
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package controller
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"strings"
    21  	""
    22  	metav1 ""
    23  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	kubelib ""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  )
    43  const (
    44  	// Name of the webhook config in the config - no need to change it.
    45  	webhookName = ""
    46  )
    48  type kubeController struct {
    49  	MeshServiceController *aggregate.Controller
    50  	*Controller
    51  	workloadEntryController *serviceentry.Controller
    52  	stop                    chan struct{}
    53  }
    55  func (k *kubeController) Close() {
    56  	close(k.stop)
    57  	clusterID := k.Controller.clusterID
    58  	k.MeshServiceController.UnRegisterHandlersForCluster(clusterID)
    59  	k.MeshServiceController.DeleteRegistry(clusterID, provider.Kubernetes)
    60  	if k.workloadEntryController != nil {
    61  		k.MeshServiceController.DeleteRegistry(clusterID, provider.External)
    62  	}
    63  	if err := k.Controller.Cleanup(); err != nil {
    64  		log.Warnf("failed cleaning up services in %s: %v", clusterID, err)
    65  	}
    66  	if k.opts.XDSUpdater != nil {
    67  		k.opts.XDSUpdater.ConfigUpdate(&model.PushRequest{Full: true, Reason: model.NewReasonStats(model.ClusterUpdate)})
    68  	}
    69  }
    71  // Multicluster structure holds the remote kube Controllers and multicluster specific attributes.
    72  type Multicluster struct {
    73  	// serverID of this pilot instance used for leader election
    74  	serverID string
    76  	// options to use when creating kube controllers
    77  	opts Options
    79  	// client for reading remote-secrets to initialize multicluster registries
    80  	client kubernetes.Interface
    81  	s      server.Instance
    83  	serviceEntryController *serviceentry.Controller
    84  	configController       model.ConfigStoreController
    85  	XDSUpdater             model.XDSUpdater
    87  	clusterLocal model.ClusterLocalProvider
    89  	startNsController bool
    90  	caBundleWatcher   *keycertbundle.Watcher
    91  	revision          string
    93  	// secretNamespace where we get cluster-access secrets
    94  	secretNamespace string
    95  	component       *multicluster.Component[*kubeController]
    96  }
    98  // NewMulticluster initializes data structure to store multicluster information
    99  func NewMulticluster(
   100  	serverID string,
   101  	kc kubernetes.Interface,
   102  	secretNamespace string,
   103  	opts Options,
   104  	serviceEntryController *serviceentry.Controller,
   105  	configController model.ConfigStoreController,
   106  	caBundleWatcher *keycertbundle.Watcher,
   107  	revision string,
   108  	startNsController bool,
   109  	clusterLocal model.ClusterLocalProvider,
   110  	s server.Instance,
   111  	controller *multicluster.Controller,
   112  ) *Multicluster {
   113  	mc := &Multicluster{
   114  		serverID:               serverID,
   115  		opts:                   opts,
   116  		serviceEntryController: serviceEntryController,
   117  		configController:       configController,
   118  		startNsController:      startNsController,
   119  		caBundleWatcher:        caBundleWatcher,
   120  		revision:               revision,
   121  		XDSUpdater:             opts.XDSUpdater,
   122  		clusterLocal:           clusterLocal,
   123  		secretNamespace:        secretNamespace,
   124  		client:                 kc,
   125  		s:                      s,
   126  	}
   127  	mc.component = multicluster.BuildMultiClusterComponent(controller, func(cluster *multicluster.Cluster) *kubeController {
   128  		stop := make(chan struct{})
   129  		client := cluster.Client
   130  		configCluster := opts.ClusterID == cluster.ID
   132  		options := opts
   133  		options.ClusterID = cluster.ID
   134  		if !configCluster {
   135  			options.SyncTimeout = features.RemoteClusterTimeout
   136  		}
   137  		log.Infof("Initializing Kubernetes service registry %q", options.ClusterID)
   138  		options.ConfigCluster = configCluster
   139  		kubeRegistry := NewController(client, options)
   140  		kubeController := &kubeController{
   141  			MeshServiceController: opts.MeshServiceController,
   142  			Controller:            kubeRegistry,
   143  			stop:                  stop,
   144  		}
   145  		mc.initializeCluster(cluster, kubeController, kubeRegistry, options, configCluster, stop)
   146  		return kubeController
   147  	})
   149  	return mc
   150  }
   152  // initializeCluster initializes the cluster by setting various handlers.
   153  func (m *Multicluster) initializeCluster(cluster *multicluster.Cluster, kubeController *kubeController, kubeRegistry *Controller,
   154  	options Options, configCluster bool, clusterStopCh <-chan struct{},
   155  ) {
   156  	client := cluster.Client
   158  	if m.serviceEntryController != nil && features.EnableServiceEntrySelectPods {
   159  		// Add an instance handler in the kubernetes registry to notify service entry store about pod events
   160  		kubeRegistry.AppendWorkloadHandler(m.serviceEntryController.WorkloadInstanceHandler)
   161  	}
   163  	if configCluster && m.serviceEntryController != nil && features.EnableEnhancedResourceScoping {
   164  		kubeRegistry.AppendNamespaceDiscoveryHandlers(m.serviceEntryController.NamespaceDiscoveryHandler)
   165  	}
   167  	// TODO implement deduping in aggregate registry to allow multiple k8s registries to handle WorkloadEntry
   168  	if features.EnableK8SServiceSelectWorkloadEntries {
   169  		if m.serviceEntryController != nil && configCluster {
   170  			// Add an instance handler in the service entry store to notify kubernetes about workload entry events
   171  			m.serviceEntryController.AppendWorkloadHandler(kubeRegistry.WorkloadInstanceHandler)
   172  		} else if features.WorkloadEntryCrossCluster {
   173  			// TODO only do this for non-remotes, can't guarantee CRDs in remotes (depends on
   174  			configStore := createWleConfigStore(client, m.revision, options)
   175  			kubeController.workloadEntryController = serviceentry.NewWorkloadEntryController(
   176  				configStore, options.XDSUpdater,
   177  				serviceentry.WithClusterID(cluster.ID),
   178  				serviceentry.WithNetworkIDCb(kubeRegistry.Network))
   179  			// Services can select WorkloadEntry from the same cluster. We only duplicate the Service to configure kube-dns.
   180  			kubeController.workloadEntryController.AppendWorkloadHandler(kubeRegistry.WorkloadInstanceHandler)
   181  			// ServiceEntry selects WorkloadEntry from remote cluster
   182  			kubeController.workloadEntryController.AppendWorkloadHandler(m.serviceEntryController.WorkloadInstanceHandler)
   183  			if features.EnableEnhancedResourceScoping {
   184  				kubeRegistry.AppendNamespaceDiscoveryHandlers(kubeController.workloadEntryController.NamespaceDiscoveryHandler)
   185  			}
   186  			m.opts.MeshServiceController.AddRegistryAndRun(kubeController.workloadEntryController, clusterStopCh)
   187  			go configStore.Run(clusterStopCh)
   188  		}
   189  	}
   191  	// run after WorkloadHandler is added
   192  	m.opts.MeshServiceController.AddRegistryAndRun(kubeRegistry, clusterStopCh)
   194  	go func() {
   195  		var shouldLead bool
   196  		if !configCluster {
   197  			shouldLead = m.checkShouldLead(client, options.SystemNamespace, clusterStopCh)
   198  			log.Infof("should join leader-election for cluster %s: %t", cluster.ID, shouldLead)
   199  		}
   200  		if m.startNsController && (shouldLead || configCluster) {
   201  			// Block server exit on graceful termination of the leader controller.
   202  			m.s.RunComponentAsyncAndWait("namespace controller", func(_ <-chan struct{}) error {
   203  				log.Infof("joining leader-election for %s in %s on cluster %s",
   204  					leaderelection.NamespaceController, options.SystemNamespace, options.ClusterID)
   205  				election := leaderelection.
   206  					NewLeaderElectionMulticluster(options.SystemNamespace, m.serverID, leaderelection.NamespaceController, m.revision, !configCluster, client).
   207  					AddRunFunction(func(leaderStop <-chan struct{}) {
   208  						log.Infof("starting namespace controller for cluster %s", cluster.ID)
   209  						nc := NewNamespaceController(client, m.caBundleWatcher)
   210  						// Start informers again. This fixes the case where informers for namespace do not start,
   211  						// as we create them only after acquiring the leader lock
   212  						// Note: stop here should be the overall pilot stop, NOT the leader election stop. We are
   213  						// basically lazy loading the informer, if we stop it when we lose the lock we will never
   214  						// recreate it again.
   215  						client.RunAndWait(clusterStopCh)
   216  						nc.Run(leaderStop)
   217  					})
   218  				election.Run(clusterStopCh)
   219  				return nil
   220  			})
   221  		}
   222  		// Set up injection webhook patching for remote clusters we are controlling.
   223  		// The config cluster has this patching set up elsewhere. We may eventually want to move it here.
   224  		// We can not use leader election for webhook patching because each revision needs to patch its own
   225  		// webhook.
   226  		if shouldLead && !configCluster && m.caBundleWatcher != nil {
   227  			// Patch injection webhook cert
   228  			// This requires RBAC permissions - a low-priv Istiod should not attempt to patch but rely on
   229  			// operator or CI/CD
   230  			if features.InjectionWebhookConfigName != "" {
   231  				log.Infof("initializing injection webhook cert patcher for cluster %s", cluster.ID)
   232  				patcher, err := webhooks.NewWebhookCertPatcher(client, m.revision, webhookName, m.caBundleWatcher)
   233  				if err != nil {
   234  					log.Errorf("could not initialize webhook cert patcher: %v", err)
   235  				} else {
   236  					go patcher.Run(clusterStopCh)
   237  				}
   238  			}
   239  		}
   240  	}()
   242  	// setting up the serviceexport controller if and only if it is turned on in the meshconfig.
   243  	if features.EnableMCSAutoExport {
   244  		log.Infof("joining leader-election for %s in %s on cluster %s",
   245  			leaderelection.ServiceExportController, options.SystemNamespace, options.ClusterID)
   246  		// Block server exit on graceful termination of the leader controller.
   247  		m.s.RunComponentAsyncAndWait("auto serviceexport controller", func(_ <-chan struct{}) error {
   248  			leaderelection.
   249  				NewLeaderElectionMulticluster(options.SystemNamespace, m.serverID, leaderelection.ServiceExportController, m.revision, !configCluster, client).
   250  				AddRunFunction(func(leaderStop <-chan struct{}) {
   251  					serviceExportController := newAutoServiceExportController(autoServiceExportOptions{
   252  						Client:       client,
   253  						ClusterID:    options.ClusterID,
   254  						DomainSuffix: options.DomainSuffix,
   255  						ClusterLocal: m.clusterLocal,
   256  					})
   257  					// Start informers again. This fixes the case where informers do not start,
   258  					// as we create them only after acquiring the leader lock
   259  					// Note: stop here should be the overall pilot stop, NOT the leader election stop. We are
   260  					// basically lazy loading the informer, if we stop it when we lose the lock we will never
   261  					// recreate it again.
   262  					client.RunAndWait(clusterStopCh)
   263  					serviceExportController.Run(leaderStop)
   264  				}).Run(clusterStopCh)
   265  			return nil
   266  		})
   267  	}
   268  }
   270  // checkShouldLead returns true if the caller should attempt leader election for a remote cluster.
   271  func (m *Multicluster) checkShouldLead(client kubelib.Client, systemNamespace string, stop <-chan struct{}) bool {
   272  	var res bool
   273  	if features.ExternalIstiod {
   274  		b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff(backoff.DefaultOption())
   275  		ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   276  		go func() {
   277  			select {
   278  			case <-stop:
   279  				cancel()
   280  			case <-ctx.Done():
   281  			}
   282  		}()
   283  		defer cancel()
   284  		_ = b.RetryWithContext(ctx, func() error {
   285  			namespace, err := client.Kube().CoreV1().Namespaces().Get(context.TODO(), systemNamespace, metav1.GetOptions{})
   286  			if err != nil {
   287  				if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
   288  					return nil
   289  				}
   290  				return err
   291  			}
   292  			// found same system namespace on the remote cluster so check if we are a selected istiod to lead
   293  			istiodCluster, found := namespace.Annotations[annotation.TopologyControlPlaneClusters.Name]
   294  			if found {
   295  				localCluster := string(m.opts.ClusterID)
   296  				for _, cluster := range strings.Split(istiodCluster, ",") {
   297  					if cluster == "*" || cluster == localCluster {
   298  						res = true
   299  						return nil
   300  					}
   301  				}
   302  			}
   303  			return nil
   304  		})
   305  	}
   306  	return res
   307  }
   309  func createWleConfigStore(client kubelib.Client, revision string, opts Options) model.ConfigStoreController {
   310  	log.Infof("Creating WorkloadEntry only config store for %s", opts.ClusterID)
   311  	workloadEntriesSchemas := collection.NewSchemasBuilder().
   312  		MustAdd(collections.WorkloadEntry).
   313  		Build()
   314  	crdOpts := crdclient.Option{Revision: revision, DomainSuffix: opts.DomainSuffix, Identifier: "mc-workload-entry-controller"}
   315  	return crdclient.NewForSchemas(client, crdOpts, workloadEntriesSchemas)
   316  }