whelp
 22986      whelps               whelp
 22987      when                 when
 22988      whenas               whena
 22989      whence               whenc
 22990      whencesoever         whencesoev
 22991      whene                whene
 22992      whenever             whenev
 22993      whensoever           whensoev
 22994      where                where
 22995      whereabout           whereabout
 22996      whereas              wherea
 22997      whereat              whereat
 22998      whereby              wherebi
 22999      wherefore            wherefor
 23000      wherein              wherein
 23001      whereinto            whereinto
 23002      whereof              whereof
 23003      whereon              whereon
 23004      whereout             whereout
 23005      whereso              whereso
 23006      wheresoe             whereso
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 23008      wheresome            wheresom
 23009      whereto              whereto
 23010      whereuntil           whereuntil
 23011      whereunto            whereunto
 23012      whereupon            whereupon
 23013      wherever             wherev
 23014      wherewith            wherewith
 23015      wherewithal          wherewith
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 23017      whether              whether
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 23019      whetted              whet
 23020      whew                 whew
 23021      whey                 whei
 23022      which                which
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 23024      whiffler             whiffler
 23025      while                while
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 23027      whilst               whilst
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 23030      whined               whine
 23031      whinid               whinid
 23032      whining              whine
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 23034      whipp                whipp
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 23036      whipping             whip
 23037      whips                whip
 23038      whipster             whipster
 23039      whipstock            whipstock
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 23041      whirl                whirl
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 23043      whirligig            whirligig
 23044      whirling             whirl
 23045      whirlpool            whirlpool
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 23048      whirlwinds           whirlwind
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 23051      whispering           whisper
 23052      whisperings          whisper
 23053      whispers             whisper
 23054      whist                whist
 23055      whistle              whistl
 23056      whistles             whistl
 23057      whistling            whistl
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 23059      white                white
 23060      whitehall            whitehal
 23061      whitely              white
 23062      whiteness            white
 23063      whiter               whiter
 23064      whites               white
 23065      whitest              whitest
 23066      whither              whither
 23067      whiting              white
 23068      whitmore             whitmor
 23069      whitsters            whitster
 23070      whitsun              whitsun
 23071      whittle              whittl
 23072      whizzing             whizz
 23073      who                  who
 23074      whoa                 whoa
 23075      whoe                 whoe
 23076      whoever              whoever
 23077      whole                whole
 23078      wholesom             wholesom
 23079      wholesome            wholesom
 23080      wholly               wholli
 23081      whom                 whom
 23082      whoobub              whoobub
 23083      whoop                whoop
 23084      whooping             whoop
 23085      whor                 whor
 23086      whore                whore
 23087      whoremaster          whoremast
 23088      whoremasterly        whoremasterli
 23089      whoremonger          whoremong
 23090      whores               whore
 23091      whoreson             whoreson
 23092      whoresons            whoreson
 23093      whoring              whore
 23094      whorish              whorish
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 23096      whoso                whoso
 23097      whosoe               whoso
 23098      whosoever            whosoev
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 23100      wi                   wi
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 23103      wickednes            wickedn
 23104      wickedness           wicked
 23105      wicket               wicket
 23106      wicky                wicki
 23107      wid                  wid
 23108      wide                 wide
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 23110      wider                wider
 23111      widow                widow
 23112      widowed              widow
 23113      widower              widow
 23114      widowhood            widowhood
 23115      widows               widow
 23116      wield                wield
 23117      wife                 wife
 23118      wight                wight
 23119      wights               wight
 23120      wild                 wild
 23121      wildcats             wildcat
 23122      wilder               wilder
 23123      wilderness           wilder
 23124      wildest              wildest
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 23126      wildly               wildli
 23127      wildness             wild
 23128      wilds                wild
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 23130      wilful               wil
 23131      wilfull              wilful
 23132      wilfully             wilfulli
 23133      wilfulnes            wilfuln
 23134      wilfulness           wil
 23135      will                 will
 23136      willed               will
 23137      willers              willer
 23138      willeth              willeth
 23139      william              william
 23140      williams             william
 23141      willing              will
 23142      willingly            willingli
 23143      willingness          willing
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 23145      willow               willow
 23146      wills                will
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 23148      wiltshire            wiltshir
 23149      wimpled              wimpl
 23150      win                  win
 23151      wince                winc
 23152      winch                winch
 23153      winchester           winchest
 23154      wincot               wincot
 23155      wind                 wind
 23156      winded               wind
 23157      windgalls            windgal
 23158      winding              wind
 23159      windlasses           windlass
 23160      windmill             windmil
 23161      window               window
 23162      windows              window
 23163      windpipe             windpip
 23164      winds                wind
 23165      windsor              windsor
 23166      windy                windi
 23167      wine                 wine
 23168      wing                 wing
 23169      winged               wing
 23170      wingfield            wingfield
 23171      wingham              wingham
 23172      wings                wing
 23173      wink                 wink
 23174      winking              wink
 23175      winks                wink
 23176      winner               winner
 23177      winners              winner
 23178      winning              win
 23179      winnow               winnow
 23180      winnowed             winnow
 23181      winnows              winnow
 23182      wins                 win
 23183      winter               winter
 23184      winterly             winterli
 23185      winters              winter
 23186      wip                  wip
 23187      wipe                 wipe
 23188      wiped                wipe
 23189      wipes                wipe
 23190      wiping               wipe
 23191      wire                 wire
 23192      wires                wire
 23193      wiry                 wiri
 23194      wisdom               wisdom
 23195      wisdoms              wisdom
 23196      wise                 wise
 23197      wiselier             wiseli
 23198      wisely               wise
 23199      wiser                wiser
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 23202      wished               wish
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 23204      wishers              wisher
 23205      wishes               wish
 23206      wishest              wishest
 23207      wisheth              wisheth
 23208      wishful              wish
 23209      wishing              wish
 23210      wishtly              wishtli
 23211      wisp                 wisp
 23212      wist                 wist
 23213      wit                  wit
 23214      witb                 witb
 23215      witch                witch
 23216      witchcraft           witchcraft
 23217      witches              witch
 23218      witching             witch
 23219      with                 with
 23220      withal               withal
 23221      withdraw             withdraw
 23222      withdrawing          withdraw
 23223      withdrawn            withdrawn
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 23227      withering            wither
 23228      withers              wither
 23229      withheld             withheld
 23230      withhold             withhold
 23231      withholds            withhold
 23232      within               within
 23233      withold              withold
 23234      without              without
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 23236      withstanding         withstand
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 23238      witless              witless
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 23242      witnessing           wit
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 23247      wittily              wittili
 23248      witting              wit
 23249      wittingly            wittingli
 23250      wittol               wittol
 23251      wittolly             wittolli
 23252      witty                witti
 23253      wiv                  wiv
 23254      wive                 wive
 23255      wived                wive
 23256      wives                wive
 23257      wiving               wive
 23258      wizard               wizard
 23259      wizards              wizard
 23260      wo                   wo
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 23262      woeful               woeful
 23263      woefull              woeful
 23264      woefullest           woefullest
 23265      woes                 woe
 23266      woful                woful
 23267      wolf                 wolf
 23268      wolfish              wolfish
 23269      wolsey               wolsei
 23270      wolves               wolv
 23271      wolvish              wolvish
 23272      woman                woman
 23273      womanhood            womanhood
 23274      womanish             womanish
 23275      womankind            womankind
 23276      womanly              womanli
 23277      womb                 womb
 23278      wombs                womb
 23279      womby                wombi
 23280      women                women
 23281      won                  won
 23282      woncot               woncot
 23283      wond                 wond
 23284      wonder               wonder
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 23286      wonderful            wonder
 23287      wonderfully          wonderfulli
 23288      wondering            wonder
 23289      wonders              wonder
 23290      wondrous             wondrou
 23291      wondrously           wondrous
 23292      wont                 wont
 23293      wonted               wont
 23294      woo                  woo
 23295      wood                 wood
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 23297      woodcock             woodcock
 23298      woodcocks            woodcock
 23299      wooden               wooden
 23300      woodland             woodland
 23301      woodman              woodman
 23302      woodmonger           woodmong
 23303      woods                wood
 23304      woodstock            woodstock
 23305      woodville            woodvil
 23306      wooed                woo
 23307      wooer                wooer
 23308      wooers               wooer
 23309      wooes                wooe
 23310      woof                 woof
 23311      wooing               woo
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 23313      wool                 wool
 23314      woollen              woollen
 23315      woolly               woolli
 23316      woolsack             woolsack
 23317      woolsey              woolsei
 23318      woolward             woolward
 23319      woos                 woo
 23320      wor                  wor
 23321      worcester            worcest
 23322      word                 word
 23323      words                word
 23324      wore                 wore
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 23326      work                 work
 23327      workers              worker
 23328      working              work
 23329      workings             work
 23330      workman              workman
 23331      workmanly            workmanli
 23332      workmanship          workmanship
 23333      workmen              workmen
 23334      works                work
 23335      worky                worki
 23336      world                world
 23337      worldlings           worldl
 23338      worldly              worldli
 23339      worlds               world
 23340      worm                 worm
 23341      worms                worm
 23342      wormwood             wormwood
 23343      wormy                wormi
 23344      worn                 worn
 23345      worried              worri
 23346      worries              worri
 23347      worry                worri
 23348      worrying             worri
 23349      worse                wors
 23350      worser               worser
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 23352      worshipful           worship
 23353      worshipfully         worshipfulli
 23354      worshipp             worshipp
 23355      worshipper           worshipp
 23356      worshippers          worshipp
 23357      worshippest          worshippest
 23358      worships             worship
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 23360      worsted              worst
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 23363      worthied             worthi
 23364      worthier             worthier
 23365      worthies             worthi
 23366      worthiest            worthiest
 23367      worthily             worthili
 23368      worthiness           worthi
 23369      worthless            worthless
 23370      worths               worth
 23371      worthy               worthi
 23372      worts                wort
 23373      wot                  wot
 23374      wots                 wot
 23375      wotting              wot
 23376      wouid                wouid
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 23378      wouldest             wouldest
 23379      wouldst              wouldst
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 23382      wounding             wound
 23383      woundings            wound
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 23386      wouns                woun
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 23388      wow                  wow
 23389      wrack                wrack
 23390      wrackful             wrack
 23391      wrangle              wrangl
 23392      wrangler             wrangler
 23393      wranglers            wrangler
 23394      wrangling            wrangl
 23395      wrap                 wrap
 23396      wrapp                wrapp
 23397      wraps                wrap
 23398      wrapt                wrapt
 23399      wrath                wrath
 23400      wrathful             wrath
 23401      wrathfully           wrathfulli
 23402      wraths               wrath
 23403      wreak                wreak
 23404      wreakful             wreak
 23405      wreaks               wreak
 23406      wreath               wreath
 23407      wreathed             wreath
 23408      wreathen             wreathen
 23409      wreaths              wreath
 23410      wreck                wreck
 23411      wrecked              wreck
 23412      wrecks               wreck
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 23415      wrenching            wrench
 23416      wrens                wren
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 23418      wrested              wrest
 23419      wresting             wrest
 23420      wrestle              wrestl
 23421      wrestled             wrestl
 23422      wrestler             wrestler
 23423      wrestling            wrestl
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 23425      wretchcd             wretchcd
 23426      wretched             wretch
 23427      wretchedness         wretched
 23428      wretches             wretch
 23429      wring                wring
 23430      wringer              wringer
 23431      wringing             wring
 23432      wrings               wring
 23433      wrinkle              wrinkl
 23434      wrinkled             wrinkl
 23435      wrinkles             wrinkl
 23436      wrist                wrist
 23437      wrists               wrist
 23438      writ                 writ
 23439      write                write
 23440      writer               writer
 23441      writers              writer
 23442      writes               write
 23443      writhled             writhl
 23444      writing              write
 23445      writings             write
 23446      writs                writ
 23447      written              written
 23448      wrong                wrong
 23449      wronged              wrong
 23450      wronger              wronger
 23451      wrongful             wrong
 23452      wrongfully           wrongfulli
 23453      wronging             wrong
 23454      wrongly              wrongli
 23455      wrongs               wrong
 23456      wronk                wronk
 23457      wrote                wrote
 23458      wroth                wroth
 23459      wrought              wrought
 23460      wrung                wrung
 23461      wry                  wry
 23462      wrying               wry
 23463      wt                   wt
 23464      wul                  wul
 23465      wye                  wye
 23466      x                    x
 23467      xanthippe            xanthipp
 23468      xi                   xi
 23469      xii                  xii
 23470      xiii                 xiii
 23471      xiv                  xiv
 23472      xv                   xv
 23473      y                    y
 23474      yard                 yard
 23475      yards                yard
 23476      yare                 yare
 23477      yarely               yare
 23478      yarn                 yarn
 23479      yaughan              yaughan
 23480      yaw                  yaw
 23481      yawn                 yawn
 23482      yawning              yawn
 23483      ycleped              yclepe
 23484      ycliped              yclipe
 23485      ye                   ye
 23486      yea                  yea
 23487      yead                 yead
 23488      year                 year
 23489      yearly               yearli
 23490      yearn                yearn
 23491      yearns               yearn
 23492      years                year
 23493      yeas                 yea
 23494      yeast                yeast
 23495      yedward              yedward
 23496      yell                 yell
 23497      yellow               yellow
 23498      yellowed             yellow
 23499      yellowing            yellow
 23500      yellowness           yellow
 23501      yellows              yellow
 23502      yells                yell
 23503      yelping              yelp
 23504      yeoman               yeoman
 23505      yeomen               yeomen
 23506      yerk                 yerk
 23507      yes                  ye
 23508      yesterday            yesterdai
 23509      yesterdays           yesterdai
 23510      yesternight          yesternight
 23511      yesty                yesti
 23512      yet                  yet
 23513      yew                  yew
 23514      yicld                yicld
 23515      yield                yield
 23516      yielded              yield
 23517      yielder              yielder
 23518      yielders             yielder
 23519      yielding             yield
 23520      yields               yield
 23521      yok                  yok
 23522      yoke                 yoke
 23523      yoked                yoke
 23524      yokefellow           yokefellow
 23525      yokes                yoke
 23526      yoketh               yoketh
 23527      yon                  yon
 23528      yond                 yond
 23529      yonder               yonder
 23530      yongrey              yongrei
 23531      yore                 yore
 23532      yorick               yorick
 23533      york                 york
 23534      yorkists             yorkist
 23535      yorks                york
 23536      yorkshire            yorkshir
 23537      you                  you
 23538      young                young
 23539      younger              younger
 23540      youngest             youngest
 23541      youngling            youngl
 23542      younglings           youngl
 23543      youngly              youngli
 23544      younker              younker
 23545      your                 your
 23546      yours                your
 23547      yourself             yourself
 23548      yourselves           yourselv
 23549      youth                youth
 23550      youthful             youth
 23551      youths               youth
 23552      youtli               youtli
 23553      zanies               zani
 23554      zany                 zani
 23555      zeal                 zeal
 23556      zealous              zealou
 23557      zeals                zeal
 23558      zed                  zed
 23559      zenelophon           zenelophon
 23560      zenith               zenith
 23561      zephyrs              zephyr
 23562      zir                  zir
 23563      zo                   zo
 23564      zodiac               zodiac
 23565      zodiacs              zodiac
 23566      zone                 zone
 23567      zounds               zound
 23568      zwagger              zwagger
 23569  }                         
 23571  # Create a full-text index to use for testing the stemmer.
 23572  #
 23573  db close
 23574  sqlite3 db :memory:
 23575  db eval {
 23576    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts1(word, tokenize Porter);
 23577  }
 23579  foreach {pfrom pto} $porter_test_data {
 23580    do_test fts1porter-$pfrom {
 23581      execsql {
 23582        DELETE FROM t1_term;
 23583        DELETE FROM t1_content;
 23584        INSERT INTO t1(word) VALUES($pfrom);
 23585        SELECT term FROM t1_term;
 23586      }
 23587    } $pto
 23588  }
 23590  finish_test