
     1  defaults:
     2    cni:
     3      hub: ""
     4      tag: ""
     5      variant: ""
     6      image: install-cni
     7      pullPolicy: ""
     9      # Configuration log level of istio-cni binary
    10      # by default istio-cni send all logs to UDS server
    11      # if want to see them you need change global.logging.level with cni:debug
    12      logLevel: debug
    14      # Configuration file to insert istio-cni plugin configuration
    15      # by default this will be the first file found in the cni-conf-dir
    16      # Example
    17      # cniConfFileName: 10-calico.conflist
    19      # CNI bin and conf dir override settings
    20      # defaults:
    21      cniBinDir: "" # Auto-detected based on version; defaults to /opt/cni/bin.
    22      cniConfDir: /etc/cni/net.d
    23      cniConfFileName: ""
    24      # This directory must exist on the node, if it does not, consult your container runtime
    25      # documentation for the appropriate path.
    26      cniNetnsDir: # Defaults to '/var/run/netns', in minikube/docker/others can be '/var/run/docker/netns'.
    29      excludeNamespaces:
    30        - kube-system
    32      # Allows user to set custom affinity for the DaemonSet
    33      affinity: {}
    35      # Custom annotations on pod level, if you need them
    36      podAnnotations: {}
    38      # Deploy the config files as plugin chain (value "true") or as standalone files in the conf dir (value "false")?
    39      # Some k8s flavors (e.g. OpenShift) do not support the chain approach, set to false if this is the case
    40      chained: true
    42      # Custom configuration happens based on the CNI provider.
    43      # Possible values: "default", "multus"
    44      provider: "default"
    46      # Configure ambient settings
    47      ambient:
    48        # If enabled, ambient redirection will be enabled
    49        enabled: false
    50        # Set ambient config dir path: defaults to /etc/ambient-config
    51        configDir: ""
    52        # If enabled, and ambient is enabled, DNS redirection will be enabled
    53        dnsCapture: false
    54        # UNSTABLE: If enabled, and ambient is enabled, enables ipv6 support
    55        ipv6: false
    58      repair:
    59        enabled: true
    60        hub: ""
    61        tag: ""
    63        # Repair controller has 3 modes. Pick which one meets your use cases. Note only one may be used.
    64        # This defines the action the controller will take when a pod is detected as broken.
    66        # labelPods will label all pods with <brokenPodLabelKey>=<brokenPodLabelValue>.
    67        # This is only capable of identifying broken pods; the user is responsible for fixing them (generally, by deleting them).
    68        # Note this gives the DaemonSet a relatively high privilege, as modifying pod metadata/status can have wider impacts.
    69        labelPods: false
    70        # deletePods will delete any broken pod. These will then be rescheduled, hopefully onto a node that is fully ready.
    71        # Note this gives the DaemonSet a relatively high privilege, as it can delete any Pod.
    72        deletePods: false
    73        # repairPods will dynamically repair any broken pod by setting up the pod networking configuration even after it has started.
    74        # Note the pod will be crashlooping, so this may take a few minutes to become fully functional based on when the retry occurs.
    75        # This requires no RBAC privilege, but does require `securityContext.privileged/CAP_SYS_ADMIN`.
    76        repairPods: true
    78        initContainerName: "istio-validation"
    80        brokenPodLabelKey: ""
    81        brokenPodLabelValue: "true"
    83      # Set to `type: RuntimeDefault` to use the default profile if available.
    84      seccompProfile: {}
    86      resources:
    87        requests:
    88          cpu: 100m
    89          memory: 100Mi
    91      resourceQuotas:
    92        enabled: false
    93        pods: 5000
    95      # The number of pods that can be unavailable during rolling update (see
    96      # `updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` here:
    97      #
    98      # May be specified as a number of pods or as a percent of the total number
    99      # of pods at the start of the update.
   100      rollingMaxUnavailable: 1
   102    # Revision is set as 'version' label and part of the resource names when installing multiple control planes.
   103    revision: ""
   105    # For Helm compatibility.
   106    ownerName: ""
   108    global:
   109      # Default hub for Istio images.
   110      # Releases are published to docker hub under 'istio' project.
   111      # Dev builds from prow are on
   112      hub:
   114      # Default tag for Istio images.
   115      tag: latest
   117      # Variant of the image to use.
   118      # Currently supported are: [debug, distroless]
   119      variant: ""
   121      # Specify image pull policy if default behavior isn't desired.
   122      # Default behavior: latest images will be Always else IfNotPresent.
   123      imagePullPolicy: ""
   125      # change cni scope level to control logging out of istio-cni-node DaemonSet
   126      logging:
   127        level: default:info,cni:info
   129      logAsJson: false
   131      # ImagePullSecrets for all ServiceAccount, list of secrets in the same namespace
   132      # to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this ServiceAccount.
   133      # For components that don't use ServiceAccounts (i.e. grafana, servicegraph, tracing)
   134      # ImagePullSecrets will be added to the corresponding Deployment(StatefulSet) objects.
   135      # Must be set for any cluster configured with private docker registry.
   136      imagePullSecrets: []
   137      # - private-registry-key
   139      # Default resources allocated
   140      defaultResources:
   141        requests:
   142          cpu: 100m
   143          memory: 100Mi