
     1  {{- if }}
     2  apiVersion: v1
     3  kind: Service
     4  metadata:
     5    {{- if .Values.pilot.enabled }}
     6    # when local istiod is enabled, we can't use istiod service name to reach the remote control plane
     7    name: istiod{{- if .Values.revision }}-{{ .Values.revision}}{{- end }}-remote
     8    {{- else }}
     9    # when local istiod isn't enabled, we can use istiod service name to reach the remote control plane
    10    name: istiod{{- if .Values.revision }}-{{ .Values.revision}}{{- end }}
    11    {{- end }}
    12    namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
    13  spec:
    14    ports:
    15    - port: 15012
    16      name: tcp-istiod
    17      protocol: TCP
    18    - port: 443
    19      targetPort: 15017
    20      name: tcp-webhook
    21      protocol: TCP
    22    {{- if not (regexMatch "^([0-9]*\\.){3}[0-9]*$" }}
    23    # if the remotePilotAddress is not an IP addr, we use ExternalName
    24    type: ExternalName
    25    externalName: {{ }}
    26    {{- end }}
    27  {{- if }}
    28    ipFamilyPolicy: {{ }}
    29  {{- end }}
    30  {{- if }}
    31    ipFamilies:
    32  {{- range }}
    33    - {{ . }}
    34  {{- end }}
    35  {{- end }}
    36  ---
    37  {{- end }}