
     1  apiVersion:
     2  kind: IstioOperator
     3  spec:
     4    meshConfig:
     5      accessLogFile: /dev/stdout
     6      extensionProviders:
     7      - name: otel
     8        envoyOtelAls:
     9          service: otel-collector.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
    10          port: 4317
    11      - name: prometheus
    12        prometheus:
    13      - name: stackdriver
    14        stackdriver:
    15      - name: envoy
    16        envoyFileAccessLog:
    17          path: /dev/stdout
    18      - name: envoyExtAuthzHttp
    19        envoyExtAuthzHttp:
    20      - name: envoyExtAuthzGrpc
    21        envoyExtAuthzGrpc:
    22      - name: zipkin
    23        zipkin:
    24      - name: lightstep
    25        lightstep:
    26      - name: datadog
    27        datadog:
    28      - name: opencensus
    29        opencensus:
    30      - name: skywalking
    31        skywalking:
    32      - name: envoyHttpAls
    33        envoyHttpAls:
    34      - name: envoyTcpAls
    35        envoyTcpAls:
    36      - name: opentelemetry
    37        opentelemetry:
    38    components:
    39      egressGateways:
    40      - name: istio-egressgateway
    41        enabled: true
    42        k8s:
    43          resources:
    44            requests:
    45              cpu: 10m
    46              memory: 40Mi
    48      ingressGateways:
    49      - name: istio-ingressgateway
    50        enabled: true
    51        k8s:
    52          resources:
    53            requests:
    54              cpu: 10m
    55              memory: 40Mi
    56          service:
    57            ports:
    58              ## You can add custom gateway ports in user values overrides, but it must include those ports since helm replaces.
    59              # Note that AWS ELB will by default perform health checks on the first port
    60              # on this list. Setting this to the health check port will ensure that health
    61              # checks always work.
    62              - port: 15021
    63                targetPort: 15021
    64                name: status-port
    65              - port: 80
    66                targetPort: 8080
    67                name: http2
    68              - port: 443
    69                targetPort: 8443
    70                name: https
    71              - port: 31400
    72                targetPort: 31400
    73                name: tcp
    74                # This is the port where sni routing happens
    75              - port: 15443
    76                targetPort: 15443
    77                name: tls
    79      pilot:
    80        k8s:
    81          env:
    82            - name: PILOT_TRACE_SAMPLING
    83              value: "100"
    84          resources:
    85            requests:
    86              cpu: 10m
    87              memory: 100Mi
    89    values:
    90      global:
    91        proxy:
    92          resources:
    93            requests:
    94              cpu: 10m
    95              memory: 40Mi
    97      pilot:
    98        autoscaleEnabled: false
   100      gateways:
   101        istio-egressgateway:
   102          autoscaleEnabled: false
   103        istio-ingressgateway:
   104          autoscaleEnabled: false