gvisor.dev/gvisor@v0.0.0-20240520182842-f9d4d51c7e0f/test/gpu/BUILD (about)

     1  load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_test")
     3  package(
     4      default_applicable_licenses = ["//:license"],
     5      licenses = ["notice"],
     6  )
     8  go_test(
     9      name = "smoke_test",
    10      srcs = ["smoke_test.go"],
    11      # runsc is needed to invalidate the bazel cache in case of any code changes.
    12      data = ["//runsc"],
    13      tags = [
    14          "manual",
    15          "noguitar",
    16          "notap",
    17      ],
    18      visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
    19      deps = ["//pkg/test/dockerutil"],
    20  )
    22  go_test(
    23      name = "pytorch_test",
    24      srcs = ["pytorch_test.go"],
    25      # runsc is needed to invalidate the bazel cache in case of any code changes.
    26      data = ["//runsc"],
    27      tags = [
    28          "manual",
    29          "noguitar",
    30          "notap",
    31      ],
    32      visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
    33      deps = ["//pkg/test/dockerutil"],
    34  )
    36  go_test(
    37      name = "textgen_test",
    38      srcs = ["textgen_test.go"],
    39      # runsc is needed to invalidate the bazel cache in case of any code changes.
    40      data = ["//runsc"],
    41      embedsrcs = ["gvisor.png"],
    42      tags = [
    43          "manual",
    44          "noguitar",
    45          "notap",
    46      ],
    47      visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
    48      deps = [
    49          "//pkg/test/dockerutil",
    50          "//pkg/test/testutil",
    51          "//test/gpu/ollama",
    52      ],
    53  )
    55  go_test(
    56      name = "sr_test",
    57      srcs = ["sr_test.go"],
    58      # runsc is needed to invalidate the bazel cache in case of any code changes.
    59      data = ["//runsc"],
    60      tags = [
    61          "manual",
    62          "noguitar",
    63          "notap",
    64      ],
    65      visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
    66      deps = [
    67          "//pkg/context",
    68          "//pkg/test/dockerutil",
    69          "//pkg/test/testutil",
    70      ],
    71  )
    73  go_test(
    74      name = "cuda_test",
    75      timeout = "eternal",  # YES_I_REALLY_NEED_AN_ETERNAL_TEST
    76      srcs = ["cuda_test.go"],
    77      # runsc is needed to invalidate the bazel cache in case of any code changes.
    78      data = ["//runsc"],
    79      tags = [
    80          "manual",
    81          "noguitar",
    82          "notap",
    83      ],
    84      visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
    85      deps = [
    86          "//pkg/test/dockerutil",
    87          "//pkg/test/testutil",
    88          "@org_golang_x_sync//errgroup:go_default_library",
    89      ],
    90  )
    92  go_test(
    93      name = "imagegen_test",
    94      srcs = ["imagegen_test.go"],
    95      # runsc is needed to invalidate the bazel cache in case of any code changes.
    96      data = ["//runsc"],
    97      tags = [
    98          "manual",
    99          "noguitar",
   100          "notap",
   101      ],
   102      visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
   103      deps = ["//test/gpu/stablediffusion"],
   104  )