
     1  // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
     2  // Extracted from github/linguist commit: e4560984058b4726010ca4b8f03ed9d0f8f464db
     4  package data
     6  var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
     7  	".Rprofile":          {"R"},
     8  	".XCompose":          {"XCompose"},
     9  	".abbrev_defs":       {"Emacs Lisp"},
    10  	".arcconfig":         {"JSON"},
    11  	".atomignore":        {"Ignore List"},
    12  	".babelignore":       {"Ignore List"},
    13  	".babelrc":           {"JSON with Comments"},
    14  	".bash_aliases":      {"Shell"},
    15  	".bash_history":      {"Shell"},
    16  	".bash_logout":       {"Shell"},
    17  	".bash_profile":      {"Shell"},
    18  	".bashrc":            {"Shell"},
    19  	".bzrignore":         {"Ignore List"},
    20  	".clang-format":      {"YAML"},
    21  	".clang-tidy":        {"YAML"},
    22  	".classpath":         {"XML"},
    23  	".coffeelintignore":  {"Ignore List"},
    24  	".cproject":          {"XML"},
    25  	".cshrc":             {"Shell"},
    26  	".cvsignore":         {"Ignore List"},
    27  	".dockerignore":      {"Ignore List"},
    28  	".editorconfig":      {"INI"},
    29  	".emacs":             {"Emacs Lisp"},
    30  	".emacs.desktop":     {"Emacs Lisp"},
    31  	".eslintignore":      {"Ignore List"},
    32  	".eslintrc.json":     {"JSON with Comments"},
    33  	".factor-boot-rc":    {"Factor"},
    34  	".factor-rc":         {"Factor"},
    35  	".gclient":           {"Python"},
    36  	".gemrc":             {"YAML"},
    37  	".gitattributes":     {"Git Attributes"},
    38  	".gitconfig":         {"Git Config"},
    39  	".gitignore":         {"Ignore List"},
    40  	".gitmodules":        {"Git Config"},
    41  	".gn":                {"GN"},
    42  	".gnus":              {"Emacs Lisp"},
    43  	".gvimrc":            {"Vim script"},
    44  	".htaccess":          {"ApacheConf"},
    45  	".htmlhintrc":        {"JSON"},
    46  	".irbrc":             {"Ruby"},
    47  	".jscsrc":            {"JSON with Comments"},
    48  	".jshintrc":          {"JSON with Comments"},
    49  	".jslintrc":          {"JSON with Comments"},
    50  	".login":             {"Shell"},
    51  	".nanorc":            {"nanorc"},
    52  	".nodemonignore":     {"Ignore List"},
    53  	".npmignore":         {"Ignore List"},
    54  	".nvimrc":            {"Vim script"},
    55  	".php":               {"PHP"},
    56  	".php_cs":            {"PHP"},
    57  	".php_cs.dist":       {"PHP"},
    58  	".prettierignore":    {"Ignore List"},
    59  	".profile":           {"Shell"},
    60  	".project":           {"XML"},
    61  	".pryrc":             {"Ruby"},
    62  	".spacemacs":         {"Emacs Lisp"},
    63  	".stylelintignore":   {"Ignore List"},
    64  	".tern-config":       {"JSON"},
    65  	".tern-project":      {"JSON"},
    66  	".vimrc":             {"Vim script"},
    67  	".viper":             {"Emacs Lisp"},
    68  	".vscodeignore":      {"Ignore List"},
    69  	".watchmanconfig":    {"JSON"},
    70  	".zlogin":            {"Shell"},
    71  	".zlogout":           {"Shell"},
    72  	".zprofile":          {"Shell"},
    73  	".zshenv":            {"Shell"},
    74  	".zshrc":             {"Shell"},
    75  	"9fs":                {"Shell"},
    76  	"APKBUILD":           {"Alpine Abuild"},
    77  	"App.config":         {"XML"},
    78  	"Appraisals":         {"Ruby"},
    79  	"BSDmakefile":        {"Makefile"},
    80  	"BUCK":               {"Python"},
    81  	"BUILD":              {"Python"},
    82  	"BUILD.bazel":        {"Python"},
    83  	"Berksfile":          {"Ruby"},
    84  	"Brewfile":           {"Ruby"},
    85  	"Buildfile":          {"Ruby"},
    86  	"CMakeLists.txt":     {"CMake"},
    87  	"COPYING":            {"Text"},
    88  	"COPYING.regex":      {"Text"},
    89  	"COPYRIGHT.regex":    {"Text"},
    90  	"Cakefile":           {"CoffeeScript"},
    91  	"Capfile":            {"Ruby"},
    92  	"Cargo.lock":         {"TOML"},
    93  	"Cask":               {"Emacs Lisp"},
    94  	"Dangerfile":         {"Ruby"},
    95  	"Deliverfile":        {"Ruby"},
    96  	"Dockerfile":         {"Dockerfile"},
    97  	"Emakefile":          {"Erlang"},
    98  	"FONTLOG":            {"Text"},
    99  	"Fakefile":           {"Fancy"},
   100  	"Fastfile":           {"Ruby"},
   101  	"GNUmakefile":        {"Makefile"},
   102  	"Gemfile":            {"Ruby"},
   103  	"Gemfile.lock":       {"Ruby"},
   104  	"Gopkg.lock":         {"TOML"},
   105  	"Guardfile":          {"Ruby"},
   106  	"INSTALL":            {"Text"},
   107  	"INSTALL.mysql":      {"Text"},
   108  	"Jakefile":           {"JavaScript"},
   109  	"Jarfile":            {"Ruby"},
   110  	"Jenkinsfile":        {"Groovy"},
   111  	"Kbuild":             {"Makefile"},
   112  	"LICENSE":            {"Text"},
   113  	"LICENSE.mysql":      {"Text"},
   114  	"Makefile":           {"Makefile"},
   115  	"Makefile.PL":        {"Perl"},
   116  	"":        {"Makefile"},
   117  	"Makefile.boot":      {"Makefile"},
   118  	"Makefile.frag":      {"Makefile"},
   119  	"":        {"Makefile"},
   120  	"":       {"Makefile"},
   121  	"Makefile.wat":       {"Makefile"},
   122  	"Mavenfile":          {"Ruby"},
   123  	"Modulefile":         {"Puppet"},
   124  	"NEWS":               {"Text"},
   125  	"Notebook":           {"Jupyter Notebook"},
   126  	"NuGet.config":       {"XML"},
   127  	"Nukefile":           {"Nu"},
   128  	"PKGBUILD":           {"Shell"},
   129  	"Phakefile":          {"PHP"},
   130  	"Podfile":            {"Ruby"},
   131  	"Project.ede":        {"Emacs Lisp"},
   132  	"Puppetfile":         {"Ruby"},
   133  	"README.1ST":         {"Text"},
   134  	"":          {"Text"},
   135  	"README.mysql":       {"Text"},
   136  	"ROOT":               {"Isabelle ROOT"},
   137  	"Rakefile":           {"Ruby"},
   138  	"Rexfile":            {"Perl"},
   139  	"SConscript":         {"Python"},
   140  	"SConstruct":         {"Python"},
   141  	"Settings.StyleCop":  {"XML"},
   142  	"Slakefile":          {"LiveScript"},
   143  	"Snakefile":          {"Python"},
   144  	"Snapfile":           {"Ruby"},
   145  	"Thorfile":           {"Ruby"},
   146  	"Vagrantfile":        {"Ruby"},
   147  	"WORKSPACE":          {"Python"},
   148  	"Web.Debug.config":   {"XML"},
   149  	"Web.Release.config": {"XML"},
   150  	"Web.config":         {"XML"},
   151  	"XCompose":           {"XCompose"},
   152  	"_emacs":             {"Emacs Lisp"},
   153  	"_vimrc":             {"Vim script"},
   154  	"abbrev_defs":        {"Emacs Lisp"},
   155  	"ack":                {"Perl"},
   156  	"ant.xml":            {"Ant Build System"},
   157  	"apache2.conf":       {"ApacheConf"},
   158  	"bash_aliases":       {"Shell"},
   159  	"bash_logout":        {"Shell"},
   160  	"bash_profile":       {"Shell"},
   161  	"bashrc":             {"Shell"},
   162  	"build.xml":          {"Ant Build System"},
   163  	"buildfile":          {"Ruby"},
   164  	"buildozer.spec":     {"INI"},
   165  	"":           {"Text"},
   166  	"composer.lock":      {"JSON"},
   167  	"":       {"M4Sugar"},
   168  	"":        {"Markdown"},
   169  	"cpanfile":           {"Perl"},
   170  	"cshrc":              {"Shell"},
   171  	"":          {"Text"},
   172  	"descrip.mmk":        {"Module Management System"},
   173  	"descrip.mms":        {"Module Management System"},
   174  	"encodings.dir":      {"X Font Directory Index"},
   175  	"expr-dist":          {"R"},
   176  	"firestore.rules":    {"Cloud Firestore Security Rules"},
   177  	"fonts.alias":        {"X Font Directory Index"},
   178  	"fonts.dir":          {"X Font Directory Index"},
   179  	"fonts.scale":        {"X Font Directory Index"},
   180  	"fp-lib-table":       {"KiCad Layout"},
   181  	"gitignore-global":   {"Ignore List"},
   182  	"gitignore_global":   {"Ignore List"},
   183  	"glide.lock":         {"YAML"},
   184  	"go.mod":             {"Text"},
   185  	"go.sum":             {"Text"},
   186  	"gradlew":            {"Shell"},
   187  	"gvimrc":             {"Vim script"},
   188  	"haproxy.cfg":        {"HAProxy"},
   189  	"httpd.conf":         {"ApacheConf"},
   190  	"jsconfig.json":      {"JSON with Comments"},
   191  	"":            {"Text"},
   192  	"ld.script":          {"Linker Script"},
   193  	"login":              {"Shell"},
   194  	"m3makefile":         {"Quake"},
   195  	"m3overrides":        {"Quake"},
   196  	"makefile":           {"Makefile"},
   197  	"makefile.sco":       {"Makefile"},
   198  	"man":                {"Shell"},
   199  	"":         {"JSON"},
   200  	"":        {"Meson"},
   201  	"meson_options.txt":  {"Meson"},
   202  	"mix.lock":           {"Elixir"},
   203  	"mkfile":             {"Makefile"},
   204  	"mmn":                {"Roff"},
   205  	"mmt":                {"Roff"},
   206  	"nanorc":             {"nanorc"},
   207  	"nextflow.config":    {"Nextflow"},
   208  	"nginx.conf":         {"Nginx"},
   209  	"nim.cfg":            {"Nim"},
   210  	"nvimrc":             {"Vim script"},
   211  	"owh":                {"Tcl"},
   212  	"packages.config":    {"XML"},
   213  	"pom.xml":            {"Maven POM"},
   214  	"profile":            {"Shell"},
   215  	"":            {"Text"},
   216  	"readme.1st":         {"Text"},
   217  	"rebar.config":       {"Erlang"},
   218  	"rebar.config.lock":  {"Erlang"},
   219  	"rebar.lock":         {"Erlang"},
   220  	"riemann.config":     {"Clojure"},
   221  	"starfield":          {"Tcl"},
   222  	"":            {"Text"},
   223  	"tsconfig.json":      {"JSON with Comments"},
   224  	"vimrc":              {"Vim script"},
   225  	"wscript":            {"Python"},
   226  	"xcompose":           {"XCompose"},
   227  	"zlogin":             {"Shell"},
   228  	"zlogout":            {"Shell"},
   229  	"zprofile":           {"Shell"},
   230  	"zshenv":             {"Shell"},
   231  	"zshrc":              {"Shell"},
   232  }