
     1  Renter API
     2  ==========
     4  The Sia API documentation can be found here:
     5  [Sia API]( "Sia API")
     7  There may be functional API calls which are not documented. These are not
     8  guaranteed to be supported beyond the current release, and should not be used
     9  in production.
    11  Overview
    12  --------
    14  The renter manages the user's files on the network. The renter's API endpoints
    15  expose methods for managing files on the network and managing the renter's
    16  allocated funds.
    18  Index
    19  -----
    21  | Route                                                                           | HTTP verb |
    22  | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
    23  | [/renter](#renter-get)                                                          | GET       |
    24  | [/renter](#renter-post)                                                         | POST      |
    25  | [/renter/contract/cancel](#rentercontractcancel-post)                           | POST      |
    26  | [/renter/contracts](#rentercontracts-get)                                       | GET       |
    27  | [/renter/downloads](#renterdownloads-get)                                       | GET       |
    28  | [/renter/downloads/clear](#renterdownloadsclear-post)                           | POST      |
    29  | [/renter/files](#renterfiles-get)                                               | GET       |
    30  | [/renter/file/*___siapath___](#renterfilesiapath-get)                           | GET       |
    31  | [/renter/file/*__siapath__](#rentertrackingsiapath-post)                        | POST      |
    32  | [/renter/prices](#renterprices-get)                                             | GET       |
    33  | [/renter/delete/___*siapath___](#renterdelete___siapath___-post)                | POST      |
    34  | [/renter/download/___*siapath___](#renterdownload__siapath___-get)              | GET       |
    35  | [/renter/downloadasync/___*siapath___](#renterdownloadasync__siapath___-get)    | GET       |
    36  | [/renter/rename/___*siapath___](#renterrename___siapath___-post)                | POST      |
    37  | [/renter/stream/___*siapath___](#renterstreamsiapath-get)                       | GET       |
    38  | [/renter/upload/___*siapath___](#renteruploadsiapath-post)                      | POST      |
    40  #### /renter [GET]
    42  returns the current settings along with metrics on the renter's spending.
    44  ###### JSON Response
    45  ```javascript
    46  {
    47    // Settings that control the behavior of the renter.
    48    "settings": {
    49      // Allowance dictates how much the renter is allowed to spend in a given
    50      // period. Note that funds are spent on both storage and bandwidth.
    51      "allowance": {  
    52        // Amount of money allocated for contracts. Funds are spent on both
    53        // storage and bandwidth.
    54        "funds": "1234", // hastings
    56        // Number of hosts that contracts will be formed with.
    57        "hosts":24,
    59        // Duration of contracts formed, in number of blocks.
    60        "period": 6048, // blocks
    62        // If the current blockheight + the renew window >= the height the
    63        // contract is scheduled to end, the contract is renewed automatically.
    64        // Is always nonzero.
    65        "renewwindow": 3024 // blocks
    66      }, 
    67      // MaxUploadSpeed by default is unlimited but can be set by the user to 
    68      // manage bandwidth
    69      "maxuploadspeed":     1234, // bytes per second
    71      // MaxDownloadSpeed by default is unlimited but can be set by the user to 
    72      // manage bandwidth
    73      "maxdownloadspeed":   1234, // bytes per second
    75      // The StreamCacheSize is the number of data chunks that will be cached during
    76      // streaming
    77      "streamcachesize":  4  
    78    },
    80    // Metrics about how much the Renter has spent on storage, uploads, and
    81    // downloads.
    82    "financialmetrics": {
    83      // Amount of money spent on contract fees, transaction fees and siafund fees.
    84      "contractfees": "1234", // hastings
    86      // How much money, in hastings, the Renter has spent on file contracts,
    87      // including fees.
    88      "contractspending": "1234", // hastings, (deprecated, now totalallocated)
    90      // Amount of money spent on downloads.
    91      "downloadspending": "5678", // hastings
    93      // Amount of money spend on storage.
    94      "storagespending": "1234", // hastings
    96      // Total amount of money that the renter has put into contracts. Includes
    97      // spent money and also money that will be returned to the renter.
    98      "totalallocated": "1234", // hastings
   100      // Amount of money spent on uploads.
   101      "uploadspending": "5678", // hastings
   103      // Amount of money in the allowance that has not been spent.
   104      "unspent": "1234" // hastings
   105    },
   106    // Height at which the current allowance period began.
   107    "currentperiod": 200
   108  }
   109  ```
   111  #### /renter [POST]
   113  modify settings that control the renter's behavior.
   115  ###### Query String Parameters
   116  ```
   117  // Number of hastings allocated for file contracts in the given period.
   118  funds // hastings
   120  // Number of hosts that contracts should be formed with. Files cannot be
   121  // uploaded to more hosts than you have contracts with, and it's generally good
   122  // to form a few more contracts than you need.
   123  hosts
   125  // Duration of contracts formed. Must be nonzero.
   126  period // block height
   128  // Renew window specifies how many blocks before the expiration of the current
   129  // contracts the renter will wait before renewing the contracts. A smaller
   130  // renew window means that SiaPrime must be run more frequently, but also means
   131  // fewer total transaction fees. Storage spending is not affected by the renew
   132  // window size.
   133  renewwindow // block height
   135  // Max download speed permitted, speed provide in bytes per second
   136  maxdownloadspeed
   138  // Max upload speed permitted, speed provide in bytes per second
   139  maxuploadspeed
   141  // Stream cache size specifies how many data chunks will be cached while 
   142  // streaming.  
   143  streamcachesize
   144  ```
   146  ###### Response
   147  standard success or error response. See
   148  [](/doc/
   150  #### /renter/contract/cancel [POST]
   152  cancels a specific contract of the Renter.
   154  ###### Query String Parameter
   155  ```
   156  // ID of the file contract
   157  id
   158  ```
   160  ###### Response
   161  standard success or error response. See
   162  [](/doc/
   164  #### /renter/contracts [GET]
   166  returns the renter's contracts.  Active contracts are contracts that the Renter
   167  is currently using to store, upload, and download data, and are returned by
   168  default. Inactive contracts are contracts that are in the current period but are
   169  marked as not good for renew, these contracts have the potential to become
   170  active again but currently are not storing data.  Expired contracts are
   171  contracts not in the current period, where not more data is being stored and
   172  excess funds have been released to the renter.
   174  ###### Contract Parameters
   175  ```
   176  inactive   // true or false - Optional
   177  expired    // true or false - Optional
   178  ```
   180  ###### JSON Response
   181  ```javascript
   182  {
   183    "activecontracts": [
   184      {
   185        // Amount of contract funds that have been spent on downloads.
   186        "downloadspending": "1234", // hastings
   188        // Block height that the file contract ends on.
   189        "endheight": 50000, // block height
   191        // Fees paid in order to form the file contract.
   192        "fees": "1234", // hastings
   194        // Public key of the host the contract was formed with.
   195        "hostpublickey": {
   196          "algorithm": "ed25519",
   197          "key": "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU="
   198        },
   200        // ID of the file contract.
   201        "id": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
   203        // A signed transaction containing the most recent contract revision.
   204        "lasttransaction": {},
   206        // Address of the host the file contract was formed with.
   207        "netaddress": "",
   209        // Remaining funds left for the renter to spend on uploads & downloads.
   210        "renterfunds": "1234", // hastings
   212        // Size of the file contract, which is typically equal to the number of
   213        // bytes that have been uploaded to the host.
   214        "size": 8192, // bytes
   216        // Block height that the file contract began on.
   217        "startheight": 50000, // block height
   219        // DEPRECATED: This is the exact same value as StorageSpending, but it has
   220        // incorrect capitalization. This was fixed in 1.3.2, but this field is kept
   221        // to preserve backwards compatibility on clients who depend on the
   222        // incorrect capitalization. This field will be removed in the future, so
   223        // clients should switch to the StorageSpending field (above) with the
   224        // correct lowercase name.
   225        "StorageSpending": 0,
   227        // Amount of contract funds that have been spent on storage.
   228        "storagespending": "1234", // hastings
   230        // Total cost to the wallet of forming the file contract.
   231        // This includes both the fees and the funds allocated in the contract.
   232        "totalcost": "1234", // hastings
   234        // Amount of contract funds that have been spent on uploads.
   235        "uploadspending": "1234" // hastings
   237        // Signals if contract is good for uploading data
   238        "goodforupload": true,
   240        // Signals if contract is good for a renewal
   241        "goodforrenew": false,
   242      }
   243    ],
   244    "inactivecontracts": [],
   245    "expiredcontracts": [],
   246  }
   247  ```
   249  #### /renter/downloads [GET]
   251  lists all files in the download queue.
   253  ###### JSON Response
   254  ```javascript
   255  {
   256    "downloads": [
   257      {
   258        // Local path that the file will be downloaded to.
   259        "destination": "/home/users/alice",
   261        // What type of destination was used. Can be "file", indicating a download
   262        // to disk, can be "buffer", indicating a download to memory, and can be
   263        // "http stream", indicating that the download was streamed through the
   264        // http API.
   265        "destinationtype": "file",
   267        // Length of the download. If the download was a partial download, this
   268        // will indicate the length of the partial download, and not the length of
   269        // the full file.
   270        "length": 8192, // bytes
   272        // Offset within the file of the download. For full file downloads, the //
   273        offset will be '0'. For partial downloads, the offset may be anywhere //
   274        within the file. offset+length will never exceed the full file size.
   275        "offset": 0,
   277        // Siapath given to the file when it was uploaded.
   278        "siapath": "foo/bar.txt",
   280        // Whether or not the download has completed. Will be false initially, and
   281        // set to true immediately as the download has been fully written out to
   282        // the file, to the http stream, or to the in-memory buffer. Completed
   283        // will also be set to true if there is an error that causes the download to
   284        // fail.
   285        "completed": true,
   287        // Time at which the download completed. Will be zero if the download has
   288        // not yet completed.
   289        "endtime": "2009-11-10T23:00:00Z", // RFC 3339 time
   291        // Error encountered while downloading. If there was no error (yet), it
   292        // will be the empty string.
   293        "error": ""
   295        // Number of bytes downloaded thus far. Will only be updated as segments
   296        // of the file complete fully. This typically has a resolution of tens of
   297        // megabytes.
   298        "received": 4096, // bytes
   300        // Time at which the download was initiated.
   301        "starttime": "2009-11-10T23:00:00Z", // RFC 3339 time
   303        // The total amount of data transfered when downloading the file. This
   304        // will eventually include data transferred during contract + payment
   305        // negotiation, as well as data from failed piece downloads.
   306        "totaldatatransfered": 10321,
   307      }
   308    ]
   309  }
   310  ```
   311  #### /renter/downloads/clear [POST]
   313  Clears the download history of the renter for a range of unix time stamps.  Both
   314  parameters are optional, if no parameters are provided, the entire download
   315  history will be cleared.  To clear a single download, provide the timestamp for
   316  the download as both parameters.  Providing only the before parameter will clear
   317  all downloads older than the timestamp.  Conversely, providing only the after
   318  parameter will clear all downloads newer than the timestamp.
   320  ###### Timestamp Parameters [(with comments)]
   321  ```
   322  before  // Optional - unix timestamp found in the download history
   323  after   // Optional - unix timestamp found in the download history
   324  ```
   326  ###### Response
   327  standard success or error response. See
   328  [](/doc/
   330  #### /renter/files [GET]
   332  lists the status of all files.
   334  ###### JSON Response
   335  ```javascript
   336  {
   337    "files": [ 
   338      {
   339        // Path to the file in the renter on the network.
   340        "siapath": "foo/bar.txt",
   342        // Path to the local file on disk.
   343        "localpath": "/home/foo/bar.txt",
   345        // Size of the file in bytes.
   346        "filesize": 8192, // bytes
   348        // true if the file is available for download. Files may be available
   349        // before they are completely uploaded.
   350        "available": true,
   352        // true if the file's contracts will be automatically renewed by the
   353        // renter.
   354        "renewing": true,
   356        // Average redundancy of the file on the network. Redundancy is
   357        // calculated by dividing the amount of data uploaded in the file's open
   358        // contracts by the size of the file. Redundancy does not necessarily
   359        // correspond to availability. Specifically, a redundancy >= 1 does not
   360        // indicate the file is available as there could be a chunk of the file
   361        // with 0 redundancy.
   362        "redundancy": 5,
   364        // Total number of bytes successfully uploaded via current file contracts.
   365        // This number includes padding and rendundancy, so a file with a size of
   366        // 8192 bytes might be padded to 40 MiB and, with a redundancy of 5,
   367        // encoded to 200 MiB for upload.
   368        "uploadedbytes": 209715200, // bytes
   370        // Percentage of the file uploaded, including redundancy. Uploading has
   371        // completed when uploadprogress is 100. Files may be available for
   372        // download before upload progress is 100.
   373        "uploadprogress": 100, // percent
   375        // Block height at which the file ceases availability.
   376        "expiration": 60000
   377      }   
   378    ]
   379  }
   380  ```
   382  #### /renter/file/*___siapath___ [GET]
   384  lists the status of specified file.
   386  ###### JSON Response
   387  ```javascript
   388  {
   389    "file": {
   390      // Path to the file in the renter on the network.
   391      "siapath": "foo/bar.txt",
   393      // Path to the local file on disk.
   394      "localpath": "/home/foo/bar.txt",
   396      // Size of the file in bytes.
   397      "filesize": 8192, // bytes
   399      // true if the file is available for download. Files may be available
   400      // before they are completely uploaded.
   401      "available": true,
   403      // true if the file's contracts will be automatically renewed by the
   404      // renter.
   405      "renewing": true,
   407      // Average redundancy of the file on the network. Redundancy is
   408      // calculated by dividing the amount of data uploaded in the file's open
   409      // contracts by the size of the file. Redundancy does not necessarily
   410      // correspond to availability. Specifically, a redundancy >= 1 does not
   411      // indicate the file is available as there could be a chunk of the file
   412      // with 0 redundancy.
   413      "redundancy": 5,
   415      // Total number of bytes successfully uploaded via current file contracts.
   416      // This number includes padding and rendundancy, so a file with a size of
   417      // 8192 bytes might be padded to 40 MiB and, with a redundancy of 5,
   418      // encoded to 200 MiB for upload.
   419      "uploadedbytes": 209715200, // bytes
   421      // Percentage of the file uploaded, including redundancy. Uploading has
   422      // completed when uploadprogress is 100. Files may be available for
   423      // download before upload progress is 100.
   424      "uploadprogress": 100, // percent
   426      // Block height at which the file ceases availability.
   427      "expiration": 60000
   428    }   
   429  }
   430  ```
   432  #### /renter/file/*___siapath___ [POST]
   434  endpoint for changing file metadata.
   436  ###### Path Parameters [(with comments)](/doc/api/
   437  ```
   438  // SiaPath of the file on the network. The path must be non-empty, may not
   439  // include any path traversal strings ("./", "../"), and may not begin with a
   440  // forward-slash character.
   441  *siapath
   442  ```
   444  ###### Query String Parameters [(with comments)](/doc/api/
   445  ```
   446  // If provided, this parameter changes the tracking path of a file to the 
   447  // specified path. Useful if moving the file to a different location on disk.
   448  trackingpath
   449  ```
   451  ###### Response
   452  standard success or error response. See
   453  [#standard-responses](#standard-responses).
   455  #### /renter/prices [GET]
   457  lists the estimated prices of performing various storage and data operations. An
   458  allowance can be submitted to provide a more personalized estimate. If no
   459  allowance is submitted then the current set allowance will be used, if there is
   460  no allowance set then sane defaults will be used. Submitting an allowance is
   461  optional, but when submitting an allowance all the components of the allowance
   462  are required. The allowance used to create the estimate is returned with the
   463  estimate.
   465  ###### Query String Parameters 5
   466  ```
   467  all optional or all required
   469  // Number of hastings allocated for file contracts in the given period.
   470  funds // hastings
   472  // Number of hosts that contracts should be formed with. Files cannot be
   473  // uploaded to more hosts than you have contracts with, and it's generally good
   474  // to form a few more contracts than you need.
   475  hosts
   477  // Duration of contracts formed. Must be nonzero.
   478  period // block height
   480  // Renew window specifies how many blocks before the expiration of the current
   481  // contracts the renter will wait before renewing the contracts. A smaller
   482  // renew window means that SiaPrime must be run more frequently, but also means
   483  // fewer total transaction fees. Storage spending is not affected by the renew
   484  // window size.
   485  renewwindow // block height
   486  ```
   488  ###### JSON Response 5
   489  ```javascript
   490  {
   491      // The estimated cost of downloading one terabyte of data from the
   492      // network.
   493      "downloadterabyte": "1234", // hastings
   495      // The estimated cost of forming a set of contracts on the network. This
   496      // cost also applies to the estimated cost of renewing the renter's set of
   497      // contracts.
   498      "formcontracts": "1234", // hastings
   500      // The estimated cost of storing one terabyte of data on the network for
   501      // a month, including accounting for redundancy.
   502      "storageterabytemonth": "1234", // hastings
   504      // The estimated cost of uploading one terabyte of data to the network,
   505      // including accounting for redundancy.
   506      "uploadterabyte": "1234", // hastings
   508      // Amount of money allocated for contracts. Funds are spent on both
   509      // storage and bandwidth.
   510      "funds": "1234", // hastings
   512      // Number of hosts that contracts will be formed with.
   513      "hosts":24,
   515      // Duration of contracts formed, in number of blocks.
   516      "period": 6048, // blocks
   518      // If the current blockheight + the renew window >= the height the
   519      // contract is scheduled to end, the contract is renewed automatically.
   520      // Is always nonzero.
   521      "renewwindow": 3024 // blocks
   522  }
   523  ```
   525  #### /renter/delete/___*siapath___ [POST]
   527  deletes a renter file entry. Does not delete any downloads or original files,
   528  only the entry in the renter.
   530  ###### Path Parameters
   531  ```
   532  // Location of the file in the renter on the network.
   533  *siapath
   534  ```
   536  ###### Response
   537  standard success or error response. See
   538  [](/doc/
   540  #### /renter/download/___*siapath___ [GET]
   542  downloads a file to the local filesystem. The call will block until the file
   543  has been downloaded.
   545  ###### Path Parameters
   546  ```
   547  // Location of the file in the renter on the network.
   548  *siapath     
   549  ```
   551  ###### Query String Parameters
   552  ```
   553  // If async is true, the http request will be non blocking. Can't be used with
   554  async
   555  // Location on disk that the file will be downloaded to.
   556  destination 
   557  // If httresp is true, the data will be written to the http response.
   558  httpresp
   559  // Length of the requested data. Has to be <= filesize-offset.
   560  length
   561  // Offset relative to the file start from where the download starts.
   562  offset
   563  ```
   565  ###### Response
   566  standard success or error response. See
   567  [](/doc/
   569  #### /renter/downloadasync/___*siapath___ [GET]
   571  downloads a file to the local filesystem. The call will return immediately.
   573  ###### Path Parameters
   574  ```
   575  *siapath
   576  ```
   578  ###### Query String Parameters
   579  ```
   580  destination
   581  ```
   583  ###### Response
   584  standard success or error response. See
   585  [](/doc/
   587  #### /renter/rename/___*siapath___ [POST]
   589  renames a file. Does not rename any downloads or source files, only renames the
   590  entry in the renter. An error is returned if `siapath` does not exist or
   591  `newsiapath` already exists.
   593  ###### Path Parameters
   594  ```
   595  // Current location of the file in the renter on the network.
   596  *siapath     
   597  ```
   599  ###### Query String Parameters
   600  ```
   601  // New location of the file in the renter on the network.
   602  newsiapath
   603  ```
   605  ###### Response
   606  standard success or error response. See
   607  [](/doc/
   609  #### /renter/stream/*___siapath___ [GET]
   611  downloads a file using http streaming. This call blocks until the data is
   612  received.
   613  The streaming endpoint also uses caching internally to prevent siad from
   614  re-downloading the same chunk multiple times when only parts of a file are
   615  requested at once. This might lead to a substantial increase in ram usage and
   616  therefore it is not recommended to stream multiple files in parallel at the
   617  moment. This restriction will be removed together with the caching once partial
   618  downloads are supported in the future. If you want to stream multiple files you
   619  should increase the size of the Renter's `streamcachesize` to at least 2x the
   620  number of files you are steaming.
   622  ###### Path Parameters [(with comments)](/doc/api/
   623  ```
   624  *siapath
   625  ```
   627  ###### Response
   628  standard success with the requested data in the body or error response. See
   629  [#standard-responses](#standard-responses).
   631  #### /renter/upload/___*siapath___ [POST]
   633  starts a file upload to the SiaPrime network from the local filesystem.
   635  ###### Path Parameters
   637  ```
   638  // Location where the file will reside in the renter on the network. The path
   639  // must be non-empty, may not include any path traversal strings ("./", "../"),
   640  // and may not begin with a forward-slash character.
   641  *siapath
   642  ```
   644  ###### Query String Parameters
   645  ```
   646  // The number of data pieces to use when erasure coding the file.
   647  datapieces // int
   649  // The number of parity pieces to use when erasure coding the file. Total
   650  // redundancy of the file is (datapieces+paritypieces)/datapieces.
   651  paritypieces // int
   653  // Location on disk of the file being uploaded.
   654  source // string - a filepath
   655  ```
   657  ###### Response
   658  standard success or error response. See
   659  [](/doc/ A successful
   660  response indicates that the upload started successfully. To confirm the upload
   661  completed successfully, the caller must call [/renter/files](#renterfiles-get)
   662  until that API returns success with an `uploadprogress` >= 100.0 for the file
   663  at the given `siapath`.