go.etcd.io/etcd@v3.3.27+incompatible/Documentation/op-guide/security.md (about)

     1  ---
     2  title: Transport security model
     3  ---
     5  etcd supports automatic TLS as well as authentication through client certificates for both clients to server as well as peer (server to server / cluster) communication. **Note that etcd doesn't enable [RBAC based authentication][auth] or the authentication feature in the transport layer by default to reduce friction for users getting started with the database. Further, changing this default would be a breaking change for the project which was established since 2013. An etcd cluster which doesn't enable security features can expose its data to any clients.**
     7  To get up and running, first have a CA certificate and a signed key pair for one member. It is recommended to create and sign a new key pair for every member in a cluster.
     9  For convenience, the [cfssl] tool provides an easy interface to certificate generation, and we provide an example using the tool [here][tls-setup]. Alternatively, try this [guide to generating self-signed key pairs][tls-guide].
    11  ## Basic setup
    13  etcd takes several certificate related configuration options, either through command-line flags or environment variables:
    15  **Client-to-server communication:**
    17  `--cert-file=<path>`: Certificate used for SSL/TLS connections **to** etcd. When this option is set, advertise-client-urls can use the HTTPS schema.
    19  `--key-file=<path>`: Key for the certificate. Must be unencrypted.
    21  `--client-cert-auth`: When this is set etcd will check all incoming HTTPS requests for a client certificate signed by the trusted CA, requests that don't supply a valid client certificate will fail. If [authentication][auth] is enabled, the certificate provides credentials for the user name given by the Common Name field.
    23  `--trusted-ca-file=<path>`: Trusted certificate authority.
    25  `--auto-tls`: Use automatically generated self-signed certificates for TLS connections with clients.
    27  **Peer (server-to-server / cluster) communication:**
    29  The peer options work the same way as the client-to-server options:
    31  `--peer-cert-file=<path>`: Certificate used for SSL/TLS connections between peers. This will be used both for listening on the peer address as well as sending requests to other peers.
    33  `--peer-key-file=<path>`: Key for the certificate. Must be unencrypted.
    35  `--peer-client-cert-auth`: When set, etcd will check all incoming peer requests from the cluster for valid client certificates signed by the supplied CA.
    37  `--peer-trusted-ca-file=<path>`: Trusted certificate authority.
    39  `--peer-auto-tls`: Use automatically generated self-signed certificates for TLS connections between peers.
    41  If either a client-to-server or peer certificate is supplied the key must also be set. All of these configuration options are also available through the environment variables, `ETCD_CA_FILE`, `ETCD_PEER_CA_FILE` and so on.
    43  `--cipher-suites`: Comma-separated list of supported TLS cipher suites between server/client and peers (empty will be auto-populated by Go). Available from v3.2.22+, v3.3.7+, and v3.4+.
    45  ## Example 1: Client-to-server transport security with HTTPS
    47  For this, have a CA certificate (`ca.crt`) and signed key pair (`server.crt`, `server.key`) ready.
    49  Let us configure etcd to provide simple HTTPS transport security step by step:
    51  ```sh
    52  $ etcd --name infra0 --data-dir infra0 \
    53    --cert-file=/path/to/server.crt --key-file=/path/to/server.key \
    54    --advertise-client-urls= --listen-client-urls=
    55  ```
    57  This should start up fine and it will be possible to test the configuration by speaking HTTPS to etcd:
    59  ```sh
    60  $ curl --cacert /path/to/ca.crt -XPUT -d value=bar -v
    61  ```
    63  The command should show that the handshake succeed. Since we use self-signed certificates with our own certificate authority, the CA must be passed to curl using the `--cacert` option. Another possibility would be to add the CA certificate to the system's trusted certificates directory (usually in `/etc/pki/tls/certs` or `/etc/ssl/certs`).
    65  **OSX 10.9+ Users**: curl 7.30.0 on OSX 10.9+ doesn't understand certificates passed in on the command line.
    66  Instead, import the dummy ca.crt directly into the keychain or add the `-k` flag to curl to ignore errors.
    67  To test without the `-k` flag, run `open ./fixtures/ca/ca.crt` and follow the prompts.
    68  Please remove this certificate after testing!
    69  If there is a workaround, let us know.
    71  ## Example 2: Client-to-server authentication with HTTPS client certificates
    73  For now we've given the etcd client the ability to verify the server identity and provide transport security. We can however also use client certificates to prevent unauthorized access to etcd.
    75  The clients will provide their certificates to the server and the server will check whether the cert is signed by the supplied CA and decide whether to serve the request.
    77  The same files mentioned in the first example are needed for this, as well as a key pair for the client (`client.crt`, `client.key`) signed by the same certificate authority.
    79  ```sh
    80  $ etcd --name infra0 --data-dir infra0 \
    81    --client-cert-auth --trusted-ca-file=/path/to/ca.crt --cert-file=/path/to/server.crt --key-file=/path/to/server.key \
    82    --advertise-client-urls --listen-client-urls
    83  ```
    85  Now try the same request as above to this server:
    87  ```sh
    88  $ curl --cacert /path/to/ca.crt -XPUT -d value=bar -v
    89  ```
    91  The request should be rejected by the server:
    93  ```
    94  ...
    95  routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate
    96  ...
    97  ```
    99  To make it succeed, we need to give the CA signed client certificate to the server:
   101  ```sh
   102  $ curl --cacert /path/to/ca.crt --cert /path/to/client.crt --key /path/to/client.key \
   103    -L -XPUT -d value=bar -v
   104  ```
   106  The output should include:
   108  ```
   109  ...
   110  SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
   111  ...
   112  TLS handshake, Finished (20)
   113  ```
   115  And also the response from the server:
   117  ```json
   118  {
   119      "action": "set",
   120      "node": {
   121          "createdIndex": 12,
   122          "key": "/foo",
   123          "modifiedIndex": 12,
   124          "value": "bar"
   125      }
   126  }
   127  ```
   129  Specify cipher suites to block [weak TLS cipher suites](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/8320).
   131  TLS handshake would fail when client hello is requested with invalid cipher suites.
   133  For instance:
   135  ```bash
   136  $ etcd \
   137    --cert-file ./server.crt \
   138    --key-file ./server.key \
   139    --trusted-ca-file ./ca.crt \
   140    --cipher-suites TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
   141  ```
   143  Then, client requests must specify one of the cipher suites specified in the server:
   145  ```bash
   146  # valid cipher suite
   147  $ curl \
   148    --cacert ./ca.crt \
   149    --cert ./server.crt \
   150    --key ./server.key \
   151    -L [CLIENT-URL]/metrics \
   152    --ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
   154  # request succeeds
   155  etcd_server_version{server_version="3.2.22"} 1
   156  ...
   157  ```
   159  ```bash
   160  # invalid cipher suite
   161  $ curl \
   162    --cacert ./ca.crt \
   163    --cert ./server.crt \
   164    --key ./server.key \
   165    -L [CLIENT-URL]/metrics \
   166    --ciphers ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA
   168  # request fails with
   169  (35) error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
   170  ```
   172  ## Example 3: Transport security & client certificates in a cluster
   174  etcd supports the same model as above for **peer communication**, that means the communication between etcd members in a cluster.
   176  Assuming we have our `ca.crt` and two members with their own keypairs (`member1.crt` & `member1.key`, `member2.crt` & `member2.key`) signed by this CA, we launch etcd as follows:
   179  ```sh
   180  DISCOVERY_URL=... # from https://discovery.etcd.io/new
   182  # member1
   183  $ etcd --name infra1 --data-dir infra1 \
   184    --peer-client-cert-auth --peer-trusted-ca-file=/path/to/ca.crt --peer-cert-file=/path/to/member1.crt --peer-key-file=/path/to/member1.key \
   185    --initial-advertise-peer-urls= --listen-peer-urls= \
   186    --discovery ${DISCOVERY_URL}
   188  # member2
   189  $ etcd --name infra2 --data-dir infra2 \
   190    --peer-client-cert-auth --peer-trusted-ca-file=/path/to/ca.crt --peer-cert-file=/path/to/member2.crt --peer-key-file=/path/to/member2.key \
   191    --initial-advertise-peer-urls= --listen-peer-urls= \
   192    --discovery ${DISCOVERY_URL}
   193  ```
   195  The etcd members will form a cluster and all communication between members in the cluster will be encrypted and authenticated using the client certificates. The output of etcd will show that the addresses it connects to use HTTPS.
   197  ## Example 4: Automatic self-signed transport security
   199  For cases where communication encryption, but not authentication, is needed, etcd supports encrypting its messages with automatically generated self-signed certificates. This simplifies deployment because there is no need for managing certificates and keys outside of etcd.
   201  Configure etcd to use self-signed certificates for client and peer connections with the flags `--auto-tls` and `--peer-auto-tls`:
   203  ```sh
   204  DISCOVERY_URL=... # from https://discovery.etcd.io/new
   206  # member1
   207  $ etcd --name infra1 --data-dir infra1 \
   208    --auto-tls --peer-auto-tls \
   209    --initial-advertise-peer-urls= --listen-peer-urls= \
   210    --discovery ${DISCOVERY_URL}
   212  # member2
   213  $ etcd --name infra2 --data-dir infra2 \
   214    --auto-tls --peer-auto-tls \
   215    --initial-advertise-peer-urls= --listen-peer-urls= \
   216    --discovery ${DISCOVERY_URL}
   217  ```
   219  Self-signed certificates do not authenticate identity so curl will return an error:
   221  ```sh
   222  curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: Invalid certificate chain
   223  ```
   225  To disable certificate chain checking, invoke curl with the `-k` flag:
   227  ```sh
   228  $ curl -k -Xput -d value=bar -v
   229  ```
   231  ## Notes for DNS SRV
   233  Since v3.1.0 (except v3.2.9), discovery SRV bootstrapping authenticates `ServerName` with a root domain name from `--discovery-srv` flag. This is to avoid man-in-the-middle cert attacks, by requiring a certificate to have matching root domain name in its Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field. For instance, `etcd --discovery-srv=etcd.local` will only authenticate peers/clients when the provided certs have root domain `etcd.local` as an entry in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field
   235  ## Notes for etcd proxy
   237  etcd proxy terminates the TLS from its client if the connection is secure, and uses proxy's own key/cert specified in `--peer-key-file` and `--peer-cert-file` to communicate with etcd members.
   239  The proxy communicates with etcd members through both the `--advertise-client-urls` and `--advertise-peer-urls` of a given member. It forwards client requests to etcd members’ advertised client urls, and it syncs the initial cluster configuration through etcd members’ advertised peer urls.
   241  When client authentication is enabled for an etcd member, the administrator must ensure that the peer certificate specified in the proxy's `--peer-cert-file` option is valid for that authentication. The proxy's peer certificate must also be valid for peer authentication if peer authentication is enabled.
   243  ## Notes for TLS authentication
   245  Since [v3.2.0](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.2.md#v320-2017-06-09), [TLS certificates get reloaded on every client connection](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/7829). This is useful when replacing expiry certs without stopping etcd servers; it can be done by overwriting old certs with new ones. Refreshing certs for every connection should not have too much overhead, but can be improved in the future, with caching layer. Example tests can be found [here](https://github.com/coreos/etcd/blob/b041ce5d514a4b4aaeefbffb008f0c7570a18986/integration/v3_grpc_test.go#L1601-L1757).
   247  Since [v3.2.0](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.2.md#v320-2017-06-09), [server denies incoming peer certs with wrong IP `SAN`](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/7687). For instance, if peer cert contains any IP addresses in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field, server authenticates a peer only when the remote IP address matches one of those IP addresses. This is to prevent unauthorized endpoints from joining the cluster. For example, peer B's CSR (with `cfssl`) is:
   249  ```json
   250  {
   251    "CN": "etcd peer",
   252    "hosts": [
   253      "*.example.default.svc",
   254      "*.example.default.svc.cluster.local",
   255      ""
   256    ],
   257    "key": {
   258      "algo": "rsa",
   259      "size": 2048
   260    },
   261    "names": [
   262      {
   263        "C": "US",
   264        "L": "CA",
   265        "ST": "San Francisco"
   266      }
   267    ]
   268  }
   269  ```
   271  when peer B's actual IP address is ``, not ``. When peer B tries to join the cluster, peer A will reject B with the error `x509: certificate is valid for, not`, because B's remote IP address does not match the one in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field.
   273  Since [v3.2.0](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.2.md#v320-2017-06-09), [server resolves TLS `DNSNames` when checking `SAN`](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/7767). For instance, if peer cert contains only DNS names (no IP addresses) in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field, server authenticates a peer only when forward-lookups (`dig b.com`) on those DNS names have matching IP with the remote IP address. For example, peer B's CSR (with `cfssl`) is:
   275  ```json
   276  {
   277    "CN": "etcd peer",
   278    "hosts": [
   279      "b.com"
   280    ],
   281  ```
   283  when peer B's remote IP address is ``. When peer B tries to join the cluster, peer A looks up the incoming host `b.com` to get the list of IP addresses (e.g. `dig b.com`). And rejects B if the list does not contain the IP ``, with the error `tls: does not match any of DNSNames ["b.com"]`.
   285  Since [v3.2.2](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.2.md#v322-2017-07-07), [server accepts connections if IP matches, without checking DNS entries](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/8223). For instance, if peer cert contains IP addresses and DNS names in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field, and the remote IP address matches one of those IP addresses, server just accepts connection without further checking the DNS names. For example, peer B's CSR (with `cfssl`) is:
   287  ```json
   288  {
   289    "CN": "etcd peer",
   290    "hosts": [
   291      "invalid.domain",
   292      ""
   293    ],
   294  ```
   296  when peer B's remote IP address is `` and `invalid.domain` is a invalid host. When peer B tries to join the cluster, peer A successfully authenticates B, since Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field has a valid matching IP address. See [issue#8206](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/8206) for more detail.
   298  Since [v3.2.5](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.2.md#v325-2017-08-04), [server supports reverse-lookup on wildcard DNS `SAN`](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/8281). For instance, if peer cert contains only DNS names (no IP addresses) in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field, server first reverse-lookups the remote IP address to get a list of names mapping to that address (e.g. `nslookup IPADDR`). Then accepts the connection if those names have a matching name with peer cert's DNS names (either by exact or wildcard match). If none is matched, server forward-lookups each DNS entry in peer cert (e.g. look up `example.default.svc` when the entry is `*.example.default.svc`), and accepts connection only when the host's resolved addresses have the matching IP address with the peer's remote IP address. For example, peer B's CSR (with `cfssl`) is:
   300  ```json
   301  {
   302    "CN": "etcd peer",
   303    "hosts": [
   304      "*.example.default.svc",
   305      "*.example.default.svc.cluster.local"
   306    ],
   307  ```
   309  when peer B's remote IP address is ``. When peer B tries to join the cluster, peer A reverse-lookup the IP `` to get the list of host names. And either exact or wildcard match the host names with peer B's cert DNS names in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field. If none of reverse/forward lookups worked, it returns an error `"tls: "" does not match any of DNSNames ["*.example.default.svc","*.example.default.svc.cluster.local"]`. See [issue#8268](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/8268) for more detail.
   311  [v3.3.0](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.3.md) adds [`etcd --peer-cert-allowed-cn`](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/8616) flag to support [CN(Common Name)-based auth for inter-peer connections](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/8262). Kubernetes TLS bootstrapping involves generating dynamic certificates for etcd members and other system components (e.g. API server, kubelet, etc.). Maintaining different CAs for each component provides tighter access control to etcd cluster but often tedious. When `--peer-cert-allowed-cn` flag is specified, node can only join with matching common name even with shared CAs. For example, each member in 3-node cluster is set up with CSRs (with `cfssl`) as below:
   313  ```json
   314  {
   315    "CN": "etcd.local",
   316    "hosts": [
   317      "m1.etcd.local",
   318      "",
   319      "localhost"
   320    ],
   321  ```
   323  ```json
   324  {
   325    "CN": "etcd.local",
   326    "hosts": [
   327      "m2.etcd.local",
   328      "",
   329      "localhost"
   330    ],
   331  ```
   333  ```json
   334  {
   335    "CN": "etcd.local",
   336    "hosts": [
   337      "m3.etcd.local",
   338      "",
   339      "localhost"
   340    ],
   341  ```
   343  Then only peers with matching common names will be authenticated if `--peer-cert-allowed-cn etcd.local` is given. And nodes with different CNs in CSRs or different `--peer-cert-allowed-cn` will be rejected:
   345  ```bash
   346  $ etcd --peer-cert-allowed-cn m1.etcd.local
   348  I | embed: rejected connection from "" (error "CommonName authentication failed", ServerName "m1.etcd.local")
   349  I | embed: rejected connection from "" (error "remote error: tls: bad certificate", ServerName "m3.etcd.local")
   350  ```
   352  Each process should be started with:
   354  ```bash
   355  etcd --peer-cert-allowed-cn etcd.local
   357  I | pkg/netutil: resolving m3.etcd.local:32380 to
   358  I | pkg/netutil: resolving m2.etcd.local:22380 to
   359  I | pkg/netutil: resolving m1.etcd.local:2380 to
   360  I | etcdserver: published {Name:m3 ClientURLs:[https://m3.etcd.local:32379]} to cluster 9db03f09b20de32b
   361  I | embed: ready to serve client requests
   362  I | etcdserver: published {Name:m1 ClientURLs:[https://m1.etcd.local:2379]} to cluster 9db03f09b20de32b
   363  I | embed: ready to serve client requests
   364  I | etcdserver: published {Name:m2 ClientURLs:[https://m2.etcd.local:22379]} to cluster 9db03f09b20de32b
   365  I | embed: ready to serve client requests
   366  I | embed: serving client requests on
   367  I | embed: serving client requests on
   368  I | embed: serving client requests on
   369  ```
   371  [v3.2.19](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.2.md) and [v3.3.4](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.3.md) fixes TLS reload when [certificate SAN field only includes IP addresses but no domain names](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/9541). For example, a member is set up with CSRs (with `cfssl`) as below:
   373  ```json
   374  {
   375    "CN": "etcd.local",
   376    "hosts": [
   377      ""
   378    ],
   379  ```
   381  In Go, server calls `(*tls.Config).GetCertificate` for TLS reload if and only if server's `(*tls.Config).Certificates` field is not empty, or `(*tls.ClientHelloInfo).ServerName` is not empty with a valid SNI from the client. Previously, etcd always populates `(*tls.Config).Certificates` on the initial client TLS handshake, as non-empty. Thus, client was always expected to supply a matching SNI in order to pass the TLS verification and to trigger `(*tls.Config).GetCertificate` to reload TLS assets.
   383  However, a certificate whose SAN field does [not include any domain names but only IP addresses](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/9541) would request `*tls.ClientHelloInfo` with an empty `ServerName` field, thus failing to trigger the TLS reload on initial TLS handshake; this becomes a problem when expired certificates need to be replaced online.
   385  Now, `(*tls.Config).Certificates` is created empty on initial TLS client handshake, first to trigger `(*tls.Config).GetCertificate`, and then to populate rest of the certificates on every new TLS connection, even when client SNI is empty (e.g. cert only includes IPs).
   387  ## Notes for Host Whitelist
   389  `etcd --host-whitelist` flag specifies acceptable hostnames from HTTP client requests. Client origin policy protects against ["DNS Rebinding"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_rebinding) attacks to insecure etcd servers. That is, any website can simply create an authorized DNS name, and direct DNS to `"localhost"` (or any other address). Then, all HTTP endpoints of etcd server listening on `"localhost"` becomes accessible, thus vulnerable to DNS rebinding attacks. See [CVE-2018-5702](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1447#c2) for more detail.
   391  Client origin policy works as follows:
   393  1. If client connection is secure via HTTPS, allow any hostnames.
   394  2. If client connection is not secure and `"HostWhitelist"` is not empty, only allow HTTP requests whose Host field is listed in whitelist.
   396  Note that the client origin policy is enforced whether authentication is enabled or not, for tighter controls.
   398  By default, `etcd --host-whitelist` and `embed.Config.HostWhitelist` are set *empty* to allow all hostnames. Note that when specifying hostnames, loopback addresses are not added automatically. To allow loopback interfaces, add them to whitelist manually (e.g. `"localhost"`, `""`, etc.).
   400  ## Frequently asked questions
   402  ### I'm seeing a SSLv3 alert handshake failure when using TLS client authentication?
   404  The `crypto/tls` package of `golang` checks the key usage of the certificate public key before using it.
   405  To use the certificate public key to do client auth, we need to add `clientAuth` to `Extended Key Usage` when creating the certificate public key.
   407  Here is how to do it:
   409  Add the following section to openssl.cnf:
   411  ```
   412  [ ssl_client ]
   413  ...
   414    extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth
   415  ...
   416  ```
   418  When creating the cert be sure to reference it in the `-extensions` flag:
   420  ```
   421  $ openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -policy policy_anything -extensions ssl_client -out certs/machine.crt -infiles machine.csr
   422  ```
   424  ### With peer certificate authentication I receive "certificate is valid for, not $MY_IP"
   425  Make sure to sign the certificates with a Subject Name the member's public IP address. The `etcd-ca` tool for example provides an `--ip=` option for its `new-cert` command.
   427  The certificate needs to be signed for the member's FQDN in its Subject Name, use Subject Alternative Names (short IP SANs) to add the IP address. The `etcd-ca` tool provides `--domain=` option for its `new-cert` command, and openssl can make [it][alt-name] too.
   429  ### Does etcd encrypt data stored on disk drives?
   430  No. etcd doesn't encrypt key/value data stored on disk drives. If a user need to encrypt data stored on etcd, there are some options:
   431  * Let client applications encrypt and decrypt the data
   432  * Use a feature of underlying storage systems for encrypting stored data like [dm-crypt]
   434  ### I’m seeing a log warning that "directory X exist without recommended permission -rwx------"
   435  When etcd create certain new directories it sets file permission to 700 to prevent unprivileged access as possible. However, if user has already created a directory with own preference, etcd uses the existing directory and logs a warning message if the permission is different than 700.
   437  [cfssl]: https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl
   438  [tls-setup]: ../../hack/tls-setup
   439  [tls-guide]: https://github.com/coreos/docs/blob/master/os/generate-self-signed-certificates.md
   440  [alt-name]: http://wiki.cacert.org/FAQ/subjectAltName
   441  [auth]: authentication.md
   442  [dm-crypt]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dm-crypt