
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package core
    17  import (
    18  	"testing"
    20  	core ""
    21  	tracingcfg ""
    22  	hcm ""
    23  	resourcedetectors ""
    24  	otelsamplers ""
    25  	tracing ""
    26  	xdstype ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    32  	meshconfig ""
    33  	tpb ""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  )
    42  func TestConfigureTracingExhaustiveness(t *testing.T) {
    43  	model.AssertProvidersHandled(configureFromProviderConfigHandled)
    44  }
    46  func TestConfigureTracing(t *testing.T) {
    47  	clusterName := "testcluster"
    48  	authority := "testhost"
    50  	clusterLookupFn = func(push *model.PushContext, service string, port int) (hostname string, cluster string, err error) {
    51  		return authority, clusterName, nil
    52  	}
    53  	defer func() {
    54  		clusterLookupFn = model.LookupCluster
    55  	}()
    57  	defaultUUIDExtensionCtx := requestidextension.UUIDRequestIDExtensionContext{
    58  		UseRequestIDForTraceSampling: true,
    59  	}
    61  	testcases := []struct {
    62  		name            string
    63  		opts            gatewayListenerOpts
    64  		inSpec          *model.TracingConfig
    65  		want            *hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Tracing
    66  		wantReqIDExtCtx *requestidextension.UUIDRequestIDExtensionContext
    67  	}{
    68  		{
    69  			name:            "no telemetry api",
    70  			opts:            fakeOptsNoTelemetryAPI(),
    71  			want:            fakeTracingConfigNoProvider(55.55, 13, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
    72  			wantReqIDExtCtx: nil,
    73  		},
    74  		{
    75  			name: "default providers",
    76  			inSpec: &model.TracingConfig{
    77  				ClientSpec: model.TracingSpec{
    78  					Disabled: true,
    79  				},
    80  				ServerSpec: model.TracingSpec{
    81  					Provider: fakeZipkin(),
    82  				},
    83  			},
    84  			opts:            fakeOptsWithDefaultProviders(),
    85  			want:            fakeTracingConfig(fakeZipkinProvider(clusterName, authority, true), 55.5, 256, defaultTracingTags()),
    86  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &requestidextension.UUIDRequestIDExtensionContext{},
    87  		},
    88  		{
    89  			name:            "no telemetry api and nil custom tag",
    90  			opts:            fakeOptsNoTelemetryAPIWithNilCustomTag(),
    91  			want:            fakeTracingConfigNoProvider(55.55, 13, defaultTracingTags()),
    92  			wantReqIDExtCtx: nil,
    93  		},
    94  		{
    95  			name:            "only telemetry api (no provider)",
    96  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpecNoProvider(99.999, false, true),
    97  			opts:            fakeOptsOnlyZipkinTelemetryAPI(),
    98  			want:            fakeTracingConfigNoProvider(99.999, 0, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
    99  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   100  		},
   101  		{
   102  			name:   "only telemetry api (no provider) with nil custom tag",
   103  			inSpec: fakeTracingSpecNoProviderWithNilCustomTag(99.999, false, true),
   104  			opts:   fakeOptsOnlyZipkinTelemetryAPI(),
   105  			want:   fakeTracingConfigNoProvider(99.999, 0, defaultTracingTags()),
   107  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   108  		},
   109  		{
   110  			name:            "only telemetry api (with provider)",
   111  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpec(fakeZipkin(), 99.999, false, true),
   112  			opts:            fakeOptsOnlyZipkinTelemetryAPI(),
   113  			want:            fakeTracingConfig(fakeZipkinProvider(clusterName, authority, true), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   114  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   115  		},
   116  		{
   117  			name:            "zipkin enable 64bit trace id",
   118  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpec(fakeZipkinEnable64bitTraceID(), 99.999, false, true),
   119  			opts:            fakeOptsOnlyZipkinTelemetryAPI(),
   120  			want:            fakeTracingConfig(fakeZipkinProvider(clusterName, authority, false), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   121  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   122  		},
   123  		{
   124  			name:            "both tracing enabled (no provider)",
   125  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpecNoProvider(99.999, false, true),
   126  			opts:            fakeOptsMeshAndTelemetryAPI(true /* enable tracing */),
   127  			want:            fakeTracingConfigNoProvider(99.999, 13, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   128  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   129  		},
   130  		{
   131  			name:            "both tracing disabled (no provider)",
   132  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpecNoProvider(99.999, false, true),
   133  			opts:            fakeOptsMeshAndTelemetryAPI(false /* no enable tracing */),
   134  			want:            fakeTracingConfigNoProvider(99.999, 13, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   135  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   136  		},
   137  		{
   138  			name:            "both tracing enabled (with provider)",
   139  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpec(fakeZipkin(), 99.999, false, true),
   140  			opts:            fakeOptsMeshAndTelemetryAPI(true /* enable tracing */),
   141  			want:            fakeTracingConfig(fakeZipkinProvider(clusterName, authority, true), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   142  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   143  		},
   144  		{
   145  			name:   "both tracing disabled (with provider)",
   146  			inSpec: fakeTracingSpec(fakeZipkin(), 99.999, false, true),
   147  			opts:   fakeOptsMeshAndTelemetryAPI(false /* no enable tracing */),
   148  			want:   fakeTracingConfig(fakeZipkinProvider(clusterName, authority, true), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   150  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   151  		},
   152  		{
   153  			name:   "basic config (with datadog provider)",
   154  			inSpec: fakeTracingSpec(fakeDatadog(), 99.999, false, true),
   155  			opts:   fakeOptsOnlyDatadogTelemetryAPI(),
   156  			want:   fakeTracingConfig(fakeDatadogProvider("fake-cluster", "testhost", clusterName), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   158  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   159  		},
   160  		{
   161  			name:            "basic config (with skywalking provider)",
   162  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpec(fakeSkywalking(), 99.999, false, false),
   163  			opts:            fakeOptsOnlySkywalkingTelemetryAPI(),
   164  			want:            fakeTracingConfigForSkywalking(fakeSkywalkingProvider(clusterName, authority), 99.999, 0, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   165  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &requestidextension.UUIDRequestIDExtensionContext{UseRequestIDForTraceSampling: false},
   166  		},
   167  		{
   168  			name:   "basic config (with opentelemetry provider via grpc)",
   169  			inSpec: fakeTracingSpec(fakeOpenTelemetryGrpc(), 99.999, false, true),
   170  			opts:   fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryGrpcTelemetryAPI(),
   171  			want:   fakeTracingConfig(fakeOpenTelemetryGrpcProvider(clusterName, authority), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   173  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   174  		},
   175  		{
   176  			name:            "basic config (with opentelemetry provider via http)",
   177  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpec(fakeOpenTelemetryHTTP(), 99.999, false, true),
   178  			opts:            fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryHTTPTelemetryAPI(),
   179  			want:            fakeTracingConfig(fakeOpenTelemetryHTTPProvider(clusterName, authority), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   180  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   181  		},
   182  		{
   183  			name:   "basic config (with opentelemetry provider with resource detectors)",
   184  			inSpec: fakeTracingSpec(fakeOpenTelemetryResourceDetectors(), 99.999, false, true),
   185  			opts:   fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryResourceDetectorsTelemetryAPI(),
   186  			want: fakeTracingConfig(
   187  				fakeOpenTelemetryResourceDetectorsProvider(clusterName, authority), 99.999, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   189  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &defaultUUIDExtensionCtx,
   190  		},
   191  		{
   192  			name:            "client-only config for server",
   193  			inSpec:          fakeClientOnlyTracingSpec(fakeSkywalking(), 99.999, false, false),
   194  			opts:            fakeInboundOptsOnlySkywalkingTelemetryAPI(),
   195  			want:            nil,
   196  			wantReqIDExtCtx: nil,
   197  		},
   198  		{
   199  			name:            "server-only config for skywalking server",
   200  			inSpec:          fakeServerOnlyTracingSpec(fakeSkywalking(), 99.999, false, false),
   201  			opts:            fakeInboundOptsOnlySkywalkingTelemetryAPI(),
   202  			want:            fakeTracingConfigForSkywalking(fakeSkywalkingProvider(clusterName, authority), 99.999, 0, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag)),
   203  			wantReqIDExtCtx: &requestidextension.UUIDRequestIDExtensionContext{UseRequestIDForTraceSampling: false},
   204  		},
   205  		{
   206  			name:            "invalid provider",
   207  			inSpec:          fakeTracingSpec(fakePrometheus(), 99.999, false, true),
   208  			opts:            fakeOptsMeshAndTelemetryAPI(true /* enable tracing */),
   209  			want:            nil,
   210  			wantReqIDExtCtx: nil,
   211  		},
   212  	}
   214  	for _, tc := range testcases {
   215  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   216  			hcm := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{}
   217  			gotReqIDExtCtx := configureTracingFromTelemetry(tc.inSpec, tc.opts.push, tc.opts.proxy, hcm, 0)
   218  			if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, hcm.Tracing, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
   219  				t.Fatalf("configureTracing returned unexpected diff (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
   220  			}
   221  			assert.Equal(t, tc.want, hcm.Tracing)
   222  			assert.Equal(t, tc.wantReqIDExtCtx, gotReqIDExtCtx)
   223  		})
   224  	}
   225  }
   227  func TestConfigureDynatraceSampler(t *testing.T) {
   228  	clusterName := "testcluster"
   229  	authority := "testhost"
   230  	dtTenant := "abc"
   231  	var dtClusterID int32 = 123
   232  	clusterLookupFn = func(push *model.PushContext, service string, port int) (hostname string, cluster string, err error) {
   233  		return authority, clusterName, nil
   234  	}
   235  	defer func() {
   236  		clusterLookupFn = model.LookupCluster
   237  	}()
   239  	testcases := []struct {
   240  		name        string
   241  		dtTenant    string
   242  		dtClusterID int32
   243  		spansPerMin uint32
   244  		expectedURI string
   245  	}{
   246  		{
   247  			name:        "re-use otlp http headers",
   248  			dtTenant:    dtTenant,
   249  			dtClusterID: dtClusterID,
   250  			expectedURI: authority + "/api/v2/samplingConfiguration",
   251  		},
   252  		{
   253  			name:        "custom root spans per minute fallback",
   254  			dtTenant:    dtTenant,
   255  			dtClusterID: dtClusterID,
   256  			expectedURI: authority + "/api/v2/samplingConfiguration",
   257  			spansPerMin: 9999,
   258  		},
   259  	}
   261  	for _, tc := range testcases {
   262  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   263  			httpProvider := fakeOpenTelemetryHTTP()
   264  			httpProvider.GetOpentelemetry().Sampling = &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler_{
   265  				DynatraceSampler: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler{
   266  					Tenant:             tc.dtTenant,
   267  					ClusterId:          tc.dtClusterID,
   268  					RootSpansPerMinute: tc.spansPerMin,
   269  				},
   270  			}
   272  			// Use a different value for RandomSamplingPercentage to ensure it is changed to 100%
   273  			// when a custom sampler is used for the OTel tracing provider
   274  			inSpec := &model.TracingConfig{
   275  				ClientSpec: tracingSpec(httpProvider, 50, false, false),
   276  				ServerSpec: tracingSpec(httpProvider, 50, false, false),
   277  			}
   279  			opts := fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryHTTPTelemetryAPI()
   280  			ep := opts.push.Mesh.ExtensionProviders[0]
   281  			ep.GetOpentelemetry().Sampling = &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler_{
   282  				DynatraceSampler: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler{
   283  					Tenant:             tc.dtTenant,
   284  					ClusterId:          tc.dtClusterID,
   285  					RootSpansPerMinute: tc.spansPerMin,
   286  				},
   287  			}
   289  			// Envoy expected config
   290  			fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.OpenTelemetryConfig{
   291  				HttpService: &core.HttpService{
   292  					HttpUri: &core.HttpUri{
   293  						Uri: authority + "/v1/traces",
   294  						HttpUpstreamType: &core.HttpUri_Cluster{
   295  							Cluster: clusterName,
   296  						},
   297  						Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   298  					},
   299  					RequestHeadersToAdd: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
   300  						{
   301  							Header: &core.HeaderValue{
   302  								Key:   "custom-header",
   303  								Value: "custom-value",
   304  							},
   305  							AppendAction: core.HeaderValueOption_OVERWRITE_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
   306  						},
   307  					},
   308  				},
   309  				Sampler: &core.TypedExtensionConfig{
   310  					Name: "envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.samplers.dynatrace",
   311  					TypedConfig: protoconv.MessageToAny(&otelsamplers.DynatraceSamplerConfig{
   312  						Tenant:             tc.dtTenant,
   313  						ClusterId:          tc.dtClusterID,
   314  						RootSpansPerMinute: tc.spansPerMin,
   315  						HttpService: &core.HttpService{
   316  							HttpUri: &core.HttpUri{
   317  								Uri: tc.expectedURI,
   318  								HttpUpstreamType: &core.HttpUri_Cluster{
   319  									Cluster: clusterName,
   320  								},
   321  								Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   322  							},
   323  							RequestHeadersToAdd: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
   324  								{
   325  									Header: &core.HeaderValue{
   326  										Key:   "custom-header",
   327  										Value: "custom-value",
   328  									},
   329  									AppendAction: core.HeaderValueOption_OVERWRITE_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
   330  								},
   331  							},
   332  						},
   333  					}),
   334  				},
   335  			}
   337  			fakeOtelHTTPAny := &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
   338  				Name:       envoyOpenTelemetry,
   339  				ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig)},
   340  			}
   341  			want := fakeTracingConfig(fakeOtelHTTPAny, 100, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag))
   343  			hcm := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{}
   344  			configureTracingFromTelemetry(inSpec, opts.push, opts.proxy, hcm, 0)
   346  			if diff := cmp.Diff(want, hcm.Tracing, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
   347  				t.Fatalf("configureTracing returned unexpected diff (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
   348  			}
   349  			assert.Equal(t, want, hcm.Tracing)
   350  		})
   351  	}
   352  }
   354  func TestConfigureDynatraceSamplerWithCustomHttp(t *testing.T) {
   355  	clusterName := "testcluster"
   356  	authority := "testhost"
   358  	dtClusterName := "dtcluster"
   359  	dtAuthority := "dthost"
   360  	expectedTenant := "abc"
   361  	var expectedClusterID int32 = 123
   362  	expectedHeader := "sampler-custom"
   363  	expectedToken := "sampler-value"
   365  	clusterLookupFn = func(push *model.PushContext, service string, port int) (hostname string, cluster string, err error) {
   366  		if service == dtAuthority {
   367  			return dtAuthority, dtClusterName, nil
   368  		}
   369  		return authority, clusterName, nil
   370  	}
   371  	defer func() {
   372  		clusterLookupFn = model.LookupCluster
   373  	}()
   375  	httpProvider := fakeOpenTelemetryHTTP()
   376  	httpProvider.GetOpentelemetry().Sampling = &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler_{
   377  		DynatraceSampler: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler{
   378  			Tenant:             expectedTenant,
   379  			ClusterId:          expectedClusterID,
   380  			RootSpansPerMinute: 2000,
   381  			HttpService: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler_DynatraceApi{
   382  				Service: dtAuthority,
   383  				Port:    123,
   384  				Http: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpService{
   385  					Path:    "api/v2/samplingConfiguration",
   386  					Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   387  					Headers: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpHeader{
   388  						{
   389  							Name:  expectedHeader,
   390  							Value: expectedToken,
   391  						},
   392  					},
   393  				},
   394  			},
   395  		},
   396  	}
   398  	// Use a different value for RandomSamplingPercentage to ensure it is changed to 100%
   399  	// when a custom sampler is used for the OTel tracing provider
   400  	inSpec := &model.TracingConfig{
   401  		ClientSpec: tracingSpec(httpProvider, 50, false, false),
   402  		ServerSpec: tracingSpec(httpProvider, 50, false, false),
   403  	}
   405  	opts := fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryHTTPTelemetryAPI()
   406  	ep := opts.push.Mesh.ExtensionProviders[0]
   407  	ep.GetOpentelemetry().Sampling = &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler_{
   408  		DynatraceSampler: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler{
   409  			Tenant:             expectedTenant,
   410  			ClusterId:          expectedClusterID,
   411  			RootSpansPerMinute: 2000,
   412  			HttpService: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider_DynatraceSampler_DynatraceApi{
   413  				Service: dtAuthority,
   414  				Port:    123,
   415  				Http: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpService{
   416  					Path:    "api/v2/samplingConfiguration",
   417  					Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   418  					Headers: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpHeader{
   419  						{
   420  							Name:  expectedHeader,
   421  							Value: expectedToken,
   422  						},
   423  					},
   424  				},
   425  			},
   426  		},
   427  	}
   429  	// Envoy expected config
   430  	fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.OpenTelemetryConfig{
   431  		HttpService: &core.HttpService{
   432  			HttpUri: &core.HttpUri{
   433  				Uri: authority + "/v1/traces",
   434  				HttpUpstreamType: &core.HttpUri_Cluster{
   435  					Cluster: clusterName,
   436  				},
   437  				Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   438  			},
   439  			RequestHeadersToAdd: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
   440  				{
   441  					Header: &core.HeaderValue{
   442  						Key:   "custom-header",
   443  						Value: "custom-value",
   444  					},
   445  					AppendAction: core.HeaderValueOption_OVERWRITE_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
   446  				},
   447  			},
   448  		},
   449  		Sampler: &core.TypedExtensionConfig{
   450  			Name: "envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.samplers.dynatrace",
   451  			TypedConfig: protoconv.MessageToAny(&otelsamplers.DynatraceSamplerConfig{
   452  				Tenant:             expectedTenant,
   453  				ClusterId:          expectedClusterID,
   454  				RootSpansPerMinute: 2000,
   455  				HttpService: &core.HttpService{
   456  					HttpUri: &core.HttpUri{
   457  						Uri: dtAuthority + "/api/v2/samplingConfiguration",
   458  						HttpUpstreamType: &core.HttpUri_Cluster{
   459  							Cluster: dtClusterName,
   460  						},
   461  						Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   462  					},
   463  					RequestHeadersToAdd: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
   464  						{
   465  							Header: &core.HeaderValue{
   466  								Key:   expectedHeader,
   467  								Value: expectedToken,
   468  							},
   469  							AppendAction: core.HeaderValueOption_OVERWRITE_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
   470  						},
   471  					},
   472  				},
   473  			}),
   474  		},
   475  	}
   477  	fakeOtelHTTPAny := &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
   478  		Name:       envoyOpenTelemetry,
   479  		ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig)},
   480  	}
   481  	want := fakeTracingConfig(fakeOtelHTTPAny, 100, 256, append(defaultTracingTags(), fakeEnvTag))
   483  	hcm := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{}
   484  	configureTracingFromTelemetry(inSpec, opts.push, opts.proxy, hcm, 0)
   486  	if diff := cmp.Diff(want, hcm.Tracing, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
   487  		t.Fatalf("configureTracing returned unexpected diff (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
   488  	}
   489  	assert.Equal(t, want, hcm.Tracing)
   490  }
   492  func defaultTracingTags() []*tracing.CustomTag {
   493  	return append(slices.Clone(optionalPolicyTags),
   494  		&tracing.CustomTag{
   495  			Tag: "istio.canonical_revision",
   496  			Type: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal_{
   497  				Literal: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal{
   498  					Value: "latest",
   499  				},
   500  			},
   501  		},
   502  		&tracing.CustomTag{
   503  			Tag: "istio.canonical_service",
   504  			Type: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal_{
   505  				Literal: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal{
   506  					Value: "unknown",
   507  				},
   508  			},
   509  		},
   510  		&tracing.CustomTag{
   511  			Tag: "istio.cluster_id",
   512  			Type: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal_{
   513  				Literal: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal{
   514  					Value: "unknown",
   515  				},
   516  			},
   517  		},
   518  		&tracing.CustomTag{
   519  			Tag: "istio.mesh_id",
   520  			Type: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal_{
   521  				Literal: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal{
   522  					Value: "unknown",
   523  				},
   524  			},
   525  		},
   526  		&tracing.CustomTag{
   527  			Tag: "istio.namespace",
   528  			Type: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal_{
   529  				Literal: &tracing.CustomTag_Literal{
   530  					Value: "default",
   531  				},
   532  			},
   533  		})
   534  }
   536  func fakeOptsWithDefaultProviders() gatewayListenerOpts {
   537  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   538  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   539  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   540  			EnableTracing: true,
   541  			DefaultConfig: &meshconfig.ProxyConfig{
   542  				Tracing: &meshconfig.Tracing{
   543  					Sampling: 55.5,
   544  				},
   545  			},
   546  			DefaultProviders: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_DefaultProviders{
   547  				Tracing: []string{
   548  					"foo",
   549  				},
   550  			},
   551  			ExtensionProviders: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   552  				{
   553  					Name: "foo",
   554  					Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Zipkin{
   555  						Zipkin: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ZipkinTracingProvider{
   556  							Service:      "zipkin",
   557  							Port:         9411,
   558  							MaxTagLength: 256,
   559  						},
   560  					},
   561  				},
   562  			},
   563  		},
   564  	}
   565  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   566  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{},
   567  	}
   569  	return opts
   570  }
   572  func fakeOptsNoTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   573  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   574  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   575  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   576  			EnableTracing: true,
   577  		},
   578  	}
   579  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   580  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   581  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{
   582  				Tracing: &meshconfig.Tracing{
   583  					Sampling:         55.55,
   584  					MaxPathTagLength: 13,
   585  					CustomTags: map[string]*meshconfig.Tracing_CustomTag{
   586  						"test": {
   587  							Type: &meshconfig.Tracing_CustomTag_Environment{
   588  								Environment: &meshconfig.Tracing_Environment{
   589  									Name: "FOO",
   590  								},
   591  							},
   592  						},
   593  					},
   594  				},
   595  			},
   596  		},
   597  	}
   599  	return opts
   600  }
   602  func fakeOptsNoTelemetryAPIWithNilCustomTag() gatewayListenerOpts {
   603  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   604  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   605  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   606  			EnableTracing: true,
   607  		},
   608  	}
   609  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   610  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   611  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{
   612  				Tracing: &meshconfig.Tracing{
   613  					Sampling:         55.55,
   614  					MaxPathTagLength: 13,
   615  					CustomTags: map[string]*meshconfig.Tracing_CustomTag{
   616  						"test": nil,
   617  					},
   618  				},
   619  			},
   620  		},
   621  	}
   623  	return opts
   624  }
   626  func fakeOptsOnlyZipkinTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   627  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   628  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   629  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   630  			ExtensionProviders: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   631  				{
   632  					Name: "foo",
   633  					Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Zipkin{
   634  						Zipkin: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ZipkinTracingProvider{
   635  							Service:      "zipkin",
   636  							Port:         9411,
   637  							MaxTagLength: 256,
   638  						},
   639  					},
   640  				},
   641  			},
   642  		},
   643  	}
   644  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   645  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   646  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{},
   647  		},
   648  	}
   650  	return opts
   651  }
   653  func fakeZipkin() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   654  	return &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   655  		Name: "foo",
   656  		Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Zipkin{
   657  			Zipkin: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ZipkinTracingProvider{
   658  				Service:      "zipkin",
   659  				Port:         9411,
   660  				MaxTagLength: 256,
   661  			},
   662  		},
   663  	}
   664  }
   666  func fakePrometheus() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   667  	return &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   668  		Name:     "foo",
   669  		Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Prometheus{},
   670  	}
   671  }
   673  func fakeZipkinEnable64bitTraceID() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   674  	return &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   675  		Name: "foo",
   676  		Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Zipkin{
   677  			Zipkin: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ZipkinTracingProvider{
   678  				Service:             "zipkin",
   679  				Port:                9411,
   680  				MaxTagLength:        256,
   681  				Enable_64BitTraceId: true,
   682  			},
   683  		},
   684  	}
   685  }
   687  func fakeDatadog() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   688  	return &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   689  		Name: "datadog",
   690  		Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Datadog{
   691  			Datadog: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_DatadogTracingProvider{
   692  				Service:      "datadog",
   693  				Port:         8126,
   694  				MaxTagLength: 256,
   695  			},
   696  		},
   697  	}
   698  }
   700  func fakeOptsOnlyDatadogTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   701  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   702  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   703  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   704  			ExtensionProviders: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   705  				{
   706  					Name: "datadog",
   707  					Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Datadog{
   708  						Datadog: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_DatadogTracingProvider{
   709  							Service:      "datadog",
   710  							Port:         8126,
   711  							MaxTagLength: 256,
   712  						},
   713  					},
   714  				},
   715  			},
   716  		},
   717  	}
   718  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   719  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   720  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{},
   721  		},
   722  		XdsNode: &core.Node{
   723  			Cluster: "fake-cluster",
   724  		},
   725  	}
   727  	return opts
   728  }
   730  func fakeOptsMeshAndTelemetryAPI(enableTracing bool) gatewayListenerOpts {
   731  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   732  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   733  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   734  			EnableTracing: enableTracing,
   735  			ExtensionProviders: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   736  				{
   737  					Name: "foo",
   738  					Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Zipkin{
   739  						Zipkin: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ZipkinTracingProvider{
   740  							Service:      "zipkin",
   741  							Port:         9411,
   742  							MaxTagLength: 256,
   743  						},
   744  					},
   745  				},
   746  			},
   747  		},
   748  	}
   749  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   750  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   751  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{
   752  				Tracing: &meshconfig.Tracing{
   753  					Sampling:         55.55,
   754  					MaxPathTagLength: 13,
   755  					CustomTags: map[string]*meshconfig.Tracing_CustomTag{
   756  						"test": {
   757  							Type: &meshconfig.Tracing_CustomTag_Environment{
   758  								Environment: &meshconfig.Tracing_Environment{
   759  									Name: "FOO",
   760  								},
   761  							},
   762  						},
   763  					},
   764  				},
   765  			},
   766  		},
   767  	}
   769  	return opts
   770  }
   772  func fakeSkywalking() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   773  	return &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   774  		Name: "foo",
   775  		Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Skywalking{
   776  			Skywalking: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_SkyWalkingTracingProvider{
   777  				Service: "skywalking-oap.istio-system.svc.cluster.local",
   778  				Port:    11800,
   779  			},
   780  		},
   781  	}
   782  }
   784  func fakeOptsOnlySkywalkingTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   785  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   786  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   787  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   788  			ExtensionProviders: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   789  				{
   790  					Name: "foo",
   791  					Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Skywalking{
   792  						Skywalking: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_SkyWalkingTracingProvider{
   793  							Service: "skywalking-oap.istio-system.svc.cluster.local",
   794  							Port:    11800,
   795  						},
   796  					},
   797  				},
   798  			},
   799  		},
   800  	}
   801  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   802  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   803  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{},
   804  		},
   805  	}
   807  	return opts
   808  }
   810  func fakeOpenTelemetryGrpc() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   811  	return &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   812  		Name: "opentelemetry",
   813  		Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Opentelemetry{
   814  			Opentelemetry: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider{
   815  				Service:      "otel-collector",
   816  				Port:         4317,
   817  				MaxTagLength: 256,
   818  			},
   819  		},
   820  	}
   821  }
   823  func fakeOpenTelemetryHTTP() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   824  	return &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   825  		Name: "opentelemetry",
   826  		Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Opentelemetry{
   827  			Opentelemetry: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider{
   828  				Service:      "my-o11y-backend",
   829  				Port:         443,
   830  				MaxTagLength: 256,
   831  				Http: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpService{
   832  					Path:    "/v1/traces",
   833  					Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   834  					Headers: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpHeader{
   835  						{
   836  							Name:  "custom-header",
   837  							Value: "custom-value",
   838  						},
   839  					},
   840  				},
   841  			},
   842  		},
   843  	}
   844  }
   846  func fakeOpenTelemetryResourceDetectors() *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider {
   847  	ep := fakeOpenTelemetryHTTP()
   849  	ep.GetOpentelemetry().ResourceDetectors = &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ResourceDetectors{
   850  		Environment: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ResourceDetectors_EnvironmentResourceDetector{},
   851  		Dynatrace:   &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ResourceDetectors_DynatraceResourceDetector{},
   852  	}
   854  	return ep
   855  }
   857  func fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryGrpcTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   858  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   859  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   860  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   861  			ExtensionProviders: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   862  				{
   863  					Name: "opentelemetry",
   864  					Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Opentelemetry{
   865  						Opentelemetry: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider{
   866  							Service:      "otel-collector",
   867  							Port:         4317,
   868  							MaxTagLength: 256,
   869  						},
   870  					},
   871  				},
   872  			},
   873  		},
   874  	}
   875  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   876  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   877  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{},
   878  		},
   879  	}
   881  	return opts
   882  }
   884  func fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryHTTPTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   885  	var opts gatewayListenerOpts
   886  	opts.push = &model.PushContext{
   887  		Mesh: &meshconfig.MeshConfig{
   888  			ExtensionProviders: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider{
   889  				{
   890  					Name: "opentelemetry",
   891  					Provider: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_Opentelemetry{
   892  						Opentelemetry: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_OpenTelemetryTracingProvider{
   893  							Service:      "otel-collector",
   894  							Port:         4317,
   895  							MaxTagLength: 256,
   896  							Http: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpService{
   897  								Path:    "/v1/traces",
   898  								Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
   899  								Headers: []*meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_HttpHeader{
   900  									{
   901  										Name:  "custom-header",
   902  										Value: "custom-value",
   903  									},
   904  								},
   905  							},
   906  						},
   907  					},
   908  				},
   909  			},
   910  		},
   911  	}
   912  	opts.proxy = &model.Proxy{
   913  		Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
   914  			ProxyConfig: &model.NodeMetaProxyConfig{},
   915  		},
   916  	}
   918  	return opts
   919  }
   921  func fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryResourceDetectorsTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   922  	opts := fakeOptsOnlyOpenTelemetryHTTPTelemetryAPI()
   924  	ep := opts.push.Mesh.ExtensionProviders[0]
   925  	ep.GetOpentelemetry().ResourceDetectors = &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ResourceDetectors{
   926  		Environment: &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ResourceDetectors_EnvironmentResourceDetector{},
   927  		Dynatrace:   &meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_ResourceDetectors_DynatraceResourceDetector{},
   928  	}
   930  	return opts
   931  }
   933  func fakeInboundOptsOnlySkywalkingTelemetryAPI() gatewayListenerOpts {
   934  	opts := fakeOptsOnlySkywalkingTelemetryAPI()
   935  	return opts
   936  }
   938  func fakeTracingSpecNoProvider(sampling float64, disableReporting bool, useRequestIDForTraceSampling bool) *model.TracingConfig {
   939  	return fakeTracingSpec(nil, sampling, disableReporting, useRequestIDForTraceSampling)
   940  }
   942  func fakeTracingSpecNoProviderWithNilCustomTag(sampling float64, disableReporting bool, useRequestIDForTraceSampling bool) *model.TracingConfig {
   943  	return fakeTracingSpecWithNilCustomTag(nil, sampling, disableReporting, useRequestIDForTraceSampling)
   944  }
   946  func fakeTracingSpec(provider *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider, sampling float64, disableReporting bool,
   947  	useRequestIDForTraceSampling bool,
   948  ) *model.TracingConfig {
   949  	t := &model.TracingConfig{
   950  		ClientSpec: tracingSpec(provider, sampling, disableReporting, useRequestIDForTraceSampling),
   951  		ServerSpec: tracingSpec(provider, sampling, disableReporting, useRequestIDForTraceSampling),
   952  	}
   953  	return t
   954  }
   956  func fakeClientOnlyTracingSpec(provider *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider, sampling float64, disableReporting bool,
   957  	useRequestIDForTraceSampling bool,
   958  ) *model.TracingConfig {
   959  	t := &model.TracingConfig{
   960  		ClientSpec: tracingSpec(provider, sampling, disableReporting, useRequestIDForTraceSampling),
   961  		ServerSpec: model.TracingSpec{
   962  			Disabled: true,
   963  		},
   964  	}
   965  	return t
   966  }
   968  func fakeServerOnlyTracingSpec(provider *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider, sampling float64, disableReporting bool,
   969  	useRequestIDForTraceSampling bool,
   970  ) *model.TracingConfig {
   971  	t := &model.TracingConfig{
   972  		ClientSpec: model.TracingSpec{
   973  			Disabled: true,
   974  		},
   975  		ServerSpec: tracingSpec(provider, sampling, disableReporting, useRequestIDForTraceSampling),
   976  	}
   977  	return t
   978  }
   980  func tracingSpec(provider *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider, sampling float64, disableReporting bool,
   981  	useRequestIDForTraceSampling bool,
   982  ) model.TracingSpec {
   983  	return model.TracingSpec{
   984  		Provider:                 provider,
   985  		Disabled:                 disableReporting,
   986  		RandomSamplingPercentage: ptr.Of(sampling),
   987  		CustomTags: map[string]*tpb.Tracing_CustomTag{
   988  			"test": {
   989  				Type: &tpb.Tracing_CustomTag_Environment{
   990  					Environment: &tpb.Tracing_Environment{
   991  						Name: "FOO",
   992  					},
   993  				},
   994  			},
   995  		},
   996  		UseRequestIDForTraceSampling: useRequestIDForTraceSampling,
   997  	}
   998  }
  1000  func fakeTracingSpecWithNilCustomTag(provider *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider, sampling float64, disableReporting bool,
  1001  	useRequestIDForTraceSampling bool,
  1002  ) *model.TracingConfig {
  1003  	t := &model.TracingConfig{
  1004  		ClientSpec: model.TracingSpec{
  1005  			Provider:                 provider,
  1006  			Disabled:                 disableReporting,
  1007  			RandomSamplingPercentage: ptr.Of(sampling),
  1008  			CustomTags: map[string]*tpb.Tracing_CustomTag{
  1009  				"test": nil,
  1010  			},
  1011  			UseRequestIDForTraceSampling: useRequestIDForTraceSampling,
  1012  		},
  1013  		ServerSpec: model.TracingSpec{
  1014  			Provider:                 provider,
  1015  			Disabled:                 disableReporting,
  1016  			RandomSamplingPercentage: ptr.Of(sampling),
  1017  			CustomTags: map[string]*tpb.Tracing_CustomTag{
  1018  				"test": nil,
  1019  			},
  1020  			UseRequestIDForTraceSampling: useRequestIDForTraceSampling,
  1021  		},
  1022  	}
  1023  	return t
  1024  }
  1026  func fakeTracingConfigNoProvider(randomSampling float64, maxLen uint32, tags []*tracing.CustomTag) *hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Tracing {
  1027  	return fakeTracingConfig(nil, randomSampling, maxLen, tags)
  1028  }
  1030  func fakeTracingConfig(provider *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http, randomSampling float64, maxLen uint32, tags []*tracing.CustomTag) *hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Tracing {
  1031  	t := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Tracing{
  1032  		ClientSampling: &xdstype.Percent{
  1033  			Value: 100.0,
  1034  		},
  1035  		OverallSampling: &xdstype.Percent{
  1036  			Value: 100.0,
  1037  		},
  1038  		RandomSampling: &xdstype.Percent{
  1039  			Value: randomSampling,
  1040  		},
  1041  		CustomTags: tags,
  1042  	}
  1043  	if maxLen != 0 {
  1044  		t.MaxPathTagLength = wrapperspb.UInt32(maxLen)
  1045  	}
  1046  	if provider != nil {
  1047  		t.Provider = provider
  1048  	}
  1049  	return t
  1050  }
  1052  // nolint: lll
  1053  func fakeTracingConfigForSkywalking(provider *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http, randomSampling float64, maxLen uint32, tags []*tracing.CustomTag) *hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Tracing {
  1054  	cfg := fakeTracingConfig(provider, randomSampling, maxLen, tags)
  1055  	cfg.SpawnUpstreamSpan = wrapperspb.Bool(true)
  1056  	return cfg
  1057  }
  1059  var fakeEnvTag = &tracing.CustomTag{
  1060  	Tag: "test",
  1061  	Type: &tracing.CustomTag_Environment_{
  1062  		Environment: &tracing.CustomTag_Environment{
  1063  			Name: "FOO",
  1064  		},
  1065  	},
  1066  }
  1068  func fakeZipkinProvider(expectClusterName, expectAuthority string, enableTraceID bool) *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http {
  1069  	fakeZipkinProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.ZipkinConfig{
  1070  		CollectorCluster:         expectClusterName,
  1071  		CollectorEndpoint:        "/api/v2/spans",
  1072  		CollectorEndpointVersion: tracingcfg.ZipkinConfig_HTTP_JSON,
  1073  		CollectorHostname:        expectAuthority,
  1074  		TraceId_128Bit:           enableTraceID,
  1075  		SharedSpanContext:        wrapperspb.Bool(false),
  1076  	}
  1077  	fakeZipkinAny := protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeZipkinProviderConfig)
  1078  	return &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
  1079  		Name:       envoyZipkin,
  1080  		ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: fakeZipkinAny},
  1081  	}
  1082  }
  1084  func fakeSkywalkingProvider(expectClusterName, expectAuthority string) *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http {
  1085  	fakeSkywalkingProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.SkyWalkingConfig{
  1086  		GrpcService: &core.GrpcService{
  1087  			TargetSpecifier: &core.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc_{
  1088  				EnvoyGrpc: &core.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc{
  1089  					ClusterName: expectClusterName,
  1090  					Authority:   expectAuthority,
  1091  				},
  1092  			},
  1093  		},
  1094  	}
  1095  	fakeSkywalkingAny := protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeSkywalkingProviderConfig)
  1096  	return &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
  1097  		Name:       envoySkywalking,
  1098  		ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: fakeSkywalkingAny},
  1099  	}
  1100  }
  1102  func fakeDatadogProvider(expectServcieName, expectHostName, expectClusterName string) *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http {
  1103  	fakeDatadogProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.DatadogConfig{
  1104  		CollectorCluster:  expectClusterName,
  1105  		ServiceName:       expectServcieName,
  1106  		CollectorHostname: expectHostName,
  1107  	}
  1108  	fakeAny := protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeDatadogProviderConfig)
  1109  	return &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
  1110  		Name:       envoyDatadog,
  1111  		ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: fakeAny},
  1112  	}
  1113  }
  1115  func fakeOpenTelemetryGrpcProvider(expectClusterName, expectAuthority string) *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http {
  1116  	fakeOTelGrpcProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.OpenTelemetryConfig{
  1117  		GrpcService: &core.GrpcService{
  1118  			TargetSpecifier: &core.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc_{
  1119  				EnvoyGrpc: &core.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc{
  1120  					ClusterName: expectClusterName,
  1121  					Authority:   expectAuthority,
  1122  				},
  1123  			},
  1124  		},
  1125  	}
  1126  	fakeOtelGrpcAny := protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeOTelGrpcProviderConfig)
  1127  	return &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
  1128  		Name:       envoyOpenTelemetry,
  1129  		ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: fakeOtelGrpcAny},
  1130  	}
  1131  }
  1133  func fakeOpenTelemetryHTTPProvider(expectClusterName, expectAuthority string) *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http {
  1134  	fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.OpenTelemetryConfig{
  1135  		HttpService: &core.HttpService{
  1136  			HttpUri: &core.HttpUri{
  1137  				Uri: expectAuthority + "/v1/traces",
  1138  				HttpUpstreamType: &core.HttpUri_Cluster{
  1139  					Cluster: expectClusterName,
  1140  				},
  1141  				Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
  1142  			},
  1143  			RequestHeadersToAdd: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
  1144  				{
  1145  					Header: &core.HeaderValue{
  1146  						Key:   "custom-header",
  1147  						Value: "custom-value",
  1148  					},
  1149  					AppendAction: core.HeaderValueOption_OVERWRITE_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
  1150  				},
  1151  			},
  1152  		},
  1153  	}
  1154  	fakeOtelHTTPAny := protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig)
  1155  	return &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
  1156  		Name:       envoyOpenTelemetry,
  1157  		ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: fakeOtelHTTPAny},
  1158  	}
  1159  }
  1161  func fakeOpenTelemetryResourceDetectorsProvider(expectClusterName, expectAuthority string) *tracingcfg.Tracing_Http {
  1162  	fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig := &tracingcfg.OpenTelemetryConfig{
  1163  		HttpService: &core.HttpService{
  1164  			HttpUri: &core.HttpUri{
  1165  				Uri: expectAuthority + "/v1/traces",
  1166  				HttpUpstreamType: &core.HttpUri_Cluster{
  1167  					Cluster: expectClusterName,
  1168  				},
  1169  				Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 3},
  1170  			},
  1171  			RequestHeadersToAdd: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
  1172  				{
  1173  					Header: &core.HeaderValue{
  1174  						Key:   "custom-header",
  1175  						Value: "custom-value",
  1176  					},
  1177  					AppendAction: core.HeaderValueOption_OVERWRITE_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
  1178  				},
  1179  			},
  1180  		},
  1181  		ResourceDetectors: []*core.TypedExtensionConfig{
  1182  			{
  1183  				Name:        "envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.resource_detectors.environment",
  1184  				TypedConfig: protoconv.MessageToAny(&resourcedetectors.EnvironmentResourceDetectorConfig{}),
  1185  			},
  1186  			{
  1187  				Name:        "envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.resource_detectors.dynatrace",
  1188  				TypedConfig: protoconv.MessageToAny(&resourcedetectors.DynatraceResourceDetectorConfig{}),
  1189  			},
  1190  		},
  1191  	}
  1192  	fakeOtelHTTPAny := protoconv.MessageToAny(fakeOTelHTTPProviderConfig)
  1193  	return &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http{
  1194  		Name:       envoyOpenTelemetry,
  1195  		ConfigType: &tracingcfg.Tracing_Http_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: fakeOtelHTTPAny},
  1196  	}
  1197  }