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    19  ## The enterprise REST API framework
    21  **Goyave** an **opinionated** all-in-one Golang web framework focused on **REST APIs**, with emphasis on code **reliability**, **maintainability** and **developer experience** (DX).
    23  In short, Goyave's **goals** are:
    24  - Catering to companies with enterprise-level clean architecture, for medium to large projects
    25  - Help developers focus on the business logic of their application instead of spending time on technical aspects
    26  - Provide an all-in-one package with no setup friction
    27  - Provide all the features a typical project needs without bloating or magic
    28  - Provide an optimal setup for the real-world
    29  - Ensure robust, reliable and resilient code 
    30  - Stay open and hackable despite being opinionated
    31  - Make backend development easy and enjoyable
    32  - Keep a clear and extensive documentation so developers can always find the answer to their questions
    34  Goyave's **non-goals** are:
    35  - Hyper-optimisation and performance
    36  - Small projects and prototypes
    37  - Providing control on low-level networking
    38  - Providing tools for front-end development
    40  If you feel like the above description fits your needs, **welcome**! Feel free to read the full documentation on [goyave.dev](https://goyave.dev/). This website contains the **documentation** and **guides** on how to use the framework to its fullest, so you can start creating value for your business.
    42  You can also take a look at the [example project](https://github.com/go-goyave/goyave-blog-example).
    44  ## Features
    46  Routing, Controllers, Middleware, Request parsing, Advanced validation, Business transactions, Authentication, Configuration, Testing utilities, Database support and ORM, Localization, Advanced error handling, Structured logging, CORS, Support for file systems, Websockets, Dynamic filtering and pagination using query parameters, DTO conversion and model mapping, and the list goes on...
    48  If you want to learn more, all features are documented on [goyave.dev](https://goyave.dev/). 
    50  ## Contributing
    52  Thank you for considering contributing to the Goyave framework! You can find the contribution guide in the [documentation](https://goyave.dev/contributing.html).
    54  For financial support, you can support me on Github Sponsor: [❤ Sponsor me!](https://github.com/sponsors/System-Glitch)
    56  I'm very grateful to my patrons, sponsors and donators:
    58  - Ben Hyrman
    59  - Massimiliano Bertinetti
    60  - ethicnology
    61  - Yariya
    62  - sebastien-d-me
    63  - Nebojša Koturović
    65  ### Contributors
    67  A big "Thank you" to the Goyave contributors:
    69  - [Kuinox](https://github.com/Kuinox) (Powershell install script)
    70  - [Alexandre GV.](https://github.com/alexandregv) (Install script MacOS compatibility)
    71  - [jRimbault](https://github.com/jRimbault) (CI and code analysis)
    72  - [Guillermo Galvan](https://github.com/gmgalvan) (Request extra data)
    73  - [Albert Shirima](https://github.com/agbaraka) (Rate limiting and various contributions)
    74  - [Łukasz Sowa](https://github.com/Morishiri) (Custom claims in JWT)
    75  - [Zao SOULA](https://github.com/zaosoula) (Custom `gorm.Config{}` in config file)
    76  - [Ajtene Kurtaliqi](https://github.com/akurtaliqi) (Documentation landing page)
    77  - [Louis Laurent](https://github.com/ulphidius) ([`gyv`](https://github.com/go-goyave/gyv) productivity CLI)
    78  - [Clement3](https://github.com/Clement3) (`search` feature on [`goyave.dev/filter`](https://github.com/go-goyave/filter))
    79  - [Darkweak](https://github.com/darkweak) (`HTTP cache, RFC compliant` middleware based on [Souin HTTP cache system](https://github.com/darkweak/souin))
    80  - [Jason C Keller](https://github.com/imuni4fun) (Testify interface compatibility)
    82  ## License
    84  The Goyave framework is MIT Licensed. Copyright © 2024 Jérémy LAMBERT (SystemGlitch)