
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package controller
    17  import (
    18  	"fmt"
    19  	"sort"
    20  	"sync"
    21  	"time"
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	v1 ""
    26  	metav1 ""
    27  	klabels ""
    28  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	labelutil ""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	kubelib ""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	istiolog ""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  	""
    55  	""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  	""
    59  )
    61  const (
    62  	// NodeRegionLabel is the well-known label for kubernetes node region in beta
    63  	NodeRegionLabel = v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaRegion
    64  	// NodeZoneLabel is the well-known label for kubernetes node zone in beta
    65  	NodeZoneLabel = v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaZone
    66  	// NodeRegionLabelGA is the well-known label for kubernetes node region in ga
    67  	NodeRegionLabelGA = v1.LabelTopologyRegion
    68  	// NodeZoneLabelGA is the well-known label for kubernetes node zone in ga
    69  	NodeZoneLabelGA = v1.LabelTopologyZone
    71  	// DefaultNetworkGatewayPort is the port used by default for cross-network traffic if not otherwise specified
    72  	// by meshNetworks or ""
    73  	DefaultNetworkGatewayPort = 15443
    74  )
    76  var log = istiolog.RegisterScope("kube", "kubernetes service registry controller")
    78  var (
    79  	typeTag  = monitoring.CreateLabel("type")
    80  	eventTag = monitoring.CreateLabel("event")
    82  	k8sEvents = monitoring.NewSum(
    83  		"pilot_k8s_reg_events",
    84  		"Events from k8s registry.",
    85  	)
    87  	// nolint: gocritic
    88  	// This is deprecated in favor of `pilot_k8s_endpoints_pending_pod`, which is a gauge indicating the number of
    89  	// currently missing pods. This helps distinguish transient errors from permanent ones
    90  	endpointsWithNoPods = monitoring.NewSum(
    91  		"pilot_k8s_endpoints_with_no_pods",
    92  		"Endpoints that does not have any corresponding pods.")
    94  	endpointsPendingPodUpdate = monitoring.NewGauge(
    95  		"pilot_k8s_endpoints_pending_pod",
    96  		"Number of endpoints that do not currently have any corresponding pods.",
    97  	)
    98  )
   100  // Options stores the configurable attributes of a Controller.
   101  type Options struct {
   102  	SystemNamespace string
   104  	// MeshServiceController is a mesh-wide service Controller.
   105  	MeshServiceController *aggregate.Controller
   107  	DomainSuffix string
   109  	// ClusterID identifies the cluster which the controller communicate with.
   110  	ClusterID cluster.ID
   112  	// ClusterAliases are alias names for cluster. When a proxy connects with a cluster ID
   113  	// and if it has a different alias we should use that a cluster ID for proxy.
   114  	ClusterAliases map[string]string
   116  	// Metrics for capturing node-based metrics.
   117  	Metrics model.Metrics
   119  	// XDSUpdater will push changes to the xDS server.
   120  	XDSUpdater model.XDSUpdater
   122  	// MeshNetworksWatcher observes changes to the mesh networks config.
   123  	MeshNetworksWatcher mesh.NetworksWatcher
   125  	// MeshWatcher observes changes to the mesh config
   126  	MeshWatcher mesh.Watcher
   128  	// Maximum QPS when communicating with kubernetes API
   129  	KubernetesAPIQPS float32
   131  	// Maximum burst for throttle when communicating with the kubernetes API
   132  	KubernetesAPIBurst int
   134  	// SyncTimeout, if set, causes HasSynced to be returned when timeout.
   135  	SyncTimeout time.Duration
   137  	// Revision of this Istiod instance
   138  	Revision string
   140  	ConfigCluster bool
   142  	CniNamespace string
   143  }
   145  // kubernetesNode represents a kubernetes node that is reachable externally
   146  type kubernetesNode struct {
   147  	address string
   148  	labels  labels.Instance
   149  }
   151  // controllerInterface is a simplified interface for the Controller used for testing.
   152  type controllerInterface interface {
   153  	getPodLocality(pod *v1.Pod) string
   154  	Network(endpointIP string, labels labels.Instance) network.ID
   155  	Cluster() cluster.ID
   156  }
   158  var (
   159  	_ controllerInterface      = &Controller{}
   160  	_ serviceregistry.Instance = &Controller{}
   161  )
   163  type ambientIndex = ambient.Index
   165  // Controller is a collection of synchronized resource watchers
   166  // Caches are thread-safe
   167  type Controller struct {
   168  	opts Options
   170  	client kubelib.Client
   172  	queue queue.Instance
   174  	namespaces kclient.Client[*v1.Namespace]
   175  	services   kclient.Client[*v1.Service]
   177  	endpoints *endpointSliceController
   179  	// Used to watch node accessible from remote cluster.
   180  	// In multi-cluster(shared control plane multi-networks) scenario, ingress gateway service can be of nodePort type.
   181  	// With this, we can populate mesh's gateway address with the node ips.
   182  	nodes kclient.Client[*v1.Node]
   184  	exports serviceExportCache
   185  	imports serviceImportCache
   186  	pods    *PodCache
   188  	crdHandlers                []func(name string)
   189  	handlers                   model.ControllerHandlers
   190  	namespaceDiscoveryHandlers []func(ns string, event model.Event)
   192  	// This is only used for test
   193  	stop chan struct{}
   195  	sync.RWMutex
   196  	// servicesMap stores hostname ==> service, it is used to reduce convertService calls.
   197  	servicesMap map[host.Name]*model.Service
   198  	// nodeSelectorsForServices stores hostname => label selectors that can be used to
   199  	// refine the set of node port IPs for a service.
   200  	nodeSelectorsForServices map[host.Name]labels.Instance
   201  	// map of node name and its address+labels - this is the only thing we need from nodes
   202  	// for vm to k8s or cross cluster. When node port services select specific nodes by labels,
   203  	// we run through the label selectors here to pick only ones that we need.
   204  	// Only nodes with ExternalIP addresses are included in this map !
   205  	nodeInfoMap map[string]kubernetesNode
   206  	// index over workload instances from workload entries
   207  	workloadInstancesIndex workloadinstances.Index
   209  	*networkManager
   211  	ambientIndex
   213  	// initialSyncTimedout is set to true after performing an initial processing timed out.
   214  	initialSyncTimedout *atomic.Bool
   215  	meshWatcher         mesh.Watcher
   217  	podsClient kclient.Client[*v1.Pod]
   219  	configCluster bool
   221  	networksHandlerRegistration *mesh.WatcherHandlerRegistration
   222  	meshHandlerRegistration     *mesh.WatcherHandlerRegistration
   223  }
   225  // NewController creates a new Kubernetes controller
   226  // Created by bootstrap and multicluster (see multicluster.Controller).
   227  func NewController(kubeClient kubelib.Client, options Options) *Controller {
   228  	c := &Controller{
   229  		opts:                     options,
   230  		client:                   kubeClient,
   231  		queue:                    queue.NewQueueWithID(1*time.Second, string(options.ClusterID)),
   232  		servicesMap:              make(map[host.Name]*model.Service),
   233  		nodeSelectorsForServices: make(map[host.Name]labels.Instance),
   234  		nodeInfoMap:              make(map[string]kubernetesNode),
   235  		workloadInstancesIndex:   workloadinstances.NewIndex(),
   236  		initialSyncTimedout:      atomic.NewBool(false),
   238  		configCluster: options.ConfigCluster,
   239  	}
   240  	c.networkManager = initNetworkManager(c, options)
   242  	c.namespaces = kclient.NewFiltered[*v1.Namespace](kubeClient, kclient.Filter{ObjectFilter: kubeClient.ObjectFilter()})
   244  	if c.opts.SystemNamespace != "" {
   245  		registerHandlers[*v1.Namespace](
   246  			c,
   247  			c.namespaces,
   248  			"Namespaces",
   249  			func(old *v1.Namespace, cur *v1.Namespace, event model.Event) error {
   250  				if cur.Name == c.opts.SystemNamespace {
   251  					return c.onSystemNamespaceEvent(old, cur, event)
   252  				}
   253  				return nil
   254  			},
   255  			nil,
   256  		)
   257  	}
   259 = kclient.NewFiltered[*v1.Service](kubeClient, kclient.Filter{ObjectFilter: kubeClient.ObjectFilter()})
   261  	registerHandlers[*v1.Service](c,, "Services", c.onServiceEvent, nil)
   263  	c.endpoints = newEndpointSliceController(c)
   265  	// This is for getting the node IPs of a selected set of nodes
   266  	c.nodes = kclient.NewFiltered[*v1.Node](kubeClient, kclient.Filter{ObjectTransform: kubelib.StripNodeUnusedFields})
   267  	registerHandlers[*v1.Node](c, c.nodes, "Nodes", c.onNodeEvent, nil)
   269  	c.podsClient = kclient.NewFiltered[*v1.Pod](kubeClient, kclient.Filter{
   270  		ObjectFilter:    kubeClient.ObjectFilter(),
   271  		ObjectTransform: kubelib.StripPodUnusedFields,
   272  	})
   273  	c.pods = newPodCache(c, c.podsClient, func(key types.NamespacedName) {
   274  		c.queue.Push(func() error {
   275  			return c.endpoints.podArrived(key.Name, key.Namespace)
   276  		})
   277  	})
   278  	registerHandlers[*v1.Pod](c, c.podsClient, "Pods", c.pods.onEvent, c.pods.labelFilter)
   280  	if features.EnableAmbient {
   281  		c.ambientIndex = ambient.New(ambient.Options{
   282  			Client:          kubeClient,
   283  			SystemNamespace: options.SystemNamespace,
   284  			DomainSuffix:    options.DomainSuffix,
   285  			ClusterID:       options.ClusterID,
   286  			Revision:        options.Revision,
   287  			XDSUpdater:      options.XDSUpdater,
   288  			LookupNetwork:   c.Network,
   289  		})
   290  	}
   291  	c.exports = newServiceExportCache(c)
   292  	c.imports = newServiceImportCache(c)
   294  	c.meshWatcher = options.MeshWatcher
   295  	if c.opts.MeshNetworksWatcher != nil {
   296  		c.networksHandlerRegistration = c.opts.MeshNetworksWatcher.AddNetworksHandler(func() {
   297  			c.reloadMeshNetworks()
   298  			c.onNetworkChange()
   299  		})
   300  		c.reloadMeshNetworks()
   301  	}
   302  	return c
   303  }
   305  func (c *Controller) Provider() provider.ID {
   306  	return provider.Kubernetes
   307  }
   309  func (c *Controller) Cluster() cluster.ID {
   310  	return c.opts.ClusterID
   311  }
   313  func (c *Controller) MCSServices() []model.MCSServiceInfo {
   314  	outMap := make(map[types.NamespacedName]model.MCSServiceInfo)
   316  	// Add the ServiceExport info.
   317  	for _, se := range c.exports.ExportedServices() {
   318  		mcsService := outMap[se.namespacedName]
   319  		mcsService.Cluster = c.Cluster()
   320  		mcsService.Name = se.namespacedName.Name
   321  		mcsService.Namespace = se.namespacedName.Namespace
   322  		mcsService.Exported = true
   323  		mcsService.Discoverability = se.discoverability
   324  		outMap[se.namespacedName] = mcsService
   325  	}
   327  	// Add the ServiceImport info.
   328  	for _, si := range c.imports.ImportedServices() {
   329  		mcsService := outMap[si.namespacedName]
   330  		mcsService.Cluster = c.Cluster()
   331  		mcsService.Name = si.namespacedName.Name
   332  		mcsService.Namespace = si.namespacedName.Namespace
   333  		mcsService.Imported = true
   334  		mcsService.ClusterSetVIP = si.clusterSetVIP
   335  		outMap[si.namespacedName] = mcsService
   336  	}
   338  	return maps.Values(outMap)
   339  }
   341  func (c *Controller) Network(endpointIP string, labels labels.Instance) network.ID {
   342  	// 1. check the pod/workloadEntry label
   343  	if nw := labels[label.TopologyNetwork.Name]; nw != "" {
   344  		return network.ID(nw)
   345  	}
   347  	// 2. check the system namespace labels
   348  	if nw := c.networkFromSystemNamespace(); nw != "" {
   349  		return nw
   350  	}
   352  	// 3. check the meshNetworks config
   353  	if nw := c.networkFromMeshNetworks(endpointIP); nw != "" {
   354  		return nw
   355  	}
   357  	return ""
   358  }
   360  func (c *Controller) Cleanup() error {
   361  	if err := queue.WaitForClose(c.queue, 30*time.Second); err != nil {
   362  		log.Warnf("queue for removed kube registry %q may not be done processing: %v", c.Cluster(), err)
   363  	}
   364  	if c.opts.XDSUpdater != nil {
   365  		c.opts.XDSUpdater.RemoveShard(model.ShardKeyFromRegistry(c))
   366  	}
   368  	// Unregister networks handler
   369  	if c.networksHandlerRegistration != nil {
   370  		c.opts.MeshNetworksWatcher.DeleteNetworksHandler(c.networksHandlerRegistration)
   371  	}
   373  	// Unregister mesh handler
   374  	if c.meshHandlerRegistration != nil {
   375  		c.opts.MeshWatcher.DeleteMeshHandler(c.meshHandlerRegistration)
   376  	}
   378  	return nil
   379  }
   381  func (c *Controller) onServiceEvent(pre, curr *v1.Service, event model.Event) error {
   382  	log.Debugf("Handle event %s for service %s in namespace %s", event, curr.Name, curr.Namespace)
   384  	// Create the standard (cluster.local) service.
   385  	svcConv := kube.ConvertService(*curr, c.opts.DomainSuffix, c.Cluster())
   387  	switch event {
   388  	case model.EventDelete:
   389  		c.deleteService(svcConv)
   390  	default:
   391  		c.addOrUpdateService(pre, curr, svcConv, event, false)
   392  	}
   394  	return nil
   395  }
   397  func (c *Controller) deleteService(svc *model.Service) {
   398  	c.Lock()
   399  	delete(c.servicesMap, svc.Hostname)
   400  	delete(c.nodeSelectorsForServices, svc.Hostname)
   401  	_, isNetworkGateway := c.networkGatewaysBySvc[svc.Hostname]
   402  	delete(c.networkGatewaysBySvc, svc.Hostname)
   403  	c.Unlock()
   405  	if isNetworkGateway {
   406  		c.NotifyGatewayHandlers()
   407  		// TODO trigger push via handler
   408  		// networks are different, we need to update all eds endpoints
   409  		c.opts.XDSUpdater.ConfigUpdate(&model.PushRequest{Full: true, Reason: model.NewReasonStats(model.NetworksTrigger)})
   410  	}
   412  	shard := model.ShardKeyFromRegistry(c)
   413  	event := model.EventDelete
   414  	c.opts.XDSUpdater.SvcUpdate(shard, string(svc.Hostname), svc.Attributes.Namespace, event)
   416  	c.handlers.NotifyServiceHandlers(nil, svc, event)
   417  }
   419  // recomputeServiceForPod is called when a pod changes and service endpoints need to be recomputed.
   420  // Most of Pod is immutable, so once it has been created we are ok to cache the internal representation.
   421  // However, a few fields (labels) are mutable. When these change, we call recomputeServiceForPod and rebuild the cache
   422  // for all service's the pod is a part of and push an update.
   423  func (c *Controller) recomputeServiceForPod(pod *v1.Pod) {
   424  	allServices :=, klabels.Everything())
   425  	cu := sets.New[model.ConfigKey]()
   426  	services := getPodServices(allServices, pod)
   427  	for _, svc := range services {
   428  		hostname := kube.ServiceHostname(svc.Name, svc.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix)
   429  		c.Lock()
   430  		conv, f := c.servicesMap[hostname]
   431  		c.Unlock()
   432  		if !f {
   433  			return
   434  		}
   435  		shard := model.ShardKeyFromRegistry(c)
   436  		endpoints := c.buildEndpointsForService(conv, true)
   437  		if len(endpoints) > 0 {
   438  			c.opts.XDSUpdater.EDSCacheUpdate(shard, string(hostname), svc.Namespace, endpoints)
   439  		}
   440  		cu.Insert(model.ConfigKey{
   441  			Kind:      kind.ServiceEntry,
   442  			Name:      string(hostname),
   443  			Namespace: svc.Namespace,
   444  		})
   445  	}
   446  	if len(cu) > 0 {
   447  		c.opts.XDSUpdater.ConfigUpdate(&model.PushRequest{
   448  			Full:           false,
   449  			ConfigsUpdated: cu,
   450  			Reason:         model.NewReasonStats(model.EndpointUpdate),
   451  		})
   452  	}
   453  }
   455  func (c *Controller) addOrUpdateService(pre, curr *v1.Service, currConv *model.Service, event model.Event, updateEDSCache bool) {
   456  	needsFullPush := false
   457  	// First, process nodePort gateway service, whose externalIPs specified
   458  	// and loadbalancer gateway service
   459  	if currConv.Attributes.ClusterExternalAddresses.Len() > 0 {
   460  		needsFullPush = c.extractGatewaysFromService(currConv)
   461  	} else if isNodePortGatewayService(curr) {
   462  		// We need to know which services are using node selectors because during node events,
   463  		// we have to update all the node port services accordingly.
   464  		nodeSelector := getNodeSelectorsForService(curr)
   465  		c.Lock()
   466  		// only add when it is nodePort gateway service
   467  		c.nodeSelectorsForServices[currConv.Hostname] = nodeSelector
   468  		c.Unlock()
   469  		needsFullPush = c.updateServiceNodePortAddresses(currConv)
   470  	}
   472  	// For ExternalName, we need to update the EndpointIndex, as we will store endpoints just based on the Service.
   473  	if !features.EnableExternalNameAlias && curr != nil && curr.Spec.Type == v1.ServiceTypeExternalName {
   474  		updateEDSCache = true
   475  	}
   477  	c.Lock()
   478  	prevConv := c.servicesMap[currConv.Hostname]
   479  	c.servicesMap[currConv.Hostname] = currConv
   480  	c.Unlock()
   481  	// This full push needed to update ALL ends endpoints, even though we do a full push on service add/update
   482  	// as that full push is only triggered for the specific service.
   483  	if needsFullPush {
   484  		// networks are different, we need to update all eds endpoints
   485  		c.opts.XDSUpdater.ConfigUpdate(&model.PushRequest{Full: true, Reason: model.NewReasonStats(model.NetworksTrigger)})
   486  	}
   488  	shard := model.ShardKeyFromRegistry(c)
   489  	ns := currConv.Attributes.Namespace
   490  	// We also need to update when the Service changes. For Kubernetes, a service change will result in Endpoint updates,
   491  	// but workload entries will also need to be updated.
   492  	// TODO(nmittler): Build different sets of endpoints for cluster.local and clusterset.local.
   493  	if updateEDSCache || features.EnableK8SServiceSelectWorkloadEntries {
   494  		endpoints := c.buildEndpointsForService(currConv, updateEDSCache)
   495  		if len(endpoints) > 0 {
   496  			c.opts.XDSUpdater.EDSCacheUpdate(shard, string(currConv.Hostname), ns, endpoints)
   497  		}
   498  	}
   500  	// filter out same service event
   501  	if event == model.EventUpdate && !serviceUpdateNeedsPush(pre, curr, prevConv, currConv) {
   502  		return
   503  	}
   505  	c.opts.XDSUpdater.SvcUpdate(shard, string(currConv.Hostname), ns, event)
   506  	c.handlers.NotifyServiceHandlers(prevConv, currConv, event)
   507  }
   509  func (c *Controller) buildEndpointsForService(svc *model.Service, updateCache bool) []*model.IstioEndpoint {
   510  	endpoints := c.endpoints.buildIstioEndpointsWithService(svc.Attributes.Name, svc.Attributes.Namespace, svc.Hostname, updateCache)
   511  	if features.EnableK8SServiceSelectWorkloadEntries {
   512  		fep := c.collectWorkloadInstanceEndpoints(svc)
   513  		endpoints = append(endpoints, fep...)
   514  	}
   515  	if !features.EnableExternalNameAlias {
   516  		endpoints = append(endpoints, kube.ExternalNameEndpoints(svc)...)
   517  	}
   518  	return endpoints
   519  }
   521  func (c *Controller) onNodeEvent(_, node *v1.Node, event model.Event) error {
   522  	var updatedNeeded bool
   523  	if event == model.EventDelete {
   524  		updatedNeeded = true
   525  		c.Lock()
   526  		delete(c.nodeInfoMap, node.Name)
   527  		c.Unlock()
   528  	} else {
   529  		k8sNode := kubernetesNode{labels: node.Labels}
   530  		for _, address := range node.Status.Addresses {
   531  			if address.Type == v1.NodeExternalIP && address.Address != "" {
   532  				k8sNode.address = address.Address
   533  				break
   534  			}
   535  		}
   536  		if k8sNode.address == "" {
   537  			return nil
   538  		}
   540  		c.Lock()
   541  		// check if the node exists as this add event could be due to controller resync
   542  		// if the stored object changes, then fire an update event. Otherwise, ignore this event.
   543  		currentNode, exists := c.nodeInfoMap[node.Name]
   544  		if !exists || !nodeEquals(currentNode, k8sNode) {
   545  			c.nodeInfoMap[node.Name] = k8sNode
   546  			updatedNeeded = true
   547  		}
   548  		c.Unlock()
   549  	}
   551  	// update all related services
   552  	if updatedNeeded && c.updateServiceNodePortAddresses() {
   553  		c.opts.XDSUpdater.ConfigUpdate(&model.PushRequest{
   554  			Full:   true,
   555  			Reason: model.NewReasonStats(model.ServiceUpdate),
   556  		})
   557  	}
   558  	return nil
   559  }
   561  // FilterOutFunc func for filtering out objects during update callback
   562  type FilterOutFunc[T controllers.Object] func(old, cur T) bool
   564  // registerHandlers registers a handler for a given informer
   565  // Note: `otype` is used for metric, if empty, no metric will be reported
   566  func registerHandlers[T controllers.ComparableObject](c *Controller,
   567  	informer kclient.Informer[T], otype string,
   568  	handler func(T, T, model.Event) error, filter FilterOutFunc[T],
   569  ) {
   570  	wrappedHandler := func(prev, curr T, event model.Event) error {
   571  		curr = informer.Get(curr.GetName(), curr.GetNamespace())
   572  		if controllers.IsNil(curr) {
   573  			// this can happen when an immediate delete after update
   574  			// the delete event can be handled later
   575  			return nil
   576  		}
   577  		return handler(prev, curr, event)
   578  	}
   579  	// Pre-build our metric types to avoid recompute them on each event
   580  	adds := k8sEvents.With(typeTag.Value(otype), eventTag.Value("add"))
   581  	updatesames := k8sEvents.With(typeTag.Value(otype), eventTag.Value("updatesame"))
   582  	updates := k8sEvents.With(typeTag.Value(otype), eventTag.Value("update"))
   583  	deletes := k8sEvents.With(typeTag.Value(otype), eventTag.Value("delete"))
   585  	informer.AddEventHandler(
   586  		controllers.EventHandler[T]{
   587  			AddFunc: func(obj T) {
   588  				adds.Increment()
   589  				c.queue.Push(func() error {
   590  					return wrappedHandler(ptr.Empty[T](), obj, model.EventAdd)
   591  				})
   592  			},
   593  			UpdateFunc: func(old, cur T) {
   594  				if filter != nil {
   595  					if filter(old, cur) {
   596  						updatesames.Increment()
   597  						return
   598  					}
   599  				}
   600  				updates.Increment()
   601  				c.queue.Push(func() error {
   602  					return wrappedHandler(old, cur, model.EventUpdate)
   603  				})
   604  			},
   605  			DeleteFunc: func(obj T) {
   606  				deletes.Increment()
   607  				c.queue.Push(func() error {
   608  					return handler(ptr.Empty[T](), obj, model.EventDelete)
   609  				})
   610  			},
   611  		})
   612  }
   614  // HasSynced returns true after the initial state synchronization
   615  func (c *Controller) HasSynced() bool {
   616  	return c.queue.HasSynced() || c.initialSyncTimedout.Load()
   617  }
   619  func (c *Controller) informersSynced() bool {
   620  	if c.ambientIndex != nil && !c.ambientIndex.HasSynced() {
   621  		return false
   622  	}
   623  	return c.namespaces.HasSynced() &&
   624 &&
   625  		c.endpoints.slices.HasSynced() &&
   626  		c.pods.pods.HasSynced() &&
   627  		c.nodes.HasSynced() &&
   628  		c.imports.HasSynced() &&
   629  		c.exports.HasSynced() &&
   630  		c.networkManager.HasSynced()
   631  }
   633  func (c *Controller) syncPods() error {
   634  	var err *multierror.Error
   635  	pods := c.podsClient.List(metav1.NamespaceAll, klabels.Everything())
   636  	log.Debugf("initializing %d pods", len(pods))
   637  	for _, s := range pods {
   638  		err = multierror.Append(err, c.pods.onEvent(nil, s, model.EventAdd))
   639  	}
   640  	return err.ErrorOrNil()
   641  }
   643  // Run all controllers until a signal is received
   644  func (c *Controller) Run(stop <-chan struct{}) {
   645  	if c.opts.SyncTimeout != 0 {
   646  		time.AfterFunc(c.opts.SyncTimeout, func() {
   647  			if !c.queue.HasSynced() {
   648  				log.Warnf("kube controller for %s initial sync timed out", c.opts.ClusterID)
   649  				c.initialSyncTimedout.Store(true)
   650  			}
   651  		})
   652  	}
   653  	st := time.Now()
   655  	go c.imports.Run(stop)
   656  	go c.exports.Run(stop)
   657  	kubelib.WaitForCacheSync("kube controller", stop, c.informersSynced)
   658  	log.Infof("kube controller for %s synced after %v", c.opts.ClusterID, time.Since(st))
   659  	// after the in-order sync we can start processing the queue
   660  	c.queue.Run(stop)
   661  	log.Infof("Controller terminated")
   662  }
   664  // Stop the controller. Only for tests, to simplify the code (defer c.Stop())
   665  func (c *Controller) Stop() {
   666  	if c.stop != nil {
   667  		close(c.stop)
   668  	}
   669  }
   671  // Services implements a service catalog operation
   672  func (c *Controller) Services() []*model.Service {
   673  	c.RLock()
   674  	out := make([]*model.Service, 0, len(c.servicesMap))
   675  	for _, svc := range c.servicesMap {
   676  		out = append(out, svc)
   677  	}
   678  	c.RUnlock()
   679  	sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool { return out[i].Hostname < out[j].Hostname })
   680  	return out
   681  }
   683  // GetService implements a service catalog operation by hostname specified.
   684  func (c *Controller) GetService(hostname host.Name) *model.Service {
   685  	c.RLock()
   686  	svc := c.servicesMap[hostname]
   687  	c.RUnlock()
   688  	return svc
   689  }
   691  // getPodLocality retrieves the locality for a pod.
   692  func (c *Controller) getPodLocality(pod *v1.Pod) string {
   693  	// if pod has `istio-locality` label, skip below ops
   694  	if len(pod.Labels[model.LocalityLabel]) > 0 {
   695  		return model.GetLocalityLabel(pod.Labels[model.LocalityLabel])
   696  	}
   698  	// NodeName is set by the scheduler after the pod is created
   699  	//
   700  	node := c.nodes.Get(pod.Spec.NodeName, "")
   701  	if node == nil {
   702  		if pod.Spec.NodeName != "" {
   703  			log.Warnf("unable to get node %q for pod %q/%q", pod.Spec.NodeName, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
   704  		}
   705  		return ""
   706  	}
   708  	region := getLabelValue(node.ObjectMeta, NodeRegionLabelGA, NodeRegionLabel)
   709  	zone := getLabelValue(node.ObjectMeta, NodeZoneLabelGA, NodeZoneLabel)
   710  	subzone := getLabelValue(node.ObjectMeta, label.TopologySubzone.Name, "")
   712  	if region == "" && zone == "" && subzone == "" {
   713  		return ""
   714  	}
   716  	return region + "/" + zone + "/" + subzone // Format: "%s/%s/%s"
   717  }
   719  func (c *Controller) serviceInstancesFromWorkloadInstances(svc *model.Service, reqSvcPort int) []*model.ServiceInstance {
   720  	// Run through all the workload instances, select ones that match the service labels
   721  	// only if this is a kubernetes internal service and of ClientSideLB (eds) type
   722  	// as InstancesByPort is called by the aggregate controller. We dont want to include
   723  	// workload instances for any other registry
   724  	workloadInstancesExist := !c.workloadInstancesIndex.Empty()
   725  	c.RLock()
   726  	_, inRegistry := c.servicesMap[svc.Hostname]
   727  	c.RUnlock()
   729  	// Only select internal Kubernetes services with selectors
   730  	if !inRegistry || !workloadInstancesExist || svc.Attributes.ServiceRegistry != provider.Kubernetes ||
   731  		svc.MeshExternal || svc.Resolution != model.ClientSideLB || svc.Attributes.LabelSelectors == nil {
   732  		return nil
   733  	}
   735  	selector := labels.Instance(svc.Attributes.LabelSelectors)
   737  	// Get the service port name and target port so that we can construct the service instance
   738  	k8sService :=, svc.Attributes.Namespace)
   739  	// We did not find the k8s service. We cannot get the targetPort
   740  	if k8sService == nil {
   741  		log.Infof("serviceInstancesFromWorkloadInstances(%s.%s) failed to get k8s service",
   742  			svc.Attributes.Name, svc.Attributes.Namespace)
   743  		return nil
   744  	}
   746  	var servicePort *model.Port
   747  	for _, p := range svc.Ports {
   748  		if p.Port == reqSvcPort {
   749  			servicePort = p
   750  			break
   751  		}
   752  	}
   753  	if servicePort == nil {
   754  		return nil
   755  	}
   757  	// Now get the target Port for this service port
   758  	targetPort := findServiceTargetPort(servicePort, k8sService)
   759  	if targetPort.num == 0 {
   760  		targetPort.num = servicePort.Port
   761  	}
   763  	out := make([]*model.ServiceInstance, 0)
   765  	c.workloadInstancesIndex.ForEach(func(wi *model.WorkloadInstance) {
   766  		if wi.Namespace != svc.Attributes.Namespace {
   767  			return
   768  		}
   769  		if selector.Match(wi.Endpoint.Labels) {
   770  			instance := serviceInstanceFromWorkloadInstance(svc, servicePort, targetPort, wi)
   771  			if instance != nil {
   772  				out = append(out, instance)
   773  			}
   774  		}
   775  	})
   776  	return out
   777  }
   779  func serviceInstanceFromWorkloadInstance(svc *model.Service, servicePort *model.Port,
   780  	targetPort serviceTargetPort, wi *model.WorkloadInstance,
   781  ) *model.ServiceInstance {
   782  	// create an instance with endpoint whose service port name matches
   783  	istioEndpoint := wi.Endpoint.ShallowCopy()
   785  	// by default, use the numbered targetPort
   786  	istioEndpoint.EndpointPort = uint32(targetPort.num)
   788  	if != "" {
   789  		// This is a named port, find the corresponding port in the port map
   790  		matchedPort := wi.PortMap[]
   791  		if matchedPort != 0 {
   792  			istioEndpoint.EndpointPort = matchedPort
   793  		} else if targetPort.explicitName {
   794  			// No match found, and we expect the name explicitly in the service, skip this endpoint
   795  			return nil
   796  		}
   797  	}
   799  	istioEndpoint.ServicePortName = servicePort.Name
   800  	return &model.ServiceInstance{
   801  		Service:     svc,
   802  		ServicePort: servicePort,
   803  		Endpoint:    istioEndpoint,
   804  	}
   805  }
   807  // convenience function to collect all workload entry endpoints in updateEDS calls.
   808  func (c *Controller) collectWorkloadInstanceEndpoints(svc *model.Service) []*model.IstioEndpoint {
   809  	workloadInstancesExist := !c.workloadInstancesIndex.Empty()
   811  	if !workloadInstancesExist || svc.Resolution != model.ClientSideLB || len(svc.Ports) == 0 {
   812  		return nil
   813  	}
   815  	endpoints := make([]*model.IstioEndpoint, 0)
   816  	for _, port := range svc.Ports {
   817  		for _, instance := range c.serviceInstancesFromWorkloadInstances(svc, port.Port) {
   818  			endpoints = append(endpoints, instance.Endpoint)
   819  		}
   820  	}
   822  	return endpoints
   823  }
   825  // GetProxyServiceTargets returns service targets co-located with a given proxy
   826  // TODO: this code does not return k8s service instances when the proxy's IP is a workload entry
   827  // To tackle this, we need a ip2instance map like what we have in service entry.
   828  func (c *Controller) GetProxyServiceTargets(proxy *model.Proxy) []model.ServiceTarget {
   829  	if len(proxy.IPAddresses) > 0 {
   830  		proxyIP := proxy.IPAddresses[0]
   831  		// look up for a WorkloadEntry; if there are multiple WorkloadEntry(s)
   832  		// with the same IP, choose one deterministically
   833  		workload := workloadinstances.GetInstanceForProxy(c.workloadInstancesIndex, proxy, proxyIP)
   834  		if workload != nil {
   835  			return c.serviceTargetsFromWorkloadInstance(workload)
   836  		}
   837  		pod := c.pods.getPodByProxy(proxy)
   838  		if pod != nil && !proxy.IsVM() {
   839  			// we don't want to use this block for our test "VM" which is actually a Pod.
   841  			if !c.isControllerForProxy(proxy) {
   842  				log.Errorf("proxy is in cluster %v, but controller is for cluster %v", proxy.Metadata.ClusterID, c.Cluster())
   843  				return nil
   844  			}
   846  			// 1. find proxy service by label selector, if not any, there may exist headless service without selector
   847  			// failover to 2
   848  			allServices :=, klabels.Everything())
   849  			if services := getPodServices(allServices, pod); len(services) > 0 {
   850  				out := make([]model.ServiceTarget, 0)
   851  				for _, svc := range services {
   852  					out = append(out, c.GetProxyServiceTargetsByPod(pod, svc)...)
   853  				}
   854  				return out
   855  			}
   856  			// 2. Headless service without selector
   857  			return c.endpoints.GetProxyServiceTargets(proxy)
   858  		}
   860  		// 3. The pod is not present when this is called
   861  		// due to eventual consistency issues. However, we have a lot of information about the pod from the proxy
   862  		// metadata already. Because of this, we can still get most of the information we need.
   863  		// If we cannot accurately construct ServiceEndpoints from just the metadata, this will return an error and we can
   864  		// attempt to read the real pod.
   865  		out, err := c.GetProxyServiceTargetsFromMetadata(proxy)
   866  		if err != nil {
   867  			log.Warnf("GetProxyServiceTargetsFromMetadata for %v failed: %v", proxy.ID, err)
   868  		}
   869  		return out
   870  	}
   872  	// TODO: This could not happen, remove?
   873  	if c.opts.Metrics != nil {
   874  		c.opts.Metrics.AddMetric(model.ProxyStatusNoService, proxy.ID, proxy.ID, "")
   875  	} else {
   876  		log.Infof("Missing metrics env, empty list of services for pod %s", proxy.ID)
   877  	}
   878  	return nil
   879  }
   881  func (c *Controller) serviceTargetsFromWorkloadInstance(si *model.WorkloadInstance) []model.ServiceTarget {
   882  	out := make([]model.ServiceTarget, 0)
   883  	// find the workload entry's service by label selector
   884  	// rather than scanning through our internal map of, get the services via the k8s apis
   885  	dummyPod := &v1.Pod{
   886  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: si.Namespace, Labels: si.Endpoint.Labels},
   887  	}
   889  	// find the services that map to this workload entry, fire off eds updates if the service is of type client-side lb
   890  	allServices :=, klabels.Everything())
   891  	if k8sServices := getPodServices(allServices, dummyPod); len(k8sServices) > 0 {
   892  		for _, k8sSvc := range k8sServices {
   893  			service := c.GetService(kube.ServiceHostname(k8sSvc.Name, k8sSvc.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix))
   894  			// Note that this cannot be an external service because k8s external services do not have label selectors.
   895  			if service == nil || service.Resolution != model.ClientSideLB {
   896  				// may be a headless service
   897  				continue
   898  			}
   900  			for _, servicePort := range service.Ports {
   901  				if servicePort.Protocol == protocol.UDP {
   902  					continue
   903  				}
   905  				// Now get the target Port for this service port
   906  				targetPort := findServiceTargetPort(servicePort, k8sSvc)
   907  				if targetPort.num == 0 {
   908  					targetPort.num = servicePort.Port
   909  				}
   911  				instance := serviceInstanceFromWorkloadInstance(service, servicePort, targetPort, si)
   912  				if instance != nil {
   913  					out = append(out, model.ServiceInstanceToTarget(instance))
   914  				}
   915  			}
   916  		}
   917  	}
   918  	return out
   919  }
   921  // WorkloadInstanceHandler defines the handler for service instances generated by other registries
   922  func (c *Controller) WorkloadInstanceHandler(si *model.WorkloadInstance, event model.Event) {
   923  	c.queue.Push(func() error {
   924  		c.workloadInstanceHandler(si, event)
   925  		return nil
   926  	})
   927  }
   929  func (c *Controller) workloadInstanceHandler(si *model.WorkloadInstance, event model.Event) {
   930  	// ignore malformed workload entries. And ignore any workload entry that does not have a label
   931  	// as there is no way for us to select them
   932  	if si.Namespace == "" || len(si.Endpoint.Labels) == 0 {
   933  		return
   934  	}
   936  	// this is from a workload entry. Store it in separate index so that
   937  	// the InstancesByPort can use these as well as the k8s pods.
   938  	switch event {
   939  	case model.EventDelete:
   940  		c.workloadInstancesIndex.Delete(si)
   941  	default: // add or update
   942  		c.workloadInstancesIndex.Insert(si)
   943  	}
   945  	// find the workload entry's service by label selector
   946  	// rather than scanning through our internal map of, get the services via the k8s apis
   947  	dummyPod := &v1.Pod{
   948  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: si.Namespace, Labels: si.Endpoint.Labels},
   949  	}
   951  	// We got an instance update, which probably effects EDS. However, EDS is keyed by Hostname. We need to find all
   952  	// Hostnames (services) that were updated and recompute them
   953  	// find the services that map to this workload entry, fire off eds updates if the service is of type client-side lb
   954  	allServices :=, klabels.Everything())
   955  	matchedServices := getPodServices(allServices, dummyPod)
   956  	matchedHostnames := slices.Map(matchedServices, func(e *v1.Service) host.Name {
   957  		return kube.ServiceHostname(e.Name, e.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix)
   958  	})
   959  	c.endpoints.pushEDS(matchedHostnames, si.Namespace)
   960  }
   962  func (c *Controller) onSystemNamespaceEvent(_, ns *v1.Namespace, ev model.Event) error {
   963  	if ev == model.EventDelete {
   964  		return nil
   965  	}
   966  	if c.setNetworkFromNamespace(ns) {
   967  		// network changed, rarely happen
   968  		// refresh pods/endpoints/services
   969  		c.onNetworkChange()
   970  	}
   971  	return nil
   972  }
   974  // isControllerForProxy should be used for proxies assumed to be in the kube cluster for this controller. Workload Entries
   975  // may not necessarily pass this check, but we still want to allow kube services to select workload instances.
   976  func (c *Controller) isControllerForProxy(proxy *model.Proxy) bool {
   977  	return proxy.Metadata.ClusterID == "" || proxy.Metadata.ClusterID == c.Cluster()
   978  }
   980  // GetProxyServiceTargetsFromMetadata retrieves ServiceTargets using proxy Metadata rather than
   981  // from the Pod. This allows retrieving Instances immediately, regardless of delays in Kubernetes.
   982  // If the proxy doesn't have enough metadata, an error is returned
   983  func (c *Controller) GetProxyServiceTargetsFromMetadata(proxy *model.Proxy) ([]model.ServiceTarget, error) {
   984  	if len(proxy.Labels) == 0 {
   985  		return nil, nil
   986  	}
   988  	if !c.isControllerForProxy(proxy) {
   989  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("proxy is in cluster %v, but controller is for cluster %v", proxy.Metadata.ClusterID, c.Cluster())
   990  	}
   992  	// Create a pod with just the information needed to find the associated Services
   993  	dummyPod := &v1.Pod{
   994  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   995  			Namespace: proxy.ConfigNamespace,
   996  			Labels:    proxy.Labels,
   997  		},
   998  	}
  1000  	// Find the Service associated with the pod.
  1001  	allServices :=, klabels.Everything())
  1002  	services := getPodServices(allServices, dummyPod)
  1003  	if len(services) == 0 {
  1004  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no instances found for %s", proxy.ID)
  1005  	}
  1007  	out := make([]model.ServiceTarget, 0)
  1008  	for _, svc := range services {
  1009  		hostname := kube.ServiceHostname(svc.Name, svc.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix)
  1010  		modelService := c.GetService(hostname)
  1011  		if modelService == nil {
  1012  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find model service for %v", hostname)
  1013  		}
  1015  		for _, modelService := range c.servicesForNamespacedName(config.NamespacedName(svc)) {
  1016  			tps := make(map[model.Port]*model.Port)
  1017  			tpsList := make([]model.Port, 0)
  1018  			for _, port := range svc.Spec.Ports {
  1019  				svcPort, f := modelService.Ports.Get(port.Name)
  1020  				if !f {
  1021  					return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get svc port for %v", port.Name)
  1022  				}
  1024  				var portNum int
  1025  				if len(proxy.Metadata.PodPorts) > 0 {
  1026  					var err error
  1027  					portNum, err = findPortFromMetadata(port, proxy.Metadata.PodPorts)
  1028  					if err != nil {
  1029  						return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find target port for %v: %v", proxy.ID, err)
  1030  					}
  1031  				} else {
  1032  					// most likely a VM - we assume the WorkloadEntry won't remap any ports
  1033  					portNum = port.TargetPort.IntValue()
  1034  				}
  1036  				// Dedupe the target ports here - Service might have configured multiple ports to the same target port,
  1037  				// we will have to create only one ingress listener per port and protocol so that we do not endup
  1038  				// complaining about listener conflicts.
  1039  				targetPort := model.Port{
  1040  					Port:     portNum,
  1041  					Protocol: svcPort.Protocol,
  1042  				}
  1043  				if _, exists := tps[targetPort]; !exists {
  1044  					tps[targetPort] = svcPort
  1045  					tpsList = append(tpsList, targetPort)
  1046  				}
  1047  			}
  1049  			// Iterate over target ports in the same order as defined in service spec, in case of
  1050  			// protocol conflict for a port causes unstable protocol selection for a port.
  1051  			for _, tp := range tpsList {
  1052  				svcPort := tps[tp]
  1053  				out = append(out, model.ServiceTarget{
  1054  					Service: modelService,
  1055  					Port: model.ServiceInstancePort{
  1056  						ServicePort: svcPort,
  1057  						TargetPort:  uint32(tp.Port),
  1058  					},
  1059  				})
  1060  			}
  1061  		}
  1062  	}
  1063  	return out, nil
  1064  }
  1066  func (c *Controller) GetProxyServiceTargetsByPod(pod *v1.Pod, service *v1.Service) []model.ServiceTarget {
  1067  	var out []model.ServiceTarget
  1069  	for _, svc := range c.servicesForNamespacedName(config.NamespacedName(service)) {
  1070  		tps := make(map[model.Port]*model.Port)
  1071  		tpsList := make([]model.Port, 0)
  1072  		for _, port := range service.Spec.Ports {
  1073  			svcPort, exists := svc.Ports.Get(port.Name)
  1074  			if !exists {
  1075  				continue
  1076  			}
  1077  			// find target port
  1078  			portNum, err := FindPort(pod, &port)
  1079  			if err != nil {
  1080  				log.Warnf("Failed to find port for service %s/%s: %v", service.Namespace, service.Name, err)
  1081  				continue
  1082  			}
  1083  			// Dedupe the target ports here - Service might have configured multiple ports to the same target port,
  1084  			// we will have to create only one ingress listener per port and protocol so that we do not endup
  1085  			// complaining about listener conflicts.
  1086  			targetPort := model.Port{
  1087  				Port:     portNum,
  1088  				Protocol: svcPort.Protocol,
  1089  			}
  1090  			if _, exists := tps[targetPort]; !exists {
  1091  				tps[targetPort] = svcPort
  1092  				tpsList = append(tpsList, targetPort)
  1093  			}
  1094  		}
  1095  		// Iterate over target ports in the same order as defined in service spec, in case of
  1096  		// protocol conflict for a port causes unstable protocol selection for a port.
  1097  		for _, tp := range tpsList {
  1098  			svcPort := tps[tp]
  1099  			out = append(out, model.ServiceTarget{
  1100  				Service: svc,
  1101  				Port: model.ServiceInstancePort{
  1102  					ServicePort: svcPort,
  1103  					TargetPort:  uint32(tp.Port),
  1104  				},
  1105  			})
  1106  		}
  1107  	}
  1109  	return out
  1110  }
  1112  func (c *Controller) GetProxyWorkloadLabels(proxy *model.Proxy) labels.Instance {
  1113  	pod := c.pods.getPodByProxy(proxy)
  1114  	if pod != nil {
  1115  		var locality, nodeName string
  1116  		locality = c.getPodLocality(pod)
  1117  		if len(proxy.GetNodeName()) == 0 {
  1118  			// this can happen for an "old" proxy with no `Metadata.NodeName` set
  1119  			// in this case we set the node name in labels on the fly
  1120  			// TODO: remove this when 1.16 is EOL?
  1121  			nodeName = pod.Spec.NodeName
  1122  		}
  1123  		if len(locality) == 0 && len(nodeName) == 0 {
  1124  			return pod.Labels
  1125  		}
  1126  		return labelutil.AugmentLabels(pod.Labels, c.clusterID, locality, nodeName,
  1127  	}
  1128  	return nil
  1129  }
  1131  // AppendServiceHandler implements a service catalog operation
  1132  func (c *Controller) AppendServiceHandler(f model.ServiceHandler) {
  1133  	c.handlers.AppendServiceHandler(f)
  1134  }
  1136  // AppendWorkloadHandler implements a service catalog operation
  1137  func (c *Controller) AppendWorkloadHandler(f func(*model.WorkloadInstance, model.Event)) {
  1138  	c.handlers.AppendWorkloadHandler(f)
  1139  }
  1141  // AppendNamespaceDiscoveryHandlers register handlers on namespace selected/deselected by discovery selectors change.
  1142  func (c *Controller) AppendNamespaceDiscoveryHandlers(f func(string, model.Event)) {
  1143  	c.namespaceDiscoveryHandlers = append(c.namespaceDiscoveryHandlers, f)
  1144  }
  1146  // AppendCrdHandlers register handlers on crd event.
  1147  func (c *Controller) AppendCrdHandlers(f func(name string)) {
  1148  	c.crdHandlers = append(c.crdHandlers, f)
  1149  }
  1151  // hostNamesForNamespacedName returns all possible hostnames for the given service name.
  1152  // If Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) is enabled, this will contain the regular
  1153  // hostname as well as the MCS hostname (clusterset.local). Otherwise, only the regular
  1154  // hostname will be returned.
  1155  func (c *Controller) hostNamesForNamespacedName(name types.NamespacedName) []host.Name {
  1156  	if features.EnableMCSHost {
  1157  		return []host.Name{
  1158  			kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix),
  1159  			serviceClusterSetLocalHostname(name),
  1160  		}
  1161  	}
  1162  	return []host.Name{
  1163  		kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix),
  1164  	}
  1165  }
  1167  // servicesForNamespacedName returns all services for the given service name.
  1168  // If Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) is enabled, this will contain the regular
  1169  // service as well as the MCS service (clusterset.local), if available. Otherwise,
  1170  // only the regular service will be returned.
  1171  func (c *Controller) servicesForNamespacedName(name types.NamespacedName) []*model.Service {
  1172  	if features.EnableMCSHost {
  1173  		out := make([]*model.Service, 0, 2)
  1175  		c.RLock()
  1176  		if svc := c.servicesMap[kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix)]; svc != nil {
  1177  			out = append(out, svc)
  1178  		}
  1180  		if svc := c.servicesMap[serviceClusterSetLocalHostname(name)]; svc != nil {
  1181  			out = append(out, svc)
  1182  		}
  1183  		c.RUnlock()
  1185  		return out
  1186  	}
  1187  	if svc := c.GetService(kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix)); svc != nil {
  1188  		return []*model.Service{svc}
  1189  	}
  1190  	return nil
  1191  }
  1193  func serviceUpdateNeedsPush(prev, curr *v1.Service, preConv, currConv *model.Service) bool {
  1194  	if !features.EnableOptimizedServicePush {
  1195  		return true
  1196  	}
  1197  	if preConv == nil {
  1198  		return !currConv.Attributes.ExportTo.Contains(visibility.None)
  1199  	}
  1200  	// if service are not exported, no need to push
  1201  	if preConv.Attributes.ExportTo.Contains(visibility.None) &&
  1202  		currConv.Attributes.ExportTo.Contains(visibility.None) {
  1203  		return false
  1204  	}
  1205  	// Check if there are any changes we care about by comparing `model.Service`s
  1206  	if !preConv.Equals(currConv) {
  1207  		return true
  1208  	}
  1209  	// Also check if target ports are changed since they are not included in `model.Service`
  1210  	// `preConv.Equals(currConv)` already makes sure the length of ports is not changed
  1211  	if prev != nil && curr != nil {
  1212  		if !slices.EqualFunc(prev.Spec.Ports, curr.Spec.Ports, func(a, b v1.ServicePort) bool {
  1213  			return a.TargetPort == b.TargetPort
  1214  		}) {
  1215  			return true
  1216  		}
  1217  	}
  1218  	return false
  1219  }