
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package core
    17  import (
    18  	"time"
    20  	cluster ""
    21  	core ""
    22  	endpoint ""
    23  	tls ""
    24  	http ""
    25  	matcher ""
    26  	metadata ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	wrappers ""
    32  	networking ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	sec_model ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	v3 ""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  )
    45  // buildInternalUpstreamCluster builds a single endpoint cluster to the internal listener.
    46  func buildInternalUpstreamCluster(name string, internalListener string) *cluster.Cluster {
    47  	return &cluster.Cluster{
    48  		Name:                 name,
    49  		ClusterDiscoveryType: &cluster.Cluster_Type{Type: cluster.Cluster_STATIC},
    50  		LoadAssignment: &endpoint.ClusterLoadAssignment{
    51  			ClusterName: name,
    52  			Endpoints:   util.BuildInternalEndpoint(internalListener, nil),
    53  		},
    54  		TransportSocket: util.DefaultInternalUpstreamTransportSocket,
    55  		TypedExtensionProtocolOptions: map[string]*anypb.Any{
    56  			v3.HttpProtocolOptionsType: passthroughHttpProtocolOptions,
    57  		},
    58  	}
    59  }
    61  var (
    62  	MainInternalCluster = buildInternalUpstreamCluster(MainInternalName, MainInternalName)
    63  	EncapCluster        = buildInternalUpstreamCluster(EncapClusterName, ConnectOriginate)
    64  )
    66  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildInboundHBONEClusters() *cluster.Cluster {
    67  	return MainInternalCluster
    68  }
    70  func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildWaypointInboundClusters(
    71  	cb *ClusterBuilder,
    72  	proxy *model.Proxy,
    73  	push *model.PushContext,
    74  	svcs map[host.Name]*model.Service,
    75  ) []*cluster.Cluster {
    76  	clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
    77  	// Creates "main_internal" cluster to route to the main internal listener.
    78  	// Creates "encap" cluster to route to the encap listener.
    79  	clusters = append(clusters, MainInternalCluster, EncapCluster)
    80  	// Creates per-VIP load balancing upstreams.
    81  	clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildWaypointInboundVIP(proxy, svcs)...)
    82  	// Upstream of the "encap" listener.
    83  	clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildWaypointConnectOriginate(proxy, push))
    85  	for _, c := range clusters {
    86  		if c.TransportSocket != nil && c.TransportSocketMatches != nil {
    87  			log.Errorf("invalid cluster, multiple matches: %v", c.Name)
    88  		}
    89  	}
    90  	return clusters
    91  }
    93  // `inbound-vip||hostname|port`. EDS routing to the internal listener for each pod in the VIP.
    94  func (cb *ClusterBuilder) buildWaypointInboundVIPCluster(proxy *model.Proxy, svc *model.Service, port model.Port, subset string) *clusterWrapper {
    95  	clusterName := model.BuildSubsetKey(model.TrafficDirectionInboundVIP, subset, svc.Hostname, port.Port)
    97  	discoveryType := convertResolution(cb.proxyType, svc)
    98  	var lbEndpoints []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints
    99  	if discoveryType == cluster.Cluster_STRICT_DNS || discoveryType == cluster.Cluster_LOGICAL_DNS {
   100  		lbEndpoints = endpoints.NewCDSEndpointBuilder(
   101  			proxy,
   102  			cb.req.Push,
   103  			clusterName,
   104  			model.TrafficDirectionInboundVIP, subset, svc.Hostname, port.Port,
   105  			svc, nil,
   106  		).FromServiceEndpoints()
   107  	}
   108  	localCluster := cb.buildCluster(clusterName, discoveryType, lbEndpoints,
   109  		model.TrafficDirectionInboundVIP, &port, svc, nil, subset)
   111  	// Ensure VIP cluster has services metadata for stats filter usage
   112  	im := getOrCreateIstioMetadata(localCluster.cluster)
   113  	im.Fields["services"] = &structpb.Value{
   114  		Kind: &structpb.Value_ListValue{
   115  			ListValue: &structpb.ListValue{
   116  				Values: []*structpb.Value{},
   117  			},
   118  		},
   119  	}
   120  	svcMetaList := im.Fields["services"].GetListValue()
   121  	svcMetaList.Values = append(svcMetaList.Values, buildServiceMetadata(svc))
   123  	// no TLS, we are just going to internal address
   124  	localCluster.cluster.TransportSocketMatches = nil
   125  	localCluster.cluster.TransportSocket = util.TunnelHostInternalUpstreamTransportSocket
   126  	maybeApplyEdsConfig(localCluster.cluster)
   127  	return localCluster
   128  }
   130  // `inbound-vip|protocol|hostname|port`. EDS routing to the internal listener for each pod in the VIP.
   131  func (cb *ClusterBuilder) buildWaypointInboundVIP(proxy *model.Proxy, svcs map[host.Name]*model.Service) []*cluster.Cluster {
   132  	clusters := []*cluster.Cluster{}
   134  	for _, svc := range svcs {
   135  		for _, port := range svc.Ports {
   136  			if port.Protocol == protocol.UDP {
   137  				continue
   138  			}
   139  			if port.Protocol.IsUnsupported() || port.Protocol.IsTCP() {
   140  				clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildWaypointInboundVIPCluster(proxy, svc, *port, "tcp").build())
   141  			}
   142  			if port.Protocol.IsUnsupported() || port.Protocol.IsHTTP() {
   143  				clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildWaypointInboundVIPCluster(proxy, svc, *port, "http").build())
   144  			}
   145  			cfg := cb.sidecarScope.DestinationRule(model.TrafficDirectionInbound, proxy, svc.Hostname).GetRule()
   146  			if cfg != nil {
   147  				destinationRule := cfg.Spec.(*networking.DestinationRule)
   148  				for _, ss := range destinationRule.Subsets {
   149  					if port.Protocol.IsUnsupported() || port.Protocol.IsTCP() {
   150  						clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildWaypointInboundVIPCluster(proxy, svc, *port, "tcp/"+ss.Name).build())
   151  					}
   152  					if port.Protocol.IsUnsupported() || port.Protocol.IsHTTP() {
   153  						clusters = append(clusters, cb.buildWaypointInboundVIPCluster(proxy, svc, *port, "http/"+ss.Name).build())
   154  					}
   155  				}
   156  			}
   157  		}
   158  	}
   159  	return clusters
   160  }
   162  func (cb *ClusterBuilder) buildWaypointConnectOriginate(proxy *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext) *cluster.Cluster {
   163  	m := &matcher.StringMatcher{}
   164  	m.MatchPattern = &matcher.StringMatcher_Prefix{
   165  		Prefix: spiffe.URIPrefix + spiffe.GetTrustDomain() + "/ns/" + proxy.Metadata.Namespace + "/sa/",
   166  	}
   167  	return cb.buildConnectOriginate(proxy, push, m)
   168  }
   170  func (cb *ClusterBuilder) buildConnectOriginate(proxy *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext, uriSanMatchers ...*matcher.StringMatcher) *cluster.Cluster {
   171  	ctx := buildCommonConnectTLSContext(proxy, push)
   172  	validationCtx := ctx.GetCombinedValidationContext().DefaultValidationContext
   173  	for _, uriSanMatcher := range uriSanMatchers {
   174  		if uriSanMatcher != nil {
   175  			validationCtx.MatchTypedSubjectAltNames = append(validationCtx.MatchTypedSubjectAltNames, &tls.SubjectAltNameMatcher{
   176  				SanType: tls.SubjectAltNameMatcher_URI,
   177  				Matcher: uriSanMatcher,
   178  			})
   179  		}
   180  	}
   181  	// Compliance for Envoy tunnel upstreams.
   182  	sec_model.EnforceCompliance(ctx)
   183  	return &cluster.Cluster{
   184  		Name:                          ConnectOriginate,
   185  		ClusterDiscoveryType:          &cluster.Cluster_Type{Type: cluster.Cluster_ORIGINAL_DST},
   186  		LbPolicy:                      cluster.Cluster_CLUSTER_PROVIDED,
   187  		ConnectTimeout:                durationpb.New(2 * time.Second),
   188  		CleanupInterval:               durationpb.New(60 * time.Second),
   189  		TypedExtensionProtocolOptions: h2connectUpgrade(),
   190  		LbConfig: &cluster.Cluster_OriginalDstLbConfig_{
   191  			OriginalDstLbConfig: &cluster.Cluster_OriginalDstLbConfig{
   192  				UpstreamPortOverride: &wrappers.UInt32Value{
   193  					Value: model.HBoneInboundListenPort,
   194  				},
   195  				// Used to override destination pods with waypoints.
   196  				MetadataKey: &metadata.MetadataKey{
   197  					Key: util.OriginalDstMetadataKey,
   198  					Path: []*metadata.MetadataKey_PathSegment{{
   199  						Segment: &metadata.MetadataKey_PathSegment_Key{
   200  							Key: "waypoint",
   201  						},
   202  					}},
   203  				},
   204  			},
   205  		},
   206  		TransportSocket: &core.TransportSocket{
   207  			Name: "tls",
   208  			ConfigType: &core.TransportSocket_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: protoconv.MessageToAny(&tls.UpstreamTlsContext{
   209  				CommonTlsContext: ctx,
   210  			})},
   211  		},
   212  	}
   213  }
   215  func h2connectUpgrade() map[string]*anypb.Any {
   216  	return map[string]*anypb.Any{
   217  		v3.HttpProtocolOptionsType: protoconv.MessageToAny(&http.HttpProtocolOptions{
   218  			UpstreamProtocolOptions: &http.HttpProtocolOptions_ExplicitHttpConfig_{ExplicitHttpConfig: &http.HttpProtocolOptions_ExplicitHttpConfig{
   219  				ProtocolConfig: &http.HttpProtocolOptions_ExplicitHttpConfig_Http2ProtocolOptions{
   220  					Http2ProtocolOptions: &core.Http2ProtocolOptions{
   221  						AllowConnect: true,
   222  					},
   223  				},
   224  			}},
   225  		}),
   226  	}
   227  }