
     1  // Code generated by running "go generate" in DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package cldr
     5  // LDMLBCP47 holds information on allowable values for various variables in LDML.
     6  type LDMLBCP47 struct {
     7  	Common
     8  	Version *struct {
     9  		Common
    10  		Number string `xml:"number,attr"`
    11  	} `xml:"version"`
    12  	Generation *struct {
    13  		Common
    14  		Date string `xml:"date,attr"`
    15  	} `xml:"generation"`
    16  	Keyword []*struct {
    17  		Common
    18  		Key []*struct {
    19  			Common
    20  			Extension   string `xml:"extension,attr"`
    21  			Name        string `xml:"name,attr"`
    22  			Description string `xml:"description,attr"`
    23  			Deprecated  string `xml:"deprecated,attr"`
    24  			Preferred   string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
    25  			Alias       string `xml:"alias,attr"`
    26  			ValueType   string `xml:"valueType,attr"`
    27  			Since       string `xml:"since,attr"`
    28  			Type        []*struct {
    29  				Common
    30  				Name        string `xml:"name,attr"`
    31  				Description string `xml:"description,attr"`
    32  				Deprecated  string `xml:"deprecated,attr"`
    33  				Preferred   string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
    34  				Alias       string `xml:"alias,attr"`
    35  				Since       string `xml:"since,attr"`
    36  			} `xml:"type"`
    37  		} `xml:"key"`
    38  	} `xml:"keyword"`
    39  	Attribute []*struct {
    40  		Common
    41  		Name        string `xml:"name,attr"`
    42  		Description string `xml:"description,attr"`
    43  		Deprecated  string `xml:"deprecated,attr"`
    44  		Preferred   string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
    45  		Since       string `xml:"since,attr"`
    46  	} `xml:"attribute"`
    47  }
    49  // SupplementalData holds information relevant for internationalization
    50  // and proper use of CLDR, but that is not contained in the locale hierarchy.
    51  type SupplementalData struct {
    52  	Common
    53  	Version *struct {
    54  		Common
    55  		Number string `xml:"number,attr"`
    56  	} `xml:"version"`
    57  	Generation *struct {
    58  		Common
    59  		Date string `xml:"date,attr"`
    60  	} `xml:"generation"`
    61  	CurrencyData *struct {
    62  		Common
    63  		Fractions []*struct {
    64  			Common
    65  			Info []*struct {
    66  				Common
    67  				Iso4217      string `xml:"iso4217,attr"`
    68  				Digits       string `xml:"digits,attr"`
    69  				Rounding     string `xml:"rounding,attr"`
    70  				CashDigits   string `xml:"cashDigits,attr"`
    71  				CashRounding string `xml:"cashRounding,attr"`
    72  			} `xml:"info"`
    73  		} `xml:"fractions"`
    74  		Region []*struct {
    75  			Common
    76  			Iso3166  string `xml:"iso3166,attr"`
    77  			Currency []*struct {
    78  				Common
    79  				Before       string `xml:"before,attr"`
    80  				From         string `xml:"from,attr"`
    81  				To           string `xml:"to,attr"`
    82  				Iso4217      string `xml:"iso4217,attr"`
    83  				Digits       string `xml:"digits,attr"`
    84  				Rounding     string `xml:"rounding,attr"`
    85  				CashRounding string `xml:"cashRounding,attr"`
    86  				Tender       string `xml:"tender,attr"`
    87  				Alternate    []*struct {
    88  					Common
    89  					Iso4217 string `xml:"iso4217,attr"`
    90  				} `xml:"alternate"`
    91  			} `xml:"currency"`
    92  		} `xml:"region"`
    93  	} `xml:"currencyData"`
    94  	TerritoryContainment *struct {
    95  		Common
    96  		Group []*struct {
    97  			Common
    98  			Contains string `xml:"contains,attr"`
    99  			Grouping string `xml:"grouping,attr"`
   100  			Status   string `xml:"status,attr"`
   101  		} `xml:"group"`
   102  	} `xml:"territoryContainment"`
   103  	SubdivisionContainment *struct {
   104  		Common
   105  		Subgroup []*struct {
   106  			Common
   107  			Subtype  string `xml:"subtype,attr"`
   108  			Contains string `xml:"contains,attr"`
   109  		} `xml:"subgroup"`
   110  	} `xml:"subdivisionContainment"`
   111  	LanguageData *struct {
   112  		Common
   113  		Language []*struct {
   114  			Common
   115  			Scripts     string `xml:"scripts,attr"`
   116  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   117  			Variants    string `xml:"variants,attr"`
   118  		} `xml:"language"`
   119  	} `xml:"languageData"`
   120  	TerritoryInfo *struct {
   121  		Common
   122  		Territory []*struct {
   123  			Common
   124  			Gdp                string `xml:"gdp,attr"`
   125  			LiteracyPercent    string `xml:"literacyPercent,attr"`
   126  			Population         string `xml:"population,attr"`
   127  			LanguagePopulation []*struct {
   128  				Common
   129  				LiteracyPercent   string `xml:"literacyPercent,attr"`
   130  				WritingPercent    string `xml:"writingPercent,attr"`
   131  				PopulationPercent string `xml:"populationPercent,attr"`
   132  				OfficialStatus    string `xml:"officialStatus,attr"`
   133  			} `xml:"languagePopulation"`
   134  		} `xml:"territory"`
   135  	} `xml:"territoryInfo"`
   136  	PostalCodeData *struct {
   137  		Common
   138  		PostCodeRegex []*struct {
   139  			Common
   140  			TerritoryId string `xml:"territoryId,attr"`
   141  		} `xml:"postCodeRegex"`
   142  	} `xml:"postalCodeData"`
   143  	CalendarData *struct {
   144  		Common
   145  		Calendar []*struct {
   146  			Common
   147  			Territories    string  `xml:"territories,attr"`
   148  			CalendarSystem *Common `xml:"calendarSystem"`
   149  			Eras           *struct {
   150  				Common
   151  				Era []*struct {
   152  					Common
   153  					Start string `xml:"start,attr"`
   154  					End   string `xml:"end,attr"`
   155  				} `xml:"era"`
   156  			} `xml:"eras"`
   157  		} `xml:"calendar"`
   158  	} `xml:"calendarData"`
   159  	CalendarPreferenceData *struct {
   160  		Common
   161  		CalendarPreference []*struct {
   162  			Common
   163  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   164  			Ordering    string `xml:"ordering,attr"`
   165  		} `xml:"calendarPreference"`
   166  	} `xml:"calendarPreferenceData"`
   167  	WeekData *struct {
   168  		Common
   169  		MinDays []*struct {
   170  			Common
   171  			Count       string `xml:"count,attr"`
   172  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   173  		} `xml:"minDays"`
   174  		FirstDay []*struct {
   175  			Common
   176  			Day         string `xml:"day,attr"`
   177  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   178  		} `xml:"firstDay"`
   179  		WeekendStart []*struct {
   180  			Common
   181  			Day         string `xml:"day,attr"`
   182  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   183  		} `xml:"weekendStart"`
   184  		WeekendEnd []*struct {
   185  			Common
   186  			Day         string `xml:"day,attr"`
   187  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   188  		} `xml:"weekendEnd"`
   189  		WeekOfPreference []*struct {
   190  			Common
   191  			Locales  string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   192  			Ordering string `xml:"ordering,attr"`
   193  		} `xml:"weekOfPreference"`
   194  	} `xml:"weekData"`
   195  	TimeData *struct {
   196  		Common
   197  		Hours []*struct {
   198  			Common
   199  			Allowed   string `xml:"allowed,attr"`
   200  			Preferred string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
   201  			Regions   string `xml:"regions,attr"`
   202  		} `xml:"hours"`
   203  	} `xml:"timeData"`
   204  	MeasurementData *struct {
   205  		Common
   206  		MeasurementSystem []*struct {
   207  			Common
   208  			Category    string `xml:"category,attr"`
   209  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   210  		} `xml:"measurementSystem"`
   211  		PaperSize []*struct {
   212  			Common
   213  			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
   214  		} `xml:"paperSize"`
   215  	} `xml:"measurementData"`
   216  	UnitPreferenceData *struct {
   217  		Common
   218  		UnitPreferences []*struct {
   219  			Common
   220  			Category       string `xml:"category,attr"`
   221  			Usage          string `xml:"usage,attr"`
   222  			Scope          string `xml:"scope,attr"`
   223  			UnitPreference []*struct {
   224  				Common
   225  				Regions string `xml:"regions,attr"`
   226  			} `xml:"unitPreference"`
   227  		} `xml:"unitPreferences"`
   228  	} `xml:"unitPreferenceData"`
   229  	TimezoneData *struct {
   230  		Common
   231  		MapTimezones []*struct {
   232  			Common
   233  			OtherVersion string `xml:"otherVersion,attr"`
   234  			TypeVersion  string `xml:"typeVersion,attr"`
   235  			MapZone      []*struct {
   236  				Common
   237  				Other     string `xml:"other,attr"`
   238  				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
   239  			} `xml:"mapZone"`
   240  		} `xml:"mapTimezones"`
   241  		ZoneFormatting []*struct {
   242  			Common
   243  			Multizone   string `xml:"multizone,attr"`
   244  			TzidVersion string `xml:"tzidVersion,attr"`
   245  			ZoneItem    []*struct {
   246  				Common
   247  				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
   248  				Aliases   string `xml:"aliases,attr"`
   249  			} `xml:"zoneItem"`
   250  		} `xml:"zoneFormatting"`
   251  	} `xml:"timezoneData"`
   252  	Characters *struct {
   253  		Common
   254  		CharacterFallback []*struct {
   255  			Common
   256  			Character []*struct {
   257  				Common
   258  				Value      string    `xml:"value,attr"`
   259  				Substitute []*Common `xml:"substitute"`
   260  			} `xml:"character"`
   261  		} `xml:"character-fallback"`
   262  	} `xml:"characters"`
   263  	Transforms *struct {
   264  		Common
   265  		Transform []*struct {
   266  			Common
   267  			Source        string    `xml:"source,attr"`
   268  			Target        string    `xml:"target,attr"`
   269  			Variant       string    `xml:"variant,attr"`
   270  			Direction     string    `xml:"direction,attr"`
   271  			Alias         string    `xml:"alias,attr"`
   272  			BackwardAlias string    `xml:"backwardAlias,attr"`
   273  			Visibility    string    `xml:"visibility,attr"`
   274  			Comment       []*Common `xml:"comment"`
   275  			TRule         []*Common `xml:"tRule"`
   276  		} `xml:"transform"`
   277  	} `xml:"transforms"`
   278  	Metadata *struct {
   279  		Common
   280  		AttributeOrder *Common `xml:"attributeOrder"`
   281  		ElementOrder   *Common `xml:"elementOrder"`
   282  		SerialElements *Common `xml:"serialElements"`
   283  		Suppress       *struct {
   284  			Common
   285  			Attributes []*struct {
   286  				Common
   287  				Element        string `xml:"element,attr"`
   288  				Attribute      string `xml:"attribute,attr"`
   289  				AttributeValue string `xml:"attributeValue,attr"`
   290  			} `xml:"attributes"`
   291  		} `xml:"suppress"`
   292  		Validity *struct {
   293  			Common
   294  			Variable []*struct {
   295  				Common
   296  				Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
   297  			} `xml:"variable"`
   298  			AttributeValues []*struct {
   299  				Common
   300  				Dtds       string `xml:"dtds,attr"`
   301  				Elements   string `xml:"elements,attr"`
   302  				Attributes string `xml:"attributes,attr"`
   303  				Order      string `xml:"order,attr"`
   304  			} `xml:"attributeValues"`
   305  		} `xml:"validity"`
   306  		Alias *struct {
   307  			Common
   308  			LanguageAlias []*struct {
   309  				Common
   310  				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
   311  				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
   312  			} `xml:"languageAlias"`
   313  			ScriptAlias []*struct {
   314  				Common
   315  				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
   316  				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
   317  			} `xml:"scriptAlias"`
   318  			TerritoryAlias []*struct {
   319  				Common
   320  				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
   321  				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
   322  			} `xml:"territoryAlias"`
   323  			SubdivisionAlias []*struct {
   324  				Common
   325  				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
   326  				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
   327  			} `xml:"subdivisionAlias"`
   328  			VariantAlias []*struct {
   329  				Common
   330  				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
   331  				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
   332  			} `xml:"variantAlias"`
   333  			ZoneAlias []*struct {
   334  				Common
   335  				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
   336  				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
   337  			} `xml:"zoneAlias"`
   338  		} `xml:"alias"`
   339  		Deprecated *struct {
   340  			Common
   341  			DeprecatedItems []*struct {
   342  				Common
   343  				Elements   string `xml:"elements,attr"`
   344  				Attributes string `xml:"attributes,attr"`
   345  				Values     string `xml:"values,attr"`
   346  			} `xml:"deprecatedItems"`
   347  		} `xml:"deprecated"`
   348  		Distinguishing *struct {
   349  			Common
   350  			DistinguishingItems []*struct {
   351  				Common
   352  				Exclude    string `xml:"exclude,attr"`
   353  				Elements   string `xml:"elements,attr"`
   354  				Attributes string `xml:"attributes,attr"`
   355  			} `xml:"distinguishingItems"`
   356  		} `xml:"distinguishing"`
   357  		Blocking *struct {
   358  			Common
   359  			BlockingItems []*struct {
   360  				Common
   361  				Elements string `xml:"elements,attr"`
   362  			} `xml:"blockingItems"`
   363  		} `xml:"blocking"`
   364  		CoverageAdditions *struct {
   365  			Common
   366  			LanguageCoverage []*struct {
   367  				Common
   368  				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
   369  			} `xml:"languageCoverage"`
   370  			ScriptCoverage []*struct {
   371  				Common
   372  				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
   373  			} `xml:"scriptCoverage"`
   374  			TerritoryCoverage []*struct {
   375  				Common
   376  				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
   377  			} `xml:"territoryCoverage"`
   378  			CurrencyCoverage []*struct {
   379  				Common
   380  				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
   381  			} `xml:"currencyCoverage"`
   382  			TimezoneCoverage []*struct {
   383  				Common
   384  				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
   385  			} `xml:"timezoneCoverage"`
   386  		} `xml:"coverageAdditions"`
   387  		SkipDefaultLocale *struct {
   388  			Common
   389  			Services string `xml:"services,attr"`
   390  		} `xml:"skipDefaultLocale"`
   391  		DefaultContent *struct {
   392  			Common
   393  			Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   394  		} `xml:"defaultContent"`
   395  	} `xml:"metadata"`
   396  	CodeMappings *struct {
   397  		Common
   398  		LanguageCodes []*struct {
   399  			Common
   400  			Alpha3 string `xml:"alpha3,attr"`
   401  		} `xml:"languageCodes"`
   402  		TerritoryCodes []*struct {
   403  			Common
   404  			Numeric  string `xml:"numeric,attr"`
   405  			Alpha3   string `xml:"alpha3,attr"`
   406  			Fips10   string `xml:"fips10,attr"`
   407  			Internet string `xml:"internet,attr"`
   408  		} `xml:"territoryCodes"`
   409  		CurrencyCodes []*struct {
   410  			Common
   411  			Numeric string `xml:"numeric,attr"`
   412  		} `xml:"currencyCodes"`
   413  	} `xml:"codeMappings"`
   414  	ParentLocales *struct {
   415  		Common
   416  		ParentLocale []*struct {
   417  			Common
   418  			Parent  string `xml:"parent,attr"`
   419  			Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   420  		} `xml:"parentLocale"`
   421  	} `xml:"parentLocales"`
   422  	LikelySubtags *struct {
   423  		Common
   424  		LikelySubtag []*struct {
   425  			Common
   426  			From string `xml:"from,attr"`
   427  			To   string `xml:"to,attr"`
   428  		} `xml:"likelySubtag"`
   429  	} `xml:"likelySubtags"`
   430  	MetazoneInfo *struct {
   431  		Common
   432  		Timezone []*struct {
   433  			Common
   434  			UsesMetazone []*struct {
   435  				Common
   436  				From  string `xml:"from,attr"`
   437  				To    string `xml:"to,attr"`
   438  				Mzone string `xml:"mzone,attr"`
   439  			} `xml:"usesMetazone"`
   440  		} `xml:"timezone"`
   441  	} `xml:"metazoneInfo"`
   442  	Plurals []*struct {
   443  		Common
   444  		PluralRules []*struct {
   445  			Common
   446  			Locales    string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   447  			PluralRule []*struct {
   448  				Common
   449  				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   450  			} `xml:"pluralRule"`
   451  		} `xml:"pluralRules"`
   452  		PluralRanges []*struct {
   453  			Common
   454  			Locales     string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   455  			PluralRange []*struct {
   456  				Common
   457  				Start  string `xml:"start,attr"`
   458  				End    string `xml:"end,attr"`
   459  				Result string `xml:"result,attr"`
   460  			} `xml:"pluralRange"`
   461  		} `xml:"pluralRanges"`
   462  	} `xml:"plurals"`
   463  	TelephoneCodeData *struct {
   464  		Common
   465  		CodesByTerritory []*struct {
   466  			Common
   467  			Territory            string `xml:"territory,attr"`
   468  			TelephoneCountryCode []*struct {
   469  				Common
   470  				Code string `xml:"code,attr"`
   471  				From string `xml:"from,attr"`
   472  				To   string `xml:"to,attr"`
   473  			} `xml:"telephoneCountryCode"`
   474  		} `xml:"codesByTerritory"`
   475  	} `xml:"telephoneCodeData"`
   476  	NumberingSystems *struct {
   477  		Common
   478  		NumberingSystem []*struct {
   479  			Common
   480  			Id     string `xml:"id,attr"`
   481  			Radix  string `xml:"radix,attr"`
   482  			Digits string `xml:"digits,attr"`
   483  			Rules  string `xml:"rules,attr"`
   484  		} `xml:"numberingSystem"`
   485  	} `xml:"numberingSystems"`
   486  	Bcp47KeywordMappings *struct {
   487  		Common
   488  		MapKeys *struct {
   489  			Common
   490  			KeyMap []*struct {
   491  				Common
   492  				Bcp47 string `xml:"bcp47,attr"`
   493  			} `xml:"keyMap"`
   494  		} `xml:"mapKeys"`
   495  		MapTypes []*struct {
   496  			Common
   497  			TypeMap []*struct {
   498  				Common
   499  				Bcp47 string `xml:"bcp47,attr"`
   500  			} `xml:"typeMap"`
   501  		} `xml:"mapTypes"`
   502  	} `xml:"bcp47KeywordMappings"`
   503  	Gender *struct {
   504  		Common
   505  		PersonList []*struct {
   506  			Common
   507  			Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   508  		} `xml:"personList"`
   509  	} `xml:"gender"`
   510  	References *struct {
   511  		Common
   512  		Reference []*struct {
   513  			Common
   514  			Uri string `xml:"uri,attr"`
   515  		} `xml:"reference"`
   516  	} `xml:"references"`
   517  	LanguageMatching *struct {
   518  		Common
   519  		LanguageMatches []*struct {
   520  			Common
   521  			ParadigmLocales []*struct {
   522  				Common
   523  				Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   524  			} `xml:"paradigmLocales"`
   525  			MatchVariable []*struct {
   526  				Common
   527  				Id    string `xml:"id,attr"`
   528  				Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
   529  			} `xml:"matchVariable"`
   530  			LanguageMatch []*struct {
   531  				Common
   532  				Desired   string `xml:"desired,attr"`
   533  				Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
   534  				Percent   string `xml:"percent,attr"`
   535  				Distance  string `xml:"distance,attr"`
   536  				Oneway    string `xml:"oneway,attr"`
   537  			} `xml:"languageMatch"`
   538  		} `xml:"languageMatches"`
   539  	} `xml:"languageMatching"`
   540  	DayPeriodRuleSet []*struct {
   541  		Common
   542  		DayPeriodRules []*struct {
   543  			Common
   544  			Locales       string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   545  			DayPeriodRule []*struct {
   546  				Common
   547  				At     string `xml:"at,attr"`
   548  				After  string `xml:"after,attr"`
   549  				Before string `xml:"before,attr"`
   550  				From   string `xml:"from,attr"`
   551  				To     string `xml:"to,attr"`
   552  			} `xml:"dayPeriodRule"`
   553  		} `xml:"dayPeriodRules"`
   554  	} `xml:"dayPeriodRuleSet"`
   555  	MetaZones *struct {
   556  		Common
   557  		MetazoneInfo *struct {
   558  			Common
   559  			Timezone []*struct {
   560  				Common
   561  				UsesMetazone []*struct {
   562  					Common
   563  					From  string `xml:"from,attr"`
   564  					To    string `xml:"to,attr"`
   565  					Mzone string `xml:"mzone,attr"`
   566  				} `xml:"usesMetazone"`
   567  			} `xml:"timezone"`
   568  		} `xml:"metazoneInfo"`
   569  		MapTimezones *struct {
   570  			Common
   571  			OtherVersion string `xml:"otherVersion,attr"`
   572  			TypeVersion  string `xml:"typeVersion,attr"`
   573  			MapZone      []*struct {
   574  				Common
   575  				Other     string `xml:"other,attr"`
   576  				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
   577  			} `xml:"mapZone"`
   578  		} `xml:"mapTimezones"`
   579  	} `xml:"metaZones"`
   580  	PrimaryZones *struct {
   581  		Common
   582  		PrimaryZone []*struct {
   583  			Common
   584  			Iso3166 string `xml:"iso3166,attr"`
   585  		} `xml:"primaryZone"`
   586  	} `xml:"primaryZones"`
   587  	WindowsZones *struct {
   588  		Common
   589  		MapTimezones *struct {
   590  			Common
   591  			OtherVersion string `xml:"otherVersion,attr"`
   592  			TypeVersion  string `xml:"typeVersion,attr"`
   593  			MapZone      []*struct {
   594  				Common
   595  				Other     string `xml:"other,attr"`
   596  				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
   597  			} `xml:"mapZone"`
   598  		} `xml:"mapTimezones"`
   599  	} `xml:"windowsZones"`
   600  	CoverageLevels *struct {
   601  		Common
   602  		ApprovalRequirements *struct {
   603  			Common
   604  			ApprovalRequirement []*struct {
   605  				Common
   606  				Votes   string `xml:"votes,attr"`
   607  				Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
   608  				Paths   string `xml:"paths,attr"`
   609  			} `xml:"approvalRequirement"`
   610  		} `xml:"approvalRequirements"`
   611  		CoverageVariable []*struct {
   612  			Common
   613  			Key   string `xml:"key,attr"`
   614  			Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
   615  		} `xml:"coverageVariable"`
   616  		CoverageLevel []*struct {
   617  			Common
   618  			InLanguage  string `xml:"inLanguage,attr"`
   619  			InScript    string `xml:"inScript,attr"`
   620  			InTerritory string `xml:"inTerritory,attr"`
   621  			Value       string `xml:"value,attr"`
   622  			Match       string `xml:"match,attr"`
   623  		} `xml:"coverageLevel"`
   624  	} `xml:"coverageLevels"`
   625  	IdValidity *struct {
   626  		Common
   627  		Id []*struct {
   628  			Common
   629  			IdStatus string `xml:"idStatus,attr"`
   630  		} `xml:"id"`
   631  	} `xml:"idValidity"`
   632  	RgScope *struct {
   633  		Common
   634  		RgPath []*struct {
   635  			Common
   636  			Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
   637  		} `xml:"rgPath"`
   638  	} `xml:"rgScope"`
   639  }
   641  // LDML is the top-level type for locale-specific data.
   642  type LDML struct {
   643  	Common
   644  	Version  string `xml:"version,attr"`
   645  	Identity *struct {
   646  		Common
   647  		Version *struct {
   648  			Common
   649  			Number string `xml:"number,attr"`
   650  		} `xml:"version"`
   651  		Generation *struct {
   652  			Common
   653  			Date string `xml:"date,attr"`
   654  		} `xml:"generation"`
   655  		Language  *Common `xml:"language"`
   656  		Script    *Common `xml:"script"`
   657  		Territory *Common `xml:"territory"`
   658  		Variant   *Common `xml:"variant"`
   659  	} `xml:"identity"`
   660  	LocaleDisplayNames *LocaleDisplayNames `xml:"localeDisplayNames"`
   661  	Layout             *struct {
   662  		Common
   663  		Orientation []*struct {
   664  			Common
   665  			Characters     string    `xml:"characters,attr"`
   666  			Lines          string    `xml:"lines,attr"`
   667  			CharacterOrder []*Common `xml:"characterOrder"`
   668  			LineOrder      []*Common `xml:"lineOrder"`
   669  		} `xml:"orientation"`
   670  		InList []*struct {
   671  			Common
   672  			Casing string `xml:"casing,attr"`
   673  		} `xml:"inList"`
   674  		InText []*Common `xml:"inText"`
   675  	} `xml:"layout"`
   676  	ContextTransforms *struct {
   677  		Common
   678  		ContextTransformUsage []*struct {
   679  			Common
   680  			ContextTransform []*Common `xml:"contextTransform"`
   681  		} `xml:"contextTransformUsage"`
   682  	} `xml:"contextTransforms"`
   683  	Characters *struct {
   684  		Common
   685  		ExemplarCharacters []*Common `xml:"exemplarCharacters"`
   686  		Ellipsis           []*Common `xml:"ellipsis"`
   687  		MoreInformation    []*Common `xml:"moreInformation"`
   688  		Stopwords          []*struct {
   689  			Common
   690  			StopwordList []*Common `xml:"stopwordList"`
   691  		} `xml:"stopwords"`
   692  		IndexLabels []*struct {
   693  			Common
   694  			IndexSeparator           []*Common `xml:"indexSeparator"`
   695  			CompressedIndexSeparator []*Common `xml:"compressedIndexSeparator"`
   696  			IndexRangePattern        []*Common `xml:"indexRangePattern"`
   697  			IndexLabelBefore         []*Common `xml:"indexLabelBefore"`
   698  			IndexLabelAfter          []*Common `xml:"indexLabelAfter"`
   699  			IndexLabel               []*struct {
   700  				Common
   701  				IndexSource string `xml:"indexSource,attr"`
   702  				Priority    string `xml:"priority,attr"`
   703  			} `xml:"indexLabel"`
   704  		} `xml:"indexLabels"`
   705  		Mapping []*struct {
   706  			Common
   707  			Registry string `xml:"registry,attr"`
   708  		} `xml:"mapping"`
   709  		ParseLenients []*struct {
   710  			Common
   711  			Scope        string `xml:"scope,attr"`
   712  			Level        string `xml:"level,attr"`
   713  			ParseLenient []*struct {
   714  				Common
   715  				Sample string `xml:"sample,attr"`
   716  			} `xml:"parseLenient"`
   717  		} `xml:"parseLenients"`
   718  	} `xml:"characters"`
   719  	Delimiters *struct {
   720  		Common
   721  		QuotationStart          []*Common `xml:"quotationStart"`
   722  		QuotationEnd            []*Common `xml:"quotationEnd"`
   723  		AlternateQuotationStart []*Common `xml:"alternateQuotationStart"`
   724  		AlternateQuotationEnd   []*Common `xml:"alternateQuotationEnd"`
   725  	} `xml:"delimiters"`
   726  	Measurement *struct {
   727  		Common
   728  		MeasurementSystem []*Common `xml:"measurementSystem"`
   729  		PaperSize         []*struct {
   730  			Common
   731  			Height []*Common `xml:"height"`
   732  			Width  []*Common `xml:"width"`
   733  		} `xml:"paperSize"`
   734  	} `xml:"measurement"`
   735  	Dates *struct {
   736  		Common
   737  		LocalizedPatternChars []*Common `xml:"localizedPatternChars"`
   738  		DateRangePattern      []*Common `xml:"dateRangePattern"`
   739  		Calendars             *struct {
   740  			Common
   741  			Calendar []*Calendar `xml:"calendar"`
   742  		} `xml:"calendars"`
   743  		Fields *struct {
   744  			Common
   745  			Field []*struct {
   746  				Common
   747  				DisplayName []*struct {
   748  					Common
   749  					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   750  				} `xml:"displayName"`
   751  				Relative     []*Common `xml:"relative"`
   752  				RelativeTime []*struct {
   753  					Common
   754  					RelativeTimePattern []*struct {
   755  						Common
   756  						Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   757  					} `xml:"relativeTimePattern"`
   758  				} `xml:"relativeTime"`
   759  				RelativePeriod []*Common `xml:"relativePeriod"`
   760  			} `xml:"field"`
   761  		} `xml:"fields"`
   762  		TimeZoneNames *TimeZoneNames `xml:"timeZoneNames"`
   763  	} `xml:"dates"`
   764  	Numbers *Numbers `xml:"numbers"`
   765  	Units   *struct {
   766  		Common
   767  		Unit []*struct {
   768  			Common
   769  			DisplayName []*struct {
   770  				Common
   771  				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   772  			} `xml:"displayName"`
   773  			UnitPattern []*struct {
   774  				Common
   775  				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   776  			} `xml:"unitPattern"`
   777  			PerUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"perUnitPattern"`
   778  		} `xml:"unit"`
   779  		UnitLength []*struct {
   780  			Common
   781  			CompoundUnit []*struct {
   782  				Common
   783  				CompoundUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"compoundUnitPattern"`
   784  			} `xml:"compoundUnit"`
   785  			Unit []*struct {
   786  				Common
   787  				DisplayName []*struct {
   788  					Common
   789  					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   790  				} `xml:"displayName"`
   791  				UnitPattern []*struct {
   792  					Common
   793  					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   794  				} `xml:"unitPattern"`
   795  				PerUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"perUnitPattern"`
   796  			} `xml:"unit"`
   797  			CoordinateUnit []*struct {
   798  				Common
   799  				CoordinateUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"coordinateUnitPattern"`
   800  			} `xml:"coordinateUnit"`
   801  		} `xml:"unitLength"`
   802  		DurationUnit []*struct {
   803  			Common
   804  			DurationUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"durationUnitPattern"`
   805  		} `xml:"durationUnit"`
   806  	} `xml:"units"`
   807  	ListPatterns *struct {
   808  		Common
   809  		ListPattern []*struct {
   810  			Common
   811  			ListPatternPart []*Common `xml:"listPatternPart"`
   812  		} `xml:"listPattern"`
   813  	} `xml:"listPatterns"`
   814  	Collations *struct {
   815  		Common
   816  		Version          string       `xml:"version,attr"`
   817  		DefaultCollation *Common      `xml:"defaultCollation"`
   818  		Collation        []*Collation `xml:"collation"`
   819  	} `xml:"collations"`
   820  	Posix *struct {
   821  		Common
   822  		Messages []*struct {
   823  			Common
   824  			Yesstr  []*Common `xml:"yesstr"`
   825  			Nostr   []*Common `xml:"nostr"`
   826  			Yesexpr []*Common `xml:"yesexpr"`
   827  			Noexpr  []*Common `xml:"noexpr"`
   828  		} `xml:"messages"`
   829  	} `xml:"posix"`
   830  	CharacterLabels *struct {
   831  		Common
   832  		CharacterLabelPattern []*struct {
   833  			Common
   834  			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
   835  		} `xml:"characterLabelPattern"`
   836  		CharacterLabel []*Common `xml:"characterLabel"`
   837  	} `xml:"characterLabels"`
   838  	Segmentations *struct {
   839  		Common
   840  		Segmentation []*struct {
   841  			Common
   842  			Variables *struct {
   843  				Common
   844  				Variable []*struct {
   845  					Common
   846  					Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
   847  				} `xml:"variable"`
   848  			} `xml:"variables"`
   849  			SegmentRules *struct {
   850  				Common
   851  				Rule []*struct {
   852  					Common
   853  					Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
   854  				} `xml:"rule"`
   855  			} `xml:"segmentRules"`
   856  			Exceptions *struct {
   857  				Common
   858  				Exception []*Common `xml:"exception"`
   859  			} `xml:"exceptions"`
   860  			Suppressions *struct {
   861  				Common
   862  				Suppression []*Common `xml:"suppression"`
   863  			} `xml:"suppressions"`
   864  		} `xml:"segmentation"`
   865  	} `xml:"segmentations"`
   866  	Rbnf *struct {
   867  		Common
   868  		RulesetGrouping []*struct {
   869  			Common
   870  			Ruleset []*struct {
   871  				Common
   872  				Access        string `xml:"access,attr"`
   873  				AllowsParsing string `xml:"allowsParsing,attr"`
   874  				Rbnfrule      []*struct {
   875  					Common
   876  					Value  string `xml:"value,attr"`
   877  					Radix  string `xml:"radix,attr"`
   878  					Decexp string `xml:"decexp,attr"`
   879  				} `xml:"rbnfrule"`
   880  			} `xml:"ruleset"`
   881  		} `xml:"rulesetGrouping"`
   882  	} `xml:"rbnf"`
   883  	Annotations *struct {
   884  		Common
   885  		Annotation []*struct {
   886  			Common
   887  			Cp  string `xml:"cp,attr"`
   888  			Tts string `xml:"tts,attr"`
   889  		} `xml:"annotation"`
   890  	} `xml:"annotations"`
   891  	Metadata *struct {
   892  		Common
   893  		CasingData *struct {
   894  			Common
   895  			CasingItem []*struct {
   896  				Common
   897  				Override   string `xml:"override,attr"`
   898  				ForceError string `xml:"forceError,attr"`
   899  			} `xml:"casingItem"`
   900  		} `xml:"casingData"`
   901  	} `xml:"metadata"`
   902  	References *struct {
   903  		Common
   904  		Reference []*struct {
   905  			Common
   906  			Uri string `xml:"uri,attr"`
   907  		} `xml:"reference"`
   908  	} `xml:"references"`
   909  }
   911  // Collation contains rules that specify a certain sort-order,
   912  // as a tailoring of the root order.
   913  // The parsed rules are obtained by passing a RuleProcessor to Collation's
   914  // Process method.
   915  type Collation struct {
   916  	Common
   917  	Visibility string  `xml:"visibility,attr"`
   918  	Base       *Common `xml:"base"`
   919  	Import     []*struct {
   920  		Common
   921  		Source string `xml:"source,attr"`
   922  	} `xml:"import"`
   923  	Settings *struct {
   924  		Common
   925  		Strength           string `xml:"strength,attr"`
   926  		Alternate          string `xml:"alternate,attr"`
   927  		Backwards          string `xml:"backwards,attr"`
   928  		Normalization      string `xml:"normalization,attr"`
   929  		CaseLevel          string `xml:"caseLevel,attr"`
   930  		CaseFirst          string `xml:"caseFirst,attr"`
   931  		HiraganaQuaternary string `xml:"hiraganaQuaternary,attr"`
   932  		MaxVariable        string `xml:"maxVariable,attr"`
   933  		Numeric            string `xml:"numeric,attr"`
   934  		Private            string `xml:"private,attr"`
   935  		VariableTop        string `xml:"variableTop,attr"`
   936  		Reorder            string `xml:"reorder,attr"`
   937  	} `xml:"settings"`
   938  	SuppressContractions *Common   `xml:"suppress_contractions"`
   939  	Optimize             *Common   `xml:"optimize"`
   940  	Cr                   []*Common `xml:"cr"`
   941  	rulesElem
   942  }
   944  // Calendar specifies the fields used for formatting and parsing dates and times.
   945  // The month and quarter names are identified numerically, starting at 1.
   946  // The day (of the week) names are identified with short strings, since there is
   947  // no universally-accepted numeric designation.
   948  type Calendar struct {
   949  	Common
   950  	Months *struct {
   951  		Common
   952  		MonthContext []*struct {
   953  			Common
   954  			MonthWidth []*struct {
   955  				Common
   956  				Month []*struct {
   957  					Common
   958  					Yeartype string `xml:"yeartype,attr"`
   959  				} `xml:"month"`
   960  			} `xml:"monthWidth"`
   961  		} `xml:"monthContext"`
   962  	} `xml:"months"`
   963  	MonthNames *struct {
   964  		Common
   965  		Month []*struct {
   966  			Common
   967  			Yeartype string `xml:"yeartype,attr"`
   968  		} `xml:"month"`
   969  	} `xml:"monthNames"`
   970  	MonthAbbr *struct {
   971  		Common
   972  		Month []*struct {
   973  			Common
   974  			Yeartype string `xml:"yeartype,attr"`
   975  		} `xml:"month"`
   976  	} `xml:"monthAbbr"`
   977  	MonthPatterns *struct {
   978  		Common
   979  		MonthPatternContext []*struct {
   980  			Common
   981  			MonthPatternWidth []*struct {
   982  				Common
   983  				MonthPattern []*Common `xml:"monthPattern"`
   984  			} `xml:"monthPatternWidth"`
   985  		} `xml:"monthPatternContext"`
   986  	} `xml:"monthPatterns"`
   987  	Days *struct {
   988  		Common
   989  		DayContext []*struct {
   990  			Common
   991  			DayWidth []*struct {
   992  				Common
   993  				Day []*Common `xml:"day"`
   994  			} `xml:"dayWidth"`
   995  		} `xml:"dayContext"`
   996  	} `xml:"days"`
   997  	DayNames *struct {
   998  		Common
   999  		Day []*Common `xml:"day"`
  1000  	} `xml:"dayNames"`
  1001  	DayAbbr *struct {
  1002  		Common
  1003  		Day []*Common `xml:"day"`
  1004  	} `xml:"dayAbbr"`
  1005  	Quarters *struct {
  1006  		Common
  1007  		QuarterContext []*struct {
  1008  			Common
  1009  			QuarterWidth []*struct {
  1010  				Common
  1011  				Quarter []*Common `xml:"quarter"`
  1012  			} `xml:"quarterWidth"`
  1013  		} `xml:"quarterContext"`
  1014  	} `xml:"quarters"`
  1015  	Week *struct {
  1016  		Common
  1017  		MinDays []*struct {
  1018  			Common
  1019  			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1020  		} `xml:"minDays"`
  1021  		FirstDay []*struct {
  1022  			Common
  1023  			Day string `xml:"day,attr"`
  1024  		} `xml:"firstDay"`
  1025  		WeekendStart []*struct {
  1026  			Common
  1027  			Day  string `xml:"day,attr"`
  1028  			Time string `xml:"time,attr"`
  1029  		} `xml:"weekendStart"`
  1030  		WeekendEnd []*struct {
  1031  			Common
  1032  			Day  string `xml:"day,attr"`
  1033  			Time string `xml:"time,attr"`
  1034  		} `xml:"weekendEnd"`
  1035  	} `xml:"week"`
  1036  	Am         []*Common `xml:"am"`
  1037  	Pm         []*Common `xml:"pm"`
  1038  	DayPeriods *struct {
  1039  		Common
  1040  		DayPeriodContext []*struct {
  1041  			Common
  1042  			DayPeriodWidth []*struct {
  1043  				Common
  1044  				DayPeriod []*Common `xml:"dayPeriod"`
  1045  			} `xml:"dayPeriodWidth"`
  1046  		} `xml:"dayPeriodContext"`
  1047  	} `xml:"dayPeriods"`
  1048  	Eras *struct {
  1049  		Common
  1050  		EraNames *struct {
  1051  			Common
  1052  			Era []*Common `xml:"era"`
  1053  		} `xml:"eraNames"`
  1054  		EraAbbr *struct {
  1055  			Common
  1056  			Era []*Common `xml:"era"`
  1057  		} `xml:"eraAbbr"`
  1058  		EraNarrow *struct {
  1059  			Common
  1060  			Era []*Common `xml:"era"`
  1061  		} `xml:"eraNarrow"`
  1062  	} `xml:"eras"`
  1063  	CyclicNameSets *struct {
  1064  		Common
  1065  		CyclicNameSet []*struct {
  1066  			Common
  1067  			CyclicNameContext []*struct {
  1068  				Common
  1069  				CyclicNameWidth []*struct {
  1070  					Common
  1071  					CyclicName []*Common `xml:"cyclicName"`
  1072  				} `xml:"cyclicNameWidth"`
  1073  			} `xml:"cyclicNameContext"`
  1074  		} `xml:"cyclicNameSet"`
  1075  	} `xml:"cyclicNameSets"`
  1076  	DateFormats *struct {
  1077  		Common
  1078  		DateFormatLength []*struct {
  1079  			Common
  1080  			DateFormat []*struct {
  1081  				Common
  1082  				Pattern []*struct {
  1083  					Common
  1084  					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1085  					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1086  				} `xml:"pattern"`
  1087  				DisplayName []*struct {
  1088  					Common
  1089  					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1090  				} `xml:"displayName"`
  1091  			} `xml:"dateFormat"`
  1092  		} `xml:"dateFormatLength"`
  1093  	} `xml:"dateFormats"`
  1094  	TimeFormats *struct {
  1095  		Common
  1096  		TimeFormatLength []*struct {
  1097  			Common
  1098  			TimeFormat []*struct {
  1099  				Common
  1100  				Pattern []*struct {
  1101  					Common
  1102  					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1103  					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1104  				} `xml:"pattern"`
  1105  				DisplayName []*struct {
  1106  					Common
  1107  					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1108  				} `xml:"displayName"`
  1109  			} `xml:"timeFormat"`
  1110  		} `xml:"timeFormatLength"`
  1111  	} `xml:"timeFormats"`
  1112  	DateTimeFormats *struct {
  1113  		Common
  1114  		DateTimeFormatLength []*struct {
  1115  			Common
  1116  			DateTimeFormat []*struct {
  1117  				Common
  1118  				Pattern []*struct {
  1119  					Common
  1120  					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1121  					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1122  				} `xml:"pattern"`
  1123  				DisplayName []*struct {
  1124  					Common
  1125  					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1126  				} `xml:"displayName"`
  1127  			} `xml:"dateTimeFormat"`
  1128  		} `xml:"dateTimeFormatLength"`
  1129  		AvailableFormats []*struct {
  1130  			Common
  1131  			DateFormatItem []*struct {
  1132  				Common
  1133  				Id    string `xml:"id,attr"`
  1134  				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1135  			} `xml:"dateFormatItem"`
  1136  		} `xml:"availableFormats"`
  1137  		AppendItems []*struct {
  1138  			Common
  1139  			AppendItem []*struct {
  1140  				Common
  1141  				Request string `xml:"request,attr"`
  1142  			} `xml:"appendItem"`
  1143  		} `xml:"appendItems"`
  1144  		IntervalFormats []*struct {
  1145  			Common
  1146  			IntervalFormatFallback []*Common `xml:"intervalFormatFallback"`
  1147  			IntervalFormatItem     []*struct {
  1148  				Common
  1149  				Id                 string `xml:"id,attr"`
  1150  				GreatestDifference []*struct {
  1151  					Common
  1152  					Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
  1153  				} `xml:"greatestDifference"`
  1154  			} `xml:"intervalFormatItem"`
  1155  		} `xml:"intervalFormats"`
  1156  	} `xml:"dateTimeFormats"`
  1157  	Fields []*struct {
  1158  		Common
  1159  		Field []*struct {
  1160  			Common
  1161  			DisplayName []*struct {
  1162  				Common
  1163  				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1164  			} `xml:"displayName"`
  1165  			Relative     []*Common `xml:"relative"`
  1166  			RelativeTime []*struct {
  1167  				Common
  1168  				RelativeTimePattern []*struct {
  1169  					Common
  1170  					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1171  				} `xml:"relativeTimePattern"`
  1172  			} `xml:"relativeTime"`
  1173  			RelativePeriod []*Common `xml:"relativePeriod"`
  1174  		} `xml:"field"`
  1175  	} `xml:"fields"`
  1176  }
  1177  type TimeZoneNames struct {
  1178  	Common
  1179  	HourFormat           []*Common `xml:"hourFormat"`
  1180  	HoursFormat          []*Common `xml:"hoursFormat"`
  1181  	GmtFormat            []*Common `xml:"gmtFormat"`
  1182  	GmtZeroFormat        []*Common `xml:"gmtZeroFormat"`
  1183  	RegionFormat         []*Common `xml:"regionFormat"`
  1184  	FallbackFormat       []*Common `xml:"fallbackFormat"`
  1185  	FallbackRegionFormat []*Common `xml:"fallbackRegionFormat"`
  1186  	AbbreviationFallback []*Common `xml:"abbreviationFallback"`
  1187  	PreferenceOrdering   []*Common `xml:"preferenceOrdering"`
  1188  	SingleCountries      []*struct {
  1189  		Common
  1190  		List string `xml:"list,attr"`
  1191  	} `xml:"singleCountries"`
  1192  	Zone []*struct {
  1193  		Common
  1194  		Long []*struct {
  1195  			Common
  1196  			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
  1197  			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
  1198  			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
  1199  		} `xml:"long"`
  1200  		Short []*struct {
  1201  			Common
  1202  			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
  1203  			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
  1204  			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
  1205  		} `xml:"short"`
  1206  		CommonlyUsed []*struct {
  1207  			Common
  1208  			Used string `xml:"used,attr"`
  1209  		} `xml:"commonlyUsed"`
  1210  		ExemplarCity []*Common `xml:"exemplarCity"`
  1211  	} `xml:"zone"`
  1212  	Metazone []*struct {
  1213  		Common
  1214  		Long []*struct {
  1215  			Common
  1216  			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
  1217  			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
  1218  			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
  1219  		} `xml:"long"`
  1220  		Short []*struct {
  1221  			Common
  1222  			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
  1223  			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
  1224  			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
  1225  		} `xml:"short"`
  1226  		CommonlyUsed []*struct {
  1227  			Common
  1228  			Used string `xml:"used,attr"`
  1229  		} `xml:"commonlyUsed"`
  1230  	} `xml:"metazone"`
  1231  }
  1233  // LocaleDisplayNames specifies localized display names for for scripts, languages,
  1234  // countries, currencies, and variants.
  1235  type LocaleDisplayNames struct {
  1236  	Common
  1237  	LocaleDisplayPattern *struct {
  1238  		Common
  1239  		LocalePattern        []*Common `xml:"localePattern"`
  1240  		LocaleSeparator      []*Common `xml:"localeSeparator"`
  1241  		LocaleKeyTypePattern []*Common `xml:"localeKeyTypePattern"`
  1242  	} `xml:"localeDisplayPattern"`
  1243  	Languages *struct {
  1244  		Common
  1245  		Language []*Common `xml:"language"`
  1246  	} `xml:"languages"`
  1247  	Scripts *struct {
  1248  		Common
  1249  		Script []*Common `xml:"script"`
  1250  	} `xml:"scripts"`
  1251  	Territories *struct {
  1252  		Common
  1253  		Territory []*Common `xml:"territory"`
  1254  	} `xml:"territories"`
  1255  	Subdivisions *struct {
  1256  		Common
  1257  		Subdivision []*Common `xml:"subdivision"`
  1258  	} `xml:"subdivisions"`
  1259  	Variants *struct {
  1260  		Common
  1261  		Variant []*Common `xml:"variant"`
  1262  	} `xml:"variants"`
  1263  	Keys *struct {
  1264  		Common
  1265  		Key []*Common `xml:"key"`
  1266  	} `xml:"keys"`
  1267  	Types *struct {
  1268  		Common
  1269  		Type []*struct {
  1270  			Common
  1271  			Key string `xml:"key,attr"`
  1272  		} `xml:"type"`
  1273  	} `xml:"types"`
  1274  	TransformNames *struct {
  1275  		Common
  1276  		TransformName []*Common `xml:"transformName"`
  1277  	} `xml:"transformNames"`
  1278  	MeasurementSystemNames *struct {
  1279  		Common
  1280  		MeasurementSystemName []*Common `xml:"measurementSystemName"`
  1281  	} `xml:"measurementSystemNames"`
  1282  	CodePatterns *struct {
  1283  		Common
  1284  		CodePattern []*Common `xml:"codePattern"`
  1285  	} `xml:"codePatterns"`
  1286  }
  1288  // Numbers supplies information for formatting and parsing numbers and currencies.
  1289  type Numbers struct {
  1290  	Common
  1291  	DefaultNumberingSystem []*Common `xml:"defaultNumberingSystem"`
  1292  	OtherNumberingSystems  []*struct {
  1293  		Common
  1294  		Native      []*Common `xml:"native"`
  1295  		Traditional []*Common `xml:"traditional"`
  1296  		Finance     []*Common `xml:"finance"`
  1297  	} `xml:"otherNumberingSystems"`
  1298  	MinimumGroupingDigits []*Common `xml:"minimumGroupingDigits"`
  1299  	Symbols               []*struct {
  1300  		Common
  1301  		NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1302  		Decimal      []*struct {
  1303  			Common
  1304  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1305  		} `xml:"decimal"`
  1306  		Group []*struct {
  1307  			Common
  1308  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1309  		} `xml:"group"`
  1310  		List []*struct {
  1311  			Common
  1312  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1313  		} `xml:"list"`
  1314  		PercentSign []*struct {
  1315  			Common
  1316  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1317  		} `xml:"percentSign"`
  1318  		NativeZeroDigit []*struct {
  1319  			Common
  1320  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1321  		} `xml:"nativeZeroDigit"`
  1322  		PatternDigit []*struct {
  1323  			Common
  1324  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1325  		} `xml:"patternDigit"`
  1326  		PlusSign []*struct {
  1327  			Common
  1328  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1329  		} `xml:"plusSign"`
  1330  		MinusSign []*struct {
  1331  			Common
  1332  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1333  		} `xml:"minusSign"`
  1334  		Exponential []*struct {
  1335  			Common
  1336  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1337  		} `xml:"exponential"`
  1338  		SuperscriptingExponent []*Common `xml:"superscriptingExponent"`
  1339  		PerMille               []*struct {
  1340  			Common
  1341  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1342  		} `xml:"perMille"`
  1343  		Infinity []*struct {
  1344  			Common
  1345  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1346  		} `xml:"infinity"`
  1347  		Nan []*struct {
  1348  			Common
  1349  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1350  		} `xml:"nan"`
  1351  		CurrencyDecimal []*struct {
  1352  			Common
  1353  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1354  		} `xml:"currencyDecimal"`
  1355  		CurrencyGroup []*struct {
  1356  			Common
  1357  			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1358  		} `xml:"currencyGroup"`
  1359  		TimeSeparator []*Common `xml:"timeSeparator"`
  1360  	} `xml:"symbols"`
  1361  	DecimalFormats []*struct {
  1362  		Common
  1363  		NumberSystem        string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1364  		DecimalFormatLength []*struct {
  1365  			Common
  1366  			DecimalFormat []*struct {
  1367  				Common
  1368  				Pattern []*struct {
  1369  					Common
  1370  					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1371  					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1372  				} `xml:"pattern"`
  1373  			} `xml:"decimalFormat"`
  1374  		} `xml:"decimalFormatLength"`
  1375  	} `xml:"decimalFormats"`
  1376  	ScientificFormats []*struct {
  1377  		Common
  1378  		NumberSystem           string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1379  		ScientificFormatLength []*struct {
  1380  			Common
  1381  			ScientificFormat []*struct {
  1382  				Common
  1383  				Pattern []*struct {
  1384  					Common
  1385  					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1386  					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1387  				} `xml:"pattern"`
  1388  			} `xml:"scientificFormat"`
  1389  		} `xml:"scientificFormatLength"`
  1390  	} `xml:"scientificFormats"`
  1391  	PercentFormats []*struct {
  1392  		Common
  1393  		NumberSystem        string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1394  		PercentFormatLength []*struct {
  1395  			Common
  1396  			PercentFormat []*struct {
  1397  				Common
  1398  				Pattern []*struct {
  1399  					Common
  1400  					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1401  					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1402  				} `xml:"pattern"`
  1403  			} `xml:"percentFormat"`
  1404  		} `xml:"percentFormatLength"`
  1405  	} `xml:"percentFormats"`
  1406  	CurrencyFormats []*struct {
  1407  		Common
  1408  		NumberSystem    string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1409  		CurrencySpacing []*struct {
  1410  			Common
  1411  			BeforeCurrency []*struct {
  1412  				Common
  1413  				CurrencyMatch    []*Common `xml:"currencyMatch"`
  1414  				SurroundingMatch []*Common `xml:"surroundingMatch"`
  1415  				InsertBetween    []*Common `xml:"insertBetween"`
  1416  			} `xml:"beforeCurrency"`
  1417  			AfterCurrency []*struct {
  1418  				Common
  1419  				CurrencyMatch    []*Common `xml:"currencyMatch"`
  1420  				SurroundingMatch []*Common `xml:"surroundingMatch"`
  1421  				InsertBetween    []*Common `xml:"insertBetween"`
  1422  			} `xml:"afterCurrency"`
  1423  		} `xml:"currencySpacing"`
  1424  		CurrencyFormatLength []*struct {
  1425  			Common
  1426  			CurrencyFormat []*struct {
  1427  				Common
  1428  				Pattern []*struct {
  1429  					Common
  1430  					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1431  					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1432  				} `xml:"pattern"`
  1433  			} `xml:"currencyFormat"`
  1434  		} `xml:"currencyFormatLength"`
  1435  		UnitPattern []*struct {
  1436  			Common
  1437  			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1438  		} `xml:"unitPattern"`
  1439  	} `xml:"currencyFormats"`
  1440  	Currencies *struct {
  1441  		Common
  1442  		Currency []*struct {
  1443  			Common
  1444  			Pattern []*struct {
  1445  				Common
  1446  				Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1447  				Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1448  			} `xml:"pattern"`
  1449  			DisplayName []*struct {
  1450  				Common
  1451  				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1452  			} `xml:"displayName"`
  1453  			Symbol  []*Common `xml:"symbol"`
  1454  			Decimal []*struct {
  1455  				Common
  1456  				NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1457  			} `xml:"decimal"`
  1458  			Group []*struct {
  1459  				Common
  1460  				NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1461  			} `xml:"group"`
  1462  		} `xml:"currency"`
  1463  	} `xml:"currencies"`
  1464  	MiscPatterns []*struct {
  1465  		Common
  1466  		NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
  1467  		Pattern      []*struct {
  1468  			Common
  1469  			Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
  1470  			Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1471  		} `xml:"pattern"`
  1472  	} `xml:"miscPatterns"`
  1473  	MinimalPairs []*struct {
  1474  		Common
  1475  		PluralMinimalPairs []*struct {
  1476  			Common
  1477  			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
  1478  		} `xml:"pluralMinimalPairs"`
  1479  		OrdinalMinimalPairs []*struct {
  1480  			Common
  1481  			Ordinal string `xml:"ordinal,attr"`
  1482  		} `xml:"ordinalMinimalPairs"`
  1483  	} `xml:"minimalPairs"`
  1484  }
  1486  // Version is the version of CLDR from which the XML definitions are generated.
  1487  const Version = "31"