
     1  package proc
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"debug/dwarf"
     6  	"errors"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"go/ast"
     9  	"go/constant"
    10  	"go/parser"
    11  	"go/printer"
    12  	"go/token"
    13  	"reflect"
    14  	"runtime/debug"
    15  	"sort"
    16  	"strings"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  var errOperationOnSpecialFloat = errors.New("operations on non-finite floats not implemented")
    28  const goDictionaryName = ".dict"
    30  // EvalScope is the scope for variable evaluation. Contains the thread,
    31  // current location (PC), and canonical frame address.
    32  type EvalScope struct {
    33  	Location
    34  	Regs     op.DwarfRegisters
    35  	Mem      MemoryReadWriter // Target's memory
    36  	g        *G
    37  	threadID int
    38  	BinInfo  *BinaryInfo
    39  	target   *Target
    40  	loadCfg  *LoadConfig
    42  	frameOffset int64
    44  	// When the following pointer is not nil this EvalScope was created
    45  	// by EvalExpressionWithCalls and function call injection are allowed.
    46  	// See the top comment in fncall.go for a description of how the call
    47  	// injection protocol is handled.
    48  	callCtx *callContext
    50  	dictAddr uint64 // dictionary address for instantiated generic functions
    51  }
    53  type localsFlags uint8
    55  const (
    56  	// If localsTrustArgOrder is set function arguments that don't have an
    57  	// address will have one assigned by looking at their position in the argument
    58  	// list.
    59  	localsTrustArgOrder localsFlags = 1 << iota
    61  	// If localsNoDeclLineCheck the declaration line isn't checked at
    62  	// all to determine if the variable is in scope.
    63  	localsNoDeclLineCheck
    64  )
    66  // ConvertEvalScope returns a new EvalScope in the context of the
    67  // specified goroutine ID and stack frame.
    68  // If deferCall is > 0 the eval scope will be relative to the specified deferred call.
    69  func ConvertEvalScope(dbp *Target, gid int64, frame, deferCall int) (*EvalScope, error) {
    70  	if _, err := dbp.Valid(); err != nil {
    71  		return nil, err
    72  	}
    73  	ct := dbp.CurrentThread()
    74  	threadID := ct.ThreadID()
    75  	g, err := FindGoroutine(dbp, gid)
    76  	if err != nil {
    77  		return nil, err
    78  	}
    80  	var opts StacktraceOptions
    81  	if deferCall > 0 {
    82  		opts = StacktraceReadDefers
    83  	}
    85  	var locs []Stackframe
    86  	if g != nil {
    87  		if g.Thread != nil {
    88  			threadID = g.Thread.ThreadID()
    89  		}
    90  		locs, err = GoroutineStacktrace(dbp, g, frame+1, opts)
    91  	} else {
    92  		locs, err = ThreadStacktrace(dbp, ct, frame+1)
    93  	}
    94  	if err != nil {
    95  		return nil, err
    96  	}
    98  	if frame >= len(locs) {
    99  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Frame %d does not exist in goroutine %d", frame, gid)
   100  	}
   102  	if deferCall > 0 {
   103  		if deferCall-1 >= len(locs[frame].Defers) {
   104  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Frame %d only has %d deferred calls", frame, len(locs[frame].Defers))
   105  		}
   107  		d := locs[frame].Defers[deferCall-1]
   108  		if d.Unreadable != nil {
   109  			return nil, d.Unreadable
   110  		}
   112  		return d.EvalScope(dbp, ct)
   113  	}
   115  	return FrameToScope(dbp, dbp.Memory(), g, threadID, locs[frame:]...), nil
   116  }
   118  // FrameToScope returns a new EvalScope for frames[0].
   119  // If frames has at least two elements all memory between
   120  // frames[0].Regs.SP() and frames[1].Regs.CFA will be cached.
   121  // Otherwise all memory between frames[0].Regs.SP() and frames[0].Regs.CFA
   122  // will be cached.
   123  func FrameToScope(t *Target, thread MemoryReadWriter, g *G, threadID int, frames ...Stackframe) *EvalScope {
   124  	// Creates a cacheMem that will preload the entire stack frame the first
   125  	// time any local variable is read.
   126  	// Remember that the stack grows downward in memory.
   127  	minaddr := frames[0].Regs.SP()
   128  	var maxaddr uint64
   129  	if len(frames) > 1 && frames[0].SystemStack == frames[1].SystemStack {
   130  		maxaddr = uint64(frames[1].Regs.CFA)
   131  	} else {
   132  		maxaddr = uint64(frames[0].Regs.CFA)
   133  	}
   134  	if maxaddr > minaddr && maxaddr-minaddr < maxFramePrefetchSize {
   135  		thread = cacheMemory(thread, minaddr, int(maxaddr-minaddr))
   136  	}
   138  	s := &EvalScope{Location: frames[0].Call, Regs: frames[0].Regs, Mem: thread, g: g, BinInfo: t.BinInfo(), target: t, frameOffset: frames[0].FrameOffset(), threadID: threadID}
   139  	s.PC = frames[0].lastpc
   140  	return s
   141  }
   143  // ThreadScope returns an EvalScope for the given thread.
   144  func ThreadScope(t *Target, thread Thread) (*EvalScope, error) {
   145  	locations, err := ThreadStacktrace(t, thread, 1)
   146  	if err != nil {
   147  		return nil, err
   148  	}
   149  	if len(locations) < 1 {
   150  		return nil, errors.New("could not decode first frame")
   151  	}
   152  	return FrameToScope(t, thread.ProcessMemory(), nil, thread.ThreadID(), locations...), nil
   153  }
   155  // GoroutineScope returns an EvalScope for the goroutine running on the given thread.
   156  func GoroutineScope(t *Target, thread Thread) (*EvalScope, error) {
   157  	locations, err := ThreadStacktrace(t, thread, 1)
   158  	if err != nil {
   159  		return nil, err
   160  	}
   161  	if len(locations) < 1 {
   162  		return nil, errors.New("could not decode first frame")
   163  	}
   164  	g, err := GetG(thread)
   165  	if err != nil {
   166  		return nil, err
   167  	}
   168  	threadID := 0
   169  	if g.Thread != nil {
   170  		threadID = g.Thread.ThreadID()
   171  	}
   172  	return FrameToScope(t, thread.ProcessMemory(), g, threadID, locations...), nil
   173  }
   175  // EvalExpression returns the value of the given expression.
   176  func (scope *EvalScope) EvalExpression(expr string, cfg LoadConfig) (*Variable, error) {
   177  	ops, err := evalop.Compile(scopeToEvalLookup{scope}, expr, false)
   178  	if err != nil {
   179  		return nil, err
   180  	}
   182  	stack := &evalStack{}
   184  	scope.loadCfg = &cfg
   185  	stack.eval(scope, ops)
   186  	ev, err := stack.result(&cfg)
   187  	if err != nil {
   188  		return nil, err
   189  	}
   191  	ev.loadValue(cfg)
   192  	if ev.Name == "" {
   193  		ev.Name = expr
   194  	}
   195  	return ev, nil
   196  }
   198  type scopeToEvalLookup struct {
   199  	*EvalScope
   200  }
   202  func (s scopeToEvalLookup) FindTypeExpr(expr ast.Expr) (godwarf.Type, error) {
   203  	return s.BinInfo.findTypeExpr(expr)
   204  }
   206  func (scope scopeToEvalLookup) HasLocal(name string) bool {
   207  	if scope.Fn == nil {
   208  		return false
   209  	}
   211  	flags := reader.VariablesOnlyVisible
   212  	if scope.BinInfo.Producer() != "" && goversion.ProducerAfterOrEqual(scope.BinInfo.Producer(), 1, 15) {
   213  		flags |= reader.VariablesTrustDeclLine
   214  	}
   216  	dwarfTree, err := scope.image().getDwarfTree(scope.Fn.offset)
   217  	if err != nil {
   218  		return false
   219  	}
   221  	varEntries := reader.Variables(dwarfTree, scope.PC, scope.Line, flags)
   222  	for _, entry := range varEntries {
   223  		curname, _ := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
   224  		if curname == name {
   225  			return true
   226  		}
   227  		if len(curname) > 0 && curname[0] == '&' {
   228  			if curname[1:] == name {
   229  				return true
   230  			}
   231  		}
   232  	}
   233  	return false
   234  }
   236  func (scope scopeToEvalLookup) HasGlobal(pkgName, varName string) bool {
   237  	hasGlobalInternal := func(name string) bool {
   238  		for _, pkgvar := range scope.BinInfo.packageVars {
   239  			if == name || strings.HasSuffix(, "/"+name) {
   240  				return true
   241  			}
   242  		}
   243  		for _, fn := range scope.BinInfo.Functions {
   244  			if fn.Name == name || strings.HasSuffix(fn.Name, "/"+name) {
   245  				return true
   246  			}
   247  		}
   248  		for _, ctyp := range scope.BinInfo.consts {
   249  			for _, cval := range ctyp.values {
   250  				if cval.fullName == name || strings.HasSuffix(cval.fullName, "/"+name) {
   251  					return true
   252  				}
   253  			}
   254  		}
   255  		return false
   256  	}
   258  	if pkgName == "" {
   259  		if scope.Fn == nil {
   260  			return false
   261  		}
   262  		return hasGlobalInternal(scope.Fn.PackageName() + "." + varName)
   263  	}
   265  	for _, pkgPath := range scope.BinInfo.PackageMap[pkgName] {
   266  		if hasGlobalInternal(pkgPath + "." + varName) {
   267  			return true
   268  		}
   269  	}
   270  	return hasGlobalInternal(pkgName + "." + varName)
   271  }
   273  func (scope scopeToEvalLookup) LookupRegisterName(name string) (int, bool) {
   274  	s := validRegisterName(name)
   275  	if s == "" {
   276  		return 0, false
   277  	}
   278  	return scope.BinInfo.Arch.RegisterNameToDwarf(s)
   279  }
   281  func (scope scopeToEvalLookup) HasBuiltin(name string) bool {
   282  	return supportedBuiltins[name] != nil
   283  }
   285  // ChanGoroutines returns the list of goroutines waiting to receive from or
   286  // send to the channel.
   287  func (scope *EvalScope) ChanGoroutines(expr string, start, count int) ([]int64, error) {
   288  	t, err := parser.ParseExpr(expr)
   289  	if err != nil {
   290  		return nil, err
   291  	}
   292  	v, err := scope.evalAST(t)
   293  	if err != nil {
   294  		return nil, err
   295  	}
   296  	if v.Kind != reflect.Chan {
   297  		return nil, nil
   298  	}
   300  	structMemberMulti := func(v *Variable, names ...string) *Variable {
   301  		for _, name := range names {
   302  			var err error
   303  			v, err = v.structMember(name)
   304  			if err != nil {
   305  				return nil
   306  			}
   307  		}
   308  		return v
   309  	}
   311  	waitqFirst := func(qname string) *Variable {
   312  		qvar := structMemberMulti(v, qname, "first")
   313  		if qvar == nil {
   314  			return nil
   315  		}
   316  		return qvar.maybeDereference()
   317  	}
   319  	var goids []int64
   321  	waitqToGoIDSlice := func(qvar *Variable) error {
   322  		if qvar == nil {
   323  			return nil
   324  		}
   325  		for {
   326  			if qvar.Addr == 0 {
   327  				return nil
   328  			}
   329  			if len(goids) > count {
   330  				return nil
   331  			}
   332  			goidVar := structMemberMulti(qvar, "g", "goid")
   333  			if goidVar == nil {
   334  				return nil
   335  			}
   336  			goidVar.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
   337  			if goidVar.Unreadable != nil {
   338  				return goidVar.Unreadable
   339  			}
   340  			goid, _ := constant.Int64Val(goidVar.Value)
   341  			if start > 0 {
   342  				start--
   343  			} else {
   344  				goids = append(goids, goid)
   345  			}
   347  			nextVar, err := qvar.structMember("next")
   348  			if err != nil {
   349  				return err
   350  			}
   351  			qvar = nextVar.maybeDereference()
   352  		}
   353  	}
   355  	recvqVar := waitqFirst("recvq")
   356  	err = waitqToGoIDSlice(recvqVar)
   357  	if err != nil {
   358  		return nil, err
   359  	}
   360  	sendqVar := waitqFirst("sendq")
   361  	err = waitqToGoIDSlice(sendqVar)
   362  	if err != nil {
   363  		return nil, err
   364  	}
   365  	return goids, nil
   366  }
   368  // Locals returns all variables in 'scope'.
   369  func (scope *EvalScope) Locals(flags localsFlags) ([]*Variable, error) {
   370  	if scope.Fn == nil {
   371  		return nil, errors.New("unable to find function context")
   372  	}
   374  	if scope.image().Stripped() {
   375  		return nil, errors.New("unable to find locals: no debug information present in binary")
   376  	}
   378  	trustArgOrder := (flags&localsTrustArgOrder != 0) && scope.BinInfo.Producer() != "" && goversion.ProducerAfterOrEqual(scope.BinInfo.Producer(), 1, 12) && scope.Fn != nil && (scope.PC == scope.Fn.Entry)
   380  	dwarfTree, err := scope.image().getDwarfTree(scope.Fn.offset)
   381  	if err != nil {
   382  		return nil, err
   383  	}
   385  	variablesFlags := reader.VariablesOnlyVisible
   386  	if flags&localsNoDeclLineCheck != 0 {
   387  		variablesFlags = reader.VariablesNoDeclLineCheck
   388  	}
   389  	if scope.BinInfo.Producer() != "" && goversion.ProducerAfterOrEqual(scope.BinInfo.Producer(), 1, 15) {
   390  		variablesFlags |= reader.VariablesTrustDeclLine
   391  	}
   393  	varEntries := reader.Variables(dwarfTree, scope.PC, scope.Line, variablesFlags)
   395  	// look for dictionary entry
   396  	if scope.dictAddr == 0 {
   397  		for _, entry := range varEntries {
   398  			name, _ := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
   399  			if name == goDictionaryName {
   400  				dictVar, err := extractVarInfoFromEntry(, scope.BinInfo, scope.image(), scope.Regs, scope.Mem, entry.Tree, 0)
   401  				if err != nil {
   402  					logflags.DebuggerLogger().Errorf("could not load %s variable: %v", name, err)
   403  				} else if dictVar.Unreadable != nil {
   404  					logflags.DebuggerLogger().Errorf("could not load %s variable: %v", name, dictVar.Unreadable)
   405  				} else {
   406  					scope.dictAddr, err = readUintRaw(dictVar.mem, dictVar.Addr, int64(scope.BinInfo.Arch.PtrSize()))
   407  					if err != nil {
   408  						logflags.DebuggerLogger().Errorf("could not load %s variable: %v", name, err)
   409  					}
   410  				}
   411  				break
   412  			}
   413  		}
   414  	}
   416  	vars := make([]*Variable, 0, len(varEntries))
   417  	depths := make([]int, 0, len(varEntries))
   418  	for _, entry := range varEntries {
   419  		if name, _ := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string); name == goDictionaryName {
   420  			continue
   421  		}
   422  		val, err := extractVarInfoFromEntry(, scope.BinInfo, scope.image(), scope.Regs, scope.Mem, entry.Tree, scope.dictAddr)
   423  		if err != nil {
   424  			// skip variables that we can't parse yet
   425  			continue
   426  		}
   427  		if trustArgOrder && ((val.Unreadable != nil && val.Addr == 0) || val.Flags&VariableFakeAddress != 0) && entry.Tag == dwarf.TagFormalParameter {
   428  			addr := afterLastArgAddr(vars)
   429  			if addr == 0 {
   430  				addr = uint64(scope.Regs.CFA)
   431  			}
   432  			addr = uint64(alignAddr(int64(addr), val.DwarfType.Align()))
   433  			val = newVariable(val.Name, addr, val.DwarfType, scope.BinInfo, scope.Mem)
   434  		}
   435  		vars = append(vars, val)
   436  		depth := entry.Depth
   437  		if entry.Tag == dwarf.TagFormalParameter {
   438  			if depth <= 1 {
   439  				depth = 0
   440  			}
   441  			isret, _ := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrVarParam).(bool)
   442  			if isret {
   443  				val.Flags |= VariableReturnArgument
   444  			} else {
   445  				val.Flags |= VariableArgument
   446  			}
   447  		}
   448  		depths = append(depths, depth)
   449  	}
   451  	if len(vars) == 0 {
   452  		return vars, nil
   453  	}
   455  	sort.Stable(&variablesByDepthAndDeclLine{vars, depths})
   457  	lvn := map[string]*Variable{} // lvn[n] is the last variable we saw named n
   459  	for i, v := range vars {
   460  		if name := v.Name; len(name) > 1 && name[0] == '&' {
   461  			locationExpr := v.LocationExpr
   462  			declLine := v.DeclLine
   463  			v = v.maybeDereference()
   464  			if v.Addr == 0 && v.Unreadable == nil {
   465  				v.Unreadable = fmt.Errorf("no address for escaped variable")
   466  			}
   467  			v.Name = name[1:]
   468  			v.Flags |= VariableEscaped
   469  			// See for details
   470  			if locationExpr != nil {
   471  				locationExpr.isEscaped = true
   472  				v.LocationExpr = locationExpr
   473  			}
   474  			v.DeclLine = declLine
   475  			vars[i] = v
   476  		}
   477  		if otherv := lvn[v.Name]; otherv != nil {
   478  			otherv.Flags |= VariableShadowed
   479  		}
   480  		lvn[v.Name] = v
   481  	}
   483  	return vars, nil
   484  }
   486  func afterLastArgAddr(vars []*Variable) uint64 {
   487  	for i := len(vars) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   488  		v := vars[i]
   489  		if (v.Flags&VariableArgument != 0) || (v.Flags&VariableReturnArgument != 0) {
   490  			return v.Addr + uint64(v.DwarfType.Size())
   491  		}
   492  	}
   493  	return 0
   494  }
   496  // setValue writes the value of srcv to dstv.
   497  //   - If srcv is a numerical literal constant and srcv is of a compatible type
   498  //     the necessary type conversion is performed.
   499  //   - If srcv is nil and dstv is of a nil'able type then dstv is nilled.
   500  //   - If srcv is the empty string and dstv is a string then dstv is set to the
   501  //     empty string.
   502  //   - If dstv is an "interface {}" and srcv is either an interface (possibly
   503  //     non-empty) or a pointer shaped type (map, channel, pointer or struct
   504  //     containing a single pointer field) the type conversion to "interface {}"
   505  //     is performed.
   506  //   - If srcv and dstv have the same type and are both addressable then the
   507  //     contents of srcv are copied byte-by-byte into dstv
   508  func (scope *EvalScope) setValue(dstv, srcv *Variable, srcExpr string) error {
   509  	srcv.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
   511  	typerr := srcv.isType(dstv.RealType, dstv.Kind)
   512  	if _, isTypeConvErr := typerr.(*typeConvErr); isTypeConvErr {
   513  		// attempt iface -> eface and ptr-shaped -> eface conversions.
   514  		return convertToEface(srcv, dstv)
   515  	}
   516  	if typerr != nil {
   517  		return typerr
   518  	}
   520  	if srcv.Unreadable != nil {
   521  		//lint:ignore ST1005 backwards compatibility
   522  		return fmt.Errorf("Expression %q is unreadable: %v", srcExpr, srcv.Unreadable)
   523  	}
   525  	// Numerical types
   526  	switch dstv.Kind {
   527  	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
   528  		f, _ := constant.Float64Val(srcv.Value)
   529  		return dstv.writeFloatRaw(f, dstv.RealType.Size())
   530  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
   531  		n, _ := constant.Int64Val(srcv.Value)
   532  		return dstv.writeUint(uint64(n), dstv.RealType.Size())
   533  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
   534  		n, _ := constant.Uint64Val(srcv.Value)
   535  		return dstv.writeUint(n, dstv.RealType.Size())
   536  	case reflect.Bool:
   537  		return dstv.writeBool(constant.BoolVal(srcv.Value))
   538  	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
   539  		real, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Real(srcv.Value))
   540  		imag, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Imag(srcv.Value))
   541  		return dstv.writeComplex(real, imag, dstv.RealType.Size())
   542  	case reflect.Func:
   543  		if dstv.RealType.Size() == 0 {
   544  			if dstv.Name != "" {
   545  				return fmt.Errorf("can not assign to %s", dstv.Name)
   546  			}
   547  			return errors.New("can not assign to function expression")
   548  		}
   549  	}
   551  	// nilling nillable variables
   552  	if srcv == nilVariable {
   553  		return dstv.writeZero()
   554  	}
   556  	if srcv.Kind == reflect.String {
   557  		if srcv.Base == 0 && srcv.Len > 0 && srcv.Flags&VariableConstant != 0 {
   558  			return errFuncCallNotAllowedStrAlloc
   559  		}
   560  		return dstv.writeString(uint64(srcv.Len), srcv.Base)
   561  	}
   563  	// slice assignment (this is not handled by the writeCopy below so that
   564  	// results of a reslice operation can be used here).
   565  	if srcv.Kind == reflect.Slice {
   566  		return dstv.writeSlice(srcv.Len, srcv.Cap, srcv.Base)
   567  	}
   569  	// allow any integer to be converted to any pointer
   570  	if t, isptr := dstv.RealType.(*godwarf.PtrType); isptr {
   571  		return dstv.writeUint(srcv.Children[0].Addr, t.ByteSize)
   572  	}
   574  	// byte-by-byte copying for everything else, but the source must be addressable
   575  	if srcv.Addr != 0 {
   576  		return dstv.writeCopy(srcv)
   577  	}
   579  	return fmt.Errorf("can not set variables of type %s (not implemented)", dstv.Kind.String())
   580  }
   582  // SetVariable sets the value of the named variable
   583  func (scope *EvalScope) SetVariable(name, value string) error {
   584  	ops, err := evalop.CompileSet(scopeToEvalLookup{scope}, name, value)
   585  	if err != nil {
   586  		return err
   587  	}
   589  	stack := &evalStack{}
   590  	stack.eval(scope, ops)
   591  	_, err = stack.result(nil)
   592  	return err
   593  }
   595  // LocalVariables returns all local variables from the current function scope.
   596  func (scope *EvalScope) LocalVariables(cfg LoadConfig) ([]*Variable, error) {
   597  	vars, err := scope.Locals(0)
   598  	if err != nil {
   599  		return nil, err
   600  	}
   601  	vars = filterVariables(vars, func(v *Variable) bool {
   602  		return (v.Flags & (VariableArgument | VariableReturnArgument)) == 0
   603  	})
   604  	cfg.MaxMapBuckets = maxMapBucketsFactor * cfg.MaxArrayValues
   605  	loadValues(vars, cfg)
   606  	return vars, nil
   607  }
   609  // FunctionArguments returns the name, value, and type of all current function arguments.
   610  func (scope *EvalScope) FunctionArguments(cfg LoadConfig) ([]*Variable, error) {
   611  	vars, err := scope.Locals(0)
   612  	if err != nil {
   613  		return nil, err
   614  	}
   615  	vars = filterVariables(vars, func(v *Variable) bool {
   616  		return (v.Flags & (VariableArgument | VariableReturnArgument)) != 0
   617  	})
   618  	cfg.MaxMapBuckets = maxMapBucketsFactor * cfg.MaxArrayValues
   619  	loadValues(vars, cfg)
   620  	return vars, nil
   621  }
   623  func filterVariables(vars []*Variable, pred func(v *Variable) bool) []*Variable {
   624  	r := make([]*Variable, 0, len(vars))
   625  	for i := range vars {
   626  		if pred(vars[i]) {
   627  			r = append(r, vars[i])
   628  		}
   629  	}
   630  	return r
   631  }
   633  func regsReplaceStaticBase(regs op.DwarfRegisters, image *Image) op.DwarfRegisters {
   634  	regs.StaticBase = image.StaticBase
   635  	return regs
   636  }
   638  // PackageVariables returns the name, value, and type of all package variables in the application.
   639  func (scope *EvalScope) PackageVariables(cfg LoadConfig) ([]*Variable, error) {
   640  	pkgvars := make([]packageVar, len(scope.BinInfo.packageVars))
   641  	copy(pkgvars, scope.BinInfo.packageVars)
   642  	sort.Slice(pkgvars, func(i, j int) bool {
   643  		if pkgvars[i].cu.image.addr == pkgvars[j].cu.image.addr {
   644  			return pkgvars[i].offset < pkgvars[j].offset
   645  		}
   646  		return pkgvars[i].cu.image.addr < pkgvars[j].cu.image.addr
   647  	})
   648  	vars := make([]*Variable, 0, len(scope.BinInfo.packageVars))
   649  	for _, pkgvar := range pkgvars {
   650  		reader :=
   651  		reader.Seek(pkgvar.offset)
   652  		entry, err := reader.Next()
   653  		if err != nil {
   654  			return nil, err
   655  		}
   657  		// Ignore errors trying to extract values
   658  		val, err := extractVarInfoFromEntry(, scope.BinInfo,, regsReplaceStaticBase(scope.Regs,, scope.Mem, godwarf.EntryToTree(entry), 0)
   659  		if val != nil && val.Kind == reflect.Invalid {
   660  			continue
   661  		}
   662  		if err != nil {
   663  			continue
   664  		}
   665  		val.loadValue(cfg)
   666  		vars = append(vars, val)
   667  	}
   669  	return vars, nil
   670  }
   672  func (scope *EvalScope) findGlobal(pkgName, varName string) (*Variable, error) {
   673  	for _, pkgPath := range scope.BinInfo.PackageMap[pkgName] {
   674  		v, err := scope.findGlobalInternal(pkgPath + "." + varName)
   675  		if err != nil || v != nil {
   676  			return v, err
   677  		}
   678  	}
   679  	v, err := scope.findGlobalInternal(pkgName + "." + varName)
   680  	if err != nil || v != nil {
   681  		return v, err
   682  	}
   683  	return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find symbol value for %s.%s", pkgName, varName)
   684  }
   686  func (scope *EvalScope) findGlobalInternal(name string) (*Variable, error) {
   687  	for _, pkgvar := range scope.BinInfo.packageVars {
   688  		if == name || strings.HasSuffix(, "/"+name) {
   689  			reader :=
   690  			reader.Seek(pkgvar.offset)
   691  			entry, err := reader.Next()
   692  			if err != nil {
   693  				return nil, err
   694  			}
   695  			return extractVarInfoFromEntry(, scope.BinInfo,, regsReplaceStaticBase(scope.Regs,, scope.Mem, godwarf.EntryToTree(entry), 0)
   696  		}
   697  	}
   698  	for _, fn := range scope.BinInfo.Functions {
   699  		if fn.Name == name || strings.HasSuffix(fn.Name, "/"+name) {
   700  			//TODO(aarzilli): convert function entry into a function type?
   701  			r := newVariable(fn.Name, fn.Entry, &godwarf.FuncType{}, scope.BinInfo, scope.Mem)
   702  			r.Value = constant.MakeString(fn.Name)
   703  			r.Base = fn.Entry
   704  			r.loaded = true
   705  			if fn.Entry == 0 {
   706  				r.Unreadable = fmt.Errorf("function %s is inlined", fn.Name)
   707  			}
   708  			return r, nil
   709  		}
   710  	}
   711  	for dwref, ctyp := range scope.BinInfo.consts {
   712  		for _, cval := range ctyp.values {
   713  			if cval.fullName == name || strings.HasSuffix(cval.fullName, "/"+name) {
   714  				t, err := scope.BinInfo.Images[dwref.imageIndex].Type(dwref.offset)
   715  				if err != nil {
   716  					return nil, err
   717  				}
   718  				v := newVariable(name, 0x0, t, scope.BinInfo, scope.Mem)
   719  				switch v.Kind {
   720  				case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
   721  					v.Value = constant.MakeInt64(cval.value)
   722  				case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
   723  					v.Value = constant.MakeUint64(uint64(cval.value))
   724  				default:
   725  					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported constant kind %v", v.Kind)
   726  				}
   727  				v.Flags |= VariableConstant
   728  				v.loaded = true
   729  				return v, nil
   730  			}
   731  		}
   732  	}
   733  	return nil, nil
   734  }
   736  // image returns the image containing the current function.
   737  func (scope *EvalScope) image() *Image {
   738  	return scope.BinInfo.funcToImage(scope.Fn)
   739  }
   741  // evalStack stores the stack machine used to evaluate a program made of
   742  // evalop.Ops.
   743  // When an opcode sets callInjectionContinue execution of the program will be suspended
   744  // and the call injection protocol will be executed instead.
   745  type evalStack struct {
   746  	stack                 []*Variable          // current stack of Variable values
   747  	fncalls               []*functionCallState // stack of call injections currently being executed
   748  	ops                   []evalop.Op          // program being executed
   749  	opidx                 int                  // program counter for the stack program
   750  	callInjectionContinue bool                 // when set program execution suspends and the call injection protocol is executed instead
   751  	err                   error
   753  	spoff, bpoff, fboff int64
   754  	scope               *EvalScope
   755  	curthread           Thread
   756  	lastRetiredFncall   *functionCallState
   757  }
   759  func (s *evalStack) push(v *Variable) {
   760  	s.stack = append(s.stack, v)
   761  }
   763  func (s *evalStack) pop() *Variable {
   764  	v := s.stack[len(s.stack)-1]
   765  	s.stack = s.stack[:len(s.stack)-1]
   766  	return v
   767  }
   769  func (s *evalStack) peek() *Variable {
   770  	return s.stack[len(s.stack)-1]
   771  }
   773  func (s *evalStack) fncallPush(fncall *functionCallState) {
   774  	s.fncalls = append(s.fncalls, fncall)
   775  }
   777  func (s *evalStack) fncallPop() *functionCallState {
   778  	fncall := s.fncalls[len(s.fncalls)-1]
   779  	s.fncalls = s.fncalls[:len(s.fncalls)-1]
   780  	return fncall
   781  }
   783  func (s *evalStack) fncallPeek() *functionCallState {
   784  	return s.fncalls[len(s.fncalls)-1]
   785  }
   787  func (s *evalStack) pushErr(v *Variable, err error) {
   788  	s.err = err
   789  	s.stack = append(s.stack, v)
   790  }
   792  // eval evaluates ops. When it returns if callInjectionContinue is set the
   793  // target program should be resumed to execute the call injection protocol.
   794  // Otherwise the result of the evaluation can be retrieved using
   795  // stack.result.
   796  func (stack *evalStack) eval(scope *EvalScope, ops []evalop.Op) {
   797  	if logflags.FnCall() {
   798  		fncallLog("eval program:\n%s", evalop.Listing(nil, ops))
   799  	}
   801  	stack.ops = ops
   802  	stack.scope = scope
   804  	if scope.g != nil {
   805  		stack.spoff = int64(scope.Regs.Uint64Val(scope.Regs.SPRegNum)) - int64(scope.g.stack.hi)
   806  		stack.bpoff = int64(scope.Regs.Uint64Val(scope.Regs.BPRegNum)) - int64(scope.g.stack.hi)
   807  		stack.fboff = scope.Regs.FrameBase - int64(scope.g.stack.hi)
   808  	}
   810  	if scope.g != nil && scope.g.Thread != nil {
   811  		stack.curthread = scope.g.Thread
   812  	}
   815  }
   817  // resume resumes evaluation of stack.ops. When it returns if
   818  // callInjectionContinue is set the target program should be resumed to
   819  // execute the call injection protocol. Otherwise the result of the
   820  // evaluation can be retrieved using stack.result.
   821  func (stack *evalStack) resume(g *G) {
   822  	stack.callInjectionContinue = false
   823  	scope := stack.scope
   824  	// Go 1.15 will move call injection execution to a different goroutine,
   825  	// but we want to keep evaluation on the original goroutine.
   826  	if g.ID == scope.g.ID {
   827  		scope.g = g
   828  	} else {
   829  		// We are in Go 1.15 and we switched to a new goroutine, the original
   830  		// goroutine is now parked and therefore does not have a thread
   831  		// associated.
   832  		scope.g.Thread = nil
   833  		scope.g.Status = Gwaiting
   834  		scope.callCtx.injectionThread = g.Thread
   835  	}
   837  	// adjust the value of registers inside scope
   838  	pcreg, bpreg, spreg := scope.Regs.Reg(scope.Regs.PCRegNum), scope.Regs.Reg(scope.Regs.BPRegNum), scope.Regs.Reg(scope.Regs.SPRegNum)
   839  	scope.Regs.ClearRegisters()
   840  	scope.Regs.AddReg(scope.Regs.PCRegNum, pcreg)
   841  	scope.Regs.AddReg(scope.Regs.BPRegNum, bpreg)
   842  	scope.Regs.AddReg(scope.Regs.SPRegNum, spreg)
   843  	scope.Regs.Reg(scope.Regs.SPRegNum).Uint64Val = uint64(stack.spoff + int64(scope.g.stack.hi))
   844  	scope.Regs.Reg(scope.Regs.BPRegNum).Uint64Val = uint64(stack.bpoff + int64(scope.g.stack.hi))
   845  	scope.Regs.FrameBase = stack.fboff + int64(scope.g.stack.hi)
   846  	scope.Regs.CFA = scope.frameOffset + int64(scope.g.stack.hi)
   847  	stack.curthread = g.Thread
   849  	finished := funcCallStep(scope, stack, g.Thread)
   850  	if finished {
   851  		funcCallFinish(scope, stack)
   852  	}
   854  	if stack.callInjectionContinue {
   855  		// not done with call injection, stay in this mode
   856  		stack.scope.callCtx.injectionThread = nil
   857  		return
   858  	}
   860  	// call injection protocol suspended or concluded, resume normal opcode execution
   862  }
   864  func (stack *evalStack) run() {
   865  	scope, curthread := stack.scope, stack.curthread
   866  	for stack.opidx < len(stack.ops) && stack.err == nil {
   867  		stack.callInjectionContinue = false
   868  		stack.executeOp()
   869  		// If the instruction we just executed requests the call injection
   870  		// protocol by setting callInjectionContinue we switch to it.
   871  		if stack.callInjectionContinue {
   872  			scope.callCtx.injectionThread = nil
   873  			return
   874  		}
   875  	}
   877  	if stack.err == nil && len(stack.fncalls) > 0 {
   878  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("internal debugger error: eval program finished without error but %d call injections still active", len(stack.fncalls))
   879  		return
   880  	}
   882  	// If there is an error we must undo all currently executing call
   883  	// injections before returning.
   885  	if len(stack.fncalls) > 0 {
   886  		fncall := stack.fncallPeek()
   887  		if fncall == stack.lastRetiredFncall {
   888  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("internal debugger error: could not undo injected call during error recovery, original error: %v", stack.err)
   889  			return
   890  		}
   891  		if fncall.undoInjection != nil {
   892  			// setTargetExecuted is set if evalop.CallInjectionSetTarget has been
   893  			// executed but evalop.CallInjectionComplete hasn't, we must undo the callOP
   894  			// call in evalop.CallInjectionSetTarget before continuing.
   895  			switch scope.BinInfo.Arch.Name {
   896  			case "amd64":
   897  				regs, _ := curthread.Registers()
   898  				setSP(curthread, regs.SP()+uint64(scope.BinInfo.Arch.PtrSize()))
   899  				setPC(curthread, fncall.undoInjection.oldpc)
   900  			case "arm64", "ppc64le":
   901  				setLR(curthread, fncall.undoInjection.oldlr)
   902  				setPC(curthread, fncall.undoInjection.oldpc)
   903  			default:
   904  				panic("not implemented")
   905  			}
   906  		}
   907  		stack.lastRetiredFncall = fncall
   908  		// Resume target to undo one call
   909  		stack.callInjectionContinue = true
   910  		scope.callCtx.injectionThread = nil
   911  		return
   912  	}
   913  }
   915  func (stack *evalStack) result(cfg *LoadConfig) (*Variable, error) {
   916  	var r *Variable
   917  	switch len(stack.stack) {
   918  	case 0:
   919  		// ok
   920  	case 1:
   921  		r = stack.peek()
   922  	default:
   923  		if stack.err == nil {
   924  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("internal debugger error: wrong stack size at end %d", len(stack.stack))
   925  		}
   926  	}
   927  	if r != nil && cfg != nil && stack.err == nil {
   928  		r.loadValue(*cfg)
   929  	}
   930  	return r, stack.err
   931  }
   933  // executeOp executes the opcode at stack.ops[stack.opidx] and increments stack.opidx.
   934  func (stack *evalStack) executeOp() {
   935  	scope, ops, curthread := stack.scope, stack.ops, stack.curthread
   936  	defer func() {
   937  		err := recover()
   938  		if err != nil {
   939  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("internal debugger error: %v (recovered)\n%s", err, string(debug.Stack()))
   940  		}
   941  	}()
   942  	switch op := ops[stack.opidx].(type) {
   943  	case *evalop.PushCurg:
   944  		if scope.g != nil {
   945  			stack.push(scope.g.variable.clone())
   946  		} else {
   947  			typ, err := scope.BinInfo.findType("runtime.g")
   948  			if err != nil {
   949  				stack.err = fmt.Errorf("could not find runtime.g: %v", err)
   950  				return
   951  			}
   952  			gvar := newVariable("curg", fakeAddressUnresolv, typ, scope.BinInfo, scope.Mem)
   953  			gvar.loaded = true
   954  			gvar.Flags = VariableFakeAddress
   955  			gvar.Children = append(gvar.Children, *newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(0), scope.Mem))
   956  			gvar.Children[0].Name = "goid"
   957  			stack.push(gvar)
   958  		}
   960  	case *evalop.PushFrameoff:
   961  		stack.push(newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(scope.frameOffset), scope.Mem))
   963  	case *evalop.PushThreadID:
   964  		stack.push(newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(int64(scope.threadID)), scope.Mem))
   966  	case *evalop.PushConst:
   967  		stack.push(newConstant(op.Value, scope.Mem))
   969  	case *evalop.PushLocal:
   970  		var vars []*Variable
   971  		var err error
   972  		if op.Frame != 0 {
   973  			frameScope, err2 := ConvertEvalScope(, -1, int(op.Frame), 0)
   974  			if err2 != nil {
   975  				stack.err = err2
   976  				return
   977  			}
   978  			vars, err = frameScope.Locals(0)
   979  		} else {
   980  			vars, err = scope.Locals(0)
   981  		}
   982  		if err != nil {
   983  			stack.err = err
   984  			return
   985  		}
   986  		found := false
   987  		for i := range vars {
   988  			if vars[i].Name == op.Name && vars[i].Flags&VariableShadowed == 0 {
   989  				stack.push(vars[i])
   990  				found = true
   991  				break
   992  			}
   993  		}
   994  		if !found {
   995  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("could not find symbol value for %s", op.Name)
   996  		}
   998  	case *evalop.PushNil:
   999  		stack.push(nilVariable)
  1001  	case *evalop.PushRegister:
  1002  		reg := scope.Regs.Reg(uint64(op.Regnum))
  1003  		if reg == nil {
  1004  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("could not find symbol value for %s", op.Regname)
  1005  			return
  1006  		}
  1007  		reg.FillBytes()
  1009  		var typ godwarf.Type
  1010  		if len(reg.Bytes) <= 8 {
  1011  			typ = godwarf.FakeBasicType("uint", 64)
  1012  		} else {
  1013  			var err error
  1014  			typ, err = scope.BinInfo.findType("string")
  1015  			if err != nil {
  1016  				stack.err = err
  1017  				return
  1018  			}
  1019  		}
  1021  		v := newVariable(op.Regname, 0, typ, scope.BinInfo, scope.Mem)
  1022  		if v.Kind == reflect.String {
  1023  			v.Len = int64(len(reg.Bytes) * 2)
  1024  			v.Base = fakeAddressUnresolv
  1025  		}
  1026  		v.Addr = fakeAddressUnresolv
  1027  		v.Flags = VariableCPURegister
  1028  		v.reg = reg
  1029  		stack.push(v)
  1031  	case *evalop.PushPackageVar:
  1032  		pkgName := op.PkgName
  1033  		replaceName := false
  1034  		if pkgName == "" {
  1035  			replaceName = true
  1036  			pkgName = scope.Fn.PackageName()
  1037  		}
  1038  		v, err := scope.findGlobal(pkgName, op.Name)
  1039  		if err != nil {
  1040  			stack.err = err
  1041  			return
  1042  		}
  1043  		if replaceName {
  1044  			v.Name = op.Name
  1045  		}
  1046  		stack.push(v)
  1048  	case *evalop.PushLen:
  1049  		v := stack.peek()
  1050  		stack.push(newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(v.Len), scope.Mem))
  1052  	case *evalop.Select:
  1053  		scope.evalStructSelector(op, stack)
  1055  	case *evalop.TypeAssert:
  1056  		scope.evalTypeAssert(op, stack)
  1058  	case *evalop.PointerDeref:
  1059  		scope.evalPointerDeref(op, stack)
  1061  	case *evalop.Unary:
  1062  		scope.evalUnary(op, stack)
  1064  	case *evalop.AddrOf:
  1065  		scope.evalAddrOf(op, stack)
  1067  	case *evalop.TypeCast:
  1068  		scope.evalTypeCast(op, stack)
  1070  	case *evalop.Reslice:
  1071  		scope.evalReslice(op, stack)
  1073  	case *evalop.Index:
  1074  		scope.evalIndex(op, stack)
  1076  	case *evalop.Jump:
  1077  		scope.evalJump(op, stack)
  1079  	case *evalop.Binary:
  1080  		scope.evalBinary(op, stack)
  1082  	case *evalop.BoolToConst:
  1083  		x := stack.pop()
  1084  		if x.Kind != reflect.Bool {
  1085  			stack.err = errors.New("internal debugger error: expected boolean")
  1086  			return
  1087  		}
  1088  		x.loadValue(loadFullValue)
  1089  		stack.push(newConstant(x.Value, scope.Mem))
  1091  	case *evalop.Pop:
  1092  		stack.pop()
  1094  	case *evalop.BuiltinCall:
  1095  		vars := make([]*Variable, len(op.Args))
  1096  		for i := len(op.Args) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  1097  			vars[i] = stack.pop()
  1098  		}
  1099  		stack.pushErr(supportedBuiltins[op.Name](vars, op.Args))
  1101  	case *evalop.CallInjectionStart:
  1102  		scope.evalCallInjectionStart(op, stack)
  1104  	case *evalop.CallInjectionSetTarget:
  1105  		scope.evalCallInjectionSetTarget(op, stack, curthread)
  1107  	case *evalop.CallInjectionCopyArg:
  1108  		fncall := stack.fncallPeek()
  1109  		actualArg := stack.pop()
  1110  		if actualArg.Name == "" {
  1111  			actualArg.Name = exprToString(op.ArgExpr)
  1112  		}
  1113  		stack.err = funcCallCopyOneArg(scope, fncall, actualArg, &fncall.formalArgs[op.ArgNum], curthread)
  1115  	case *evalop.CallInjectionComplete:
  1116  		stack.fncallPeek().undoInjection = nil
  1117  		stack.callInjectionContinue = true
  1119  	case *evalop.CallInjectionStartSpecial:
  1120  		stack.callInjectionContinue = scope.callInjectionStartSpecial(stack, op, curthread)
  1122  	case *evalop.ConvertAllocToString:
  1123  		scope.convertAllocToString(stack)
  1125  	case *evalop.SetValue:
  1126  		lhv := stack.pop()
  1127  		rhv := stack.pop()
  1128  		stack.err = scope.setValue(lhv, rhv, exprToString(op.Rhe))
  1130  	default:
  1131  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("internal debugger error: unknown eval opcode: %#v", op)
  1132  	}
  1134  	stack.opidx++
  1135  }
  1137  func (scope *EvalScope) evalAST(t ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1138  	ops, err := evalop.CompileAST(scopeToEvalLookup{scope}, t)
  1139  	if err != nil {
  1140  		return nil, err
  1141  	}
  1142  	stack := &evalStack{}
  1143  	stack.eval(scope, ops)
  1144  	return stack.result(nil)
  1145  }
  1147  func exprToString(t ast.Expr) string {
  1148  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  1149  	printer.Fprint(&buf, token.NewFileSet(), t)
  1150  	return buf.String()
  1151  }
  1153  func (scope *EvalScope) evalJump(op *evalop.Jump, stack *evalStack) {
  1154  	x := stack.peek()
  1155  	if op.Pop {
  1156  		stack.pop()
  1157  	}
  1159  	var v bool
  1160  	switch op.When {
  1161  	case evalop.JumpIfTrue:
  1162  		v = true
  1163  	case evalop.JumpIfFalse:
  1164  		v = false
  1165  	case evalop.JumpIfAllocStringChecksFail:
  1166  		stringChecksFailed := x.Kind != reflect.String || x.Addr != 0 || x.Flags&VariableConstant == 0 || x.Len <= 0
  1167  		nilCallCtx := scope.callCtx == nil // do not complain here, setValue will if no other errors happen
  1168  		if stringChecksFailed || nilCallCtx {
  1169  			stack.opidx = op.Target - 1
  1170  			return
  1171  		}
  1172  		return
  1173  	}
  1175  	if x.Kind != reflect.Bool {
  1176  		if op.Node != nil {
  1177  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("expression %q should be boolean not %s", exprToString(op.Node), x.Kind)
  1178  		} else {
  1179  			stack.err = errors.New("internal debugger error: expected boolean")
  1180  		}
  1181  		return
  1182  	}
  1183  	x.loadValue(loadFullValue)
  1184  	if x.Unreadable != nil {
  1185  		stack.err = x.Unreadable
  1186  		return
  1187  	}
  1188  	if constant.BoolVal(x.Value) == v {
  1189  		stack.opidx = op.Target - 1
  1190  	}
  1191  }
  1193  // Eval type cast expressions
  1194  func (scope *EvalScope) evalTypeCast(op *evalop.TypeCast, stack *evalStack) {
  1195  	argv := stack.pop()
  1197  	typ := resolveTypedef(op.DwarfType)
  1199  	converr := fmt.Errorf("can not convert %q to %s", exprToString(op.Node.Args[0]), typ.String())
  1201  	// compatible underlying types
  1202  	if typeCastCompatibleTypes(argv.RealType, typ) {
  1203  		if ptyp, isptr := typ.(*godwarf.PtrType); argv.Kind == reflect.Ptr && argv.loaded && len(argv.Children) > 0 && isptr {
  1204  			cv := argv.Children[0]
  1205  			argv.Children[0] = *newVariable(cv.Name, cv.Addr, ptyp.Type,, cv.mem)
  1206  			argv.Children[0].OnlyAddr = true
  1207  		}
  1208  		argv.RealType = typ
  1209  		argv.DwarfType = op.DwarfType
  1210  		stack.push(argv)
  1211  		return
  1212  	}
  1214  	v := newVariable("", 0, op.DwarfType, scope.BinInfo, scope.Mem)
  1215  	v.loaded = true
  1217  	switch ttyp := typ.(type) {
  1218  	case *godwarf.PtrType:
  1219  		switch argv.Kind {
  1220  		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  1221  			// ok
  1222  		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
  1223  			// ok
  1224  		default:
  1225  			stack.err = converr
  1226  			return
  1227  		}
  1229  		argv.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1230  		if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1231  			stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1232  			return
  1233  		}
  1235  		n, _ := constant.Int64Val(argv.Value)
  1237  		mem := scope.Mem
  1238  		if != nil {
  1239  			if mem2 :=; mem2 != nil {
  1240  				mem = mem2
  1241  			}
  1242  		}
  1244  		v.Children = []Variable{*(newVariable("", uint64(n), ttyp.Type, scope.BinInfo, mem))}
  1245  		v.Children[0].OnlyAddr = true
  1246  		stack.push(v)
  1247  		return
  1249  	case *godwarf.UintType:
  1250  		argv.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1251  		if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1252  			stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1253  			return
  1254  		}
  1255  		switch argv.Kind {
  1256  		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  1257  			n, _ := constant.Int64Val(argv.Value)
  1258  			v.Value = constant.MakeUint64(convertInt(uint64(n), false, ttyp.Size()))
  1259  			stack.push(v)
  1260  			return
  1261  		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
  1262  			n, _ := constant.Uint64Val(argv.Value)
  1263  			v.Value = constant.MakeUint64(convertInt(n, false, ttyp.Size()))
  1264  			stack.push(v)
  1265  			return
  1266  		case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
  1267  			x, _ := constant.Float64Val(argv.Value)
  1268  			v.Value = constant.MakeUint64(uint64(x))
  1269  			stack.push(v)
  1270  			return
  1271  		case reflect.Ptr:
  1272  			v.Value = constant.MakeUint64(argv.Children[0].Addr)
  1273  			stack.push(v)
  1274  			return
  1275  		}
  1276  	case *godwarf.IntType:
  1277  		argv.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1278  		if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1279  			stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1280  			return
  1281  		}
  1282  		switch argv.Kind {
  1283  		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  1284  			n, _ := constant.Int64Val(argv.Value)
  1285  			v.Value = constant.MakeInt64(int64(convertInt(uint64(n), true, ttyp.Size())))
  1286  			stack.push(v)
  1287  			return
  1288  		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
  1289  			n, _ := constant.Uint64Val(argv.Value)
  1290  			v.Value = constant.MakeInt64(int64(convertInt(n, true, ttyp.Size())))
  1291  			stack.push(v)
  1292  			return
  1293  		case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
  1294  			x, _ := constant.Float64Val(argv.Value)
  1295  			v.Value = constant.MakeInt64(int64(x))
  1296  			stack.push(v)
  1297  			return
  1298  		}
  1299  	case *godwarf.FloatType:
  1300  		argv.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1301  		if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1302  			stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1303  			return
  1304  		}
  1305  		switch argv.Kind {
  1306  		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  1307  			fallthrough
  1308  		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
  1309  			fallthrough
  1310  		case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
  1311  			v.Value = argv.Value
  1312  			stack.push(v)
  1313  			return
  1314  		}
  1315  	case *godwarf.ComplexType:
  1316  		argv.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1317  		if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1318  			stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1319  			return
  1320  		}
  1321  		switch argv.Kind {
  1322  		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  1323  			fallthrough
  1324  		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
  1325  			fallthrough
  1326  		case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
  1327  			v.Value = argv.Value
  1328  			stack.push(v)
  1329  			return
  1330  		}
  1331  	}
  1333  	cfg := loadFullValue
  1334  	if scope.loadCfg != nil {
  1335  		cfg = *scope.loadCfg
  1336  	}
  1338  	switch ttyp := typ.(type) {
  1339  	case *godwarf.SliceType:
  1340  		switch ttyp.ElemType.Common().ReflectKind {
  1341  		case reflect.Uint8:
  1342  			// string -> []uint8
  1343  			if argv.Kind != reflect.String {
  1344  				stack.err = converr
  1345  				return
  1346  			}
  1347  			cfg.MaxStringLen = cfg.MaxArrayValues
  1348  			argv.loadValue(cfg)
  1349  			if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1350  				stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1351  				return
  1352  			}
  1353  			for i, ch := range []byte(constant.StringVal(argv.Value)) {
  1354  				e := newVariable("", argv.Addr+uint64(i), typ.(*godwarf.SliceType).ElemType, scope.BinInfo, argv.mem)
  1355  				e.loaded = true
  1356  				e.Value = constant.MakeInt64(int64(ch))
  1357  				v.Children = append(v.Children, *e)
  1358  			}
  1359  			v.Len = argv.Len
  1360  			v.Cap = v.Len
  1361  			stack.push(v)
  1362  			return
  1364  		case reflect.Int32:
  1365  			// string -> []rune
  1366  			if argv.Kind != reflect.String {
  1367  				stack.err = converr
  1368  				return
  1369  			}
  1370  			argv.loadValue(cfg)
  1371  			if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1372  				stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1373  				return
  1374  			}
  1375  			for i, ch := range constant.StringVal(argv.Value) {
  1376  				e := newVariable("", argv.Addr+uint64(i), typ.(*godwarf.SliceType).ElemType, scope.BinInfo, argv.mem)
  1377  				e.loaded = true
  1378  				e.Value = constant.MakeInt64(int64(ch))
  1379  				v.Children = append(v.Children, *e)
  1380  			}
  1381  			v.Len = int64(len(v.Children))
  1382  			v.Cap = v.Len
  1383  			stack.push(v)
  1384  			return
  1385  		}
  1387  	case *godwarf.StringType:
  1388  		switch argv.Kind {
  1389  		case reflect.String:
  1390  			// string -> string
  1391  			argv.DwarfType = v.DwarfType
  1392  			argv.RealType = v.RealType
  1393  			stack.push(argv)
  1394  			return
  1395  		case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr:
  1396  			// integer -> string
  1397  			argv.loadValue(cfg)
  1398  			if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1399  				stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1400  				return
  1401  			}
  1402  			b, _ := constant.Int64Val(argv.Value)
  1403  			s := string(rune(b))
  1404  			v.Value = constant.MakeString(s)
  1405  			v.Len = int64(len(s))
  1406  			stack.push(v)
  1407  			return
  1408  		case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
  1409  			var elem godwarf.Type
  1410  			if argv.Kind == reflect.Slice {
  1411  				elem = argv.RealType.(*godwarf.SliceType).ElemType
  1412  			} else {
  1413  				elem = argv.RealType.(*godwarf.ArrayType).Type
  1414  			}
  1415  			switch elemType := elem.(type) {
  1416  			case *godwarf.UintType:
  1417  				// []uint8 -> string
  1418  				if elemType.Name != "uint8" && elemType.Name != "byte" {
  1419  					stack.err = converr
  1420  					return
  1421  				}
  1422  				cfg.MaxArrayValues = cfg.MaxStringLen
  1423  				argv.loadValue(cfg)
  1424  				if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1425  					stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1426  					return
  1427  				}
  1428  				bytes := make([]byte, len(argv.Children))
  1429  				for i := range argv.Children {
  1430  					n, _ := constant.Int64Val(argv.Children[i].Value)
  1431  					bytes[i] = byte(n)
  1432  				}
  1433  				v.Value = constant.MakeString(string(bytes))
  1434  				v.Len = argv.Len
  1436  			case *godwarf.IntType:
  1437  				// []rune -> string
  1438  				if elemType.Name != "int32" && elemType.Name != "rune" {
  1439  					stack.err = converr
  1440  					return
  1441  				}
  1442  				cfg.MaxArrayValues = cfg.MaxStringLen
  1443  				argv.loadValue(cfg)
  1444  				if argv.Unreadable != nil {
  1445  					stack.err = argv.Unreadable
  1446  					return
  1447  				}
  1448  				runes := make([]rune, len(argv.Children))
  1449  				for i := range argv.Children {
  1450  					n, _ := constant.Int64Val(argv.Children[i].Value)
  1451  					runes[i] = rune(n)
  1452  				}
  1453  				v.Value = constant.MakeString(string(runes))
  1454  				// The following line is wrong but the only way to get the correct value
  1455  				// would be to decode the entire slice.
  1456  				v.Len = int64(len(constant.StringVal(v.Value)))
  1458  			default:
  1459  				stack.err = converr
  1460  				return
  1461  			}
  1462  			stack.push(v)
  1463  			return
  1464  		}
  1465  	}
  1467  	stack.err = converr
  1468  }
  1470  // typeCastCompatibleTypes returns true if typ1 and typ2 are compatible for
  1471  // a type cast where only the type of the variable is changed.
  1472  func typeCastCompatibleTypes(typ1, typ2 godwarf.Type) bool {
  1473  	if typ1 == nil || typ2 == nil || typ1.Common().Size() != typ2.Common().Size() || typ1.Common().Align() != typ2.Common().Align() {
  1474  		return false
  1475  	}
  1477  	if typ1.String() == typ2.String() {
  1478  		return true
  1479  	}
  1481  	switch ttyp1 := typ1.(type) {
  1482  	case *godwarf.PtrType:
  1483  		if ttyp2, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.PtrType); ok {
  1484  			_, isvoid1 := ttyp1.Type.(*godwarf.VoidType)
  1485  			_, isvoid2 := ttyp2.Type.(*godwarf.VoidType)
  1486  			if isvoid1 || isvoid2 {
  1487  				return true
  1488  			}
  1489  			// pointer types are compatible if their element types are compatible
  1490  			return typeCastCompatibleTypes(resolveTypedef(ttyp1.Type), resolveTypedef(ttyp2.Type))
  1491  		}
  1492  	case *godwarf.StringType:
  1493  		if _, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.StringType); ok {
  1494  			return true
  1495  		}
  1496  	case *godwarf.StructType:
  1497  		if ttyp2, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.StructType); ok {
  1498  			// struct types are compatible if they have the same fields
  1499  			if len(ttyp1.Field) != len(ttyp2.Field) {
  1500  				return false
  1501  			}
  1502  			for i := range ttyp1.Field {
  1503  				if *ttyp1.Field[i] != *ttyp2.Field[i] {
  1504  					return false
  1505  				}
  1506  			}
  1507  			return true
  1508  		}
  1509  	case *godwarf.ComplexType:
  1510  		if _, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.ComplexType); ok {
  1511  			// size and alignment already checked above
  1512  			return true
  1513  		}
  1514  	case *godwarf.FloatType:
  1515  		if _, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.FloatType); ok {
  1516  			// size and alignment already checked above
  1517  			return true
  1518  		}
  1519  	case *godwarf.IntType:
  1520  		if _, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.IntType); ok {
  1521  			// size and alignment already checked above
  1522  			return true
  1523  		}
  1524  	case *godwarf.UintType:
  1525  		if _, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.UintType); ok {
  1526  			// size and alignment already checked above
  1527  			return true
  1528  		}
  1529  	case *godwarf.BoolType:
  1530  		if _, ok := typ2.(*godwarf.BoolType); ok {
  1531  			// size and alignment already checked above
  1532  			return true
  1533  		}
  1534  	}
  1536  	return false
  1537  }
  1539  func convertInt(n uint64, signed bool, size int64) uint64 {
  1540  	bits := uint64(size) * 8
  1541  	mask := uint64((1 << bits) - 1)
  1542  	r := n & mask
  1543  	if signed && (r>>(bits-1)) != 0 {
  1544  		// sign extension
  1545  		r |= ^uint64(0) &^ mask
  1546  	}
  1547  	return r
  1548  }
  1550  var supportedBuiltins = map[string]func([]*Variable, []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error){
  1551  	"cap":     capBuiltin,
  1552  	"len":     lenBuiltin,
  1553  	"complex": complexBuiltin,
  1554  	"imag":    imagBuiltin,
  1555  	"real":    realBuiltin,
  1556  	"min":     minBuiltin,
  1557  	"max":     maxBuiltin,
  1558  }
  1560  func capBuiltin(args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1561  	if len(args) != 1 {
  1562  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of arguments to cap: %d", len(args))
  1563  	}
  1565  	arg := args[0]
  1566  	invalidArgErr := fmt.Errorf("invalid argument %s (type %s) for cap", exprToString(nodeargs[0]), arg.TypeString())
  1568  	switch arg.Kind {
  1569  	case reflect.Ptr:
  1570  		arg = arg.maybeDereference()
  1571  		if arg.Kind != reflect.Array {
  1572  			return nil, invalidArgErr
  1573  		}
  1574  		fallthrough
  1575  	case reflect.Array:
  1576  		return newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(arg.Len), arg.mem), nil
  1577  	case reflect.Slice:
  1578  		return newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(arg.Cap), arg.mem), nil
  1579  	case reflect.Chan:
  1580  		arg.loadValue(loadFullValue)
  1581  		if arg.Unreadable != nil {
  1582  			return nil, arg.Unreadable
  1583  		}
  1584  		if arg.Base == 0 {
  1585  			return newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(0), arg.mem), nil
  1586  		}
  1587  		return newConstant(arg.Children[1].Value, arg.mem), nil
  1588  	default:
  1589  		return nil, invalidArgErr
  1590  	}
  1591  }
  1593  func lenBuiltin(args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1594  	if len(args) != 1 {
  1595  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of arguments to len: %d", len(args))
  1596  	}
  1597  	arg := args[0]
  1598  	invalidArgErr := fmt.Errorf("invalid argument %s (type %s) for len", exprToString(nodeargs[0]), arg.TypeString())
  1600  	switch arg.Kind {
  1601  	case reflect.Ptr:
  1602  		arg = arg.maybeDereference()
  1603  		if arg.Kind != reflect.Array {
  1604  			return nil, invalidArgErr
  1605  		}
  1606  		fallthrough
  1607  	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
  1608  		if arg.Unreadable != nil {
  1609  			return nil, arg.Unreadable
  1610  		}
  1611  		return newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(arg.Len), arg.mem), nil
  1612  	case reflect.Chan:
  1613  		arg.loadValue(loadFullValue)
  1614  		if arg.Unreadable != nil {
  1615  			return nil, arg.Unreadable
  1616  		}
  1617  		if arg.Base == 0 {
  1618  			return newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(0), arg.mem), nil
  1619  		}
  1620  		return newConstant(arg.Children[0].Value, arg.mem), nil
  1621  	case reflect.Map:
  1622  		it := arg.mapIterator()
  1623  		if arg.Unreadable != nil {
  1624  			return nil, arg.Unreadable
  1625  		}
  1626  		if it == nil {
  1627  			return newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(0), arg.mem), nil
  1628  		}
  1629  		return newConstant(constant.MakeInt64(arg.Len), arg.mem), nil
  1630  	default:
  1631  		return nil, invalidArgErr
  1632  	}
  1633  }
  1635  func complexBuiltin(args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1636  	if len(args) != 2 {
  1637  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of arguments to complex: %d", len(args))
  1638  	}
  1640  	realev := args[0]
  1641  	imagev := args[1]
  1643  	realev.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1644  	imagev.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1646  	if realev.Unreadable != nil {
  1647  		return nil, realev.Unreadable
  1648  	}
  1650  	if imagev.Unreadable != nil {
  1651  		return nil, imagev.Unreadable
  1652  	}
  1654  	if realev.Value == nil || ((realev.Value.Kind() != constant.Int) && (realev.Value.Kind() != constant.Float)) {
  1655  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid argument 1 %s (type %s) to complex", exprToString(nodeargs[0]), realev.TypeString())
  1656  	}
  1658  	if imagev.Value == nil || ((imagev.Value.Kind() != constant.Int) && (imagev.Value.Kind() != constant.Float)) {
  1659  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid argument 2 %s (type %s) to complex", exprToString(nodeargs[1]), imagev.TypeString())
  1660  	}
  1662  	sz := int64(0)
  1663  	if realev.RealType != nil {
  1664  		sz = realev.RealType.(*godwarf.FloatType).Size()
  1665  	}
  1666  	if imagev.RealType != nil {
  1667  		isz := imagev.RealType.(*godwarf.FloatType).Size()
  1668  		if isz > sz {
  1669  			sz = isz
  1670  		}
  1671  	}
  1673  	if sz == 0 {
  1674  		sz = 128
  1675  	}
  1677  	typ := godwarf.FakeBasicType("complex", int(sz))
  1679  	r := realev.newVariable("", 0, typ, nil)
  1680  	r.Value = constant.BinaryOp(realev.Value, token.ADD, constant.MakeImag(imagev.Value))
  1681  	return r, nil
  1682  }
  1684  func imagBuiltin(args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1685  	if len(args) != 1 {
  1686  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of arguments to imag: %d", len(args))
  1687  	}
  1689  	arg := args[0]
  1690  	arg.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1692  	if arg.Unreadable != nil {
  1693  		return nil, arg.Unreadable
  1694  	}
  1696  	if arg.Kind != reflect.Complex64 && arg.Kind != reflect.Complex128 {
  1697  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid argument %s (type %s) to imag", exprToString(nodeargs[0]), arg.TypeString())
  1698  	}
  1700  	return newConstant(constant.Imag(arg.Value), arg.mem), nil
  1701  }
  1703  func realBuiltin(args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1704  	if len(args) != 1 {
  1705  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of arguments to real: %d", len(args))
  1706  	}
  1708  	arg := args[0]
  1709  	arg.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  1711  	if arg.Unreadable != nil {
  1712  		return nil, arg.Unreadable
  1713  	}
  1715  	if arg.Value == nil || ((arg.Value.Kind() != constant.Int) && (arg.Value.Kind() != constant.Float) && (arg.Value.Kind() != constant.Complex)) {
  1716  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid argument %s (type %s) to real", exprToString(nodeargs[0]), arg.TypeString())
  1717  	}
  1719  	return newConstant(constant.Real(arg.Value), arg.mem), nil
  1720  }
  1722  func minBuiltin(args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1723  	return minmaxBuiltin("min", token.LSS, args, nodeargs)
  1724  }
  1726  func maxBuiltin(args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1727  	return minmaxBuiltin("max", token.GTR, args, nodeargs)
  1728  }
  1730  func minmaxBuiltin(name string, op token.Token, args []*Variable, nodeargs []ast.Expr) (*Variable, error) {
  1731  	var best *Variable
  1733  	for i := range args {
  1734  		if args[i].Kind == reflect.String {
  1735  			args[i].loadValue(loadFullValueLongerStrings)
  1736  		} else {
  1737  			args[i].loadValue(loadFullValue)
  1738  		}
  1740  		if args[i].Unreadable != nil {
  1741  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load %q: %v", exprToString(nodeargs[i]), args[i].Unreadable)
  1742  		}
  1743  		if args[i].FloatSpecial != 0 {
  1744  			return nil, errOperationOnSpecialFloat
  1745  		}
  1747  		if best == nil {
  1748  			best = args[i]
  1749  			continue
  1750  		}
  1752  		_, err := negotiateType(op, args[i], best)
  1753  		if err != nil {
  1754  			return nil, err
  1755  		}
  1757  		v, err := compareOp(op, args[i], best)
  1758  		if err != nil {
  1759  			return nil, err
  1760  		}
  1762  		if v {
  1763  			best = args[i]
  1764  		}
  1765  	}
  1767  	if best == nil {
  1768  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough arguments to %s", name)
  1769  	}
  1770  	return best, nil
  1771  }
  1773  // Evaluates expressions <subexpr>.<field name> where subexpr is not a package name
  1774  func (scope *EvalScope) evalStructSelector(op *evalop.Select, stack *evalStack) {
  1775  	xv := stack.pop()
  1776  	// Prevent abuse, attempting to call "nil.member" directly.
  1777  	if xv.Addr == 0 && xv.Name == "nil" {
  1778  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("%s (type %s) is not a struct", xv.Name, xv.TypeString())
  1779  		return
  1780  	}
  1781  	// Prevent abuse, attempting to call "\"fake\".member" directly.
  1782  	if xv.Addr == 0 && xv.Name == "" && xv.DwarfType == nil && xv.RealType == nil {
  1783  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("%s (type %s) is not a struct", xv.Value, xv.TypeString())
  1784  		return
  1785  	}
  1786  	// Special type conversions for CPU register variables (REGNAME.int8, etc)
  1787  	if xv.Flags&VariableCPURegister != 0 && !xv.loaded {
  1788  		stack.pushErr(xv.registerVariableTypeConv(op.Name))
  1789  		return
  1790  	}
  1792  	rv, err := xv.findMethod(op.Name)
  1793  	if err != nil {
  1794  		stack.err = err
  1795  		return
  1796  	}
  1797  	if rv != nil {
  1798  		stack.push(rv)
  1799  		return
  1800  	}
  1801  	stack.pushErr(xv.structMember(op.Name))
  1802  }
  1804  // Evaluates expressions <subexpr>.(<type>)
  1805  func (scope *EvalScope) evalTypeAssert(op *evalop.TypeAssert, stack *evalStack) {
  1806  	xv := stack.pop()
  1807  	if xv.Kind != reflect.Interface {
  1808  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("expression %q not an interface", exprToString(op.Node.X))
  1809  		return
  1810  	}
  1811  	xv.loadInterface(0, false, loadFullValue)
  1812  	if xv.Unreadable != nil {
  1813  		stack.err = xv.Unreadable
  1814  		return
  1815  	}
  1816  	if xv.Children[0].Unreadable != nil {
  1817  		stack.err = xv.Children[0].Unreadable
  1818  		return
  1819  	}
  1820  	if xv.Children[0].Addr == 0 {
  1821  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("interface conversion: %s is nil, not %s", xv.DwarfType.String(), exprToString(op.Node.Type))
  1822  		return
  1823  	}
  1824  	typ := op.DwarfType
  1825  	if typ != nil && xv.Children[0].DwarfType.Common().Name != typ.Common().Name {
  1826  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("interface conversion: %s is %s, not %s", xv.DwarfType.Common().Name, xv.Children[0].TypeString(), typ.Common().Name)
  1827  		return
  1828  	}
  1829  	// loadInterface will set OnlyAddr for the data member since here we are
  1830  	// passing false to loadData, however returning the variable with OnlyAddr
  1831  	// set here would be wrong since, once the expression evaluation
  1832  	// terminates, the value of this variable will be loaded.
  1833  	xv.Children[0].OnlyAddr = false
  1834  	stack.push(&xv.Children[0])
  1835  }
  1837  // Evaluates expressions <subexpr>[<subexpr>] (subscript access to arrays, slices and maps)
  1838  func (scope *EvalScope) evalIndex(op *evalop.Index, stack *evalStack) {
  1839  	idxev := stack.pop()
  1840  	xev := stack.pop()
  1841  	if xev.Unreadable != nil {
  1842  		stack.err = xev.Unreadable
  1843  		return
  1844  	}
  1846  	if xev.Flags&VariableCPtr == 0 {
  1847  		xev = xev.maybeDereference()
  1848  	}
  1850  	cantindex := fmt.Errorf("expression %q (%s) does not support indexing", exprToString(op.Node.X), xev.TypeString())
  1852  	switch xev.Kind {
  1853  	case reflect.Ptr:
  1854  		if xev == nilVariable {
  1855  			stack.err = cantindex
  1856  			return
  1857  		}
  1858  		if xev.Flags&VariableCPtr == 0 {
  1859  			_, isarrptr := xev.RealType.(*godwarf.PtrType).Type.(*godwarf.ArrayType)
  1860  			if !isarrptr {
  1861  				stack.err = cantindex
  1862  				return
  1863  			}
  1864  			xev = xev.maybeDereference()
  1865  		}
  1866  		fallthrough
  1868  	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array, reflect.String:
  1869  		if xev.Base == 0 {
  1870  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("can not index %q", exprToString(op.Node.X))
  1871  			return
  1872  		}
  1873  		n, err := idxev.asInt()
  1874  		if err != nil {
  1875  			stack.err = err
  1876  			return
  1877  		}
  1878  		stack.pushErr(xev.sliceAccess(int(n)))
  1879  		return
  1881  	case reflect.Map:
  1882  		idxev.loadValue(loadFullValue)
  1883  		if idxev.Unreadable != nil {
  1884  			stack.err = idxev.Unreadable
  1885  			return
  1886  		}
  1887  		stack.pushErr(xev.mapAccess(idxev))
  1888  		return
  1889  	default:
  1890  		stack.err = cantindex
  1891  		return
  1892  	}
  1893  }
  1895  // Evaluates expressions <subexpr>[<subexpr>:<subexpr>]
  1896  // HACK: slicing a map expression with [0:0] will return the whole map
  1897  func (scope *EvalScope) evalReslice(op *evalop.Reslice, stack *evalStack) {
  1898  	low, err := stack.pop().asInt()
  1899  	if err != nil {
  1900  		stack.err = err
  1901  		return
  1902  	}
  1903  	var high int64
  1904  	if op.HasHigh {
  1905  		high, err = stack.pop().asInt()
  1906  		if err != nil {
  1907  			stack.err = err
  1908  			return
  1909  		}
  1910  	}
  1911  	xev := stack.pop()
  1912  	if xev.Unreadable != nil {
  1913  		stack.err = xev.Unreadable
  1914  		return
  1915  	}
  1916  	if !op.HasHigh {
  1917  		high = xev.Len
  1918  	}
  1920  	switch xev.Kind {
  1921  	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array, reflect.String:
  1922  		if xev.Base == 0 {
  1923  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("can not slice %q", exprToString(op.Node.X))
  1924  			return
  1925  		}
  1926  		stack.pushErr(xev.reslice(low, high, op.TrustLen))
  1927  		return
  1928  	case reflect.Map:
  1929  		if op.Node.High != nil {
  1930  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("second slice argument must be empty for maps")
  1931  			return
  1932  		}
  1933  		xev.mapSkip += int(low)
  1934  		xev.mapIterator() // reads map length
  1935  		if int64(xev.mapSkip) >= xev.Len {
  1936  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("map index out of bounds")
  1937  			return
  1938  		}
  1939  		stack.push(xev)
  1940  		return
  1941  	case reflect.Ptr:
  1942  		if xev.Flags&VariableCPtr != 0 {
  1943  			stack.pushErr(xev.reslice(low, high, op.TrustLen))
  1944  			return
  1945  		}
  1946  		fallthrough
  1947  	default:
  1948  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("can not slice %q (type %s)", exprToString(op.Node.X), xev.TypeString())
  1949  		return
  1950  	}
  1951  }
  1953  // Evaluates a pointer dereference expression: *<subexpr>
  1954  func (scope *EvalScope) evalPointerDeref(op *evalop.PointerDeref, stack *evalStack) {
  1955  	xev := stack.pop()
  1957  	if xev.Kind != reflect.Ptr {
  1958  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("expression %q (%s) can not be dereferenced", exprToString(op.Node.X), xev.TypeString())
  1959  		return
  1960  	}
  1962  	if xev == nilVariable {
  1963  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("nil can not be dereferenced")
  1964  		return
  1965  	}
  1967  	if len(xev.Children) == 1 {
  1968  		// this branch is here to support pointers constructed with typecasts from ints
  1969  		xev.Children[0].OnlyAddr = false
  1970  		stack.push(&(xev.Children[0]))
  1971  		return
  1972  	}
  1973  	xev.loadPtr()
  1974  	if xev.Unreadable != nil {
  1975  		val, ok := constant.Uint64Val(xev.Value)
  1976  		if ok && val == 0 {
  1977  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't read pointer: %w", xev.Unreadable)
  1978  			return
  1979  		}
  1980  	}
  1981  	rv := &xev.Children[0]
  1982  	if rv.Addr == 0 {
  1983  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("nil pointer dereference")
  1984  		return
  1985  	}
  1986  	stack.push(rv)
  1987  }
  1989  // Evaluates expressions &<subexpr>
  1990  func (scope *EvalScope) evalAddrOf(op *evalop.AddrOf, stack *evalStack) {
  1991  	xev := stack.pop()
  1992  	if xev.Addr == 0 || xev.DwarfType == nil {
  1993  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("can not take address of %q", exprToString(op.Node.X))
  1994  		return
  1995  	}
  1997  	stack.push(xev.pointerToVariable())
  1998  }
  2000  func (v *Variable) pointerToVariable() *Variable {
  2001  	v.OnlyAddr = true
  2003  	typename := "*" + v.DwarfType.Common().Name
  2004  	rv := v.newVariable("", 0, &godwarf.PtrType{CommonType: godwarf.CommonType{ByteSize: int64(, Name: typename}, Type: v.DwarfType}, v.mem)
  2005  	rv.Children = []Variable{*v}
  2006  	rv.loaded = true
  2008  	return rv
  2009  }
  2011  func constantUnaryOp(op token.Token, y constant.Value) (r constant.Value, err error) {
  2012  	defer func() {
  2013  		if ierr := recover(); ierr != nil {
  2014  			err = fmt.Errorf("%v", ierr)
  2015  		}
  2016  	}()
  2017  	r = constant.UnaryOp(op, y, 0)
  2018  	return
  2019  }
  2021  func constantBinaryOp(op token.Token, x, y constant.Value) (r constant.Value, err error) {
  2022  	defer func() {
  2023  		if ierr := recover(); ierr != nil {
  2024  			err = fmt.Errorf("%v", ierr)
  2025  		}
  2026  	}()
  2027  	switch op {
  2028  	case token.SHL, token.SHR:
  2029  		n, _ := constant.Uint64Val(y)
  2030  		r = constant.Shift(x, op, uint(n))
  2031  	default:
  2032  		r = constant.BinaryOp(x, op, y)
  2033  	}
  2034  	return
  2035  }
  2037  func constantCompare(op token.Token, x, y constant.Value) (r bool, err error) {
  2038  	defer func() {
  2039  		if ierr := recover(); ierr != nil {
  2040  			err = fmt.Errorf("%v", ierr)
  2041  		}
  2042  	}()
  2043  	r = constant.Compare(x, op, y)
  2044  	return
  2045  }
  2047  // Evaluates expressions: -<subexpr> and +<subexpr>
  2048  func (scope *EvalScope) evalUnary(op *evalop.Unary, stack *evalStack) {
  2049  	xv := stack.pop()
  2051  	xv.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  2052  	if xv.Unreadable != nil {
  2053  		stack.err = xv.Unreadable
  2054  		return
  2055  	}
  2056  	if xv.FloatSpecial != 0 {
  2057  		stack.err = errOperationOnSpecialFloat
  2058  		return
  2059  	}
  2060  	if xv.Value == nil {
  2061  		stack.err = fmt.Errorf("operator %s can not be applied to %q", op.Node.Op.String(), exprToString(op.Node.X))
  2062  		return
  2063  	}
  2064  	rc, err := constantUnaryOp(op.Node.Op, xv.Value)
  2065  	if err != nil {
  2066  		stack.err = err
  2067  		return
  2068  	}
  2069  	if xv.DwarfType != nil {
  2070  		r := xv.newVariable("", 0, xv.DwarfType, scope.Mem)
  2071  		r.Value = rc
  2072  		stack.push(r)
  2073  		return
  2074  	}
  2075  	stack.push(newConstant(rc, xv.mem))
  2076  }
  2078  func negotiateType(op token.Token, xv, yv *Variable) (godwarf.Type, error) {
  2079  	if xv == nilVariable {
  2080  		return nil, negotiateTypeNil(op, yv)
  2081  	}
  2083  	if yv == nilVariable {
  2084  		return nil, negotiateTypeNil(op, xv)
  2085  	}
  2087  	if op == token.SHR || op == token.SHL {
  2088  		if xv.Value == nil || xv.Value.Kind() != constant.Int {
  2089  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("shift of type %s", xv.Kind)
  2090  		}
  2092  		switch yv.Kind {
  2093  		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
  2094  			// ok
  2095  		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  2096  			if constant.Sign(yv.Value) < 0 {
  2097  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("shift count must not be negative")
  2098  			}
  2099  		default:
  2100  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("shift count type %s, must be unsigned integer", yv.Kind.String())
  2101  		}
  2103  		return xv.DwarfType, nil
  2104  	}
  2106  	if xv.DwarfType == nil && yv.DwarfType == nil {
  2107  		return nil, nil
  2108  	}
  2110  	if xv.DwarfType != nil && yv.DwarfType != nil {
  2111  		if xv.DwarfType.String() != yv.DwarfType.String() {
  2112  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched types %q and %q", xv.DwarfType.String(), yv.DwarfType.String())
  2113  		}
  2114  		return xv.DwarfType, nil
  2115  	} else if xv.DwarfType != nil && yv.DwarfType == nil {
  2116  		if err := yv.isType(xv.DwarfType, xv.Kind); err != nil {
  2117  			return nil, err
  2118  		}
  2119  		return xv.DwarfType, nil
  2120  	} else if xv.DwarfType == nil && yv.DwarfType != nil {
  2121  		if err := xv.isType(yv.DwarfType, yv.Kind); err != nil {
  2122  			return nil, err
  2123  		}
  2124  		return yv.DwarfType, nil
  2125  	}
  2127  	panic("unreachable")
  2128  }
  2130  func negotiateTypeNil(op token.Token, v *Variable) error {
  2131  	if op != token.EQL && op != token.NEQ {
  2132  		return fmt.Errorf("operator %s can not be applied to \"nil\"", op.String())
  2133  	}
  2134  	switch v.Kind {
  2135  	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Interface, reflect.Slice, reflect.Func:
  2136  		return nil
  2137  	default:
  2138  		return fmt.Errorf("can not compare %s to nil", v.Kind.String())
  2139  	}
  2140  }
  2142  func (scope *EvalScope) evalBinary(binop *evalop.Binary, stack *evalStack) {
  2143  	node := binop.Node
  2145  	yv := stack.pop()
  2146  	xv := stack.pop()
  2148  	if xv.Kind != reflect.String { // delay loading strings until we use them
  2149  		xv.loadValue(loadFullValue)
  2150  	}
  2151  	if xv.Unreadable != nil {
  2152  		stack.err = xv.Unreadable
  2153  		return
  2154  	}
  2155  	if yv.Kind != reflect.String { // delay loading strings until we use them
  2156  		yv.loadValue(loadFullValue)
  2157  	}
  2158  	if yv.Unreadable != nil {
  2159  		stack.err = yv.Unreadable
  2160  		return
  2161  	}
  2163  	if xv.FloatSpecial != 0 || yv.FloatSpecial != 0 {
  2164  		stack.err = errOperationOnSpecialFloat
  2165  		return
  2166  	}
  2168  	typ, err := negotiateType(node.Op, xv, yv)
  2169  	if err != nil {
  2170  		stack.err = err
  2171  		return
  2172  	}
  2174  	op := node.Op
  2175  	if typ != nil && (op == token.QUO) {
  2176  		_, isint := typ.(*godwarf.IntType)
  2177  		_, isuint := typ.(*godwarf.UintType)
  2178  		if isint || isuint {
  2179  			// forces integer division if the result type is integer
  2180  			op = token.QUO_ASSIGN
  2181  		}
  2182  	}
  2184  	switch op {
  2185  	case token.EQL, token.LSS, token.GTR, token.NEQ, token.LEQ, token.GEQ:
  2186  		v, err := compareOp(op, xv, yv)
  2187  		if err != nil {
  2188  			stack.err = err
  2189  			return
  2190  		}
  2191  		stack.push(newConstant(constant.MakeBool(v), xv.mem))
  2193  	default:
  2194  		if xv.Kind == reflect.String {
  2195  			xv.loadValue(loadFullValueLongerStrings)
  2196  		}
  2197  		if yv.Kind == reflect.String {
  2198  			yv.loadValue(loadFullValueLongerStrings)
  2199  		}
  2200  		if xv.Value == nil {
  2201  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("operator %s can not be applied to %q", node.Op.String(), exprToString(node.X))
  2202  			return
  2203  		}
  2205  		if yv.Value == nil {
  2206  			stack.err = fmt.Errorf("operator %s can not be applied to %q", node.Op.String(), exprToString(node.Y))
  2207  			return
  2208  		}
  2210  		rc, err := constantBinaryOp(op, xv.Value, yv.Value)
  2211  		if err != nil {
  2212  			stack.err = err
  2213  			return
  2214  		}
  2216  		if typ == nil {
  2217  			stack.push(newConstant(rc, xv.mem))
  2218  			return
  2219  		}
  2221  		r := xv.newVariable("", 0, typ, scope.Mem)
  2222  		r.Value = rc
  2223  		switch r.Kind {
  2224  		case reflect.String:
  2225  			r.Len = xv.Len + yv.Len
  2226  		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  2227  			n, _ := constant.Int64Val(r.Value)
  2228  			r.Value = constant.MakeInt64(int64(convertInt(uint64(n), true, typ.Size())))
  2229  		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
  2230  			n, _ := constant.Uint64Val(r.Value)
  2231  			r.Value = constant.MakeUint64(convertInt(n, false, typ.Size()))
  2232  		}
  2233  		stack.push(r)
  2234  	}
  2235  }
  2237  // Compares xv to yv using operator op
  2238  // Both xv and yv must be loaded and have a compatible type (as determined by negotiateType)
  2239  func compareOp(op token.Token, xv *Variable, yv *Variable) (bool, error) {
  2240  	switch xv.Kind {
  2241  	case reflect.Bool:
  2242  		fallthrough
  2243  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  2244  		fallthrough
  2245  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
  2246  		fallthrough
  2247  	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
  2248  		return constantCompare(op, xv.Value, yv.Value)
  2249  	case reflect.String:
  2250  		if xv.Len != yv.Len {
  2251  			switch op {
  2252  			case token.EQL:
  2253  				return false, nil
  2254  			case token.NEQ:
  2255  				return true, nil
  2256  			}
  2257  		}
  2258  		if xv.Kind == reflect.String {
  2259  			xv.loadValue(loadFullValueLongerStrings)
  2260  		}
  2261  		if yv.Kind == reflect.String {
  2262  			yv.loadValue(loadFullValueLongerStrings)
  2263  		}
  2264  		if int64(len(constant.StringVal(xv.Value))) != xv.Len || int64(len(constant.StringVal(yv.Value))) != yv.Len {
  2265  			return false, fmt.Errorf("string too long for comparison")
  2266  		}
  2267  		return constantCompare(op, xv.Value, yv.Value)
  2268  	}
  2270  	if op != token.EQL && op != token.NEQ {
  2271  		return false, fmt.Errorf("operator %s not defined on %s", op.String(), xv.Kind.String())
  2272  	}
  2274  	var eql bool
  2275  	var err error
  2277  	if xv == nilVariable {
  2278  		switch op {
  2279  		case token.EQL:
  2280  			return yv.isNil(), nil
  2281  		case token.NEQ:
  2282  			return !yv.isNil(), nil
  2283  		}
  2284  	}
  2286  	if yv == nilVariable {
  2287  		switch op {
  2288  		case token.EQL:
  2289  			return xv.isNil(), nil
  2290  		case token.NEQ:
  2291  			return !xv.isNil(), nil
  2292  		}
  2293  	}
  2295  	switch xv.Kind {
  2296  	case reflect.Ptr:
  2297  		eql = xv.Children[0].Addr == yv.Children[0].Addr
  2298  	case reflect.Array:
  2299  		if int64(len(xv.Children)) != xv.Len || int64(len(yv.Children)) != yv.Len {
  2300  			return false, fmt.Errorf("array too long for comparison")
  2301  		}
  2302  		eql, err = equalChildren(xv, yv, true)
  2303  	case reflect.Struct:
  2304  		if len(xv.Children) != len(yv.Children) {
  2305  			return false, nil
  2306  		}
  2307  		if int64(len(xv.Children)) != xv.Len || int64(len(yv.Children)) != yv.Len {
  2308  			return false, fmt.Errorf("structure too deep for comparison")
  2309  		}
  2310  		eql, err = equalChildren(xv, yv, false)
  2311  	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Func, reflect.Chan:
  2312  		return false, fmt.Errorf("can not compare %s variables", xv.Kind.String())
  2313  	case reflect.Interface:
  2314  		if xv.Children[0].RealType.String() != yv.Children[0].RealType.String() {
  2315  			eql = false
  2316  		} else {
  2317  			eql, err = compareOp(token.EQL, &xv.Children[0], &yv.Children[0])
  2318  		}
  2319  	default:
  2320  		return false, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented comparison of %s variables", xv.Kind.String())
  2321  	}
  2323  	if op == token.NEQ {
  2324  		return !eql, err
  2325  	}
  2326  	return eql, err
  2327  }
  2329  func (v *Variable) isNil() bool {
  2330  	switch v.Kind {
  2331  	case reflect.Ptr:
  2332  		return v.Children[0].Addr == 0
  2333  	case reflect.Interface:
  2334  		return v.Children[0].Addr == 0 && v.Children[0].Kind == reflect.Invalid
  2335  	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Func, reflect.Chan:
  2336  		return v.Base == 0
  2337  	}
  2338  	return false
  2339  }
  2341  func equalChildren(xv, yv *Variable, shortcircuit bool) (bool, error) {
  2342  	r := true
  2343  	for i := range xv.Children {
  2344  		eql, err := compareOp(token.EQL, &xv.Children[i], &yv.Children[i])
  2345  		if err != nil {
  2346  			return false, err
  2347  		}
  2348  		r = r && eql
  2349  		if !r && shortcircuit {
  2350  			return false, nil
  2351  		}
  2352  	}
  2353  	return r, nil
  2354  }
  2356  func (v *Variable) asInt() (int64, error) {
  2357  	if v.DwarfType == nil {
  2358  		if v.Value.Kind() != constant.Int {
  2359  			return 0, fmt.Errorf("can not convert constant %s to int", v.Value)
  2360  		}
  2361  	} else {
  2362  		v.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  2363  		if v.Unreadable != nil {
  2364  			return 0, v.Unreadable
  2365  		}
  2366  		if _, ok := v.DwarfType.(*godwarf.IntType); !ok {
  2367  			return 0, fmt.Errorf("can not convert value of type %s to int", v.DwarfType.String())
  2368  		}
  2369  	}
  2370  	n, _ := constant.Int64Val(v.Value)
  2371  	return n, nil
  2372  }
  2374  func (v *Variable) asUint() (uint64, error) {
  2375  	if v.DwarfType == nil {
  2376  		if v.Value.Kind() != constant.Int {
  2377  			return 0, fmt.Errorf("can not convert constant %s to uint", v.Value)
  2378  		}
  2379  	} else {
  2380  		v.loadValue(loadSingleValue)
  2381  		if v.Unreadable != nil {
  2382  			return 0, v.Unreadable
  2383  		}
  2384  		if _, ok := v.DwarfType.(*godwarf.UintType); !ok {
  2385  			return 0, fmt.Errorf("can not convert value of type %s to uint", v.DwarfType.String())
  2386  		}
  2387  	}
  2388  	n, _ := constant.Uint64Val(v.Value)
  2389  	return n, nil
  2390  }
  2392  type typeConvErr struct {
  2393  	srcType, dstType godwarf.Type
  2394  }
  2396  func (err *typeConvErr) Error() string {
  2397  	return fmt.Sprintf("can not convert value of type %s to %s", err.srcType.String(), err.dstType.String())
  2398  }
  2400  func (v *Variable) isType(typ godwarf.Type, kind reflect.Kind) error {
  2401  	if v.DwarfType != nil {
  2402  		if typ == nil || !sameType(typ, v.RealType) {
  2403  			return &typeConvErr{v.DwarfType, typ}
  2404  		}
  2405  		return nil
  2406  	}
  2408  	if typ == nil {
  2409  		return nil
  2410  	}
  2412  	if v == nilVariable {
  2413  		switch kind {
  2414  		case reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Func, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Chan, reflect.Interface:
  2415  			return nil
  2416  		default:
  2417  			return fmt.Errorf("mismatched types nil and %s", typ.String())
  2418  		}
  2419  	}
  2421  	converr := fmt.Errorf("can not convert %s constant to %s", v.Value, typ.String())
  2423  	if v.Value == nil {
  2424  		return converr
  2425  	}
  2427  	switch typ.(type) {
  2428  	case *godwarf.IntType:
  2429  		if v.Value.Kind() != constant.Int {
  2430  			return converr
  2431  		}
  2432  	case *godwarf.UintType:
  2433  		if v.Value.Kind() != constant.Int {
  2434  			return converr
  2435  		}
  2436  	case *godwarf.FloatType:
  2437  		if (v.Value.Kind() != constant.Int) && (v.Value.Kind() != constant.Float) {
  2438  			return converr
  2439  		}
  2440  	case *godwarf.BoolType:
  2441  		if v.Value.Kind() != constant.Bool {
  2442  			return converr
  2443  		}
  2444  	case *godwarf.StringType:
  2445  		if v.Value.Kind() != constant.String {
  2446  			return converr
  2447  		}
  2448  	case *godwarf.ComplexType:
  2449  		if v.Value.Kind() != constant.Complex && v.Value.Kind() != constant.Float && v.Value.Kind() != constant.Int {
  2450  			return converr
  2451  		}
  2452  	default:
  2453  		return converr
  2454  	}
  2456  	return nil
  2457  }
  2459  func sameType(t1, t2 godwarf.Type) bool {
  2460  	// Because of a bug in the go linker a type that refers to another type
  2461  	// (for example a pointer type) will usually use the typedef but rarely use
  2462  	// the non-typedef entry directly.
  2463  	// For types that we read directly from go this is fine because it's
  2464  	// consistent, however we also synthesize some types ourselves
  2465  	// (specifically pointers and slices) and we always use a reference through
  2466  	// a typedef.
  2467  	t1 = resolveTypedef(t1)
  2468  	t2 = resolveTypedef(t2)
  2470  	if tt1, isptr1 := t1.(*godwarf.PtrType); isptr1 {
  2471  		tt2, isptr2 := t2.(*godwarf.PtrType)
  2472  		if !isptr2 {
  2473  			return false
  2474  		}
  2475  		return sameType(tt1.Type, tt2.Type)
  2476  	}
  2477  	if tt1, isslice1 := t1.(*godwarf.SliceType); isslice1 {
  2478  		tt2, isslice2 := t2.(*godwarf.SliceType)
  2479  		if !isslice2 {
  2480  			return false
  2481  		}
  2482  		return sameType(tt1.ElemType, tt2.ElemType)
  2483  	}
  2484  	return t1.String() == t2.String()
  2485  }
  2487  func (v *Variable) sliceAccess(idx int) (*Variable, error) {
  2488  	wrong := false
  2489  	if v.Flags&VariableCPtr == 0 {
  2490  		wrong = idx < 0 || int64(idx) >= v.Len
  2491  	} else {
  2492  		wrong = idx < 0
  2493  	}
  2494  	if wrong {
  2495  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("index out of bounds")
  2496  	}
  2497  	if v.loaded {
  2498  		if v.Kind == reflect.String {
  2499  			s := constant.StringVal(v.Value)
  2500  			if idx >= len(s) {
  2501  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("index out of bounds")
  2502  			}
  2503  			r := v.newVariable("", v.Base+uint64(int64(idx)*v.stride), v.fieldType, v.mem)
  2504  			r.loaded = true
  2505  			r.Value = constant.MakeInt64(int64(s[idx]))
  2506  			return r, nil
  2507  		} else {
  2508  			if idx >= len(v.Children) {
  2509  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("index out of bounds")
  2510  			}
  2511  			return &v.Children[idx], nil
  2512  		}
  2513  	}
  2514  	mem := v.mem
  2515  	if v.Kind != reflect.Array {
  2516  		mem = DereferenceMemory(mem)
  2517  	}
  2518  	return v.newVariable("", v.Base+uint64(int64(idx)*v.stride), v.fieldType, mem), nil
  2519  }
  2521  func (v *Variable) mapAccess(idx *Variable) (*Variable, error) {
  2522  	it := v.mapIterator()
  2523  	if it == nil {
  2524  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can not access unreadable map: %v", v.Unreadable)
  2525  	}
  2527  	lcfg := loadFullValue
  2528  	if idx.Kind == reflect.String && int64(len(constant.StringVal(idx.Value))) == idx.Len && idx.Len > int64(lcfg.MaxStringLen) {
  2529  		// If the index is a string load as much of the keys to at least match the length of the index.
  2530  		//TODO(aarzilli): when struct literals are implemented this needs to be
  2531  		//done recursively for literal struct fields.
  2532  		lcfg.MaxStringLen = int(idx.Len)
  2533  	}
  2535  	first := true
  2536  	for {
  2537  		key := it.key()
  2538  		key.loadValue(lcfg)
  2539  		if key.Unreadable != nil {
  2540  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can not access unreadable map: %v", key.Unreadable)
  2541  		}
  2542  		if first {
  2543  			first = false
  2544  			if err := idx.isType(key.RealType, key.Kind); err != nil {
  2545  				return nil, err
  2546  			}
  2547  		}
  2548  		eql, err := compareOp(token.EQL, key, idx)
  2549  		if err != nil {
  2550  			return nil, err
  2551  		}
  2552  		if eql {
  2553  			return it.value(), nil
  2554  		}
  2555  	}
  2556  	if v.Unreadable != nil {
  2557  		return nil, v.Unreadable
  2558  	}
  2559  	// go would return zero for the map value type here, we do not have the ability to create zeroes
  2560  	return nil, fmt.Errorf("key not found")
  2561  }
  2563  // LoadResliced returns a new array, slice or map that starts at index start and contains
  2564  // up to cfg.MaxArrayValues children.
  2565  func (v *Variable) LoadResliced(start int, cfg LoadConfig) (newV *Variable, err error) {
  2566  	switch v.Kind {
  2567  	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
  2568  		low, high := int64(start), int64(start+cfg.MaxArrayValues)
  2569  		if high > v.Len {
  2570  			high = v.Len
  2571  		}
  2572  		newV, err = v.reslice(low, high, false)
  2573  		if err != nil {
  2574  			return nil, err
  2575  		}
  2576  	case reflect.Map:
  2577  		newV = v.clone()
  2578  		newV.Children = nil
  2579  		newV.loaded = false
  2580  		newV.mapSkip = start
  2581  	default:
  2582  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("variable to reslice is not an array, slice, or map")
  2583  	}
  2584  	newV.loadValue(cfg)
  2585  	return newV, nil
  2586  }
  2588  func (v *Variable) reslice(low int64, high int64, trustLen bool) (*Variable, error) {
  2589  	wrong := false
  2590  	cptrNeedsFakeSlice := false
  2591  	if v.Flags&VariableCPtr == 0 {
  2592  		wrong = low < 0 || low > v.Len || high < 0 || high > v.Len
  2593  	} else {
  2594  		wrong = low < 0 || high < 0
  2595  		if high == 0 {
  2596  			high = low
  2597  		}
  2598  		cptrNeedsFakeSlice = v.Kind != reflect.String
  2599  	}
  2600  	if wrong {
  2601  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("index out of bounds")
  2602  	}
  2604  	base := v.Base + uint64(low*v.stride)
  2605  	len := high - low
  2607  	if high-low < 0 {
  2608  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("index out of bounds")
  2609  	}
  2611  	typ := v.DwarfType
  2612  	if _, isarr := v.DwarfType.(*godwarf.ArrayType); isarr || cptrNeedsFakeSlice {
  2613  		typ = godwarf.FakeSliceType(v.fieldType)
  2614  	}
  2616  	mem := v.mem
  2617  	if v.Kind != reflect.Array {
  2618  		mem = DereferenceMemory(mem)
  2619  	}
  2621  	r := v.newVariable("", 0, typ, mem)
  2622  	r.Cap = len
  2623  	r.Len = len
  2624  	r.Base = base
  2625  	r.stride = v.stride
  2626  	r.fieldType = v.fieldType
  2627  	r.Flags = v.Flags
  2628  	if trustLen {
  2629  		r.Flags |= variableTrustLen
  2630  	}
  2631  	r.reg = v.reg
  2633  	return r, nil
  2634  }
  2636  // findMethod finds method mname in the type of variable v
  2637  func (v *Variable) findMethod(mname string) (*Variable, error) {
  2638  	if _, isiface := v.RealType.(*godwarf.InterfaceType); isiface {
  2639  		v.loadInterface(0, false, loadFullValue)
  2640  		if v.Unreadable != nil {
  2641  			return nil, v.Unreadable
  2642  		}
  2643  		return v.Children[0].findMethod(mname)
  2644  	}
  2646  	queue := []*Variable{v}
  2647  	seen := map[string]struct{}{}
  2649  	for len(queue) > 0 {
  2650  		v := queue[0]
  2651  		queue = append(queue[:0], queue[1:]...)
  2652  		if _, isseen := seen[v.RealType.String()]; isseen {
  2653  			continue
  2654  		}
  2655  		seen[v.RealType.String()] = struct{}{}
  2657  		typ := v.DwarfType
  2658  		ptyp, isptr := typ.(*godwarf.PtrType)
  2659  		if isptr {
  2660  			typ = ptyp.Type
  2661  		}
  2663  		typePath := typ.Common().Name
  2664  		dot := strings.LastIndex(typePath, ".")
  2665  		if dot < 0 {
  2666  			// probably just a C type
  2667  			continue
  2668  		}
  2670  		pkg := typePath[:dot]
  2671  		receiver := typePath[dot+1:]
  2673  		//TODO(aarzilli): support generic functions?
  2675  		if fns :=[fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", pkg, receiver, mname)]; len(fns) == 1 {
  2676  			r, err := functionToVariable(fns[0],, v.mem)
  2677  			if err != nil {
  2678  				return nil, err
  2679  			}
  2680  			if isptr {
  2681  				r.Children = append(r.Children, *(v.maybeDereference()))
  2682  			} else {
  2683  				r.Children = append(r.Children, *v)
  2684  			}
  2685  			return r, nil
  2686  		}
  2688  		if fns :=[fmt.Sprintf("%s.(*%s).%s", pkg, receiver, mname)]; len(fns) == 1 {
  2689  			r, err := functionToVariable(fns[0],, v.mem)
  2690  			if err != nil {
  2691  				return nil, err
  2692  			}
  2693  			if isptr {
  2694  				r.Children = append(r.Children, *v)
  2695  			} else {
  2696  				r.Children = append(r.Children, *(v.pointerToVariable()))
  2697  			}
  2698  			return r, nil
  2699  		}
  2701  		// queue embedded fields for search
  2702  		structVar := v.maybeDereference()
  2703  		structVar.Name = v.Name
  2704  		if structVar.Unreadable != nil {
  2705  			return structVar, nil
  2706  		}
  2707  		switch t := structVar.RealType.(type) {
  2708  		case *godwarf.StructType:
  2709  			for _, field := range t.Field {
  2710  				if field.Embedded {
  2711  					embeddedVar, err := structVar.toField(field)
  2712  					if err != nil {
  2713  						return nil, err
  2714  					}
  2715  					queue = append(queue, embeddedVar)
  2716  				}
  2717  			}
  2718  		}
  2719  	}
  2721  	return nil, nil
  2722  }
  2724  func functionToVariable(fn *Function, bi *BinaryInfo, mem MemoryReadWriter) (*Variable, error) {
  2725  	typ, err := fn.fakeType(bi, true)
  2726  	if err != nil {
  2727  		return nil, err
  2728  	}
  2729  	v := newVariable(fn.Name, 0, typ, bi, mem)
  2730  	v.Value = constant.MakeString(fn.Name)
  2731  	v.loaded = true
  2732  	v.Base = fn.Entry
  2733  	return v, nil
  2734  }
  2736  func fakeArrayType(n uint64, fieldType godwarf.Type) godwarf.Type {
  2737  	stride := alignAddr(fieldType.Common().ByteSize, fieldType.Align())
  2738  	return &godwarf.ArrayType{
  2739  		CommonType: godwarf.CommonType{
  2740  			ReflectKind: reflect.Array,
  2741  			ByteSize:    int64(n) * stride,
  2742  			Name:        fmt.Sprintf("[%d]%s", n, fieldType.String())},
  2743  		Type:          fieldType,
  2744  		StrideBitSize: stride * 8,
  2745  		Count:         int64(n)}
  2746  }
  2748  var errMethodEvalUnsupported = errors.New("evaluating methods not supported on this version of Go")
  2750  func (fn *Function) fakeType(bi *BinaryInfo, removeReceiver bool) (*godwarf.FuncType, error) {
  2751  	if producer := bi.Producer(); producer == "" || !goversion.ProducerAfterOrEqual(producer, 1, 10) {
  2752  		// versions of Go prior to 1.10 do not distinguish between parameters and
  2753  		// return values, therefore we can't use a subprogram DIE to derive a
  2754  		// function type.
  2755  		return nil, errMethodEvalUnsupported
  2756  	}
  2757  	_, formalArgs, err := funcCallArgs(fn, bi, true)
  2758  	if err != nil {
  2759  		return nil, err
  2760  	}
  2762  	// Only try and remove the receiver if it is actually being passed in as a formal argument.
  2763  	// In the case of:
  2764  	//
  2765  	// func (_ X) Method() { ... }
  2766  	//
  2767  	// that would not be true, the receiver is not used and thus
  2768  	// not being passed in as a formal argument.
  2769  	//
  2770  	// TODO(derekparker) This, I think, creates a new bug where
  2771  	// if the receiver is not passed in as a formal argument but
  2772  	// there are other arguments, such as:
  2773  	//
  2774  	// func (_ X) Method(i int) { ... }
  2775  	//
  2776  	// The first argument 'i int' will be removed. We must actually detect
  2777  	// here if the receiver is being used. While this is a bug, it's not a
  2778  	// functional bug, it only affects the string representation of the fake
  2779  	// function type we create. It's not really easy to tell here if we use
  2780  	// the receiver or not. Perhaps we should not perform this manipulation at all?
  2781  	if removeReceiver && len(formalArgs) > 0 {
  2782  		formalArgs = formalArgs[1:]
  2783  	}
  2785  	args := make([]string, 0, len(formalArgs))
  2786  	rets := make([]string, 0, len(formalArgs))
  2788  	for _, formalArg := range formalArgs {
  2789  		var s string
  2790  		if strings.HasPrefix(, "~") {
  2791  			s = formalArg.typ.String()
  2792  		} else {
  2793  			s = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s",, formalArg.typ.String())
  2794  		}
  2795  		if formalArg.isret {
  2796  			rets = append(rets, s)
  2797  		} else {
  2798  			args = append(args, s)
  2799  		}
  2800  	}
  2802  	argstr := strings.Join(args, ", ")
  2803  	var retstr string
  2804  	switch len(rets) {
  2805  	case 0:
  2806  		retstr = ""
  2807  	case 1:
  2808  		retstr = " " + rets[0]
  2809  	default:
  2810  		retstr = " (" + strings.Join(rets, ", ") + ")"
  2811  	}
  2812  	return &godwarf.FuncType{
  2813  		CommonType: godwarf.CommonType{
  2814  			Name:        "func(" + argstr + ")" + retstr,
  2815  			ReflectKind: reflect.Func,
  2816  		},
  2817  		//TODO(aarzilli): at the moment we aren't using the ParamType and
  2818  		// ReturnType fields of FuncType anywhere (when this is returned to the
  2819  		// client it's first converted to a string and the function calling code
  2820  		// reads the subroutine entry because it needs to know the stack offsets).
  2821  		// If we start using them they should be filled here.
  2822  	}, nil
  2823  }
  2825  func validRegisterName(s string) string {
  2826  	for len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '_' {
  2827  		s = s[1:]
  2828  	}
  2829  	for i := range s {
  2830  		if (s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9') && (s[i] < 'A' || s[i] > 'Z') {
  2831  			return ""
  2832  		}
  2833  	}
  2834  	return s
  2835  }