
     1  .TH "SPD" "1" "May 2017" "Auto generated by spf13/cobra" "spd Manual"
     2  .nh
     3  .ad l
     6  .SH NAME
     7  .PP
     8  \&spd \- SiaPrime Daemon
    11  .SH SYNOPSIS
    12  .PP
    13  spd version
    14  .br
    15  spd modules
    16  .br
    17  spd [OPTIONS]
    20  .PP
    21  The SiaPrime daemon, spd, is a background process that does all of the heavy lifting for SiaPrime. The daemon downloads the blockchain, uploads files, manages redundancy, monitors hosts for uptime, to name a few of the many tasks that it performs.
    22  The daemon is composed of modules, and each modules provides a set of primary functions on the network.
    25  .SH OPTIONS
    26  .PP
    27  \fB\-\-agent\fP="SiaPrime\-Agent"
    28      required substring for the user agent
    30  .PP
    31  \fB\-\-api\-addr\fP="localhost:4280"
    32      which host:port the API server listens on
    34  .PP
    35  \fB\-\-authenticate\-api\fP[=false]
    36      enable API password protection
    38  .PP
    39  \fB\-\-disable\-api\-security\fP[=false]
    40      allow spd to listen on a non\-localhost address (DANGEROUS)
    42  .PP
    43  \fB\-\-host\-addr\fP=":4282"
    44      which port the host listens on
    46  .PP
    47  \fB\-M\fP, \fB\-\-modules\fP="cghrtw"
    48  .IP
    49  Use the -M or --modules flag to only run specific modules. Modules are
    50  independent components of SiaPrime. This flag should only be used by developers or
    51  people who want to reduce overhead from unused modules. Modules are specified by
    52  their first letter. If the -M or --modules flag is not specified the default
    53  .br 
    54  modules are run. The default modules are:
    55  .br
    56  gateway, consensus set, host, miner, renter, transaction pool, wallet
    57  .br
    58  This is equivalent to:
    59  .br
    60  	spd -M cghmrtw
    61  .br
    62  Below is a list of all the modules available.
    63  .IP
    64  \fBGateway (g):\fP
    65  .br
    66  The gateway maintains a peer to peer connection to the network and
    67  enables other modules to perform RPC calls on peers.
    68  The gateway is required by all other modules.
    69  .br
    70  Example: spd -M g
    71  .IP
    72  \fBConsensus Set (c):\fP
    73  .br
    74  The consensus set manages everything related to consensus and keeps the
    75  blockchain in sync with the rest of the network.
    76  The consensus set requires the gateway.
    77  .br
    78  Example:spd -M gc
    79  .IP
    80  \fBTransaction Pool (t):\fP
    81  .br
    82  The transaction pool manages unconfirmed transactions.
    83  The transaction pool requires the consensus set.
    84  .br
    85  Example:spd -M gct
    86  .IP
    87  \fBWallet (w):\fP
    88  .br
    89  The wallet stores and manages siaprimecoins and siaprimefunds.
    90  The wallet requires the consensus set and transaction pool.
    91  .br
    92  Example: spd -M gctw
    93  .IP
    94  \fBRenter (r):\fP
    95  .br
    96  The renter manages the user's files on the network.
    97  The renter requires the consensus set, transaction pool, and wallet.
    98  .br
    99  Example: spd -M gctwr
   100  .IP
   101  \fBHost (h):\fP
   102  .br
   103  The host provides storage from local disks to the network. The host
   104  negotiates file contracts with remote renters to earn money for storing
   105  other users' files.
   106  The host requires the consensus set, transaction pool, and wallet.
   107  .br
   108  Example: spd -M gctwh
   109  .IP
   110  \fBMiner (m):\fP
   111  .br
   112  The miner provides a basic CPU mining implementation as well as an API
   113  for external miners to use.
   114  The miner requires the consensus set, transaction pool, and wallet.
   115  .br
   116  Example: spd -M gctwm
   117  .IP
   118  \fBExplorer (e):\fP
   119  .br
   120  The explorer provides statistics about the blockchain and can be
   121  queried for information about specific transactions or other objects on
   122  the blockchain.
   123  The explorer requires the consenus set.
   124  .br
   125  Example: spd -M gce
   128  .PP
   129  \fB\-\-no\-bootstrap\fP[=false]
   130      disable bootstrapping on this run
   132  .PP
   133  \fB\-\-profile\fP[=false]
   134      enable profiling
   136  .PP
   137  \fB\-\-profile\-directory\fP="profiles"
   138      location of the profiling directory
   140  .PP
   141  \fB\-\-rpc\-addr\fP=":4281"
   142      which port the gateway listens on
   144  .PP
   145  \fB\-d\fP, \fB\-\-siaprime\-directory\fP=""
   146      location of the sia directory
   149  .SH SEE ALSO
   150  .PP
   151  \fB\&../spd\-\&modules(1)\fP, \fB\&../spd\-\&version(1)\fP
   154  .SH HISTORY
   155  .PP
   156  1\-May\-2017 Auto generated by spf13/cobra