
     1  ---
     2  title: Sia API Documentation
     4  language_tabs: # must be one of
     5    - go
     7  toc_footers:
     8    - <a href=''>The Official Sia Website
     9    - <a href=''>Sia on GitLab</a>
    11  search: true
    12  ---
    14  # Introduction
    16  ## Welcome to the Sia Storage Platform API!
    17  > Example GET curl call 
    19  ```go
    20  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/wallet/transactions?startheight=1&endheight=250"
    21  ```
    23  > Example POST curl call with data
    25  ```go
    26  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "amount=123&destination=abcd" "localhost:9980/wallet/siacoins"
    27  ```
    29  > Example POST curl call without data or authentication
    31  ```go
    32  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -X POST "localhost:9980/gateway/connect/123.456.789.0:9981"
    33  ```
    35  Sia uses semantic versioning and is backwards compatible to version v1.0.0.
    37  API calls return either JSON or no content. Success is indicated by 2xx HTTP status codes, while errors are indicated by 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes. If an endpoint does not specify its expected status code refer to [standard responses](#Standard-Responses).
    39  There may be functional API calls which are not documented. These are not guaranteed to be supported beyond the current release, and should not be used in production.
    41  **Notes:**
    43  - Requests must set their User-Agent string to contain the substring "Sia-Agent".
    44  - By default, siad listens on "localhost:9980". This can be changed using the `--api-addr` flag when running siad.
    45  - **Do not bind or expose the API to a non-loopback address unless you are aware of the possible dangers.**
    47  ## Documentation Standards
    49  The following details the documentation standards for the API endpoints.
    50   - Endpoints should follow the structure of:
    51      - Parameters
    52      - Response
    53   - Each endpoint should have a corresponding curl example
    54   - All non-standard responses should have a JSON Response example
    55    with units
    56   - There should be detailed descriptions of all JSON response fields
    57   - There should be detailed descriptions of all query string parameters
    58   - Query String Parameters should be separated into **REQUIRED** and **OPTIONAL** sections
    59   - Detailed descriptions should be structured as "**field** | units"
    61  Contributors should follow these standards when submitting updates to the API documentation.  If you find API endpoints that do not adhere to these documentation standards please let the Sia team know by submitting an issue [here](
    63  # Standard Responses
    65  ## Success
    66  The standard response indicating the request was successfully processed is HTTP status code `204 No Content`. If the request was successfully processed and the server responded with JSON the HTTP status code is `200 OK`. Specific endpoints may specify other 2xx status codes on success.
    68  ## Error
    70  ```go
    71  {
    72      "message": String
    74      // There may be additional fields depending on the specific error.
    75  }
    76  ```
    78  The standard error response indicating the request failed for any reason, is a 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code with an error JSON object describing the error.
    80  # Authentication
    81  > Example POST curl call with Authentication
    83  ```go
    84  curl -A "Sia-Agent" --user "":<apipassword> --data "amount=123&destination=abcd" "localhost:9980/wallet/siacoins"
    85  ```
    87  API authentication is enabled by default, using a password stored in a flat file. The location of this file is:
    89   - Linux:   `$HOME/.sia/apipassword`
    90   - MacOS:   `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Sia/apipassword`
    91   - Windows: `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Sia\apipassword`
    94  Note that the file contains a trailing newline, which must be trimmed before
    95  use.
    97  Authentication is HTTP Basic Authentication as described in [RFC 2617](, however, the username is the empty string. The flag does not enforce authentication on all API endpoints. Only endpoints that expose sensitive information or modify state require authentication.
    99  For example, if the API password is "foobar" the request header should include
   101  `Authorization: Basic OmZvb2Jhcg==`
   103  And for a curl call the following would be included
   105  `--user "":<apipassword>`
   107  Authentication can be disabled by passing the `--authenticate-api=false` flag to siad. You can change the password by modifying the password file, setting the `SIA_API_PASSWORD` environment variable, or passing the `--temp-password` flag to siad.
   109  # Units
   111  Unless otherwise noted, all parameters should be identified in their smallest possible unit. For example, size should always be specified in bytes and Siacoins should always be specified in hastings. JSON values returned by the API will also use the smallest possible unit, unless otherwise noted.
   113  If a number is returned as a string in JSON, it should be treated as an arbitrary-precision number (bignum), and it should be parsed with your language's corresponding bignum library. Currency values are the most common example where this is necessary.
   115  # Consensus
   117  The consensus set manages everything related to consensus and keeps the blockchain in sync with the rest of the network. The consensus set's API endpoint returns information about the state of the blockchain.
   119  ## /consensus [GET]
   120  > curl example  
   122  ```go
   123  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/consensus"
   124  ```
   126  Returns information about the consensus set, such as the current block height.
   127  Also returns the set of constants in use in the consensus code.
   129  ### JSON Response
   130  > JSON Response Example
   132  ```go
   133  {
   134    "synced":       true, // boolean
   135    "height":       62248, // blockheight
   136    "currentblock": "00000000000008a84884ba827bdc868a17ba9c14011de33ff763bd95779a9cf1", // hash
   137    "target":       [0,0,0,0,0,0,11,48,125,79,116,89,136,74,42,27,5,14,10,31,23,53,226,238,202,219,5,204,38,32,59,165], // hash
   138    "difficulty":   "1234" // arbitrary-precision integer
   140    "blockfrequency":         600,        // seconds per block
   141    "blocksizelimit":         2000000,    // bytes
   142    "extremefuturethreshold": 10800,      // seconds
   143    "futurethreshold":        10800,      // seconds
   144    "genesistimestamp":       1257894000, // Unix time
   145    "maturitydelay":          144,        // blocks
   146    "mediantimestampwindow":  11,         // blocks
   147    "siafundcount":           "10000",    // siafund
   148    "siafundportion":         "39/1000",  // fraction
   150    "initialcoinbase": 300000, // Siacoins (see note in
   151    "minimumcoinbase": 30000,  // Siacoins (see note in
   153    "roottarget": [0,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], // hash
   154    "rootdepth":  [255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255],  // hash
   156    "siacoinprecision": "1000000000000000000000000" // hastings per siacoin
   157  }
   158  ```
   159  **synced** | boolean
   160  True if the consensus set is synced with the network, e.g. it has downloaded the entire blockchain.  
   162  **height** | blockheight
   163  Number of blocks preceding the current block.  
   165  **currentblock** | hash
   166  Hash of the current block.  
   168  **target** | hash
   169  An immediate child block of this block must have a hash less than this target for it to be valid.  
   171  **difficulty** | arbitrary-precision integer
   172  The difficulty of the current block target.  
   174  **blockfrequency** | blocks / second
   175  Target for how frequently new blocks should be mined.  
   177  **blocksizelimit** | bytes
   178  Maximum size, in bytes, of a block. Blocks larger than this will be rejected by peers.  
   180  **extremefuturethreshold** | seconds
   181  Farthest a block's timestamp can be in the future before the block is rejected outright.  
   183  **futurethreshold** | seconds
   184  How far in the future a block can be without being rejected. A block further into the future will not be accepted immediately, but the daemon will attempt to accept the block as soon as it is valid.  
   186  **genesistimestamp** | unix timestamp
   187  Timestamp of the genesis block.  
   189  **maturitydelay** | number of blocks
   190  Number of children a block must have before it is considered "mature."  
   192  **mediantimestampwindow** | number of blocks
   193  Duration of the window used to adjust the difficulty.  
   195  **siafundcount** | siafunds
   196  Total number of siafunds.  
   198  **siafundportion** | fraction
   199  Fraction of each file contract payout given to siafund holders.  
   201  **initialcoinbase** | siacoin
   202  Number of coins given to the miner of the first block. Note that elsewhere in the API currency is typically returned in hastings and as a bignum. This is not the case here.  
   204  **minimumcoinbase** | siacoin
   205  Minimum number of coins paid out to the miner of a block (the coinbase decreases with each block). Note that elsewhere in the API currency is typically returned in hastings and as a bignum. This is not the case here.  
   207  **roottarget** | hash
   208  Initial target.  
   210  **rootdepth** | hash
   211  Initial depth.  
   213  **siacoinprecision** | hastings per siacoin
   214  Number of Hastings in one Siacoin.  
   216  ## /consensus/blocks [GET]
   217  > curl example  
   219  ```go
   220  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/consensus/blocks?height=20032"
   221  ```
   222  ```go
   223  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/consensus/blocks?id=00000000000033b9eb57fa63a51adeea857e70f6415ebbfe5df2a01f0d0477f4"
   224  ```
   226  Returns the block for a given id or height.
   228  ### Query String Parameters
   229  #### REQUIRED
   230  One of the following parameters must be specified.
   232  **id** | blockID
   233  BlockID of the requested block.  
   235  **height** | blockheight
   236  BlockHeight of the requested block.  
   238  ### JSON Response
   239  > JSON Response Example
   241  ```go
   242  {
   243      "height": 20032, 
   244      "id": "00000000000033b9eb57fa63a51adeea857e70f6415ebbfe5df2a01f0d0477f4", 
   245      "minerpayouts": [
   246          {
   247              "unlockhash": "c199cd180e19ef7597bcf4beecdd4f211e121d085e24432959c42bdf9030e32b9583e1c2727c",
   248              "value": "279978000000000000000000000000"
   249          }
   250      ],
   251      "nonce": [4,12,219,7,0,0,0,0],
   252      "parentid": "0000000000009615e8db750eb1226aa5e629bfa7badbfe0b79607ec8b918a44c",
   253      "timestamp": 1444516982,
   254      "transactions": [
   255  	{
   256  	    // ...
   257  	}
   258          {
   259              "arbitrarydata": [],
   260              "filecontractrevisions": [],
   261              "filecontracts": [],
   262              "minerfees": [],
   263              "siacoininputs": [
   264                  {
   265                      "parentid": "24cbeb9df7eb2d81d0025168fc94bd179909d834f49576e65b51feceaf957a64",
   266                      "unlockconditions": {
   267                          "publickeys": [
   268                              {
   269                                  "algorithm": "ed25519",
   270                                  "key": "QET8w7WRbGfcnnpKd1nuQfE3DuNUUq9plyoxwQYDK4U="
   271                              }
   272                          ],
   273                          "signaturesrequired": 1,
   274                          "timelock": 0
   275                      }
   276                  }
   277              ],
   278              "siacoinoutputs": [
   279                  {
   280                      "unlockhash": "d54f500f6c1774d518538dbe87114fe6f7e6c76b5bc8373a890b12ce4b8909a336106a4cd6db",
   281                      "value": "1010000000000000000000000000"
   282                  },
   283                  {
   284                      "unlockhash": "48a56b19bd0be4f24190640acbd0bed9669ea9c18823da2645ec1ad9652f10b06c5d4210f971",
   285                      "value": "5780000000000000000000000000"
   286                  }
   287              ],
   288              "siafundinputs": [],
   289              "siafundoutputs": [],
   290              "storageproofs": [],
   291              "transactionsignatures": [
   292                  {
   293                      "coveredfields": {
   294                          "arbitrarydata": [],
   295                          "filecontractrevisions": [],
   296                          "filecontracts": [],
   297                          "minerfees": [],
   298                          "siacoininputs": [],
   299                          "siacoinoutputs": [],
   300                          "siafundinputs": [],
   301                          "siafundoutputs": [],
   302                          "storageproofs": [],
   303                          "transactionsignatures": [],
   304                          "wholetransaction": true
   305                      },
   306                      "parentid": "24cbeb9df7eb2d81d0025168fc94bd179909d834f49576e65b51feceaf957a64",
   307                      "publickeyindex": 0,
   308                      "signature": "pByLGMlvezIZWVZmHQs/ynGETETNbxcOY/kr6uivYgqZqCcKTJ0JkWhcFaKJU+3DEA7JAloLRNZe3PTklD3tCQ==",
   309                      "timelock": 0
   310                  }
   311              ]
   312          },
   313          {
   314  	    // ...
   315          }
   316      ]
   317  }
   318  ```
   320  ## /consensus/validate/transactionset [POST]
   321  > curl example  
   323  ```go
   324  curl -A "Sia-Agent" --data "[JSON-encoded-txnset]" "localhost:9980/validate/transactionset"
   325  ```
   327  validates a set of transactions using the current utxo set.
   329  ### Request Body Bytes
   331  Since transactions may be large, the transaction set is supplied in the POST body, encoded in JSON format.
   333  ### Response
   335  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
   337  # Daemon
   339  The daemon is responsible for starting and stopping the modules which make up the rest of Sia.
   341  <<<<<<< HEAD
   342  ## /daemon/constants [GET]
   343  > curl example  
   345  ```go
   346  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/daemon/constants"
   347  ```
   349  Returns the some of the constants that the Sia daemon uses. 
   351  ### JSON Response
   352  > JSON Response Example
   354  ```go
   355  {
   356    "blockfrequency":600,           // blockheight
   357    "blocksizelimit":2000000,       // uint64
   358    "extremefuturethreshold":18000, // timestamp
   359    "futurethreshold":10800,        // timestamp
   360    "genesistimestamp":1433600000,  // timestamp
   361    "maturitydelay":144,            // blockheight
   362    "mediantimestampwindow":11,     // uint64
   363    "siafundcount":"10000",         // uint64
   364    "siafundportion":"39/1000",     // big.Rat
   365    "targetwindow":1000,            // blockheight
   367    "initialcoinbase":300000, // uint64
   368    "minimumcoinbase":30000,  // uint64
   370    "roottarget": // target
   371    [0,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
   372    "rootdepth":  // target
   373    [255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255],
   375    "allowance":  // allowance
   376      {
   377        "funds":"55000000000000000000000000000",  // currency
   378        "hosts":50,                       // uint64
   379        "period":12096,                   // blockheight
   380        "renewwindow":4032,               // blockheight
   381        "expectedstorage":1000000000000,  // uint64
   382        "expectedupload":2,               // uint64
   383        "expecteddownload":1,             // uint64
   384        "expectedredundancy":3            // uint64
   385      },
   387    "maxtargetadjustmentup":"5/2",    // big.Rat
   388    "maxtargetadjustmentdown":"2/5",  // big.Rat
   390    "siacoinprecision":"1000000000000000000000000"  // currency
   391  }
   392  ```
   393  **blockfrequency** | blockheight  
   394  BlockFrequency is the desired number of seconds that should elapse, on average, between successive Blocks.
   396  **blocksizelimit** | uint64  
   397  BlockSizeLimit is the maximum size of a binary-encoded Block that is permitted by the consensus rules.
   399  **extremefuturethreshold** | timestamp  
   400  ExtremeFutureThreshold is a temporal limit beyond which Blocks are discarded by the consensus rules. When incoming Blocks are processed, their Timestamp is allowed to exceed the processor's current time by a small amount. But if the Timestamp is further into the future than ExtremeFutureThreshold, the Block is immediately discarded.
   402  **futurethreshold** | timestamp  
   403  FutureThreshold is a temporal limit beyond which Blocks are discarded by the consensus rules. When incoming Blocks are processed, their Timestamp is allowed to exceed the processor's current time by no more than FutureThreshold. If the excess duration is larger than FutureThreshold, but smaller than ExtremeFutureThreshold, the Block may be held in memory until the Block's Timestamp exceeds the current time by less than FutureThreshold.
   405  **genesistimestamp** | timestamp  
   406  GenesisBlock is the first block of the block chain
   408  **maturitydelay** | blockheight  
   409  MaturityDelay specifies the number of blocks that a maturity-required output is required to be on hold before it can be spent on the blockchain. Outputs are maturity-required if they are highly likely to be altered or invalidated in the event of a small reorg. One example is the block reward, as a small reorg may invalidate the block reward. Another example is a siafund payout, as a tiny reorg may change the value of the payout, and thus invalidate any transactions spending the payout. File contract payouts also are subject to a maturity delay.
   411  **mediantimestampwindow** | uint64  
   412  MedianTimestampWindow tells us how many blocks to look back when calculating the median timestamp over the previous n blocks. The timestamp of a block is not allowed to be less than or equal to the median timestamp of the previous n blocks, where for Sia this number is typically 11.
   414  **siafundcount** | currency  
   415  SiafundCount is the total number of Siafunds in existence.
   417  **siafundportion** | big.Rat  
   418  SiafundPortion is the percentage of siacoins that is taxed from FileContracts.
   420  **targetwindow** | blockheight  
   421  TargetWindow is the number of blocks to look backwards when determining how much time has passed vs. how many blocks have been created. It's only used in the old, broken difficulty adjustment algorithm.
   423  **initialcoinbase** | uint64  
   424  InitialCoinbase is the coinbase reward of the Genesis block.
   426  **minimumcoinbase** | uint64  
   427  MinimumCoinbase is the minimum coinbase reward for a block. The coinbase decreases in each block after the Genesis block, but it will not decrease past MinimumCoinbase.
   429  **roottarget** | target  
   430  RootTarget is the target for the genesis block - basically how much work needs to be done in order to mine the first block. The difficulty adjustment algorithm takes over from there.
   432  **rootdepth** | target  
   433  RootDepth is the cumulative target of all blocks. The root depth is essentially the maximum possible target, there have been no blocks yet, so there is no cumulated difficulty yet.
   435  **defaultallowance** | allowance  
   436  DefaultAllowance is the set of default allowance settings that will be used when allowances are not set or not fully set
   438  **maxtargetadjustmentup** | big.Rat  
   439  MaxTargetAdjustmentUp restrict how much the block difficulty is allowed to change in a single step, which is important to limit the effect of difficulty raising and lowering attacks.
   441  **maxtargetadjustmentdown** | big.Rat  
   442  MaxTargetAdjustmentDown restrict how much the block difficulty is allowed to change in a single step, which is important to limit the effect of difficulty raising and lowering attacks.
   444  **siacoinprecision** | currency  
   445  SiacoinPrecision is the number of base units in a siacoin. The Sia network has a very large number of base units. We call 10^24 of these a siacoin.
   447  ## /daemon/settings [GET]
   448  > curl example  
   450  ```go
   451  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/daemon/settings"
   452  ```
   453  Returns the settings for the daemon
   455  ### JSON Response
   456  > JSON Response Example
   458  ```go
   459  {
   460    "maxdownloadspeed": 0,  // bytes per second
   461    "maxuploadspeed": 0     // bytes per second
   462  }
   463  ```
   465  **maxdownloadspeed** | bytes per second  
   466  Is the maximum download speed that the daemon can reach. 0 means there is no limit set.
   468  **maxuploadspeed** | bytes per second  
   469  Is the maximum upload speed that the daemon can reach. 0 means there is no limit set.
   471  ## /daemon/settings [POST]
   472  > curl example  
   474  ```go
   475  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "maxdownloadspeed=1000000&maxuploadspeed=20000" "localhost:9980/daemon/settings"
   476  ```
   478  Modify settings that control the daemon's behavior.
   480  ### Query String Parameters
   481  #### OPTIONAL
   482  **maxdownloadspeed** | bytes per second  
   483  Max download speed permitted in bytes per second  
   485  **maxuploadspeed** | bytes per second  
   486  Max upload speed permitted in bytes per second  
   488  ### Response
   489  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
   491  =======
   492  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
   493  ## /daemon/stop [GET]
   494  > curl example  
   496  ```go
   497  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/daemon/stop"
   498  ```
   500  Cleanly shuts down the daemon. This may take a few seconds.
   502  ### Response
   503  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
   505  <<<<<<< HEAD
   506  ## /daemon/update [GET]
   507  > curl example  
   509  ```go
   510  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/daemon/update"
   511  ```
   512  Returns the the status of any updates available for the daemon
   514  ### JSON Response
   515  > JSON Response Example
   517  ```go
   518  {
   519    "available": false, // boolean
   520    "version": "1.4.0"  // string
   521  }
   522  ```
   524  **available** | boolean  
   525  Available indicates whether or not there is an update available for the daemon.
   527  **version** | string  
   528  Version is the version of the latest release.
   530  ## /daemon/update [POST]
   531  > curl example  
   533  ```go
   534  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/daemon/update"
   535  ```
   536  Updates the daemon to the latest available version release.
   538  ### Response
   539  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
   541  =======
   542  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
   543  ## /daemon/version [GET]
   544  > curl example  
   546  ```go
   547  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/daemon/version"
   548  ```
   550  Returns the version of the Sia daemon currently running. 
   552  ### JSON Response
   553  > JSON Response Example
   555  ```go
   556  {
   557  "version": "1.3.7" // string
   558  }
   559  ```
   560  **version** | string
   561  This is the version number that is visible to its peers on the network.
   563  # Gateway
   565  The gateway maintains a peer to peer connection to the network and provides a method for calling RPCs on connected peers. The gateway's API endpoints expose methods for viewing the connected peers, manually connecting to peers, and manually disconnecting from peers. The gateway may connect or disconnect from peers on its own.
   567  ## /gateway [GET]
   568  > curl example  
   570  ```go
   571  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/gateway"
   572  ```
   574  returns information about the gateway, including the list of connected peers.
   576  ### JSON Response
   577  > JSON Response Example
   579  ```go
   580  {
   581      "netaddress":"333.333.333.333:9981",  // string
   582      "peers":[
   583          {
   584  <<<<<<< HEAD
   585              "inbound":    false,                   // boolean
   586  =======
   587              "inbound":    alse,                    // boolean
   588  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
   589              "local":      false,                   // boolean
   590              "netaddress": "",  // string
   591              "version":    "1.0.0",                 // string
   592          },
   593      ],
   594      "maxdownloadspeed": 1234,  // bytes per second
   595      "maxuploadspeed":   1234,  // bytes per second
   596  }
   597  ```
   598  **netaddress** | string
   599  netaddress is the network address of the gateway as seen by the rest of the network. The address consists of the external IP address and the port Sia is listening on. It represents a `modules.NetAddress`.  
   601  **peers** | array
   602  peers is an array of peers the gateway is connected to. It represents an array of `modules.Peer`s.  
   604  **inbound** | boolean
   605  inbound is true when the peer initiated the connection. This field is exposed as outbound peers are generally trusted more than inbound peers, as inbound peers are easily manipulated by an adversary.  
   607  **local** | boolean
   608  local is true if the peer's IP address belongs to a local address range such as 192.168.x.x or 127.x.x.x  
   610  **netaddress** | string
   611  netaddress is the address of the peer. It represents a `modules.NetAddress`.  
   613  **version** | string
   614  version is the version number of the peer.  
   616  **maxdownloadspeed** | bytes per second
   617  Max download speed permitted in bytes per second
   619  **maxuploadspeed** | bytes per second
   620  Max upload speed permitted in bytes per second
   622  ## /gateway [POST]
   623  > curl example  
   625  ```go
   626  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "maxdownloadspeed=1000000&maxuploadspeed=20000" "localhost:9980/gateway"
   627  ```
   629  Modify settings that control the gateway's behavior.
   631  ### Query String Parameters
   632  #### OPTIONAL
   633  **maxdownloadspeed** | bytes per second  
   634  Max download speed permitted in bytes per second  
   636  **maxuploadspeed** | bytes per second  
   637  Max upload speed permitted in bytes per second  
   639  ### Response
   641  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
   643  ## /gateway/connect/:*netaddress* [POST]
   644  > curl example  
   646  ```go
   647  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -X POST "localhost:9980/gateway/connect/123.456.789.0:9981"
   648  ```
   650  connects the gateway to a peer. The peer is added to the node list if it is not already present. The node list is the list of all nodes the gateway knows about, but is not necessarily connected to.  
   652  ### Path Parameters
   653  #### REQUIRED
   654  netaddress is the address of the peer to connect to. It should be a reachable ip address and port number, of the form `IP:port`. IPV6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets.  
   656  **netaddress** | string
   657  Example IPV4 address: 123.456.789.0:123  
   658  Example IPV6 address: [123::456]:789  
   660  ### Response
   661  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#Standard-Responses).
   663  ## /gateway/disconnect/:*netaddress* [POST]
   664  > curl example  
   666  ```go
   667  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/gateway/disconnect/123.456.789.0:9981"
   668  ```
   670  disconnects the gateway from a peer. The peer remains in the node list. Disconnecting from a peer does not prevent the gateway from automatically connecting to the peer in the future.
   672  ### Path Parameters
   673  #### REQUIRED
   674  netaddress is the address of the peer to connect to. It should be a reachable ip address and port number, of the form `IP:port`. IPV6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets.  
   676  **netaddress** | string
   677  Example IPV4 address: 123.456.789.0:123  
   678  Example IPV6 address: [123::456]:789  
   680  ### Response
   681  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
   683  # Host
   685  The host provides storage from local disks to the network. The host negotiates file contracts with remote renters to earn money for storing other users' files. The host's endpoints expose methods for viewing and modifying host settings, announcing to the network, and managing how files are stored on disk.
   687  ## /host [GET]
   688  > curl example  
   690  ```go
   691  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/host"
   692  ```
   694  fetches status information about the host.
   696  ### JSON Response
   697  > JSON Response Example
   699  ```go
   700  {
   701    "externalsettings": {
   702      "acceptingcontracts":   true,                 // boolean
   703      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,             // bytes
   704      "maxduration":          25920,                // blocks
   705      "maxrevisebatchsize":   17825792,             // bytes
   706      "netaddress":           "123.456.789.0:9982", // string
   707      "remainingstorage":     35000000000,          // bytes
   708      "sectorsize":           4194304,              // bytes
   709      "totalstorage":         35000000000,          // bytes
   710      "unlockhash":           "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab", // hash
   711      "windowsize":           144,  // blocks
   713      "collateral":    "57870370370",                     // hastings / byte / block
   714      "maxcollateral": "100000000000000000000000000000",  // hastings
   716      "contractprice":          "30000000000000000000000000", // hastings
   717      "downloadbandwidthprice": "250000000000000",            // hastings / byte
   718      "storageprice":           "231481481481",               // hastings / byte / block
   719      "uploadbandwidthprice":   "100000000000000",            // hastings / byte
   721      "revisionnumber": 0,      // int
   722      "version":        "1.0.0" // string
   723    },
   725    "financialmetrics": {
   726      "contractcount":                 2,     // int
   727      "contractcompensation":          "123", // hastings
   728      "potentialcontractcompensation": "123", // hastings
   730      "lockedstoragecollateral": "123", // hastings
   731      "lostrevenue":             "123", // hastings
   732      "loststoragecollateral":   "123", // hastings
   733      "potentialstoragerevenue": "123", // hastings
   734      "riskedstoragecollateral": "123", // hastings
   735      "storagerevenue":          "123", // hastings
   736      "transactionfeeexpenses":  "123", // hastings
   738      "downloadbandwidthrevenue":          "123", // hastings
   739      "potentialdownloadbandwidthrevenue": "123", // hastings
   740      "potentialuploadbandwidthrevenue":   "123", // hastings
   741      "uploadbandwidthrevenue":            "123"  // hastings
   742    },
   744    "internalsettings": {
   745      "acceptingcontracts":   true,                 // boolean
   746      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,             // bytes
   747      "maxduration":          25920,                // blocks
   748      "maxrevisebatchsize":   17825792,             // bytes
   749      "netaddress":           "123.456.789.0:9982", // string
   750      "windowsize":           144,                  // blocks
   751  <<<<<<< HEAD
   753      "collateral":       "57870370370",                     // hastings / byte / block
   754      "collateralbudget": "2000000000000000000000000000000", // hastings
   755      "maxcollateral":    "100000000000000000000000000000",  // hastings
   757      "minbaserpcprice":           "123",                        //hastings
   758      "mincontractprice":          "30000000000000000000000000", // hastings
   759      "mindownloadbandwidthprice": "250000000000000",            // hastings / byte
   760      "minsectoraccessprice":      "123",                        //hastings
   761  =======
   763      "collateral":       "57870370370",                     // hastings / byte / block
   764      "collateralbudget": "2000000000000000000000000000000", // hastings
   765      "maxcollateral":    "100000000000000000000000000000",  // hastings
   767      "mincontractprice":          "30000000000000000000000000", // hastings
   768      "mindownloadbandwidthprice": "250000000000000",            // hastings / byte
   769  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
   770      "minstorageprice":           "231481481481",               // hastings / byte / block
   771      "minuploadbandwidthprice":   "100000000000000"             // hastings / byte
   772    },
   774    "networkmetrics": {
   775      "downloadcalls":     0,   // int
   776      "errorcalls":        1,   // int
   777      "formcontractcalls": 2,   // int
   778      "renewcalls":        3,   // int
   779      "revisecalls":       4,   // int
   780      "settingscalls":     5,   // int
   781      "unrecognizedcalls": 6    // int
   782    },
   784    "connectabilitystatus": "checking", // string
   785    "workingstatus":        "checking"  // string
   786  }
   787  ```
   788  #### externalsettings  
   789  The settings that get displayed to untrusted nodes querying the host's status.  
   791  **acceptingcontracts** | boolean  
   792  Whether or not the host is accepting new contracts.  
   794  **maxdownloadbatchsize** | bytes  
   795  The maximum size of a single download request from a renter. Each download request has multiple round trips of communication that exchange money. Larger batch sizes mean fewer round trips, but more financial risk for the host - the renter can get a free batch when downloading by refusing to provide a signature.  
   797  **maxduration** | blocks  
   798  The maximum duration that a host will allow for a file contract. The host commits to keeping files for the full duration under the threat of facing a large penalty for losing or dropping data before the duration is complete. The storage proof window of an incoming file contract must end before the current height + maxduration.  
   800  **maxrevisebatchsize** | bytes  
   801  The maximum size of a single batch of file contract revisions. The renter can perform DoS attacks on the host by uploading a batch of data then refusing to provide a signature to pay for the data. The host can reduce this exposure by limiting the batch size. Larger batch sizes allow for higher throughput as there is significant communication overhead associated with performing a batch upload.  
   803  **netaddress** | string
   804  The IP address or hostname (including port) that the host should be contacted at.  
   806  **remainingstorage** | bytes  
   807  The amount of unused storage capacity on the host in bytes. It should be noted that the host can lie.  
   809  **sectorsize** | bytes  
   810  The smallest amount of data in bytes that can be uploaded or downloaded when performing calls to the host.  
   812  **totalstorage** | bytes  
   813  The total amount of storage capacity on the host. It should be noted that the host can lie.  
   815  **unlockhash** | hash
   816  The unlock hash is the address at which the host can be paid when forming file contracts.  
   818  **windowsize** | blocks  
   819  The storage proof window is the number of blocks that the host has to get a storage proof onto the blockchain. The window size is the minimum size of window that the host will accept in a file contract.  
   821  **collateral** | hastings / byte / block  
   822  The maximum amount of money that the host will put up as collateral for storage that is contracted by the renter.  
   824  **maxcollateral** | hastings  
   825  The maximum amount of collateral that the host will put into a single file contract.  
   827  **contractprice** | hastings  
   828  The price that a renter has to pay to create a contract with the host. The payment is intended to cover transaction fees for the file contract revision and the storage proof that the host will be submitting to the blockchain.  
   830  **downloadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte  
   831  The price that a renter has to pay when downloading data from the host.  
   833  **storageprice** | hastings / byte / block  
   834  The price that a renter has to pay to store files with the host.  
   836  **uploadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte  
   837  The price that a renter has to pay when uploading data to the host.  
   839  **revisionnumber** | int 
   840  The revision number indicates to the renter what iteration of settings the host is currently at. Settings are generally signed. If the renter has multiple conflicting copies of settings from the host, the renter can expect the one with the higher revision number to be more recent.  
   842  **version** | string
   843  The version of external settings being used. This field helps coordinate updates while preserving compatibility with older nodes.  
   845  #### financialmetrics  
   846  The financial status of the host.  
   848  **contractcount** | int
   849  Number of open file contracts.  
   851  **contractcompensation** | hastings  
   852  The amount of money that renters have given to the host to pay for file contracts. The host is required to submit a file contract revision and a storage proof for every file contract that gets created, and the renter pays for the miner fees on  these objects.  
   854  **potentialcontractcompensation** | hastings  
   855  The amount of money that renters have given to the host to pay for file contracts which have not been confirmed yet. The potential compensation becomes compensation after the storage proof is submitted.  
   857  **lockedstoragecollateral** | hastings  
   858  The amount of storage collateral which the host has tied up in file contracts. The host has to commit collateral to a file contract even if there is no storage, but the locked collateral will be returned even if the host does not submit a storage proof - the collateral is not at risk, it is merely set aside so that it can be put at risk later.  
   860  **lostrevenue** | hastings  
   861  The amount of revenue, including storage revenue and bandwidth revenue, that has been lost due to failed file contracts and failed storage proofs.  
   863  **loststoragecollateral** | hastings  
   864  The amount of collateral that was put up to protect data which has been lost due to failed file contracts and missed storage proofs.  
   866  **potentialstoragerevenue** | hastings  
   867  The amount of revenue that the host stands to earn if all storage proofs are submitted corectly and in time.  
   869  **riskedstoragecollateral** | hastings  
   870  The amount of money that the host has risked on file contracts. If the host starts missing storage proofs, the host can forfeit up to this many coins. In the event of a missed storage proof, locked storage collateral gets returned, but risked storage collateral does not get returned.  
   872  **storagerevenue** | hastings  
   873  The amount of money that the host has earned from storing data. This money has been locked down by successful storage proofs.  
   875  **transactionfeeexpenses** | hastings  
   876  The amount of money that the host has spent on transaction fees when submitting host announcements, file contract revisions, and storage proofs.  
   878  **downloadbandwidthrevenue** | hastings  
   879  The amount of money that the host has made from renters downloading their files. This money has been locked in by successsful storage proofs.  
   881  **potentialdownloadbandwidthrevenue** | hastings  
   882  The amount of money that the host stands to make from renters that downloaded their files. The host will only realize this revenue if the host successfully submits storage proofs for the related file contracts.  
   884  **potentialuploadbandwidthrevenue** | hastings  
   885  The amount of money that the host stands to make from renters that uploaded files. The host will only realize this revenue if the host successfully submits storage proofs for the related file contracts.  
   887  **uploadbandwidthrevenue** | hastings  
   888  The amount of money that the host has made from renters uploading their files. This money has been locked in by successful storage proofs.  
   890  #### internalsettings  
   891  The settings of the host. Most interactions between the user and the host occur by changing the internal settings.  
   893  **acceptingcontracts** | boolean  
   894  When set to true, the host will accept new file contracts if the terms are reasonable. When set to false, the host will not accept new file contracts at all.  
   896  **maxdownloadbatchsize** | bytes  
   897  The maximum size of a single download request from a renter. Each download request has multiple round trips of communication that exchange money. Larger batch sizes mean fewer round trips, but more financial risk for the host - the renter can get a free batch when downloading by refusing to provide a signature.  
   899  **maxduration** | blocks  
   900  The maximum duration of a file contract that the host will accept. The storage proof window must end before the current height + maxduration.  
   902  **maxrevisebatchsize** | bytes  
   903  The maximum size of a single batch of file contract revisions. The renter can perform DoS attacks on the host by uploading a batch of data then refusing to provide a signature to pay for the data. The host can reduce this exposure by limiting the batch size. Larger batch sizes allow for higher throughput as there is significant communication overhead associated with performing a batch upload.  
   905  **netaddress** | string
   906  The IP address or hostname (including port) that the host should be contacted at. If left blank, the host will automatically figure out its ip address and use that. If given, the host will use the address given.  
   908  **windowsize** | blocks  
   909  The storage proof window is the number of blocks that the host has to get a storage proof onto the blockchain. The window size is the minimum size of window that the host will accept in a file contract.  
   911  **collateral** | hastings / byte / block  
   912  The maximum amount of money that the host will put up as collateral per byte per block of storage that is contracted by the renter.  
   914  **collateralbudget** | hastings  
   915  The total amount of money that the host will allocate to collateral across all file contracts.  
   917  **maxcollateral** | hastings  
   918  The maximum amount of collateral that the host will put into a
   919  <<<<<<< HEAD
   920  single file contract.
   922  **minbaserpcprice** | hastings  
   923  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter for interacting with
   924  the host. This is charged for every interaction a renter has with a host to pay
   925  for resources consumed during the interaction. It is added to the
   926  `mindownloadbandwidthprice` and `minuploadbandwidthprice` when uploading or
   927  downloading files from the host.
   928  =======
   929  single file contract.  
   930  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
   932  **mincontractprice** | hastings  
   933  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when forming a contract. Typically this price is to cover transaction fees on the file contract revision and storage proof, but can also be used if the host has a low amount of collateral. The price is a minimum because the host may automatically adjust the price upwards in times of high demand.  
   935  **mindownloadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte  
   936  <<<<<<< HEAD
   937  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when the renter is downloading data. If the host is saturated, the host may increase the price from the minimum.
   939  **minsectoraccessprice** | hastings  
   940  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter for accessing a sector
   941  of data on disk. Since the host has to read at least a full 4MB sector from disk
   942  regardless of how much the renter intends to download this is charged to pay for
   943  the physical disk resources the host uses. It is multiplied by the number of
   944  sectors read then added to the `mindownloadbandwidthprice` when downloading a
   945  file.
   946  =======
   947  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when the renter is downloading data. If the host is saturated, the host may increase the price from the minimum.  
   948  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
   950  **minstorageprice** | hastings / byte / block  
   951  The minimum price that the host will demand when storing data for extended periods of time. If the host is low on space, the price of storage may be set higher than the minimum.  
   953  **minuploadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte  
   954  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when the renter is uploading data. If the host is saturated, the host may increase the price from the minimum.  
   956  #### networkmetrics  
   957  Information about the network, specifically various ways in which renters have contacted the host.  
   959  **downloadcalls** | int 
   960  The number of times that a renter has attempted to download something from the host.  
   962  **errorcalls** | int
   963  The number of calls that have resulted in errors. A small number of errors are expected, but a large number of errors indicate either buggy software or malicious network activity. Usually buggy software.  
   965  **formcontractcalls** | int  
   966  The number of times that a renter has tried to form a contract with the host.  
   968  **renewcalls** | int
   969  The number of times that a renter has tried to renew a contract with the host.  
   971  **revisecalls** | int
   972  The number of times that the renter has tried to revise a contract with the host.  
   974  **settingscalls** | int
   975  The number of times that a renter has queried the host for the host's settings. The settings include the price of bandwidth, which is a price that can adjust every few minutes. This value is usually very high compared to the others.  
   977  **unrecognizedcalls** | int
   978  The number of times that a renter has attempted to use an unrecognized call. Larger numbers typically indicate buggy software.  
   980  **connectabilitystatus** | string
   981  connectabilitystatus is one of "checking", "connectable", or "not connectable", and indicates if the host can connect to itself on its configured NetAddress.  
   983  **workingstatus** | string
   984  workingstatus is one of "checking", "working", or "not working" and indicates if the host is being actively used by renters.  
   986  ## /host [POST]
   987  > curl example  
   989  ```go
   990  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/host?acceptingcontracts=true&maxduration=12096&windowsize=1008"
   991  ```
   993  Configures hosting parameters. All parameters are optional; unspecified parameters will be left unchanged.
   995  ### Query String Parameters
   996  #### OPTIONAL
   997  **acceptingcontracts** | boolean
   998  When set to true, the host will accept new file contracts if the terms are reasonable. When set to false, the host will not accept new file contracts at all.  
  1000  **maxdownloadbatchsize** | bytes
  1001  The maximum size of a single download request from a renter. Each download request has multiple round trips of communication that exchange money. Larger batch sizes mean fewer round trips, but more financial risk for the host - the renter can get a free batch when downloading by refusing to provide a signature.  
  1003  **maxduration** | blocks
  1004  The maximum duration of a file contract that the host will accept. The storage proof window must end before the current height + maxduration.  
  1006  **maxrevisebatchsize** | bytes
  1007  The maximum size of a single batch of file contract revisions. The renter can perform DoS attacks on the host by uploading a batch of data then refusing to provide a signature to pay for the data. The host can reduce this exposure by limiting the batch size. Larger batch sizes allow for higher throughput as there is significant communication overhead associated with performing a batch upload.  
  1009  **netaddress** | string  
  1010  The IP address or hostname (including port) that the host should be contacted at. If left blank, the host will automatically figure out its ip address and use that. If given, the host will use the address given.  
  1012  **windowsize** | blocks
  1013  // The storage proof window is the number of blocks that the host has to get a storage proof onto the blockchain. The window size is the minimum size of window that the host will accept in a file contract.
  1015  **collateral** | hastings / byte / block
  1016  The maximum amount of money that the host will put up as collateral per byte per block of storage that is contracted by the renter.  
  1018  **collateralbudget** | hastings
  1019  The total amount of money that the host will allocate to collateral across all file contracts.  
  1021  **maxcollateral** | hastings
  1022  The maximum amount of collateral that the host will put into a single file contract.  
  1024  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1025  **minbaserpcprice** | hastings  
  1026  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter for interacting with
  1027  the host. This is charged for every interaction a renter has with a host to pay
  1028  for resources consumed during the interaction. It is added to the
  1029  `mindownloadbandwidthprice` and `minuploadbandwidthprice` when uploading or
  1030  downloading files from the host.
  1032  **mincontractprice** | hastings
  1033  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when forming a contract. Typically this price is to cover transaction fees on the file contract revision and storage proof, but can also be used if the host has a low amount of collateral. The price is a minimum because the host may automatically adjust the price upwards in times of high demand.  
  1035  **minsectoraccessprice** | hastings  
  1036  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter for accessing a sector
  1037  of data on disk. Since the host has to read at least a full 4MB sector from disk
  1038  regardless of how much the renter intends to download this is charged to pay for
  1039  the physical disk resources the host uses. It is multiplied by the number of
  1040  sectors read then added to the `mindownloadbandwidthprice` when downloading a
  1041  file.
  1043  =======
  1044  **mincontractprice** | hastings
  1045  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when forming a contract. Typically this price is to cover transaction fees on the file contract revision and storage proof, but can also be used if the host has a low amount of collateral. The price is a minimum because the host may automatically adjust the price upwards in times of high demand.  
  1047  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1048  **mindownloadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte
  1049  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when the renter is downloading data. If the host is saturated, the host may increase the price from the minimum.  
  1051  **minstorageprice** | hastings / byte / block
  1052  The minimum price that the host will demand when storing data for extended periods of time. If the host is low on space, the price of storage may be set higher than the minimum.  
  1054  **minuploadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte
  1055  The minimum price that the host will demand from a renter when the renter is uploading data. If the host is saturated, the host may increase the price from the minimum.  
  1057  ### Response
  1059  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1061  ## /host/announce [POST]
  1062  > curl example  
  1064  ```go
  1065  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/host/announce"
  1066  ```
  1068  Announce the host to the network as a source of storage. Generally only needs to be called once.
  1070  Note that even after the host has been announced, it will not accept new contracts unless configured to do so. To configure the host to accept contracts, see [/host](## /host [POST]).
  1072  ### Query String Parameters
  1073  #### OPTIONAL
  1074  **netaddress string** | string  
  1075  The address to be announced. If no address is provided, the automatically discovered address will be used instead.  
  1077  ### Response
  1079  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#Standard-Responses).
  1081  ## /host/contracts [GET]
  1082  > curl example  
  1084  ```go
  1085  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/host/contracts"
  1086  ```
  1089  Get contract information from the host database. This call will return all storage obligations on the host. Its up to the caller to filter the contracts based on their needs.
  1091  ### JSON Response
  1092  > JSON Response Example
  1094  ```go
  1095  {
  1096    "contracts": [
  1097      {
  1098        "contractcost":			        "1234",		          // hastings
  1099        "datasize":			            500000,		          // bytes
  1100        "lockedcollateral":		      "1234",		          // hastings
  1101        "obligationid": "fff48010dcbbd6ba7ffd41bc4b25a3634ee58bbf688d2f06b7d5a0c837304e13", // hash
  1102        "potentialdownloadrevenue":	"1234",             // hastings
  1103        "potentialstoragerevenue":	"1234",             // hastings
  1104        "potentialuploadrevenue":		"1234",             // hastings
  1105        "riskedcollateral":		      "1234",             // hastings
  1106        "sectorrootscount":		      2,                  // int
  1107        "transactionfeesadded":		  "1234",		          // hastings
  1108        "expirationheight":		      123456,		          // blocks
  1109        "negotiationheight":		    123456,		          // blocks
  1110        "proofdeadline":			      123456,	  	        // blocks
  1111        "obligationstatus":		      "obligationFailed", // string
  1112        "originconfirmed":		      true,               // boolean
  1113        "proofconfirmed":			      true,               // boolean
  1114        "proofconstructed":		      true,               // boolean
  1115        "revisionconfirmed":		    false,              // boolean
  1116        "revisionconstructed":		  false,              // boolean
  1117      }
  1118    ]
  1119  }
  1120  ```
  1121  **contractcost** | hastings
  1122  Amount in hastings to cover the transaction fees for this storage obligation.
  1124  **datasize** | bytes
  1125  Size of the data that is protected by the contract.
  1127  **lockedcollateral** | hastings
  1128  Amount that is locked as collateral for this storage obligation.
  1130  **obligationid** | hash
  1131  Id of the storageobligation, which is defined by the file contract id of the file contract that governs the storage obligation.
  1133  **potentialdownloadrevenue** | hastings
  1134  Potential revenue for downloaded data that the host will reveive upon successful completion of the obligation.
  1136  **potentialstoragerevenue** | hastings
  1137  Potential revenue for storage of data that the host will reveive upon successful completion of the obligation.
  1139  **potentialuploadrevenue** | hastings
  1140  Potential revenue for uploaded data that the host will reveive upon successful completion of the obligation.
  1142  **riskedcollateral** | hastings
  1143  Amount that the host might lose if the submission of the storage proof is not successful.
  1145  **sectorrootscount** | int
  1146  Number of sector roots.
  1148  **transactionfeesadded** | hastings
  1149  Amount for transaction fees that the host added to the storage obligation.
  1151  **expirationheight** | blockheight
  1152  Expiration height is the height at which the storage obligation expires.
  1154  **negotiationheight** | blockheight
  1155  Negotion height is the height at which the storage obligation was negotiated.
  1157  **proofdeadline** | blockheight
  1158  The proof deadline is the height by which the storage proof must be submitted.
  1160  **obligationstatus** | string
  1161  Status of the storage obligation. There are 4 different statuses:
  1162   - `obligationFailed`:	the storage obligation failed, potential revenues and risked collateral are lost
  1163   - `obligationRejected`:	the storage obligation was never started, no revenues gained or lost
  1164   - `obligationSucceeded`:	the storage obligation was completed, revenues were gained
  1165   - `obligationUnresolved`: 	the storage obligation has an uninitialized value. When the **proofdeadline** is in the past this might be a stale obligation.
  1167  **originconfirmed** | hash
  1168  Origin confirmed indicates whether the file contract was seen on the blockchain for this storage obligation.
  1170  **proofconfirmed** | boolean
  1171  Proof confirmed indicates whether there was a storage proof seen on the blockchain for this storage obligation.
  1173  **proofconstructed** | boolean
  1174  The host has constructed a storage proof
  1176  **revisionconfirmed** | boolean
  1177  Revision confirmed indicates whether there was a file contract revision seen on the blockchain for this storage obligation.
  1179  **revisionconstructed** | boolean
  1180  Revision constructed indicates whether there was a file contract revision constructed for this storage obligation.
  1182  ## /host/storage [GET]
  1183  > curl example  
  1185  ```go
  1186  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/host/storage"
  1187  ```
  1189  Gets a list of folders tracked by the host's storage manager.
  1191  ### JSON Response
  1192  > JSON Response Example
  1194  ```go
  1195  {
  1196    "folders": [
  1197      {
  1198        "path":              "/home/foo/bar", // string
  1199        "capacity":          50000000000,     // bytes
  1200        "capacityremaining": 100000,          // bytes
  1202        "failedreads":      0,  // int
  1203        "failedwrites":     1,  // int
  1204        "successfulreads":  2,  // int
  1205        "successfulwrites": 3,  // int
  1206      }
  1207    ]
  1208  }
  1209  ```
  1210  **path** | string
  1211  Absolute path to the storage folder on the local filesystem.  
  1213  **capacity** | bytes
  1214  Maximum capacity of the storage folder in bytes. The host will not store more than this many bytes in the folder. This capacity is not checked against the drive's remaining capacity. Therefore, you must manually ensure the disk has sufficient capacity for the folder at all times. Otherwise you risk losing renter's data and failing storage proofs.  
  1216  **capacityremaining** | bytes   
  1217  Unused capacity of the storage folder in bytes.  
  1219  **failedreads, failedwrites** | int  
  1220  Number of failed disk read & write operations. A large number of failed reads or writes indicates a problem with the filesystem or drive's hardware.  
  1222  **successfulreads, successfulwrites** | int  
  1223  Number of successful read & write operations.  
  1225  ## /host/storage/folders/add [POST]
  1226  > curl example  
  1228  ```go
  1229  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "path=foo/bar&size=1000000000000" "localhost:9980/host/storage/add"
  1230  ```
  1232  adds a storage folder to the manager. The manager may not check that there is enough space available on-disk to support as much storage as requested
  1234  ### Query String Parameters
  1235  #### REQUIRED
  1236  **path** | string  
  1237  Local path on disk to the storage folder to add.  
  1239  **size** | bytes  
  1240  Initial capacity of the storage folder. This value isn't validated so it is possible to set the capacity of the storage folder greater than the capacity of the disk. Do not do this.  
  1242  ### Response
  1244  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1246  ## /host/storage/folders/remove [POST]
  1247  > curl example  
  1249  ```go
  1250  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "path=foo/bar&force=false" "localhost:9980/host/storage/remove"
  1251  ```
  1253  Remove a storage folder from the manager. All sotrage on the folder will be moved to other stoarge folders, meaning that no data will be lost. If the manager is unable to save data, an error will be returned and the operation will be stopped.
  1255  ### Query String Parameters
  1256  #### REQUIRED
  1257  **path** | string  
  1258  Local path on disk to the storage folder to removed.  
  1260  #### OPTIONAL
  1261  **force** | boolean  
  1262  If `force` is true, the storage folder will be removed even if the data in the storage folder cannot be moved to other storage folders, typically because they don't have sufficient capacity. If `force` is true and the data cannot be moved, data will be lost.  
  1264  ### Response
  1266  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1268  ## /host/storage/folders/resize [POST]
  1269  > curl example  
  1271  ```go
  1272  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "path=foo/bar&newsize=1000000000000" "localhost:9980/host/storage/resize"
  1273  ```
  1275  Grows or shrinks a storage file in the manager. The manager may not check that there is enough space on-disk to support growing the storasge folder, but should gracefully handle running out of space unexpectedly. When shrinking a storage folder, any data in the folder that neeeds to be moved will be placed into other storage folders, meaning that no data will be lost. If the manager is unable to migrate the data, an error will be returned and the operation will be stopped.
  1277  ### Query String Parameters
  1278  #### REQUIRED
  1279  **path** | string  
  1280  Local path on disk to the storage folder to resize.  
  1282  **newsize** | bytes  
  1283  Desired new size of the storage folder. This will be the new capacity of the storage folder.  
  1285  ### Response
  1287  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1289  ## /host/storage/sectors/delete/:*merkleroot* [POST]
  1290  > curl example  
  1292  ```go
  1293  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/host/storage/sectors/delete/[merkleroot]"
  1294  ```
  1296  Deletes a sector, meaning that the manager will be unable to upload that sector and be unable to provide a storage proof on that sector. This endpoint is for removing the data entirely, and will remove instances of the sector appearing at all heights. The primary purpose is to comply with legal requests to remove data.
  1298  ### Path Parameters
  1299  #### REQUIRED
  1300  **merkleroot** | merkleroot
  1301  Merkleroot of the sector to delete.  
  1303  ### Response
  1305  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1307  ## /host/estimatescore [GET]
  1308  > curl example  
  1310  ```go
  1311  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/host/estimatescore"
  1312  ```
  1314  Returns the estimated HostDB score of the host using its current settings, combined with the provided settings.
  1316  ### Query String Parameters
  1317  #### OPTIONAL
  1318  See [host internal settings](#internalsettings)
  1319   - acceptingcontracts   
  1320   - maxdownloadbatchsize 
  1321   - maxduration          
  1322   - maxrevisebatchsize   
  1323   - netaddress           
  1324   - windowsize           
  1325   - collateral        
  1326   - collateralbudget 
  1327   - maxcollateral    
  1328   - mincontractprice          
  1329   - mindownloadbandwidthprice  
  1330   - minstorageprice            
  1331   - minuploadbandwidthprice    
  1333  ### JSON Response
  1334  > JSON Response Example
  1336  ```go
  1337  {
  1338  	"estimatedscore": "123456786786786786786786786742133",  // big int
  1339  	"conversionrate": 95  // float64
  1340  }
  1341  ```
  1342  **estimatedscore** | big int
  1343  estimatedscore is the estimated HostDB score of the host given the settings passed to estimatescore.  
  1345  **conversionrate** | float64
  1346  conversionrate is the likelihood given the settings passed to estimatescore that the host will be selected by renters forming contracts.  
  1348  # Host DB
  1350  The hostdb maintains a database of all hosts known to the network. The database identifies hosts by their public key and keeps track of metrics such as price.
  1352  ## /hostdb [GET]
  1353  > curl example  
  1355  ```go
  1356  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/hostdb"
  1357  ```
  1359  Shows some general information about the state of the hostdb.
  1361  ### JSON Response
  1362  > JSON Response Example
  1364  ```go
  1365  {
  1366      "initialscancomplete": false  // boolean
  1367  }
  1368  ```
  1369  **initialscancomplete** | boolean
  1370  indicates if all known hosts have been scanned at least once.
  1372  ## /hostdb/active [GET]
  1373  > curl example  
  1375  ```go
  1376  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/hostdb/active"
  1377  ```
  1379  lists all of the active hosts known to the renter, sorted by preference.
  1381  ### Query String Parameters
  1382  #### OPTIONAL
  1383  **numhosts** | int  
  1384  Number of hosts to return. The actual number of hosts returned may be less if there are insufficient active hosts. Optional, the default is all active hosts.  
  1386  ### JSON Response
  1387  > JSON Response Example
  1389  ```go
  1390  {
  1391    "hosts": [
  1392          {
  1393        "acceptingcontracts":     true,                 // boolean
  1394        "maxdownloadbatchsize":   17825792,             // bytes
  1395        "maxduration":            25920,                // blocks
  1396        "maxrevisebatchsize":     17825792,             // bytes
  1397        "netaddress":             "123.456.789.0:9982"  // string 
  1398        "remainingstorage":       35000000000,          // bytes
  1399        "sectorsize":             4194304,              // bytes
  1400        "totalstorage":           35000000000,          // bytes
  1401        "unlockhash": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab", // hash
  1402        "windowsize":             144,                            // blocks
  1403        "collateral":             "20000000000"                   // hastings / byte / block
  1404        "maxcollateral":          "1000000000000000000000000000"  // hastings
  1405        "contractprice":          "1000000000000000000000000"     // hastings
  1406        "downloadbandwidthprice": "35000000000000"                // hastings / byte
  1407        "storageprice":           "14000000000"                   // hastings / byte / block
  1408        "uploadbandwidthprice":   "3000000000000"                 // hastings / byte
  1409        "revisionnumber":         12733798,                       // int
  1410        "version":                "1.3.4"                         // string
  1411        "firstseen":              160000,                         // blocks
  1412        "historicdowntime":       0,                              // nanoseconds
  1413        "historicuptime":         41634520900246576,              // nanoseconds
  1414        "scanhistory": [
  1415          {
  1416            "success": true,  // boolean
  1417            "timestamp": "2018-09-23T08:00:00.000000000+04:00"  // unix timestamp
  1418          },
  1419          {
  1420            "success": true,  // boolean
  1421            "timestamp": "2018-09-23T06:00:00.000000000+04:00"  // unix timestamp
  1422          },
  1423          {
  1424            "success": true,  // boolean// boolean
  1425            "timestamp": "2018-09-23T04:00:00.000000000+04:00"  // unix timestamp
  1426          }
  1427        ],
  1428        "historicfailedinteractions":     0,      // int
  1429        "historicsuccessfulinteractions": 5,      // int
  1430        "recentfailedinteractions":       0,      // int
  1431        "recentsuccessfulinteractions":   0,      // int
  1432        "lasthistoricupdate":             174900, // blocks
  1433        "ipnets": [
  1434          "",  // string
  1435          ""   // string
  1436        ],
  1437        "lastipnetchange": "2015-01-01T08:00:00.000000000+04:00", // unix timestamp
  1438        "publickey": {
  1439          "algorithm": "ed25519", // string
  1440          "key":       "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU=" // string
  1441        },
  1442        "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",  // string
  1443        "filtered": false, // boolean
  1444      }
  1445    ]
  1446  }
  1447  ```
  1449  #### hosts
  1450  **acceptingcontracts** | boolean  
  1451  true if the host is accepting new contracts.  
  1453  **maxdownloadbatchsize** | bytes  
  1454  Maximum number of bytes that the host will allow to be requested by a single download request.  
  1456  **maxduration** | blocks  
  1457  Maximum duration in blocks that a host will allow for a file contract. The host commits to keeping files for the full duration under the threat of facing a large penalty for losing or dropping data before the duration is complete. The storage proof window of an incoming file contract must end before the current height + maxduration.  
  1459  There is a block approximately every 10 minutes. e.g. 1 day = 144 blocks  
  1461  **maxrevisebatchsize** | bytes  
  1462  Maximum size in bytes of a single batch of file contract revisions. Larger batch sizes allow for higher throughput as there is significant communication overhead associated with performing a batch upload.  
  1464  **netaddress** | sting
  1465  Remote address of the host. It can be an IPv4, IPv6, or hostname, along with the port. IPv6 addresses are enclosed in square brackets.  
  1467  **remainingstorage** | bytes  
  1468  Unused storage capacity the host claims it has.  
  1470  **sectorsize** | bytes  
  1471  Smallest amount of data in bytes that can be uploaded or downloaded to or from the host.  
  1473  **totalstorage** | bytes  
  1474  Total amount of storage capacity the host claims it has.  
  1476  **unlockhash** | hash
  1477  Address at which the host can be paid when forming file contracts.  
  1479  **windowsize** | blocks  
  1480  A storage proof window is the number of blocks that the host has to get a storage proof onto the blockchain. The window size is the minimum size of window that the host will accept in a file contract.  
  1482  **collateral** | hastings / byte / block  
  1483  The maximum amount of money that the host will put up as collateral for storage that is contracted by the renter.  
  1485  **maxcollateral** | hastings  
  1486  The maximum amount of collateral that the host will put into a single file contract.  
  1488  **contractprice** | hastings  
  1489  The price that a renter has to pay to create a contract with the host. The payment is intended to cover transaction fees for the file contract revision and the storage proof that the host will be submitting to the blockchain.  
  1491  **downloadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte  
  1492  The price that a renter has to pay when downloading data from the host.  
  1494  **storageprice** | hastings / byte / block  
  1495  The price that a renter has to pay to store files with the host.  
  1497  **uploadbandwidthprice** | hastings / byte  
  1498  The price that a renter has to pay when uploading data to the host.  
  1500  **revisionnumber** | int
  1501  The revision number indicates to the renter what iteration of settings the host is currently at. Settings are generally signed. If the renter has multiple conflicting copies of settings from the host, the renter can expect the one with the higher revision number to be more recent.  
  1503  **version** | string
  1504  The version of the host.  
  1506  **firstseen** | blocks  
  1507  Firstseen is the last block height at which this host was announced.  
  1509  **historicdowntime** | nanoseconds
  1510  Total amount of time the host has been offline.  
  1512  **historicuptime** | nanoseconds  
  1513  Total amount of time the host has been online.  
  1515  **scanhistory** 
  1516  Measurements that have been taken on the host. The most recent measurements are kept in full detail.  
  1518  **historicfailedinteractions** | int
  1519  Number of historic failed interactions with the host.  
  1521  **historicsuccessfulinteractions** | int 
  1522  Number of historic successful interactions with the host.  
  1524  **recentfailedinteractions** | int  
  1525  Number of recent failed interactions with the host.  
  1527  **recentsuccessfulinteractions** | int
  1528  Number of recent successful interactions with the host.  
  1530  **lasthistoricupdate** | blocks  
  1531  The last time that the interactions within scanhistory have been compressed into the historic ones.  
  1533  **ipnets**  
  1534  List of IP subnet masks used by the host. For IPv4 the /24 and for IPv6 the /54 subnet mask is used. A host can have either one IPv4 or one IPv6 subnet or one of each. E.g. these lists are valid: [ "IPv4" ], [ "IPv6" ] or [ "IPv4", "IPv6" ]. The following lists are invalid: [ "IPv4", "IPv4" ], [ "IPv4", "IPv6", "IPv6" ]. Hosts with an invalid list are ignored.  
  1536  **lastipnetchange** | date  
  1537  The last time the list of IP subnet masks was updated. When equal subnet masks are found for different hosts, the host that occupies the subnet mask for a longer time is preferred.  
  1539  **publickey** 
  1540  Public key used to identify and verify hosts.  
  1542  **algorithm** | string
  1543  Algorithm used for signing and verification. Typically "ed25519".  
  1545  **key** | hash
  1546  Key used to verify signed host messages.  
  1548  **publickeystring** | string 
  1549  The string representation of the full public key, used when calling /hostdb/hosts.  
  1551  **filtered** | boolean
  1552  Indicates if the host is currently being filtered from the HostDB
  1554  ## /hostdb/all [GET]
  1555  > curl example  
  1557  ```go
  1558  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/hostdb/all"
  1559  ```
  1561  Lists all of the hosts known to the renter. Hosts are not guaranteed to be in any particular order, and the order may change in subsequent calls.
  1563  ### JSON Response 
  1564  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1565  Response is the same as [`/hostdb/active`](#hosts)
  1566  =======
  1567  Repsonse is the same as [`/hostdb/active`](#hosts)
  1568  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1570  ## /hostdb/hosts/:*pubkey* [GET]
  1571  > curl example  
  1573  ```go
  1574  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/hostdb/hosts/ed25519:8a95848bc71e9689e2f753c82c35dc47a1d62867f77c0113ebb6fa5b51723215"
  1575  ```
  1577  fetches detailed information about a particular host, including metrics regarding the score of the host within the database. It should be noted that each renter uses different metrics for selecting hosts, and that a good score on in one hostdb does not mean that the host will be successful on the network overall.
  1579  ### Path Parameters
  1580  > curl example  
  1582  ```go
  1583  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/hostdb/hosts/<pubkey>"
  1584  ```
  1585  #### REQUIRED
  1586  **pubkey**  
  1587  The public key of the host. Each public key identifies a single host.  
  1589  Example Pubkey: ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef  
  1591  ### JSON Response 
  1592  > JSON Response Example
  1594  ```go
  1595  {
  1596    "entry": {
  1597      // same as hosts
  1598    },
  1599    "scorebreakdown": {
  1600      "score":                      1,        // big int
  1601      "conversionrate":             9.12345,  // float64
  1602      "ageadjustment":              0.1234,   // float64
  1603      "burnadjustment":             0.1234,   // float64
  1604      "collateraladjustment":       23.456,   // float64
  1605  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1606  	"durationadjustment":         1,        // float64
  1607  =======
  1608  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1609      "interactionadjustment":      0.1234,   // float64
  1610      "priceadjustment":            0.1234,   // float64
  1611      "storageremainingadjustment": 0.1234,   // float64
  1612      "uptimeadjustment":           0.1234,   // float64
  1613      "versionadjustment":          0.1234,   // float64
  1614    }
  1615  }
  1616  ```
  1617  Response is the same as [`/hostdb/active`](#hosts) with the additional of the **scorebreakdown**
  1619  **scorebreakdown**  
  1620  A set of scores as determined by the renter. Generally, the host's final score is all of the values multiplied together. Modified renters may have additional criteria that they use to judge a host, or may ignore certin criteia. In general, these fields should only be used as a loose guide for the score of a host, as every renter sees the world differently and uses different metrics to evaluate hosts.  
  1622  **score** | big int
  1623  The overall score for the host. Scores are entriely relative, and are consistent only within the current hostdb. Between different machines, different configurations, and different versions the absolute scores for a given host can be off by many orders of magnitude. When displaying to a human, some form of normalization with respect to the other hosts (for example, divide all scores by the median score of the hosts) is recommended.  
  1625  **conversionrate** | float64 
  1626  conversionrate is the likelihood that the host will be selected by renters forming contracts.  
  1628  **ageadjustment** | float64 
  1629  The multiplier that gets applied to the host based on how long it has been a host. Older hosts typically have a lower penalty.  
  1631  **burnadjustment** | float64 
  1632  The multiplier that gets applied to the host based on how much proof-of-burn the host has performed. More burn causes a linear increase in score.  
  1634  **collateraladjustment** | float64 
  1635  The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on how much collateral the host is offering. More collateral is typically better, though above a point it can be detrimental.  
  1637  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1638  **durationadjustment** | float64
  1639  The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on the max duration it accepts for file contracts. Typically '1' for hosts with an acceptable max duration, and '0' for hosts that have a max duration which is not long enough.
  1641  =======
  1642  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1643  **interactionadjustment** | float64 
  1644  The multipler that gets applied to a host based on previous interactions with the host. A high ratio of successful interactions will improve this hosts score, and a high ratio of failed interactions will hurt this hosts score. This adjustment helps account for hosts that are on unstable connections, don't keep their wallets unlocked, ran out of funds, etc.  
  1646  **pricesmultiplier** | float64 
  1647  The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on the host's price. Lower prices are almost always better. Below a certain, very low price, there is no advantage.  
  1649  **storageremainingadjustment** | float64 
  1650  The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on how much storage is remaining for the host. More storage remaining is better, to a point.  
  1652  **uptimeadjustment** | float64 
  1653  The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on the uptime percentage of the host. The penalty increases extremely quickly as uptime drops below 90%.  
  1655  **versionadjustment** | float64 
  1656  The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on the version of Sia that they are running. Versions get penalties if there are known bugs, scaling limitations, performance limitations, etc. Generally, the most recent version is always the one with the highest score.  
  1658  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1659  ## /hostdb/filtermode [GET]
  1660  > curl example  
  1662  ```go
  1663  curl -A "Sia-Agent" --user "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/hostdb/filtermode"
  1664  ```  
  1665  Returns the current filter mode of the hostDB and any filtered hosts.
  1667  ### JSON Response 
  1668  > JSON Response Example
  1670  ```go
  1671  {
  1672    "filtermode": "blacklist",  // string
  1673    "hosts":
  1674      [
  1675        "ed25519:122218260fb74b20a8be3000ad56a931f7461ea990a6dc5676c31bdf65fc668f"  // string
  1676      ]
  1677  }
  1679  ```
  1680  **filtermode** | string  
  1681  Can be either whitelist, blacklist, or disable.  
  1683  **hosts** | array of strings
  1684  Comma separated pubkeys.  
  1686  =======
  1687  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1688  ## /hostdb/filtermode [POST]
  1689  > curl example  
  1691  ```go
  1692  curl -A "Sia-Agent" --user "":<apipassword> --data '{"filtermode" : "whitelist","hosts" : ["ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef","ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef","ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"]}' "localhost:9980/hostdb/filtermode"
  1693  ```  
  1694  ```go
  1695  curl -A "Sia-Agent" --user "":<apipassword> --data '{"filtermode" : "disable"}' "localhost:9980/hostdb/filtermode"
  1696  ```
  1697  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1698  Lets you enable and disable a filter mode for the hostdb. Currently the two modes supported are `blacklist` mode and `whitelist` mode. In `blacklist` mode, any hosts you identify as being on the `blacklist` will not be used to form contracts. In `whitelist` mode, only the hosts identified as being on the `whitelist` will be used to form contracts. In both modes, hosts that you are blacklisted will be filtered from your hostdb. To enable either mode, set `filtermode` to the desired mode and submit a list of host pubkeys as the corresponding `blacklist` or `whitelist`. To disable either list, the `host` field can be left blank (e.g. empty slice) and the `filtermode` should be set to `disable`.  
  1699  =======
  1700  Lets you enable and disable a filter mode for the hostdb. Currenlty the two modes supported are `blacklist` mode and `whitelist` mode. In `blacklist` mode, any hosts you identify as being on the `blacklist` will not be used to form contracts. In `whitelist` mode, only the hosts identified as being on the `whitelist` will be used to form contracts. In both modes, hosts that you are blacklisted will be filtered from your hostdb. To enable either mode, set `filtermode` to the desired mode and submit a list of host pubkeys as the corresponding `blacklist` or `whitelist`. To disable either list, the `host` field can be left blank (e.g. empty slice) and the `filtermode` should be set to `disable`.  
  1701  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1703  **NOTE:** Enabling and disabling a filter mode can result in changes with your current contracts with can result in an increase in contract fee spending. For example, if `blacklist` mode is enabled, any hosts that you currently have contracts with that are also on the provide list of `hosts` will have their contracts replaced with non-blacklisted hosts. When `whitelist` mode is enabled, contracts will be replaced until there are only contracts with whitelisted hosts. Even disabling a filter mode can result in a change in contracts if there are better scoring hosts in your hostdb that were previously being filtered out.  
  1705  ### Query String Parameters
  1706  #### REQUIRED
  1707  **filtermode** | string  
  1708  Can be either whitelist, blacklist, or disable.  
  1710  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1711  **hosts** | array of string  
  1712  =======
  1713  **hosts** | array of string
  1714  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1715  Comma separated pubkeys.  
  1717  ### Response
  1719  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1721  # Miner
  1723  The miner provides endpoints for getting headers for work and submitting solved headers to the network. The miner also provides endpoints for controlling a basic CPU mining implementation.
  1725  ## /miner [GET]
  1726  > curl example  
  1728  ```go
  1729  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/miner"
  1730  ```
  1731  returns the status of the miner.
  1733  ### JSON Response 
  1734  > JSON Response Example
  1736  ```go
  1737  {
  1738    "blocksmined":      9001,   // int
  1739    "cpuhashrate":      1337,   // hashes / second
  1740    "cpumining":        false,  // boolean
  1741    "staleblocksmined": 0,      // int
  1742  }
  1743  ```
  1744  **blocksmined** | int
  1745  Number of mined blocks. This value is remembered after restarting.  
  1747  **cpuhashrate** | hashes / second
  1748  How fast the cpu is hashing, in hashes per second.  
  1750  **cpumining** | boolean
  1751  true if the cpu miner is active.  
  1753  **staleblocksmined** | int  
  1754  Number of mined blocks that are stale, indicating that they are not included in the current longest chain, likely because some other block at the same height had its chain extended first.  
  1757  ## /miner/start [GET]
  1758  > curl example  
  1760  ```go
  1761  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/miner/start"
  1762  ```
  1764  Starts a single threaded CPU miner. Does nothing if the CPU miner is already running.
  1766  ### Response
  1768  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1770  ## /miner/stop [GET]
  1771  > curl example  
  1773  ```go
  1774  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/miner/stop"
  1775  ```
  1777  stops the cpu miner. Does nothing if the cpu miner is not running.
  1779  ### Response
  1781  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  1783  ## /miner/header [GET]
  1784  > curl example  
  1786  ```go
  1787  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/miner/header"
  1788  ```
  1790  provides a block header that is ready to be grinded on for work.
  1792  ### Byte Response
  1793  For efficiency the header for work is returned as a raw byte encoding of the header, rather than encoded to JSON.
  1795  Blocks are mined by repeatedly changing the nonce of the header, hashing the header's bytes, and comparing the resulting hash to the target. The block with that nonce is valid if the hash is less than the target. If none of the 2^64 possible nonces result in a header with a hash less than the target, call /miner/header [GET] again to get a new block header with a different merkle root. The above process can then be repeated for the new block header.  
  1797  The other fields can generally be ignored. The parent block ID field is the hash of the parent block's header. Modifying this field will result in an orphan block. The timestamp is the time at which the block was mined and is set by the Sia Daemon. Modifying this field can result in invalid block. The merkle root is the merkle root of a merkle tree consisting of the timestamp, the miner outputs (one leaf per payout), and the transactions (one leaf per transaction). Modifying this field will result in an invalid block.
  1799  Field | Byte range within response | Byte range within header
  1800  -------------- | -------------- | --------------
  1801  target | [0-32)
  1802  header | [32-112)
  1803  parent block ID | [32-64) | [0-32)
  1804  nonce | [64-72) | [32-40)
  1805  timestamp | [72-80) | [40-48)
  1806  merkle root | [80-112) | [48-80)
  1808  ## /miner/header [POST]
  1809  > curl example  
  1811  ```go
  1812  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -data "<byte-encoded-header>" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/miner"
  1813  ```
  1815  submits a header that has passed the POW.
  1817  ### Byte Response
  1818  For efficiency headers are submitted as raw byte encodings of the header in the body of the request, rather than as a query string parameter or path parameter. The request body should contain only the 80 bytes of the encoded header. The encoding is the same encoding used in `/miner/header [GET]` endpoint.
  1820  Blocks are mined by repeatedly changing the nonce of the header, hashing the header's bytes, and comparing the resulting hash to the target. The block with that nonce is valid if the hash is less than the target. If none of the 2^64 possible nonces result in a header with a hash less than the target, call /miner/header [GET] again to get a new block header with a different merkle root. The above process can then be repeated for the new block header.  
  1822  The other fields can generally be ignored. The parent block ID field is the hash of the parent block's header. Modifying this field will result in an orphan block. The timestamp is the time at which the block was mined and is set by the Sia Daemon. Modifying this field can result in invalid block. The merkle root is the merkle root of a merkle tree consisting of the timestamp, the miner outputs (one leaf per payout), and the transactions (one leaf per transaction). Modifying this field will result in an invalid block.
  1824  Field | Byte range within response | Byte range within header
  1825  -------------- | -------------- | --------------
  1826  target | [0-32)
  1827  header | [32-112)
  1828  parent block ID | [32-64) | [0-32)
  1829  nonce | [64-72) | [32-40)
  1830  timestamp | [72-80) | [40-48)
  1831  merkle root | [80-112) | [48-80)
  1833  # Renter
  1835  The renter manages the user's files on the network. The renter's API endpoints expose methods for managing files on the network and managing the renter's allocated funds.
  1837  ## /renter [GET]
  1838  > curl example  
  1840  ```go
  1841  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter"
  1842  ```
  1844  Returns the current settings along with metrics on the renter's spending.
  1846  ### JSON Response
  1847  > JSON Response Example
  1849  ```go
  1850  {
  1851    "settings": {
  1852      "allowance": {
  1853  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1854        "funds":              "1234",         // hastings
  1855        "hosts":              24,             // int
  1856        "period":             6048,           // blocks
  1857        "renewwindow":        3024            // blocks
  1858        "expectedstorage":    1000000000000,  // uint64
  1859        "expectedupload":     2,              // uint64
  1860        "expecteddownload":   1,              // uint64
  1861        "expectedredundancy": 3               // uint64
  1862  =======
  1863        "funds":       "1234",  // hastings
  1864        "hosts":       24,      // int
  1865        "period":      6048,    // blocks
  1866        "renewwindow": 3024     // blocks
  1867  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1868      },
  1869      "maxuploadspeed":     1234, // BPS
  1870      "maxdownloadspeed":   1234, // BPS
  1871      "streamcachesize":    4     // int
  1872    },
  1873    "financialmetrics": {
  1874      "contractfees":     "1234", // hastings
  1875      "contractspending": "1234", // hastings (deprecated, now totalallocated)
  1876      "downloadspending": "5678", // hastings
  1877      "storagespending":  "1234", // hastings
  1878      "totalallocated":   "1234", // hastings
  1879      "uploadspending":   "5678", // hastings
  1880      "unspent":          "1234"  // hastings
  1881    },
  1882    "currentperiod": 200  // blockheight
  1883  }
  1884  ```
  1885  #### settings  
  1886  Settings that control the behavior of the renter.  
  1888  #### allowance 
  1889  Allowance dictates how much the renter is allowed to spend in a given period. Note that funds are spent on both storage and bandwidth.  
  1891  **funds** | hastings  
  1892  <<<<<<< HEAD
  1893  Funds determines the number of siacoins that the renter will spend when forming
  1894  contracts with hosts. The renter will not allocate more than this amount of
  1895  siacoins into the set of contracts each billing period. If the renter spends all
  1896  of the funds but then needs to form new contracts, the renter will wait until
  1897  either until the user increase the allowance funds, or until a new billing
  1898  period is reached. If there are not enough funds to repair all files, then files
  1899  may be at risk of getting lost.
  1901  **hosts** | int
  1902  Hosts sets the number of hosts that will be used to form the allowance. Sia
  1903  gains most of its resiliancy from having a large number of hosts. More hosts
  1904  will mean both more robustness and higher speeds when using the network, however
  1905  will also result in more memory consumption and higher blockchain fees. It is
  1906  recommended that the default number of hosts be treated as a minimum, and that
  1907  double the default number of default hosts be treated as a maximum.
  1909  **period** | blocks  
  1910  The period is equivalent to the billing cycle length. The renter will not spend
  1911  more than the full balance of its funds every billing period. When the billing
  1912  period is over, the contracts will be renewed and the spending will be reset.
  1914  **renewwindow** | blocks  
  1915  The renew window is how long the user has to renew their contracts. At the end
  1916  of the period, all of the contracts expire. The contracts need to be renewewd
  1917  before they expire, otherwise the user will lose all of their files. The renew
  1918  window is the window of time at the end of the period during which the renter
  1919  will renew the users contracts. For example, if the renew window is 1 week long,
  1920  then during the final week of each period the user will renew their contracts.
  1921  If the user is offline for that whole week, the user's data will be lost.
  1923  Each billing period begins at the beginning of the renew window for the previous
  1924  period. For example, if the period is 12 weeks long and the renew window is 4
  1925  weeks long, then the first billing period technically begins at -4 weeks, or 4
  1926  weeks before the allowance is created. And the second billing period begins at
  1927  week 8, or 8 weeks after the allowance is created. The third billing period will
  1928  begin at week 20.
  1930  **expectedstorage** | bytes  
  1931  Expected storage is the amount of storage that the user expects to keep on the
  1932  Sia network. This value is important to calibrate the spending habits of siad.
  1933  Because Sia is decentralized, there is no easy way for siad to know what the
  1934  real world cost of storage is, nor what the real world price of a siacoin is. To
  1935  overcome this deficiency, siad depends on the user for guidance.
  1937  If the user has a low allowance and a high amount of expected storage, siad will
  1938  more heavily prioritize cheaper hosts, and will also be more comfortable with
  1939  hosts that post lower amounts of collateral. If the user has a high allowance
  1940  and a low amount of expected storage, siad will prioritize hosts that post more
  1941  collateral, as well as giving preference to hosts better overall traits such as
  1942  uptime and age.
  1944  Even when the user has a large allowance and a low amount of expected storage,
  1945  siad will try to optimize for saving money; siad tries to meet the users storage
  1946  and bandwidth needs while spending significantly less than the overall allowance.
  1948  **expectedupload** | bytes  
  1949  Expected upload tells siad how much uploading the user expects to do each month.
  1950  If this value is high, siad will more strongly prefer hosts that have a low
  1951  upload bandwidth price. If this value is low, siad will focus on other metrics
  1952  than upload bandwidth pricing, because even if the host charges a lot for upload
  1953  bandwidth, it will not impact the total cost to the user very much.
  1955  The user should not consider upload bandwidth used during repairs, siad will
  1956  consider repair bandwidth separately.
  1958  **expecteddownload** | bytes  
  1959  Expected download tells siad how much downloading the user expects to do each
  1960  month. If this value is high, siad will more strongly prefer hosts that have a
  1961  low download bandwidth price. If this value is low, siad will focus on other
  1962  metrics than download bandwidth pricing, because even if the host charges a lot
  1963  for downloads, it will not impact the total cost to the user very much.
  1965  The user should not consider download bandwidth used during repairs, siad will
  1966  consider repair bandwidth separately.
  1968  **expectedredundancy** | bytes    
  1969  Expected redundancy is used in conjunction with expected storage to determine
  1970  the total amount of raw storage that will be stored on hosts. If the expected
  1971  storage is 1 TB and the expected redundancy is 3, then the renter will calculate
  1972  that the total amount of storage in the user's contracts will be 3 TiB.
  1974  This value does not need to be changed from the default unless the user is
  1975  manually choosing redundancy settings for their file. If different files are
  1976  being given different redundancy settings, then the average of all the
  1977  redundancies should be used as the value for expected redundancy, weighted by
  1978  how large the files are.
  1979  =======
  1980  Amount of money allocated for contracts. Funds are spent on both storage and bandwidth.  
  1982  **hosts** | int
  1983  Number of hosts that contracts will be formed with.  
  1985  **period** | blocks  
  1986  Duration of contracts formed, in number of blocks.  
  1988  **renewwindow** | blocks  
  1989  If the current blockheight + the renew window >= the height the contract is scheduled to end, the contract is renewed automatically. Is always nonzero.  
  1990  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  1992  **maxuploadspeed** | bytes per second  
  1993  MaxUploadSpeed by default is unlimited but can be set by the user to manage bandwidth.  
  1995  **maxdownloadspeed** | bytes per second  
  1996  MaxDownloadSpeed by default is unlimited but can be set by the user to manage bandwidth.  
  1998  **streamcachesize** | int
  1999  The StreamCacheSize is the number of data chunks that will be cached during streaming.  
  2001  #### financialmetrics  
  2002  Metrics about how much the Renter has spent on storage, uploads, and downloads.  
  2004  **contractfees** | hastings  
  2005  Amount of money spent on contract fees, transaction fees and siafund fees.  
  2007  **contractspending** | hastings, (deprecated, now totalallocated)  
  2008  How much money, in hastings, the Renter has spent on file contracts, including fees.  
  2010  **downloadspending** | hastings  
  2011  Amount of money spent on downloads.  
  2013  **storagespending** | hastings  
  2014  Amount of money spend on storage.  
  2016  **totalallocated** | hastings  
  2017  Total amount of money that the renter has put into contracts. Includes spent money and also money that will be returned to the renter.  
  2019  **uploadspending** | hastings  
  2020  Amount of money spent on uploads.  
  2022  **unspent** | hastings  
  2023  Amount of money in the allowance that has not been spent.  
  2025  **currentperiod** | blockheight
  2026  Height at which the current allowance period began.  
  2028  ## /renter [POST]
  2029  > curl example  
  2031  ```go
  2032  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "period=12096&renewwindow=4032&funds=1000&hosts=50" "localhost:9980/renter"
  2033  ```
  2035  Modify settings that control the renter's behavior.
  2037  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2038  ### Query String Parameters
  2039  =======
  2040  ### Query Response Parameters
  2041  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2042  #### OPTIONAL
  2043  Any of the renter settings can be set, see fields [here](#settings)
  2045  **checkforipviolation** | boolean  
  2046  Enables or disables the check for hosts using the same ip subnets within the hostdb. It's turned on by default and causes Sia to not form contracts with hosts from the same subnet and if such contracts already exist, it will deactivate the contract which has occupied that subnet for the shorter time.  
  2048  ### Response
  2050  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2052  ## /renter/contract/cancel [POST]
  2053  > curl example  
  2055  ```go
  2056  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "id=bd7ef21b13fb85eda933a9ff2874ec50a1ffb4299e98210bf0dd343ae1632f80" "localhost:9980/renter/contract/cancel"
  2057  ```
  2059  cancels a specific contract of the Renter.
  2061  ### Query String Parameters
  2062  #### REQUIRED
  2063  **id** | hash
  2064  ID of the file contract
  2066  ### Response
  2068  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2070  ## /renter/backup [POST]
  2071  > curl example  
  2073  ```go
  2074  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "destination=/home/backups/01-01-1968.backup" "localhost:9980/renter/backup"
  2075  ```
  2077  Creates a backup of all siafiles in the renter at the specified path.
  2079  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2080  ### Query String Parameters
  2081  =======
  2082  ### Query Response Parameters
  2083  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2084  #### REQUIRED
  2085  **destination** | string
  2086  The path on disk where the backup will be created. Needs to be an absolute
  2087  path.
  2089  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2090  #### OPTIONAL
  2091  **remote** | boolean
  2092  flag indicating if the backup should be stored on hosts. If true,
  2093  **destination** is interpreted as the backup's name, not its path.
  2095  =======
  2096  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2097  ### Response
  2099  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2101  ## /renter/recoverbackup [POST]
  2102  > curl example  
  2104  ```go
  2105  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "source=/home/backups/01-01-1968.backup" "localhost:9980/renter/recoverbackup"
  2106  ```
  2108  Recovers an existing backup from the specified path by adding all the siafiles
  2109  contained within it to the renter. Should a siafile for a certain path already
  2110  exist, a number will be added as a suffix. e.g. 'myfile_1.sia'
  2112  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2113  ### Query String Parameters
  2114  =======
  2115  ### Query Response Parameters
  2116  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2117  #### REQUIRED
  2118  **source** | string
  2119  The path on disk where the backup will be recovered from. Needs to be an
  2120  absolute path.
  2122  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2123  #### OPTIONAL
  2124  **remote** | boolean
  2125  flag indicating if the backup is stored on hosts. If true, **source** is
  2126  interpreted as the backup's name, not its path.
  2128  =======
  2129  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2130  ### Response
  2132  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2134  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2135  ## /renter/uploadedbackups [POST]
  2136  > curl example  
  2138  ```go
  2139  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/renter/uploadedbackups"
  2140  ```
  2142  Lists the backups that have been uploaded to hosts.
  2144  ### JSON Response
  2145  > JSON Response Example
  2147  ```go
  2148  [
  2149    {
  2150      "name": "foo",                             // string
  2151      "UID": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff", // string
  2152      "creationdate": 1234567890,                // Unix timestamp
  2153      "size": 8192                               // bytes
  2154    }
  2155  ]
  2156  ```
  2157  **name** | string  
  2158  The name of the backup.
  2160  **UID** | string
  2161  A unique identifier for the backup.
  2163  **creationdate** | string
  2164  Unix timestamp of when the backup was created.
  2166  **size** 
  2167  Size in bytes of the backup.
  2169  =======
  2170  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2171  ## /renter/contracts [GET]
  2172  > curl example  
  2174  ```go
  2175  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2176  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/contracts?disabled=true&expired=true&recoverable=false"
  2177  ```
  2179  Returns the renter's contracts. Active, passive, and refreshed contracts are returned by default.
  2180  Active contracts are contracts that the Renter is currently using to store, upload, and download data.
  2181  Passive contracts are contracts that are no longer GoodForUpload but are GoodForRenew. This means the data will continue to be available to be downloaded from.
  2182  Refreshed contracts are contracts that ran out of funds and needed to be renewed so more money could be added to the contract with the host. The data reported in these contracts is duplicate data and should not be included in any accounting.
  2183  Disabled contracts are contracts that are in the current period that are not being used for uploading as they were replaced instead of renewed.
  2184  Expired contracts are contracts not in the current period, where no more data is being stored and excess funds have been released to the renter.
  2185  Expired Refreshed contracts are contracts that were refreshed at some point in a previous period. The data reported in these contracts is duplicate data and should not be included in any accounting.
  2186  Recoverable contracts are contracts which the contractor is currently trying to recover and which haven't expired yet.
  2188  | Type              | GoodForUpload | GoodForRenew | In Current Period | Data Counted Elsewhere Already|
  2189  | ----------------- | :-----------: | :----------: | :---------------: | :---------------------------: |
  2190  | Active            | Yes           | Yes          | Yes               | No                            |
  2191  | Passive           | No            | Yes          | Yes               | No                            |
  2192  | Refreshed         | No            | No           | Yes               | Yes                           |
  2193  | Disabled          | No            | No           | Yes               | No                            |
  2194  | Expired           | No            | No           | No                | No                            |
  2195  | Expired Refreshed | No            | No           | No                | Yes                           |
  2197  **NOTE:** No spending is double counted anywhere in the contracts, only the data is double counted in the refreshed contracts. For spending totals in the current period, all spending in active, passive, refreshed, and disabled contracts should be counted. For data totals, the data in active and passive contracts is the total uploaded while the data in disabled contracts is wasted uploaded data.
  2199  ### Query String Parameters
  2200  #### OPTIONAL
  2201  **disabled** | boolean
  2202  flag indicating if disabled contracts should be returned.
  2203  =======
  2204  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/contracts?inactive=true&expired=true&recoverable=false"
  2205  ```
  2207  Returns the renter's contracts.  Active contracts are contracts that the Renter is currently using to store, upload, and download data, and are returned by default. Inactive contracts are contracts that are in the current period but are marked as not good for renew, these contracts have the potential to become active again but currently are not storing data.  Expired contracts are contracts not in the current period, where not more data is being stored and excess funds have been released to the renter. Recoverable contracts are contracts which the contractor is currently trying to recover and which haven't expired yet. 
  2209  ### Query String Parameters
  2210  #### OPTIONAL
  2211  **inactive** | boolean
  2212  flag indicating if inactive contracts should be returned.
  2213  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2215  **expired** | boolean
  2216  flag indicating if expired contracts should be returned.
  2218  **recoverable** | boolean
  2219  flag indicating if recoverable contracts should be returned.
  2221  ### JSON Response
  2222  > JSON Response Example
  2224  ```go
  2225  {
  2226    "activecontracts": [
  2227      {
  2228        "downloadspending": "1234", // hastings
  2229        "endheight":        50000,  // block height
  2230        "fees":             "1234", // hastings
  2231        "hostpublickey": {
  2232          "algorithm": "ed25519",   // string
  2233          "key": "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU=" // hash
  2234        },
  2235        "hostversion":      "1.4.0",  // string
  2236        "id": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef", // hash
  2237        "lasttransaction": {},                // transaction
  2238        "netaddress":       "",  // string
  2239        "renterfunds":      "1234",           // hastings
  2240        "size":             8192,             // bytes
  2241        "startheight":      50000,            // block height
  2242        "storagespending":  "1234",           // hastings
  2243        "totalcost":        "1234",           // hastings
  2244        "uploadspending":   "1234"            // hastings
  2245        "goodforupload":    true,             // boolean
  2246        "goodforrenew":     false,            // boolean
  2247      }
  2248    ],
  2249  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2250    "passivecontracts": [],
  2251    "refreshedcontracts": [],
  2252    "disabledcontracts": [],
  2253    "expiredcontracts": [],
  2254    "expiredrefreshedcontracts": [],
  2255  =======
  2256    "inactivecontracts": [],
  2257    "expiredcontracts": [],
  2258  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2259    "recoverablecontracts": [],
  2260  }
  2261  ```
  2262  **downloadspending** | hastings  
  2263  Amount of contract funds that have been spent on downloads.  
  2265  **endheight** | block height  
  2266  Block height that the file contract ends on.  
  2268  **fees** | hastings  
  2269  Fees paid in order to form the file contract.  
  2271  **hostpublickey** 
  2272  Public key of the host that the file contract is formed with.  
  2274  **hostversion** | string
  2275  The version of the host. 
  2277  **algorithm** | string
  2278  Algorithm used for signing and verification. Typically "ed25519".  
  2280  **key** | hash
  2281  Key used to verify signed host messages.  
  2283  **id** | hash
  2284  ID of the file contract.  
  2286  **lasttransaction** | transaction 
  2287  A signed transaction containing the most recent contract revision.  
  2289  **netaddress** | string
  2290  Address of the host the file contract was formed with.  
  2292  **renterfunds** | hastings  
  2293  Remaining funds left for the renter to spend on uploads & downloads.  
  2295  **size** | bytes  
  2296  Size of the file contract, which is typically equal to the number of bytes that have been uploaded to the host.
  2298  **startheight** | block height  
  2299  Block height that the file contract began on.  
  2301  **storagespending** | hastings  
  2302  Amount of contract funds that have been spent on storage.  
  2304  **totalcost** | hastings  
  2305  Total cost to the wallet of forming the file contract. This includes both the fees and the funds allocated in the contract.  
  2307  **uploadspending** | hastings  
  2308  Amount of contract funds that have been spent on uploads.  
  2310  **goodforupload** | boolean  
  2311  Signals if contract is good for uploading data.  
  2313  **goodforrenew** | boolean  
  2314  Signals if contract is good for a renewal.  
  2316  ## /renter/dir/*siapath [GET]
  2317  > curl example  
  2319  > The root siadir path is "" so submitting the API call without an empty siapath
  2320  will return the root siadir information.  
  2322  ```go
  2323  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/dir/"
  2324  ```  
  2325  ```go
  2326  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/dir/mydir"
  2327  ```
  2329  retrieves the contents of a directory on the sia network
  2331  ### Path Parameters
  2332  #### REQUIRED
  2333  **siapath** | string
  2334  Path to the directory on the sia netork  
  2336  ### JSON Response
  2337  > JSON Response Example
  2339  ```go
  2340  {
  2341    "directories": [
  2342      {
  2343        "aggregatenumfiles":        2,    // uint64
  2344        "aggregatenumstuckchunks":  4,    // uint64
  2345        "aggregatesize":            4096, // uint64
  2346        "heatlh":                   1.0,  // float64
  2347        "lasthealtchecktime": "2018-09-23T08:00:00.000000000+04:00" // timestamp
  2348        "maxhealth":                0.5,  // float64
  2349        "minredundancy":            2.6,  // float64
  2350        "mostrecentmodtime":  "2018-09-23T08:00:00.000000000+04:00" // timestamp
  2351        "stuckhealth":              1.0,  // float64
  2353        "numfiles":   3,        // uint64
  2354        "numsubdirs": 2,        // uint64
  2355        "siapath":    "foo/bar" // string
  2356      }
  2357    ],
  2358    "files": []
  2359  }
  2360  ```
  2361  **directories**
  2362  An array of sia directories
  2364  **aggregatenumfiles** | uint64
  2365  the total number of files in the sub directory tree
  2367  **aggregatenumstuckchunks** | uint64
  2368  the total number of stuck chunks in the sub directory tree
  2370  **aggregatenumsize** | uint64
  2372  **health** | float64
  2373  This is the worst health of any of the files or subdirectories. Health is the percent of parity pieces missing.
  2374   - health = 0 is full redundancy
  2375   - health <= 1 is recoverable
  2376   - health > 1 needs to be repaired from disk
  2378  **lasthealthchecktime** | timestamp
  2379  The oldest time that the health of the directory or any of its files or sub directories' health was checked.
  2381  **maxhealth** | float64
  2382  This is the worst health when comparing stuck health vs health
  2384  **minredundancy** | float64
  2385  the lowest redundancy of any file or directory in the sub directory tree
  2387  **mostrecentmodtime** | timestamp
  2388  the most recent mod time of any file or directory in the sub directory tree
  2390  **numfiles** | uint64
  2391  the number of files in the directory
  2393  **numsubdirs** | uint64
  2394  the number of directories in the directory
  2396  **siapath** | string
  2397  The path to the directory on the sia network
  2399  **files**
  2400  Same response as [files](#files)
  2402  ## /renter/dir/*siapath [POST]
  2403  > curl example  
  2405  ```go
  2406  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "action=delete" "localhost:9980/renter/dir/mydir"
  2407  ```
  2409  performs various functions on the renter's directories
  2411  ### Path Parameters
  2412  #### REQUIRED
  2413  **siapath** | string
  2414  Location where the directory will reside in the renter on the network. The path must be non-empty, may not include any path traversal strings ("./", "../"), and may not begin with a forward-slash character.  
  2416  ### Query String Parameters
  2417  #### REQUIRED
  2418  **action** | string
  2419  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2420  Action can be either `create`, `delete` or `rename`.
  2421   - `create` will create an empty directory on the sia network
  2422   - `delete` will remove a directory and its contents from the sia network
  2423   - `rename` will rename a directory on the sia network
  2425   **newsiapath** | string
  2426   The new siapath of the renamed folder. Only required for the `rename` action.
  2427  =======
  2428  Action can be either `create` or `delete`.
  2429   - `create` will create an empty directory on the sia network
  2430   - `delete` will remove a directory and its contents from the sia network
  2431  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2433  ### Response
  2435  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2437  ## /renter/downloads [GET]
  2438  > curl example  
  2440  ```go
  2441  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/downloads"
  2442  ```
  2444  Lists all files in the download queue.
  2446  ### JSON Response
  2447  > JSON Response Example
  2449  ```go
  2450  {
  2451    "downloads": [
  2452      {
  2453        "destination":     "/home/users/alice/bar.txt", // string
  2454        "destinationtype": "file",                      // string
  2455        "length":          8192,                        // bytes
  2456        "offset":          2000,                        // bytes
  2457        "siapath":         "foo/bar.txt",               // string
  2459        "completed":           true,                    // boolean
  2460        "endtime":             "2009-11-10T23:10:00Z",  // RFC 3339 time
  2461        "error":               "",                      // string
  2462        "received":            8192,                    // bytes
  2463        "starttime":           "2009-11-10T23:00:00Z",  // RFC 3339 time
  2464        "totaldatatransfered": 10031                    // bytes
  2465      }
  2466    ]
  2467  }
  2468  ```
  2469  **destination** | string
  2470  Local path that the file will be downloaded to.  
  2472  **destinationtype** | string
  2473  What type of destination was used. Can be "file", indicating a download to disk, can be "buffer", indicating a download to memory, and can be "http stream", indicating that the download was streamed through the http API.  
  2475  **length** | bytes  
  2476  Length of the download. If the download was a partial download, this will indicate the length of the partial download, and not the length of the full file.  
  2478  **offset** | bytes
  2479  Offset within the file of the download. For full file downloads, the offset will be '0'. For partial downloads, the offset may be anywhere within the file. offset+length will never exceed the full file size.  
  2481  **siapath** | string
  2482  Siapath given to the file when it was uploaded.  
  2484  **completed** | oolean  
  2485  Whether or not the download has completed. Will be false initially, and set to true immediately as the download has been fully written out to the file, to the http stream, or to the in-memory buffer. Completed will also be set to true if there is an error that causes the download to fail.  
  2487  **endtime** | date, RFC 3339 time  
  2488  Time at which the download completed. Will be zero if the download has not yet completed.  
  2490  **error** | string
  2491  Error encountered while downloading. If there was no error (yet), it will be the empty string.  
  2493  **received** | bytes  
  2494  Number of bytes downloaded thus far. Will only be updated as segments of the file complete fully. This typically has a resolution of tens of megabytes.  
  2496  **starttime** | date, RFC 3339 time  
  2497  Time at which the download was initiated.
  2499  **totaldatatransfered** | bytes
  2500  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2501  The total amount of data transferred when downloading the file. This will eventually include data transferred during contract + payment negotiation, as well as data from failed piece downloads.  
  2502  =======
  2503  The total amount of data transfered when downloading the file. This will eventually include data transferred during contract + payment negotiation, as well as data from failed piece downloads.  
  2504  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2506  ## /renter/downloads/clear [POST]
  2507  > curl example  
  2509  ```go
  2510  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/renter/downloads/clear?before=1551398400&after=1552176000"
  2511  ```
  2513  Clears the download history of the renter for a range of unix time stamps.  Both parameters are optional, if no parameters are provided, the entire download history will be cleared.  To clear a single download, provide the timestamp for the download as both parameters.  Providing only the before parameter will clear all downloads older than the timestamp. Conversely, providing only the after parameter will clear all downloads newer than the timestamp.
  2515  ### Query String Parameters
  2516  #### OPTIONAL
  2517  **before** | unix timestamp  
  2518  unix timestamp found in the download history
  2520  **after** | unix timestamp   
  2521  unix timestamp found in the download history
  2523  ### Response
  2525  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2527  ## /renter/prices [GET]
  2528  > curl example  
  2530  ```go
  2531  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/prices"
  2532  ```
  2534  Lists the estimated prices of performing various storage and data operations. An allowance can be submitted to provide a more personalized estimate. If no allowance is submitted then the current set allowance will be used, if there is no allowance set then sane defaults will be used. Submitting an allowance is optional, but when submitting an allowance all the components of the allowance are required. The allowance used to create the estimate is returned with the estimate.
  2536  ### Query String Parameters
  2537  ##### REQUIRED or OPTIONAL
  2538  Allowance settings, see the fields [here](#allowance)
  2540  ### JSON Response
  2541  > JSON Response Example
  2543  ```go
  2544  {
  2545    "downloadterabyte":      "1234",  // hastings
  2546    "formcontracts":         "1234",  // hastings
  2547    "storageterabytemonth":  "1234",  // hastings
  2548    "uploadterabyte":        "1234",  // hastings
  2549    "funds":                 "1234",  // hastings
  2550    "hosts":                     24,  // int
  2551    "period":                  6048,  // blocks
  2552    "renewwindow":             3024   // blocks
  2553  }
  2554  ```
  2555  **downloadterabyte** | hastings  
  2556  The estimated cost of downloading one terabyte of data from the network.  
  2558  **formcontracts** | hastings  
  2559  The estimated cost of forming a set of contracts on the network. This cost also applies to the estimated cost of renewing the renter's set of contracts.  
  2561  **storageterabytemonth** | hastings  
  2562  The estimated cost of storing one terabyte of data on the network for a month, including accounting for redundancy.  
  2564  **uploadterabyte** | hastings  
  2565  The estimated cost of uploading one terabyte of data to the network, including accounting for redundancy.  
  2567  The allowance settings used for the estimation are also returned, see the fields [here](#allowance)
  2569  ## /renter/files [GET]
  2570  > curl example  
  2572  ```go
  2573  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2574  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/files?cached=false"
  2575  ```
  2577  ### Query String Parameters
  2578  #### OPTIONAL
  2579  **cached** | boolean
  2580  determines whether cached values should be returned or if the latest values should be computed. Cached values speed the endpoint up significantly. The default value is 'false'.
  2582  =======
  2583  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/files"
  2584  ```
  2586  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2587  lists the status of all files.
  2589  ### JSON Response
  2590  > JSON Response Example
  2592  ```go
  2593  {
  2594    "files": [
  2595      {
  2596        "accesstime":       12578940002019-02-20T17:46:20.34810935+01:00,  // timestamp
  2597        "available":        true,                 // boolean
  2598        "changetime":       12578940002019-02-20T17:46:20.34810935+01:00,  // timestamp
  2599        "ciphertype":       "threefish",          // string   
  2600        "createtime":       12578940002019-02-20T17:46:20.34810935+01:00,  // timestamp
  2601        "expiration":       60000,                // block height
  2602        "filesize":         8192,                 // bytes
  2603        "health":           0.5,                  // float64
  2604        "localpath":        "/home/foo/bar.txt",  // string
  2605        "maxhealth":        0.0,                  // float64  
  2606        "maxhealthpercent": 100%,                 // float64
  2607        "modtime":          12578940002019-02-20T17:46:20.34810935+01:00,  // timestamp
  2608        "numstuckchunks":   0,                    // uint64
  2609        "ondisk":           true,                 // boolean
  2610        "recoverable":      true,                 // boolean
  2611        "redundancy":       5,                    // float64
  2612        "renewing":         true,                 // boolean
  2613        "siapath":          "foo/bar.txt",        // string
  2614        "stuck":            false,                // bool
  2615        "stuckhealth":      0.0,                  // float64
  2616        "uploadedbytes":    209715200,            // total bytes uploaded
  2617        "uploadprogress":   100,                  // percent
  2618      }
  2619    ]
  2620  }
  2621  ```
  2622  #### files
  2624  **accesstime** | timestamp
  2625  indicates the last time the siafile was accessed
  2627  **available** | boolean  
  2628  true if the file is available for download. Files may be available before they are completely uploaded.  
  2630  **changetime** | timestamp
  2631  indicates the last time the siafile metadata was updated
  2633  **ciphertype** | string
  2634  indicates the encryption used for the siafile
  2636  **createtime** | timestamp
  2637  indicates when the siafile was created
  2639  **expiration** | block height
  2640  Block height at which the file ceases availability.  
  2642  **filesize** | bytes  
  2643  Size of the file in bytes.  
  2645  **health** | float64 
  2646  health is an indication of the amount of redundancy missing where 0 is full redundancy and >1 means the file is not available. The health of the siafile is the health of the worst unstuck chunk.
  2648  **localpath** | string
  2649  Path to the local file on disk.  
  2651  **maxhealth** | float64
  2652  the maxhealth is either the health or the stuckhealth of the siafile, whichever is worst
  2654  **maxhealthpercent** | float64
  2655  maxhealthpercent is the maxhealth converted to be out of 100% to be more easily understood
  2657  **modtime** | timestamp
  2658  indicates the last time the siafile contents where modified
  2660  **numstuckchunks** | uint64
  2661  indicates the number of stuck chunks in a file. A chunk is stuck if it cannot reach full redundancy
  2663  **ondisk** | boolean
  2664  indicates if the source file is found on disk
  2666  **recoverable** | boolean
  2667  indicates if the siafile is recoverable
  2669  **redundancy** | float64
  2670  Average redundancy of the file on the network. Redundancy is calculated by dividing the amount of data uploaded in the file's open contracts by the size of the file. Redundancy does not necessarily correspond to availability. Specifically, a redundancy >= 1 does not indicate the file is available as there could be a chunk of the file with 0 redundancy.  
  2672  **renewing** | boolean  
  2673  true if the file's contracts will be automatically renewed by the renter.  
  2675  **siapath** | string
  2676  Path to the file in the renter on the network.  
  2678  **stuck** | bool
  2679  a file is stuck if there are any stuck chunks in the file, which means the file cannot reach full redundancy
  2681  **stuckhealth** | float64
  2682  stuckhealth is the worst health of any of the stuck chunks.
  2684  **uploadedbytes** | bytes  
  2685  Total number of bytes successfully uploaded via current file contracts. This number includes padding and rendundancy, so a file with a size of 8192 bytes might be padded to 40 MiB and, with a redundancy of 5, encoded to 200 MiB for upload.  
  2687  **uploadprogress** | percent  
  2688  Percentage of the file uploaded, including redundancy. Uploading has completed when uploadprogress is 100. Files may be available for download before upload progress is 100.  
  2690  ## /renter/file/*siapath* [GET]
  2691  > curl example  
  2693  ```go
  2694  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/file/myfile"
  2695  ```
  2697  Lists the status of specified file.
  2699  ### Path Parameters
  2700  #### REQUIRED
  2701  **siapath** | string
  2702  Path to the file in the renter on the network.
  2704  ### JSON Response
  2705  Same response as [files](#files)
  2707  ## /renter/file/*siapath* [POST]
  2708  > curl example  
  2710  ```go
  2711  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "trackingpath=/home/myfile" "localhost:9980/renter/file/myfile"
  2712  ```
  2714  endpoint for changing file metadata.
  2716  ### Path Parameters
  2717  #### REQUIRED
  2718  **siapath** | string
  2719  SiaPath of the file on the network. The path must be non-empty, may not include any path traversal strings ("./", "../"), and may not begin with a forward-slash character.
  2721  ### Query String Parameters
  2722  #### OPTIONAL
  2723  **trackingpath** | string
  2724  If provided, this parameter changes the tracking path of a file to the  specified path. Useful if moving the file to a different location on disk.
  2726  ### Response
  2728  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2730  ## /renter/delete/*siapath* [POST]
  2731  > curl example  
  2733  ```go
  2734  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/renter/delete/myfile"
  2735  ```
  2737  deletes a renter file entry. Does not delete any downloads or original files, only the entry in the renter.
  2739  ### Path Parameters
  2740  #### REQUIRED
  2741  **siapath** | string
  2742  Path to the file in the renter on the network.
  2744  ### Response
  2746  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2748  ## /renter/download/*siapath* [GET]
  2749  > curl example  
  2751  ```go
  2752  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/renter/download/myfile?httpresp=true"
  2753  ```
  2755  downloads a file to the local filesystem. The call will block until the file has been downloaded.
  2757  ### Path Parameters
  2758  #### REQUIRED
  2759  **siapath** | string
  2760  Path to the file in the renter on the network.
  2762  ### Query String Parameters
  2763  #### REQUIRED (Either one or the other)
  2764  **destination** | string
  2765  Location on disk that the file will be downloaded to.  
  2767  **httpresp** | boolean
  2768  If httresp is true, the data will be written to the http response.
  2770  #### OPTIONAL
  2771  **async** | boolean
  2772  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2773  If async is true, the http request will be non blocking. Can't be used with
  2774  httpresp. An async download will also set the 'ID' field in the http response
  2775  header to a unique identifier for the async download which can be used to
  2776  cancel the download with the /renter/download/cancel endpoint.
  2777  =======
  2778  If async is true, the http request will be non blocking. Can't be used with:  
  2779  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2781  **length** | bytes
  2782  Length of the requested data. Has to be <= filesize-offset.  
  2784  **offset** | bytes
  2785  Offset relative to the file start from where the download starts.  
  2787  ### Response
  2789  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2791  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2792  ## /renter/download/cancel [POST]
  2793  > curl example  
  2795  ```go
  2796  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/renter/download/cancel?id=<downloadid>"
  2797  ```
  2799  cancels the download with the given id.
  2801  ### Query String Parameters
  2802  **id** | string
  2803  ID returned by the /renter/download/*siapath* endpoint when setting
  2804  async=true. It is set in the http header's 'ID' field.
  2806  ### Response
  2808  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2810  =======
  2811  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2812  ## /renter/downloadsync/*siapath* [GET]
  2813  > curl example  
  2815  ```go
  2816  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/renter/downloadasync/myfile?destination=/home/myfile"
  2817  ```
  2819  downloads a file to the local filesystem. The call will return immediately.
  2821  ### Path Parameters
  2822  #### REQUIRED
  2823  **siapath** | string
  2824  Path to the file in the renter on the network.
  2826  ### Query String Parameters
  2827  #### REQUIRED
  2828  **destination** | string
  2829  Location on disk that the file will be downloaded to.  
  2831  ### Response
  2833  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2835  ## /renter/recoveryscan [POST]
  2836  > curl example  
  2838  ```go
  2839  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/renter/recoveryscan"
  2840  ```
  2842  starts a rescan of the whole blockchain to find recoverable contracts. The
  2843  contractor will periodically try to recover found contracts every 10 minutes
  2844  until they are recovered or expired.
  2846  ### Response
  2848  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2850  ## /renter/recoveryscan [GET]
  2851  > curl example  
  2853  ```go
  2854  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/recoveryscan"
  2855  ```
  2857  Returns some information about a potentially ongoing recovery scan.
  2859  ### JSON Response
  2860  > JSON Response Example
  2862  ```go
  2863  {
  2864    "scaninprogress": true // boolean
  2865    "scannedheight" : 1000 // uint64
  2866  }
  2867  ```
  2868  **scaninprogress** | boolean
  2869  indicates if a scan for recoverable contracts is currently in progress.
  2871  **scannedheight** | uint64
  2872  indicates the progress of a currently ongoing scan in terms of number of blocks
  2873  that have already been scanned.
  2875  ## /renter/rename/*siapath* [POST]
  2876  > curl example  
  2878  ```go
  2879  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "newsiapath=myfile2" "localhost:9980/renter/rename/myfile"
  2880  ```
  2882  ### Path Parameters
  2883  #### REQUIRED
  2884  **siapath** | string
  2885  Path to the file in the renter on the network.
  2887  ### Query String Parameters
  2888  #### REQUIRED
  2889  **newsiapath** | string 
  2890  New location of the file in the renter on the network.  
  2892  ### Response
  2894  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2896  ## /renter/stream/*siapath* [GET]
  2897  > curl example  
  2899  > Stream the whole file.  
  2901  ```go
  2902  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/renter/stream/myfile"
  2903  ```  
  2904  > The file can be streamed partially by using standard partial http requests which means setting the "Range" field in the http header.  
  2906  ```go
  2907  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -H "Range: bytes=0-1023" "localhost:9980/renter/stream/myfile"
  2908  ```
  2910  downloads a file using http streaming. This call blocks until the data is received. The streaming endpoint also uses caching internally to prevent siad from re-downloading the same chunk multiple times when only parts of a file are requested at once. This might lead to a substantial increase in ram usage and therefore it is not recommended to stream multiple files in parallel at the moment. This restriction will be removed together with the caching once partial downloads are supported in the future. If you want to stream multiple files you should increase the size of the Renter's `streamcachesize` to at least 2x the number of files you are steaming.
  2912  ### Path Parameters
  2913  #### REQUIRED
  2914  **siapath** | string
  2915  Path to the file in the renter on the network.
  2917  ### Response
  2919  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2921  ## /renter/upload/*siapath* [POST]
  2922  > curl example  
  2924  ```go
  2925  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "source=/home/myfile" "localhost:9980/renter/upload/myfile"
  2926  ```
  2928  uploads a file to the network from the local filesystem.
  2930  ### Path Parameters
  2931  #### REQUIRED
  2932  **siapath** | string
  2933  Location where the file will reside in the renter on the network. The path must be non-empty, may not include any path traversal strings ("./", "../"), and may not begin with a forward-slash character.  
  2935  ### Query String Parameters
  2936  #### REQUIRED
  2937  **source** | string
  2938  Location on disk of the file being uploaded.  
  2940  #### OPTIONAL
  2941  **datapieces** | int  
  2942  The number of data pieces to use when erasure coding the file.  
  2944  **paritypieces** | int  
  2945  The number of parity pieces to use when erasure coding the file. Total redundancy of the file is (datapieces+paritypieces)/datapieces.  
  2947  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2948  **force** | boolean
  2949  Delete potential existing file at siapath.
  2951  ### Response
  2953  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2955  ## /renter/uploadstream/*siapath* [POST]
  2956  > curl example  
  2958  ```go
  2959  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/renter/uploadstream/myfile?datapieces=10&paritypieces=20" --data-binary @myfile.dat
  2960  ```
  2962  uploads a file to the network using a stream.
  2964  ### Path Parameters
  2965  #### REQUIRED
  2966  **siapath** | string
  2967  Location where the file will reside in the renter on the network. The path must be non-empty, may not include any path traversal strings ("./", "../"), and may not begin with a forward-slash character.  
  2969  ### Query String Parameters
  2970  #### OPTIONAL
  2971  **datapieces** | int  
  2972  The number of data pieces to use when erasure coding the file.  
  2974  **paritypieces** | int  
  2975  The number of parity pieces to use when erasure coding the file. Total redundancy of the file is (datapieces+paritypieces)/datapieces.  
  2977  **force**
  2978  Delete potential existing file at siapath.
  2980  **repair**
  2981  Repair existing file from stream. Can't be specified together with datapieces, paritypieces and force.
  2983  =======
  2984  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  2985  ### Response
  2987  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  2989  <<<<<<< HEAD
  2990  ## /renter/validate/*siapath* [POST]
  2991  > curl example  
  2993  ```go
  2994  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/renter/validatesiapath/isthis-aval_idsiapath"
  2995  ```
  2997  validates whether or not the provided siapaht is a valid siapath. SiaPaths cannot contain traversal strings or be empty. Valid characters are:
  2999  $, &, `, :, ;, #, %, @, <, >, =, ?, [, ], {, }, ^, |, ~, -, +, _, comma, ', "
  3001  ### Path Parameters
  3002  #### REQUIRED
  3003  **siapath** | string  
  3004  siapath to test.
  3006  ### Response
  3007  standard success or error response, a successful response means a valid siapath. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3009  =======
  3010  >>>>>>> siaprime/master
  3011  # Transaction Pool
  3013  ## /tpool/confirmed/:id [GET]
  3014  > curl example  
  3016  ```go
  3017  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/tpool/confirmed/22e8d5428abc184302697929f332fa0377ace60d405c39dd23c0327dc694fae7"
  3018  ```
  3020  returns whether the requested transaction has been seen on the blockchain. Note, however, that the block containing the transaction may later be invalidated by a reorg.
  3022  ### Path Parameters
  3023  #### REQUIRED
  3024  **id** | hash
  3025  id of the transaction being queried
  3027  ### JSON Response
  3028  > JSON Response Example
  3030  ```go
  3031  {
  3032    "confirmed": true // boolean
  3033  }
  3034  ```
  3035  **confirmed** | boolean
  3036  indicates if a transaction is confirmed on the blockchain
  3038  ## /tpool/fee [GET]
  3039  > curl example  
  3041  ```go
  3042  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/tpool/fee"
  3043  ```
  3045  returns the minimum and maximum estimated fees expected by the transaction pool.
  3047  ### JSON Response
  3048  > JSON Response Example
  3050  ```go
  3051  {
  3052    "minimum": "1234", // hastings / byte
  3053    "maximum": "5678"  // hastings / byte
  3054  }
  3055  ```
  3056  **minimum** | hastings / byte
  3057  the minimum estimated fee
  3059  **maximum** | hastings / byte
  3060  the maximum estimated fee
  3062  ## /tpool/raw/:id [GET]
  3063  > curl example  
  3065  ```go
  3066  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/tpool/raw/22e8d5428abc184302697929f332fa0377ace60d405c39dd23c0327dc694fae7"
  3067  ```
  3069  returns the ID for the requested transaction and its raw encoded parents and transaction data.
  3071  ### Path Parameters
  3072  #### REQUIRED
  3073  **id** | hash 
  3074  id of the transaction being queried
  3076  ### JSON Response
  3077  > JSON Response Example
  3079  ```go
  3080  {
  3081  	// id of the transaction
  3082  	"id": "124302d30a219d52f368ecd94bae1bfb922a3e45b6c32dd7fb5891b863808788",
  3084  	// raw, base64 encoded transaction data
  3087  }
  3088  ```
  3089  **id** | string  
  3090  id of the transaction.  
  3092  **transaction** | string  
  3093  raw, base64 encoded transaction data  
  3095  ## /tpool/raw [POST]
  3096  > curl example  
  3098  ```go
  3099  curl -A "Sia-Agent" --data "<raw-encoded-tset>" "localhost:9980/tpool/raw"
  3100  ```
  3102  submits a raw transaction to the transaction pool, broadcasting it to the transaction pool's peers.  
  3104  ### Query String Parameters
  3105  #### REQUIRED
  3106  **parents** | string 
  3107  JSON- or base64-encoded transaction parents
  3109  **transaction** | string
  3110  JSON- or base64-encoded transaction
  3112  ### Response
  3114  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3116  ## /tpool/confirmed/:id [GET]
  3117  > curl example  
  3119  ```go
  3120  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/tpool/confirmed/9028cc285ad755b81c0cfead3710c1344044175e59cdc4ca097374fe188c9acf"
  3121  ```
  3123  ### Query String Parameters
  3124  #### REQUIRED
  3125  **id** | hash
  3126  id of the transaction being queried
  3128  ### JSON Response
  3129  > JSON Response Example
  3131  ```go
  3132  {
  3133    "confirmed": true,
  3134  }
  3135  ```
  3136  **confirmed** | boolean
  3137  boolean that indicates if transaction was confirmed
  3139  # Wallet
  3141  ## /wallet [GET]
  3142  > curl example  
  3144  ```go
  3145  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/wallet"
  3146  ```
  3148  Returns basic information about the wallet, such as whether the wallet is locked or unlocked.
  3150  ### JSON Response
  3151  > JSON Response Example
  3153  ```go
  3154  {
  3155    "encrypted":  true,   // boolean
  3156    "unlocked":   true,   // boolean
  3157    "rescanning": false,  // boolean
  3159    "confirmedsiacoinbalance":     "123456", // hastings, big int
  3160    "unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins": "0",      // hastings, big int
  3161    "unconfirmedincomingsiacoins": "789",    // hastings, big int
  3163    "siafundbalance":      "1",    // siafunds, big int
  3164    "siacoinclaimbalance": "9001", // hastings, big int
  3166    "dustthreshold": "1234", // hastings / byte, big int
  3167  }
  3168  ```
  3169  **encrypted** | boolean  
  3170  Indicates whether the wallet has been encrypted or not. If the wallet has not been encrypted, then no data has been generated at all, and the first time the wallet is unlocked, the password given will be used as the password for encrypting all of the data. 'encrypted' will only be set to false if the wallet has never been unlocked before (the unlocked wallet is still encryped - but the encryption key is in memory).  
  3172  **unlocked** | boolean  
  3173  Indicates whether the wallet is currently locked or unlocked. Some calls become unavailable when the wallet is locked.  
  3175  **rescanning** | boolean  
  3176  Indicates whether the wallet is currently rescanning the blockchain. This will be true for the duration of calls to /unlock, /seeds, /init/seed, and /sweep/seed.  
  3178  **confirmedsiacoinbalance** | hastings, big int  
  3179  Number of siacoins, in hastings, available to the wallet as of the most recent block in the blockchain.  
  3181  **unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins** | hastings, big int  
  3182  Number of siacoins, in hastings, that are leaving the wallet according to the set of unconfirmed transactions. Often this number appears inflated, because outputs are frequently larger than the number of coins being sent, and there is a refund. These coins are counted as outgoing, and the refund is counted as incoming. The difference in balance can be calculated using 'unconfirmedincomingsiacoins' - 'unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins'  
  3184  **unconfirmedincomingsiacoins** | hastings, big int  
  3185  Number of siacoins, in hastings, are entering the wallet according to the set of unconfirmed transactions. This number is often inflated by outgoing siacoins, because outputs are frequently larger than the amount being sent. The refund will be included in the unconfirmed incoming siacoins balance.  
  3187  **siafundbalance** | big int  
  3188  Number of siafunds available to the wallet as of the most recent block in the blockchain.  
  3190  **siacoinclaimbalance** | hastings, big int  
  3191  Number of siacoins, in hastings, that can be claimed from the siafunds as of the most recent block. Because the claim balance increases every time a file contract is created, it is possible that the balance will increase before any claim transaction is confirmed.  
  3193  **dustthreshold** | hastings / byte, big int  
  3194  Number of siacoins, in hastings per byte, below which a transaction output cannot be used because the wallet considers it a dust output.  
  3196  ## /wallet/033x [POST]
  3197  > curl example  
  3199  ```go
  3200  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "source=/home/legacy-wallet&encryptionpassword=mypassword" "localhost:9980/wallet/033x"
  3201  ```
  3203  Loads a v0.3.3.x wallet into the current wallet, harvesting all of the secret keys. All spendable addresses in the loaded wallet will become spendable from the current wallet.
  3205  ### Query String Parameters
  3206  #### REQUIRED
  3207  **source**  
  3208  Path on disk to the v0.3.3.x wallet to be loaded.  
  3210  **encryptionpassword**  
  3211  Encryption key of the wallet.  
  3213  ### Response
  3215  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3217  ## /wallet/address [GET]
  3218  > curl example  
  3220  ```go
  3221  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/wallet/address"
  3222  ```
  3224  Gets a new address from the wallet generated by the primary seed. An error will be returned if the wallet is locked.
  3226  ### JSON Response
  3227  > JSON Response Example
  3229  ```go
  3230  {
  3231    "address": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab"
  3232  }
  3233  ```
  3234  **address** | hash
  3235  Wallet address that can receive siacoins or siafunds. Addresses are 76 character long hex strings.  
  3237  ## /wallet/addresses [GET]
  3238  > curl example  
  3240  ```go
  3241  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/wallet/addresses"
  3242  ```
  3244  Fetches the list of addresses from the wallet. If the wallet has not been created or unlocked, no addresses will be returned. After the wallet is unlocked, this call will continue to return its addresses even after the wallet is locked again.
  3246  ### JSON Response
  3247  > JSON Response Example
  3249  ```go
  3250  {
  3251    "addresses": [
  3252      "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",
  3253      "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
  3254      "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
  3255    ]
  3256  }
  3257  ```
  3258  **addresses**  
  3259  Array of wallet addresses owned by the wallet.  
  3261  ## /wallet/seedaddrs [GET]
  3262  > curl example  
  3264  ```go
  3265  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/wallet/seedaddrs"
  3266  ```
  3268  Fetches addresses generated by the wallet in reverse order. The last address
  3269  generated by the wallet will be the first returned. This also means that
  3270  addresses which weren't generated using the wallet's seed can't be retrieved
  3271  with this endpoint.
  3273  ### Query String Parameters
  3274  #### OPTIONAL
  3275  **count**  
  3276  Number of addresses that should be returned. If count is not specified or if
  3277  count is bigger than the number of addresses generated by the wallet, all
  3278  addresses will be returned.
  3280  ### JSON Response
  3281  > JSON Response Example
  3283  ```go
  3284  {
  3285    "addresses": [
  3286      "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",
  3287      "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
  3288      "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
  3289    ]
  3290  }
  3291  ```
  3292  **addresses**  
  3293  Array of wallet addresses previously generated by the wallet.
  3295  ## /wallet/backup [GET]
  3296  > curl example  
  3298  ```go
  3299  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/wallet/backup?destination=/home/wallet-settings.backup"
  3300  ```
  3302  Creates a backup of the wallet settings file. Though this can easily be done manually, the settings file is often in an unknown or difficult to find location. The /wallet/backup call can spare users the trouble of needing to find their wallet file.
  3304  ### Query String Parameters
  3305  #### REQUIRED
  3306  **destination**  
  3307  Path to the location on disk where the backup file will be saved.  
  3309  ### Response
  3311  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3313  ## /wallet/changepassword [POST]
  3314  > curl example  
  3316  ```go
  3317  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/wallet/changepassword?encryptionpassword=<currentpassword>&newpassword=<newpassword>"
  3318  ```
  3320  Changes the wallet's encryption key.  
  3322  ### Query String Parameters
  3323  #### REQUIRED
  3324  **encryptionpassword** | string
  3325  encryptionpassword is the wallet's current encryption password.  
  3327  **newpassword** | string
  3328  newpassword is the new password for the wallet.  
  3330  ### Response
  3332  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3334  ## /wallet/init [POST]
  3335  > curl example  
  3337  ```go
  3338  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "encryptionpassword=<password>&force=false" "localhost:9980/wallet/init"
  3339  ```
  3341  Initializes the wallet. After the wallet has been initialized once, it does not need to be initialized again, and future calls to /wallet/init will return an error. The encryption password is provided by the api call. If the password is blank, then the password will be set to the same as the seed.
  3343  ### Query String Parameters
  3345  **encryptionpassword** | string
  3346  Password that will be used to encrypt the wallet. All subsequent calls should use this password. If left blank, the seed that gets returned will also be the encryption password.  
  3348  **dictionary** | string  
  3349  Name of the dictionary that should be used when encoding the seed. 'english' is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.  
  3351  **force** | boolean  
  3352  When set to true /wallet/init will Reset the wallet if one exists instead of returning an error. This allows API callers to reinitialize a new wallet.
  3354  ### JSON Response
  3355  > JSON Response Example
  3357  ```go
  3358  {
  3359    "primaryseed": "hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello"
  3360  }
  3361  ```
  3362  **primaryseed**  
  3363  Wallet seed used to generate addresses that the wallet is able to spend.  
  3365  ## /wallet/init/seed [POST]
  3366  > curl example  
  3368  ```go
  3369  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "seed=<seed>&encryptionpassword=<password>&force=false" "localhost:9980/wallet/init/seed"
  3370  ```
  3372  Initializes the wallet using a preexisting seed. After the wallet has been initialized once, it does not need to be initialized again, and future calls to /wallet/init/seed will return an error. The encryption password is provided by the api call. If the password is blank, then the password will be set to the same as the seed. Note that loading a preexisting seed requires scanning the blockchain to determine how many keys have been generated from the seed. For this reason, /wallet/init/seed can only be called if the blockchain is synced.
  3374  ### Query String Parameters
  3376  **seed** | string
  3377  Dictionary-encoded phrase that corresponds to the seed being used to initialize the wallet.  
  3379  #### OPTIONAL
  3380  [Optional Wallet Parameters](#optional-wallet-parameters)
  3382  ### Response
  3384  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3386  ## /wallet/seed [POST]
  3387  > curl example  
  3389  ```go
  3390  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "seed=<seed>" "localhost:9980/wallet/seed"
  3391  ```
  3393  Gives the wallet a seed to track when looking for incoming transactions. The wallet will be able to spend outputs related to addresses created by the seed. The seed is added as an auxiliary seed, and does not replace the primary seed. Only the primary seed will be used for generating new addresses.
  3395  ### Query String Parameters
  3396  #### REQUIRED
  3397  [Required Wallet Parameters](#required-wallet-parameters)
  3399  #### OPTIONAL | string
  3400  [Optional Wallet Parameters](#optional-wallet-parameters)
  3402  ### Response
  3404  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3406  ## /wallet/seeds [GET]
  3407  > curl example  
  3409  ```go
  3410  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/wallet/seeds"
  3411  ```
  3413  Returns the list of seeds in use by the wallet. The primary seed is the only seed that gets used to generate new addresses. This call is unavailable when the wallet is locked.
  3415  ### Query String Parameters
  3416  #### REQUIRED
  3417  **dictionary** | string 
  3418  Name of the dictionary that should be used when encoding the seed. 'english' is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.  
  3420  ### JSON Response
  3421  > JSON Response Example
  3423  ```go
  3424  {
  3425    "primaryseed":        "hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello",
  3426    "addressesremaining": 2500,
  3427    "allseeds":           [
  3428      "hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello",
  3429      "foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo",
  3430    ]
  3431  }
  3432  ```
  3433  **primaryseed**  
  3434  Seed that is actively being used to generate new addresses for the wallet.  
  3436  **addressesremaining**  
  3437  Number of addresses that remain in the primary seed until exhaustion has been reached. Once exhaustion has been reached, new addresses will continue to be generated but they will be more difficult to recover in the event of a lost wallet file or encryption password.  
  3439  **allseeds**  
  3440  Array of all seeds that the wallet references when scanning the blockchain for outputs. The wallet is able to spend any output generated by any of the seeds, however only the primary seed is being used to generate new addresses.  
  3442  ## /wallet/siacoins [POST]
  3443  > curl example  
  3445  ```go
  3446  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "amount=1000&destination=c134a8372bd250688b36867e6522a37bdc391a344ede72c2a79206ca1c34c84399d9ebf17773" "localhost:9980/wallet/siacoins"
  3447  ```
  3449  Sends siacoins to an address or set of addresses. The outputs are arbitrarily selected from addresses in the wallet. If 'outputs' is supplied, 'amount' and 'destination' must be empty.  
  3451  ### Query String Parameters
  3452  #### REQUIRED
  3453  Amount and Destination or Outputs are required
  3455  **amount** | hastings  
  3456  Number of hastings being sent. A hasting is the smallest unit in Sia. There are 10^24 hastings in a siacoin.
  3458  **destination** | address  
  3459  Address that is receiving the coins.  
  3461  **OR**
  3463  **outputs**  
  3464  JSON array of outputs. The structure of each output is: {"unlockhash": "<destination>", "value": "<amount>"}  
  3466  ### JSON Response
  3467  > JSON Response Example
  3469  ```go
  3470  {
  3471    "transactionids": [
  3472      "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  3473      "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
  3474      "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
  3475    ]
  3476  }
  3477  ```
  3478  **transactionids**  
  3479  Array of IDs of the transactions that were created when sending the coins. The last transaction contains the output headed to the 'destination'. Transaction IDs are 64 character long hex strings.  
  3481  ## /wallet/siafunds [POST]
  3482  > curl example  
  3484  ```go
  3485  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "amount=10&destination=c134a8372bd250688b36867e6522a37bdc391a344ede72c2a79206ca1c34c84399d9ebf17773" "localhost:9980/wallet/siafunds"
  3486  ```
  3488  Sends siafunds to an address. The outputs are arbitrarily selected from addresses in the wallet. Any siacoins available in the siafunds being sent (as well as the siacoins available in any siafunds that end up in a refund address) will become available to the wallet as siacoins after 144 confirmations. To access all of the siacoins in the siacoin claim balance, send all of the siafunds to an address in your control (this will give you all the siacoins, while still letting you control the siafunds).
  3490  ### Query String Parameters
  3491  #### REQUIRED
  3492  **amount** | siafunds  
  3493  Number of siafunds being sent.  
  3495  **destination** | address  
  3496  Address that is receiving the funds.  
  3498  ### JSON Response
  3499  > JSON Response Example
  3501  ```go
  3502  {
  3503    "transactionids": [
  3504      "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  3505      "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
  3506      "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
  3507    ]
  3508  }
  3509  ```
  3510  **transactionids**  
  3511  Array of IDs of the transactions that were created when sending the coins. The last transaction contains the output headed to the 'destination'. Transaction IDs are 64 character long hex strings.  
  3513  ## /wallet/siagkey [POST]
  3514  > curl example  
  3516  ```go
  3517  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "encryptionpassword=<password>&keyfiles=/file1,/home/file2" "localhost:9980/wallet/siagkey"
  3518  ```
  3520  Loads a key into the wallet that was generated by siag. Most siafunds are currently in addresses created by siag.
  3522  ### Query String Parameters
  3523  #### REQUIRED
  3524  **encryptionpassword**  
  3525  Key that is used to encrypt the siag key when it is imported to the wallet.  
  3527  **keyfiles**  
  3528  List of filepaths that point to the keyfiles that make up the siag key. There should be at least one keyfile per required signature. The filenames need to be commna separated (no spaces), which means filepaths that contain a comma are not allowed.  
  3530  ### Response
  3532  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3534  ## /wallet/sign [POST]
  3535  > curl example  
  3537  ```go
  3538  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "<requestbody>" "localhost:9980/wallet/sign"
  3539  ```
  3541  Signs a transaction. The wallet will attempt to sign each input specified. The transaction's TransactionSignatures should be complete except for the Signature field. If `tosign` is provided, the wallet will attempt to fill in signatures for each TransactionSignature specified. If `tosign` is not provided, the wallet will add signatures for every TransactionSignature that it has keys for.
  3543  ### Request Body
  3544  > Request Body Example
  3546  ```go
  3547  {
  3548    // Unsigned transaction
  3549    "transaction": {
  3550      "siacoininputs": [
  3551        {
  3552          "parentid": "af1a88781c362573943cda006690576b150537c1ae142a364dbfc7f04ab99584",
  3553          "unlockconditions": {
  3554            "timelock": 0,
  3555            "publickeys": [ "ed25519:8b845bf4871bcdf4ff80478939e508f43a2d4b2f68e94e8b2e3d1ea9b5f33ef1" ],
  3556            "signaturesrequired": 1
  3557          }
  3558        }
  3559      ],
  3560      "siacoinoutputs": [
  3561        {
  3562          "value": "5000000000000000000000000",
  3563          "unlockhash": "17d25299caeccaa7d1598751f239dd47570d148bb08658e596112d917dfa6bc8400b44f239bb"
  3564        },
  3565        {
  3566          "value": "299990000000000000000000000000",
  3567          "unlockhash": "b4bf662170622944a7c838c7e75665a9a4cf76c4cebd97d0e5dcecaefad1c8df312f90070966"
  3568        }
  3569      ],
  3570      "minerfees": [ "1000000000000000000000000" ],
  3571      "transactionsignatures": [
  3572        {
  3573          "parentid": "af1a88781c362573943cda006690576b150537c1ae142a364dbfc7f04ab99584",
  3574          "publickeyindex": 0,
  3575          "coveredfields": {"wholetransaction": true}
  3576        }
  3577      ]
  3578    },
  3580    // Optional IDs to sign; each should correspond to a parentid in the transactionsignatures.
  3581    "tosign": [
  3582      "af1a88781c362573943cda006690576b150537c1ae142a364dbfc7f04ab99584"
  3583    ]
  3584  }
  3585  ```
  3587  ### JSON Response
  3588  > JSON Response Example
  3590  ```go
  3591  {
  3592    // signed transaction
  3593    "transaction": {
  3594      "siacoininputs": [
  3595        {
  3596          "parentid": "af1a88781c362573943cda006690576b150537c1ae142a364dbfc7f04ab99584",
  3597          "unlockconditions": {
  3598            "timelock": 0,
  3599            "publickeys": [ "ed25519:8b845bf4871bcdf4ff80478939e508f43a2d4b2f68e94e8b2e3d1ea9b5f33ef1" ],
  3600            "signaturesrequired": 1
  3601          }
  3602        }
  3603      ],
  3604      "siacoinoutputs": [
  3605        {
  3606          "value": "5000000000000000000000000",
  3607          "unlockhash": "17d25299caeccaa7d1598751f239dd47570d148bb08658e596112d917dfa6bc8400b44f239bb"
  3608        },
  3609        {
  3610          "value": "299990000000000000000000000000",
  3611          "unlockhash": "b4bf662170622944a7c838c7e75665a9a4cf76c4cebd97d0e5dcecaefad1c8df312f90070966"
  3612        }
  3613      ],
  3614      "minerfees": [ "1000000000000000000000000" ],
  3615      "transactionsignatures": [
  3616        {
  3617          "parentid": "af1a88781c362573943cda006690576b150537c1ae142a364dbfc7f04ab99584",
  3618          "publickeyindex": 0,
  3619          "coveredfields": {"wholetransaction": true},
  3620          "signature": "CVkGjy4The6h+UU+O8rlZd/O3Gb1xRJdyQ2vzBFEb/5KveDKDrrieCiFoNtUaknXEQbdxlrDqMujc+x3aZbKCQ=="
  3621        }
  3622      ]
  3623    }
  3624  }
  3625  ```
  3627  ## /wallet/sweep/seed [POST]
  3628  > curl example  
  3630  ```go
  3631  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "seed=<seed>" "localhost:9980/wallet/sweep/seed"
  3632  ```
  3634  Scans the blockchain for outputs belonging to a seed and send them to an address owned by the wallet.
  3636  ### Query String Parameters
  3637  #### REQUIRED
  3638  **seed** | string
  3639  Dictionary-encoded phrase that corresponds to the seed being added to the wallet.  
  3641  #### OPTIONAL
  3642  **dictionary** | string  
  3643  Name of the dictionary that should be used when decoding the seed. 'english' is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.  
  3645  ### JSON Response
  3646   > JSON  Response Example
  3647  ```go
  3648  {
  3649    "coins": "123456", // hastings, big int
  3650    "funds": "1",      // siafunds, big int
  3651  }
  3652  ```
  3653  **coins** | hastings, big int  
  3654  Number of siacoins, in hastings, transferred to the wallet as a result of the sweep.  
  3656  **funds** | siafunds, big int  
  3657  Number of siafunds transferred to the wallet as a result of the sweep.  
  3659  ## /wallet/lock [POST]
  3660  > curl example  
  3662  ```go
  3663  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -X POST "localhost:9980/wallet/lock"
  3664  ```
  3666  Locks the wallet, wiping all secret keys. After being locked, the keys are encrypted. Queries for the seed, to send siafunds, and related queries become unavailable. Queries concerning transaction history and balance are still available.
  3668  ### Response
  3670  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3672  ## /wallet/transaction/:*id* [GET]
  3673  > curl example  
  3675  ```go
  3676  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/wallet/transaction/22e8d5428abc184302697929f332fa0377ace60d405c39dd23c0327dc694fae7"
  3677  ```
  3679  Gets the transaction associated with a specific transaction id.
  3681  ### Path Parameters
  3682  #### REQUIRED
  3683  **id** | hash
  3684  ID of the transaction being requested.  
  3686  ### JSON Response
  3687  > JSON Response Example
  3689  ```go
  3690  {
  3691    "transaction": {
  3692      "transaction": {
  3693        // See types.Transaction in
  3694      },
  3695      "transactionid":         "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  3696      "confirmationheight":    50000,
  3697      "confirmationtimestamp": 1257894000,
  3698      "inputs": [
  3699        {
  3700          "parentid":       "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  3701          "fundtype":       "siacoin input",
  3702          "walletaddress":  false,
  3703          "relatedaddress": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",
  3704          "value":          "1234", // hastings or siafunds, depending on fundtype, big int
  3705        }
  3706      ],
  3707      "outputs": [
  3708        {
  3709          "id":             "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  3710          "fundtype":       "siacoin output",
  3711          "maturityheight": 50000,
  3712          "walletaddress":  false,
  3713          "relatedaddress": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
  3714          "value":          "1234", // hastings or siafunds, depending on fundtype, big int
  3715        }
  3716      ]
  3717    }
  3718  }
  3719  ```
  3720  **transaction**  
  3721  Raw transaction. The rest of the fields in the resposne are determined from this raw transaction. It is left undocumented here as the processed transaction (the rest of the fields in this object) are usually what is desired.  
  3723  See types.Transaction in  
  3725  **transactionid**  
  3726  ID of the transaction from which the wallet transaction was derived.  
  3728  **confirmationheight**  
  3729  Block height at which the transaction was confirmed. If the transaction is unconfirmed the height will be the max value of an unsigned 64-bit integer.  
  3731  **confirmationtimestamp**  
  3732  Time, in unix time, at which a transaction was confirmed. If the transaction is unconfirmed the timestamp will be the max value of an unsigned 64-bit integer.  
  3734  **inputs**  
  3735  Array of processed inputs detailing the inputs to the transaction.  
  3737  **parentid**  
  3738  The id of the output being spent.  
  3740  **fundtype**  
  3741  Type of fund represented by the input. Possible values are 'siacoin input' and 'siafund input'.  
  3743  **walletaddress** | Boolean  
  3744  true if the address is owned by the wallet.  
  3746  **relatedaddress**  
  3747  Address that is affected. For inputs (outgoing money), the related address is usually not important because the wallet arbitrarily selects which addresses will fund a transaction.  
  3749  **value** | hastings or siafunds, depending on fundtype, big int  
  3750  Amount of funds that have been moved in the input.  
  3752  **outputs**  
  3753  Array of processed outputs detailing the outputs of the transaction. Outputs related to file contracts are excluded.  
  3755  **id**  
  3756  The id of the output that was created.  
  3758  **fundtype**  
  3759  Type of fund is represented by the output. Possible values are 'siacoin output', 'siafund output', 'claim output', and 'miner payout'. Siacoin outputs and claim outputs both relate to siacoins.  
  3761  Siafund outputs relate to siafunds.  
  3763  Miner payouts point to siacoins that have been spent on a miner payout. Because the destination of the miner payout is determined by the block and not the transaction, the data 'maturityheight', 'walletaddress', and 'relatedaddress' areleft blank.  
  3765  **maturityheight**  
  3766  Block height the output becomes available to be spent. Siacoin outputs and siafund outputs mature immediately - their maturity height will always be the confirmation height of the transaction. Claim outputs cannot be spent until they have had 144 confirmations, thus the maturity height of a claim output will always be 144 larger than the confirmation height of the transaction.  
  3768  **walletaddress** | boolean  
  3769  true if the address is owned by the wallet.  
  3771  **relatedaddress**  
  3772  Address that is affected. For outputs (incoming money), the related address field can be used to determine who has sent money to the wallet.  
  3774  **value** | hastings or siafunds, depending on fundtype, big int  
  3775  Amount of funds that have been moved in the output.  
  3777  ## /wallet/transactions [GET]
  3778  > curl example  
  3780  ```go
  3781  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/wallet/transactions"
  3782  ```
  3784  Returns a list of transactions related to the wallet in chronological order.
  3786  ### Query String Parameters
  3787  #### REQUIRED
  3788  **startheight** | block height  
  3789  // Height of the block where transaction history should begin.
  3791  **endheight** | block height  
  3792  Height of of the block where the transaction history should end. If 'endheight' is greater than the current height, or if it is '-1', all transactions up to and including the most recent block will be provided.
  3794  ### JSON Response
  3795  > JSON Response Example
  3797  ```go
  3798  {
  3799    "confirmedtransactions": [
  3800      {
  3801        // See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.
  3802      }
  3803    ],
  3804    "unconfirmedtransactions": [
  3805      {
  3806        // See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.
  3807      }
  3808    ]
  3809  }
  3810  ```
  3811  **confirmedtransactions**  
  3812  All of the confirmed transactions appearing between height 'startheight' and height 'endheight' (inclusive).  
  3814  See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.  
  3816  **unconfirmedtransactions**  
  3817  All of the unconfirmed transactions.  
  3819  See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.  
  3821  ## /wallet/transactions/:addr [GET]
  3822  > curl example  
  3824  ```go
  3825  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/wallet/transactions/abf1ba4ad65820ce2bd5d63466b8555d0ec9bfe5f5fa920b4fef6ad98f443e2809e5ae619b74"
  3826  ```
  3828  Returns all of the transactions related to a specific address.
  3830  ### Path Parameters
  3831  #### REQUIRED
  3832  **addr** | hash
  3833  Unlock hash (i.e. wallet address) whose transactions are being requested.  
  3835  ### JSON Response
  3836  > JSON Response Example
  3838  ```go
  3839  {
  3840    "transactions": [
  3841      {
  3842        // See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.
  3843      }
  3844    ]
  3845  }
  3846  ```
  3847  **transactions**  
  3848  Array of processed transactions that relate to the supplied address.  
  3850  See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.  
  3852  ## /wallet/unlock [POST]
  3853  > curl example  
  3855  ```go
  3856  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "encryptionpassword=<password>" "localhost:9980/wallet/unlock"
  3857  ```
  3859  Unlocks the wallet. The wallet is capable of knowing whether the correct password was provided.
  3861  ### Query String Parameters
  3862  #### REQUIRED
  3863  **encryptionpassword** | string  
  3864  Password that gets used to decrypt the file. Most frequently, the encryption password is the same as the primary wallet seed.  
  3866  ### Response
  3868  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  3870  ## /wallet/unlockconditions/:addr [GET]
  3871  > curl example  
  3873  ```go
  3874  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/wallet/unlockconditions/2d6c6d705c80f17448d458e47c3fb1a02a24e018a82d702cda35262085a3167d98cc7a2ba339"
  3875  ```
  3877  Returns the unlock conditions of :addr, if they are known to the wallet.
  3879  ### Path Parameters
  3880  #### REQUIRED
  3881  **addr** | hash
  3882  Unlock hash (i.e. wallet address) whose transactions are being requested.  
  3884  ### JSON Response
  3885  > JSON Response Example
  3887  ```go
  3888  {
  3889    "unlockconditions": {
  3890      "timelock": 0,
  3891      "publickeys": [{
  3892        "algorithm": "ed25519",
  3893        "key": "/XUGj8PxMDkqdae6Js6ubcERxfxnXN7XPjZyANBZH1I="
  3894      }],
  3895      "signaturesrequired": 1
  3896    }
  3897  }
  3898  ```
  3899  **timelock**  
  3900  The minimum blockheight required.  
  3902  **signaturesrequired**  
  3903  The number of signatures required.  
  3905  **publickeys**  
  3906  The set of keys whose signatures count towards signaturesrequired.  
  3908  ## /wallet/unspent [GET]
  3909  > curl example  
  3911  ```go
  3912  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/wallet/unspent"
  3913  ```
  3915  Returns a list of outputs that the wallet can spend.
  3917  ### JSON Response
  3918  > JSON Response Example
  3920  ```go
  3921  {
  3922    "outputs": [
  3923      {
  3924        "id": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  3925        "fundtype": "siacoin output",
  3926        "confirmationheight": 50000,
  3927        "unlockhash": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",
  3928        "value": "1234", // big int
  3929        "iswatchonly": false
  3930      }
  3931    ]
  3932  }
  3933  ```
  3934  **outputs**  
  3935  Array of outputs that the wallet can spend.  
  3937  **id**  
  3938  The id of the output.  
  3940  **fundtype**  
  3941  Type of output, either 'siacoin output' or 'siafund output'.  
  3943  **confirmationheight**  
  3944  Height of block in which the output appeared. To calculate the number of confirmations, subtract this number from the current block height.  
  3946  **unlockhash**  
  3947  Hash of the output's unlock conditions, commonly known as the "address".  
  3949  **value** | big int  
  3950  Amount of funds in the output; hastings for siacoin outputs, and siafunds for siafund outputs.  
  3952  **iswatchonly** | Boolean  
  3953  Whether the output comes from a watched address or from the wallet's seed.  
  3955  ## /wallet/verify/address/:addr [GET]
  3956  > curl example  
  3958  ```go
  3959  curl -A "Sia-Agent" "localhost:9980/wallet/verify/address/75d9a7351022681ba3539d7e0c5699d143ab5a7747604998cace1299ab6c04c5ea2aa2e87aac"
  3960  ```
  3962  Takes the address specified by :addr and returns a JSON response indicating if the address is valid.
  3964  ### Path Parameters
  3965  #### REQUIRED
  3966  **addr** | hash
  3967  Unlock hash (i.e. wallet address) whose transactions are being requested.  
  3969  ### JSON Response
  3970  > JSON Response Example
  3972  ```go
  3973  {
  3974  	"valid": true
  3975  }
  3976  ```
  3977  **valid**  
  3978  valid indicates if the address supplied to :addr is a valid UnlockHash.  
  3980  ## /wallet/watch [GET]
  3981  > curl example  
  3983  ```go
  3984  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/wallet/watch"
  3985  ```
  3987  Returns the set of addresses that the wallet is watching. This set only includes addresses that were explicitly requested to be watched; addresses that were generated automatically by the wallet, or by /wallet/address, are not included.
  3989  ### JSON Response
  3990  > JSON Response Example
  3992  ```go
  3993  {
  3994    "addresses": [
  3995      "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  3996      "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcd1234567890ef0123456789abcdef"
  3997    ]
  3998  }
  3999  ```
  4000  **addresses**  
  4001  The addresses currently watched by the wallet.  
  4003  ## /wallet/watch [POST]
  4004  > curl example  
  4006  ```go
  4007  curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> --data "<requestbody>" "localhost:9980/wallet/watch"
  4008  ```
  4010  ### Request Body
  4011  > Request Body Example
  4013  ```go
  4014  {
  4015    // The addresses to add or remove from the current set.
  4016    "addresses": [
  4017      "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  4018      "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcd1234567890ef0123456789abcdef"
  4019    ],
  4021    // If true, remove the addresses instead of adding them.
  4022    "remove": false,
  4024    // If true, the wallet will not rescan the blockchain. Only set this flag if
  4025    // the addresses have never appeared in the blockchain.
  4026    "unused": true,
  4027  ```
  4029  ### Response
  4031  standard success or error response. See [standard responses](#standard-responses).
  4033  # Version
  4034  <<<<<<< HEAD
  4035  <a href=''>**v140**
  4036  =======
  4037  <a href=''>**v140**
  4038  >>>>>>> siaprime/master