
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  # \
     3  exec wapptclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}
     5  # package required wapp
     6  source [file join [file dirname [info script]] wapp.tcl]
     8  # Variables set by the "control" form:
     9  #
    10  #   G(platform) - User selected platform.
    11  #   G(test)     - Set to "Normal", "Veryquick", "Smoketest" or "Build-Only".
    12  #   G(keep)     - Boolean. True to delete no files after each test.
    13  #   G(msvc)     - Boolean. True to use MSVC as the compiler.
    14  #   G(tcl)      - Use Tcl from this directory for builds.
    15  #   G(jobs)     - How many sub-processes to run simultaneously.
    16  #
    17  set G(platform) $::tcl_platform(os)-$::tcl_platform(machine)
    18  set G(test)     Normal
    19  set G(keep)     1
    20  set G(msvc)     0
    21  set G(tcl)      [::tcl::pkgconfig get libdir,install]
    22  set G(jobs)     3
    23  set G(debug)    0
    25  set G(noui)     0
    26  set G(stdout)   0
    29  proc wapptest_init {} {
    30    global G
    32    set lSave [list platform test keep msvc tcl jobs debug noui stdout] 
    33    foreach k $lSave { set A($k) $G($k) }
    34    array unset G
    35    foreach k $lSave { set G($k) $A($k) }
    37    # The root of the SQLite source tree.
    38    set G(srcdir)   [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]]
    40    set G(sqlite_version) "unknown"
    42    # Either "config", "running" or "stopped":
    43    set G(state) "config"
    45    set G(hostname) "(unknown host)"
    46    catch { set G(hostname) [exec hostname] } 
    47    set G(host) $G(hostname)
    48    append G(host) " $::tcl_platform(os) $::tcl_platform(osVersion)"
    49    append G(host) " $::tcl_platform(machine) $::tcl_platform(byteOrder)"
    50  }
    52  proc wapptest_run {} {
    53    global G
    54    set_test_array
    55    set G(state) "running"
    57    wapptest_openlog
    59    wapptest_output "Running the following for $G(platform). $G(jobs) jobs."
    60    foreach t $G(test_array) {
    61      set config [dict get $t config]
    62      set target [dict get $t target]
    63      wapptest_output [format "    %-25s%s" $config $target]
    64    }
    65    wapptest_output [string repeat * 70]
    66  }
    68  proc releasetest_data {args} {
    69    global G
    70    set rtd [file join $G(srcdir) test releasetest_data.tcl]
    71    set fd [open "|[info nameofexecutable] $rtd $args" r+]
    72    set ret [read $fd]
    73    close $fd
    74    return $ret
    75  }
    77  # Generate the text for the box at the top of the UI. The current SQLite
    78  # version, according to fossil, along with a warning if there are 
    79  # uncommitted changes in the checkout.
    80  #
    81  proc generate_fossil_info {} {
    82    global G
    83    set pwd [pwd]
    84    cd $G(srcdir)
    85    set rc [catch {
    86      set r1 [exec fossil info]
    87      set r2 [exec fossil changes]
    88    }]
    89    cd $pwd
    90    if {$rc} return
    92    foreach line [split $r1 "\n"] {
    93      if {[regexp {^checkout: *(.*)$} $line -> co]} {
    94        wapp-trim { <br> %html($co) }
    95      }
    96    }
    98    if {[string trim $r2]!=""} {
    99      wapp-trim { 
   100        <br><span class=warning> 
   101        WARNING: Uncommitted changes in checkout
   102        </span>
   103      }
   104    }
   105  }
   107  # If the application is in "config" state, set the contents of the 
   108  # ::G(test_array) global to reflect the tests that will be run. If the
   109  # app is in some other state ("running" or "stopped"), this command
   110  # is a no-op.
   111  #
   112  proc set_test_array {} {
   113    global G
   114    if { $G(state)=="config" } {
   115      set G(test_array) [list]
   116      set debug "-debug"
   117      if {$G(debug)==0} { set debug "-nodebug"}
   118      foreach {config target} [releasetest_data tests $debug $G(platform)] {
   120        # If using MSVC, do not run sanitize or valgrind tests. Or the
   121        # checksymbols test.
   122        if {$G(msvc) && (
   123            "Sanitize" == $config 
   124         || "checksymbols" in $target
   125         || "valgrindtest" in $target
   126        )} {
   127          continue
   128        }
   130        # If the test mode is not "Normal", override the target.
   131        #
   132        if {$target!="checksymbols" && $G(platform)!="Failure-Detection"} {
   133          switch -- $G(test) {
   134            Veryquick { set target quicktest }
   135            Smoketest { set target smoketest }
   136            Build-Only {
   137              set target testfixture
   138              if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} {
   139                set target testfixture.exe
   140              }
   141            }
   142          }
   143        }
   145        lappend G(test_array) [dict create config $config target $target]
   146      }
   147    }
   148  }
   150  proc count_tests_and_errors {name logfile} {
   151    global G
   153    set fd [open $logfile rb]
   154    set seen 0
   155    while {![eof $fd]} {
   156      set line [gets $fd]
   157      if {[regexp {(\d+) errors out of (\d+) tests} $line all nerr ntest]} {
   158        incr G(test.$name.nError) $nerr
   159        incr G(test.$name.nTest) $ntest
   160        set seen 1
   161        if {$nerr>0} {
   162          set G(test.$name.errmsg) $line
   163        }
   164      }
   165      if {[regexp {runtime error: +(.*)} $line all msg]} {
   166        # skip over "value is outside range" errors
   167        if {[regexp {.* is outside the range of representable} $line]} {
   168           # noop
   169        } else {
   170          incr G(test.$name.nError)
   171          if {$G(test.$name.errmsg)==""} {
   172            set G(test.$name.errmsg) $msg
   173          }
   174        }
   175      }
   176      if {[regexp {fatal error +(.*)} $line all msg]} {
   177        incr G(test.$name.nError)
   178        if {$G(test.$name.errmsg)==""} {
   179          set G(test.$name.errmsg) $msg
   180        }
   181      }
   182      if {[regexp {ERROR SUMMARY: (\d+) errors.*} $line all cnt] && $cnt>0} {
   183        incr G(test.$name.nError)
   184        if {$G(test.$name.errmsg)==""} {
   185          set G(test.$name.errmsg) $all
   186        }
   187      }
   188      if {[regexp {^VERSION: 3\.\d+.\d+} $line]} {
   189        set v [string range $line 9 end]
   190        if {$G(sqlite_version) eq "unknown"} {
   191          set G(sqlite_version) $v
   192        } elseif {$G(sqlite_version) ne $v} {
   193          set G(test.$name.errmsg) "version conflict: {$G(sqlite_version)} vs. {$v}"
   194        }
   195      }
   196    }
   197    close $fd
   198    if {$G(test) == "Build-Only"} {
   199      incr G(test.$name.nTest)
   200      if {$G(test.$name.nError)>0} {
   201        set errmsg "Build failed"
   202      }
   203    } elseif {!$seen} {
   204      set G(test.$name.errmsg) "Test did not complete"
   205      if {[file readable core]} {
   206        append G(test.$name.errmsg) " - core file exists"
   207      }
   208    }
   209  }
   211  proc wapptest_output {str} {
   212    global G
   213    if {$G(stdout)} { puts $str }
   214    if {[info exists G(log)]} { 
   215      puts $G(log) $str 
   216      flush $G(log)
   217    }
   218  }
   219  proc wapptest_openlog {} {
   220    global G
   221    set G(log) [open wapptest-out.txt w+]
   222  }
   223  proc wapptest_closelog {} {
   224    global G
   225    close $G(log)
   226    unset G(log)
   227  }
   229  proc format_seconds {seconds} {
   230    set min [format %.2d [expr ($seconds / 60) % 60]]
   231    set  hr [format %.2d [expr $seconds / 3600]]
   232    set sec [format %.2d [expr $seconds % 60]]
   233    return "$hr:$min:$sec"
   234  }
   236  # This command is invoked once a slave process has finished running its
   237  # tests, successfully or otherwise. Parameter $name is the name of the 
   238  # test, $rc the exit code returned by the slave process.
   239  #
   240  proc slave_test_done {name rc} {
   241    global G
   242    set G(test.$name.done) [clock seconds]
   243    set G(test.$name.nError) 0
   244    set G(test.$name.nTest) 0
   245    set G(test.$name.errmsg) ""
   246    if {$rc} {
   247      incr G(test.$name.nError)
   248    }
   249    if {[file exists $G(test.$name.log)]} {
   250      count_tests_and_errors $name $G(test.$name.log)
   251    }
   253    # If the "keep files" checkbox is clear, delete all files except for
   254    # the executables and test logs. And any core file that is present.
   255    if {$G(keep)==0} {
   256      set keeplist {
   257        testfixture testfixture.exe
   258        sqlite3 sqlite3.exe
   259        test.log test-out.txt
   260        core
   263        wapptest_run.tcl
   264      }
   265      foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $G(test.$name.dir) *]] {
   266        set t [file tail $f]
   267        if {[lsearch $keeplist $t]<0} {
   268          catch { file delete -force $f }
   269        }
   270      }
   271    }
   273    # Format a message regarding the success or failure of hte test.
   274    set t [format_seconds [expr $G(test.$name.done) - $G(test.$name.start)]]
   275    set res "OK"
   276    if {$G(test.$name.nError)} { set res "FAILED" }
   277    set dots [string repeat . [expr 60 - [string length $name]]]
   278    set msg "$name $dots $res ($t)"
   280    wapptest_output $msg
   281    if {[info exists G(test.$name.errmsg)] && $G(test.$name.errmsg)!=""} {
   282      wapptest_output "    $G(test.$name.errmsg)"
   283    }
   284  }
   286  # This is a fileevent callback invoked each time a file-descriptor that
   287  # connects this process to a slave process is readable.
   288  #
   289  proc slave_fileevent {name} {
   290    global G
   291    set fd $G(test.$
   293    if {[eof $fd]} {
   294      fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
   295      set rc [catch { close $fd }]
   296      unset G(test.$
   297      slave_test_done $name $rc
   298    } else {
   299      set line [gets $fd]
   300      if {[string trim $line] != ""} { puts "Trace   : $name - \"$line\"" }
   301    }
   303    do_some_stuff
   304  }
   306  # Return the contents of the "slave script" - the script run by slave 
   307  # processes to actually perform the test. All it does is execute the
   308  # test script already written to disk ( or wapptest_cmd.bat).
   309  #
   310  proc wapptest_slave_script {} {
   311    global G
   312    if {$G(msvc)==0} {
   313      set dir [file join .. $G(srcdir)]
   314      set res [subst -nocommands {
   315        set rc [catch "exec sh {$dir} >>& test.log" ]
   316        exit [set rc]
   317      }]
   318    } else {
   319      set dir [file nativename [file normalize $G(srcdir)]]
   320      set dir [string map [list "\\" "\\\\"] $dir]
   321      set res [subst -nocommands {
   322        set rc [catch "exec wapptest_cmd.bat {$dir} >>& test.log" ]
   323        exit [set rc]
   324      }]
   325    }
   327    set res
   328  }
   331  # Launch a slave process to run a test.
   332  #
   333  proc slave_launch {name target dir} {
   334    global G
   336    catch { file mkdir $dir } msg
   337    foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir *]] {
   338      catch { file delete -force $f }
   339    }
   340    set G(test.$name.dir) $dir
   342    # Write the test command to|bat.
   343    #
   344    set ext sh
   345    if {$G(msvc)} { set ext bat }
   346    set fd1 [open [file join $dir wapptest_cmd.$ext] w]
   347    if {$G(msvc)} {
   348      puts $fd1 [releasetest_data script -msvc $name $target]
   349    } else {
   350      puts $fd1 [releasetest_data script $name $target]
   351    }
   352    close $fd1
   354    # Write the wapptest_run.tcl script to the test directory. To run the
   355    # commands in the other two files.
   356    #
   357    set fd3 [open [file join $dir wapptest_run.tcl] w]
   358    puts $fd3 [wapptest_slave_script]
   359    close $fd3
   361    set pwd [pwd]
   362    cd $dir
   363    set fd [open "|[info nameofexecutable] wapptest_run.tcl" r+]
   364    cd $pwd
   366    set G(test.$ $fd
   367    fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
   368    fileevent $fd readable [list slave_fileevent $name]
   369  }
   371  proc do_some_stuff {} {
   372    global G
   374    # Count the number of running jobs. A running job has an entry named
   375    # "channel" in its dictionary.
   376    set nRunning 0
   377    set bFinished 1
   378    foreach j $G(test_array) {
   379      set name [dict get $j config]
   380      if { [info exists G(test.$]} { incr nRunning   }
   381      if {![info exists G(test.$name.done)]}    { set bFinished 0 }
   382    }
   384    if {$bFinished} {
   385      set nError 0
   386      set nTest 0
   387      set nConfig 0
   388      foreach j $G(test_array) {
   389        set name [dict get $j config]
   390        incr nError $G(test.$name.nError)
   391        incr nTest $G(test.$name.nTest)
   392        incr nConfig 
   393      }
   394      set G(result) "$nError errors from $nTest tests in $nConfig configurations."
   395      wapptest_output [string repeat * 70]
   396      wapptest_output $G(result)
   397      catch {
   398        append G(result) " SQLite version $G(sqlite_version)"
   399        wapptest_output " SQLite version $G(sqlite_version)"
   400      }
   401      set G(state) "stopped"
   402      wapptest_closelog
   403      if {$G(noui)} { exit 0 }
   404    } else {
   405      set nLaunch [expr $G(jobs) - $nRunning]
   406      foreach j $G(test_array) {
   407        if {$nLaunch<=0} break
   408        set name [dict get $j config]
   409        if { ![info exists G(test.$]
   410          && ![info exists G(test.$name.done)]
   411        } {
   413          set target [dict get $j target]
   414          set dir [string tolower [string map {" " _ "-" _} $name]]
   415          set G(test.$name.start) [clock seconds]
   416          set G(test.$name.log) [file join $dir test.log]
   418          slave_launch $name $target $dir
   420          incr nLaunch -1
   421        }
   422      }
   423    }
   424  }
   426  proc generate_select_widget {label id lOpt opt} {
   427    wapp-trim {
   428      <label> %string($label) </label>
   429      <select id=%string($id) name=%string($id)>
   430    }
   431    foreach o $lOpt {
   432      set selected ""
   433      if {$o==$opt} { set selected " selected=1" }
   434      wapp-subst "<option $selected>$o</option>"
   435    }
   436    wapp-trim { </select> }
   437  }
   439  proc generate_main_page {{extra {}}} {
   440    global G
   441    set_test_array
   443    set hostname $G(hostname)
   444    wapp-trim {
   445      <html>
   446      <head>
   447        <title> %html($hostname): wapptest.tcl </title>
   448        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>
   449      </head>
   450      <body>
   451    }
   453    set host $G(host)
   454    wapp-trim {
   455      <div class="border">%string($host)
   456    }
   457    generate_fossil_info
   458    wapp-trim {
   459      </div>
   460      <div class="border" id=controls> 
   461      <form action="control" method="post" name="control">
   462    }
   464    # Build the "platform" select widget. 
   465    set lOpt [releasetest_data platforms]
   466    generate_select_widget Platform control_platform $lOpt $G(platform)
   468    # Build the "test" select widget. 
   469    set lOpt [list Normal Veryquick Smoketest Build-Only] 
   470    generate_select_widget Test control_test $lOpt $G(test)
   472    # Build the "jobs" select widget. Options are 1 to 8.
   473    generate_select_widget Jobs control_jobs {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} $G(jobs)
   475    switch $G(state) {
   476      config {
   477        set txt "Run Tests!"
   478        set id control_run
   479      }
   480      running {
   481        set txt "STOP Tests!"
   482        set id control_stop
   483      }
   484      stopped {
   485        set txt "Reset!"
   486        set id control_reset
   487      }
   488    }
   489    wapp-trim {
   490      <div class=right>
   491      <input id=%string($id) name=%string($id) type=submit value="%string($txt)">
   492      </input>
   493      </div>
   494    }
   496    wapp-trim {
   497    <br><br>
   498          <label> Tcl: </label>
   499          <input id="control_tcl" name="control_tcl"></input>
   500          <label> Keep files: </label>
   501          <input id="control_keep" name="control_keep" type=checkbox value=1>
   502          </input>
   503          <label> Use MSVC: </label>
   504          <input id="control_msvc" name="control_msvc" type=checkbox value=1>
   505          <label> Debug tests: </label>
   506          <input id="control_debug" name="control_debug" type=checkbox value=1>
   507          </input>
   508    }
   509    wapp-trim {
   510       </form>
   511    }
   512    wapp-trim {
   513       </div>
   514       <div id=tests>
   515    }
   516    wapp-page-tests
   518    set script "script/$G(state).js"
   519    wapp-trim {
   520      </div>
   521        <script src=%string($script)></script>
   522      </body>
   523      </html>
   524    }
   525  }
   527  proc wapp-default {} {
   528    generate_main_page
   529  }
   531  proc wapp-page-tests {} {
   532    global G
   533    wapp-trim { <table class="border" width=100%> }
   534    foreach t $G(test_array) {
   535      set config [dict get $t config]
   536      set target [dict get $t target]
   538      set class "testwait"
   539      set seconds ""
   541      if {[info exists G(test.$config.log)]} {
   542        if {[info exists G(test.$]} {
   543          set class "testrunning"
   544          set seconds [expr [clock seconds] - $G(test.$config.start)]
   545        } elseif {[info exists G(test.$config.done)]} {
   546          if {$G(test.$config.nError)>0} {
   547            set class "testfail" 
   548          } else {
   549            set class "testdone"
   550          }
   551          set seconds [expr $G(test.$config.done) - $G(test.$config.start)]
   552        }
   553        set seconds [format_seconds $seconds]
   554      }
   556      wapp-trim {
   557        <tr class=%string($class)>
   558        <td class="nowrap"> %html($config) 
   559        <td class="padleft nowrap"> %html($target)
   560        <td class="padleft nowrap"> %html($seconds)
   561        <td class="padleft nowrap">
   562      }
   563      if {[info exists G(test.$config.log)]} {
   564        set log $G(test.$config.log)
   565        set uri "log/$log"
   566        wapp-trim {
   567          <a href=%url($uri)> %html($log) </a>
   568        }
   569      }
   570      if {[info exists G(test.$config.errmsg)] && $G(test.$config.errmsg)!=""} {
   571        set errmsg $G(test.$config.errmsg)
   572        wapp-trim {
   573          <tr class=testfail>
   574          <td> <td class="padleft" colspan=3> %html($errmsg)
   575        }
   576      }
   577    }
   579    wapp-trim { </table> }
   581    if {[info exists G(result)]} {
   582      set res $G(result)
   583      wapp-trim {
   584        <div class=border id=result> %string($res) </div>
   585      }
   586    }
   587  }
   589  # URI: /control
   590  #
   591  # Whenever the form at the top of the application page is submitted, it
   592  # is submitted here.
   593  #
   594  proc wapp-page-control {} {
   595    global G
   596    if {$::G(state)=="config"} {
   597      set lControls [list platform test tcl jobs keep msvc debug]
   598      set G(msvc) 0
   599      set G(keep) 0
   600      set G(debug) 0
   601    } else {
   602      set lControls [list jobs]
   603    }
   604    foreach v $lControls {
   605      if {[wapp-param-exists control_$v]} {
   606        set G($v) [wapp-param control_$v]
   607      }
   608    }
   610    if {[wapp-param-exists control_run]} {
   611      # This is a "run test" command.
   612      wapptest_run
   613    }
   615    if {[wapp-param-exists control_stop]} {
   616      # A "STOP tests" command.
   617      set G(state) "stopped"
   618      set G(result) "Test halted by user"
   619      foreach j $G(test_array) {
   620        set name [dict get $j config]
   621        if { [info exists G(test.$] } {
   622          close $G(test.$
   623          unset G(test.$
   624          slave_test_done $name 1
   625        }
   626      }
   627      wapptest_closelog
   628    }
   630    if {[wapp-param-exists control_reset]} {
   631      # A "reset app" command.
   632      set G(state) "config"
   633      wapptest_init
   634    }
   636    if {$::G(state) == "running"} {
   637      do_some_stuff
   638    }
   639    wapp-redirect /
   640  }
   642  # URI: /style.css
   643  #
   644  # Return the stylesheet for the application main page.
   645  #
   646  proc wapp-page-style.css {} {
   647    wapp-subst {
   649      /* The boxes with black borders use this class */
   650      .border {
   651        border: 3px groove #444444;
   652        padding: 1em;
   653        margin-top: 1em;
   654        margin-bottom: 1em;
   655      }
   657      /* Float to the right (used for the Run/Stop/Reset button) */
   658      .right { float: right; }
   660      /* Style for the large red warning at the top of the page */
   661      .warning {
   662        color: red;
   663        font-weight: bold;
   664      }
   666      /* Styles used by cells in the test table */
   667      .padleft { padding-left: 5ex; }
   668      .nowrap  { white-space: nowrap; }
   670      /* Styles for individual tests, depending on the outcome */
   671      .testwait    {              }
   672      .testrunning { color: blue  }
   673      .testdone    { color: green }
   674      .testfail    { color: red   }
   675    }
   676  }
   678  # URI: /script/${state}.js
   679  #
   680  # The last part of this URI is always "config.js", "running.js" or 
   681  # "stopped.js", depending on the state of the application. It returns
   682  # the javascript part of the front-end for the requested state to the
   683  # browser.
   684  #
   685  proc wapp-page-script {} {
   686    regexp {[^/]*$} [wapp-param REQUEST_URI] script
   688    set tcl $::G(tcl)
   689    set keep $::G(keep)
   690    set msvc $::G(msvc)
   691    set debug $::G(debug)
   693    wapp-subst {
   694      var lElem = \["control_platform", "control_test", "control_msvc", 
   695          "control_jobs", "control_debug"
   696      \];
   697      lElem.forEach(function(e) {
   698        var elem = document.getElementById(e);
   699        elem.addEventListener("change", function() { control.submit() } );
   700      })
   702      elem = document.getElementById("control_tcl");
   703      elem.value = "%string($tcl)"
   705      elem = document.getElementById("control_keep");
   706      elem.checked = %string($keep);
   708      elem = document.getElementById("control_msvc");
   709      elem.checked = %string($msvc);
   711      elem = document.getElementById("control_debug");
   712      elem.checked = %string($debug);
   713    }
   715    if {$script != "config.js"} {
   716      wapp-subst {
   717        var lElem = \["control_platform", "control_test", 
   718            "control_tcl", "control_keep", "control_msvc", 
   719            "control_debug"
   720        \];
   721        lElem.forEach(function(e) {
   722          var elem = document.getElementById(e);
   723          elem.disabled = true;
   724        })
   725      }
   726    }
   728    if {$script == "running.js"} {
   729      wapp-subst {
   730        function reload_tests() {
   731          fetch('tests')
   732            .then( data => data.text() )
   733            .then( data => {
   734              document.getElementById("tests").innerHTML = data;
   735            })
   736            .then( data => {
   737              if( document.getElementById("result") ){
   738                document.location = document.location;
   739              } else {
   740                setTimeout(reload_tests, 1000)
   741              }
   742            });
   743        }
   745        setTimeout(reload_tests, 1000)
   746      }
   747    }
   748  }
   750  # URI: /env
   751  #
   752  # This is for debugging only. Serves no other purpose.
   753  #
   754  proc wapp-page-env {} {
   755    wapp-allow-xorigin-params
   756    wapp-trim {
   757      <h1>Wapp Environment</h1>\n<pre>
   758      <pre>%html([wapp-debug-env])</pre>
   759    }
   760  }
   762  # URI: /log/dirname/test.log
   763  #
   764  # This URI reads file "dirname/test.log" from disk, wraps it in a <pre>
   765  # block, and returns it to the browser. Use for viewing log files.
   766  #
   767  proc wapp-page-log {} {
   768    set log [string range [wapp-param REQUEST_URI] 5 end]
   769    set fd [open $log]
   770    set data [read $fd]
   771    close $fd
   772    wapp-trim {
   773      <pre>
   774      %html($data)
   775      </pre>
   776    }
   777  }
   779  # Print out a usage message. Then do [exit 1].
   780  #
   781  proc wapptest_usage {} {
   782    puts stderr {
   783  This Tcl script is used to test various configurations of SQLite. By
   784  default it uses "wapp" to provide an interactive interface. Supported 
   785  command line options (all optional) are:
   787      --platform    PLATFORM         (which tests to run)
   788      --smoketest                    (run "make smoketest" only)
   789      --veryquick                    (run veryquick.test only)
   790      --buildonly                    (build executables, do not run tests)
   791      --jobs        N                (number of concurrent jobs)
   792      --tcl         DIR              (where to find
   793      --deletefiles                  (delete extra files after each test)
   794      --msvc                         (Use MS Visual C)
   795      --debug                        (Also run [n]debugging versions of tests)
   796      --noui                         (do not use wapp)
   797    }
   798    exit 1
   799  }
   801  # Sort command line arguments into two groups: those that belong to wapp,
   802  # and those that belong to the application.
   803  set WAPPARG(-server)      1
   804  set WAPPARG(-local)       1
   805  set WAPPARG(-scgi)        1
   806  set WAPPARG(-remote-scgi) 1
   807  set WAPPARG(-fromip)      1
   808  set WAPPARG(-nowait)      0
   809  set WAPPARG(-cgi)         0
   810  set lWappArg [list]
   811  set lTestArg [list]
   812  for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $argv]} {incr i} {
   813    set arg [lindex $argv $i]
   814    if {[string range $arg 0 1]=="--"} {
   815      set arg [string range $arg 1 end]
   816    }
   817    if {[info exists WAPPARG($arg)]} {
   818      lappend lWappArg $arg
   819      if {$WAPPARG($arg)} {
   820        incr i
   821        lappend lWappArg [lindex $argv $i]
   822      }
   823    } else {
   824      lappend lTestArg $arg
   825    }
   826  }
   828  wapptest_init
   829  for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lTestArg]} {incr i} {
   830    set opt [lindex $lTestArg $i]
   831    if {[string range $opt 0 1]=="--"} {
   832      set opt [string range $opt 1 end]
   833    }
   834    switch -- $opt {
   835      -platform {
   836        if {$i==[llength $lTestArg]-1} { wapptest_usage }
   837        incr i
   838        set arg [lindex $lTestArg $i]
   839        set lPlatform [releasetest_data platforms]
   840        if {[lsearch $lPlatform $arg]<0} {
   841          puts stderr "No such platform: $arg. Platforms are: $lPlatform"
   842          exit -1
   843        }
   844        set G(platform) $arg
   845      }
   847      -smoketest { set G(test) Smoketest }
   848      -veryquick { set G(test) Veryquick }
   849      -buildonly { set G(test) Build-Only }
   850      -jobs {
   851        if {$i==[llength $lTestArg]-1} { wapptest_usage }
   852        incr i
   853        set G(jobs) [lindex $lTestArg $i]
   854      }
   856      -tcl {
   857        if {$i==[llength $lTestArg]-1} { wapptest_usage }
   858        incr i
   859        set G(tcl) [lindex $lTestArg $i]
   860      }
   862      -deletefiles {
   863        set G(keep) 0
   864      }
   866      -msvc {
   867        set G(msvc) 1
   868      }
   870      -debug {
   871        set G(debug) 1
   872      }
   874      -noui {
   875        set G(noui) 1
   876        set G(stdout) 1
   877      }
   879      -stdout {
   880        set G(stdout) 1
   881      }
   883      default {
   884        puts stderr "Unrecognized option: [lindex $lTestArg $i]"
   885        wapptest_usage
   886      }
   887    }
   888  }
   890  if {$G(noui)==0} {
   891    wapp-start $lWappArg
   892  } else {
   893    wapptest_run
   894    do_some_stuff
   895    vwait forever
   896  }