gonum.org/v1/gonum@v0.14.0/spatial/kdtree/kdtree_test.go (about)

     1  // Copyright ©2019 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package kdtree
     7  import (
     8  	"flag"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"math"
    11  	"os"
    12  	"reflect"
    13  	"sort"
    14  	"strings"
    15  	"testing"
    16  	"unsafe"
    18  	"golang.org/x/exp/rand"
    19  )
    21  var (
    22  	genDot   = flag.Bool("dot", false, "generate dot code for failing trees")
    23  	dotLimit = flag.Int("dotmax", 100, "specify maximum size for tree output for dot format")
    24  )
    26  var (
    27  	// Using example from WP article: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=K-d_tree&oldid=887573572.
    28  	wpData   = Points{{2, 3}, {5, 4}, {9, 6}, {4, 7}, {8, 1}, {7, 2}}
    29  	nbWpData = nbPoints{{2, 3}, {5, 4}, {9, 6}, {4, 7}, {8, 1}, {7, 2}}
    30  	wpBound  = &Bounding{Point{2, 1}, Point{9, 7}}
    31  )
    33  var newTests = []struct {
    34  	data       Interface
    35  	bounding   bool
    36  	wantBounds *Bounding
    37  }{
    38  	{data: wpData, bounding: false, wantBounds: nil},
    39  	{data: nbWpData, bounding: false, wantBounds: nil},
    40  	{data: wpData, bounding: true, wantBounds: wpBound},
    41  	{data: nbWpData, bounding: true, wantBounds: nil},
    42  }
    44  func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
    45  	for i, test := range newTests {
    46  		var tree *Tree
    47  		var panicked bool
    48  		func() {
    49  			defer func() {
    50  				if r := recover(); r != nil {
    51  					panicked = true
    52  				}
    53  			}()
    54  			tree = New(test.data, test.bounding)
    55  		}()
    56  		if panicked {
    57  			t.Errorf("unexpected panic for test %d", i)
    58  			continue
    59  		}
    61  		if !tree.Root.isKDTree() {
    62  			t.Errorf("tree %d is not k-d tree", i)
    63  		}
    65  		switch data := test.data.(type) {
    66  		case Points:
    67  			for _, p := range data {
    68  				if !tree.Contains(p) {
    69  					t.Errorf("failed to find point %.3f in test %d", p, i)
    70  				}
    71  			}
    72  		case nbPoints:
    73  			for _, p := range data {
    74  				if !tree.Contains(p) {
    75  					t.Errorf("failed to find point %.3f in test %d", p, i)
    76  				}
    77  			}
    78  		default:
    79  			t.Fatalf("bad test: unknown data type: %T", test.data)
    80  		}
    82  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(tree.Root.Bounding, test.wantBounds) {
    83  			t.Errorf("unexpected bounding box for test %d with data type %T: got:%v want:%v",
    84  				i, test.data, tree.Root.Bounding, test.wantBounds)
    85  		}
    87  		if t.Failed() && *genDot && tree.Len() <= *dotLimit {
    88  			err := dotFile(tree, fmt.Sprintf("TestNew%T", test.data), "")
    89  			if err != nil {
    90  				t.Fatalf("failed to write DOT file: %v", err)
    91  			}
    92  		}
    93  	}
    94  }
    96  var insertTests = []struct {
    97  	data       Interface
    98  	insert     []Comparable
    99  	wantBounds *Bounding
   100  }{
   101  	{
   102  		data:       wpData,
   103  		insert:     []Comparable{Point{0, 0}, Point{10, 10}},
   104  		wantBounds: &Bounding{Point{0, 0}, Point{10, 10}},
   105  	},
   106  	{
   107  		data:       nbWpData,
   108  		insert:     []Comparable{nbPoint{0, 0}, nbPoint{10, 10}},
   109  		wantBounds: nil,
   110  	},
   111  }
   113  func TestInsert(t *testing.T) {
   114  	for i, test := range insertTests {
   115  		tree := New(test.data, true)
   116  		for _, v := range test.insert {
   117  			tree.Insert(v, true)
   118  		}
   120  		if !tree.Root.isKDTree() {
   121  			t.Errorf("tree %d is not k-d tree", i)
   122  		}
   124  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(tree.Root.Bounding, test.wantBounds) {
   125  			t.Errorf("unexpected bounding box for test %d with data type %T: got:%v want:%v",
   126  				i, test.data, tree.Root.Bounding, test.wantBounds)
   127  		}
   129  		if t.Failed() && *genDot && tree.Len() <= *dotLimit {
   130  			err := dotFile(tree, fmt.Sprintf("TestInsert%T", test.data), "")
   131  			if err != nil {
   132  				t.Fatalf("failed to write DOT file: %v", err)
   133  			}
   134  		}
   135  	}
   136  }
   138  type compFn func(float64) bool
   140  func left(v float64) bool  { return v <= 0 }
   141  func right(v float64) bool { return !left(v) }
   143  func (n *Node) isKDTree() bool {
   144  	if n == nil {
   145  		return true
   146  	}
   147  	d := n.Point.Dims()
   148  	// Together these define the property of minimal orthogonal bounding.
   149  	if !(n.isContainedBy(n.Bounding) && n.Bounding.planesHaveCoincidentPointsIn(n, [2][]bool{make([]bool, d), make([]bool, d)})) {
   150  		return false
   151  	}
   152  	if !n.Left.isPartitioned(n.Point, left, n.Plane) {
   153  		return false
   154  	}
   155  	if !n.Right.isPartitioned(n.Point, right, n.Plane) {
   156  		return false
   157  	}
   158  	return n.Left.isKDTree() && n.Right.isKDTree()
   159  }
   161  func (n *Node) isPartitioned(pivot Comparable, fn compFn, plane Dim) bool {
   162  	if n == nil {
   163  		return true
   164  	}
   165  	if n.Left != nil && fn(pivot.Compare(n.Left.Point, plane)) {
   166  		return false
   167  	}
   168  	if n.Right != nil && fn(pivot.Compare(n.Right.Point, plane)) {
   169  		return false
   170  	}
   171  	return n.Left.isPartitioned(pivot, fn, plane) && n.Right.isPartitioned(pivot, fn, plane)
   172  }
   174  func (n *Node) isContainedBy(b *Bounding) bool {
   175  	if n == nil {
   176  		return true
   177  	}
   178  	if !b.Contains(n.Point) {
   179  		return false
   180  	}
   181  	return n.Left.isContainedBy(b) && n.Right.isContainedBy(b)
   182  }
   184  func (b *Bounding) planesHaveCoincidentPointsIn(n *Node, tight [2][]bool) bool {
   185  	if b == nil {
   186  		return true
   187  	}
   188  	if n == nil {
   189  		return true
   190  	}
   192  	b.planesHaveCoincidentPointsIn(n.Left, tight)
   193  	b.planesHaveCoincidentPointsIn(n.Right, tight)
   195  	var ok = true
   196  	for i := range tight {
   197  		for d := 0; d < n.Point.Dims(); d++ {
   198  			if c := n.Point.Compare(b.Min, Dim(d)); c == 0 {
   199  				tight[i][d] = true
   200  			}
   201  			ok = ok && tight[i][d]
   202  		}
   203  	}
   204  	return ok
   205  }
   207  func nearest(q Point, p Points) (Point, float64) {
   208  	min := q.Distance(p[0])
   209  	var r int
   210  	for i := 1; i < p.Len(); i++ {
   211  		d := q.Distance(p[i])
   212  		if d < min {
   213  			min = d
   214  			r = i
   215  		}
   216  	}
   217  	return p[r], min
   218  }
   220  func TestNearestRandom(t *testing.T) {
   221  	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
   223  	const (
   224  		min = 0.0
   225  		max = 1000.0
   227  		dims    = 4
   228  		setSize = 10000
   229  	)
   231  	var randData Points
   232  	for i := 0; i < setSize; i++ {
   233  		p := make(Point, dims)
   234  		for j := 0; j < dims; j++ {
   235  			p[j] = (max-min)*rnd.Float64() + min
   236  		}
   237  		randData = append(randData, p)
   238  	}
   239  	tree := New(randData, false)
   241  	for i := 0; i < setSize; i++ {
   242  		q := make(Point, dims)
   243  		for j := 0; j < dims; j++ {
   244  			q[j] = (max-min)*rnd.Float64() + min
   245  		}
   247  		got, _ := tree.Nearest(q)
   248  		want, _ := nearest(q, randData)
   249  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
   250  			t.Fatalf("unexpected result from query %d %.3f: got:%.3f want:%.3f", i, q, got, want)
   251  		}
   252  	}
   253  }
   255  func TestNearest(t *testing.T) {
   256  	tree := New(wpData, false)
   257  	for _, q := range append([]Point{
   258  		{4, 6},
   259  		{7, 5},
   260  		{8, 7},
   261  		{6, -5},
   262  		{1e5, 1e5},
   263  		{1e5, -1e5},
   264  		{-1e5, 1e5},
   265  		{-1e5, -1e5},
   266  		{1e5, 0},
   267  		{0, -1e5},
   268  		{0, 1e5},
   269  		{-1e5, 0},
   270  	}, wpData...) {
   271  		gotP, gotD := tree.Nearest(q)
   272  		wantP, wantD := nearest(q, wpData)
   273  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotP, wantP) {
   274  			t.Errorf("unexpected result for query %.3f: got:%.3f want:%.3f", q, gotP, wantP)
   275  		}
   276  		if gotD != wantD {
   277  			t.Errorf("unexpected distance for query %.3f : got:%v want:%v", q, gotD, wantD)
   278  		}
   279  	}
   280  }
   282  func nearestN(n int, q Point, p Points) []ComparableDist {
   283  	nk := NewNKeeper(n)
   284  	for i := 0; i < p.Len(); i++ {
   285  		nk.Keep(ComparableDist{Comparable: p[i], Dist: q.Distance(p[i])})
   286  	}
   287  	if len(nk.Heap) == 1 {
   288  		return nk.Heap
   289  	}
   290  	sort.Sort(nk)
   291  	for i, j := 0, len(nk.Heap)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
   292  		nk.Heap[i], nk.Heap[j] = nk.Heap[j], nk.Heap[i]
   293  	}
   294  	return nk.Heap
   295  }
   297  func TestNearestSetN(t *testing.T) {
   298  	data := append([]Point{
   299  		{4, 6},
   300  		{7, 5},
   301  		{8, 7},
   302  		{6, -5},
   303  		{1e5, 1e5},
   304  		{1e5, -1e5},
   305  		{-1e5, 1e5},
   306  		{-1e5, -1e5},
   307  		{1e5, 0},
   308  		{0, -1e5},
   309  		{0, 1e5},
   310  		{-1e5, 0}},
   311  		wpData[:len(wpData)-1]...)
   313  	tree := New(wpData, false)
   314  	for k := 1; k <= len(wpData); k++ {
   315  		for _, q := range data {
   316  			wantP := nearestN(k, q, wpData)
   318  			nk := NewNKeeper(k)
   319  			tree.NearestSet(nk, q)
   321  			var max float64
   322  			wantD := make(map[float64]map[string]struct{})
   323  			for _, p := range wantP {
   324  				if p.Dist > max {
   325  					max = p.Dist
   326  				}
   327  				d, ok := wantD[p.Dist]
   328  				if !ok {
   329  					d = make(map[string]struct{})
   330  				}
   331  				d[fmt.Sprint(p.Comparable)] = struct{}{}
   332  				wantD[p.Dist] = d
   333  			}
   334  			gotD := make(map[float64]map[string]struct{})
   335  			for _, p := range nk.Heap {
   336  				if p.Dist > max {
   337  					t.Errorf("unexpected distance for point %.3f: got:%v want:<=%v", p.Comparable, p.Dist, max)
   338  				}
   339  				d, ok := gotD[p.Dist]
   340  				if !ok {
   341  					d = make(map[string]struct{})
   342  				}
   343  				d[fmt.Sprint(p.Comparable)] = struct{}{}
   344  				gotD[p.Dist] = d
   345  			}
   347  			// If the available number of slots does not fit all the coequal furthest points
   348  			// we will fail the check. So remove, but check them minimally here.
   349  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantD[max], gotD[max]) {
   350  				// The best we can do at this stage is confirm that there are an equal number of matches at this distance.
   351  				if len(gotD[max]) != len(wantD[max]) {
   352  					t.Errorf("unexpected number of maximal distance points: got:%d want:%d", len(gotD[max]), len(wantD[max]))
   353  				}
   354  				delete(wantD, max)
   355  				delete(gotD, max)
   356  			}
   358  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotD, wantD) {
   359  				t.Errorf("unexpected result for k=%d query %.3f: got:%v want:%v", k, q, gotD, wantD)
   360  			}
   361  		}
   362  	}
   363  }
   365  var nearestSetDistTests = []Point{
   366  	{4, 6},
   367  	{7, 5},
   368  	{8, 7},
   369  	{6, -5},
   370  }
   372  func TestNearestSetDist(t *testing.T) {
   373  	tree := New(wpData, false)
   374  	for i, q := range nearestSetDistTests {
   375  		for d := 1.0; d < 100; d += 0.1 {
   376  			dk := NewDistKeeper(d)
   377  			tree.NearestSet(dk, q)
   379  			hits := make(map[string]float64)
   380  			for _, p := range wpData {
   381  				hits[fmt.Sprint(p)] = p.Distance(q)
   382  			}
   384  			for _, p := range dk.Heap {
   385  				var done bool
   386  				if p.Comparable == nil {
   387  					done = true
   388  					continue
   389  				}
   390  				delete(hits, fmt.Sprint(p.Comparable))
   391  				if done {
   392  					t.Error("expectedly finished heap iteration")
   393  					break
   394  				}
   395  				dist := p.Comparable.Distance(q)
   396  				if dist > d {
   397  					t.Errorf("Test %d: query %v found %v expect %.3f <= %.3f", i, q, p, dist, d)
   398  				}
   399  			}
   401  			for p, dist := range hits {
   402  				if dist <= d {
   403  					t.Errorf("Test %d: query %v missed %v expect %.3f > %.3f", i, q, p, dist, d)
   404  				}
   405  			}
   406  		}
   407  	}
   408  }
   410  func TestDo(t *testing.T) {
   411  	tree := New(wpData, false)
   412  	var got Points
   413  	fn := func(c Comparable, _ *Bounding, _ int) (done bool) {
   414  		got = append(got, c.(Point))
   415  		return
   416  	}
   417  	killed := tree.Do(fn)
   418  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, wpData) {
   419  		t.Errorf("unexpected result from tree iteration: got:%v want:%v", got, wpData)
   420  	}
   421  	if killed {
   422  		t.Error("tree iteration unexpectedly killed")
   423  	}
   424  }
   426  var doBoundedTests = []struct {
   427  	bounds *Bounding
   428  	want   Points
   429  }{
   430  	{
   431  		bounds: nil,
   432  		want:   wpData,
   433  	},
   434  	{
   435  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{0, 0}, Point{10, 10}},
   436  		want:   wpData,
   437  	},
   438  	{
   439  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{3, 4}, Point{10, 10}},
   440  		want:   Points{Point{5, 4}, Point{4, 7}, Point{9, 6}},
   441  	},
   442  	{
   443  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{3, 3}, Point{10, 10}},
   444  		want:   Points{Point{5, 4}, Point{4, 7}, Point{9, 6}},
   445  	},
   446  	{
   447  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{0, 0}, Point{6, 5}},
   448  		want:   Points{Point{2, 3}, Point{5, 4}},
   449  	},
   450  	{
   451  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{5, 2}, Point{7, 4}},
   452  		want:   Points{Point{5, 4}, Point{7, 2}},
   453  	},
   454  	{
   455  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{2, 2}, Point{7, 4}},
   456  		want:   Points{Point{2, 3}, Point{5, 4}, Point{7, 2}},
   457  	},
   458  	{
   459  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{2, 3}, Point{9, 6}},
   460  		want:   Points{Point{2, 3}, Point{5, 4}, Point{9, 6}},
   461  	},
   462  	{
   463  		bounds: &Bounding{Point{7, 2}, Point{7, 2}},
   464  		want:   Points{Point{7, 2}},
   465  	},
   466  }
   468  func TestDoBounded(t *testing.T) {
   469  	for _, test := range doBoundedTests {
   470  		tree := New(wpData, false)
   471  		var got Points
   472  		fn := func(c Comparable, _ *Bounding, _ int) (done bool) {
   473  			got = append(got, c.(Point))
   474  			return
   475  		}
   476  		killed := tree.DoBounded(test.bounds, fn)
   477  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
   478  			t.Errorf("unexpected result from bounded tree iteration: got:%v want:%v", got, test.want)
   479  		}
   480  		if killed {
   481  			t.Error("tree iteration unexpectedly killed")
   482  		}
   483  	}
   484  }
   486  func BenchmarkNew(b *testing.B) {
   487  	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
   488  	p := make(Points, 1e5)
   489  	for i := range p {
   490  		p[i] = Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}
   491  	}
   492  	b.ResetTimer()
   493  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   494  		_ = New(p, false)
   495  	}
   496  }
   498  func BenchmarkNewBounds(b *testing.B) {
   499  	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
   500  	p := make(Points, 1e5)
   501  	for i := range p {
   502  		p[i] = Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}
   503  	}
   504  	b.ResetTimer()
   505  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   506  		_ = New(p, true)
   507  	}
   508  }
   510  func BenchmarkInsert(b *testing.B) {
   511  	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
   512  	t := &Tree{}
   513  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   514  		t.Insert(Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}, false)
   515  	}
   516  }
   518  func BenchmarkInsertBounds(b *testing.B) {
   519  	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
   520  	t := &Tree{}
   521  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   522  		t.Insert(Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}, true)
   523  	}
   524  }
   526  func Benchmark(b *testing.B) {
   527  	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
   528  	data := make(Points, 1e2)
   529  	for i := range data {
   530  		data[i] = Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}
   531  	}
   532  	tree := New(data, true)
   534  	if !tree.Root.isKDTree() {
   535  		b.Fatal("tree is not k-d tree")
   536  	}
   538  	for i := 0; i < 1e3; i++ {
   539  		q := Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}
   540  		gotP, gotD := tree.Nearest(q)
   541  		wantP, wantD := nearest(q, data)
   542  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotP, wantP) {
   543  			b.Errorf("unexpected result for query %.3f: got:%.3f want:%.3f", q, gotP, wantP)
   544  		}
   545  		if gotD != wantD {
   546  			b.Errorf("unexpected distance for query %.3f : got:%v want:%v", q, gotD, wantD)
   547  		}
   548  	}
   550  	if b.Failed() && *genDot && tree.Len() <= *dotLimit {
   551  		err := dotFile(tree, "TestBenches", "")
   552  		if err != nil {
   553  			b.Fatalf("failed to write DOT file: %v", err)
   554  		}
   555  		return
   556  	}
   558  	var r Comparable
   559  	var d float64
   560  	queryBenchmarks := []struct {
   561  		name string
   562  		fn   func(*testing.B)
   563  	}{
   564  		{
   565  			name: "Nearest", fn: func(b *testing.B) {
   566  				for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   567  					r, d = tree.Nearest(Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()})
   568  				}
   569  				if r == nil {
   570  					b.Error("unexpected nil result")
   571  				}
   572  				if math.IsNaN(d) {
   573  					b.Error("unexpected NaN result")
   574  				}
   575  			},
   576  		},
   577  		{
   578  			name: "NearestBrute", fn: func(b *testing.B) {
   579  				for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   580  					r, d = nearest(Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}, data)
   581  				}
   582  				if r == nil {
   583  					b.Error("unexpected nil result")
   584  				}
   585  				if math.IsNaN(d) {
   586  					b.Error("unexpected NaN result")
   587  				}
   588  			},
   589  		},
   590  		{
   591  			name: "NearestSetN10", fn: func(b *testing.B) {
   592  				nk := NewNKeeper(10)
   593  				for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   594  					tree.NearestSet(nk, Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()})
   595  					if nk.Len() != 10 {
   596  						b.Error("unexpected result length")
   597  					}
   598  					nk.Heap = nk.Heap[:1]
   599  					nk.Heap[0] = ComparableDist{Dist: inf}
   600  				}
   601  			},
   602  		},
   603  		{
   604  			name: "NearestBruteN10", fn: func(b *testing.B) {
   605  				var r []ComparableDist
   606  				for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   607  					r = nearestN(10, Point{rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64(), rnd.Float64()}, data)
   608  				}
   609  				if len(r) != 10 {
   610  					b.Error("unexpected result length", len(r))
   611  				}
   612  			},
   613  		},
   614  	}
   615  	for _, bench := range queryBenchmarks {
   616  		b.Run(bench.name, bench.fn)
   617  	}
   618  }
   620  func dot(t *Tree, label string) string {
   621  	if t == nil {
   622  		return ""
   623  	}
   624  	var (
   625  		s      []string
   626  		follow func(*Node)
   627  	)
   628  	follow = func(n *Node) {
   629  		id := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(n))
   630  		c := fmt.Sprintf("%d[label = \"<Left> |<Elem> %s/%.3f\\n%.3f|<Right>\"];",
   631  			id, n, n.Point.(Point)[n.Plane], *n.Bounding)
   632  		if n.Left != nil {
   633  			c += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\tedge [arrowhead=normal]; \"%d\":Left -> \"%d\":Elem;",
   634  				id, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(n.Left)))
   635  			follow(n.Left)
   636  		}
   637  		if n.Right != nil {
   638  			c += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\tedge [arrowhead=normal]; \"%d\":Right -> \"%d\":Elem;",
   639  				id, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(n.Right)))
   640  			follow(n.Right)
   641  		}
   642  		s = append(s, c)
   643  	}
   644  	if t.Root != nil {
   645  		follow(t.Root)
   646  	}
   647  	return fmt.Sprintf("digraph %s {\n\tnode [shape=record,height=0.1];\n\t%s\n}\n",
   648  		label,
   649  		strings.Join(s, "\n\t"),
   650  	)
   651  }
   653  func dotFile(t *Tree, label, dotString string) (err error) {
   654  	if t == nil && dotString == "" {
   655  		return
   656  	}
   657  	f, err := os.Create(label + ".dot")
   658  	if err != nil {
   659  		return
   660  	}
   661  	defer f.Close()
   662  	if dotString == "" {
   663  		fmt.Fprint(f, dot(t, label))
   664  	} else {
   665  		fmt.Fprint(f, dotString)
   666  	}
   667  	return
   668  }