
     1  # Roadmap (alpha)
     3  ## Finish commands and tests
     5  Before starting work on a command, please open a GitHub issue and assign to
     6  yourself.
     8  | Command        | Flags TODO      | Comments               |
     9  | -------------- | --------------- | ---------------------- |
    10  | :x: checksum   |                 | md5, sha1, sha256, ... |
    11  | chmod          | -R, --reference | More mode forms        |
    12  | :x: flashrom   | -p internal     |                        |
    13  | fmap           |                 | Move into fiano        |
    14  | :x: gitclone   |                 | Not implemented yet!   |
    15  | grep           | -cnF            | RE2-compatible only    |
    16  | :x: less       |                 | Not implemented yet!   |
    17  | ls             | -hFfS           | -r is raw not reverse  |
    18  | :x: man        | -k              | Not implemented yet!   |
    19  | mv             | -nu             |                        |
    20  | ping           | -a              |                        |
    21  | :x: printf     |                 | Not implemented yet!   |
    22  | ps             |                 | Fix race conditions    |
    23  | readlink       | -emn            |                        |
    24  | rush           | -c              |                        |
    25  | seq            |                 |                        |
    26  | sort           | -bcfmnRu        |                        |
    27  | srvfiles       |                 | Serve files with TLS   |
    28  | sync           | -df             |                        |
    29  | time           | -p              | Rush builtin           |
    30  | :x: tr         |                 | Not implemented yet!   |
    31  | truncate       | -or             |                        |
    32  | uniq           | -i              |                        |
    33  | unshare        |                 | Different flag names   |
    34  | wget           |                 | No args yet...         |
    36  (Commands marked with an :x: are not yet implemented.)