(about) 1 # Istio CNI Helm Chart 2 3 This chart installs the Istio CNI Plugin. See the [CNI installation guide]( 4 for more information. 5 6 ## Setup Repo Info 7 8 ```console 9 helm repo add istio 10 helm repo update 11 ``` 12 13 _See [helm repo]( for command documentation._ 14 15 ## Installing the Chart 16 17 To install the chart with the release name `istio-cni`: 18 19 ```console 20 helm install istio-cni istio/cni -n kube-system 21 ``` 22 23 Installation in `kube-system` is recommended to ensure the [`system-node-critical`]( 24 `priorityClassName` can be used. You can install in other namespace only on K8S clusters that allow 25 'system-node-critical' outside of kube-system. 26 27 ## Configuration 28 29 To view support configuration options and documentation, run: 30 31 ```console 32 helm show values istio/istio-cni 33 ``` 34 35 ### Profiles 36 37 Istio Helm charts have a concept of a `profile`, which is a bundled collection of value presets. 38 These can be set with `--set profile=<profile>`. 39 For example, the `demo` profile offers a preset configuration to try out Istio in a test environment, with additional features enabled and lowered resource requirements. 40 41 For consistency, the same profiles are used across each chart, even if they do not impact a given chart. 42 43 Explicitly set values have highest priority, then profile settings, then chart defaults. 44 45 As an implementation detail of profiles, the default values for the chart are all nested under `defaults`. 46 When configuring the chart, you should not include this. 47 That is, `--set some.field=true` should be passed, not `--set defaults.some.field=true`. 48 49 ### Ambient 50 51 To enable ambient, you can use the ambient profile: `--set profile=ambient`. 52 53 #### Calico 54 55 For Calico, you must also modify the settings to allow source spoofing: 56 57 - if deployed by operator, `kubectl patch felixconfigurations default --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/workloadSourceSpoofing", "value": "Any"}]'` 58 - if deployed by manifest, add env `FELIX_WORKLOADSOURCESPOOFING` with value `Any` in `spec.template.spec.containers.env` for daemonset `calico-node`. (This will allow PODs with specified annotation to skip the rpf check. ) 59 60 ### GKE notes 61 62 On GKE, 'kube-system' is required. 63 64 If using `helm template`, `--set cni.cniBinDir=/home/kubernetes/bin` is required - with `helm install` 65 it is auto-detected.