gvisor.dev/gvisor@v0.0.0-20240520182842-f9d4d51c7e0f/pkg/bpf/optimizer.go (about)

     1  // Copyright 2023 The gVisor Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package bpf
    17  import (
    18  	"fmt"
    19  	"sort"
    20  )
    22  const (
    23  	// maxConditionalJumpOffset is the maximum offset of a conditional
    24  	// jump instruction. Conditional jump offsets are specified as an
    25  	// unsigned 8-bit integer.
    26  	maxConditionalJumpOffset = (1 << 8) - 1
    27  	// maxUnconditionalJumpOffset is the maximum offset of an unconditional
    28  	// jump instruction.
    29  	// Unconditional jumps are stored in an uint32, but here we limit it to
    30  	// what would fit in a uint16.
    31  	// BPF programs (once uploaded into the kernel) are limited to
    32  	// `BPF_MAXINSNS`, which is 4096 in Linux as of this writing.
    33  	// We need a value larger than `BPF_MAXINSNS` here in order to support
    34  	// optimizing programs that are initially larger than `BPF_MAXINSNS` but
    35  	// that can be optimized to fit within that limit. However, programs that
    36  	// jump 2^32-1 instructions are probably not optimizable enough to fit
    37  	// regardless.
    38  	// This number is a middle ground that should be plenty given the type of
    39  	// program we expect to optimize, while also not trying too hard to
    40  	// optimize unoptimizable programs.
    41  	maxUnconditionalJumpOffset = (1 << 16) - 1
    42  )
    44  // optimizerFunc is a function type that can optimize a BPF program.
    45  // It returns the updated set of instructions, along with whether any
    46  // modification was made.
    47  type optimizerFunc func(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool)
    49  // optimizeConditionalJumps looks for conditional jumps which go to an
    50  // unconditional jump that goes to a final target fewer than
    51  // `maxConditionalJumpOffset` instructions away.
    52  // These can safely be rewritten to not require the extra unconditional jump.
    53  // It returns the optimized set of instructions, along with whether any change
    54  // was made.
    55  func optimizeConditionalJumps(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
    56  	changed := false
    57  	for pc, ins := range insns {
    58  		if !ins.IsConditionalJump() {
    59  			continue // Not a conditional jump instruction.
    60  		}
    61  		// Take care of "true" target:
    62  		{
    63  			jumpTrueOffset := pc + int(ins.JumpIfTrue) + 1
    64  			jumpTrueIns := insns[jumpTrueOffset]
    65  			if jumpTrueIns.OpCode&instructionClassMask == Jmp && jumpTrueIns.OpCode&jmpMask == Ja {
    66  				if finalJumpTrueOffset := int(ins.JumpIfTrue) + 1 + int(jumpTrueIns.K); finalJumpTrueOffset <= maxConditionalJumpOffset {
    67  					// We can optimize the "true" target.
    68  					ins.JumpIfTrue = uint8(finalJumpTrueOffset)
    69  					changed = true
    70  				}
    71  			}
    72  		}
    73  		// Take care of "false" target:
    74  		{
    75  			jumpFalseOffset := pc + int(ins.JumpIfFalse) + 1
    76  			jumpFalseIns := insns[jumpFalseOffset]
    77  			if jumpFalseIns.OpCode&instructionClassMask == Jmp && jumpFalseIns.OpCode&jmpMask == Ja {
    78  				if finalJumpFalseOffset := int(ins.JumpIfFalse) + 1 + int(jumpFalseIns.K); finalJumpFalseOffset <= maxConditionalJumpOffset {
    79  					// We can optimize the "false" target.
    80  					ins.JumpIfFalse = uint8(finalJumpFalseOffset)
    81  					changed = true
    82  				}
    83  			}
    84  		}
    85  		insns[pc] = ins
    86  	}
    87  	return insns, changed
    88  }
    90  // optimizeSameTargetConditionalJumps looks for conditional jumps where both
    91  // the "true" and "false" targets go to the same place, and rewrites them to
    92  // an unconditional jump to that place.
    93  // This can happen even for legitimate programs when resolving the target of
    94  // indirect jumps ends up at the same place.
    95  // It returns the optimized set of instructions, along with whether any change
    96  // was made.
    97  func optimizeSameTargetConditionalJumps(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
    98  	changed := false
    99  	for pc, ins := range insns {
   100  		if !ins.IsConditionalJump() {
   101  			continue // Not a conditional jump instruction.
   102  		}
   103  		if ins.JumpIfTrue != ins.JumpIfFalse {
   104  			continue // Not the same target.
   105  		}
   106  		insns[pc] = Jump(Jmp|Ja, uint32(ins.JumpIfTrue), 0, 0)
   107  		changed = true
   108  	}
   109  	return insns, changed
   110  }
   112  // optimizeUnconditionalJumps looks for conditional jumps which go to another
   113  // unconditional jump.
   114  func optimizeUnconditionalJumps(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
   115  	changed := false
   116  	for pc, ins := range insns {
   117  		if !ins.IsUnconditionalJump() {
   118  			continue // Not an unconditional jump instruction.
   119  		}
   120  		jumpOffset := pc + int(ins.K) + 1
   121  		jumpIns := insns[jumpOffset]
   122  		if !jumpIns.IsUnconditionalJump() {
   123  			// Not jumping to an unconditional jump.
   124  			continue
   125  		}
   126  		finalJumpOffset := int(ins.K) + 1 + int(jumpIns.K)
   127  		if finalJumpOffset > maxUnconditionalJumpOffset {
   128  			// Final jump offset too large to fit in a single unconditional jump.
   129  			continue
   130  		}
   131  		// We can optimize the final target.
   132  		ins.K = uint32(finalJumpOffset)
   133  		insns[pc] = ins
   134  		changed = true
   135  	}
   136  	return insns, changed
   137  }
   139  // codeRemoval efficiently tracks indexes to remove from instructions.
   140  type codeRemoval struct {
   141  	insns    []Instruction
   142  	toRemove []int
   143  }
   145  // MarkRemoved adds a new instruction index to be removed.
   146  func (cr *codeRemoval) MarkRemoved(index int) {
   147  	if cr.toRemove == nil {
   148  		cr.toRemove = make([]int, 0, len(cr.insns))
   149  	}
   150  	cr.toRemove = append(cr.toRemove, index)
   151  }
   153  // Apply returns the set of instructions after removing marked indexes,
   154  // along with a boolean representing whether any instruction was removed.
   155  func (cr *codeRemoval) Apply() ([]Instruction, bool) {
   156  	if len(cr.toRemove) == 0 {
   157  		return cr.insns, false
   158  	}
   159  	sort.Ints(cr.toRemove)
   160  	for i := len(cr.toRemove) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   161  		pc := cr.toRemove[i]
   162  		cr.insns = append(cr.insns[:pc], cr.insns[pc+1:]...)
   163  		decrementJumps(cr.insns, pc)
   164  	}
   165  	return cr.insns, true
   166  }
   168  // decrementJumps decrements all jumps within `insns` that are jumping to an
   169  // instruction with index larger than `target`, the index of an
   170  // instruction that just got removed (i.e. `target` now points to the
   171  // instruction that was directly following the removed instruction).
   172  // Jumps that targeted `target` itself will not be affected, i.e. they will
   173  // point to the instruction that directly followed the removed instruction.
   174  // `insns` is modified in-place.
   175  func decrementJumps(insns []Instruction, target int) {
   176  	for pc := 0; pc < target; pc++ {
   177  		ins := insns[pc]
   178  		if !ins.IsJump() {
   179  			continue
   180  		}
   181  		if ins.IsUnconditionalJump() {
   182  			// Unconditional jump, check K:
   183  			if pc+int(ins.K)+1 > target {
   184  				ins.K--
   185  			}
   186  		} else {
   187  			// Conditional jump, check true target:
   188  			if pc+int(ins.JumpIfTrue)+1 > target {
   189  				ins.JumpIfTrue--
   190  			}
   191  			// ... And check false target:
   192  			if pc+int(ins.JumpIfFalse)+1 > target {
   193  				ins.JumpIfFalse--
   194  			}
   195  		}
   196  		insns[pc] = ins
   197  	}
   198  }
   200  // removeZeroInstructionJumps removes unconditional jumps that jump zero
   201  // instructions forward. This may seem silly but it can happen due to other
   202  // optimizations in this file which decrement jump target indexes.
   203  func removeZeroInstructionJumps(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
   204  	removal := codeRemoval{insns: insns}
   205  	for pc, ins := range insns {
   206  		if !ins.IsUnconditionalJump() || ins.K != 0 {
   207  			continue
   208  		}
   209  		removal.MarkRemoved(pc)
   210  	}
   211  	return removal.Apply()
   212  }
   214  // removeDeadCode removes instructions which are unreachable.
   215  // This can happen due to the other optimizations in this file,
   216  // e.g. optimizeConditionalJumps.
   217  // In addition, removing dead code means the program is shorter,
   218  // which in turn may make further jump optimizations possible.
   219  func removeDeadCode(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
   220  	if len(insns) == 0 {
   221  		return insns, false
   222  	}
   224  	// Keep track of which lines are reachable from all instructions in the program.
   225  	reachable := make([]bool, len(insns))
   226  	cursors := make([]int, 1, len(insns))
   227  	cursors[0] = 0
   228  	for len(cursors) > 0 {
   229  		cursor := cursors[0]
   230  		cursors = cursors[1:]
   231  		if reachable[cursor] {
   232  			continue
   233  		}
   234  		reachable[cursor] = true
   235  		ins := insns[cursor]
   236  		switch ins.OpCode & instructionClassMask {
   237  		case Ret:
   238  			// Return instructions are terminal, add no new cursor.
   239  		case Jmp:
   240  			// Add a new cursor wherever the jump can go.
   241  			if ins.IsUnconditionalJump() {
   242  				// Unconditional jump:
   243  				cursors = append(cursors, cursor+int(ins.K)+1)
   244  			} else {
   245  				// Conditional jump:
   246  				cursors = append(cursors, cursor+int(ins.JumpIfTrue)+1, cursor+int(ins.JumpIfFalse)+1)
   247  			}
   248  		default:
   249  			// Other instructions simply flow forward.
   250  			cursors = append(cursors, cursor+1)
   251  		}
   252  	}
   254  	// Now remove unreachable code.
   255  	removal := codeRemoval{insns: insns}
   256  	for pc := range insns {
   257  		if !reachable[pc] {
   258  			removal.MarkRemoved(pc)
   259  		}
   260  	}
   261  	return removal.Apply()
   262  }
   264  // optimizeJumpsToReturn replaces unconditional jumps that go to return
   265  // statements by a copy of that return statement.
   266  func optimizeJumpsToReturn(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
   267  	changed := false
   268  	for pc, ins := range insns {
   269  		if !ins.IsUnconditionalJump() {
   270  			continue // Not an unconditional jump instruction.
   271  		}
   272  		targetIns := insns[pc+int(ins.K)+1]
   273  		if targetIns.OpCode&instructionClassMask != Ret {
   274  			continue // Not jumping to a return instruction.
   275  		}
   276  		insns[pc] = targetIns
   277  		changed = true
   278  	}
   279  	return insns, changed
   280  }
   282  // removeRedundantLoads removes some redundant load instructions
   283  // when the value in register A is already the same value as what is
   284  // being loaded.
   285  func removeRedundantLoads(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
   286  	// reverseWalk maps instruction indexes I to the set of instruction indexes
   287  	// that, after their execution, may result in the control flow jumping to I.
   288  	reverseWalk := make([]map[int]struct{}, len(insns))
   289  	for pc := range insns {
   290  		reverseWalk[pc] = make(map[int]struct{})
   291  	}
   292  	for pc, ins := range insns {
   293  		if ins.IsReturn() {
   294  			continue // Return instructions are terminal.
   295  		}
   296  		if ins.IsJump() {
   297  			for _, offset := range ins.JumpOffsets() {
   298  				reverseWalk[pc+int(offset.Offset)+1][pc] = struct{}{}
   299  			}
   300  			continue
   301  		}
   302  		// All other instructions flow through.
   303  		reverseWalk[pc+1][pc] = struct{}{}
   304  	}
   306  	// Now look for redundant load instructions.
   307  	removal := codeRemoval{insns: insns}
   308  	for pc, ins := range insns {
   309  		if ins.OpCode&instructionClassMask != Ld {
   310  			continue
   311  		}
   312  		// Walk backwards until either we've reached the beginning of the program,
   313  		// or we've reached an operation which modifies register A.
   314  		lastModifiedA := -1
   315  		beforePCs := reverseWalk[pc]
   316  	walk:
   317  		for {
   318  			switch len(beforePCs) {
   319  			case 0:
   320  				// We've reached the beginning of the program without modifying A.
   321  				break walk
   322  			case 1:
   323  				var beforePC int
   324  				for bpc := range beforePCs { // Note: we know that this map only has one element.
   325  					beforePC = bpc
   326  				}
   327  				if !insns[beforePC].ModifiesRegisterA() {
   328  					beforePCs = reverseWalk[beforePC]
   329  					continue walk
   330  				}
   331  				lastModifiedA = beforePC
   332  				break walk
   333  			default:
   334  				// Multiple ways to get to `pc`.
   335  				// For simplicity, we only support the single-branch case right now.
   336  				break walk
   337  			}
   338  		}
   339  		if lastModifiedA != -1 && insns[pc].Equal(insns[lastModifiedA]) {
   340  			removal.MarkRemoved(pc)
   341  		}
   342  	}
   343  	return removal.Apply()
   344  }
   346  // jumpRewriteOperation rewrites a jump target.
   347  type jumpRewriteOperation struct {
   348  	pc        int      // Rewrite instruction at this offset.
   349  	jumpType  JumpType // Rewrite this type of jump.
   350  	rewriteTo int      // Rewrite the jump offset to this value.
   351  }
   353  // rewriteAllJumpsToReturn rewrites *all* jump instructions that go to
   354  // `fromPC` to go to `toPC` instead, if possible without converting jumps
   355  // from conditional to unconditional. `fromPC` and `toPC` must point to
   356  // identical return instructions.
   357  // It is all-or-nothing: either all jump instructions must be rewritable
   358  // (in which case they will all be rewritten, and this function will
   359  // return true), or no jump instructions will be rewritten, and this
   360  // function will return false.
   361  // This function also returns false in the vacuous case (i.e. there are
   362  // no jump instructions that go to `fromPC` in the first place).
   363  // This function is used in `optimizeJumpsToSmallestSetOfReturns`.
   364  // As a sanity check, it verifies that `fromPC` and `toPC` are functionally
   365  // identical return instruction, and panics otherwise.
   366  // `rewriteOps` is a buffer of jump rewrite operations meant to be
   367  // efficiently reusable across calls to this function.
   368  func rewriteAllJumpsToReturn(insns []Instruction, fromPC, toPC int, rewriteOps []jumpRewriteOperation) bool {
   369  	fromIns, toIns := insns[fromPC], insns[toPC]
   370  	if !fromIns.IsReturn() {
   371  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempted to rewrite jumps from {pc=%d: %v} which is not a return instruction", fromPC, fromIns))
   372  	}
   373  	if !toIns.IsReturn() {
   374  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempted to rewrite jumps to {pc=%d: %v} which is not a return instruction", toPC, toIns))
   375  	}
   376  	if !fromIns.Equal(toIns) {
   377  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempted to rewrite jump target to a different return instruction: from={pc=%d: %v}, to={pc=%d: %v}", fromPC, fromIns, toPC, toIns))
   378  	}
   379  	// Scan once, and populate `rewriteOps` as a list of rewrite operations
   380  	// that should be run if the rewrite is feasible.
   381  	rewriteOps = rewriteOps[:0]
   382  	for pc := 0; pc < fromPC; pc++ {
   383  		ins := insns[pc]
   384  		// Note: `neededOffset` may be negative, in case where we are rewriting
   385  		// the jump target to go to an earlier instruction, and we are dealing
   386  		// with the instructions that come after that.
   387  		// This isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, we just need to make sure that
   388  		// `ins` is either not a jump statement, or it is a jump statement that
   389  		// doesn't go to `fromPC` (otherwise, only then would it need to jump
   390  		// backwards).
   391  		neededOffset := toPC - pc - 1
   392  		if ins.IsConditionalJump() {
   393  			if jumpTrueTarget := pc + int(ins.JumpIfTrue) + 1; jumpTrueTarget == fromPC {
   394  				if neededOffset < 0 || neededOffset > maxConditionalJumpOffset {
   395  					return false
   396  				}
   397  				rewriteOps = append(rewriteOps, jumpRewriteOperation{
   398  					pc:        pc,
   399  					jumpType:  JumpTrue,
   400  					rewriteTo: neededOffset,
   401  				})
   402  			}
   403  			if jumpFalseTarget := pc + int(ins.JumpIfFalse) + 1; jumpFalseTarget == fromPC {
   404  				if neededOffset < 0 || neededOffset > maxConditionalJumpOffset {
   405  					return false
   406  				}
   407  				rewriteOps = append(rewriteOps, jumpRewriteOperation{
   408  					pc:        pc,
   409  					jumpType:  JumpFalse,
   410  					rewriteTo: neededOffset,
   411  				})
   412  			}
   413  		} else if ins.IsUnconditionalJump() {
   414  			if jumpTarget := pc + int(ins.K) + 1; jumpTarget == fromPC {
   415  				if neededOffset < 0 || neededOffset > maxUnconditionalJumpOffset {
   416  					return false
   417  				}
   418  				rewriteOps = append(rewriteOps, jumpRewriteOperation{
   419  					pc:        pc,
   420  					jumpType:  JumpDirect,
   421  					rewriteTo: neededOffset,
   422  				})
   423  			}
   424  		}
   425  	}
   426  	if len(rewriteOps) == 0 {
   427  		return false // No jump statements to rewrite.
   428  	}
   429  	// Rewrite is feasible, so do it.
   430  	for _, op := range rewriteOps {
   431  		ins := insns[op.pc]
   432  		switch op.jumpType {
   433  		case JumpTrue:
   434  			ins.JumpIfTrue = uint8(op.rewriteTo)
   435  		case JumpFalse:
   436  			ins.JumpIfFalse = uint8(op.rewriteTo)
   437  		case JumpDirect:
   438  			ins.K = uint32(op.rewriteTo)
   439  		}
   440  		insns[op.pc] = ins
   441  	}
   442  	return true
   443  }
   445  // optimizeJumpsToSmallestSetOfReturns modifies jump targets that go to
   446  // return statements to go to an identical return statement (which still
   447  // fits within the maximum jump offsets), with the goal of minimizing the
   448  // total number of such return statements needed within the program overall.
   449  // The return statements that are skipped this way can then be removed by
   450  // the `removeDeadCode` optimizer, which should come earlier in the
   451  // optimizer list to ensure this optimizer only runs on instructions with
   452  // no dead code in them.
   453  // Within binary search trees, this allows deduplicating return statements
   454  // across multiple conditions and makes them much shorter. In turn, this
   455  // allows pruning these redundant return instructions as
   456  // they become dead, and therefore makes the code shorter.
   457  // (Essentially, we create a common "jump to return" doormat that everyone in
   458  // Office Space^W^W^W^W any instruction in range can jump to.)
   459  //
   460  // Conceptually:
   461  //
   462  //	.. if (foo) goto A else goto B
   463  //	A: return rejected
   464  //	B: if (bar) goto C else goto D
   465  //	C: return rejected
   466  //	D: if (baz) goto E else goto F
   467  //	E: return rejected
   468  //	F: return accepted
   469  //	...
   470  //	(Another set of rules in the program):
   471  //	.. if (foo2) goto G else goto H
   472  //	G: return accepted
   473  //	H: if (bar2) goto I else goto J
   474  //	I: return accepted
   475  //	J: return rejected
   476  //
   477  // becomes (after the dead code removal optimizer runs as well):
   478  //
   479  //	.. if (foo) goto J else goto B
   480  //	B: if (bar) goto J else goto D
   481  //	D: if (baz) goto J else goto I
   482  //	...
   483  //	.. if (foo2) goto I else goto H
   484  //	H: if (bar2) goto I else goto J
   485  //	I: return accepted
   486  //	J: return rejected
   487  func optimizeJumpsToSmallestSetOfReturns(insns []Instruction) ([]Instruction, bool) {
   488  	// This is probably an NP-complete problem, so this approach does not
   489  	// attempt to be optimal. Not being optimal is OK, we just end up with
   490  	// a program that's slightly longer than necessary.
   491  	// Rough sketch of the algorithm:
   492  	//   For each return instruction in the program:
   493  	//     Count the number of jump instructions that flow to it ("popularity").
   494  	//     Also add `len(insns)` to the count if the instruction just before
   495  	//     the return instruction is neither a jump or a return instruction,
   496  	//     as the program can also flow through to it. This makes the return
   497  	//     instruction non-removable, but that in turn means that it is a very
   498  	//     good target for other jumps to jump to.
   499  	//   Build a map of lists of return instructions sorted by how many other
   500  	//   instructions flow to it, in ascending order.
   501  	//   The map key is the return value of the return instruction.
   502  	//   Iterate over this map (for each possible return value):
   503  	//     Iterate over the list of return instructions that return this value:
   504  	//       If the return instruction is unreachable, skip it.
   505  	//       If the return instruction is reachable by fallthrough (i.e. the
   506  	//       instruction just before it is not a jump nor a return), skip it.
   507  	//       Otherwise, see if it's possible to move all jump targets of this
   508  	//       instruction to any other return instruction in the list (starting
   509  	//       from the end of the sorted list, i.e. the "most popular" return
   510  	//       instruction that returns the same value), without needing to
   511  	//       convert conditional jumps into unconditional ones.
   512  	//       If it's possible, move all jump targets to it.
   513  	// We may redundantly update multiple jump targets in one go which may be
   514  	// optimized further in later passes (e.g. if unconditional jumps can be
   515  	// removed and trim the program further, expanding the set of possible
   516  	// rewrites beyond what we considered in this pass), but that's OK.
   517  	// This pass will run again afterwards and eventually pick them up, and this
   518  	// is still more efficient over running this (expensive) pass after each
   519  	// single rewrite happens.
   520  	changed := false
   522  	// retPopularity maps offsets (pc) of return instructions to the number of
   523  	// jump targets that point to them, +numInstructions if the program can also
   524  	// fall through to it.
   525  	numInstructions := len(insns)
   526  	retPopularity := make([]int, numInstructions)
   528  	// retCanBeFallenThrough maps offsets (pc) of return instructions to whether
   529  	// or not they can be fallen through (i.e. not jumped to).
   530  	retCanBeFallenThrough := make([]bool, numInstructions)
   532  	// retValueToPC maps return values to a set of instructions that return
   533  	// that value.
   534  	// In BPF, the value of the K register is part of the return instruction
   535  	// itself ("immediate" in assembly parlance), whereas the A register is
   536  	// more of a regular register (previous operations may store/load/modify
   537  	// it). So any return statement that returns the value of the A register
   538  	// is functionally identical to any other, but any return statement that
   539  	// returns the value of the K register must have the same value of K in
   540  	// the return instruction for it to be functionally equivalent.
   541  	// So, for return instructions that return K, we use the immediate value
   542  	// of the K register (which is a uint32), and for return instructions
   543  	// that return the A register, we use the stand-in value
   544  	// "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (which doesn't fit in uint32, so it can't conflict
   545  	// with an immediate value of K).
   546  	const retRegisterA = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
   547  	retValueToPC := make(map[uint64][]int)
   549  	for pc, ins := range insns {
   550  		if !ins.IsReturn() {
   551  			continue // Not a conditional jump instruction.
   552  		}
   553  		var retValue uint64
   554  		switch ins.OpCode - Ret {
   555  		case A:
   556  			retValue = retRegisterA
   557  		case K:
   558  			retValue = uint64(ins.K)
   559  		default:
   560  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown return value in instruction at pc=%d: %v", pc, ins))
   561  		}
   562  		popularity := 0
   563  		canBeFallenThrough := false
   564  		for pc2 := 0; pc2 < pc; pc2++ {
   565  			ins2 := insns[pc2]
   566  			switch ins2.OpCode & instructionClassMask {
   567  			case Ret:
   568  				// Do nothing.
   569  			case Jmp:
   570  				if ins2.IsConditionalJump() {
   571  					// Note that the optimizeSameTargetConditionalJumps should make it
   572  					// such that it's not possible for there to be a conditional jump
   573  					// with identical "true" and "false" targets, so this should not
   574  					// result in adding 2 to `popularity`.
   575  					if jumpTrueTarget := pc2 + int(ins2.JumpIfTrue) + 1; jumpTrueTarget == pc {
   576  						popularity++
   577  					}
   578  					if jumpFalseTarget := pc2 + int(ins2.JumpIfFalse) + 1; jumpFalseTarget == pc {
   579  						popularity++
   580  					}
   581  				} else {
   582  					if jumpTarget := pc2 + int(ins2.K) + 1; jumpTarget == pc {
   583  						popularity++
   584  					}
   585  				}
   586  			default:
   587  				if pc2 == pc-1 {
   588  					// This return instruction can be fallen through to.
   589  					popularity += numInstructions
   590  					canBeFallenThrough = true
   591  				}
   592  			}
   593  		}
   594  		retValueToPC[retValue] = append(retValueToPC[retValue], pc)
   595  		retPopularity[pc] = popularity
   596  		retCanBeFallenThrough[pc] = canBeFallenThrough
   597  	}
   599  	rewriteOps := make([]jumpRewriteOperation, 0, len(insns))
   600  	for _, pcs := range retValueToPC {
   601  		sort.Slice(pcs, func(i, j int) bool {
   602  			// Sort `pcs` in order of ascending popularity.
   603  			// If the popularity is the same, sort by PC.
   604  			if retPopularity[pcs[i]] != retPopularity[pcs[j]] {
   605  				return retPopularity[pcs[i]] < retPopularity[pcs[j]]
   606  			}
   607  			return pcs[i] < pcs[j]
   608  		})
   609  		for i, unpopularPC := range pcs {
   610  			if retCanBeFallenThrough[unpopularPC] {
   611  				// Can't remove this return instruction, so no need to try
   612  				// to check if we can rewrite other instructions that jump to it.
   613  				continue
   614  			}
   615  			for j := len(pcs) - 1; j > i; j-- {
   616  				popularPC := pcs[j]
   617  				// Check if we can rewrite all instructions that jump to `unpopularPC`
   618  				// to instead jump to `popularPC`.
   619  				if rewriteAllJumpsToReturn(insns, unpopularPC, popularPC, rewriteOps) {
   620  					changed = true
   621  				}
   622  			}
   623  		}
   624  	}
   625  	return insns, changed
   626  }
   628  // Optimize losslessly optimizes a BPF program using the given optimization
   629  // functions.
   630  // Optimizers should be ranked in order of importance, with the most
   631  // important first.
   632  // An optimizer will be exhausted before the next one is ever run.
   633  // Earlier optimizers are re-exhausted if later optimizers cause change.
   634  // The BPF instructions are assumed to have been checked for validity and
   635  // consistency.
   636  // The instructions in `insns` may be modified in-place.
   637  func optimize(insns []Instruction, funcs []optimizerFunc) []Instruction {
   638  	for changed := true; changed; {
   639  		for _, fn := range funcs {
   640  			if insns, changed = fn(insns); changed {
   641  				break
   642  			}
   643  		}
   644  	}
   645  	return insns
   646  }
   648  // Optimize losslessly optimizes a BPF program.
   649  // The BPF instructions are assumed to have been checked for validity and
   650  // consistency.
   651  // The instructions in `insns` may be modified in-place.
   652  func Optimize(insns []Instruction) []Instruction {
   653  	return optimize(insns, []optimizerFunc{
   654  		optimizeConditionalJumps,
   655  		optimizeSameTargetConditionalJumps,
   656  		optimizeUnconditionalJumps,
   657  		optimizeJumpsToReturn,
   658  		removeZeroInstructionJumps,
   659  		removeDeadCode,
   660  		removeRedundantLoads,
   661  		optimizeJumpsToSmallestSetOfReturns,
   662  	})
   663  }