go.dedis.ch/onet/v3@v3.2.11-0.20210930124529-e36530bca7ef/simul/test_simul/count.toml (about)

     1  Servers = 16
     2  Simulation = "CountTest"
     3  BF = 2
     4  Rounds = 4
     5  Suite = "Ed25519"
     6  PreScript = "show_date.sh"
     8  Hosts,	  Delay,	Ratio,	Other
     9  3,		  50,		0.1,	"Other kinds of data"
    10  7,		  50,		0.001,	"can go here as well."
    11  15,		  50,		1e-5,	"But if they are not ints or floats"
    12  31,		  50,		-1,		"put them in quotes!"
    13  400,		  50,		-1,		"To infinity and beyond!"