gvisor.dev/gvisor@v0.0.0-20240520182842-f9d4d51c7e0f/test/packetimpact/proto/posix_server.proto (about)

     1  // Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  syntax = "proto3";
    17  package posix_server;
    19  message SockaddrIn {
    20    int32 family = 1;
    21    uint32 port = 2;
    22    bytes addr = 3;
    23  }
    25  message SockaddrIn6 {
    26    uint32 family = 1;
    27    uint32 port = 2;
    28    uint32 flowinfo = 3;
    29    bytes addr = 4;
    30    uint32 scope_id = 5;
    31  }
    33  message Sockaddr {
    34    oneof sockaddr {
    35      SockaddrIn in = 1;
    36      SockaddrIn6 in6 = 2;
    37    }
    38  }
    40  message Timeval {
    41    int64 seconds = 1;
    42    int64 microseconds = 2;
    43  }
    45  message SockOptVal {
    46    oneof val {
    47      bytes bytesval = 1;
    48      int32 intval = 2;
    49      Timeval timeval = 3;
    50    }
    51  }
    53  // Request and Response pairs for each Posix service RPC call, sorted.
    55  message AcceptRequest {
    56    int32 sockfd = 1;
    57  }
    59  message AcceptResponse {
    60    int32 fd = 1;
    61    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
    62    Sockaddr addr = 3;
    63  }
    65  message BindRequest {
    66    int32 sockfd = 1;
    67    Sockaddr addr = 2;
    68  }
    70  message BindResponse {
    71    int32 ret = 1;
    72    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
    73  }
    75  message CloseRequest {
    76    int32 fd = 1;
    77  }
    79  message CloseResponse {
    80    int32 ret = 1;
    81    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
    82  }
    84  message ConnectRequest {
    85    int32 sockfd = 1;
    86    Sockaddr addr = 2;
    87  }
    89  message ConnectResponse {
    90    int32 ret = 1;
    91    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
    92  }
    94  message GetSockNameRequest {
    95    int32 sockfd = 1;
    96  }
    98  message GetSockNameResponse {
    99    int32 ret = 1;
   100    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   101    Sockaddr addr = 3;
   102  }
   104  message GetSockOptRequest {
   105    int32 sockfd = 1;
   106    int32 level = 2;
   107    int32 optname = 3;
   108    int32 optlen = 4;
   109    enum SockOptType {
   110      UNSPECIFIED = 0;
   111      BYTES = 1;
   112      INT = 2;
   113      TIME = 3;
   114    }
   115    SockOptType type = 5;
   116  }
   118  message GetSockOptResponse {
   119    int32 ret = 1;
   120    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   121    SockOptVal optval = 3;
   122  }
   124  message ListenRequest {
   125    int32 sockfd = 1;
   126    int32 backlog = 2;
   127  }
   129  message ListenResponse {
   130    int32 ret = 1;
   131    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   132  }
   134  // The events field is overloaded: when used for request, it is copied into the
   135  // events field of posix struct pollfd; when used for response, it is filled by
   136  // the revents field from the posix struct pollfd.
   137  message PollFd {
   138    int32 fd = 1;
   139    uint32 events = 2;
   140  }
   142  message PollRequest {
   143    repeated PollFd pfds = 1;
   144    int32 timeout_millis = 2;
   145  }
   147  message PollResponse {
   148    int32 ret = 1;
   149    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   150    repeated PollFd pfds = 3;
   151  }
   153  message SendRequest {
   154    int32 sockfd = 1;
   155    bytes buf = 2;
   156    int32 flags = 3;
   157  }
   159  message SendResponse {
   160    int32 ret = 1;
   161    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   162  }
   164  message SendToRequest {
   165    int32 sockfd = 1;
   166    bytes buf = 2;
   167    int32 flags = 3;
   168    Sockaddr dest_addr = 4;
   169  }
   171  message SendToResponse {
   172    int32 ret = 1;
   173    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   174  }
   176  message SetNonblockingRequest {
   177    int32 fd = 1;
   178    bool nonblocking = 2;
   179  }
   181  message SetNonblockingResponse {
   182    int32 ret = 1;
   183    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   184    // The failed fcntl cmd.
   185    string cmd = 3;
   186  }
   188  message SetSockOptRequest {
   189    int32 sockfd = 1;
   190    int32 level = 2;
   191    int32 optname = 3;
   192    SockOptVal optval = 4;
   193  }
   195  message SetSockOptResponse {
   196    int32 ret = 1;
   197    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   198  }
   200  message SocketRequest {
   201    int32 domain = 1;
   202    int32 type = 2;
   203    int32 protocol = 3;
   204  }
   206  message SocketResponse {
   207    int32 fd = 1;
   208    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   209  }
   211  message ShutdownRequest {
   212    int32 fd = 1;
   213    int32 how = 2;
   214  }
   216  message ShutdownResponse {
   217    int32 ret = 1;
   218    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   219  }
   221  message RecvRequest {
   222    int32 sockfd = 1;
   223    int32 len = 2;
   224    int32 flags = 3;
   225  }
   227  message RecvResponse {
   228    int32 ret = 1;
   229    int32 errno_ = 2;  // "errno" may fail to compile in c++.
   230    bytes buf = 3;
   231  }
   233  service Posix {
   234    // Call accept() on the DUT.
   235    rpc Accept(AcceptRequest) returns (AcceptResponse);
   236    // Call bind() on the DUT.
   237    rpc Bind(BindRequest) returns (BindResponse);
   238    // Call close() on the DUT.
   239    rpc Close(CloseRequest) returns (CloseResponse);
   240    // Call connect() on the DUT.
   241    rpc Connect(ConnectRequest) returns (ConnectResponse);
   242    // Call getsockname() on the DUT.
   243    rpc GetSockName(GetSockNameRequest) returns (GetSockNameResponse);
   244    // Call getsockopt() on the DUT.
   245    rpc GetSockOpt(GetSockOptRequest) returns (GetSockOptResponse);
   246    // Call listen() on the DUT.
   247    rpc Listen(ListenRequest) returns (ListenResponse);
   248    // Call poll() on the DUT. Only pollfds that have non-empty revents are
   249    // returned, the only way to tie the response back to the original request
   250    // is using the fd number.
   251    rpc Poll(PollRequest) returns (PollResponse);
   252    // Call send() on the DUT.
   253    rpc Send(SendRequest) returns (SendResponse);
   254    // Call sendto() on the DUT.
   255    rpc SendTo(SendToRequest) returns (SendToResponse);
   256    // Set/Clear O_NONBLOCK flag on the requested fd. This is needed because the
   257    // operating system on DUT may have a different definition for O_NONBLOCK, it
   258    // is not sound to assemble flags on testbench.
   259    rpc SetNonblocking(SetNonblockingRequest) returns (SetNonblockingResponse);
   260    // Call setsockopt() on the DUT.
   261    rpc SetSockOpt(SetSockOptRequest) returns (SetSockOptResponse);
   262    // Call socket() on the DUT.
   263    rpc Socket(SocketRequest) returns (SocketResponse);
   264    // Call shutdown() on the DUT.
   265    rpc Shutdown(ShutdownRequest) returns (ShutdownResponse);
   266    // Call recv() on the DUT.
   267    rpc Recv(RecvRequest) returns (RecvResponse);
   268  }