gvisor.dev/gvisor@v0.0.0-20240520182842-f9d4d51c7e0f/website/BUILD (about)

     1  load("//images:defs.bzl", "docker_image")
     2  load("//tools:defs.bzl", "bzl_library", "pkg_tar")
     3  load("//website:defs.bzl", "doc", "docs")
     5  package(
     6      default_applicable_licenses = ["//:license"],
     7      licenses = ["notice"],
     8  )
    10  docker_image(
    11      name = "website",
    12      data = ":files",
    13      statements = [
    14          "EXPOSE 8080/tcp",
    15          'ENTRYPOINT ["/server"]',
    16      ],
    17      tags = [
    18          "local",
    19          "manual",
    20          "no-sandbox",
    21      ],
    22  )
    24  # files is the full file system of the generated container.
    25  #
    26  # It must collect the all tarballs (produced by the rules below), and run it
    27  # through the Dockerfile to generate the site. Note that this checks all links,
    28  # and therefore requires all static content to be present as well.
    29  #
    30  # Note that this rule violates most aspects of hermetic builds. However, this
    31  # works much more reliably than depending on the container_image rules from
    32  # bazel itself, which are convoluted and seem to have a hard time even finding
    33  # the toolchain.
    34  genrule(
    35      name = "files",
    36      srcs = [
    37          ":config",
    38          ":css",
    39          ":docs",
    40          ":static",
    41          ":syscallmd",
    42          "//website/blog:posts",
    43          "//website/cmd/server",
    44          "@google_root_pem//file",
    45      ],
    46      outs = ["files.tgz"],
    47      cmd = "set -x; " +
    48            "T=$$(mktemp -d); " +
    49            "mkdir -p $$T/input && " +
    50            "mkdir -p $$T/output/_site && " +
    51            "tar -xf $(location :config)    -C $$T/input && " +
    52            "tar -xf $(location :css)       -C $$T/input && " +
    53            "tar -xf $(location :docs)      -C $$T/input && " +
    54            "tar -xf $(location :syscallmd) -C $$T/input && " +
    55            "tar -xf $(location //website/blog:posts) -C $$T/input && " +
    56            "find $$T/input -type f -exec chmod u+rw {} \\; && " +
    57            "docker run -i --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) " +
    58            "-v $$(readlink -m $$T/input):/input " +
    59            "-v $$(readlink -m $$T/output/_site):/output " +
    60            "gvisor.dev/images/jekyll && " +
    61            "tar -xf $(location :static) -C $$T/output/_site && " +
    62            "docker run -i --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) " +
    63            "-v $$(readlink -m $$T/output/_site):/output " +
    64            "gvisor.dev/images/jekyll " +
    65            "ruby /checks.rb " +
    66            "/output && " +
    67            "cp $(location //website/cmd/server) $$T/output/server && " +
    68            "mkdir -p $$T/output/etc/ssl && " +
    69            "cp $(location @google_root_pem//file) $$T/output/etc/ssl/cert.pem && " +
    70            "tar -zcf $@ -C $$T/output . && " +
    71            "rm -rf $$T",
    72      tags = [
    73          "local",
    74          "manual",
    75          "no-sandbox",
    76      ],
    77  )
    79  # static are the purely static parts of the site. These are effectively copied
    80  # in after jekyll generates all the dynamic content.
    81  pkg_tar(
    82      name = "static",
    83      srcs = [
    84          "archive.key",
    85      ] + glob([
    86          "performance/**",
    87      ]),
    88      strip_prefix = "./",
    89  )
    91  # main.scss requires front-matter to be processed.
    92  genrule(
    93      name = "css",
    94      srcs = glob([
    95          "css/**",
    96      ]),
    97      outs = [
    98          "css.tar",
    99      ],
   100      cmd = "T=$$(mktemp -d); " +
   101            "mkdir -p $$T/css && " +
   102            "for file in $(SRCS); do " +
   103            "echo -en '---\\n---\\n' > $$T/css/$$(basename $$file) && " +
   104            "cat $$file >> $$T/css/$$(basename $$file); " +
   105            "done && " +
   106            "tar -C $$T -czf $@ . && " +
   107            "rm -rf $$T",
   108  )
   110  # config is "mostly" static content. These are parts of the site that are
   111  # present when jekyll runs, but are not dynamically generated.
   112  pkg_tar(
   113      name = "config",
   114      srcs = [
   115          "_config.yml",
   116          ":css",
   117          "//website/blog:index.html",
   118          "//website/users:index.html",
   119      ] + glob([
   120          "assets/**",
   121          "_includes/**",
   122          "_layouts/**",
   123          "_plugins/**",
   124          "_sass/**",
   125      ]),
   126      strip_prefix = "./",
   127  )
   129  # index is the index file.
   130  doc(
   131      name = "index",
   132      src = "index.md",
   133      layout = "base",
   134      permalink = "/",
   135  )
   137  # docs is the dynamic content of the site.
   138  docs(
   139      name = "docs",
   140      deps = [
   141          ":index",
   142          "//:code_of_conduct",
   143          "//:contributing",
   144          "//:governance",
   145          "//:security",
   146          "//g3doc:community",
   147          "//g3doc:index",
   148          "//g3doc:roadmap",
   149          "//g3doc:style",
   150          "//g3doc/architecture_guide:performance",
   151          "//g3doc/architecture_guide:platforms",
   152          "//g3doc/architecture_guide:resources",
   153          "//g3doc/architecture_guide:security",
   154          "//g3doc/proposals:gsoc_2021",
   155          "//g3doc/user_guide:FAQ",
   156          "//g3doc/user_guide:checkpoint_restore",
   157          "//g3doc/user_guide:compatibility",
   158          "//g3doc/user_guide:debugging",
   159          "//g3doc/user_guide:filesystem",
   160          "//g3doc/user_guide:gpu",
   161          "//g3doc/user_guide:install",
   162          "//g3doc/user_guide:networking",
   163          "//g3doc/user_guide:observability",
   164          "//g3doc/user_guide:platforms",
   165          "//g3doc/user_guide:production",
   166          "//g3doc/user_guide:runtime_monitoring",
   167          "//g3doc/user_guide/containerd:configuration",
   168          "//g3doc/user_guide/containerd:containerd_11",
   169          "//g3doc/user_guide/containerd:quick_start",
   170          "//g3doc/user_guide/quick_start:docker",
   171          "//g3doc/user_guide/quick_start:kubernetes",
   172          "//g3doc/user_guide/quick_start:oci",
   173          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:cni",
   174          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:docker",
   175          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:docker_compose",
   176          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:docker_in_gke_sandbox",
   177          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:docker_in_gvisor",
   178          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:falco",
   179          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:knative",
   180          "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:kubernetes",
   181      ],
   182  )
   184  # Generate JSON for system call tables
   185  genrule(
   186      name = "syscalljson",
   187      outs = ["syscalls.json"],
   188      cmd = "$(location //runsc) -- help syscalls -format json -filename $@",
   189      tools = ["//runsc"],
   190  )
   192  # Generate markdown from the json dump.
   193  genrule(
   194      name = "syscallmd",
   195      srcs = [":syscalljson"],
   196      outs = ["syscallsmd"],
   197      cmd = "T=$$(mktemp -d) && " +
   198            "$(location //website/cmd/syscalldocs) -in $< -out $$T && " +
   199            "tar -C $$T -czf $@ . && " +
   200            "rm -rf $$T",
   201      tools = ["//website/cmd/syscalldocs"],
   202  )
   204  bzl_library(
   205      name = "defs_bzl",
   206      srcs = ["defs.bzl"],
   207      visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
   208  )