
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package simulation
    17  import (
    18  	"errors"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"net"
    21  	"net/http"
    22  	"regexp"
    23  	"strings"
    24  	"testing"
    26  	cluster ""
    27  	envoycore ""
    28  	listener ""
    29  	route ""
    30  	tls ""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	xdsfilters ""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	istiolog ""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  )
    46  var log = istiolog.RegisterScope("simulation", "")
    48  type Protocol string
    50  const (
    51  	HTTP  Protocol = "http"
    52  	HTTP2 Protocol = "http2"
    53  	TCP   Protocol = "tcp"
    54  )
    56  type TLSMode string
    58  const (
    59  	Plaintext TLSMode = "plaintext"
    60  	TLS       TLSMode = "tls"
    61  	MTLS      TLSMode = "mtls"
    62  )
    64  func (c Call) IsHTTP() bool {
    65  	return httpProtocols.Contains(string(c.Protocol)) && (c.TLS == Plaintext || c.TLS == "")
    66  }
    68  var httpProtocols = sets.New(string(HTTP), string(HTTP2))
    70  var (
    71  	ErrNoListener          = errors.New("no listener matched")
    72  	ErrNoFilterChain       = errors.New("no filter chains matched")
    73  	ErrNoRoute             = errors.New("no route matched")
    74  	ErrTLSRedirect         = errors.New("tls required, sending 301")
    75  	ErrNoVirtualHost       = errors.New("no virtual host matched")
    76  	ErrMultipleFilterChain = errors.New("multiple filter chains matched")
    77  	// ErrProtocolError happens when sending TLS/TCP request to HCM, for example
    78  	ErrProtocolError = errors.New("protocol error")
    79  	ErrTLSError      = errors.New("invalid TLS")
    80  	ErrMTLSError     = errors.New("invalid mTLS")
    81  )
    83  type Expect struct {
    84  	Name   string
    85  	Call   Call
    86  	Result Result
    87  }
    89  type CallMode string
    91  type CustomFilterChainValidation func(filterChain *listener.FilterChain) error
    93  var (
    94  	// CallModeGateway simulate no iptables
    95  	CallModeGateway CallMode = "gateway"
    96  	// CallModeOutbound simulate iptables redirect to 15001
    97  	CallModeOutbound CallMode = "outbound"
    98  	// CallModeInbound simulate iptables redirect to 15006
    99  	CallModeInbound CallMode = "inbound"
   100  )
   102  type Call struct {
   103  	Address string
   104  	Port    int
   105  	Path    string
   107  	// Protocol describes the protocol type. TLS encapsulation is separate
   108  	Protocol Protocol
   109  	// TLS describes the connection tls parameters
   110  	// TODO: currently this does not verify TLS vs mTLS
   111  	TLS  TLSMode
   112  	Alpn string
   114  	// HostHeader is a convenience field for Headers
   115  	HostHeader string
   116  	Headers    http.Header
   118  	Sni string
   120  	// CallMode describes the type of call to make.
   121  	CallMode CallMode
   123  	CustomListenerValidations []CustomFilterChainValidation
   125  	MtlsSecretConfigName string
   126  }
   128  func (c Call) FillDefaults() Call {
   129  	if c.Headers == nil {
   130  		c.Headers = http.Header{}
   131  	}
   132  	if c.HostHeader != "" {
   133  		c.Headers["Host"] = []string{c.HostHeader}
   134  	}
   135  	// For simplicity, set SNI automatically for TLS traffic.
   136  	if c.Sni == "" && (c.TLS == TLS) {
   137  		c.Sni = c.HostHeader
   138  	}
   139  	if c.Path == "" {
   140  		c.Path = "/"
   141  	}
   142  	if c.TLS == "" {
   143  		c.TLS = Plaintext
   144  	}
   145  	if c.Address == "" {
   146  		// pick a random address, assumption is the test does not care
   147  		c.Address = ""
   148  	}
   149  	if c.TLS == MTLS && c.Alpn == "" {
   150  		c.Alpn = protocolToMTLSAlpn(c.Protocol)
   151  	}
   152  	if c.TLS == TLS && c.Alpn == "" {
   153  		c.Alpn = protocolToTLSAlpn(c.Protocol)
   154  	}
   155  	return c
   156  }
   158  type Result struct {
   159  	Error              error
   160  	ListenerMatched    string
   161  	FilterChainMatched string
   162  	RouteMatched       string
   163  	RouteConfigMatched string
   164  	VirtualHostMatched string
   165  	ClusterMatched     string
   166  	// StrictMatch controls whether we will strictly match the result. If unset, empty fields will
   167  	// be ignored, allowing testing only fields we care about This allows asserting that the result
   168  	// is *exactly* equal, allowing asserting a field is empty
   169  	StrictMatch bool
   170  	// If set, this will mark a test as skipped. Note the result is still checked first - we skip only
   171  	// if we pass the test. This is to ensure that if the behavior changes, we still capture it; the skip
   172  	// just ensures we notice a test is wrong
   173  	Skip string
   174  	t    test.Failer
   175  }
   177  func (r Result) Matches(t *testing.T, want Result) {
   178  	t.Helper()
   179  	r.StrictMatch = want.StrictMatch // to make diff pass
   180  	r.Skip = want.Skip               // to make diff pass
   181  	diff := cmp.Diff(want, r, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(Result{}), cmpopts.EquateErrors())
   182  	if want.StrictMatch && diff != "" {
   183  		t.Errorf("Diff: %v", diff)
   184  		return
   185  	}
   186  	if want.Error != r.Error {
   187  		t.Errorf("want error %v got %v", want.Error, r.Error)
   188  	}
   189  	if want.ListenerMatched != "" && want.ListenerMatched != r.ListenerMatched {
   190  		t.Errorf("want listener matched %q got %q", want.ListenerMatched, r.ListenerMatched)
   191  	} else {
   192  		// Populate each field in case we did not care about it. This avoids confusing errors when we have fields
   193  		// we don't care about in the test that are present in the result.
   194  		want.ListenerMatched = r.ListenerMatched
   195  	}
   196  	if want.FilterChainMatched != "" && want.FilterChainMatched != r.FilterChainMatched {
   197  		t.Errorf("want filter chain matched %q got %q", want.FilterChainMatched, r.FilterChainMatched)
   198  	} else {
   199  		want.FilterChainMatched = r.FilterChainMatched
   200  	}
   201  	if want.RouteMatched != "" && want.RouteMatched != r.RouteMatched {
   202  		t.Errorf("want route matched %q got %q", want.RouteMatched, r.RouteMatched)
   203  	} else {
   204  		want.RouteMatched = r.RouteMatched
   205  	}
   206  	if want.RouteConfigMatched != "" && want.RouteConfigMatched != r.RouteConfigMatched {
   207  		t.Errorf("want route config matched %q got %q", want.RouteConfigMatched, r.RouteConfigMatched)
   208  	} else {
   209  		want.RouteConfigMatched = r.RouteConfigMatched
   210  	}
   211  	if want.VirtualHostMatched != "" && want.VirtualHostMatched != r.VirtualHostMatched {
   212  		t.Errorf("want virtual host matched %q got %q", want.VirtualHostMatched, r.VirtualHostMatched)
   213  	} else {
   214  		want.VirtualHostMatched = r.VirtualHostMatched
   215  	}
   216  	if want.ClusterMatched != "" && want.ClusterMatched != r.ClusterMatched {
   217  		t.Errorf("want cluster matched %q got %q", want.ClusterMatched, r.ClusterMatched)
   218  	} else {
   219  		want.ClusterMatched = r.ClusterMatched
   220  	}
   221  	if t.Failed() {
   222  		t.Logf("Diff: %+v", diff)
   223  		t.Logf("Full Diff: %+v", cmp.Diff(want, r, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(Result{}), cmpopts.EquateErrors()))
   224  	} else if want.Skip != "" {
   225  		t.Skipf("Known bug: %v", r.Skip)
   226  	}
   227  }
   229  type Simulation struct {
   230  	t         *testing.T
   231  	Listeners []*listener.Listener
   232  	Clusters  []*cluster.Cluster
   233  	Routes    []*route.RouteConfiguration
   234  }
   236  func NewSimulationFromConfigGen(t *testing.T, s *core.ConfigGenTest, proxy *model.Proxy) *Simulation {
   237  	l := s.Listeners(proxy)
   238  	sim := &Simulation{
   239  		t:         t,
   240  		Listeners: l,
   241  		Clusters:  s.Clusters(proxy),
   242  		Routes:    s.RoutesFromListeners(proxy, l),
   243  	}
   244  	return sim
   245  }
   247  func NewSimulation(t *testing.T, s *xds.FakeDiscoveryServer, proxy *model.Proxy) *Simulation {
   248  	return NewSimulationFromConfigGen(t, s.ConfigGenTest, proxy)
   249  }
   251  // withT swaps out the testing struct. This allows executing sub tests.
   252  func (sim *Simulation) withT(t *testing.T) *Simulation {
   253  	cpy := *sim
   254  	cpy.t = t
   255  	return &cpy
   256  }
   258  func (sim *Simulation) RunExpectations(es []Expect) {
   259  	for _, e := range es {
   260  		sim.t.Run(e.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
   261  			sim.withT(t).Run(e.Call).Matches(t, e.Result)
   262  		})
   263  	}
   264  }
   266  func hasFilterOnPort(l *listener.Listener, filter string, port int) bool {
   267  	got, f := xdstest.ExtractListenerFilters(l)[filter]
   268  	if !f {
   269  		return false
   270  	}
   271  	if got.FilterDisabled == nil {
   272  		return true
   273  	}
   274  	return !xdstest.EvaluateListenerFilterPredicates(got.FilterDisabled, port)
   275  }
   277  func (sim *Simulation) Run(input Call) (result Result) {
   278  	result = Result{t: sim.t}
   279  	input = input.FillDefaults()
   280  	if input.Alpn != "" && input.TLS == Plaintext {
   281  		result.Error = fmt.Errorf("invalid call, ALPN can only be sent in TLS requests")
   282  		return result
   283  	}
   285  	// First we will match a listener
   286  	l := matchListener(sim.Listeners, input)
   287  	if l == nil {
   288  		result.Error = ErrNoListener
   289  		return
   290  	}
   291  	result.ListenerMatched = l.Name
   293  	hasTLSInspector := hasFilterOnPort(l, xdsfilters.TLSInspector.Name, input.Port)
   294  	if !hasTLSInspector {
   295  		// Without tls inspector, Envoy would not read the ALPN in the TLS handshake
   296  		// HTTP inspector still may set it though
   297  		input.Alpn = ""
   298  	}
   300  	// Apply listener filters
   301  	if hasFilterOnPort(l, xdsfilters.HTTPInspector.Name, input.Port) {
   302  		if alpn := protocolToAlpn(input.Protocol); alpn != "" && input.TLS == Plaintext {
   303  			input.Alpn = alpn
   304  		}
   305  	}
   307  	fc, err := sim.matchFilterChain(l.FilterChains, l.DefaultFilterChain, input, hasTLSInspector)
   308  	if err != nil {
   309  		result.Error = err
   310  		return
   311  	}
   312  	result.FilterChainMatched = fc.Name
   313  	// Plaintext to TLS is an error
   314  	if fc.TransportSocket != nil && input.TLS == Plaintext {
   315  		result.Error = ErrTLSError
   316  		return
   317  	}
   319  	mTLSSecretConfigName := "default"
   320  	if input.MtlsSecretConfigName != "" {
   321  		mTLSSecretConfigName = input.MtlsSecretConfigName
   322  	}
   324  	// mTLS listener will only accept mTLS traffic
   325  	if fc.TransportSocket != nil && sim.requiresMTLS(fc, mTLSSecretConfigName) != (input.TLS == MTLS) {
   326  		// If there is no tls inspector, then
   327  		result.Error = ErrMTLSError
   328  		return
   329  	}
   331  	if len(input.CustomListenerValidations) > 0 {
   332  		for _, validation := range input.CustomListenerValidations {
   333  			if err := validation(fc); err != nil {
   334  				result.Error = err
   335  			}
   336  		}
   337  	}
   339  	if hcm := xdstest.ExtractHTTPConnectionManager(sim.t, fc); hcm != nil {
   340  		// We matched HCM and didn't terminate TLS, but we are sending TLS traffic - decoding will fail
   341  		if input.TLS != Plaintext && fc.TransportSocket == nil {
   342  			result.Error = ErrProtocolError
   343  			return
   344  		}
   345  		// TCP to HCM is invalid
   346  		if input.Protocol != HTTP && input.Protocol != HTTP2 {
   347  			result.Error = ErrProtocolError
   348  			return
   349  		}
   351  		// Fetch inline route
   352  		rc := hcm.GetRouteConfig()
   353  		if rc == nil {
   354  			// If not set, fallback to RDS
   355  			routeName := hcm.GetRds().RouteConfigName
   356  			result.RouteConfigMatched = routeName
   357  			rc = xdstest.ExtractRouteConfigurations(sim.Routes)[routeName]
   358  		}
   359  		hostHeader := ""
   360  		if len(input.Headers["Host"]) > 0 {
   361  			hostHeader = input.Headers["Host"][0]
   362  		}
   363  		vh := sim.matchVirtualHost(rc, hostHeader)
   364  		if vh == nil {
   365  			result.Error = ErrNoVirtualHost
   366  			return
   367  		}
   368  		result.VirtualHostMatched = vh.Name
   369  		if vh.RequireTls == route.VirtualHost_ALL && input.TLS == Plaintext {
   370  			result.Error = ErrTLSRedirect
   371  			return
   372  		}
   374  		r := sim.matchRoute(vh, input)
   375  		if r == nil {
   376  			result.Error = ErrNoRoute
   377  			return
   378  		}
   379  		result.RouteMatched = r.Name
   380  		switch t := r.GetAction().(type) {
   381  		case *route.Route_Route:
   382  			result.ClusterMatched = t.Route.GetCluster()
   383  		}
   384  	} else if tcp := xdstest.ExtractTCPProxy(sim.t, fc); tcp != nil {
   385  		result.ClusterMatched = tcp.GetCluster()
   386  	}
   387  	return
   388  }
   390  func (sim *Simulation) requiresMTLS(fc *listener.FilterChain, mTLSSecretConfigName string) bool {
   391  	if fc.TransportSocket == nil {
   392  		return false
   393  	}
   394  	t := &tls.DownstreamTlsContext{}
   395  	if err := fc.GetTransportSocket().GetTypedConfig().UnmarshalTo(t); err != nil {
   396  		sim.t.Fatal(err)
   397  	}
   399  	if len(t.GetCommonTlsContext().GetTlsCertificateSdsSecretConfigs()) == 0 {
   400  		return false
   401  	}
   402  	// This is a lazy heuristic, we could check for explicit default resource or spiffe if it becomes necessary
   403  	if t.GetCommonTlsContext().GetTlsCertificateSdsSecretConfigs()[0].Name != mTLSSecretConfigName {
   404  		return false
   405  	}
   406  	if !t.RequireClientCertificate.Value {
   407  		return false
   408  	}
   409  	return true
   410  }
   412  func (sim *Simulation) matchRoute(vh *route.VirtualHost, input Call) *route.Route {
   413  	for _, r := range vh.Routes {
   414  		// check path
   415  		switch pt := r.Match.GetPathSpecifier().(type) {
   416  		case *route.RouteMatch_Prefix:
   417  			if !strings.HasPrefix(input.Path, pt.Prefix) {
   418  				continue
   419  			}
   420  		case *route.RouteMatch_PathSeparatedPrefix:
   421  			if !strings.HasPrefix(input.Path, pt.PathSeparatedPrefix) {
   422  				continue
   423  			}
   424  		case *route.RouteMatch_Path:
   425  			if input.Path != pt.Path {
   426  				continue
   427  			}
   428  		case *route.RouteMatch_SafeRegex:
   429  			r, err := regexp.Compile(pt.SafeRegex.GetRegex())
   430  			if err != nil {
   431  				sim.t.Fatalf("invalid regex %v: %v", pt.SafeRegex.GetRegex(), err)
   432  			}
   433  			if !r.MatchString(input.Path) {
   434  				continue
   435  			}
   436  		default:
   437  			sim.t.Fatalf("unknown route path type %T", pt)
   438  		}
   440  		// TODO this only handles path - we need to add headers, query params, etc to be complete.
   442  		return r
   443  	}
   444  	return nil
   445  }
   447  func (sim *Simulation) matchVirtualHost(rc *route.RouteConfiguration, host string) *route.VirtualHost {
   448  	if rc.GetIgnorePortInHostMatching() {
   449  		if h, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host); err == nil {
   450  			host = h
   451  		}
   452  	}
   453  	// Exact match
   454  	for _, vh := range rc.VirtualHosts {
   455  		for _, d := range vh.Domains {
   456  			if d == host {
   457  				return vh
   458  			}
   459  		}
   460  	}
   461  	// prefix match
   462  	var bestMatch *route.VirtualHost
   463  	longest := 0
   464  	for _, vh := range rc.VirtualHosts {
   465  		for _, d := range vh.Domains {
   466  			if d[0] != '*' {
   467  				continue
   468  			}
   469  			if len(host) >= len(d) && strings.HasSuffix(host, d[1:]) && len(d) > longest {
   470  				bestMatch = vh
   471  				longest = len(d)
   472  			}
   473  		}
   474  	}
   475  	if bestMatch != nil {
   476  		return bestMatch
   477  	}
   478  	// Suffix match
   479  	longest = 0
   480  	for _, vh := range rc.VirtualHosts {
   481  		for _, d := range vh.Domains {
   482  			if d[len(d)-1] != '*' {
   483  				continue
   484  			}
   485  			if len(host) >= len(d) && strings.HasPrefix(host, d[:len(d)-1]) && len(d) > longest {
   486  				bestMatch = vh
   487  				longest = len(d)
   488  			}
   489  		}
   490  	}
   491  	if bestMatch != nil {
   492  		return bestMatch
   493  	}
   494  	// wildcard match
   495  	for _, vh := range rc.VirtualHosts {
   496  		for _, d := range vh.Domains {
   497  			if d == "*" {
   498  				return vh
   499  			}
   500  		}
   501  	}
   502  	return nil
   503  }
   505  // Follow the 8 step Sieve as in
   506  //
   507  // The implementation may initially be confusing because of a property of the
   508  // Envoy algorithm - at each level we will filter out all FilterChains that do
   509  // not match. This means an empty match (`{}`) may not match if another chain
   510  // matches one criteria but not another.
   511  func (sim *Simulation) matchFilterChain(chains []*listener.FilterChain, defaultChain *listener.FilterChain,
   512  	input Call, hasTLSInspector bool,
   513  ) (*listener.FilterChain, error) {
   514  	chains = filter("DestinationPort", chains, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   515  		return fc.GetDestinationPort() == nil
   516  	}, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   517  		return int(fc.GetDestinationPort().GetValue()) == input.Port
   518  	})
   519  	chains = filter("PrefixRanges", chains, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   520  		return fc.GetPrefixRanges() == nil
   521  	}, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   522  		ranger := cidranger.NewPCTrieRanger()
   523  		for _, a := range fc.GetPrefixRanges() {
   524  			s := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", a.AddressPrefix, a.GetPrefixLen().GetValue())
   525  			_, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(s)
   526  			if err != nil {
   527  				sim.t.Fatalf("failed to parse cidr %v: %v", s, err)
   528  			}
   529  			if err := ranger.Insert(cidranger.NewBasicRangerEntry(*cidr)); err != nil {
   530  				sim.t.Fatalf("failed to insert cidr %v: %v", cidr, err)
   531  			}
   532  		}
   533  		f, err := ranger.Contains(net.ParseIP(input.Address))
   534  		if err != nil {
   535  			sim.t.Fatalf("cidr containers %v failed: %v", input.Address, err)
   536  		}
   537  		return f
   538  	})
   539  	chains = filter("ServerNames", chains, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   540  		return fc.GetServerNames() == nil
   541  	}, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   542  		sni := host.Name(input.Sni)
   543  		for _, s := range fc.GetServerNames() {
   544  			if sni.SubsetOf(host.Name(s)) {
   545  				return true
   546  			}
   547  		}
   548  		return false
   549  	})
   550  	chains = filter("TransportProtocol", chains, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   551  		return fc.GetTransportProtocol() == ""
   552  	}, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   553  		if !hasTLSInspector {
   554  			// Without tls inspector, transport protocol will always be raw buffer
   555  			return fc.GetTransportProtocol() == xdsfilters.RawBufferTransportProtocol
   556  		}
   557  		switch fc.GetTransportProtocol() {
   558  		case xdsfilters.TLSTransportProtocol:
   559  			return input.TLS == TLS || input.TLS == MTLS
   560  		case xdsfilters.RawBufferTransportProtocol:
   561  			return input.TLS == Plaintext
   562  		}
   563  		return false
   564  	})
   565  	chains = filter("ApplicationProtocols", chains, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   566  		return fc.GetApplicationProtocols() == nil
   567  	}, func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
   568  		return sets.New(fc.GetApplicationProtocols()...).Contains(input.Alpn)
   569  	})
   570  	// We do not implement the "source" based filters as we do not use them
   571  	if len(chains) > 1 {
   572  		for _, c := range chains {
   573  			log.Warnf("Matched chain %v", c.Name)
   574  		}
   575  		return nil, ErrMultipleFilterChain
   576  	}
   577  	if len(chains) == 0 {
   578  		if defaultChain != nil {
   579  			return defaultChain, nil
   580  		}
   581  		return nil, ErrNoFilterChain
   582  	}
   583  	return chains[0], nil
   584  }
   586  func filter(desc string, chains []*listener.FilterChain,
   587  	empty func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool,
   588  	match func(fc *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool,
   589  ) []*listener.FilterChain {
   590  	res := []*listener.FilterChain{}
   591  	anySet := false
   592  	for _, c := range chains {
   593  		if !empty(c.GetFilterChainMatch()) {
   594  			anySet = true
   595  			break
   596  		}
   597  	}
   598  	if !anySet {
   599  		log.Debugf("%v: none set, skipping", desc)
   600  		return chains
   601  	}
   602  	for i, c := range chains {
   603  		if match(c.GetFilterChainMatch()) {
   604  			log.Debugf("%v: matched chain %v/%v", desc, i, c.GetName())
   605  			res = append(res, c)
   606  		}
   607  	}
   608  	// Return all matching filter chains
   609  	if len(res) > 0 {
   610  		return res
   611  	}
   612  	// Unless there were no matches - in which case we return all filter chains that did not have a
   613  	// match set
   614  	for i, c := range chains {
   615  		if empty(c.GetFilterChainMatch()) {
   616  			log.Debugf("%v: no matches, found empty chain match %v/%v", desc, i, c.GetName())
   617  			res = append(res, c)
   618  		}
   619  	}
   620  	return res
   621  }
   623  func protocolToMTLSAlpn(s Protocol) string {
   624  	switch s {
   625  	case HTTP:
   626  		return "istio-http/1.1"
   627  	case HTTP2:
   628  		return "istio-h2"
   629  	default:
   630  		return "istio"
   631  	}
   632  }
   634  func protocolToTLSAlpn(s Protocol) string {
   635  	switch s {
   636  	case HTTP:
   637  		return "http/1.1"
   638  	case HTTP2:
   639  		return "h2"
   640  	default:
   641  		return ""
   642  	}
   643  }
   645  func protocolToAlpn(s Protocol) string {
   646  	switch s {
   647  	case HTTP:
   648  		return "http/1.1"
   649  	case HTTP2:
   650  		return "h2c"
   651  	default:
   652  		return ""
   653  	}
   654  }
   656  func matchListener(listeners []*listener.Listener, input Call) *listener.Listener {
   657  	if input.CallMode == CallModeInbound {
   658  		return xdstest.ExtractListener(model.VirtualInboundListenerName, listeners)
   659  	}
   660  	// First find exact match for the IP/Port, then fallback to wildcard IP/Port
   661  	// There is no wildcard port
   662  	for _, l := range listeners {
   663  		if matchAddress(l.GetAddress(), input.Address, input.Port) {
   664  			return l
   665  		}
   666  	}
   667  	for _, l := range listeners {
   668  		if matchAddress(l.GetAddress(), "", input.Port) {
   669  			return l
   670  		}
   671  	}
   673  	// Fallback to the outbound listener
   674  	// TODO - support inbound
   675  	for _, l := range listeners {
   676  		if l.Name == model.VirtualOutboundListenerName {
   677  			return l
   678  		}
   679  	}
   680  	return nil
   681  }
   683  func matchAddress(a *envoycore.Address, address string, port int) bool {
   684  	if a.GetSocketAddress().GetAddress() != address {
   685  		return false
   686  	}
   687  	if int(a.GetSocketAddress().GetPortValue()) != port {
   688  		return false
   689  	}
   690  	return true
   691  }