
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package core
    17  import (
    18  	"fmt"
    19  	"net"
    20  	"strconv"
    21  	"strings"
    23  	cluster ""
    24  	core ""
    25  	endpoint ""
    26  	discovery ""
    27  	""
    28  	wrappers ""
    30  	meshconfig ""
    31  	networking ""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	netutil ""
    45  	""
    46  )
    48  // deltaConfigTypes are used to detect changes and trigger delta calculations. When config updates has ONLY entries
    49  // in this map, then delta calculation is triggered.
    50  var deltaConfigTypes = sets.New(kind.ServiceEntry.String(), kind.DestinationRule.String())
    52  // BuildClusters returns the list of clusters for the given proxy. This is the CDS output
    53  // For outbound: Cluster for each service/subset hostname or cidr with SNI set to service hostname
    54  // Cluster type based on resolution
    55  // For inbound (sidecar only): Cluster for each inbound endpoint port and for each service port
    56  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) BuildClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest) ([]*discovery.Resource, model.XdsLogDetails) {
    57  	// In Sotw, we care about all services.
    58  	var services []*model.Service
    59  	if features.FilterGatewayClusterConfig && proxy.Type == model.Router {
    60  		services = req.Push.GatewayServices(proxy)
    61  	} else {
    62  		services = proxy.SidecarScope.Services()
    63  	}
    64  	return configgen.buildClusters(proxy, req, services)
    65  }
    67  // BuildDeltaClusters generates the deltas (add and delete) for a given proxy. Currently, only service changes are reflected with deltas.
    68  // Otherwise, we fall back onto generating everything.
    69  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) BuildDeltaClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, updates *model.PushRequest,
    70  	watched *model.WatchedResource,
    71  ) ([]*discovery.Resource, []string, model.XdsLogDetails, bool) {
    72  	// if we can't use delta, fall back to generate all
    73  	if !shouldUseDelta(updates) {
    74  		cl, lg := configgen.BuildClusters(proxy, updates)
    75  		return cl, nil, lg, false
    76  	}
    78  	deletedClusters := sets.New[string]()
    79  	var services []*model.Service
    80  	// Holds clusters per service, keyed by hostname.
    81  	serviceClusters := make(map[string]sets.String)
    82  	// Holds service ports, keyed by hostname.Inner map port and its cluster name.
    83  	// This is mainly used when service is updated and a port has been removed.
    84  	servicePortClusters := make(map[string]map[int]string)
    85  	// Holds subset clusters per service, keyed by hostname.
    86  	subsetClusters := make(map[string]sets.String)
    88  	for _, cluster := range watched.ResourceNames {
    89  		// WatchedResources.ResourceNames will contain the names of the clusters it is subscribed to. We can
    90  		// check with the name of our service (cluster names are in the format outbound|<port>|<subset>|<hostname>).
    91  		dir, subset, svcHost, port := model.ParseSubsetKey(cluster)
    92  		// Inbound clusters don't have svchost in its format. So don't add it to serviceClusters.
    93  		if dir == model.TrafficDirectionInbound {
    94  			// Append all inbound clusters because in both stow/delta we always build all inbound clusters.
    95  			// In reality, the delta building is only for outbound clusters. We need to revist here once we support delta for inbound.
    96  			// So deletedClusters.Difference(builtClusters) would give us the correct deleted inbound clusters.
    97  			deletedClusters.Insert(cluster)
    98  		} else {
    99  			if subset == "" {
   100  				sets.InsertOrNew(serviceClusters, string(svcHost), cluster)
   101  			} else {
   102  				sets.InsertOrNew(subsetClusters, string(svcHost), cluster)
   103  			}
   104  			if servicePortClusters[string(svcHost)] == nil {
   105  				servicePortClusters[string(svcHost)] = make(map[int]string)
   106  			}
   107  			servicePortClusters[string(svcHost)][port] = cluster
   108  		}
   109  	}
   111  	for key := range updates.ConfigsUpdated {
   112  		// deleted clusters for this config.
   113  		var deleted []string
   114  		var svcs []*model.Service
   115  		switch key.Kind {
   116  		case kind.ServiceEntry:
   117  			svcs, deleted = configgen.deltaFromServices(key, proxy, updates.Push, serviceClusters,
   118  				servicePortClusters, subsetClusters)
   119  		case kind.DestinationRule:
   120  			svcs, deleted = configgen.deltaFromDestinationRules(key, proxy, subsetClusters)
   121  		}
   122  		services = append(services, svcs...)
   123  		deletedClusters.InsertAll(deleted...)
   124  	}
   125  	clusters, log := configgen.buildClusters(proxy, updates, services)
   126  	// DeletedClusters contains list of all subset clusters for the deleted DR or updated DR.
   127  	// When clusters are rebuilt, we rebuild the subset clusters as well. So, we know what
   128  	// subset clusters are really needed. So if deleted cluster is not rebuilt, then it is really deleted.
   129  	builtClusters := sets.New[string]()
   130  	for _, c := range clusters {
   131  		builtClusters.Insert(c.Name)
   132  	}
   133  	// Remove anything we built from the deleted list
   134  	deletedClusters = deletedClusters.DifferenceInPlace(builtClusters)
   135  	return clusters, sets.SortedList(deletedClusters), log, true
   136  }
   138  // deltaFromServices computes the delta clusters from the updated services.
   139  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) deltaFromServices(key model.ConfigKey, proxy *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext,
   140  	serviceClusters map[string]sets.String, servicePortClusters map[string]map[int]string, subsetClusters map[string]sets.String,
   141  ) ([]*model.Service, []string) {
   142  	var deletedClusters []string
   143  	var services []*model.Service
   144  	service := push.ServiceForHostname(proxy, host.Name(key.Name))
   145  	// push.ServiceForHostname will return nil if the proxy doesn't care about the service OR it was deleted.
   146  	// we can cross-reference with WatchedResources to figure out which services were deleted.
   147  	if service == nil {
   148  		// We assume a service was deleted and delete all clusters for that service.
   149  		deletedClusters = append(deletedClusters, serviceClusters[key.Name].UnsortedList()...)
   150  		deletedClusters = append(deletedClusters, subsetClusters[key.Name].UnsortedList()...)
   151  	} else {
   152  		// Service exists. If the service update has port change, we need to the corresponding port clusters.
   153  		services = append(services, service)
   154  		for port, cluster := range servicePortClusters[service.Hostname.String()] {
   155  			// if this service port is removed, we can conclude that it is a removed cluster.
   156  			if _, exists := service.Ports.GetByPort(port); !exists {
   157  				deletedClusters = append(deletedClusters, cluster)
   158  			}
   159  		}
   160  	}
   161  	return services, deletedClusters
   162  }
   164  // deltaFromDestinationRules computes the delta clusters from the updated destination rules.
   165  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) deltaFromDestinationRules(updatedDr model.ConfigKey, proxy *model.Proxy,
   166  	subsetClusters map[string]sets.String,
   167  ) ([]*model.Service, []string) {
   168  	var deletedClusters []string
   169  	var services []*model.Service
   170  	cfg := proxy.SidecarScope.DestinationRuleByName(updatedDr.Name, updatedDr.Namespace)
   171  	if cfg == nil {
   172  		// Destinationrule was deleted. Find matching services from previous destinationrule.
   173  		prevCfg := proxy.PrevSidecarScope.DestinationRuleByName(updatedDr.Name, updatedDr.Namespace)
   174  		if prevCfg == nil {
   175  			log.Debugf("Prev DestinationRule form PrevSidecarScope is missing for %s/%s", updatedDr.Namespace, updatedDr.Name)
   176  			return nil, nil
   177  		}
   178  		dr := prevCfg.Spec.(*networking.DestinationRule)
   179  		services = append(services, proxy.SidecarScope.ServicesForHostname(host.Name(dr.Host))...)
   180  	} else {
   181  		dr := cfg.Spec.(*networking.DestinationRule)
   182  		// Destinationrule was updated. Find matching services from updated destinationrule.
   183  		services = append(services, proxy.SidecarScope.ServicesForHostname(host.Name(dr.Host))...)
   184  		// Check if destination rule host is changed, if yes, then we need to add previous host matching services.
   185  		prevCfg := proxy.PrevSidecarScope.DestinationRuleByName(updatedDr.Name, updatedDr.Namespace)
   186  		if prevCfg != nil {
   187  			prevDr := prevCfg.Spec.(*networking.DestinationRule)
   188  			if dr.Host != prevDr.Host {
   189  				services = append(services, proxy.SidecarScope.ServicesForHostname(host.Name(prevDr.Host))...)
   190  			}
   191  		}
   192  	}
   194  	// Remove all matched service subsets. When we rebuild clusters, we will rebuild the subset clusters as well.
   195  	// We can reconcile the actual subsets that are needed when we rebuild the clusters.
   196  	for _, matchedSvc := range services {
   197  		if subsetClusters[matchedSvc.Hostname.String()] != nil {
   198  			deletedClusters = append(deletedClusters, subsetClusters[matchedSvc.Hostname.String()].UnsortedList()...)
   199  		}
   200  	}
   201  	return services, deletedClusters
   202  }
   204  // buildClusters builds clusters for the proxy with the services passed.
   205  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest,
   206  	services []*model.Service,
   207  ) ([]*discovery.Resource, model.XdsLogDetails) {
   208  	clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
   209  	resources := model.Resources{}
   210  	envoyFilterPatches := req.Push.EnvoyFilters(proxy)
   211  	cb := NewClusterBuilder(proxy, req, configgen.Cache)
   212  	instances := proxy.ServiceTargets
   213  	cacheStats := cacheStats{}
   214  	switch proxy.Type {
   215  	case model.SidecarProxy:
   216  		// Setup outbound clusters
   217  		outboundPatcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_OUTBOUND}
   218  		ob, cs := configgen.buildOutboundClusters(cb, proxy, outboundPatcher, services)
   219  		cacheStats = cacheStats.merge(cs)
   220  		resources = append(resources, ob...)
   221  		// Add a blackhole and passthrough cluster for catching traffic to unresolved routes
   222  		clusters = outboundPatcher.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, cb.buildBlackHoleCluster(), cb.buildDefaultPassthroughCluster())
   223  		clusters = append(clusters, outboundPatcher.insertedClusters()...)
   224  		// Setup inbound clusters
   225  		inboundPatcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_INBOUND}
   226  		clusters = append(clusters, configgen.buildInboundClusters(cb, proxy, instances, inboundPatcher)...)
   227  		if proxy.EnableHBONEListen() {
   228  			clusters = append(clusters, configgen.buildInboundHBONEClusters())
   229  		}
   230  		// Pass through clusters for inbound traffic. These cluster bind loopback-ish src address to access node local service.
   231  		clusters = inboundPatcher.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, cb.buildInboundPassthroughClusters()...)
   232  		clusters = append(clusters, inboundPatcher.insertedClusters()...)
   233  	case model.Waypoint:
   234  		_, wps := findWaypointResources(proxy, req.Push)
   235  		// Waypoint proxies do not need outbound clusters in most cases, unless we have a route pointing to something
   236  		outboundPatcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_OUTBOUND}
   237  		ob, cs := configgen.buildOutboundClusters(cb, proxy, outboundPatcher, filterWaypointOutboundServices(
   238  			req.Push.ServicesAttachedToMesh(),, req.Push.ExtraWaypointServices(proxy), services))
   239  		cacheStats = cacheStats.merge(cs)
   240  		resources = append(resources, ob...)
   241  		// Setup inbound clusters
   242  		inboundPatcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_INBOUND}
   243  		clusters = append(clusters, configgen.buildWaypointInboundClusters(cb, proxy, req.Push,
   244  		clusters = append(clusters, inboundPatcher.insertedClusters()...)
   245  	default: // Gateways
   246  		patcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_GATEWAY}
   247  		ob, cs := configgen.buildOutboundClusters(cb, proxy, patcher, services)
   248  		cacheStats = cacheStats.merge(cs)
   249  		resources = append(resources, ob...)
   250  		// Gateways do not require the default passthrough cluster as they do not have original dst listeners.
   251  		clusters = patcher.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, cb.buildBlackHoleCluster())
   252  		if proxy.Type == model.Router && proxy.MergedGateway != nil && proxy.MergedGateway.ContainsAutoPassthroughGateways {
   253  			clusters = append(clusters, configgen.buildOutboundSniDnatClusters(proxy, req, patcher)...)
   254  		}
   255  		clusters = append(clusters, patcher.insertedClusters()...)
   256  	}
   258  	// OutboundTunnel cluster is needed for sidecar and gateway.
   259  	if features.EnableHBONESend && proxy.Type != model.Waypoint && bool(!proxy.Metadata.DisableHBONESend) {
   260  		clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildConnectOriginate(proxy, req.Push, nil))
   261  	}
   263  	// if credential socket exists, create a cluster for it
   264  	if proxy.Metadata != nil && proxy.Metadata.Raw[security.CredentialMetaDataName] == "true" {
   265  		clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildExternalSDSCluster(security.CredentialNameSocketPath))
   266  	}
   267  	for _, c := range clusters {
   268  		resources = append(resources, &discovery.Resource{Name: c.Name, Resource: protoconv.MessageToAny(c)})
   269  	}
   270  	resources = cb.normalizeClusters(resources)
   272  	if cacheStats.empty() {
   273  		return resources, model.DefaultXdsLogDetails
   274  	}
   275  	return resources, model.XdsLogDetails{AdditionalInfo: fmt.Sprintf("cached:%v/%v", cacheStats.hits, cacheStats.hits+cacheStats.miss)}
   276  }
   278  func shouldUseDelta(updates *model.PushRequest) bool {
   279  	return updates != nil && deltaAwareConfigTypes(updates.ConfigsUpdated) && len(updates.ConfigsUpdated) > 0
   280  }
   282  // deltaAwareConfigTypes returns true if all updated configs are delta enabled.
   283  func deltaAwareConfigTypes(cfgs sets.Set[model.ConfigKey]) bool {
   284  	for k := range cfgs {
   285  		if !deltaConfigTypes.Contains(k.Kind.String()) {
   286  			return false
   287  		}
   288  	}
   289  	return true
   290  }
   292  // buildOutboundClusters generates all outbound (including subsets) clusters for a given proxy.
   293  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildOutboundClusters(cb *ClusterBuilder, proxy *model.Proxy, cp clusterPatcher,
   294  	services []*model.Service,
   295  ) ([]*discovery.Resource, cacheStats) {
   296  	resources := make([]*discovery.Resource, 0)
   297  	efKeys := cp.efw.KeysApplyingTo(networking.EnvoyFilter_CLUSTER)
   298  	hit, miss := 0, 0
   299  	for _, service := range services {
   300  		if service.Resolution == model.Alias {
   301  			continue
   302  		}
   303  		for _, port := range service.Ports {
   304  			if port.Protocol == protocol.UDP {
   305  				continue
   306  			}
   307  			clusterKey := buildClusterKey(service, port, cb, proxy, efKeys)
   308  			cached, allFound := cb.getAllCachedSubsetClusters(clusterKey)
   309  			if allFound && !features.EnableUnsafeAssertions {
   310  				hit += len(cached)
   311  				resources = append(resources, cached...)
   312  				continue
   313  			}
   314  			miss += len(cached)
   316  			// We have a cache miss, so we will re-generate the cluster and later store it in the cache.
   317  			var lbEndpoints []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints
   318  			if clusterKey.endpointBuilder != nil {
   319  				lbEndpoints = clusterKey.endpointBuilder.FromServiceEndpoints()
   320  			}
   322  			// create default cluster
   323  			discoveryType := convertResolution(cb.proxyType, service)
   324  			defaultCluster := cb.buildCluster(clusterKey.clusterName, discoveryType, lbEndpoints, model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, port, service, nil, "")
   325  			if defaultCluster == nil {
   326  				continue
   327  			}
   329  			// if the service uses persistent sessions, override status allows
   330  			// DRAINING endpoints to be kept as 'UNHEALTHY' coarse status in envoy.
   331  			// Will not be used for normal traffic, only when explicit override.
   332  			if service.Attributes.Labels[features.PersistentSessionLabel] != "" {
   333  				// Default is UNKNOWN, HEALTHY, DEGRADED. Without this change, Envoy will drop endpoints with any other
   334  				// status received in EDS. With this setting, the DRAINING and UNHEALTHY endpoints are kept - both marked
   335  				// as UNHEALTHY ('coarse state'), which is what will show in config dumps.
   336  				// DRAINING/UNHEALTHY will not be used normally for new requests. They will be used if cookie/header
   337  				// selects them.
   338  				defaultCluster.cluster.CommonLbConfig.OverrideHostStatus = &core.HealthStatusSet{
   339  					Statuses: []core.HealthStatus{
   340  						core.HealthStatus_HEALTHY,
   341  						core.HealthStatus_DRAINING, core.HealthStatus_UNKNOWN, core.HealthStatus_DEGRADED,
   342  					},
   343  				}
   344  			}
   346  			subsetClusters := cb.applyDestinationRule(defaultCluster, DefaultClusterMode, service, port,
   347  				clusterKey.endpointBuilder, clusterKey.destinationRule.GetRule(), clusterKey.serviceAccounts)
   349  			if patched := cp.patch(nil,; patched != nil {
   350  				resources = append(resources, patched)
   351  				if features.EnableCDSCaching {
   352  					cb.cache.Add(&clusterKey, cb.req, patched)
   353  				}
   354  			}
   355  			for _, ss := range subsetClusters {
   356  				if patched := cp.patch(nil, ss); patched != nil {
   357  					resources = append(resources, patched)
   358  					if features.EnableCDSCaching {
   359  						nk := clusterKey
   360  						nk.clusterName = ss.Name
   361  						cb.cache.Add(&nk, cb.req, patched)
   362  					}
   363  				}
   364  			}
   365  		}
   366  	}
   368  	return resources, cacheStats{hits: hit, miss: miss}
   369  }
   371  type clusterPatcher struct {
   372  	efw  *model.EnvoyFilterWrapper
   373  	pctx networking.EnvoyFilter_PatchContext
   374  }
   376  func (p clusterPatcher) patch(hosts []host.Name, c *cluster.Cluster) *discovery.Resource {
   377  	cluster := p.doPatch(hosts, c)
   378  	if cluster == nil {
   379  		return nil
   380  	}
   381  	return &discovery.Resource{Name: cluster.Name, Resource: protoconv.MessageToAny(cluster)}
   382  }
   384  func (p clusterPatcher) doPatch(hosts []host.Name, c *cluster.Cluster) *cluster.Cluster {
   385  	if !envoyfilter.ShouldKeepCluster(p.pctx, p.efw, c, hosts) {
   386  		return nil
   387  	}
   388  	return envoyfilter.ApplyClusterMerge(p.pctx, p.efw, c, hosts)
   389  }
   391  func (p clusterPatcher) conditionallyAppend(l []*cluster.Cluster, hosts []host.Name, clusters ...*cluster.Cluster) []*cluster.Cluster {
   392  	if !p.hasPatches() {
   393  		return append(l, clusters...)
   394  	}
   395  	for _, c := range clusters {
   396  		if patched := p.doPatch(hosts, c); patched != nil {
   397  			l = append(l, patched)
   398  		}
   399  	}
   400  	return l
   401  }
   403  func (p clusterPatcher) insertedClusters() []*cluster.Cluster {
   404  	return envoyfilter.InsertedClusters(p.pctx, p.efw)
   405  }
   407  func (p clusterPatcher) hasPatches() bool {
   408  	return p.efw != nil && len(p.efw.Patches[networking.EnvoyFilter_CLUSTER]) > 0
   409  }
   411  // SniDnat clusters do not have any TLS setting, as they simply forward traffic to upstream
   412  // All SniDnat clusters are internal services in the mesh.
   413  // TODO enable cache - there is no blockers here, skipped to simplify the original caching implementation
   414  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildOutboundSniDnatClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest,
   415  	cp clusterPatcher,
   416  ) []*cluster.Cluster {
   417  	clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
   418  	cb := NewClusterBuilder(proxy, req, nil)
   420  	for _, service := range proxy.SidecarScope.Services() {
   421  		if service.MeshExternal {
   422  			continue
   423  		}
   425  		destRule := proxy.SidecarScope.DestinationRule(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, proxy, service.Hostname)
   426  		for _, port := range service.Ports {
   427  			if port.Protocol == protocol.UDP {
   428  				continue
   429  			}
   431  			// create default cluster
   432  			discoveryType := convertResolution(cb.proxyType, service)
   433  			clusterName := model.BuildDNSSrvSubsetKey(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, "",
   434  				service.Hostname, port.Port)
   436  			var lbEndpoints []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints
   437  			var endpointBuilder *endpoints.EndpointBuilder
   438  			if service.Resolution == model.DNSLB || service.Resolution == model.DNSRoundRobinLB {
   439  				endpointBuilder = endpoints.NewCDSEndpointBuilder(proxy, cb.req.Push,
   440  					clusterName, model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, "", service.Hostname, port.Port,
   441  					service, destRule,
   442  				)
   443  				lbEndpoints = endpointBuilder.FromServiceEndpoints()
   444  			}
   446  			defaultCluster := cb.buildCluster(clusterName, discoveryType, lbEndpoints, model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, port, service, nil, "")
   447  			if defaultCluster == nil {
   448  				continue
   449  			}
   450  			subsetClusters := cb.applyDestinationRule(defaultCluster, SniDnatClusterMode, service, port, endpointBuilder, destRule.GetRule(), nil)
   451  			clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil,
   452  			clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, subsetClusters...)
   453  		}
   454  	}
   456  	return clusters
   457  }
   459  func buildInboundLocalityLbEndpoints(bind string, port uint32) []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints {
   460  	if bind == "" {
   461  		return nil
   462  	}
   463  	address := util.BuildAddress(bind, port)
   464  	lbEndpoint := &endpoint.LbEndpoint{
   465  		HostIdentifier: &endpoint.LbEndpoint_Endpoint{
   466  			Endpoint: &endpoint.Endpoint{
   467  				Address: address,
   468  			},
   469  		},
   470  	}
   471  	return []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints{
   472  		{
   473  			LbEndpoints: []*endpoint.LbEndpoint{lbEndpoint},
   474  		},
   475  	}
   476  }
   478  func buildInboundClustersFromServiceInstances(cb *ClusterBuilder, proxy *model.Proxy,
   479  	instances []model.ServiceTarget, cp clusterPatcher,
   480  	enableSidecarServiceInboundListenerMerge bool,
   481  ) []*cluster.Cluster {
   482  	clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
   483  	_, actualLocalHosts := getWildcardsAndLocalHost(proxy.GetIPMode())
   484  	clustersToBuild := make(map[int][]model.ServiceTarget)
   486  	ingressPortListSet := sets.New[int]()
   487  	sidecarScope := proxy.SidecarScope
   488  	if enableSidecarServiceInboundListenerMerge && sidecarScope.HasIngressListener() {
   489  		ingressPortListSet = getSidecarIngressPortList(proxy)
   490  	}
   491  	for _, instance := range instances {
   492  		// For service instances with the same port,
   493  		// we still need to capture all the instances on this port, as its required to populate telemetry metadata
   494  		// The first instance will be used as the "primary" instance; this means if we have an conflicts between
   495  		// Services the first one wins
   496  		port := int(instance.Port.TargetPort)
   497  		clustersToBuild[port] = append(clustersToBuild[port], instance)
   498  	}
   500  	bind := actualLocalHosts[0]
   501  	if cb.req.Push.Mesh.GetInboundTrafficPolicy().GetMode() == meshconfig.MeshConfig_InboundTrafficPolicy_PASSTHROUGH {
   502  		bind = ""
   503  	}
   504  	// For each workload port, we will construct a cluster
   505  	for epPort, instances := range clustersToBuild {
   506  		if ingressPortListSet.Contains(int(instances[0].Port.TargetPort)) {
   507  			// here if port is declared in service and sidecar ingress both, we continue to take the one on sidecar + other service ports
   508  			// e.g. 1,2, 3 in service and 3,4 in sidecar ingress,
   509  			// this will still generate listeners for 1,2,3,4 where 3 is picked from sidecar ingress
   510  			// port present in sidecarIngress listener so let sidecar take precedence
   511  			continue
   512  		}
   513  		localCluster := cb.buildInboundCluster(epPort, bind, proxy, instances[0], instances)
   514  		// If inbound cluster match has service, we should see if it matches with any host name across all instances.
   515  		hosts := make([]host.Name, 0, len(instances))
   516  		for _, si := range instances {
   517  			hosts = append(hosts, si.Service.Hostname)
   518  		}
   519  		clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, hosts,
   520  	}
   521  	return clusters
   522  }
   524  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildInboundClusters(cb *ClusterBuilder, proxy *model.Proxy, instances []model.ServiceTarget,
   525  	cp clusterPatcher,
   526  ) []*cluster.Cluster {
   527  	clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
   529  	// The inbound clusters for a node depends on whether the node has a SidecarScope with inbound listeners
   530  	// or not. If the node has a sidecarscope with ingress listeners, we only return clusters corresponding
   531  	// to those listeners i.e. clusters made out of the defaultEndpoint field.
   532  	// If the node has no sidecarScope and has interception mode set to NONE, then we should skip the inbound
   533  	// clusters, because there would be no corresponding inbound listeners
   534  	sidecarScope := proxy.SidecarScope
   535  	noneMode := proxy.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionNone
   536  	// No user supplied sidecar scope or the user supplied one has no ingress listeners
   537  	if !sidecarScope.HasIngressListener() {
   538  		// We should not create inbound listeners in NONE mode based on the service instances
   539  		// Doing so will prevent the workloads from starting as they would be listening on the same port
   540  		// Users are required to provide the sidecar config to define the inbound listeners
   541  		if noneMode {
   542  			return nil
   543  		}
   544  		clusters = buildInboundClustersFromServiceInstances(cb, proxy, instances, cp, false)
   545  		return clusters
   546  	}
   548  	if features.EnableSidecarServiceInboundListenerMerge {
   549  		// only allow to merge inbound listeners if sidecar has ingress listener and pilot has env EnableSidecarServiceInboundListenerMerge set
   550  		clusters = buildInboundClustersFromServiceInstances(cb, proxy, instances, cp, true)
   551  	}
   552  	clusters = append(clusters, buildInboundClustersFromSidecar(cb, proxy, instances, cp)...)
   553  	return clusters
   554  }
   556  func buildInboundClustersFromSidecar(cb *ClusterBuilder, proxy *model.Proxy,
   557  	instances []model.ServiceTarget, cp clusterPatcher,
   558  ) []*cluster.Cluster {
   559  	clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
   560  	_, actualLocalHosts := getWildcardsAndLocalHost(proxy.GetIPMode())
   561  	sidecarScope := proxy.SidecarScope
   562  	for _, ingressListener := range sidecarScope.Sidecar.Ingress {
   563  		// LDS would have setup the inbound clusters
   564  		// as inbound|portNumber|portName|Hostname[or]SidecarScopeID
   565  		listenPort := &model.Port{
   566  			Port:     int(ingressListener.Port.Number),
   567  			Protocol: protocol.Parse(ingressListener.Port.Protocol),
   568  			Name:     ingressListener.Port.Name,
   569  		}
   571  		// Set up the endpoint. By default, we set this empty which will use ORIGINAL_DST passthrough.
   572  		// This can be overridden by ingress.defaultEndpoint.
   573  		// * send to localhost
   574  		// * send to INSTANCE_IP
   575  		// * unix:///...: send to configured unix domain socket
   576  		endpointAddress := ""
   577  		port := 0
   578  		if strings.HasPrefix(ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint, model.UnixAddressPrefix) {
   579  			// this is a UDS endpoint. assign it as is
   580  			endpointAddress = ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint
   581  		} else if len(ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint) > 0 {
   582  			// parse the ip, port. Validation guarantees presence of :
   583  			hostIP, hostPort, hostErr := net.SplitHostPort(ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint)
   584  			if hostPort == "" || hostErr != nil {
   585  				continue
   586  			}
   587  			var err error
   588  			if port, err = strconv.Atoi(hostPort); err != nil {
   589  				continue
   590  			}
   591  			if hostIP == model.PodIPAddressPrefix {
   592  				for _, proxyIPAddr := range cb.proxyIPAddresses {
   593  					if netutil.IsIPv4Address(proxyIPAddr) {
   594  						endpointAddress = proxyIPAddr
   595  						break
   596  					}
   597  				}
   598  				// if there is no any IPv4 address in proxyIPAddresses
   599  				if endpointAddress == "" {
   600  					endpointAddress = model.LocalhostAddressPrefix
   601  				}
   602  			} else if hostIP == model.PodIPv6AddressPrefix {
   603  				for _, proxyIPAddr := range cb.proxyIPAddresses {
   604  					if netutil.IsIPv6Address(proxyIPAddr) {
   605  						endpointAddress = proxyIPAddr
   606  						break
   607  					}
   608  				}
   609  				// if there is no any IPv6 address in proxyIPAddresses
   610  				if endpointAddress == "" {
   611  					endpointAddress = model.LocalhostIPv6AddressPrefix
   612  				}
   613  			} else if hostIP == model.LocalhostAddressPrefix {
   614  				// prefer to ::1, but if given no option choose ::1
   615  				ipV6EndpointAddress := ""
   616  				for _, host := range actualLocalHosts {
   617  					if netutil.IsIPv4Address(host) {
   618  						endpointAddress = host
   619  						break
   620  					}
   621  					if netutil.IsIPv6Address(host) {
   622  						ipV6EndpointAddress = host
   623  					}
   624  				}
   625  				if endpointAddress == "" {
   626  					endpointAddress = ipV6EndpointAddress
   627  				}
   628  			} else if hostIP == model.LocalhostIPv6AddressPrefix {
   629  				// prefer ::1 to, but if given no option choose
   630  				ipV4EndpointAddress := ""
   631  				for _, host := range actualLocalHosts {
   632  					if netutil.IsIPv6Address(host) {
   633  						endpointAddress = host
   634  						break
   635  					}
   636  					if netutil.IsIPv4Address(host) {
   637  						ipV4EndpointAddress = host
   638  					}
   639  				}
   640  				if endpointAddress == "" {
   641  					endpointAddress = ipV4EndpointAddress
   642  				}
   643  			}
   644  		}
   645  		// Find the service instance that corresponds to this ingress listener by looking
   646  		// for a service instance that matches this ingress port as this will allow us
   647  		// to generate the right cluster name that LDS expects inbound|portNumber|portName|Hostname
   648  		svc := findOrCreateService(instances, ingressListener, sidecarScope.Name, sidecarScope.Namespace)
   649  		endpoint := model.ServiceTarget{
   650  			Service: svc,
   651  			Port: model.ServiceInstancePort{
   652  				ServicePort: listenPort,
   653  				TargetPort:  uint32(port),
   654  			},
   655  		}
   656  		localCluster := cb.buildInboundCluster(int(ingressListener.Port.Number), endpointAddress, proxy, endpoint, nil)
   657  		clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, []host.Name{endpoint.Service.Hostname},
   658  	}
   659  	return clusters
   660  }
   662  func findOrCreateService(instances []model.ServiceTarget,
   663  	ingressListener *networking.IstioIngressListener, sidecar string, sidecarns string,
   664  ) *model.Service {
   665  	for _, realInstance := range instances {
   666  		if realInstance.Port.TargetPort == ingressListener.Port.Number {
   667  			return realInstance.Service
   668  		}
   669  	}
   670  	// We didn't find a matching instance. Create a dummy one because we need the right
   671  	// params to generate the right cluster name i.e. inbound|portNumber|portName|SidecarScopeID - which is uniformly generated by LDS/CDS.
   672  	return &model.Service{
   673  		Hostname: host.Name(sidecar + "." + sidecarns),
   674  		Attributes: model.ServiceAttributes{
   675  			Name: sidecar,
   676  			// This will ensure that the right AuthN policies are selected
   677  			Namespace: sidecarns,
   678  		},
   679  	}
   680  }
   682  func convertResolution(proxyType model.NodeType, service *model.Service) cluster.Cluster_DiscoveryType {
   683  	switch service.Resolution {
   684  	case model.ClientSideLB:
   685  		return cluster.Cluster_EDS
   686  	case model.DNSLB:
   687  		return cluster.Cluster_STRICT_DNS
   688  	case model.DNSRoundRobinLB:
   689  		return cluster.Cluster_LOGICAL_DNS
   690  	case model.Passthrough:
   691  		// Gateways cannot use passthrough clusters. So fallback to EDS
   692  		if proxyType == model.Router {
   693  			return cluster.Cluster_EDS
   694  		}
   695  		if service.Attributes.ServiceRegistry == provider.Kubernetes && features.EnableEDSForHeadless {
   696  			return cluster.Cluster_EDS
   697  		}
   698  		return cluster.Cluster_ORIGINAL_DST
   699  	default:
   700  		return cluster.Cluster_EDS
   701  	}
   702  }
   704  // ClusterMode defines whether the cluster is being built for SNI-DNATing (sni passthrough) or not
   705  type ClusterMode string
   707  const (
   708  	// SniDnatClusterMode indicates cluster is being built for SNI dnat mode
   709  	SniDnatClusterMode ClusterMode = "sni-dnat"
   710  	// DefaultClusterMode indicates usual cluster with mTLS et al
   711  	DefaultClusterMode ClusterMode = "outbound"
   712  )
   714  type buildClusterOpts struct {
   715  	mesh            *meshconfig.MeshConfig
   716  	mutable         *clusterWrapper
   717  	policy          *networking.TrafficPolicy
   718  	port            *model.Port
   719  	serviceAccounts []string
   720  	serviceTargets  []model.ServiceTarget
   721  	// Used for traffic across multiple network clusters
   722  	// the east-west gateway in a remote cluster will use this value to route
   723  	// traffic to the appropriate service
   724  	istioMtlsSni    string
   725  	clusterMode     ClusterMode
   726  	direction       model.TrafficDirection
   727  	meshExternal    bool
   728  	serviceMTLSMode model.MutualTLSMode
   729  	// Indicates the service registry of the cluster being built.
   730  	serviceRegistry provider.ID
   731  	// Indicates if the destinationRule has a workloadSelector
   732  	isDrWithSelector bool
   733  }
   735  func applyTCPKeepalive(mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig, c *cluster.Cluster, tcp *networking.ConnectionPoolSettings_TCPSettings) {
   736  	// Apply mesh wide TCP keepalive if available.
   737  	setKeepAliveSettings(c, mesh.TcpKeepalive)
   739  	// Apply/Override individual attributes with DestinationRule TCP keepalive if set.
   740  	if tcp != nil {
   741  		setKeepAliveSettings(c, tcp.TcpKeepalive)
   742  	}
   743  }
   745  func setKeepAliveSettings(c *cluster.Cluster, keepalive *networking.ConnectionPoolSettings_TCPSettings_TcpKeepalive) {
   746  	if keepalive == nil {
   747  		return
   748  	}
   749  	// Start with empty tcp_keepalive, which would set SO_KEEPALIVE on the socket with OS default values.
   750  	if c.UpstreamConnectionOptions == nil {
   751  		c.UpstreamConnectionOptions = &cluster.UpstreamConnectionOptions{
   752  			TcpKeepalive: &core.TcpKeepalive{},
   753  		}
   754  	}
   755  	if keepalive.Probes > 0 {
   756  		c.UpstreamConnectionOptions.TcpKeepalive.KeepaliveProbes = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: keepalive.Probes}
   757  	}
   759  	if keepalive.Time != nil {
   760  		c.UpstreamConnectionOptions.TcpKeepalive.KeepaliveTime = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(keepalive.Time.Seconds)}
   761  	}
   763  	if keepalive.Interval != nil {
   764  		c.UpstreamConnectionOptions.TcpKeepalive.KeepaliveInterval = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(keepalive.Interval.Seconds)}
   765  	}
   766  }
   768  // Build a struct which contains service metadata and will be added into cluster label.
   769  func buildServiceMetadata(svc *model.Service) *structpb.Value {
   770  	return &structpb.Value{
   771  		Kind: &structpb.Value_StructValue{
   772  			StructValue: &structpb.Struct{
   773  				Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
   774  					// service fqdn
   775  					"host": {
   776  						Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
   777  							StringValue: string(svc.Hostname),
   778  						},
   779  					},
   780  					// short name of the service
   781  					"name": {
   782  						Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
   783  							StringValue: svc.Attributes.Name,
   784  						},
   785  					},
   786  					// namespace of the service
   787  					"namespace": {
   788  						Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
   789  							StringValue: svc.Attributes.Namespace,
   790  						},
   791  					},
   792  				},
   793  			},
   794  		},
   795  	}
   796  }
   798  func getOrCreateIstioMetadata(cluster *cluster.Cluster) *structpb.Struct {
   799  	if cluster.Metadata == nil {
   800  		cluster.Metadata = &core.Metadata{
   801  			FilterMetadata: map[string]*structpb.Struct{},
   802  		}
   803  	}
   804  	// Create Istio metadata if does not exist yet
   805  	if _, ok := cluster.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.IstioMetadataKey]; !ok {
   806  		cluster.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.IstioMetadataKey] = &structpb.Struct{
   807  			Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{},
   808  		}
   809  	}
   810  	return cluster.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.IstioMetadataKey]
   811  }