gvisor.dev/gvisor@v0.0.0-20240520182842-f9d4d51c7e0f/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl (about)

     1  """Go rules."""
     3  load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", _gazelle = "gazelle")
     4  load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "GoLibrary", _go_binary = "go_binary", _go_context = "go_context", _go_library = "go_library", _go_path = "go_path", _go_test = "go_test")
     5  load("@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:def.bzl", _go_grpc_library = "go_grpc_library", _go_proto_library = "go_proto_library")
     6  load("//tools/bazeldefs:defs.bzl", "select_arch", "select_system")
     8  gazelle = _gazelle
    10  go_path = _go_path
    12  def _go_proto_or_grpc_library(go_library_func, name, **kwargs):
    13      if "importpath" in kwargs:
    14          # If importpath is explicit, pass straight through.
    15          go_library_func(name = name, **kwargs)
    16          return
    17      deps = []
    18      for d in (kwargs.pop("deps", []) or []):
    19          if d == "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto":
    20              # Special case: this proto has its Go definitions in a different
    21              # repository.
    22              deps.append("@org_golang_google_protobuf//" +
    23                          "types/known/timestamppb")
    24              continue
    25          if "//" in d:
    26              repo, path = d.split("//", 1)
    27              deps.append(repo + "//" + path.replace("_proto", "_go_proto"))
    28          else:
    29              deps.append(d.replace("_proto", "_go_proto"))
    30      go_library_func(
    31          name = name + "_go_proto",
    32          importpath = "gvisor.dev/gvisor/" + native.package_name() + "/" + name + "_go_proto",
    33          proto = ":" + name + "_proto",
    34          deps = deps,
    35          **kwargs
    36      )
    38  def go_proto_library(name, **kwargs):
    39      _go_proto_or_grpc_library(_go_proto_library, name, **kwargs)
    41  def go_grpc_and_proto_libraries(name, **kwargs):
    42      _go_proto_or_grpc_library(_go_grpc_library, name, **kwargs)
    44  def go_binary(name, static = False, pure = False, x_defs = None, **kwargs):
    45      """Build a go binary.
    47      Args:
    48          name: name of the target.
    49          static: build a static binary.
    50          pure: build without cgo.
    51          x_defs: additional definitions.
    52          **kwargs: rest of the arguments are passed to _go_binary.
    53      """
    54      if static:
    55          kwargs["static"] = "on"
    56      if pure:
    57          kwargs["pure"] = "on"
    58      gc_goopts = select({
    59          "//conditions:default": kwargs.pop("gc_goopts", []),
    60          "//tools:debug": kwargs.pop("gc_goopts", []) + ["-N", "-l"],
    61      })
    62      kwargs["gotags"] = select({
    63          "//conditions:default": kwargs.pop("gotags", []),
    64          "//tools:debug": kwargs.pop("gotags", []) + ["debug"],
    65      })
    66      _go_binary(
    67          name = name,
    68          x_defs = x_defs,
    69          gc_goopts = gc_goopts,
    70          **kwargs
    71      )
    73  def go_importpath(target):
    74      """Returns the importpath for the target."""
    75      return target[GoLibrary].importpath
    77  def go_library(name, arch_deps = [], **kwargs):
    78      _go_library(
    79          name = name,
    80          importpath = "gvisor.dev/gvisor/" + native.package_name(),
    81          **kwargs
    82      )
    84  def go_test(name, static = False, pure = False, library = None, **kwargs):
    85      """Build a go test.
    87      Args:
    88          name: name of the output binary.
    89          static: build a static binary.
    90          pure: should it be built without cgo.
    91          library: the library to embed.
    92          **kwargs: rest of the arguments to pass to _go_test.
    93      """
    94      if pure:
    95          kwargs["pure"] = "on"
    96      if static:
    97          kwargs["static"] = "on"
    98      if library:
    99          kwargs["embed"] = [library]
   100      _go_test(
   101          name = name,
   102          **kwargs
   103      )
   105  def go_rule(rule, implementation, **kwargs):
   106      """Wraps a rule definition with Go attributes.
   108      Args:
   109        rule: rule function (typically rule or aspect).
   110        implementation: implementation function.
   111        **kwargs: other arguments to pass to rule.
   113      Returns:
   114          The result of invoking the rule.
   115      """
   116      attrs = kwargs.pop("attrs", dict())
   117      attrs["_go_context_data"] = attr.label(default = "@io_bazel_rules_go//:go_context_data")
   118      attrs["_stdlib"] = attr.label(default = "@io_bazel_rules_go//:stdlib")
   119      toolchains = kwargs.get("toolchains", []) + ["@io_bazel_rules_go//go:toolchain"]
   120      return rule(implementation, attrs = attrs, toolchains = toolchains, **kwargs)
   122  def go_embed_libraries(target):
   123      if hasattr(target.attr, "embed"):
   124          return target.attr.embed
   125      return []
   127  def go_context(ctx, goos = None, goarch = None, std = False):
   128      """Extracts a standard Go context struct.
   130      Args:
   131        ctx: the starlark context (required).
   132        goos: the GOOS value.
   133        goarch: the GOARCH value.
   134        std: ignored.
   136      Returns:
   137        A context Go struct with pointers to Go toolchain components.
   138      """
   140      # We don't change anything for the standard library analysis. All Go files
   141      # are available in all instances. Note that this includes the standard
   142      # library sources, which are analyzed by nogo.
   143      go_ctx = _go_context(ctx)
   144      if goos == None:
   145          goos = go_ctx.sdk.goos
   146      if goarch == None:
   147          goarch = go_ctx.sdk.goarch
   148      env = go_ctx.env
   149      env["CGO_ENABLED"] = "0"
   150      return struct(
   151          env = env,
   152          go = go_ctx.go,
   153          goarch = goarch,
   154          goos = goos,
   155          gotags = go_ctx.tags,
   156          nogo_args = [],
   157          runfiles = depset([go_ctx.go] + go_ctx.sdk.srcs + go_ctx.sdk.tools + go_ctx.stdlib.libs),
   158          stdlib_srcs = go_ctx.sdk.srcs,
   159      )
   161  def select_goarch():
   162      return select_arch(amd64 = "amd64", arm64 = "arm64")
   164  def select_goos():
   165      return select_system(
   166          linux = "linux",
   167          darwin = "darwin",
   168      )
   170  # Defined by rules_go.
   171  gotsan_values = None
   172  gotsan_flag_values = {"@io_bazel_rules_go//go/config:race": "true"}