gonum.org/v1/gonum@v0.14.0/graph/formats/rdf/testdata/manifest.csv (about) 1 test,name,comment,approval,urgna2012,urdna2015 2 test001,simple id,,,TRUE,TRUE 3 test002,duplicate property iri values,,,TRUE,TRUE 4 test003,bnode,,,TRUE,TRUE 5 test004,bnode plus embed w/subject,,,TRUE,TRUE 6 test005,bnode embed,,,TRUE,TRUE 7 test006,multiple rdf types,,,TRUE,TRUE 8 test007,coerce CURIE value,,,TRUE,TRUE 9 test008,single subject complex,,,TRUE,TRUE 10 test009,multiple subjects - complex,,,TRUE,TRUE 11 test010,type,,,TRUE,TRUE 12 test011,type-coerced type,,,TRUE,TRUE 13 test012,"type-coerced type, remove duplicate reference",,,TRUE,TRUE 14 test013,"type-coerced type, cycle",,,TRUE,TRUE 15 test014,check types,,,TRUE,TRUE 16 test015,top level context,,,TRUE,TRUE 17 test016,blank node - dual link - embed,,,TRUE,TRUE 18 test017,blank node - dual link - non-embed,,,TRUE,TRUE 19 test018,blank node - self link,,,TRUE,TRUE 20 test019,blank node - disjoint self links,,,TRUE,TRUE 21 test020,blank node - diamond,,,TRUE,TRUE 22 test021,blank node - circle of 2,,,TRUE,TRUE 23 test022,blank node - double circle of 2,,,TRUE,TRUE 24 test023,blank node - circle of 3,,,TRUE,TRUE 25 test024,blank node - double circle of 3 (1-2-3),,,TRUE,TRUE 26 test025,blank node - double circle of 3 (1-3-2),,,TRUE,TRUE 27 test026,blank node - double circle of 3 (2-1-3),,,TRUE,TRUE 28 test027,blank node - double circle of 3 (2-3-1),,,TRUE,TRUE 29 test028,blank node - double circle of 3 (3-2-1),,,TRUE,TRUE 30 test029,blank node - double circle of 3 (3-1-2),,,TRUE,TRUE 31 test030,blank node - point at circle of 3,,,TRUE,TRUE 32 test031,bnode (1),,,TRUE,TRUE 33 test032,bnode (2),,,TRUE,TRUE 34 test033,disjoint identical subgraphs (1),,,TRUE,TRUE 35 test034,disjoint identical subgraphs (2),,,TRUE,TRUE 36 test035,reordered w/strings (1),,,TRUE,TRUE 37 test036,reordered w/strings (2),,,TRUE,TRUE 38 test037,reordered w/strings (3),,,TRUE,TRUE 39 test038,"reordered 4 bnodes, reordered 2 properties (1)",,,TRUE,TRUE 40 test039,"reordered 4 bnodes, reordered 2 properties (2)",,,TRUE,TRUE 41 test040,reordered 6 bnodes (1),,,TRUE,TRUE 42 test041,reordered 6 bnodes (2),,,TRUE,TRUE 43 test042,reordered 6 bnodes (3),,,TRUE,TRUE 44 test043,literal with language,,,TRUE,TRUE 45 test044,evil (1),,,TRUE,TRUE 46 test045,evil (2),,,TRUE,TRUE 47 test046,evil (3),,,TRUE,TRUE 48 test047,deep diff (1),,,TRUE,TRUE 49 test048,deep diff (2),,,TRUE,TRUE 50 test049,remove null,,,TRUE,TRUE 51 test050,nulls,,,TRUE,TRUE 52 test051,merging subjects,,,TRUE,TRUE 53 test052,alias keywords,,,TRUE,TRUE 54 test053,@list,,,TRUE,TRUE 55 test054,t-graph,,,TRUE,TRUE 56 test055,simple reorder (1),,,TRUE,TRUE 57 test056,simple reorder (2),,,TRUE,TRUE 58 test057,unnamed graph,,,FALSE,TRUE 59 test058,unnamed graph with blank node objects,,,FALSE,TRUE 60 test059,n-quads parsing,,,FALSE,TRUE 61 test060,n-quads escaping,,,TRUE,TRUE 62 test061,same literal value with multiple languages,,,TRUE,TRUE 63 test062,same literal value with multiple datatypes,,,TRUE,TRUE