
     1  package hostdb
     3  // scan.go contains the functions which periodically scan the list of all hosts
     4  // to see which hosts are online or offline, and to get any updates to the
     5  // settings of the hosts.
     7  import (
     8  	"encoding/json"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"net"
    11  	"sort"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  // equalIPNets checks if two slices of IP subnets contain the same subnets.
    25  func equalIPNets(ipNetsA, ipNetsB []string) bool {
    26  	// Check the length first.
    27  	if len(ipNetsA) != len(ipNetsB) {
    28  		return false
    29  	}
    30  	// Create a map of all the subnets in ipNetsA.
    31  	mapNetsA := make(map[string]struct{})
    32  	for _, subnet := range ipNetsA {
    33  		mapNetsA[subnet] = struct{}{}
    34  	}
    35  	// Make sure that all the subnets from ipNetsB are in the map.
    36  	for _, subnet := range ipNetsB {
    37  		if _, exists := mapNetsA[subnet]; !exists {
    38  			return false
    39  		}
    40  	}
    41  	return true
    42  }
    44  // feeChangeSignificant determines if the difference between two transaction
    45  // fees is significant enough to warrant rebuilding the hosttree.
    46  func feeChangeSignificant(oldTxnFees, newTxnFees types.Currency) bool {
    47  	maxChange := oldTxnFees.MulFloat(txnFeesUpdateRatio)
    48  	return newTxnFees.Cmp(oldTxnFees.Sub(maxChange)) <= 0 || newTxnFees.Cmp(oldTxnFees.Add(maxChange)) >= 0
    49  }
    51  // managedUpdateTxnFees checks if the txnFees have changed significantly since
    52  // the last time they were updated and updates them if necessary.
    53  func (hdb *HostDB) managedUpdateTxnFees() {
    54  	// Get the old txnFees from the hostdb.
    56  	allowance := hdb.allowance
    57  	oldTxnFees := hdb.txnFees
    60  	// Get the new fees from the tpool.
    61  	_, newTxnFees := hdb.tpool.FeeEstimation()
    63  	// If the change is not significant we are done.
    64  	if !feeChangeSignificant(oldTxnFees, newTxnFees) {
    65  		hdb.log.Debugf("No need to update txnFees oldFees %v newFees %v",
    66  			oldTxnFees.HumanString(), newTxnFees.HumanString())
    67  		return
    68  	}
    69  	// Update the txnFees.
    71  	hdb.txnFees = newTxnFees
    73  	// Recompute the host weight function.
    74  	hwf := hdb.managedCalculateHostWeightFn(allowance)
    75  	// Set the weight function.
    76  	if err := hdb.managedSetWeightFunction(hwf); err != nil {
    77  		// This shouldn't happen.
    78  		build.Critical("Failed to set the new weight function", err)
    79  	}
    80  	hdb.log.Println("Updated the hostdb txnFees to", newTxnFees.HumanString())
    81  }
    83  // queueScan will add a host to the queue to be scanned. The host will be added
    84  // at a random position which means that the order in which queueScan is called
    85  // is not necessarily the order in which the hosts get scanned. That guarantees
    86  // a random scan order during the initial scan.
    87  func (hdb *HostDB) queueScan(entry modules.HostDBEntry) {
    88  	// If this entry is already in the scan pool, can return immediately.
    89  	_, exists := hdb.scanMap[entry.PublicKey.String()]
    90  	if exists {
    91  		return
    92  	}
    93  	// Add the entry to a random position in the waitlist.
    94  	hdb.scanMap[entry.PublicKey.String()] = struct{}{}
    95  	hdb.scanList = append(hdb.scanList, entry)
    96  	if len(hdb.scanList) > 1 {
    97  		i := len(hdb.scanList) - 1
    98  		j := fastrand.Intn(i)
    99  		hdb.scanList[i], hdb.scanList[j] = hdb.scanList[j], hdb.scanList[i]
   100  	}
   101  	// Check if any thread is currently emptying the waitlist. If not, spawn a
   102  	// thread to empty the waitlist.
   103  	if hdb.scanWait {
   104  		// Another thread is emptying the scan list, nothing to worry about.
   105  		return
   106  	}
   108  	// Sanity check - the scan map and the scan list should have the same
   109  	// length.
   110  	if build.DEBUG && len(hdb.scanMap) > len(hdb.scanList)+maxScanningThreads {
   111  		hdb.log.Critical("The hostdb scan map has seemingly grown too large:", len(hdb.scanMap), len(hdb.scanList), maxScanningThreads)
   112  	}
   114  	hdb.scanWait = true
   115  	go func() {
   116  		scanPool := make(chan modules.HostDBEntry)
   117  		defer close(scanPool)
   119  		// Nobody is emptying the scan list, volunteer.
   120  		if != nil {
   121  			// Hostdb is shutting down, don't spin up another thread.  It is
   122  			// okay to leave scanWait set to true as that will not affect
   123  			// shutdown.
   124  			return
   125  		}
   126  		defer
   128  		// Block scan when a specific dependency is provided.
   129  		hdb.deps.Disrupt("BlockScan")
   131  		// Due to the patterns used to spin up scanning threads, it's possible
   132  		// that we get to this point while all scanning threads are currently
   133  		// used up, completing jobs that were sent out by the previous pool
   134  		// managing thread. This thread is at risk of deadlocking if there's
   135  		// not at least one scanning thread accepting work that it created
   136  		// itself, so we use a starterThread exception and spin up
   137  		// one-thread-too-many on the first iteration to ensure that we do not
   138  		// deadlock.
   139  		starterThread := false
   140  		for {
   141  			// If the scanList is empty, this thread can spin down.
   143  			if len(hdb.scanList) == 0 {
   144  				// Scan list is empty, can exit. Let the world know that nobody
   145  				// is emptying the scan list anymore.
   146  				hdb.scanWait = false
   148  				return
   149  			}
   151  			// Get the next host, shrink the scan list.
   152  			entry := hdb.scanList[0]
   153  			hdb.scanList = hdb.scanList[1:]
   154  			delete(hdb.scanMap, entry.PublicKey.String())
   155  			scansRemaining := len(hdb.scanList)
   157  			// Grab the most recent entry for this host.
   158  			recentEntry, exists := hdb.hostTree.Select(entry.PublicKey)
   159  			if exists {
   160  				entry = recentEntry
   161  			}
   163  			// Try to send this entry to an existing idle worker (non-blocking).
   164  			select {
   165  			case scanPool <- entry:
   166  				hdb.log.Debugf("Sending host %v for scan, %v hosts remain", entry.PublicKey.String(), scansRemaining)
   168  				continue
   169  			default:
   170  			}
   172  			// Create new worker thread.
   173  			if hdb.scanningThreads < maxScanningThreads || !starterThread {
   174  				starterThread = true
   175  				hdb.scanningThreads++
   176  				if err :=; err != nil {
   178  					return
   179  				}
   180  				go func() {
   181  					defer
   182  					hdb.threadedProbeHosts(scanPool)
   184  					hdb.scanningThreads--
   186  				}()
   187  			}
   190  			// Block while waiting for an opening in the scan pool.
   191  			hdb.log.Debugf("Sending host %v for scan, %v hosts remain", entry.PublicKey.String(), scansRemaining)
   192  			select {
   193  			case scanPool <- entry:
   194  				// iterate again
   195  			case <
   196  				// quit
   197  				return
   198  			}
   199  		}
   200  	}()
   201  }
   203  // updateEntry updates an entry in the hostdb after a scan has taken place.
   204  //
   205  // CAUTION: This function will automatically add multiple entries to a new host
   206  // to give that host some base uptime. This makes this function co-dependent
   207  // with the host weight functions. Adjustment of the host weight functions need
   208  // to keep this function in mind, and vice-versa.
   209  func (hdb *HostDB) updateEntry(entry modules.HostDBEntry, netErr error) {
   210  	// If the scan failed because we don't have Internet access, toss out this update.
   211  	if netErr != nil && !hdb.gateway.Online() {
   212  		return
   213  	}
   215  	// Grab the host from the host tree, and update it with the new settings.
   216  	newEntry, exists := hdb.hostTree.Select(entry.PublicKey)
   217  	if exists {
   218  		newEntry.HostExternalSettings = entry.HostExternalSettings
   219  		newEntry.IPNets = entry.IPNets
   220  		newEntry.LastIPNetChange = entry.LastIPNetChange
   221  	} else {
   222  		newEntry = entry
   223  	}
   225  	// Update the recent interactions with this host.
   226  	if netErr == nil {
   227  		newEntry.RecentSuccessfulInteractions++
   228  	} else {
   229  		newEntry.RecentFailedInteractions++
   230  	}
   232  	// Add the datapoints for the scan.
   233  	if len(newEntry.ScanHistory) < 2 {
   234  		// Add two scans to the scan history. Two are needed because the scans
   235  		// are forward looking, but we want this first scan to represent as
   236  		// much as one week of uptime or downtime.
   237  		earliestStartTime := time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 7 * 24 * -1)                                                   // Permit up to a week of starting uptime or downtime.
   238  		suggestedStartTime := time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 10 * time.Duration(hdb.blockHeight-entry.FirstSeen+1) * -1) // Add one to the FirstSeen in case FirstSeen is this block, guarantees incrementing order.
   239  		if suggestedStartTime.Before(earliestStartTime) {
   240  			suggestedStartTime = earliestStartTime
   241  		}
   242  		newEntry.ScanHistory = modules.HostDBScans{
   243  			{Timestamp: suggestedStartTime, Success: netErr == nil},
   244  			{Timestamp: time.Now(), Success: netErr == nil},
   245  		}
   246  	} else {
   247  		if newEntry.ScanHistory[len(newEntry.ScanHistory)-1].Success && netErr != nil {
   248  			hdb.log.Debugf("Host %v is being downgraded from an online host to an offline host: %v\n", newEntry.PublicKey.String(), netErr)
   249  		}
   251  		// Make sure that the current time is after the timestamp of the
   252  		// previous scan. It may not be if the system clock has changed. This
   253  		// will prevent the sort-check sanity checks from triggering.
   254  		newTimestamp := time.Now()
   255  		prevTimestamp := newEntry.ScanHistory[len(newEntry.ScanHistory)-1].Timestamp
   256  		if !newTimestamp.After(prevTimestamp) {
   257  			newTimestamp = prevTimestamp.Add(time.Second)
   258  		}
   260  		// Before appending, make sure that the scan we just performed is
   261  		// timestamped after the previous scan performed. It may not be if the
   262  		// system clock has changed.
   263  		newEntry.ScanHistory = append(newEntry.ScanHistory, modules.HostDBScan{Timestamp: newTimestamp, Success: netErr == nil})
   264  	}
   266  	// Check whether any of the recent scans demonstrate uptime. The pruning and
   267  	// compression of the history ensure that there are only relatively recent
   268  	// scans represented.
   269  	var recentUptime bool
   270  	for _, scan := range newEntry.ScanHistory {
   271  		if scan.Success {
   272  			recentUptime = true
   273  		}
   274  	}
   276  	// If the host has been offline for too long, delete the host from the
   277  	// hostdb. Only delete if there have been enough scans over a long enough
   278  	// period to be confident that the host really is offline for good.
   279  	if time.Now().Sub(newEntry.ScanHistory[0].Timestamp) > maxHostDowntime && !recentUptime && len(newEntry.ScanHistory) >= minScans {
   280  		// Remove from hosttrees
   281  		err := hdb.remove(newEntry.PublicKey)
   282  		if err != nil {
   283  			hdb.log.Println("ERROR: unable to remove host newEntry which has had a ton of downtime:", err)
   284  		}
   286  		// The function should terminate here as no more interaction is needed
   287  		// with this host.
   288  		return
   289  	}
   291  	// Compress any old scans into the historic values.
   292  	for len(newEntry.ScanHistory) > minScans && time.Now().Sub(newEntry.ScanHistory[0].Timestamp) > maxHostDowntime {
   293  		timePassed := newEntry.ScanHistory[1].Timestamp.Sub(newEntry.ScanHistory[0].Timestamp)
   294  		if newEntry.ScanHistory[0].Success {
   295  			newEntry.HistoricUptime += timePassed
   296  		} else {
   297  			newEntry.HistoricDowntime += timePassed
   298  		}
   299  		newEntry.ScanHistory = newEntry.ScanHistory[1:]
   300  	}
   302  	// Add the updated entry
   303  	if !exists {
   304  		// Insert into Hosttrees
   305  		err := hdb.insert(newEntry)
   306  		if err != nil {
   307  			hdb.log.Println("ERROR: unable to insert entry which is was thought to be new:", err)
   308  		} else {
   309  			hdb.log.Debugf("Adding host %v to the hostdb. Net error: %v\n", newEntry.PublicKey.String(), netErr)
   310  		}
   311  	} else {
   312  		// Modify hosttrees
   313  		err := hdb.modify(newEntry)
   314  		if err != nil {
   315  			hdb.log.Println("ERROR: unable to modify entry which is thought to exist:", err)
   316  		} else {
   317  			hdb.log.Debugf("Adding host %v to the hostdb. Net error: %v\n", newEntry.PublicKey.String(), netErr)
   318  		}
   319  	}
   320  }
   322  // managedLookupIPNets returns string representations of the CIDR subnets
   323  // used by the host.  In case of an error we return nil. We don't really care
   324  // about the error because we don't update host entries if we are offline
   325  // anyway. So if we fail to resolve a hostname, the problem is not related to
   326  // us.
   327  func (hdb *HostDB) managedLookupIPNets(address modules.NetAddress) (ipNets []string, err error) {
   328  	// Lookup the IP addresses of the host.
   329  	addresses, err := hdb.deps.Resolver().LookupIP(address.Host())
   330  	if err != nil {
   331  		return nil, err
   332  	}
   333  	// Get the subnets of the addresses.
   334  	for _, ip := range addresses {
   335  		// Set the filterRange according to the type of IP address.
   336  		var filterRange int
   337  		if ip.To4() != nil {
   338  			filterRange = hosttree.IPv4FilterRange
   339  		} else {
   340  			filterRange = hosttree.IPv6FilterRange
   341  		}
   343  		// Get the subnet.
   344  		_, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ip.String(), filterRange))
   345  		if err != nil {
   346  			return nil, err
   347  		}
   348  		// Add the subnet to the host.
   349  		ipNets = append(ipNets, ipnet.String())
   350  	}
   351  	return
   352  }
   354  // managedScanHost will connect to a host and grab the settings, verifying
   355  // uptime and updating to the host's preferences.
   356  func (hdb *HostDB) managedScanHost(entry modules.HostDBEntry) {
   357  	// Request settings from the queued host entry.
   358  	netAddr := entry.NetAddress
   359  	pubKey := entry.PublicKey
   360  	hdb.log.Debugf("Scanning host %v at %v", pubKey, netAddr)
   362  	// If we use a custom resolver for testing, we replace the custom domain
   363  	// with Otherwise the scan will fail.
   364  	if hdb.deps.Disrupt("customResolver") {
   365  		port := netAddr.Port()
   366  		netAddr = modules.NetAddress(fmt.Sprintf("", port))
   367  	}
   369  	// Resolve the host's used subnets and update the timestamp if they
   370  	// changed. We only update the timestamp if resolving the ipNets was
   371  	// successful.
   372  	ipNets, err := hdb.managedLookupIPNets(entry.NetAddress)
   373  	if err == nil && !equalIPNets(ipNets, entry.IPNets) {
   374  		entry.IPNets = ipNets
   375  		entry.LastIPNetChange = time.Now()
   376  	}
   377  	if err != nil {
   378  		hdb.log.Debugln("mangedScanHost: failed to look up IP nets", err)
   379  	}
   381  	// Update historic interactions of entry if necessary
   383  	updateHostHistoricInteractions(&entry, hdb.blockHeight)
   386  	var settings modules.HostExternalSettings
   387  	var latency time.Duration
   388  	err = func() error {
   389  		timeout := hostRequestTimeout
   391  		if len(hdb.initialScanLatencies) > minScansForSpeedup {
   392  			build.Critical("initialScanLatencies should never be greater than minScansForSpeedup")
   393  		}
   394  		if !hdb.initialScanComplete && len(hdb.initialScanLatencies) == minScansForSpeedup {
   395  			// During an initial scan, when we have at least minScansForSpeedup
   396  			// active scans in initialScanLatencies, we use
   397  			// 5*median(initialScanLatencies) as the new hostRequestTimeout to
   398  			// speedup the scanning process.
   399  			timeout = hdb.initialScanLatencies[len(hdb.initialScanLatencies)/2]
   400  			timeout *= scanSpeedupMedianMultiplier
   401  			if hostRequestTimeout < timeout {
   402  				timeout = hostRequestTimeout
   403  			}
   404  		}
   407  		dialer := &net.Dialer{
   408  			Cancel:,
   409  			Timeout: timeout,
   410  		}
   411  		start := time.Now()
   412  		conn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", string(netAddr))
   413  		latency = time.Since(start)
   414  		if err != nil {
   415  			return err
   416  		}
   417  		// Create go routine that will close the channel if the hostdb shuts
   418  		// down or when this method returns as signalled by closing the
   419  		// connCloseChan channel
   420  		connCloseChan := make(chan struct{})
   421  		go func() {
   422  			select {
   423  			case <
   424  			case <-connCloseChan:
   425  			}
   426  			conn.Close()
   427  		}()
   428  		defer close(connCloseChan)
   429  		conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(hostScanDeadline))
   431  		// Assume that the host supports the new protocol, and request its
   432  		// settings. If we are talking to an old host, they will not recognize
   433  		// the request and will close the connection.
   434  		tryNewProtoErr := func() error {
   435  			s, _, err := modules.NewRenterSession(conn, pubKey)
   436  			if err != nil {
   437  				return err
   438  			}
   439  			defer s.WriteRequest(modules.RPCLoopExit, nil) // make sure we close cleanly
   440  			if err := s.WriteRequest(modules.RPCLoopSettings, nil); err != nil {
   441  				return err
   442  			}
   443  			var resp modules.LoopSettingsResponse
   444  			if err := s.ReadResponse(&resp, maxSettingsLen); err != nil {
   445  				return err
   446  			}
   447  			return json.Unmarshal(resp.Settings, &settings)
   448  		}()
   449  		if tryNewProtoErr == nil {
   450  			return nil
   451  		}
   453  		// Failed to get settings with the new protocol; fall back to the old
   454  		// protocol, filling in the missing fields with default values.
   455  		//
   456  		// Close current connection
   457  		conn.Close()
   459  		// Start new connection. We cannot assign this to the first connection
   460  		// as it creates a Data Race and conflicts with the deferred channel
   461  		// closing. Additionally, we can't assign the result of Dial to conn,
   462  		// because if the Dial fails and conn is nil, then the deferred call to
   463  		// Close will segfault.
   464  		conn2, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", string(netAddr))
   465  		if err != nil {
   466  			return err
   467  		}
   468  		// Create go routine that will close this second channel if the hostdb
   469  		// shuts down or when this method returns as signalled by closing the
   470  		// connCloseChan2 channel
   471  		connCloseChan2 := make(chan struct{})
   472  		go func() {
   473  			select {
   474  			case <
   475  			case <-connCloseChan2:
   476  			}
   477  			conn2.Close()
   478  		}()
   479  		defer close(connCloseChan2)
   480  		conn2.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(hostScanDeadline))
   482  		err = encoding.WriteObject(conn2, modules.RPCSettings)
   483  		if err != nil {
   484  			return err
   485  		}
   486  		var pubkey crypto.PublicKey
   487  		copy(pubkey[:], pubKey.Key)
   488  		var oldSettings modules.HostOldExternalSettings
   489  		err = crypto.ReadSignedObject(conn2, &oldSettings, maxSettingsLen, pubkey)
   490  		if err != nil {
   491  			return err
   492  		}
   493  		settings = modules.HostExternalSettings{
   494  			AcceptingContracts:     oldSettings.AcceptingContracts,
   495  			MaxDownloadBatchSize:   oldSettings.MaxDownloadBatchSize,
   496  			MaxDuration:            oldSettings.MaxDuration,
   497  			MaxReviseBatchSize:     oldSettings.MaxReviseBatchSize,
   498  			NetAddress:             oldSettings.NetAddress,
   499  			RemainingStorage:       oldSettings.RemainingStorage,
   500  			SectorSize:             oldSettings.SectorSize,
   501  			TotalStorage:           oldSettings.TotalStorage,
   502  			UnlockHash:             oldSettings.UnlockHash,
   503  			WindowSize:             oldSettings.WindowSize,
   504  			Collateral:             oldSettings.Collateral,
   505  			MaxCollateral:          oldSettings.MaxCollateral,
   506  			ContractPrice:          oldSettings.ContractPrice,
   507  			DownloadBandwidthPrice: oldSettings.DownloadBandwidthPrice,
   508  			StoragePrice:           oldSettings.StoragePrice,
   509  			UploadBandwidthPrice:   oldSettings.UploadBandwidthPrice,
   510  			RevisionNumber:         oldSettings.RevisionNumber,
   511  			Version:                oldSettings.Version,
   512  			// New fields are set to zero.
   513  			BaseRPCPrice:      types.ZeroCurrency,
   514  			SectorAccessPrice: types.ZeroCurrency,
   515  		}
   516  		return nil
   517  	}()
   518  	if err != nil {
   519  		hdb.log.Debugf("Scan of host at %v failed: %v", pubKey, err)
   520  	} else {
   521  		hdb.log.Debugf("Scan of host at %v succeeded.", pubKey)
   522  		entry.HostExternalSettings = settings
   523  	}
   524  	success := err == nil
   527  	defer
   528  	// We don't want to override the NetAddress during a scan so we need to
   529  	// retrieve the most recent NetAddress from the tree first.
   530  	oldEntry, exists := hdb.hostTree.Select(entry.PublicKey)
   531  	if exists {
   532  		entry.NetAddress = oldEntry.NetAddress
   533  	}
   534  	// Update the host tree to have a new entry, including the new error. Then
   535  	// delete the entry from the scan map as the scan has been successful.
   536  	hdb.updateEntry(entry, err)
   538  	// Add the scan to the initialScanLatencies if it was successful.
   539  	if success && len(hdb.initialScanLatencies) < minScansForSpeedup {
   540  		hdb.initialScanLatencies = append(hdb.initialScanLatencies, latency)
   541  		// If the slice has reached its maximum size we sort it.
   542  		if len(hdb.initialScanLatencies) == minScansForSpeedup {
   543  			sort.Slice(hdb.initialScanLatencies, func(i, j int) bool {
   544  				return hdb.initialScanLatencies[i] < hdb.initialScanLatencies[j]
   545  			})
   546  		}
   547  	}
   548  }
   550  // waitForScans is a helper function that blocks until the hostDB's scanList is
   551  // empty.
   552  func (hdb *HostDB) managedWaitForScans() {
   553  	for {
   555  		length := len(hdb.scanList)
   557  		if length == 0 {
   558  			break
   559  		}
   560  		select {
   561  		case <
   562  		case <-time.After(scanCheckInterval):
   563  		}
   564  	}
   565  }
   567  // threadedProbeHosts pulls hosts from the thread pool and runs a scan on them.
   568  func (hdb *HostDB) threadedProbeHosts(scanPool <-chan modules.HostDBEntry) {
   569  	for hostEntry := range scanPool {
   570  		// Block until hostdb has internet connectivity.
   571  		for {
   573  			online := hdb.gateway.Online()
   575  			if online {
   576  				break
   577  			}
   578  			select {
   579  			case <-time.After(time.Second * 30):
   580  				continue
   581  			case <
   582  				return
   583  			}
   584  		}
   586  		// There appears to be internet connectivity, continue with the
   587  		// scan.
   588  		hdb.managedScanHost(hostEntry)
   589  	}
   590  }
   592  // threadedScan is an ongoing function which will query the full set of hosts
   593  // every few hours to see who is online and available for uploading.
   594  func (hdb *HostDB) threadedScan() {
   595  	err :=
   596  	if err != nil {
   597  		return
   598  	}
   599  	defer
   601  	// Wait until the consensus set is synced. Only then we can be sure that
   602  	// the initial scan covers the whole network.
   603  	for {
   604  		if hdb.cs.Synced() {
   605  			break
   606  		}
   607  		select {
   608  		case <
   609  			return
   610  		case <-time.After(scanCheckInterval):
   611  		}
   612  	}
   614  	// Block scan when a specific dependency is provided.
   615  	hdb.deps.Disrupt("BlockScan")
   617  	// The initial scan might have been interrupted. Queue one scan for every
   618  	// announced host that was missed by the initial scan and wait for the
   619  	// scans to finish before starting the scan loop.
   620  	allHosts := hdb.hostTree.All()
   622  	for _, host := range allHosts {
   623  		if len(host.ScanHistory) == 0 && host.HistoricUptime == 0 && host.HistoricDowntime == 0 {
   624  			hdb.queueScan(host)
   625  		}
   626  	}
   628  	hdb.managedWaitForScans()
   631  	// Set the flag to indicate that the initial scan is complete.
   632  	hdb.initialScanComplete = true
   633  	// Copy the known contracts to avoid having to lock the hdb later.
   634  	knownContracts := make(map[string]contractInfo)
   635  	for k, c := range hdb.knownContracts {
   636  		knownContracts[k] = c
   637  	}
   640  	for {
   641  		// Before we start a new iteration of the scanloop we check if the
   642  		// txnFees need to be updated.
   643  		hdb.managedUpdateTxnFees()
   645  		// Set up a scan for the hostCheckupQuantity most valuable hosts in the
   646  		// hostdb. Hosts that fail their scans will be docked significantly,
   647  		// pushing them further back in the hierarchy, ensuring that for the
   648  		// most part only online hosts are getting scanned unless there are
   649  		// fewer than hostCheckupQuantity of them.
   651  		// Grab a set of hosts to scan, grab hosts that are active, inactive, offline
   652  		// and known to get high diversity.
   653  		var onlineHosts, offlineHosts, knownHosts []modules.HostDBEntry
   654  		allHosts := hdb.hostTree.All()
   655  		for i := len(allHosts) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   656  			if len(onlineHosts) >= hostCheckupQuantity &&
   657  				len(offlineHosts) >= hostCheckupQuantity &&
   658  				len(knownHosts) == len(knownContracts) {
   659  				break
   660  			}
   662  			// Figure out if the host is known, online or offline.
   663  			host := allHosts[i]
   664  			online := len(host.ScanHistory) > 0 && host.ScanHistory[len(host.ScanHistory)-1].Success
   665  			_, known := knownContracts[host.PublicKey.String()]
   666  			if known {
   667  				knownHosts = append(knownHosts, host)
   668  			} else if online && len(onlineHosts) < hostCheckupQuantity {
   669  				onlineHosts = append(onlineHosts, host)
   670  			} else if !online && len(offlineHosts) < hostCheckupQuantity {
   671  				offlineHosts = append(offlineHosts, host)
   672  			}
   673  		}
   675  		// Queue the scans for each host.
   676  		hdb.log.Println("Performing scan on", len(onlineHosts), "online hosts and", len(offlineHosts), "offline hosts and", len(knownHosts), "known hosts.")
   678  		for _, host := range knownHosts {
   679  			hdb.queueScan(host)
   680  		}
   681  		for _, host := range onlineHosts {
   682  			hdb.queueScan(host)
   683  		}
   684  		for _, host := range offlineHosts {
   685  			hdb.queueScan(host)
   686  		}
   689  		// Sleep for a random amount of time before doing another round of
   690  		// scanning. The minimums and maximums keep the scan time reasonable,
   691  		// while the randomness prevents the scanning from always happening at
   692  		// the same time of day or week.
   693  		sleepRange := uint64(maxScanSleep - minScanSleep)
   694  		sleepTime := minScanSleep + time.Duration(fastrand.Uint64n(sleepRange))
   696  		// Sleep until it's time for the next scan cycle.
   697  		select {
   698  		case <
   699  			return
   700  		case <-time.After(sleepTime):
   701  		}
   702  	}
   703  }