
     1  package renter
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"context"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"sort"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  )
    21  const (
    22  	// snapshotUploadGougingFractionDenom sets the fraction to 1/100 because
    23  	// uploading backups is important, so there is less sensitivity to gouging.
    24  	// Also, this is a rare operation.
    25  	snapshotUploadGougingFractionDenom = 100
    26  )
    28  type (
    29  	// jobUploadSnapshot is a job for the worker to upload a snapshot to its
    30  	// respective host.
    31  	jobUploadSnapshot struct {
    32  		staticSiaFileData []byte
    34  		staticResponseChan chan *jobUploadSnapshotResponse
    36  		jobGeneric
    37  	}
    39  	// jobUploadSnapshotQueue contains the set of snapshots that need to be
    40  	// uploaded.
    41  	jobUploadSnapshotQueue struct {
    42  		*jobGenericQueue
    43  	}
    45  	// jobUploadSnapshotResponse contains the response to an upload snapshot
    46  	// job.
    47  	jobUploadSnapshotResponse struct {
    48  		staticErr error
    49  	}
    50  )
    52  // checkUploadSnapshotGouging looks at the current renter allowance and the
    53  // active settings for a host and determines whether a snapshot upload should be
    54  // halted due to price gouging.
    55  func checkUploadSnapshotGouging(allowance skymodules.Allowance, hostSettings modules.HostExternalSettings) error {
    56  	// Check whether the base RPC price is too high.
    57  	if !allowance.MaxRPCPrice.IsZero() && allowance.MaxRPCPrice.Cmp(hostSettings.BaseRPCPrice) < 0 {
    58  		errStr := fmt.Sprintf("rpc price of host is %v, which is above the maximum allowed by the allowance: %v", hostSettings.BaseRPCPrice, allowance.MaxRPCPrice)
    59  		return errors.New(errStr)
    60  	}
    61  	// Check whether the upload bandwidth price is too high.
    62  	if !allowance.MaxUploadBandwidthPrice.IsZero() && allowance.MaxUploadBandwidthPrice.Cmp(hostSettings.UploadBandwidthPrice) < 0 {
    63  		errStr := fmt.Sprintf("upload bandwidth price of host is %v, which is above the maximum allowed by the allowance: %v", hostSettings.UploadBandwidthPrice, allowance.MaxUploadBandwidthPrice)
    64  		return errors.New(errStr)
    65  	}
    66  	// Check whether the storage price is too high.
    67  	if !allowance.MaxStoragePrice.IsZero() && allowance.MaxStoragePrice.Cmp(hostSettings.StoragePrice) < 0 {
    68  		errStr := fmt.Sprintf("storage price of host is %v, which is above the maximum allowed by the allowance: %v", hostSettings.StoragePrice, allowance.MaxStoragePrice)
    69  		return errors.New(errStr)
    70  	}
    72  	// If there is no allowance, general price gouging checks have to be
    73  	// disabled, because there is no baseline for understanding what might count
    74  	// as price gouging.
    75  	if allowance.Funds.IsZero() {
    76  		return nil
    77  	}
    79  	// Check that the combined prices make sense in the context of the overall
    80  	// allowance. The general idea is to compute the total cost of performing
    81  	// the same action repeatedly until a fraction of the desired total resource
    82  	// consumption established by the allowance has been reached. The fraction
    83  	// is determined on a case-by-case basis. If the host is too expensive to
    84  	// even satisfy a faction of the user's total desired resource consumption,
    85  	// the action will be blocked for price gouging.
    86  	singleUploadCost := hostSettings.BaseRPCPrice.Add(hostSettings.UploadBandwidthPrice.Mul64(skymodules.StreamDownloadSize)).Add(hostSettings.StoragePrice.Mul64(uint64(allowance.Period)).Mul64(modules.SectorSize))
    87  	fullCostPerByte := singleUploadCost.Div64(modules.SectorSize)
    88  	allowanceStorageCost := fullCostPerByte.Mul64(allowance.ExpectedStorage)
    89  	reducedCost := allowanceStorageCost.Div64(snapshotUploadGougingFractionDenom)
    90  	if reducedCost.Cmp(allowance.Funds) > 0 {
    91  		errStr := fmt.Sprintf("combined fetch backups pricing of host yields %v, which is more than the renter is willing to pay for storage: %v - price gouging protection enabled", reducedCost, allowance.Funds)
    92  		return errors.New(errStr)
    93  	}
    95  	return nil
    96  }
    98  // callDiscard will discard this job, sending an error down the response
    99  // channel.
   100  func (j *jobUploadSnapshot) callDiscard(err error) {
   101  	resp := &jobUploadSnapshotResponse{
   102  		staticErr: err,
   103  	}
   104  	w := j.staticQueue.staticWorker()
   105  	errLaunch := w.staticTG.Launch(func() {
   106  		select {
   107  		case j.staticResponseChan <- resp:
   108  		case <-j.staticCtx.Done():
   109  		case <-w.staticTG.StopChan():
   110  		}
   111  	})
   112  	if errLaunch != nil {
   113  		w.staticRenter.staticLog.Print("callDiscard: launch failed", errLaunch)
   114  	}
   115  }
   117  // callExecute will perform an upload snapshot job for the worker.
   118  func (j *jobUploadSnapshot) callExecute() (err error) {
   119  	w := j.staticQueue.staticWorker()
   121  	// Set the execute time
   122  	j.externExecuteTime = time.Now()
   124  	// Defer a function to send the result down a channel.
   125  	defer func() {
   126  		// Return the error to the caller, error may be nil.
   127  		resp := &jobUploadSnapshotResponse{
   128  			staticErr: err,
   129  		}
   130  		errLaunch := w.staticTG.Launch(func() {
   131  			select {
   132  			case j.staticResponseChan <- resp:
   133  			case <-j.staticCtx.Done():
   134  			case <-w.staticTG.StopChan():
   135  			}
   136  		})
   137  		if errLaunch != nil {
   138  			w.staticRenter.staticLog.Print("callExecute: launch failed", errLaunch)
   139  		}
   141  		// Report a failure to the queue if this job had an error.
   142  		if err != nil {
   143  			j.staticQueue.callReportFailure(err, j.externExecuteTime, time.Now())
   144  		} else {
   145  			j.staticQueue.callReportSuccess()
   146  		}
   147  	}()
   149  	// Check that the worker is good for upload.
   150  	if !w.staticCache().staticContractUtility.GoodForUpload {
   151  		err = errors.New("snapshot was not uploaded because the worker is not good for upload")
   152  		return
   153  	}
   155  	// Perform the actual upload.
   156  	var sess contractor.Session
   157  	sess, err = w.staticRenter.staticHostContractor.Session(w.staticHostPubKey, w.staticTG.StopChan())
   158  	if err != nil {
   159  		w.staticRenter.staticLog.Debugln("unable to grab a session to perform an upload snapshot job:", err)
   160  		err = errors.AddContext(err, "unable to get host session")
   161  		return
   162  	}
   163  	defer func() {
   164  		closeErr := sess.Close()
   165  		if closeErr != nil {
   166  			w.staticRenter.staticLog.Println("error while closing session:", closeErr)
   167  		}
   168  		err = errors.Compose(err, closeErr)
   169  	}()
   171  	allowance := w.staticRenter.staticHostContractor.Allowance()
   172  	hostSettings := sess.HostSettings()
   173  	err = checkUploadSnapshotGouging(allowance, hostSettings)
   174  	if err != nil {
   175  		err = errors.AddContext(err, "snapshot upload blocked because potential price gouging was detected")
   176  		return
   177  	}
   179  	// Safe cast the metadata to the expected type
   180  	meta, ok := j.staticMetadata.(skymodules.UploadedBackup)
   181  	if !ok {
   182  		build.Critical("unable to cast job metadata") // sanity check
   183  		return
   184  	}
   186  	// Upload the snapshot to the host.
   187  	err = w.staticRenter.managedUploadSnapshotHost(meta, j.staticSiaFileData, sess, w)
   188  	if err != nil {
   189  		w.staticRenter.staticLog.Debugln("uploading a snapshot to a host failed:", err)
   190  		err = errors.AddContext(err, "uploading a snapshot to a host failed")
   191  		return
   192  	}
   194  	return
   195  }
   197  // callExpectedBandwidth returns the amount of bandwidth this job is expected to
   198  // consume.
   199  func (j *jobUploadSnapshot) callExpectedBandwidth() (ul, dl uint64) {
   200  	// Estimate 50kb in overhead for upload and download, and then 4 MiB
   201  	// necessary to send the actual full sector payload.
   202  	return 50e3 + 1<<22, 50e3
   203  }
   205  // initJobUploadSnapshotQueue will initialize the upload snapshot job queue for
   206  // the worker.
   207  func (w *worker) initJobUploadSnapshotQueue() {
   208  	if w.staticJobUploadSnapshotQueue != nil {
   209  		w.staticRenter.staticLog.Critical("should not be double initializng the upload snapshot queue")
   210  		return
   211  	}
   213  	w.staticJobUploadSnapshotQueue = &jobUploadSnapshotQueue{
   214  		jobGenericQueue: newJobGenericQueue(w),
   215  	}
   216  }
   218  // managedUploadSnapshotHost uploads a snapshot to a single host.
   219  func (r *Renter) managedUploadSnapshotHost(meta skymodules.UploadedBackup, dotSia []byte, host contractor.Session, w *worker) error {
   220  	// Get the wallet seed.
   221  	ws, _, err := r.staticWallet.PrimarySeed()
   222  	if err != nil {
   223  		return errors.AddContext(err, "failed to get wallet's primary seed")
   224  	}
   225  	// Derive the renter seed and wipe the memory once we are done using it.
   226  	rs := skymodules.DeriveRenterSeed(ws)
   227  	defer fastrand.Read(rs[:])
   228  	// Derive the secret and wipe it afterwards.
   229  	secret := crypto.HashAll(rs, snapshotKeySpecifier)
   230  	defer fastrand.Read(secret[:])
   232  	// split the snapshot .sia file into sectors
   233  	var sectors [][]byte
   234  	for buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dotSia); buf.Len() > 0; {
   235  		sector := make([]byte, modules.SectorSize)
   236  		copy(sector, buf.Next(len(sector)))
   237  		sectors = append(sectors, sector)
   238  	}
   239  	if len(sectors) > 4 {
   240  		return errors.New("snapshot is too large")
   241  	}
   243  	// download the snapshot table
   244  	entryTable, err := r.managedDownloadSnapshotTable(w)
   245  	if err != nil && !errors.Contains(err, errEmptyContract) {
   246  		return errors.AddContext(err, "could not download the snapshot table")
   247  	}
   249  	// check if the table already contains the entry.
   250  	for _, existingEntry := range entryTable {
   251  		if existingEntry.UID == meta.UID {
   252  			return nil // host already contains entry
   253  		}
   254  	}
   256  	// upload the siafile, creating a snapshotEntry
   257  	var name [96]byte
   258  	copy(name[:], meta.Name)
   259  	entry := snapshotEntry{
   260  		Name:         name,
   261  		UID:          meta.UID,
   262  		CreationDate: meta.CreationDate,
   263  		Size:         meta.Size,
   264  	}
   265  	for j, piece := range sectors {
   266  		root, err := host.Upload(piece)
   267  		if err != nil {
   268  			return errors.AddContext(err, "could not perform host upload")
   269  		}
   270  		entry.DataSectors[j] = root
   271  	}
   273  	shouldOverwrite := len(entryTable) != 0 // only overwrite if the sector already contained an entryTable
   274  	entryTable = append(entryTable, entry)
   276  	// if entryTable is too large to fit in a sector, repeatedly remove the
   277  	// oldest entry until it fits
   278  	id :=
   279  	sort.Slice(r.persist.UploadedBackups, func(i, j int) bool {
   280  		return r.persist.UploadedBackups[i].CreationDate > r.persist.UploadedBackups[j].CreationDate
   281  	})
   283  	c, _ := crypto.NewSiaKey(crypto.TypeThreefish, secret[:])
   284  	for len(encoding.Marshal(entryTable)) > int(modules.SectorSize) {
   285  		entryTable = entryTable[:len(entryTable)-1]
   286  	}
   288  	// encode and encrypt the table
   289  	newTable := make([]byte, modules.SectorSize)
   290  	copy(newTable[:16], snapshotTableSpecifier[:])
   291  	copy(newTable[16:], encoding.Marshal(entryTable))
   292  	tableSector := c.EncryptBytes(newTable)
   294  	// swap the new entry table into index 0 and delete the old one
   295  	// (unless it wasn't an entry table)
   296  	if _, err := host.Replace(tableSector, 0, shouldOverwrite); err != nil {
   297  		// Sometimes during the siatests, this will fail with 'write to host
   298  		// failed; connection reset by peer. This error is very consistent in
   299  		// TestRemoteBackup, but occurs after everything else has succeeded so
   300  		// the test doesn't fail.
   301  		return errors.AddContext(err, "could not perform sector replace for the snapshot")
   302  	}
   303  	return nil
   304  }
   306  // UploadSnapshot is a helper method to run a UploadSnapshot job on a worker.
   307  func (w *worker) UploadSnapshot(ctx context.Context, meta skymodules.UploadedBackup, dotSia []byte) error {
   308  	uploadSnapshotRespChan := make(chan *jobUploadSnapshotResponse)
   309  	jus := &jobUploadSnapshot{
   310  		staticSiaFileData:  dotSia,
   311  		staticResponseChan: uploadSnapshotRespChan,
   313  		jobGeneric: newJobGeneric(ctx, w.staticJobUploadSnapshotQueue, meta),
   314  	}
   316  	// Add the job to the queue.
   317  	if !w.staticJobUploadSnapshotQueue.callAdd(jus) {
   318  		return errors.New("worker unavailable")
   319  	}
   321  	// Wait for the response.
   322  	var resp *jobUploadSnapshotResponse
   323  	select {
   324  	case <-ctx.Done():
   325  		return errors.New("UploadSnapshot interrupted")
   326  	case resp = <-uploadSnapshotRespChan:
   327  	}
   328  	return resp.staticErr
   329  }