
     1  Navigation: [DEDIS]( ::
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     4  Mininet Simulation
     6  # Mininet Simulation
     8  Mininet allows to have a better control over the delay and bandwidth restrictions
     9  during the simulation. While [Deterlab]( only has these restrictions
    10  between servers, but not necessarily between all nodes, Mininet will set up the
    11  same restriction between any two nodes that communcate with each other.
    13  The Mininet simulation uses to simulate a network where each
    14  host represents a cothority node. It has been extensively tested on the
    15  hardware of, but should theoretically also run on
    16  other kinds of hardware. As it needs to set up the mininet environment, it is
    17  more fragile than the Deterlab simulations. But server availability in EPFL
    18  is often better than on Deterlab.
    20  Each T3-server on the iccluster is a 24-core server with 256GB of RAM and can
    21  run around 300 cothority nodes simultaneously. So if you want to run a
    22  simulation with 2000 nodes, you need at least 7 servers.
    24  Unfortunately we still have the restriction that _all servers need to be on the
    25  same subnet_! We know about the situation and hope to have a solution ready
    26  sometime in the near future.
    28  ## Setting up ICCluster
    30  Supposing you want to run your simulation using the iccluster-network, you
    31  first need to reserve the machines. You have to do so one day in advance, as
    32  it is not possible to reserve the machines on the same day. Once the machines
    33  are ready, you need to install them.
    35  1. In the ICCluster-admin interface, you need to go to `My Servers` -> `Setup`.
    36  2. Chose the servers you reserved - take care, as there might be servers from
    37  other people in the same lab!
    38  3. `Choose a boot option` - please take _Ubuntu xenial 1604_ for best results
    39  4. `Customization` - chose a password (it can be very simple) for the setup.
    40  5. Optional: For easiest results, tick `Own %url-post-install-script%` and add
    41  the following line to `My Servers` -> `Environment` -> `%url-post-install-script%`:
    42  ``
    43  This will directly install mininet on the servers, else the simulation will have
    44  to do so for you.
    45  6. `Run Setup` and confirm the setup. THIS WILL DELETE ALL DATA ON THE SERVERS!
    47  ### Verifying everything is correctly set up
    49  To ping server #33, you have to do the following:
    51  ```bash
    52  ping
    53  ```
    55  If you are outside of EPFL, you need to use the VPN, as iccluster is only
    56  reachable from inside EPFL.
    58  You can also connect to the server with
    60  ```bash
    61  ssh
    62  ```
    64  and enter your password that you gave in the `Customization` step above.
    66  ## Running a simulation
    68  Now you are finally ready to run your simulation. We suppose that you have
    69  your simulation running successfully under [Localhost]( Then
    70  all you need to do is:
    72  ```bash
    73  go build && ./simul -platform mininet simul.toml
    74  ```
    76  If it is the first time the simulation is run, it will ask you whether you want
    77  to use iccluster or not. If you reply `Y` (or simply press `Enter`), you can
    78  give the names of the servers you reserved and installed. An example is:
    79  `31 32 33`. You don't need to enter leading `0`s, this will be automatically added,
    80  as well as the ``.
    82  During the first run, the simulation will make sure that mininet is correctly
    83  installed on the servers and will try to install it if not.
    85  ### Debugging an installation
    87  If something goes wrong, you can always try to run the
    88  `$GOPATH/src/`
    89  bash file to have mininet correctly installed. A simple test is to ssh to the
    90  remote machine and to run
    92  ```bash
    93  mn -c
    94  ```
    96  which should remove all running mininet sessions and return to the command line.
    98  ### Monitor port occupied
   100  Sometimes the ssh-forwarding is misbehaving, and you cannot run your simulation.
   101  The simplest solution is to restart the servers (not reinstall, just restart).
   102  A faster option is to ssh to the first server and check if you can find the rogue
   103  `sshd` process. Take care, there is a `sshd`-process that listens for incoming
   104  connections - if you kill that one, you will have to restart the server, as you
   105  won't have access to it...
   107  ### Network problems
   109  An important restriction so far is the need of all servers to be on the same
   110  subnet. To verify if this is the case, you can use the `host` or `dig`
   111  command and verify that is the case.
   113  ### Other problems
   115  You can always run the simulation with `-debug 3` to get more information and
   116  eventually see what is going wrong:
   118  ```bash
   119  go build && ./simul -platform mininet -debug 3 simul.toml
   120  ```
   122  Then you will see more details of what is happening and eventually see what
   123  you need to change.