
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package helmreconciler
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"strings"
    22  	kerrors ""
    23  	""
    24  	metav1 ""
    25  	""
    26  	klabels ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	iopv1alpha1 ""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  )
    46  var (
    47  	// ClusterResources are resource types the operator prunes, ordered by which types should be deleted, first to last.
    48  	ClusterResources = []schema.GroupVersionKind{
    49  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.MutatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
    50  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
    51  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleStr},
    52  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleBindingStr},
    53  		// Cannot currently prune CRDs because this will also wipe out user config.
    54  		// {Group: "", Version: "v1beta1", Kind: name.CRDStr},
    55  	}
    56  	// ClusterCPResources lists cluster scope resources types which should be deleted during uninstall command.
    57  	ClusterCPResources = []schema.GroupVersionKind{
    58  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.MutatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
    59  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
    60  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleStr},
    61  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleBindingStr},
    62  	}
    63  	// AllClusterResources lists all cluster scope resources types which should be deleted in purge case, including CRD.
    64  	AllClusterResources = append(ClusterResources,
    65  		schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.CRDStr},
    66  		schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.NetworkAttachmentDefinitionStr},
    67  	)
    68  )
    70  // NamespacedResources gets specific pruning resources based on the k8s version
    71  func NamespacedResources() []schema.GroupVersionKind {
    72  	res := []schema.GroupVersionKind{
    73  		{Group: "apps", Version: "v1", Kind: name.DeploymentStr},
    74  		{Group: "apps", Version: "v1", Kind: name.DaemonSetStr},
    75  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ServiceStr},
    76  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.CMStr},
    77  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.PodStr},
    78  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.SecretStr},
    79  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.SAStr},
    80  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.RoleBindingStr},
    81  		{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.RoleStr},
    82  		{Group: "policy", Version: "v1", Kind: name.PDBStr},
    83  		{Group: "autoscaling", Version: "v2", Kind: name.HPAStr},
    84  		gvk.EnvoyFilter.Kubernetes(),
    85  	}
    86  	return res
    87  }
    89  // Prune removes any resources not specified in manifests generated by HelmReconciler h.
    90  func (h *HelmReconciler) Prune(manifests name.ManifestMap, all bool) error {
    91  	return h.runForAllTypes(func(labels map[string]string, objects *unstructured.UnstructuredList) error {
    92  		var errs util.Errors
    93  		if all {
    94  			errs = util.AppendErr(errs, h.deleteResources(nil, labels, "", objects, all))
    95  		} else {
    96  			for cname, manifest := range manifests.Consolidated() {
    97  				errs = util.AppendErr(errs, h.deleteResources(object.AllObjectHashes(manifest), labels, cname, objects, all))
    98  			}
    99  		}
   100  		return errs.ToError()
   101  	})
   102  }
   104  // PruneControlPlaneByRevisionWithController is called to remove specific control plane revision
   105  // during reconciliation process of controller.
   106  // It returns the install status and any error encountered.
   107  func (h *HelmReconciler) PruneControlPlaneByRevisionWithController(iopSpec *v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec) (*v1alpha1.InstallStatus, error) {
   108  	ns := iopv1alpha1.Namespace(iopSpec)
   109  	if ns == "" {
   110  		ns = constants.IstioSystemNamespace
   111  	}
   112  	errStatus := &v1alpha1.InstallStatus{Status: v1alpha1.InstallStatus_ERROR}
   113  	enabledComponents, err := translate.GetEnabledComponents(iopSpec)
   114  	if err != nil {
   115  		return errStatus,
   116  			fmt.Errorf("failed to get enabled components: %v", err)
   117  	}
   118  	pilotEnabled := false
   119  	// check whether the istiod is enabled
   120  	for _, c := range enabledComponents {
   121  		if c == string(name.PilotComponentName) {
   122  			pilotEnabled = true
   123  			break
   124  		}
   125  	}
   126  	// If istiod is enabled, check if it has any proxies connected.
   127  	if pilotEnabled {
   128  		cfg := h.kubeClient.RESTConfig()
   129  		kubeClient, err := kube.NewCLIClient(kube.NewClientConfigForRestConfig(cfg), kube.WithRevision(iopSpec.Revision))
   130  		if err != nil {
   131  			return errStatus, err
   132  		}
   134  		pilotExists, err := h.pilotExists(kubeClient, ns)
   135  		if err != nil {
   136  			return errStatus, fmt.Errorf("failed to check istiod extist: %v", err)
   137  		}
   139  		if pilotExists {
   140  			// TODO(ramaraochavali): Find a better alternative instead of using debug interface
   141  			// of istiod as it is typically not recommended in production environments.
   142  			pids, err := proxy.GetIDsFromProxyInfo(kubeClient, ns)
   143  			if err != nil {
   144  				return errStatus, fmt.Errorf("failed to check proxy infos: %v", err)
   145  			}
   146  			if len(pids) != 0 {
   147  				msg := fmt.Sprintf("there are proxies still pointing to the pruned control plane: %s.",
   148  					strings.Join(pids, " "))
   149  				st := &v1alpha1.InstallStatus{Status: v1alpha1.InstallStatus_ACTION_REQUIRED, Message: msg}
   150  				return st, nil
   151  			}
   152  		}
   153  	}
   155  	for _, c := range enabledComponents {
   156  		uslist, err := h.GetPrunedResources(iopSpec.Revision, false, c)
   157  		if err != nil {
   158  			return errStatus, err
   159  		}
   160  		err = h.DeleteObjectsList(uslist, c)
   161  		if err != nil {
   162  			return errStatus, err
   163  		}
   164  	}
   165  	return &v1alpha1.InstallStatus{Status: v1alpha1.InstallStatus_HEALTHY}, nil
   166  }
   168  func (h *HelmReconciler) pilotExists(cliClient kube.CLIClient, istioNamespace string) (bool, error) {
   169  	istiodPods, err := cliClient.GetIstioPods(context.TODO(), istioNamespace, metav1.ListOptions{
   170  		LabelSelector: "app=istiod",
   171  		FieldSelector: "status.phase=Running",
   172  	})
   173  	if err != nil {
   174  		return false, err
   175  	}
   177  	return len(istiodPods) > 0, nil
   178  }
   180  // DeleteObjectsList removed resources that are in the slice of UnstructuredList.
   181  func (h *HelmReconciler) DeleteObjectsList(objectsList []*unstructured.UnstructuredList, componentName string) error {
   182  	var errs util.Errors
   183  	deletedObjects := make(map[string]bool)
   184  	for _, ul := range objectsList {
   185  		for _, o := range ul.Items {
   186  			obj := object.NewK8sObject(&o, nil, nil)
   187  			oh := obj.Hash()
   189  			// kube client does not differentiate API version when listing, added this check to deduplicate.
   190  			if deletedObjects[oh] {
   191  				continue
   192  			}
   193  			if err := h.deleteResource(obj, componentName, oh); err != nil {
   194  				errs = append(errs, err)
   195  			}
   196  			deletedObjects[oh] = true
   197  		}
   198  	}
   200  	return errs.ToError()
   201  }
   203  // GetPrunedResources get the list of resources to be removed
   204  // 1. if includeClusterResources is false, we list the namespaced resources by matching revision and component labels.
   205  // 2. if includeClusterResources is true, we list the namespaced and cluster resources by component labels only.
   206  // If componentName is not empty, only resources associated with specific components would be returned
   207  // UnstructuredList of objects and corresponding list of name kind hash of k8sObjects would be returned
   208  func (h *HelmReconciler) GetPrunedResources(revision string, includeClusterResources bool, componentName string) (
   209  	[]*unstructured.UnstructuredList, error,
   210  ) {
   211  	var usList []*unstructured.UnstructuredList
   212  	labels := make(map[string]string)
   213  	if revision != "" {
   214  		labels[label.IoIstioRev.Name] = revision
   215  	}
   216  	if componentName != "" {
   217  		labels[IstioComponentLabelStr] = componentName
   218  	}
   219  	if h.iop.GetName() != "" {
   220  		labels[OwningResourceName] = h.iop.GetName()
   221  	}
   222  	if h.iop.GetNamespace() != "" {
   223  		labels[OwningResourceNamespace] = h.iop.GetNamespace()
   224  	}
   225  	selector := klabels.Set(labels).AsSelectorPreValidated()
   226  	resources := NamespacedResources()
   227  	gvkList := append(resources, ClusterCPResources...)
   228  	if includeClusterResources {
   229  		gvkList = append(resources, AllClusterResources...)
   230  		// Cleanup IstioOperator, which may be used with in-cluster operator.
   231  		if ioplist := h.getIstioOperatorCR(); ioplist != nil && len(ioplist.Items) > 0 {
   232  			usList = append(usList, ioplist)
   233  		}
   234  	}
   235  	for _, gvk := range gvkList {
   236  		objects := &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}
   237  		objects.SetGroupVersionKind(gvk)
   238  		componentRequirement, err := klabels.NewRequirement(IstioComponentLabelStr, selection.Exists, nil)
   239  		if err != nil {
   240  			return usList, err
   241  		}
   242  		if includeClusterResources {
   243  			s := klabels.NewSelector()
   244  			err = h.client.List(context.TODO(), objects,
   245  				client.MatchingLabelsSelector{Selector: s.Add(*componentRequirement)})
   246  		} else {
   247  			// do not prune base components or unknown components
   248  			includeCN := []string{
   249  				string(name.PilotComponentName),
   250  				string(name.IngressComponentName), string(name.EgressComponentName),
   251  				string(name.CNIComponentName), string(name.IstioOperatorComponentName),
   252  				string(name.IstiodRemoteComponentName),
   253  				string(name.ZtunnelComponentName),
   254  			}
   255  			includeRequirement, err := klabels.NewRequirement(IstioComponentLabelStr, selection.In, includeCN)
   256  			if err != nil {
   257  				return usList, err
   258  			}
   259  			if err = h.client.List(context.TODO(), objects,
   260  				client.MatchingLabelsSelector{
   261  					Selector: selector.Add(*includeRequirement, *componentRequirement),
   262  				},
   263  			); err != nil {
   264  				continue
   265  			}
   266  		}
   267  		if err != nil {
   268  			continue
   269  		}
   270  		for _, obj := range objects.Items {
   271  			objName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", obj.GetNamespace(), obj.GetName())
   272  			metrics.AddResource(objName, gvk.GroupKind())
   273  		}
   274  		if len(objects.Items) == 0 {
   275  			continue
   276  		}
   277  		usList = append(usList, objects)
   278  	}
   280  	return usList, nil
   281  }
   283  // getIstioOperatorCR is a helper function to get IstioOperator CR during purge,
   284  // otherwise the resources would be reconciled back later if there is in-cluster operator deployment.
   285  // And it is needed to remove the IstioOperator CRD.
   286  func (h *HelmReconciler) getIstioOperatorCR() *unstructured.UnstructuredList {
   287  	iopGVR := iopv1alpha1.IstioOperatorGVR
   288  	objects, err := h.kubeClient.Dynamic().Resource(iopGVR).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
   289  	if err != nil {
   290  		if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
   291  			return nil
   292  		}
   293  		scope.Errorf("failed to list IstioOperator CR: %v", err)
   294  	}
   295  	return objects
   296  }
   298  // runForAllTypes will collect all existing resource types we care about. For each type, the callback function
   299  // will be called with the labels used to select this type, and all objects.
   300  // This is in internal function meant to support prune and delete
   301  func (h *HelmReconciler) runForAllTypes(callback func(labels map[string]string, objects *unstructured.UnstructuredList) error) error {
   302  	var errs util.Errors
   303  	// Ultimately, we want to prune based on component labels. Each of these share a common set of labels
   304  	// Rather than do N List() calls for each component, we will just filter for the common subset here
   305  	// and each component will do its own filtering
   306  	// Because we are filtering by the core labels, List() will only return items that some components will care
   307  	// about, so we are not querying for an overly broad set of resources.
   308  	labels, err := h.getCoreOwnerLabels()
   309  	if err != nil {
   310  		return err
   311  	}
   312  	selector := klabels.Set(labels).AsSelectorPreValidated()
   313  	componentRequirement, err := klabels.NewRequirement(IstioComponentLabelStr, selection.Exists, nil)
   314  	if err != nil {
   315  		return err
   316  	}
   317  	selector = selector.Add(*componentRequirement)
   319  	resources := PrunedResourcesSchemas()
   320  	for _, gvk := range resources {
   321  		// First, we collect all objects for the provided GVK
   322  		objects := &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}
   323  		objects.SetGroupVersionKind(gvk)
   324  		if err := h.client.List(context.TODO(), objects, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{Selector: selector}); err != nil {
   325  			// we only want to retrieve resources clusters
   326  			if !(h.opts.DryRun && meta.IsNoMatchError(err)) {
   327  				scope.Debugf("retrieving resources to prune type %s: %s", gvk.String(), err)
   328  			}
   329  			continue
   330  		}
   331  		for _, obj := range objects.Items {
   332  			objName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", obj.GetNamespace(), obj.GetName())
   333  			metrics.AddResource(objName, gvk.GroupKind())
   334  		}
   335  		errs = util.AppendErr(errs, callback(labels, objects))
   336  	}
   337  	return errs.ToError()
   338  }
   340  func PrunedResourcesSchemas() []schema.GroupVersionKind {
   341  	return append(NamespacedResources(), ClusterResources...)
   342  }
   344  // deleteResources delete any resources from the given component that are not in the excluded map. Resource
   345  // labels are used to identify the resources belonging to the component.
   346  func (h *HelmReconciler) deleteResources(excluded map[string]bool, coreLabels map[string]string,
   347  	componentName string, objects *unstructured.UnstructuredList, all bool,
   348  ) error {
   349  	var errs util.Errors
   350  	labels := h.addComponentLabels(coreLabels, componentName)
   351  	selector := klabels.Set(labels).AsSelectorPreValidated()
   352  	for _, o := range objects.Items {
   353  		obj := object.NewK8sObject(&o, nil, nil)
   354  		oh := obj.Hash()
   355  		if !all {
   356  			// Label mismatch. Provided objects don't select against the component, so this likely means the object
   357  			// is for another component.
   358  			if !selector.Matches(klabels.Set(o.GetLabels())) {
   359  				continue
   360  			}
   361  			if excluded[oh] {
   362  				continue
   363  			}
   364  			if o.GetLabels()[OwningResourceNotPruned] == "true" {
   365  				continue
   366  			}
   367  		}
   368  		if err := h.deleteResource(obj, componentName, oh); err != nil {
   369  			errs = append(errs, err)
   370  		}
   371  	}
   372  	if all {
   373  		cache.FlushObjectCaches()
   374  	}
   376  	return errs.ToError()
   377  }
   379  func (h *HelmReconciler) deleteResource(obj *object.K8sObject, componentName, oh string) error {
   380  	if h.opts.DryRun {
   381  		h.opts.Log.LogAndPrintf("Not pruning object %s because of dry run.", oh)
   382  		return nil
   383  	}
   384  	u := obj.UnstructuredObject()
   385  	if u.GetKind() == name.IstioOperatorStr {
   386  		u.SetFinalizers([]string{})
   387  		if err := h.client.Patch(context.TODO(), u, client.Merge); err != nil {
   388  			scope.Errorf("failed to patch IstioOperator CR: %s, %v", u.GetName(), err)
   389  		}
   390  	}
   391  	err := h.client.Delete(context.TODO(), u, client.PropagationPolicy(metav1.DeletePropagationBackground))
   392  	scope.Debugf("Deleting %s (%s/%v)", oh, h.iop.Name, h.iop.Spec.Revision)
   393  	objGvk := u.GroupVersionKind()
   394  	if err != nil {
   395  		if !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
   396  			return err
   397  		}
   398  		// do not return error if resources are not found
   399  		h.opts.Log.LogAndPrintf("object: %s is not being deleted because it no longer exists", obj.Hash())
   400  		return nil
   401  	}
   402  	if componentName != "" {
   403  		h.removeFromObjectCache(componentName, oh)
   404  	} else {
   405  		cache.FlushObjectCaches()
   406  	}
   407  	metrics.ResourceDeletionTotal.
   408  		With(metrics.ResourceKindLabel.Value(util.GKString(objGvk.GroupKind()))).
   409  		Increment()
   410  	h.addPrunedKind(objGvk.GroupKind())
   411  	metrics.RemoveResource(obj.FullName(), objGvk.GroupKind())
   412  	h.opts.Log.LogAndPrintf("  Removed %s.", oh)
   413  	return nil
   414  }
   416  // RemoveObject removes object with objHash in componentName from the object cache.
   417  func (h *HelmReconciler) removeFromObjectCache(componentName, objHash string) {
   418  	crHash, err := h.getCRHash(componentName)
   419  	if err != nil {
   420  		scope.Error(err.Error())
   421  	}
   422  	cache.RemoveObject(crHash, objHash)
   423  	scope.Infof("Removed object %s from Cache.", objHash)
   424  }