
     1  // Copyright 2018-2020 the u-root Authors. All rights reserved
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // msr -- read and write MSRs with regular command or Forth
     6  //
     7  // Synopsis:
     8  //     msr [OPTIONS] r glob MSR
     9  //     msr [OPTIONS] w glob MSR value
    10  //     msr [OPTIONS] forth-word [forth-word ...]
    11  //
    12  // Description:
    13  //    This program reads and writes sets of MSRs, while allowing
    14  //    them to by changed on a core by core or collective basis.
    15  //
    16  //    To read the msrs for 0 (sorry, the command is msr and the forth command
    17  //    is msr, making this a bit confusing):
    18  //    sudo msr 0 msr 0x3a reg rd
    19  //    Breaking that down:
    20  //    0 - for cpu 0
    21  //    msr - for take the glob, in this case 0, and push all matching filenames on the stack
    22  //    0x3a - for register 0x3a
    23  //    reg - convert to 32-bit integer and push
    24  //    rd - pop a 32-bit int and a []string and use them to read 1 or more MSRs
    25  //
    26  //    for all:
    27  //    sudo msr "'*" msr 0x3a reg rd
    28  //
    29  //    The "'" is needed to quote the * so forth does not think we're multiplying.
    30  //
    31  //    Here is a breakdown, running msr with each command in turn:
    32  //    rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$ ./msr 0
    33  //    0
    34  //    rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$ ./msr 0 msr
    35  //    [/dev/cpu/0/msr]
    36  //    rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$ ./msr 0 msr 0x3a
    37  //    [[/dev/cpu/0/msr] 0x3a]
    38  //    rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$ ./msr 0 msr 0x3a reg
    39  //    [[/dev/cpu/0/msr] 58]
    40  //    rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$ ./msr 0 msr 0x3a reg rd
    41  //    [0]
    42  //    rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$
    43  //
    44  //    To read, then write all of them
    45  //    (the dup is so we have the msr list at TOS -- it's just a convenience)
    46  //    sudo msr 0 msr dup 0x3a reg rd 0x3a reg swap 1 u64 or wr
    47  //    to just write them
    48  //
    49  //    Also, note, all the types are checked by assertions. The reg has to be
    50  //    32 bits, the val 64
    51  //
    52  //    more examples:
    53  //    read reg 0x3a and leave the least of MSRs and values on TOS, to be
    54  //    printed at exit.
    55  //
    56  //    sudo msr "'"* msr dup 0x3a reg rd
    57  //    [[/dev/cpu/0/msr /dev/cpu/1/msr /dev/cpu/2/msr /dev/cpu/3/msr] [5 5 5 5]]
    58  //
    59  //    From there, the write is easy:
    60  //    sudo msr "'"* msr dup 0x3a reg rd 0x3a reg swap wr
    61  //
    62  //    For convenience, we maintain the old read and write commands:
    63  //    msr r <glob> <register>
    64  //    msr w <glob> <register> <value>
    65  //
    66  //    Yep, it's a bit inconvenient; the idea is that in the simple case,
    67  //    you will use the r and w commands. For programmatic cases, you can
    68  //    work to build up a working set of arguments.
    69  //
    70  //    For example, I started with
    71  //    msr "'"* msr
    72  //    and, once I saw the MSR selection was OK, built the command up from
    73  //    there. At each step I could see the stack and whether I was going the
    74  //    right direction.
    75  //
    76  // The old commands remain:
    77  // rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$ sudo ./msr r 0 0x3a
    78  // [5]
    79  // rminnich@xcpu:~/gopath/src/$ sudo ./msr w 0 0x3a 5
    80  // [5]
    81  //
    82  // For a view of what Forth is doing, run with -d.
    83  package main