gvisor.dev/gvisor@v0.0.0-20240520182842-f9d4d51c7e0f/debian/BUILD (about)

     1  load("//tools:arch.bzl", "select_arch")
     2  load("//tools:defs.bzl", "pkg_deb", "pkg_tar", "version")
     4  package(
     5      default_applicable_licenses = ["//:license"],
     6      licenses = ["notice"],
     7  )
     9  pkg_tar(
    10      name = "debian-bin",
    11      srcs = [
    12          "//runsc",
    13          "//shim:containerd-shim-runsc-v1",
    14      ],
    15      mode = "0755",
    16      package_dir = "/usr/bin",
    17  )
    19  pkg_tar(
    20      name = "debian-data",
    21      extension = "tar.gz",
    22      deps = [
    23          ":debian-bin",
    24          "//shim:config",
    25      ],
    26  )
    28  pkg_deb(
    29      name = "debian",
    30      architecture = select_arch(
    31          amd64 = "amd64",
    32          arm64 = "arm64",
    33      ),
    34      conffiles = [
    35          "/etc/containerd/runsc.toml",
    36      ],
    37      data = ":debian-data",
    38      # Note that the description_file will be flatten (all newlines removed),
    39      # and therefore it is kept to a simple one-line description. The expected
    40      # format for debian packages is "short summary\nLonger explanation of
    41      # tool." and this is impossible with the flattening.
    42      description_file = "description",
    43      homepage = "https://gvisor.dev/",
    44      maintainer = "The gVisor Authors <gvisor-dev@googlegroups.com>",
    45      package = "runsc",
    46      package_file_name = "runsc.deb",
    47      postinst = "postinst.sh",
    48      version_file = version,
    49      visibility = [
    50          "//visibility:public",
    51      ],
    52  )