go.uber.org/cadence@v1.2.9/scripts/check-gomod-version.sh (about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env bash 2 set -eo pipefail 3 4 [[ $2 = "-v" ]] && set -x; 5 6 if ! gomod="$(go list -mod=readonly -f '{{ .Module }}' "$1")"; then 7 >&2 echo 'Error checking main go.mod.' 8 exit 1 9 fi 10 11 if ! toolmod="$(go list -mod=readonly -modfile=internal/tools/go.mod -f '{{ .Module }}' "$1")"; then 12 >&2 echo 'Error checking tools go.mod, cd to internal/tools to modify it.' 13 exit 1 14 fi 15 16 if [[ $gomod != $toolmod ]]; then 17 >&2 echo "error: mismatched go.mod and tools go.mod" 18 >&2 echo "ensure internal/tools/go.mod contains the same version as go.mod and try again:" 19 >&2 echo -e "\t$gomod" 20 exit 1 21 fi