golang.org/x/tools@v0.21.0/godoc/static/searchtxt.html (about)

     1  <!--
     2  	Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     3  	Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     4  	license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  -->
     6  {{$query_url := urlquery .Query}}
     7  {{with .Textual}}
     8  	{{if $.Complete}}
     9  		<h2 id="Textual">{{html $.Found}} textual occurrences</h2>
    10  	{{else}}
    11  		<h2 id="Textual">More than {{html $.Found}} textual occurrences</h2>
    12  		<p>
    13  		<span class="alert" style="font-size:120%">Not all files or lines containing "{{html $.Query}}" are shown.</span>
    14  		</p>
    15  	{{end}}
    16  	<p>
    17  	<table class="layout">
    18  	{{range .}}
    19  		{{$file := .Filename}}
    20  		<tr>
    21  		<td align="left" valign="top">
    22  		<a href="{{queryLink $file $query_url 0}}">{{$file}}</a>:
    23  		</td>
    24  		<td align="left" width="4"></td>
    25  		<th align="left" valign="top">{{len .Lines}}</th>
    26  		<td align="left" width="4"></td>
    27  		<td align="left">
    28  		{{range .Lines}}
    29  			<a href="{{queryLink $file $query_url .}}">{{html .}}</a>
    30  		{{end}}
    31  		{{if not $.Complete}}
    32  			...
    33  		{{end}}
    34  		</td>
    35  		</tr>
    36  	{{end}}
    37  	{{if not $.Complete}}
    38  		<tr><td align="left">...</td></tr>
    39  	{{end}}
    40  	</table>
    41  	</p>
    42  {{end}}