
     1  package renter
     3  // TODO: replace managedRefreshHostsAndWorkers with structural updates to the
     4  // worker pool. The worker pool should maintain the map of hosts that
     5  // managedRefreshHostsAndWorkers builds every call, and the contractor should
     6  // work with the worker pool to instantly notify the worker pool of any changes
     7  // to the set of contracts.
     9  import (
    10  	"container/heap"
    11  	"io/ioutil"
    12  	"math"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"path/filepath"
    15  	"sort"
    16  	"strings"
    17  	"sync"
    18  	"time"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  // repairTarget is a helper type for telling the repair heap what type of
    30  // files/chunks to target for repair
    31  type repairTarget int
    33  // targetStuckChunks tells the repair loop to target stuck chunks for repair and
    34  // targetUnstuckChunks tells the repair loop to target unstuck chunks for repair
    35  const (
    36  	targetError repairTarget = iota
    37  	targetStuckChunks
    38  	targetUnstuckChunks
    39  	targetBackupChunks
    40  )
    42  // uploadChunkHeap is a bunch of priority-sorted chunks that need to be either
    43  // uploaded or repaired.
    44  type uploadChunkHeap []*unfinishedUploadChunk
    46  // Implementation of heap.Interface for uploadChunkHeap.
    47  func (uch uploadChunkHeap) Len() int { return len(uch) }
    48  func (uch uploadChunkHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
    49  	// If only chunk i is high priority, return true to prioritize it.
    50  	if uch[i].priority && !uch[j].priority {
    51  		return true
    52  	}
    53  	// If only chunk j is high priority, return false to prioritize it.
    54  	if !uch[i].priority && uch[j].priority {
    55  		return false
    56  	}
    57  	// If the chunks have the same stuck status, check which chunk has the worse
    58  	// health. A higher health is a worse health
    59  	if uch[i].stuck == uch[j].stuck {
    60  		return uch[i].health > uch[j].health
    61  	}
    62  	// If chunk i is stuck, return true to prioritize it.
    63  	if uch[i].stuck {
    64  		return true
    65  	}
    66  	// Chunk j is stuck, return false to prioritize it.
    67  	return false
    68  }
    69  func (uch uploadChunkHeap) Swap(i, j int)       { uch[i], uch[j] = uch[j], uch[i] }
    70  func (uch *uploadChunkHeap) Push(x interface{}) { *uch = append(*uch, x.(*unfinishedUploadChunk)) }
    71  func (uch *uploadChunkHeap) Pop() interface{} {
    72  	old := *uch
    73  	n := len(old)
    74  	x := old[n-1]
    75  	*uch = old[:n-1]
    76  	return x
    77  }
    79  // reset clears the uploadChunkHeap and makes sure all the files belonging to
    80  // the chunks are closed
    81  func (uch *uploadChunkHeap) reset() (err error) {
    82  	for _, c := range *uch {
    83  		err = errors.Compose(err, c.fileEntry.Close())
    84  	}
    85  	*uch = uploadChunkHeap{}
    86  	return err
    87  }
    89  // uploadHeap contains a priority-sorted heap of all the chunks being uploaded
    90  // to the renter, along with some metadata.
    91  type uploadHeap struct {
    92  	heap uploadChunkHeap
    94  	// heapChunks is a map containing all the chunks that are currently in the
    95  	// heap. Chunks are added and removed from the map when chunks are pushed
    96  	// and popped off the heap
    97  	//
    98  	// repairingChunks is a map containing all the chunks are that currently
    99  	// assigned to workers and are being repaired/worked on.
   100  	repairingChunks   map[uploadChunkID]*unfinishedUploadChunk
   101  	stuckHeapChunks   map[uploadChunkID]*unfinishedUploadChunk
   102  	unstuckHeapChunks map[uploadChunkID]*unfinishedUploadChunk
   104  	// Control channels
   105  	newUploads        chan struct{}
   106  	repairNeeded      chan struct{}
   107  	stuckChunkFound   chan struct{}
   108  	stuckChunkSuccess chan struct{}
   110  	mu sync.Mutex
   111  }
   113  // managedExists checks if a chunk currently exists in the upload heap. A chunk
   114  // exists in the upload heap if it exists in any of the heap's tracking maps
   115  func (uh *uploadHeap) managedExists(id uploadChunkID) bool {
   117  	defer
   118  	_, existsUnstuckHeap := uh.unstuckHeapChunks[id]
   119  	_, existsRepairing := uh.repairingChunks[id]
   120  	_, existsStuckHeap := uh.stuckHeapChunks[id]
   121  	return existsUnstuckHeap || existsRepairing || existsStuckHeap
   122  }
   124  // managedLen will return the length of the heap
   125  func (uh *uploadHeap) managedLen() int {
   127  	uhLen := uh.heap.Len()
   129  	return uhLen
   130  }
   132  // managedMarkRepairDone removes the chunk from the repairingChunks map of the
   133  // uploadHeap. It also performs a sanity check that the chunk was in the map,
   134  // this is to ensure that we are adding and removing the chunks as expected
   135  func (uh *uploadHeap) managedMarkRepairDone(id uploadChunkID) {
   137  	defer
   138  	_, ok := uh.repairingChunks[id]
   139  	if !ok {
   140  		build.Critical("Chunk is not in the repair map, this means it was removed prematurely or was never added")
   141  	}
   142  	delete(uh.repairingChunks, id)
   143  }
   145  // managedNumStuckChunks returns the number of stuck chunks in the heap
   146  func (uh *uploadHeap) managedNumStuckChunks() int {
   148  	defer
   149  	return len(uh.stuckHeapChunks)
   150  }
   152  // managedPush will try and add a chunk to the upload heap. If the chunk is
   153  // added it will return true otherwise it will return false
   154  func (uh *uploadHeap) managedPush(uuc *unfinishedUploadChunk) bool {
   155  	// Grab chunk stuck status
   157  	chunkStuck := uuc.stuck
   160  	// Check if chunk is in any of the heap maps
   162  	defer
   163  	unstuckUUC, existsUnstuckHeap := uh.unstuckHeapChunks[]
   164  	repairingUUC, existsRepairing := uh.repairingChunks[]
   165  	stuckUUC, existsStuckHeap := uh.stuckHeapChunks[]
   167  	// If the added chunk has a sourceReader and the existing one doesn't, replace
   168  	// them.
   169  	if uuc.sourceReader != nil && (existsUnstuckHeap || existsRepairing || existsStuckHeap) {
   170  		// Get the existing chunk.
   171  		var existingUUC *unfinishedUploadChunk
   172  		if existsStuckHeap {
   173  			existingUUC = stuckUUC
   174  		} else if existsRepairing {
   175  			existingUUC = repairingUUC
   176  		} else if existsUnstuckHeap {
   177  			existingUUC = unstuckUUC
   178  		}
   179  		// Cancel the chunk.
   180  		existingUUC.cancelMU.Lock()
   181  		existingUUC.canceled = true
   182  		existingUUC.cancelMU.Unlock()
   183  		// Wait for all workers to finish ongoing work on that chunk and try to push
   184  		// the new chunk again. This happens in a separate thread to avoid holding the
   185  		// uploadHeap lock while waiting.
   186  		go func() {
   187  			existingUUC.cancelWG.Wait()
   188  			uh.managedPush(uuc)
   189  		}()
   190  		return true // It's not pushed yet but it is guranteed to be pushed eventually.
   191  	}
   193  	// Check if the chunk can be added to the heap
   194  	canAddStuckChunk := chunkStuck && !existsStuckHeap && !existsRepairing && len(uh.stuckHeapChunks) < maxStuckChunksInHeap
   195  	canAddUnstuckChunk := !chunkStuck && !existsUnstuckHeap && !existsRepairing
   196  	if canAddStuckChunk {
   197  		uh.stuckHeapChunks[] = uuc
   198  		heap.Push(&uh.heap, uuc)
   199  		return true
   200  	} else if canAddUnstuckChunk {
   201  		uh.unstuckHeapChunks[] = uuc
   202  		heap.Push(&uh.heap, uuc)
   203  		return true
   204  	}
   205  	return false
   206  }
   208  // managedPop will pull a chunk off of the upload heap and return it.
   209  func (uh *uploadHeap) managedPop() (uc *unfinishedUploadChunk) {
   211  	if len(uh.heap) > 0 {
   212  		uc = heap.Pop(&uh.heap).(*unfinishedUploadChunk)
   213  		delete(uh.unstuckHeapChunks,
   214  		delete(uh.stuckHeapChunks,
   215  		if _, exists := uh.repairingChunks[]; exists {
   216  			build.Critical("There should not be a chunk in the heap that can be popped that is currently being repaired")
   217  		}
   218  		uh.repairingChunks[] = uc
   219  	}
   221  	return uc
   222  }
   224  // managedReset will reset the slice and maps within the heap to free up memory.
   225  func (uh *uploadHeap) managedReset() error {
   227  	defer
   228  	uh.unstuckHeapChunks = make(map[uploadChunkID]*unfinishedUploadChunk)
   229  	uh.stuckHeapChunks = make(map[uploadChunkID]*unfinishedUploadChunk)
   230  	return uh.heap.reset()
   231  }
   233  // managedBuildUnfinishedChunk will pull out a single unfinished chunk of a file.
   234  func (r *Renter) managedBuildUnfinishedChunk(entry *siafile.SiaFileSetEntry, chunkIndex uint64, hosts map[string]struct{}, hostPublicKeys map[string]types.SiaPublicKey, priority bool, offline, goodForRenew map[string]bool) (*unfinishedUploadChunk, error) {
   235  	// Copy entry
   236  	entryCopy, err := entry.CopyEntry()
   237  	if err != nil {
   238  		r.log.Println("WARN: unable to copy siafile entry:", err)
   239  		return nil, errors.AddContext(err, "unable to copy file entry when trying to build the unfinished chunk")
   240  	}
   241  	if entryCopy == nil {
   242  		build.Critical("nil file entry return from CopyEntry, and no error should have been returned")
   243  		return nil, errors.New("CopyEntry returned a nil copy")
   244  	}
   245  	stuck, err := entry.StuckChunkByIndex(chunkIndex)
   246  	if err != nil {
   247  		r.log.Println("WARN: unable to get 'stuck' status:", err)
   248  		return nil, errors.AddContext(err, "unable to get 'stuck' status")
   249  	}
   250  	uuc := &unfinishedUploadChunk{
   251  		fileEntry: entryCopy,
   253  		id: uploadChunkID{
   254  			fileUID: entry.UID(),
   255  			index:   chunkIndex,
   256  		},
   258  		index:    chunkIndex,
   259  		length:   entry.ChunkSize(),
   260  		offset:   int64(chunkIndex * entry.ChunkSize()),
   261  		priority: priority,
   263  		// memoryNeeded has to also include the logical data, and also
   264  		// include the overhead for encryption.
   265  		//
   266  		// TODO / NOTE: If we adjust the file to have a flexible encryption
   267  		// scheme, we'll need to adjust the overhead stuff too.
   268  		//
   269  		// TODO: Currently we request memory for all of the pieces as well
   270  		// as the minimum pieces, but we perhaps don't need to request all
   271  		// of that.
   272  		memoryNeeded:  entry.PieceSize()*uint64(entry.ErasureCode().NumPieces()+entry.ErasureCode().MinPieces()) + uint64(entry.ErasureCode().NumPieces())*entry.MasterKey().Type().Overhead(),
   273  		minimumPieces: entry.ErasureCode().MinPieces(),
   274  		piecesNeeded:  entry.ErasureCode().NumPieces(),
   275  		stuck:         stuck,
   277  		physicalChunkData: make([][]byte, entry.ErasureCode().NumPieces()),
   279  		pieceUsage:  make([]bool, entry.ErasureCode().NumPieces()),
   280  		unusedHosts: make(map[string]struct{}, len(hosts)),
   281  	}
   283  	// Every chunk can have a different set of unused hosts.
   284  	for host := range hosts {
   285  		uuc.unusedHosts[host] = struct{}{}
   286  	}
   288  	// Iterate through the pieces of all chunks of the file and mark which
   289  	// hosts are already in use for a particular chunk. As you delete hosts
   290  	// from the 'unusedHosts' map, also increment the 'piecesCompleted' value.
   291  	pieces, err := entry.Pieces(chunkIndex)
   292  	if err != nil {
   293  		r.log.Println("failed to get pieces for building incomplete chunks", err)
   294  		if err := entry.SetStuck(chunkIndex, true); err != nil {
   295  			r.log.Printf("failed to set chunk %v stuck: %v", chunkIndex, err)
   296  		}
   297  		return nil, errors.AddContext(err, "error trying to get the pieces for the chunk")
   298  	}
   299  	for pieceIndex, pieceSet := range pieces {
   300  		for _, piece := range pieceSet {
   301  			hpk := piece.HostPubKey.String()
   302  			goodForRenew, exists2 := goodForRenew[hpk]
   303  			offline, exists := offline[hpk]
   304  			if !exists || !exists2 || !goodForRenew || offline {
   305  				// This piece cannot be counted towards redudnacy if the host is
   306  				// offline, is marked no good for renew, or is not available in
   307  				// the lookup maps.
   308  				continue
   309  			}
   311  			// Mark the chunk set based on the pieces in this contract.
   312  			_, exists = uuc.unusedHosts[piece.HostPubKey.String()]
   313  			redundantPiece := uuc.pieceUsage[pieceIndex]
   314  			if exists && !redundantPiece {
   315  				uuc.pieceUsage[pieceIndex] = true
   316  				uuc.piecesCompleted++
   317  				delete(uuc.unusedHosts, piece.HostPubKey.String())
   318  			} else if exists {
   319  				// This host has a piece, but it is the same piece another
   320  				// host has. We should still remove the host from the
   321  				// unusedHosts since one host having multiple pieces of a
   322  				// chunk might lead to unexpected issues. e.g. if a host
   323  				// has multiple pieces and another host with redundant
   324  				// pieces goes offline, we end up with false redundancy
   325  				// reporting.
   326  				delete(uuc.unusedHosts, piece.HostPubKey.String())
   327  			}
   328  		}
   329  	}
   330  	// Now that we have calculated the completed pieces for the chunk we can
   331  	// calculate the health of the chunk to avoid a call to ChunkHealth
   332 = 1 - (float64(uuc.piecesCompleted-uuc.minimumPieces) / float64(uuc.piecesNeeded-uuc.minimumPieces))
   333  	return uuc, nil
   334  }
   336  // managedBuildUnfinishedChunks will pull all of the unfinished chunks out of a
   337  // file.
   338  //
   339  // NOTE: each unfinishedUploadChunk needs its own SiaFileSetEntry. This is due
   340  // to the SiaFiles being removed from memory. Since the renter does not keep the
   341  // SiaFiles in memory the unfinishedUploadChunks need to close the SiaFile when
   342  // they are done and so cannot share a SiaFileSetEntry as the first chunk to
   343  // finish would then close the Entry and consequentially impact the remaining
   344  // chunks.
   345  func (r *Renter) managedBuildUnfinishedChunks(entry *siafile.SiaFileSetEntry, hosts map[string]struct{}, target repairTarget, offline, goodForRenew map[string]bool) []*unfinishedUploadChunk {
   346  	// If we don't have enough workers for the file, don't repair it right now.
   347  	minPieces := entry.ErasureCode().MinPieces()
   349  	workerPoolLen := len(r.staticWorkerPool.workers)
   351  	if workerPoolLen < minPieces {
   352  		// There are not enough workers for the chunk to reach minimum
   353  		// redundancy. Check if the allowance has enough hosts for the chunk to
   354  		// reach minimum redundancy
   355  		r.log.Debugln("Not building any chunks from file as there are not enough workers")
   356  		allowance := r.hostContractor.Allowance()
   357  		// Only perform this check when we are looking for unstuck chunks. This
   358  		// will prevent log spam from repeatedly logging to the user the issue
   359  		// with the file after marking the chunks as stuck
   360  		if allowance.Hosts < uint64(minPieces) && target == targetUnstuckChunks {
   361  			// There are not enough hosts in the allowance for the file to reach
   362  			// minimum redundancy. Mark all chunks as stuck
   363  			r.log.Printf("WARN: allownace had insufficient hosts for chunk to reach minimum redundancy, have %v need %v for file %v", allowance.Hosts, minPieces, entry.SiaFilePath())
   364  			if err := entry.SetAllStuck(true); err != nil {
   365  				r.log.Println("WARN: unable to mark all chunks as stuck:", err)
   366  			}
   367  		}
   368  		return nil
   369  	}
   371  	// Assemble chunk indexes, stuck Loop should only be adding stuck chunks and
   372  	// the repair loop should only be adding unstuck chunks
   373  	var chunkIndexes []uint64
   374  	for i := uint64(0); i < entry.NumChunks(); i++ {
   375  		stuck, err := entry.StuckChunkByIndex(i)
   376  		if err != nil {
   377  			r.log.Debugln("failed to get 'stuck' status of entry:", err)
   378  			continue
   379  		}
   380  		if (target == targetStuckChunks) == stuck {
   381  			chunkIndexes = append(chunkIndexes, i)
   382  		}
   383  	}
   385  	// Sanity check that we have chunk indices to go through
   386  	if len(chunkIndexes) == 0 {
   387  		r.log.Println("WARN: no chunk indices gathered, can't add chunks to heap")
   388  		return nil
   389  	}
   391  	// Build a map of host public keys. We assume that all entrys are the same.
   392  	pks := make(map[string]types.SiaPublicKey)
   393  	for _, pk := range entry.HostPublicKeys() {
   394  		pks[string(pk.Key)] = pk
   395  	}
   397  	// Assemble the set of chunks.
   398  	newUnfinishedChunks := make([]*unfinishedUploadChunk, 0, len(chunkIndexes))
   399  	for _, index := range chunkIndexes {
   400  		// Sanity check: fileUID should not be the empty value.
   401  		if entry.UID() == "" {
   402  			build.Critical("empty string for file UID")
   403  		}
   405  		// Create unfinishedUploadChunk
   406  		chunk, err := r.managedBuildUnfinishedChunk(entry, uint64(index), hosts, pks, false, offline, goodForRenew)
   407  		if err != nil {
   408  			r.log.Debugln("Error when building an unfinished chunk:", err)
   409  			continue
   410  		}
   411  		newUnfinishedChunks = append(newUnfinishedChunks, chunk)
   412  	}
   414  	// Iterate through the set of newUnfinishedChunks and remove any that are
   415  	// completed or are not downloadable.
   416  	incompleteChunks := newUnfinishedChunks[:0]
   417  	for _, chunk := range newUnfinishedChunks {
   418  		// Check the chunk status. A chunk is repairable if it can be fully
   419  		// downloaded, or if the source file is available on disk. We also check
   420  		// if the chunk needs repair, which is only true if more than a certain
   421  		// amount of redundancy is missing. We only repair above a certain
   422  		// threshold of missing redundancy to minimize the amount of repair work
   423  		// that gets triggered by host churn.
   424  		//
   425  		// While a file could be on disk as long as !os.IsNotExist(err), for the
   426  		// purposes of repairing a file is only considered on disk if it can be
   427  		// accessed without error. If there is an error accessing the file then
   428  		// it is likely that we can not read the file in which case it can not
   429  		// be used for repair.
   430  		_, err := os.Stat(chunk.fileEntry.LocalPath())
   431  		onDisk := err == nil
   432  		repairable := <= 1 || onDisk
   433  		needsRepair := >= RepairThreshold
   435  		// Add chunk to list of incompleteChunks if it is incomplete and
   436  		// repairable or if we are targeting stuck chunks
   437  		if needsRepair && (repairable || target == targetStuckChunks) {
   438  			incompleteChunks = append(incompleteChunks, chunk)
   439  			continue
   440  		}
   442  		// If a chunk is not able to be repaired, mark it as stuck.
   443  		if !repairable {
   444  			r.log.Println("Marking chunk",, "as stuck due to not being repairable")
   445  			err = r.managedSetStuckAndClose(chunk, true)
   446  			if err != nil {
   447  				r.log.Debugln("WARN: unable to set chunk stuck status and close:", err)
   448  			}
   449  			continue
   450  		}
   452  		// Close entry of completed chunk
   453  		err = r.managedSetStuckAndClose(chunk, false)
   454  		if err != nil {
   455  			r.log.Debugln("WARN: unable to set chunk stuck status and close:", err)
   456  		}
   457  	}
   458  	return incompleteChunks
   459  }
   461  // managedAddChunksToHeap will add chunks to the upload heap one directory at a
   462  // time until the directory heap is empty or the uploadheap is full. It does
   463  // this by popping directories off the directory heap and adding the chunks from
   464  // that directory to the upload heap. If the worst health directory found is
   465  // sufficiently healthy then we return.
   466  func (r *Renter) managedAddChunksToHeap(hosts map[string]struct{}) (map[modules.SiaPath]struct{}, error) {
   467  	siaPaths := make(map[modules.SiaPath]struct{})
   468  	prevHeapLen := r.uploadHeap.managedLen()
   469  	// Loop until the upload heap has maxUploadHeapChunks in it or the directory
   470  	// heap is empty
   471  	for r.uploadHeap.managedLen() < maxUploadHeapChunks && r.directoryHeap.managedLen() > 0 {
   472  		select {
   473  		case <
   474  			return siaPaths, errors.New("renter shutdown before we could finish adding chunks to heap")
   475  		default:
   476  		}
   478  		// Pop an explored directory off of the directory heap
   479  		dir, err := r.managedNextExploredDirectory()
   480  		if err != nil {
   481  			r.log.Println("WARN: error getting explored directory:", err)
   482  			// Reset the directory heap to try and help address the error
   483  			r.directoryHeap.managedReset()
   484  			return siaPaths, err
   485  		}
   487  		// Sanity Check if directory was returned
   488  		if dir == nil {
   489  			r.log.Debugln("no more chunks added to the upload heap because there are no more directories")
   490  			return siaPaths, nil
   491  		}
   493  		// Grab health and siaPath of the directory
   495  		dirHealth :=
   496  		dirSiaPath := dir.siaPath
   499  		// If the directory that was just popped is healthy then return
   500  		if dirHealth < RepairThreshold {
   501  			r.log.Debugln("no more chunks added to the upload heap because directory popped is healthy")
   502  			return siaPaths, nil
   503  		}
   505  		// Add chunks from the directory to the uploadHeap.
   506  		r.managedBuildChunkHeap(dirSiaPath, hosts, targetUnstuckChunks)
   508  		// Check to see if we are still adding chunks
   509  		heapLen := r.uploadHeap.managedLen()
   510  		if heapLen == prevHeapLen {
   511  			// No more chunks added to the uploadHeap from the worst health
   512  			// directory. This means that the worse health chunks are already in
   513  			// the heap or are currently being repaired, so return. This can be
   514  			// the case in new uploads or repair loop iterations triggered from
   515  			// bubble
   516  			r.log.Debugln("no more chunks added to the upload heap")
   517  			return siaPaths, nil
   518  		}
   519  		chunksAdded := heapLen - prevHeapLen
   520  		prevHeapLen = heapLen
   522  		// Since we added chunks from this directory, track the siaPath
   523  		//
   524  		// NOTE: we only want to remember each siaPath once which is why we use
   525  		// a map. We Don't check if the siaPath is already in the map because
   526  		// another thread could have added the directory back to the heap after
   527  		// we just popped it off. This is the case for new uploads.
   528  		siaPaths[dirSiaPath] = struct{}{}
   529  		r.log.Println("Added", chunksAdded, "chunks from", dirSiaPath, "to the upload heap")
   530  	}
   532  	return siaPaths, nil
   533  }
   535  // managedBuildAndPushRandomChunk randomly selects a file and builds the
   536  // unfinished chunks, then randomly adds chunksToAdd chunks to the upload heap
   537  func (r *Renter) managedBuildAndPushRandomChunk(files []*siafile.SiaFileSetEntry, chunksToAdd int, hosts map[string]struct{}, target repairTarget, offline, goodForRenew map[string]bool) {
   538  	// Sanity check that there are files
   539  	if len(files) == 0 {
   540  		return
   541  	}
   543  	// Create random indices for files
   544  	p := fastrand.Perm(len(files))
   545  	for i := 0; i < chunksToAdd && i < len(files); i++ {
   546  		// Grab random file
   547  		file := files[p[i]]
   549  		// Build the unfinished stuck chunks from the file
   550  		unfinishedUploadChunks := r.managedBuildUnfinishedChunks(file, hosts, target, offline, goodForRenew)
   552  		// Sanity check that there are stuck chunks
   553  		if len(unfinishedUploadChunks) == 0 {
   554  			continue
   555  		}
   557  		// Add random stuck chunks to the upload heap and set its stuckRepair field
   558  		// to true
   559  		randChunkIndex := fastrand.Intn(len(unfinishedUploadChunks))
   560  		randChunk := unfinishedUploadChunks[randChunkIndex]
   561  		randChunk.stuckRepair = true
   562  		if !r.uploadHeap.managedPush(randChunk) {
   563  			// Chunk wasn't added to the heap. Close the file
   564  			r.log.Debugln("WARN: stuck chunk",, "wasn't added to heap")
   565  			err := randChunk.fileEntry.Close()
   566  			if err != nil {
   567  				r.log.Println("WARN: unable to close file:", err)
   568  			}
   569  		}
   570  		unfinishedUploadChunks = append(unfinishedUploadChunks[:randChunkIndex], unfinishedUploadChunks[randChunkIndex+1:]...)
   571  		// Close the unused unfinishedUploadChunks
   572  		for _, chunk := range unfinishedUploadChunks {
   573  			err := chunk.fileEntry.Close()
   574  			if err != nil {
   575  				r.log.Println("WARN: unable to close file:", err)
   576  			}
   577  		}
   578  	}
   579  	return
   580  }
   582  // managedBuildAndPushChunks builds the unfinished upload chunks and adds them
   583  // to the upload heap
   584  //
   585  // NOTE: the files submitted to this function should all be from the same
   586  // directory
   587  func (r *Renter) managedBuildAndPushChunks(files []*siafile.SiaFileSetEntry, hosts map[string]struct{}, target repairTarget, offline, goodForRenew map[string]bool) {
   588  	// Sanity check that at least one file was provided
   589  	if len(files) == 0 {
   590  		build.Critical("managedBuildAndPushChunks called without providing any files")
   591  		return
   592  	}
   594  	// Loop through the whole set of files and get a list of chunks and build a
   595  	// temporary heap
   596  	var unfinishedChunkHeap uploadChunkHeap
   597  	var worstIgnoredHealth float64
   598  	dirHeapHealth := r.directoryHeap.managedPeekHealth()
   599  	for _, file := range files {
   600  		// For normal repairs check if file is a worse health than the directory
   601  		// heap
   602  		fileHealth := file.Metadata().CachedHealth
   603  		if fileHealth < dirHeapHealth && target == targetUnstuckChunks {
   604  			worstIgnoredHealth = math.Max(worstIgnoredHealth, fileHealth)
   605  			continue
   606  		}
   608  		// Build unfinished chunks from file and add them to the temp heap if
   609  		// they are a worse health than the directory heap
   610  		unfinishedUploadChunks := r.managedBuildUnfinishedChunks(file, hosts, target, offline, goodForRenew)
   611  		for i := 0; i < len(unfinishedUploadChunks); i++ {
   612  			chunk := unfinishedUploadChunks[i]
   613  			// Check to see the chunk is already in the upload heap
   614  			if r.uploadHeap.managedExists( {
   615  				// Close the file entry
   616  				err := chunk.fileEntry.Close()
   617  				if err != nil {
   618  					r.log.Println("WARN: unable to close file:", err)
   619  				}
   620  				// Since the chunk is already in the heap we do not need to
   621  				// track the health of the chunk
   622  				continue
   623  			}
   625  			// For normal repairs check if chunk has a worse health than the
   626  			// directory heap
   627  			if < dirHeapHealth && target == targetUnstuckChunks {
   628  				// Track the health
   629  				worstIgnoredHealth = math.Max(worstIgnoredHealth,
   630  				// Close the file entry
   631  				err := chunk.fileEntry.Close()
   632  				if err != nil {
   633  					r.log.Println("WARN: unable to close file:", err)
   634  				}
   635  				continue
   636  			}
   638  			// Add chunk to temp heap
   639  			heap.Push(&unfinishedChunkHeap, chunk)
   641  			// Check if temp heap is growing too large. We want to restrict it
   642  			// to twice the size of the max upload heap size. This restriction
   643  			// should be applied to all repairs to prevent excessive memory
   644  			// usage.
   645  			if len(unfinishedChunkHeap) < maxUploadHeapChunks*2 {
   646  				continue
   647  			}
   649  			// Pop of the worst half of the heap
   650  			var chunksToKeep []*unfinishedUploadChunk
   651  			for len(unfinishedChunkHeap) > maxUploadHeapChunks {
   652  				chunksToKeep = append(chunksToKeep, heap.Pop(&unfinishedChunkHeap).(*unfinishedUploadChunk))
   653  			}
   655  			// Check health of next chunk
   656  			chunk = heap.Pop(&unfinishedChunkHeap).(*unfinishedUploadChunk)
   657  			worstIgnoredHealth = math.Max(worstIgnoredHealth,
   658  			// Close the file entry
   659  			err := chunk.fileEntry.Close()
   660  			if err != nil {
   661  				r.log.Println("WARN: unable to close file:", err)
   662  			}
   664  			// Reset temp heap to release memory
   665  			err = unfinishedChunkHeap.reset()
   666  			if err != nil {
   667  				r.log.Println("WARN: error resetting the temporary upload heap:", err)
   668  			}
   670  			// Add worst chunks back to heap
   671  			for _, chunk := range chunksToKeep {
   672  				heap.Push(&unfinishedChunkHeap, chunk)
   673  			}
   675  			// Make sure chunksToKeep is zeroed out in memory
   676  			chunksToKeep = []*unfinishedUploadChunk{}
   677  		}
   678  	}
   680  	// We now have a temporary heap of the worst chunks in the directory that
   681  	// are also worse than any other chunk in the directory heap. Now we try and
   682  	// add as many chunks as we can to the uploadHeap
   683  	for len(unfinishedChunkHeap) > 0 && (r.uploadHeap.managedLen() < maxUploadHeapChunks || target == targetBackupChunks) {
   684  		// Add chunk to the uploadHeap
   685  		chunk := heap.Pop(&unfinishedChunkHeap).(*unfinishedUploadChunk)
   686  		if !r.uploadHeap.managedPush(chunk) {
   687  			// We don't track the health of this chunk since the only reason it
   688  			// wouldn't be added to the heap is if it is already in the heap or
   689  			// is currently being repaired. Close the file.
   690  			err := chunk.fileEntry.Close()
   691  			if err != nil {
   692  				r.log.Println("WARN: unable to close file:", err)
   693  			}
   694  		}
   695  	}
   697  	// Check if there are still chunks left in the temp heap. If so check the
   698  	// health of the next chunk
   699  	if len(unfinishedChunkHeap) > 0 {
   700  		chunk := heap.Pop(&unfinishedChunkHeap).(*unfinishedUploadChunk)
   701  		worstIgnoredHealth = math.Max(worstIgnoredHealth,
   702  		// Close the chunk's file
   703  		err := chunk.fileEntry.Close()
   704  		if err != nil {
   705  			r.log.Println("WARN: unable to close file:", err)
   706  		}
   707  	}
   709  	// We are done with the temporary heap so reset it to help release the
   710  	// memory
   711  	err := unfinishedChunkHeap.reset()
   712  	if err != nil {
   713  		r.log.Println("WARN: error resetting the temporary upload heap:", err)
   714  	}
   716  	// Check if we were adding backup chunks, if so return here as backups are
   717  	// not added to the directory heap
   718  	if target == targetBackupChunks {
   719  		return
   720  	}
   722  	// Check if we should add the directory back to the directory heap
   723  	if worstIgnoredHealth < RepairThreshold {
   724  		return
   725  	}
   727  	// All files submitted are from the same directory so use the first one to
   728  	// get the directory siapath
   729  	dirSiaPath, err := r.staticFileSet.SiaPath(files[0]).Dir()
   730  	if err != nil {
   731  		r.log.Println("WARN: unable to get directory SiaPath and add directory back to directory heap:", err)
   732  		return
   733  	}
   735  	// Since directory is being added back as explored we only need to set the
   736  	// health as that is what will be used for sorting in the directory heap.
   737  	//
   738  	// The aggregate health is set to 'worstIgnoredHealth' as well. In the event
   739  	// that the directory gets added as unexplored because another copy of the
   740  	// unexplored directory exists on the directory heap, we need to make sure
   741  	// that the worst known health is represented in the aggregate value.
   742  	d := &directory{
   743  		aggregateHealth: worstIgnoredHealth,
   744  		health:          worstIgnoredHealth,
   745  		explored:        true,
   746  		siaPath:         dirSiaPath,
   747  	}
   748  	// Add the directory to the heap. If there is a conflict because the
   749  	// directory is already in the heap (for example, added by another thread or
   750  	// process), then the worst of the values between this dir and the one
   751  	// that's already in the dir will be used, to ensure that the repair loop
   752  	// will prioritize all bad value files.
   753  	r.directoryHeap.managedPush(d)
   754  }
   756  // managedBuildChunkHeap will iterate through all of the files in the renter and
   757  // construct a chunk heap.
   758  //
   759  // TODO: accept an input to indicate how much room is in the heap
   760  //
   761  // TODO: Explore whether there is a way to perform the task below without
   762  // opening a full file entry for each file in the directory.
   763  func (r *Renter) managedBuildChunkHeap(dirSiaPath modules.SiaPath, hosts map[string]struct{}, target repairTarget) {
   764  	// Get Directory files
   765  	var fileinfos []os.FileInfo
   766  	var err error
   767  	if target == targetBackupChunks {
   768  		fileinfos, err = ioutil.ReadDir(dirSiaPath.SiaDirSysPath(r.staticBackupsDir))
   769  	} else {
   770  		fileinfos, err = ioutil.ReadDir(dirSiaPath.SiaDirSysPath(r.staticFilesDir))
   771  	}
   772  	if err != nil {
   773  		r.log.Println("WARN: could not read directory:", err)
   774  		return
   775  	}
   776  	// Build files from fileinfos
   777  	var files []*siafile.SiaFileSetEntry
   778  	for _, fi := range fileinfos {
   779  		// skip sub directories and non siafiles
   780  		ext := filepath.Ext(fi.Name())
   781  		if fi.IsDir() || ext != modules.SiaFileExtension {
   782  			continue
   783  		}
   785  		// Open SiaFile
   786  		siaPath, err := dirSiaPath.Join(strings.TrimSuffix(fi.Name(), ext))
   787  		if err != nil {
   788  			r.log.Println("WARN: could not create siaPath:", err)
   789  			continue
   790  		}
   791  		var file *siafile.SiaFileSetEntry
   792  		if target == targetBackupChunks {
   793  			file, err = r.staticBackupFileSet.Open(siaPath)
   794  		} else {
   795  			file, err = r.staticFileSet.Open(siaPath)
   796  		}
   797  		if err != nil {
   798  			r.log.Println("WARN: could not open siafile:", err)
   799  			continue
   800  		}
   802  		// For stuck chunk repairs, check to see if file has stuck chunks
   803  		if target == targetStuckChunks && file.NumStuckChunks() == 0 {
   804  			// Close unneeded files
   805  			err := file.Close()
   806  			if err != nil {
   807  				r.log.Println("WARN: Could not close file:", err)
   808  			}
   809  			continue
   810  		}
   811  		// For normal repairs, ignore files that don't have any unstuck chunks
   812  		// or are healthy.
   813  		//
   814  		// We can used the cached value of health because it is updated during
   815  		// bubble. Since the repair loop operates off of the metadata
   816  		// information updated by bubble this cached health is accurate enough
   817  		// to use in order to determine if a file has any chunks that need
   818  		// repair
   819  		ignore := file.NumChunks() == file.NumStuckChunks() || file.Metadata().CachedHealth < RepairThreshold
   820  		if target == targetUnstuckChunks && ignore {
   821  			err := file.Close()
   822  			if err != nil {
   823  				r.log.Println("WARN: Could not close file:", err)
   824  			}
   825  			continue
   826  		}
   828  		files = append(files, file)
   829  	}
   831  	// Check if any files were selected from directory
   832  	if len(files) == 0 {
   833  		r.log.Debugln("No files pulled from `", dirSiaPath, "` to build the repair heap")
   834  		return
   835  	}
   837  	// If there are more files than there is room in the heap, sort the files by
   838  	// health and only use the required number of files to build the heap. In
   839  	// the absolute worst case, each file will be only contributing one chunk to
   840  	// the heap, so this shortcut will not be missing any important chunks. This
   841  	// shortcut will also not be used for directories that have fewer than
   842  	// 'maxUploadHeapChunks' files in them, minimzing the impact of this code in
   843  	// the typical case.
   844  	//
   845  	// This check only applies to normal repairs. Stuck repairs have their own
   846  	// way of managing the number of chunks added to the heap and backup chunks
   847  	// should always be added.
   848  	//
   849  	// v1.4.1 Benchmark: on a computer with an SSD, the time to sort 6,000 files
   850  	// is less than 50 milliseconds, while the time to process 250 files with 40
   851  	// chunks each using 'managedBuildAndPushChunks' is several seconds. Even in
   852  	// the worst case, where we are sorting 251 files with 1 chunk each, there
   853  	// is not much slowdown compared to skipping the sort, because the sort is
   854  	// so fast.
   855  	if len(files) > maxUploadHeapChunks && target == targetUnstuckChunks {
   856  		// Sort so that the highest health chunks will be first in the array.
   857  		// Higher health values equal worse health for the file, and we want to
   858  		// focus on the worst files.
   859  		sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool {
   860  			return files[i].Metadata().CachedHealth > files[j].Metadata().CachedHealth
   861  		})
   862  		for i := maxUploadHeapChunks; i < len(files); i++ {
   863  			err := files[i].Close()
   864  			if err != nil {
   865  				r.log.Println("WARN: Could not close file:", err)
   866  			}
   867  		}
   868  		files = files[:maxUploadHeapChunks]
   869  	}
   871  	// Build the unfinished upload chunks and add them to the upload heap
   872  	offline, goodForRenew, _ := r.managedContractUtilityMaps()
   873  	switch target {
   874  	case targetBackupChunks:
   875  		r.log.Debugln("Attempting to add backup chunks to heap")
   876  		r.managedBuildAndPushChunks(files, hosts, target, offline, goodForRenew)
   877  	case targetStuckChunks:
   878  		r.log.Debugln("Attempting to add stuck chunk to heap")
   879  		r.managedBuildAndPushRandomChunk(files, maxStuckChunksInHeap, hosts, target, offline, goodForRenew)
   880  	case targetUnstuckChunks:
   881  		r.log.Debugln("Attempting to add chunks to heap")
   882  		r.managedBuildAndPushChunks(files, hosts, target, offline, goodForRenew)
   883  	default:
   884  		r.log.Println("WARN: repair target not recognized", target)
   885  	}
   887  	// Close all files
   888  	for _, file := range files {
   889  		err := file.Close()
   890  		if err != nil {
   891  			r.log.Println("WARN: Could not close file:", err)
   892  		}
   893  	}
   894  }
   896  // managedPrepareNextChunk takes the next chunk from the chunk heap and prepares
   897  // it for upload. Preparation includes blocking until enough memory is
   898  // available, fetching the logical data for the chunk (either from the disk or
   899  // from the network), erasure coding the logical data into the physical data,
   900  // and then finally passing the work onto the workers.
   901  func (r *Renter) managedPrepareNextChunk(uuc *unfinishedUploadChunk, hosts map[string]struct{}) error {
   902  	// Grab the next chunk, loop until we have enough memory, update the amount
   903  	// of memory available, and then spin up a thread to asynchronously handle
   904  	// the rest of the chunk tasks.
   905  	if !r.memoryManager.Request(uuc.memoryNeeded, memoryPriorityLow) {
   906  		return errors.New("couldn't request memory")
   907  	}
   908  	// Fetch the chunk in a separate goroutine, as it can take a long time and
   909  	// does not need to bottleneck the repair loop.
   910  	go r.threadedFetchAndRepairChunk(uuc)
   911  	return nil
   912  }
   914  // managedRefreshHostsAndWorkers will reset the set of hosts and the set of
   915  // workers for the renter.
   916  //
   917  // TODO: This function can be removed entirely if the worker pool is made to
   918  // keep a list of hosts. Then instead of passing around the hosts as a parameter
   919  // the cached value in the worker pool can be used instead. Using the cached
   920  // value in the worker pool is more accurate anyway because the hosts field will
   921  // match the set of workers that we have. Doing it the current way means there
   922  // can be drift between the set of workers and the set of hosts we are using to
   923  // build out the chunk heap.
   924  func (r *Renter) managedRefreshHostsAndWorkers() map[string]struct{} {
   925  	// Grab the current set of contracts and use them to build a list of hosts
   926  	// that are currently active. The hosts are assembled into a map where the
   927  	// key is the String() representation of the host's SiaPublicKey.
   928  	//
   929  	// TODO / NOTE: This code can be removed once files store the HostPubKey
   930  	// of the hosts they are using, instead of just the FileContractID.
   931  	currentContracts := r.hostContractor.Contracts()
   932  	hosts := make(map[string]struct{})
   933  	for _, contract := range currentContracts {
   934  		hosts[contract.HostPublicKey.String()] = struct{}{}
   935  	}
   936  	// Refresh the worker pool as well.
   937  	r.staticWorkerPool.callUpdate()
   938  	return hosts
   939  }
   941  // managedRepairLoop works through the uploadheap repairing chunks. The repair
   942  // loop will continue until the renter stops, there are no more chunks, or the
   943  // number of chunks in the uploadheap has dropped below the minUploadHeapSize
   944  func (r *Renter) managedRepairLoop(hosts map[string]struct{}) error {
   945  	// smallRepair indicates whether or not the repair loop should process all
   946  	// of the chunks in the heap instead of just processing down to the minimum
   947  	// heap size. We want to process all of the chunks if the rest of the
   948  	// directory heap is in good health and there are no more chunks that could
   949  	// be added to the heap.
   950  	smallRepair := r.directoryHeap.managedPeekHealth() < RepairThreshold
   952  	// Limit the amount of time spent in each iteration of the repair loop so
   953  	// that changes to the directory heap take effect sooner rather than later.
   954  	repairBreakTime := time.Now().Add(maxRepairLoopTime)
   956  	// Work through the heap repairing chunks until heap is empty for
   957  	// smallRepairs or heap drops below minUploadHeapSize for larger repairs, or
   958  	// until the total amount of time spent in one repair iteration has elapsed.
   959  	for r.uploadHeap.managedLen() >= minUploadHeapSize || smallRepair || time.Now().After(repairBreakTime) {
   960  		select {
   961  		case <
   962  			// Return if the renter has shut down.
   963  			return errors.New("Repair loop interrupted because renter is shutting down")
   964  		default:
   965  		}
   967  		// Return if the renter is not online.
   968  		if !r.g.Online() {
   969  			return errors.New("repair loop returned early due to the renter been offline")
   970  		}
   972  		// Check if there is work by trying to pop off the next chunk from the
   973  		// heap.
   974  		nextChunk := r.uploadHeap.managedPop()
   975  		if nextChunk == nil {
   976  			// The heap is empty so reset it to free memory and return.
   977  			r.uploadHeap.managedReset()
   978  			return nil
   979  		}
   981  		// Make sure we have enough workers for this chunk to reach minimum
   982  		// redundancy.
   984  		availableWorkers := len(r.staticWorkerPool.workers)
   986  		if availableWorkers < nextChunk.minimumPieces {
   987  			// If the chunk is not stuck, check whether there are enough hosts
   988  			// in the allowance to support the chunk.
   989  			if !nextChunk.stuck {
   990  				// There are not enough available workers for the chunk to reach
   991  				// minimum redundancy. Check if the allowance has enough hosts
   992  				// for the chunk to reach minimum redundancy
   993  				allowance := r.hostContractor.Allowance()
   994  				if allowance.Hosts < uint64(nextChunk.minimumPieces) {
   995  					// There are not enough hosts in the allowance for this
   996  					// chunk to reach minimum redundancy. Log an error, set the
   997  					// chunk as stuck, and close the file
   998  					r.log.Printf("WARN: allownace had insufficient hosts for chunk to reach minimum redundancy, have %v need %v for chunk %v", allowance.Hosts, nextChunk.minimumPieces,
   999  					err := nextChunk.fileEntry.SetStuck(nextChunk.index, true)
  1000  					if err != nil {
  1001  						r.log.Debugln("WARN: unable to mark chunk as stuck:", err,
  1002  					}
  1003  				}
  1004  			}
  1006  			// There are enough hosts set in the allowance so this is a
  1007  			// temporary issue with available workers, just ignore the chunk
  1008  			// for now and close the file
  1009  			err := nextChunk.fileEntry.Close()
  1010  			if err != nil {
  1011  				r.log.Debugln("WARN: unable to close file:", err, nextChunk.fileEntry.SiaFilePath())
  1012  			}
  1013  			// Remove the chunk from the repairingChunks map
  1014  			r.uploadHeap.managedMarkRepairDone(
  1015  			continue
  1016  		}
  1018  		// Perform the work. managedPrepareNextChunk will block until
  1019  		// enough memory is available to perform the work, slowing this
  1020  		// thread down to using only the resources that are available.
  1021  		err := r.managedPrepareNextChunk(nextChunk, hosts)
  1022  		if err != nil {
  1023  			// An error was return which means the renter was unable to allocate
  1024  			// memory for the repair. Since that is not an issue with the file
  1025  			// we will just close the chunk file entry instead of marking it as
  1026  			// stuck
  1027  			r.log.Debugln("WARN: unable to prepare next chunk without issues", err,
  1028  			err = nextChunk.fileEntry.Close()
  1029  			if err != nil {
  1030  				r.log.Debugln("WARN: unable to close file:", err, nextChunk.fileEntry.SiaFilePath())
  1031  			}
  1032  			// Remove the chunk from the repairingChunks map
  1033  			r.uploadHeap.managedMarkRepairDone(
  1034  			continue
  1035  		}
  1036  	}
  1037  	return nil
  1038  }
  1040  // threadedUploadAndRepair is a background thread that maintains a queue of
  1041  // chunks to repair. This thread attempts to prioritize repairing files and
  1042  // chunks with the lowest health, and attempts to keep heavy throughput
  1043  // sustained for data upload as long as there is at least one chunk in need of
  1044  // upload or repair.
  1045  func (r *Renter) threadedUploadAndRepair() {
  1046  	err :=
  1047  	if err != nil {
  1048  		return
  1049  	}
  1050  	defer
  1052  	// Perpetual loop to scan for more files and add chunks to the uploadheap.
  1053  	// The loop assumes that the heap has already been initialized (either at
  1054  	// startup, or after sleeping) and does checks to see whether there is any
  1055  	// work required. If there is not any work required, the loop will sleep
  1056  	// until woken up. If there is work required, the loop will begin to process
  1057  	// the chunks and directories in the repair heaps.
  1058  	//
  1059  	// After 'repairLoopResetFrequency', the repair loop will be reset. This
  1060  	// adds a layer of robustness in case the repair loop gets stuck or can't
  1061  	// work through the full heap quickly because the user keeps uploading new
  1062  	// files and keeping a minimum number of chunks in the repair heap.
  1063  	resetTime := time.Now().Add(repairLoopResetFrequency)
  1064  	for {
  1065  		// Return if the renter has shut down.
  1066  		select {
  1067  		case <
  1068  			return
  1069  		default:
  1070  		}
  1072  		// Wait until the renter is online to proceed. This function will return
  1073  		// 'false' if the renter has shut down before being online.
  1074  		if !r.managedBlockUntilOnline() {
  1075  			return
  1076  		}
  1077  		// Refresh the worker set.
  1078  		hosts := r.managedRefreshHostsAndWorkers()
  1080  		// If enough time has elapsed to trigger a directory reset, reset the
  1081  		// directory.
  1082  		if time.Now().After(resetTime) {
  1083  			resetTime = time.Now().Add(repairLoopResetFrequency)
  1084  			r.directoryHeap.managedReset()
  1085  			err = r.managedPushUnexploredDirectory(modules.RootSiaPath())
  1086  			if err != nil {
  1087  				r.log.Println("WARN: error re-initializing the directory heap:", err)
  1088  			}
  1089  		}
  1091  		// Add any chunks from the backup heap that need to be repaired. This
  1092  		// needs to be handled separately because currently the filesystem for
  1093  		// storing system files and chunks such as those related to snapshot
  1094  		// backups is different from the siafileset that stores non-system files
  1095  		// and chunks.
  1096  		heapLen := r.uploadHeap.managedLen()
  1097  		r.managedBuildChunkHeap(modules.RootSiaPath(), hosts, targetBackupChunks)
  1098  		numBackupchunks := r.uploadHeap.managedLen() - heapLen
  1099  		if numBackupchunks > 0 {
  1100  			r.log.Println("Added", numBackupchunks, "backup chunks to the upload heap")
  1101  		}
  1103  		// Check if there is work to do. If the filesystem is healthy and the
  1104  		// heap is empty, there is no work to do and the thread should block
  1105  		// until there is work to do.
  1106  		if r.uploadHeap.managedLen() == 0 && r.directoryHeap.managedPeekHealth() < RepairThreshold {
  1107  			// TODO: This has a tiny window where it might be dumping out chunks
  1108  			// that need health, if the upload call is appending to the
  1109  			// directory heap because there is a new upload.
  1110  			//
  1111  			// I believe that a good fix for this would be to change the upload
  1112  			// heap so that it performs a rapid bubble before trying to insert
  1113  			// the chunks into the heap. Then, even if a reset is triggered,
  1114  			// because a rapid bubble has already completed updating the health
  1115  			// of the root dir, it will be considered fairly.
  1116  			r.directoryHeap.managedReset()
  1118  			// If the file system is healthy then block until there is a new
  1119  			// upload or there is a repair that is needed.
  1120  			select {
  1121  			case <-r.uploadHeap.newUploads:
  1122  				r.log.Debugln("repair loop triggered by new upload channel")
  1123  			case <-r.uploadHeap.repairNeeded:
  1124  				r.log.Debugln("repair loop triggered by repair needed channel")
  1125  			case <
  1126  				return
  1127  			}
  1129  			err = r.managedPushUnexploredDirectory(modules.RootSiaPath())
  1130  			if err != nil {
  1131  				// If there is an error initializing the directory heap log
  1132  				// the error. We don't want to sleep here as we were trigger
  1133  				// to repair chunks so we don't want to delay the repair if
  1134  				// there are chunks in the upload heap already.
  1135  				r.log.Println("WARN: error re-initializing the directory heap:", err)
  1136  			}
  1138  			// Continue here to force the code to re-check for backups, to
  1139  			// re-block until it's online, and to refresh the worker pool.
  1140  			continue
  1141  		}
  1143  		// Add chunks to heap.
  1144  		dirSiaPaths := make(map[modules.SiaPath]struct{})
  1145  		dirSiaPaths, err = r.managedAddChunksToHeap(hosts)
  1146  		if err != nil {
  1147  			// Log the error but don't sleep as there are potentially chunks in
  1148  			// the heap from new uploads. If the heap is empty the next check
  1149  			// will catch that and handle it as an error
  1150  			r.log.Debugln("WARN: error adding chunks to the heap:", err)
  1151  		}
  1153  		// There are benign edge cases where the heap will be empty after chunks
  1154  		// have been added. For example, if a chunk has gotten more healthy
  1155  		// since the last health check due to one of its hosts coming back
  1156  		// online. In these cases, the best course of action is to proceed with
  1157  		// the repair and move on to the next directories in the directory heap.
  1158  		// The repair loop will return immediately if it is given little or no
  1159  		// work but it can see that there is more work that it could be given.
  1161  		r.log.Debugln("Executing an upload and repair cycle, uploadHeap has", r.uploadHeap.managedLen(), "chunks in it")
  1162  		err = r.managedRepairLoop(hosts)
  1163  		if err != nil {
  1164  			// If there was an error with the repair loop sleep for a little bit
  1165  			// and then try again. Here we do not skip to the next iteration as
  1166  			// we want to call bubble on the impacted directories
  1167  			r.log.Println("WARN: there was an error in the repair loop:", err)
  1168  			select {
  1169  			case <-time.After(uploadAndRepairErrorSleepDuration):
  1170  			case <
  1171  				return
  1172  			}
  1173  		}
  1175  		// Call threadedBubbleMetadata to update the filesystem.
  1176  		for dirSiaPath := range dirSiaPaths {
  1177  			// We call bubble in a go routine so that it is not a bottle neck
  1178  			// for the repair loop iterations. This however can lead to some
  1179  			// additional unneeded cycles of the repair loop as a result of when
  1180  			// these bubbles reach root. This cycles however will be handled and
  1181  			// can be seen in the logs.
  1182  			go r.threadedBubbleMetadata(dirSiaPath)
  1183  		}
  1184  	}
  1185  }