(about) 1 {{- define "" -}} 2 {{- if eq .Release.Name "RELEASE-NAME" -}} 3 {{- | default "istio-ingressgateway" -}} 4 {{- else -}} 5 {{- | default .Release.Name | default "istio-ingressgateway" -}} 6 {{- end -}} 7 {{- end }} 8 9 {{/* 10 Create chart name and version as used by the chart label. 11 */}} 12 {{- define "gateway.chart" -}} 13 {{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }} 14 {{- end }} 15 16 {{- define "gateway.labels" -}} 17 {{ include "gateway.chart" . }} 18 {{ include "gateway.selectorLabels" . }} 19 {{- if .Chart.AppVersion }} 20 {{ .Chart.AppVersion | quote }} 21 {{- end }} 22 {{ .Release.Service }} 23 {{ include "" . }} 24 {{- range $key, $val := .Values.labels }} 25 {{- if not (or (eq $key "app") (eq $key "istio")) }} 26 {{ $key | quote }}: {{ $val | quote }} 27 {{- end }} 28 {{- end }} 29 {{- end }} 30 31 {{- define "gateway.podLabels" -}} 32 {{ include "gateway.selectorLabels" . }} 33 {{- range $key, $val := .Values.labels }} 34 {{- if not (or (eq $key "app") (eq $key "istio")) }} 35 {{ $key | quote }}: {{ $val | quote }} 36 {{- end }} 37 {{- end }} 38 {{- end }} 39 40 {{- define "gateway.selectorLabels" -}} 41 {{- if hasKey .Values.labels "app" }} 42 {{- with }}app: {{.|quote}} 43 {{- end}} 44 {{- else }}app: {{ include "" . }} 45 {{- end }} 46 {{- if hasKey .Values.labels "istio" }} 47 {{- with .Values.labels.istio }} 48 istio: {{.|quote}} 49 {{- end}} 50 {{- else }} 51 istio: {{ include "" . | trimPrefix "istio-" }} 52 {{- end }} 53 {{- end }} 54 55 {{- define "gateway.serviceAccountName" -}} 56 {{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create }} 57 {{- | default (include "" .) }} 58 {{- else }} 59 {{- | default "default" }} 60 {{- end }} 61 {{- end }}