
     1  package corestr
     3  import ""
     5  const (
     6  	charCollectionDefaultCapacity               = constants.ArbitraryCapacity10
     7  	emptyChar                              byte = 0
     8  	defaultEachCollectionCapacity               = constants.ArbitraryCapacity30
     9  	defaultHashsetItems                         = 10
    10  	RegularCollectionEfficiencyLimit            = 1000
    11  	DoubleLimit                                 = RegularCollectionEfficiencyLimit * 3
    12  	commonJoiner                                = "\n - "
    13  	NoElements                                  = " {No Element}"
    14  	charCollectionMapLengthFormat               = "\n## Items of `%s`"
    15  	charHashsetMapLengthFormat                  = charCollectionMapLengthFormat
    16  	charCollectionMapSingleItemFormat           = "\n\t%d . `%s` has `%d` items."
    17  	charHashsetMapSingleItemFormat              = charCollectionMapSingleItemFormat
    18  	summaryOfCharCollectionMapLengthFormat      = "# Summary of `%T`, Length (\"%d\") - Sequence `%d`"
    19  	summaryOfCharHashsetMapLengthFormat         = summaryOfCharCollectionMapLengthFormat
    20  	nodesCannotBeNull                           = "node cannot be nil."
    21  	currentNodeCannotBeNull                     = "CurrentNode cannot be nil."
    22  	keyValuePrintFormat                         = "{%s:%s}"
    23  	linkedListCollectionCompareHeaderLeft       = "\n=================================================\n" +
    24  		"-------------------------------------------------\n" +
    25  		"# %s - Length : %d\n" +
    26  		"%s\n" +
    27  		"\n"
    28  	linkedListCollectionCompareHeaderRight = "\n-------------------------------------------------\n" +
    29  		"# %s - Length : %d\n" +
    30  		"%s\n" +
    31  		"----------------\n" +
    32  		"Is Equals: %+v\n" +
    33  		"Length: %d | %d\n"
    34  	expectedLeftRightLength = constants.Two
    35  )