gonum.org/v1/gonum@v0.14.0/graph/formats/rdf/testdata/vocab.html (about)

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    14        RDF Dataset Normalization Test Vocabulary
    15      </title>
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    18      <meta property='dc:creator' value='Gregg Kellogg'>
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    25      <h1 property='dc:title rdfs:label'>RDF Dataset Normalization Test Vocabulary</h1>
    26      <span property='dc:description rdfs:comment'>
    27        <p>This is a vocabulary document used to define classes and properties used in
    28        <a href="http://json-ld.github.io/normalization/tests/">RDF Dataset Normalization Test Cases</a> and associated test manifests.</p>
    30        <p>This vocabulary extends the <a href="http://www.w3.org/ns/rdftest#">RDF Test Vocabulary</a>
    31        and <a href="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#">Test Manifest Vocabulary</a> with Normalization-specific tests.
    32        The URI of the vocabulary is <code>http://json-ld.github.io/normalization/tests/vocab#</code>
    33        (abbreviated by <code>rdfn</code> in this document).
    34        <a href="vocab.ttl">Turtle</a> and <a href="vocab.jsonld">JSON-LD</a> versions of the vocabular are also available.
    35        The vocabulary is published by the <a href="https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/">W3C Credentials Community Group</a>.</p>
    36      </span>
    37      <section>
    38        <h2>Vocabulary Terms</h2>
    39        <p>The vocabulary terms below constitute the complete RDF Dataset Normalization Test vocabulary</p>
    40        <section>
    41          <h3 id='classes'>Classes</h3>
    42          <dl>
    43            <dt about='rdfn:Test' property='rdfs:label' typeof='rdfs:Class'>rdfn:Test</dt>
    44            <dd about='rdfn:Test'>
    45              <em property='rdfs:label'>Superclass of all RDF Dataset Normalization tests</em>
    46              <span property='rdfs:comment'><p>All RDF Dataset Normalization tests have an input file referenced using <code>mf:action</code> and a result file referenced using <code>mf:result</code>. Results are compared as text where the result of running the test is serialized to canonical N-Quads, lexicographically-sorted.</p></span>
    47              <div>
    48                <strong>
    49                  subClassOf:
    50                </strong>
    51                <ul>
    52                  <li>
    53                    <code property='rdfs:subClassOf' resource='mf:ManifestEntry'>mf:ManifestEntry</code>
    54                  </li>
    55                  <li>
    56                    <code property='rdfs:subClassOf' resource='rdft:Test'>rdft:Test</code>
    57                  </li>
    58                </ul>
    59              </div>
    60            </dd>
    61            <dt about='rdfn:Urdna2015EvalTest' property='rdfs:label' typeof='rdfs:Class'>rdfn:Urdna2015EvalTest</dt>
    62            <dd about='rdfn:Urdna2015EvalTest'>
    63              <em property='rdfs:label'>URDNA2015 Evaluation Test</em>
    64              <span property='rdfs:comment'><p>Normalization performed using the URDNA2015 algorithm.</p></span>
    65              <div>
    66                <strong>
    67                  subClassOf:
    68                </strong>
    69                <code property='rdfs:subClassOf' resource='rdfn:Test'>rdfn:Test</code>
    70              </div>
    71            </dd>
    72            <dt about='rdfn:Urgna2012EvalTest' property='rdfs:label' typeof='rdfs:Class'>rdfn:Urgna2012EvalTest</dt>
    73            <dd about='rdfn:Urgna2012EvalTest'>
    74              <em property='rdfs:label'>URGNA2012 Evaluation Test</em>
    75              <span property='rdfs:comment'><p>Normalization performed using the URGNA2012 algorithm.</p></span>
    76              <div>
    77                <strong>
    78                  subClassOf:
    79                </strong>
    80                <code property='rdfs:subClassOf' resource='rdfn:Test'>rdfn:Test</code>
    81              </div>
    82            </dd>
    83          </dl>
    84        </section>
    85        <section>
    86          <h3 id='properties'>Properties</h3>
    87          <dl>
    88          </dl>
    89        </section>
    90      </section>
    91      <footer>
    92        <span property='dc:publisher'>W3C Credentials Community Group</span>
    93      </footer>
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