
     1  # This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.
     2  image: golang:latest
     4  variables:
     5    # Please edit to your GitLab project
     6    REPO_NAME:
     8  # The problem is that to be able to use go get, one needs to put
     9  # the repository in the $GOPATH. So for example if your gitlab domain
    10  # is, and that your repository is namespace/project, and
    11  # the default GOPATH being /go, then you'd need to have your
    12  # repository in /go/src/
    13  # Thus, making a symbolic link corrects this.
    14  before_script:
    15    - mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/$(dirname $REPO_NAME)
    16    - ln -svf $CI_PROJECT_DIR $GOPATH/src/$REPO_NAME
    17    - cd $GOPATH/src/$REPO_NAME
    19  stages:
    20    - test
    21    - build
    22    - demo
    24  #
    25  # Your editor probably supports some sort of extension to run this continuously on your repo
    26  lint:
    27    image: golangci/golangci-lint:latest
    28    # lint isn't test, but I don't want to add another full pipeline stage to run it
    29    stage: test
    30    allow_failure: true
    31    script:
    32      - golangci-lint run
    34  test:
    35    stage: test
    36    script:
    37      - CGO_ENABLED=0 go test ./...
    38  # Additional targets satisfy issue #4
    39  buster_test:
    40    image: golang:1-buster
    41    stage: test
    42    script:
    43      - CGO_ENABLED=0 go test ./...
    44  windowscore_test:
    45    image: golang:1-windowsservercore-1809
    46    stage: test
    47    tags:
    48      - windows
    49    before_script:
    50      - $Env:GOPATH
    51    script:
    52      - go test ./...
    54  build:
    55    stage: build
    56    script:
    57      - CGO_ENABLED=0 go build
    58    artifacts:
    59      paths:
    60        - poly
    61  # Additional targets satisfy issue #4
    62  buster_build:
    63    image: golang:1-buster
    64    stage: build
    65    script:
    66      - CGO_ENABLED=0 go build
    67    artifacts:
    68      paths:
    69        - poly
    70  windowscore_build:
    71    image: golang:1-windowsservercore-1809
    72    tags:
    73      - windows
    74    stage: build
    75    before_script:
    76      - $Env:GOPATH
    77    script:
    78      - go build
    79    artifacts:
    80      paths:
    81        - poly.exe
    83  poly_demo_lint:
    84    image: golangci/golangci-lint:latest
    85    stage: demo
    86    script:
    87      - cd ./testdata
    88      - ../poly lint
    89  poly_demo_lint_windows:
    90    image: golang:1-windowsservercore-1809
    91    tags:
    92      - windows
    93    stage: demo
    94    before_script:
    95      - $Env:GOPATH
    96    script:
    97      # Install golangci-lint in PATH
    98      - .\installGolangciLint.ps1
    99      # When you actually run golangci-lint you'll find you need 'diff' executable.
   100      # So install Git in PATH so we can get some of its tooling
   101      # But first install chocolatey because unlike golanci-lint it's actually an available package
   102      - .\installChoco.ps1
   103      - .\installGitWithChoco.ps1
   104      # Run lint
   105      - cd ./testdata
   106      - ../poly.exe lint
   108  poly_demo_test:
   109    stage: demo
   110    script:
   111      - cd ./testdata
   112      - ../poly test
   113  poly_demo_test_windows:
   114    image: golang:1-windowsservercore-1809
   115    tags:
   116      - windows
   117    stage: demo
   118    before_script:
   119      - $Env:GOPATH
   120    script:
   121      - cd ./testdata
   122      - ../poly.exe test
   124  poly_demo_build:
   125    stage: demo
   126    script:
   127      - cd ./testdata
   128      - ../poly build
   129  poly_demo_build_windows:
   130    image: golang:1-windowsservercore-1809
   131    tags:
   132      - windows
   133    stage: demo
   134    before_script:
   135      - $Env:GOPATH
   136    script:
   137      - cd ./testdata
   138      - ../poly.exe build
   139  poly_demo_build_tinygo:
   140    image: golang:1.13-buster
   141    stage: demo
   142    script:
   143      # install tinygo
   144      - wget
   145      - dpkg -i tinygo_0.12.0_amd64.deb
   146      - export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/tinygo/bin
   147      - export TINYGOROOT=/usr/local/tinygo
   148      - tinygo version
   149      - cd ./testdata
   150      - ../poly build
   151  poly_demo_build_tinygo_windows:
   152    image: golang:1.13-windowsservercore-1809 #tinygo needs 1.13 right now
   153    tags:
   154      - windows
   155    stage: demo
   156    before_script:
   157      - $Env:GOPATH
   158    script:
   159      - ./installTinygo.ps1
   160      - cd ./testdata
   161      - ../poly.exe build
   163  poly_demo_run:
   164    stage: demo
   165    script:
   166      - cd ./testdata
   167      - ../poly run
   168  poly_demo_run_windows:
   169    image: golang:1-windowsservercore-1809
   170    tags:
   171      - windows
   172    stage: demo
   173    before_script:
   174      - $Env:GOPATH
   175    script:
   176      - cd ./testdata
   177      - ../poly.exe run