(about) 1 # Architecture of Istiod 2 3 This document describes the high level architecture of the Istio control plane, Istiod. 4 Istiod is structured as a modular monolith, housing a wide range of functionality from certificate signing, proxy configuration (XDS), traditional Kubernetes controllers, and more. 5 6 ## Proxy Configuration 7 8 Istiod's primary role - and most code - is to dynamically configure proxies (Envoy sidecars and ingress, gRPC, ztunnel, and more). This roughly consists of 3 parts: 9 1. Config ingestion (inputs to the system) 10 1. Config translation 11 1. Config serving (XDS) 12 13 ### Config Ingestion 14 15 Istio reads from over 20 different resources types, and aggregates them together to build the proxy configuration. These resources can be sourced from Kubernetes (via watches), files, or over xDS; Kubernetes is by far the most common usage, though. 16 17 Primarily for historical reasons, ingestion is split into a few components. 18 19 #### ConfigStore 20 21 The `ConfigStore` reads a variety of resources and exposes them over a standard interface (Get, List, etc). These types are wrapped in a common `config.Config` struct, contrasting with typical Kubernetes clients which use per-resource types. The most common is reading from Kubernetes via the `crdclient` package. 22 23 ```mermaid 24 graph TD 25 subgraph ConfigStore 26 xcs(XDS Client) 27 ccs(CRD Client) 28 fcs(Filesystem Client) 29 acs(Aggregate) 30 xcs-->acs 31 ccs-->acs 32 fcs-->acs 33 end 34 ``` 35 36 #### ServiceDiscovery 37 38 The other primary interface is the ServiceDiscovery. Similar to ConfigStore, this aggregates over a variety of resources. However, it does not provide generic resource access, and instead precomputes a variety of service-oriented internal resources, such as `model.Service` and `model.ServiceInstance`. 39 40 This is composed of two controllers - one driven from core Kubernetes types ("Kube Controller") and one by Istio types ("ServiceEntry controller"). 41 42 ```mermaid 43 graph TD 44 subgraph Kube Controller 45 s(Services) 46 e(Endpoints) 47 p(Pods) 48 ksi(ServiceInstances) 49 kwi(WorkloadInstances) 50 s-->ksi 51 e-->ksi 52 p-->kwi 53 end 54 subgraph ServiceEntry Controller 55 se(ServiceEntry) 56 we(WorkloadEntry) 57 ssi(ServiceInstances) 58 swi(WorkloadInstances) 59 se-->ssi 60 swi-->ssi 61 we-->swi 62 end 63 kwi-->ssi 64 swi-->ksi 65 ``` 66 67 For the most part this is fairly straight forward. However, we support `ServiceEntry` selecting `Pod`, and `Service` selecting `WorkloadEntry`, which leads to cross-controller communication. 68 69 Note: the asymmetry with `Pods` not contributing to Kube controller's `ServiceInstances` is due to the use of `Endpoints` which itself is derived from `Pod` from Kubernetes core. 70 71 #### PushContext 72 73 `PushContext` is an immutable snapshot of the current state of the world. It is regenerated (usually partially) on each configuration push (more on this below). Due to being a snapshot, most lookups are lock-free. 74 75 `PushContext` is built up by querying the above layers. For some simple use cases, this is as simple as storing something like `configstore.List(SomeType)`; in this case, the only difference from directly exposing the configstore is to snapshot the current state. In other cases, some pre-computations and indexes are computed to make later accesses efficient. 76 77 #### Endpoints 78 79 Endpoints have an optimized code path, as they are by far the most frequently updated resource - in a steady cluster, this will often be the *only* change, caused by scale up/down. 80 81 As a result, they do not go through `PushContext`, and changes do not trigger a `PushContext` recomputation. Instead, the current state is incrementally computed based on events from `ServiceDiscovery`. 82 83 #### Conclusion 84 85 Overall, the high level config ingestion flow: 86 87 ```mermaid 88 graph TD 89 sd(Service Discovery) 90 cs(ConfigStore) 91 ep(Endpoints) 92 pc(PushContext) 93 sd-->pc 94 cs-->pc 95 sd-->ep 96 ``` 97 98 ### Config Translation 99 100 Config Translation turns the above inputs into the actual types consumed by the connected XDS clients (typically Envoy). This is done by `Generators`, which register a function to build a given type. For example, there is a `RouteGenerator` responsible for building `Routes`. Along with the core Envoy XDS types, there are a few custom Istio types, such as our `NameTable` type used for DNS, as well as debug interfaces. 101 102 `Generators` get as input the `Proxy` (a representation of the current client), the current `PushContext` snapshot, and a list of config updates that caused the change. 103 104 The `Proxy` as an input parameter is important, and a major distinction from some other XDS implementations. We are not able to statically translate inputs to XDS without per-client information. For example, we rely on the client's labels to determine the set of policies applied. While this is necessary to implement Istio's APIs, it does limit performance substantially. 105 106 #### Caching 107 108 Config translation typically takes the overwhelming majority of Istiod's resource usage. In particular, protobuf encoding. As a result, caching has been introduced, storing the already encoded `protobuf.Any` for a given resource. 109 110 This caching depends on declaring all inputs to the given generator as part of the cache key. This is extremely error-prone, as there is nothing preventing generators from consuming inputs that are *not* part of the key. When this happens, different clients will non-deterministically get incorrect configuration. This type of bug has historically resulted in CVEs. 111 112 There are a few ways to prevent these: 113 * Only pass in to the generation logic the cache key itself, so no other unaccounted inputs can be used. Unfortunately, this has not been done for any generators today. 114 * Be very, very careful. 115 * The cache has a builtin test, enabled with `UNSAFE_PILOT_ENABLE_RUNTIME_ASSERTIONS=true`, that runs in CI. This will panic if any key is written to with a different value. 116 117 #### Partial Computations 118 119 Along with caching, partial computations are a critical performance optimization to ensure that we do not need to build (or send) every resource to every proxy on every change. This is discussed more in the Config Serving section. 120 121 ### Config Serving 122 123 Config serving is the layer that actually accepts proxy clients, connected over bidirectional gRPC streams, and serve them the required configuration. 124 125 We will have two triggers for sending config - requests and pushes. 126 127 #### Requests 128 129 Requests come from the client specifically asking for a set of resources. This could be requesting the initial set of resources on a new connection, or from a new dependency. For example, a push of `Cluster X` referencing `Endpoint Y` may lead to a request for `Endpoint Y` if it is not already known to the client. 130 131 Note that clients can actually send three types of messages - requests, ACKs of previous pushes, and NACKs of previous pushes. Unfortunately, these are not clearly distinguished in the API, so there is some logic to split these out (`shouldRespond`). 132 133 #### Pushes 134 135 A push occurs when Istiod detects an update of some set of configuration is needed. This results in roughly the same result as a Request (new configuration is pushed to the client), and is just triggered by a different source. 136 137 Various components described in Config Ingestion can trigger a Config Update. These are batched up ("debounced"), to avoid excessive activity when many changes happen in succession, and eventually enqueued in the Push Queue. 138 139 The Push Queue is mostly a normal queue, but it has some special logic to merge push requests for each given proxy. This results in each proxy having 0 or 1 outstanding push requests; if additional updates come in the existing push request is just expanded. 140 141 Another job polls this queue and triggers each client to start a push. 142 143 ```mermaid 144 graph TD 145 subgraph Config Flow 146 cu(Config Update) 147 db(Debounce) 148 pc(Recompute Push Context) 149 pq(Push Queue) 150 cu-->db 151 db--Trigger Once Steady-->pc 152 pc--Enqueue All Clients-->pq 153 end 154 subgraph Proxy 155 c(Client) 156 end 157 subgraph Pusher 158 pj(Push Job) 159 pj--read-->pq 160 pj--trigger-->c 161 end 162 ``` 163 164 At a high level, each client job will find the correct generator for the request, generate the required configuration, and send it. 165 166 #### Optimizations 167 168 A naive implementation would simply regenerate all resources, of all subscribed types, for each client, on any configuration change. However, this scales poorly. As a result, we have many levels of optimizations to avoid doing this work. 169 170 First, we have a concept of a `Full` push. Only `Full` pushes will recompute `PushContext` on change; otherwise this is skipped and the last `PushContext` is re-used. Note: even when `Full`, we try to copy as much from the previous `PushContext` as possible. For example, if only a `WasmPlugin` changed, we would not recompute services indexes. 171 Note: `Full` only refers to whether a `PushContext` recomputation is needed. Even within a `Full` push, we keep track of which configuration updates triggered this, so we could have "Full update of Config X" or "Full update of all configs". 172 173 Next, for an individual proxy we will check if it could possibly be impacted by the change. For example, we know a sidecar never is impacted by a `Gateway` update, and we can also look at scoping (from `Sidecar.egress.hosts`) to further restrict update scopes. 174 175 Once we determine the proxy may be impacted, we determine which *types* may be impacted. For example, we know a `WasmPlugin` does not impact the `Cluster` type, so we can skip generating `Cluster` in this case. Warning: Envoy currently has a bug that *requires* `Endpoints` to be pushed any time the corresponding `Cluster` is pushed, so this optimization is intentionally turned off in this specific case. 176 177 Finally, we determine which subset of the type we need to generate. XDS has two modes - "State of the World (SotW)" and "Delta". In SotW, we generally need to generate all resources of the type, even if only one changed. Note that we actually need to *generate* all of them, typically, as we do not store previously generated resources (mostly because they are generated per-client). This also means that whenever we are determining if a change is required, we are doing this based on careful code analysis, not at runtime. 178 Despite this expectation in SotW, due to a quirk in the protocol we can actually enable one of our most important optimizations. XDS types form a tree, with CDS and LDS the root of the tree for Envoy. For root types, we *must* always generate the full set of resources - missing resources are treated as deletions. 179 However, all other types *cannot* be deleted explicitly, and instead are cleaned up when all references are removed. This means we can send partial updates for non-root types, without deleting unsent resources. This effectively allows doing delta updates over SotW. This optimization is critical for our endpoints generator, ensuring that when a pod scales we only need to update the endpoints within that pod. 180 181 Istio currently supports both SotW and Delta protocol. However, the delta implementation is not yet optimized well, so it performs mostly the same as SotW. 182 183 ## Controllers 184 185 Istiod consists of a collection of controllers. Per Kubernetes, "controllers are control loops that watch the state of your cluster, then make or request changes where needed." 186 187 In Istio, we use the term a bit more liberally. Istio controllers watch more than just the state of *a* cluster -- many are reading from multiple clusters, or even external sources (files and XDS). Generally, Kubernetes controllers are then writing state back to the cluster; Istio does have a few of these controllers, but most of them are centered around driving the [Proxy Configuration](#proxy-configuration). 188 189 ### Writing controllers 190 191 Istio provides a few helper libraries to get started writing a controller. While these libraries help, there are still a lot of subtleties in correctly writing (and testing!) a controller properly. 192 193 To get started writing a controller, review the [Example Controller](../../pkg/kube/controllers/example_test.go). 194 195 ### Controllers overview 196 197 Below provides a high level overview of controllers in Istiod. For more information about each controller, consulting the controllers Go docs is recommended. 198 199 ```mermaid 200 graph BT 201 crd("CRD Watcher") 202 subgraph Service Discovery 203 ksd("Kubernetes Controller") 204 sesd("Service Entry Controller") 205 msd("Memory Controller") 206 asd("Aggregate") 207 ksd--Join-->asd 208 sesd--Join-->asd 209 msd--Join-->asd 210 ksd<--"Data Sharing"-->sesd 211 end 212 subgraph ConfigStore 213 ccs("CRD Client") 214 xcs("XDS Store") 215 fcs("File Store") 216 mcs("Memory Store") 217 acs("Aggregate") 218 ccs--Join-->acs 219 xcs--Join-->acs 220 fcs--Join-->acs 221 mcs--Join-->acs 222 end 223 subgraph VMs 224 vmhc("Health Check") 225 vmar("Auto Registration") 226 end 227 subgraph Gateway 228 twc("Tag Watcher") 229 gdc("Gateway Deployment") 230 gcc("Gateway Class") 231 twc--Depends-->gdc 232 gdc-.-gcc 233 end 234 subgraph Ingress 235 ic("Ingress Controller") 236 isc("Ingress Status Controller") 237 ic-.-isc 238 end 239 mcsc("Multicluster Secret") 240 scr("Credentials Controller") 241 mcsc--"1 per cluster"-->scr 242 mcsc--"1 per cluster"-->ksd 243 crd--Depends-->ccs 244 245 iwhc("Injection Webhook") 246 vwhc("Validation Webhook") 247 nsc("Namespace Controller") 248 ksd--"External Istiod"-->nsc 249 ksd--"External Istiod"-->iwhc 250 251 df("Discovery Filter") 252 253 axc("Auto Export Controller") 254 255 mcfg("Mesh Config") 256 dfc("Default Revision Controller") 257 ``` 258 259 As you can see, the landscape of controllers is pretty extensive at this point. 260 261 [Service Discovery](#ServiceDiscovery) and [Config Store](#ConfigStore) were already discussed above, so do not need more explanation here. 262 263 #### Mesh Config 264 265 Mesh Config controller is a pretty simple controller, reading from `ConfigMap`(s) (multiple if `SHARED_MESH_CONFIG` is used), processing and merging these into a the typed `MeshConfig`. It then exposes this over a simple `mesh.Watcher`, which just exposes a way to access the current `MeshConfig` and get notified when it changes. 266 267 #### Ingress 268 269 In addition to `VirtualService` and `Gateway`, Istio supports the `Ingress` core resource type. Like CRDs, the `Ingress` controller implements `ConfigStore`, but a bit differently. `Ingress` resources are converted on the fly to `VirtualService` and `Gateway`, so while the controller reads `Ingress` resources (and a few related types like `IngressClass`), it emits other types. This allows the rest of the code to be unaware of Ingress and just focus on the core types 270 271 In addition to this conversion, `Ingress` requires writing the address it can be reached at in status. This is done by the Ingress Status controller. 272 273 #### Gateway 274 275 Gateway (referring to the [Kubernetes API](, not the same-named Istio type) works very similarly to [Ingress](#ingress). The Gateway controller also converts Gateway API types into `VirtualService` and `Gateway`, implementing the `ConfigStore` interface. 276 277 However, there is also a bit of additional logic. Gateway types have extensive status reporting. Unlike Ingress, this is status reporting is done inline in the main controller, allowing status generation to be done directly in the logic processing the resources. 278 279 Additionally, Gateway involves two components writing to the cluster: 280 * The Gateway Class controller is a simple controller that just writes a default `GatewayClass` object describing our implementation. 281 * The Gateway Deployment controller enables users to create a Gateway which actually provisions the underlying resources for the implementation (Deployment and Service). This is more like a traditional "operator". Part of this logic is determining which Istiod revision should handle the resource based on `` labeling (mirroring sidecar injection); as a result, this takes a dependency on the "Tag Watcher" controller. 282 283 #### CRD Watcher 284 285 For watches against custom types (CRDs), we want to gracefully handle missing CRDs. Naively starting informers against the missing types would result in errors and blocking startup. Instead, we introduce a "CRD Watcher" component that watches the CRDs in the cluster to determine if they are available or not. 286 287 This is consumed in two ways: 288 * Some components just block on `watcher.WaitForCRD(...)` before doing the work they need. 289 * `kclient.NewDelayedInformer` can also fully abstract this away, by providing a client that handles this behind the scenes. 290 291 #### Credentials Controller 292 293 The Credentials controller exposes access to TLS certificate information, stored in cluster as `Secrets`. Aside from simply accessing certificates, it also has an authorization component that can verify whether a requester has access to read `Secret`s in its namespace. 294 295 #### Discovery Filter 296 297 The Discovery Filter controller is used to implement the `discoverySelectors` field of `MeshConfig`. This controller reads `Namespace`s in the cluster to determine if they should be "selected". Many controllers consumer this filter to only process a subset of configurations. 298 299 #### Multicluster 300 301 Various controllers read from multiple clusters. 302 303 This is rooted in the Multicluster Secret controller, which reads `kubeconfig` files (stored as `Secrets`), and creating Kubernetes clients for each. The controller allows registering handlers which can process Add/Update/Delete of clusters. 304 305 This has two implementations: 306 * The Credentials controller is responsible for reading TLS certificates, stored as Secrets. 307 * The Kubernetes Service Discovery controller is a bit of a monolith, and spins off a bunch of other sub-controllers in addition to the core service discovery controller. 308 309 Because of the monolithic complexity it helps to see this magnified a bit: 310 311 ```mermaid 312 graph BT 313 mcsc("Multicluster Secret") 314 scr("Credentials Controller") 315 ksd("Kubernetes Service Controller") 316 nsc("Namespace Controller") 317 wes("Workload Entry Store") 318 iwh("Injection Patcher") 319 aex("Auto Service Export") 320 scr-->mcsc 321 ksd-->mcsc 322 nsc-->ksd 323 wes-->ksd 324 iwh-->ksd 325 aex-->ksd 326 ``` 327 328 #### VMs 329 330 Virtual Machine support consists of two controllers. 331 332 The Auto Registration controller is pretty unique as a controller - the inputs to the controller are XDS connections. In response to each XDS connection, a `WorkloadEntry` is created to register the XDS client (which is generally `istio-proxy` running on a VM) to the mesh. This `WorkloadEntry` is tied to the lifecycle of the connection, with some logic to ensure that temporary downtime (reconnecting, etc) does not remove the `WorkloadEntry`. 333 334 The Health Check controller additionally controls the health status of the `WorkloadEntry`. The health is reported over the XDS client and synced with the `WorkloadEntry`. 335 336 #### Webhooks 337 338 Istio contains both Validation and Mutating webhook configurations. These need a `caBundle` specified in order to provision the TLS trust. Because Istiod's CA certificate is somewhat dynamic, this is patched at runtime (rather than part of the install). The webhook controllers handle this patching. 339 340 These controllers are very similar but are distinct components for a variety of reasons.