
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package endpoints
    17  import (
    18  	"math"
    19  	"net"
    20  	"sort"
    21  	"strconv"
    22  	"strings"
    24  	corev3 ""
    25  	endpoint ""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	istiolog ""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	netutil ""
    44  )
    46  var (
    47  	Separator = []byte{'~'}
    48  	Slash     = []byte{'/'}
    50  	// same as the above "xds" package
    51  	log = istiolog.RegisterScope("ads", "ads debugging")
    52  )
    54  // ConnectOriginate is the name for the resources associated with the origination of HTTP CONNECT.
    55  // Duplicated from v1alpha3/waypoint.go to avoid import cycle
    56  const connectOriginate = "connect_originate"
    58  type EndpointBuilder struct {
    59  	// These fields define the primary key for an endpoint, and can be used as a cache key
    60  	clusterName            string
    61  	network                network.ID
    62  	proxyView              model.ProxyView
    63  	clusterID              cluster.ID
    64  	locality               *corev3.Locality
    65  	destinationRule        *model.ConsolidatedDestRule
    66  	service                *model.Service
    67  	clusterLocal           bool
    68  	nodeType               model.NodeType
    69  	failoverPriorityLabels []byte
    71  	// These fields are provided for convenience only
    72  	subsetName   string
    73  	subsetLabels labels.Instance
    74  	hostname     host.Name
    75  	port         int
    76  	push         *model.PushContext
    77  	proxy        *model.Proxy
    78  	dir          model.TrafficDirection
    80  	mtlsChecker *mtlsChecker
    81  }
    83  func NewEndpointBuilder(clusterName string, proxy *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext) EndpointBuilder {
    84  	dir, subsetName, hostname, port := model.ParseSubsetKey(clusterName)
    86  	svc := push.ServiceForHostname(proxy, hostname)
    87  	var dr *model.ConsolidatedDestRule
    88  	if svc != nil {
    89  		dr = proxy.SidecarScope.DestinationRule(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, proxy, svc.Hostname)
    90  	}
    92  	return *NewCDSEndpointBuilder(
    93  		proxy, push, clusterName,
    94  		dir, subsetName, hostname, port,
    95  		svc, dr,
    96  	)
    97  }
    99  // NewCDSEndpointBuilder allows setting some fields directly when we already
   100  // have the Service and DestinationRule.
   101  func NewCDSEndpointBuilder(
   102  	proxy *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext, clusterName string,
   103  	dir model.TrafficDirection, subsetName string, hostname host.Name, port int,
   104  	service *model.Service, dr *model.ConsolidatedDestRule,
   105  ) *EndpointBuilder {
   106  	b := EndpointBuilder{
   107  		clusterName:     clusterName,
   108  		network:         proxy.Metadata.Network,
   109  		proxyView:       proxy.GetView(),
   110  		clusterID:       proxy.Metadata.ClusterID,
   111  		locality:        proxy.Locality,
   112  		destinationRule: dr,
   113  		service:         service,
   114  		clusterLocal:    push.IsClusterLocal(service),
   115  		nodeType:        proxy.Type,
   117  		subsetName: subsetName,
   118  		hostname:   hostname,
   119  		port:       port,
   120  		push:       push,
   121  		proxy:      proxy,
   122  		dir:        dir,
   123  	}
   124  	b.populateSubsetInfo()
   125  	b.populateFailoverPriorityLabels()
   126  	return &b
   127  }
   129  func (b *EndpointBuilder) servicePort(port int) *model.Port {
   130  	if !b.ServiceFound() {
   131  		log.Debugf("can not find the service %s for cluster %s", b.hostname, b.clusterName)
   132  		return nil
   133  	}
   134  	svcPort, f := b.service.Ports.GetByPort(port)
   135  	if !f {
   136  		log.Debugf("can not find the service port %d for cluster %s", b.port, b.clusterName)
   137  		return nil
   138  	}
   139  	return svcPort
   140  }
   142  func (b *EndpointBuilder) WithSubset(subset string) *EndpointBuilder {
   143  	if b == nil {
   144  		return nil
   145  	}
   146  	subsetBuilder := *b
   147  	subsetBuilder.subsetName = subset
   148  	subsetBuilder.populateSubsetInfo()
   149  	return &subsetBuilder
   150  }
   152  func (b *EndpointBuilder) populateSubsetInfo() {
   153  	if b.dir == model.TrafficDirectionInboundVIP {
   154  		b.subsetName = strings.TrimPrefix(b.subsetName, "http/")
   155  		b.subsetName = strings.TrimPrefix(b.subsetName, "tcp/")
   156  	}
   157  	b.mtlsChecker = newMtlsChecker(b.push, b.port, b.destinationRule.GetRule(), b.subsetName)
   158  	b.subsetLabels = getSubSetLabels(b.DestinationRule(), b.subsetName)
   159  }
   161  func (b *EndpointBuilder) populateFailoverPriorityLabels() {
   162  	enableFailover, lb := getOutlierDetectionAndLoadBalancerSettings(b.DestinationRule(), b.port, b.subsetName)
   163  	if enableFailover {
   164  		lbSetting := loadbalancer.GetLocalityLbSetting(b.push.Mesh.GetLocalityLbSetting(), lb.GetLocalityLbSetting())
   165  		if lbSetting != nil && lbSetting.Distribute == nil &&
   166  			len(lbSetting.FailoverPriority) > 0 && (lbSetting.Enabled == nil || lbSetting.Enabled.Value) {
   167  			b.failoverPriorityLabels = util.GetFailoverPriorityLabels(b.proxy.Labels, lbSetting.FailoverPriority)
   168  		}
   169  	}
   170  }
   172  func (b *EndpointBuilder) DestinationRule() *v1alpha3.DestinationRule {
   173  	if dr := b.destinationRule.GetRule(); dr != nil {
   174  		dr, _ := dr.Spec.(*v1alpha3.DestinationRule)
   175  		return dr
   176  	}
   177  	return nil
   178  }
   180  func (b *EndpointBuilder) Type() string {
   181  	return model.EDSType
   182  }
   184  func (b *EndpointBuilder) ServiceFound() bool {
   185  	return b.service != nil
   186  }
   188  func (b *EndpointBuilder) IsDNSCluster() bool {
   189  	return b.service != nil && (b.service.Resolution == model.DNSLB || b.service.Resolution == model.DNSRoundRobinLB)
   190  }
   192  // Key provides the eds cache key and should include any information that could change the way endpoints are generated.
   193  func (b *EndpointBuilder) Key() any {
   194  	// nolint: gosec
   195  	// Not security sensitive code
   196  	h := hash.New()
   197  	b.WriteHash(h)
   198  	return h.Sum64()
   199  }
   201  func (b *EndpointBuilder) WriteHash(h hash.Hash) {
   202  	if b == nil {
   203  		return
   204  	}
   205  	h.WriteString(b.clusterName)
   206  	h.Write(Separator)
   207  	h.WriteString(string(
   208  	h.Write(Separator)
   209  	h.WriteString(string(b.clusterID))
   210  	h.Write(Separator)
   211  	h.WriteString(string(b.nodeType))
   212  	h.Write(Separator)
   213  	h.WriteString(strconv.FormatBool(b.clusterLocal))
   214  	h.Write(Separator)
   215  	if b.proxy != nil {
   216  		h.WriteString(strconv.FormatBool(b.proxy.IsProxylessGrpc()))
   217  		h.Write(Separator)
   218  		h.WriteString(strconv.FormatBool(bool(b.proxy.Metadata.DisableHBONESend)))
   219  		h.Write(Separator)
   220  	}
   221  	h.WriteString(util.LocalityToString(b.locality))
   222  	h.Write(Separator)
   223  	if len(b.failoverPriorityLabels) > 0 {
   224  		h.Write(b.failoverPriorityLabels)
   225  		h.Write(Separator)
   226  	}
   227  	if b.service.Attributes.NodeLocal {
   228  		h.WriteString(b.proxy.GetNodeName())
   229  		h.Write(Separator)
   230  	}
   232  	if b.push != nil && b.push.AuthnPolicies != nil {
   233  		h.WriteString(b.push.AuthnPolicies.GetVersion())
   234  	}
   235  	h.Write(Separator)
   237  	for _, dr := range b.destinationRule.GetFrom() {
   238  		h.WriteString(dr.Name)
   239  		h.Write(Slash)
   240  		h.WriteString(dr.Namespace)
   241  	}
   242  	h.Write(Separator)
   244  	if b.service != nil {
   245  		h.WriteString(string(b.service.Hostname))
   246  		h.Write(Slash)
   247  		h.WriteString(b.service.Attributes.Namespace)
   248  	}
   249  	h.Write(Separator)
   251  	if b.proxyView != nil {
   252  		h.WriteString(b.proxyView.String())
   253  	}
   254  	h.Write(Separator)
   255  }
   257  func (b *EndpointBuilder) Cacheable() bool {
   258  	// If service is not defined, we cannot do any caching as we will not have a way to
   259  	// invalidate the results.
   260  	// Service being nil means the EDS will be empty anyways, so not much lost here.
   261  	return b.service != nil
   262  }
   264  func (b *EndpointBuilder) DependentConfigs() []model.ConfigHash {
   265  	drs := b.destinationRule.GetFrom()
   266  	configs := make([]model.ConfigHash, 0, len(drs)+1)
   267  	if b.destinationRule != nil {
   268  		for _, dr := range drs {
   269  			configs = append(configs, model.ConfigKey{
   270  				Kind: kind.DestinationRule,
   271  				Name: dr.Name, Namespace: dr.Namespace,
   272  			}.HashCode())
   273  		}
   274  	}
   275  	if b.service != nil {
   276  		configs = append(configs, model.ConfigKey{
   277  			Kind: kind.ServiceEntry,
   278  			Name: string(b.service.Hostname), Namespace: b.service.Attributes.Namespace,
   279  		}.HashCode())
   280  	}
   282  	// For now, this matches clusterCache's DependentConfigs. If adding anything here, we may need to add them there.
   284  	return configs
   285  }
   287  type LocalityEndpoints struct {
   288  	istioEndpoints []*model.IstioEndpoint
   289  	// The protobuf message which contains LbEndpoint slice.
   290  	llbEndpoints endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints
   291  }
   293  func (e *LocalityEndpoints) append(ep *model.IstioEndpoint, le *endpoint.LbEndpoint) {
   294  	e.istioEndpoints = append(e.istioEndpoints, ep)
   295  	e.llbEndpoints.LbEndpoints = append(e.llbEndpoints.LbEndpoints, le)
   296  }
   298  func (e *LocalityEndpoints) refreshWeight() {
   299  	var weight *wrapperspb.UInt32Value
   300  	if len(e.llbEndpoints.LbEndpoints) == 0 {
   301  		weight = nil
   302  	} else {
   303  		weight = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{}
   304  		for _, lbEp := range e.llbEndpoints.LbEndpoints {
   305  			weight.Value += lbEp.GetLoadBalancingWeight().Value
   306  		}
   307  	}
   308  	e.llbEndpoints.LoadBalancingWeight = weight
   309  }
   311  func (e *LocalityEndpoints) AssertInvarianceInTest() {
   312  	if len(e.llbEndpoints.LbEndpoints) != len(e.istioEndpoints) {
   313  		panic(" len(e.llbEndpoints.LbEndpoints) != len(e.tunnelMetadata)")
   314  	}
   315  }
   317  // FromServiceEndpoints builds LocalityLbEndpoints from the PushContext's snapshotted ServiceIndex.
   318  // Used for CDS (ClusterLoadAssignment constructed elsewhere).
   319  func (b *EndpointBuilder) FromServiceEndpoints() []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints {
   320  	if b == nil {
   321  		return nil
   322  	}
   323  	svcEps := b.push.ServiceEndpointsByPort(b.service, b.port, b.subsetLabels)
   324  	// don't use the pre-computed endpoints for CDS to preserve previous behavior
   325  	return ExtractEnvoyEndpoints(b.generate(svcEps))
   326  }
   328  // BuildClusterLoadAssignment converts the shards for this EndpointBuilder's Service
   329  // into a ClusterLoadAssignment. Used for EDS.
   330  func (b *EndpointBuilder) BuildClusterLoadAssignment(endpointIndex *model.EndpointIndex) *endpoint.ClusterLoadAssignment {
   331  	svcPort := b.servicePort(b.port)
   332  	if svcPort == nil {
   333  		return buildEmptyClusterLoadAssignment(b.clusterName)
   334  	}
   335  	svcEps := b.snapshotShards(endpointIndex)
   336  	svcEps = slices.FilterInPlace(svcEps, func(ep *model.IstioEndpoint) bool {
   337  		// filter out endpoints that don't match the service port
   338  		if svcPort.Name != ep.ServicePortName {
   339  			return false
   340  		}
   341  		// filter out endpoint that has invalid ip address, mostly domain name. Because this is generated from ServiceEntry.
   342  		// There are other two cases that should not be filtered out:
   343  		// 1. ep.Address can be empty since, in this case we will replace it with gateway ip.
   344  		// 2. ep.Address can be uds when EndpointPort = 0
   345  		if ep.Address != "" && ep.EndpointPort != 0 && !netutil.IsValidIPAddress(ep.Address) {
   346  			return false
   347  		}
   348  		// filter out endpoints that don't match the subset
   349  		if !b.subsetLabels.SubsetOf(ep.Labels) {
   350  			return false
   351  		}
   352  		return true
   353  	})
   355  	localityLbEndpoints := b.generate(svcEps)
   356  	if len(localityLbEndpoints) == 0 {
   357  		return buildEmptyClusterLoadAssignment(b.clusterName)
   358  	}
   360  	l := b.createClusterLoadAssignment(localityLbEndpoints)
   362  	// If locality aware routing is enabled, prioritize endpoints or set their lb weight.
   363  	// Failover should only be enabled when there is an outlier detection, otherwise Envoy
   364  	// will never detect the hosts are unhealthy and redirect traffic.
   365  	enableFailover, lb := getOutlierDetectionAndLoadBalancerSettings(b.DestinationRule(), b.port, b.subsetName)
   366  	lbSetting := loadbalancer.GetLocalityLbSetting(b.push.Mesh.GetLocalityLbSetting(), lb.GetLocalityLbSetting())
   367  	if lbSetting != nil {
   368  		// Make a shallow copy of the cla as we are mutating the endpoints with priorities/weights relative to the calling proxy
   369  		l = util.CloneClusterLoadAssignment(l)
   370  		wrappedLocalityLbEndpoints := make([]*loadbalancer.WrappedLocalityLbEndpoints, len(localityLbEndpoints))
   371  		for i := range localityLbEndpoints {
   372  			wrappedLocalityLbEndpoints[i] = &loadbalancer.WrappedLocalityLbEndpoints{
   373  				IstioEndpoints:      localityLbEndpoints[i].istioEndpoints,
   374  				LocalityLbEndpoints: l.Endpoints[i],
   375  			}
   376  		}
   377  		loadbalancer.ApplyLocalityLoadBalancer(l, wrappedLocalityLbEndpoints, b.locality, b.proxy.Labels, lbSetting, enableFailover)
   378  	}
   379  	return l
   380  }
   382  // generate endpoints with applies weights, multi-network mapping and other filtering
   383  func (b *EndpointBuilder) generate(eps []*model.IstioEndpoint) []*LocalityEndpoints {
   384  	// shouldn't happen here
   385  	if !b.ServiceFound() {
   386  		return nil
   387  	}
   389  	eps = slices.Filter(eps, func(ep *model.IstioEndpoint) bool {
   390  		return b.filterIstioEndpoint(ep)
   391  	})
   393  	localityEpMap := make(map[string]*LocalityEndpoints)
   394  	for _, ep := range eps {
   395  		mtlsEnabled := b.mtlsChecker.checkMtlsEnabled(ep, b.proxy.IsWaypointProxy())
   396  		eep := buildEnvoyLbEndpoint(b, ep, mtlsEnabled)
   397  		if eep == nil {
   398  			continue
   399  		}
   400  		locLbEps, found := localityEpMap[ep.Locality.Label]
   401  		if !found {
   402  			locLbEps = &LocalityEndpoints{
   403  				llbEndpoints: endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints{
   404  					Locality:    util.ConvertLocality(ep.Locality.Label),
   405  					LbEndpoints: make([]*endpoint.LbEndpoint, 0, len(eps)),
   406  				},
   407  			}
   408  			localityEpMap[ep.Locality.Label] = locLbEps
   409  		}
   410  		locLbEps.append(ep, eep)
   411  	}
   413  	locEps := make([]*LocalityEndpoints, 0, len(localityEpMap))
   414  	locs := make([]string, 0, len(localityEpMap))
   415  	for k := range localityEpMap {
   416  		locs = append(locs, k)
   417  	}
   418  	if len(locs) >= 2 {
   419  		sort.Strings(locs)
   420  	}
   421  	for _, locality := range locs {
   422  		locLbEps := localityEpMap[locality]
   423  		var weight uint32
   424  		var overflowStatus bool
   425  		for _, ep := range locLbEps.llbEndpoints.LbEndpoints {
   426  			weight, overflowStatus = addUint32(weight, ep.LoadBalancingWeight.GetValue())
   427  		}
   428  		locLbEps.llbEndpoints.LoadBalancingWeight = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{
   429  			Value: weight,
   430  		}
   431  		if overflowStatus {
   432  			log.Warnf("Sum of localityLbEndpoints weight is overflow: service:%s, port: %d, locality:%s",
   433  				b.service.Hostname, b.port, locality)
   434  		}
   435  		locEps = append(locEps, locLbEps)
   436  	}
   438  	if len(locEps) == 0 {
   439  		b.push.AddMetric(model.ProxyStatusClusterNoInstances, b.clusterName, "", "")
   440  	}
   442  	// Apply the Split Horizon EDS filter, if applicable.
   443  	locEps = b.EndpointsByNetworkFilter(locEps)
   445  	if model.IsDNSSrvSubsetKey(b.clusterName) {
   446  		// For the SNI-DNAT clusters, we are using AUTO_PASSTHROUGH gateway. AUTO_PASSTHROUGH is intended
   447  		// to passthrough mTLS requests. However, at the gateway we do not actually have any way to tell if the
   448  		// request is a valid mTLS request or not, since its passthrough TLS.
   449  		// To ensure we allow traffic only to mTLS endpoints, we filter out non-mTLS endpoints for these cluster types.
   450  		locEps = b.EndpointsWithMTLSFilter(locEps)
   451  	}
   453  	return locEps
   454  }
   456  // addUint32AvoidOverflow returns sum of two uint32 and status. If sum overflows,
   457  // and returns MaxUint32 and status.
   458  func addUint32(left, right uint32) (uint32, bool) {
   459  	if math.MaxUint32-right < left {
   460  		return math.MaxUint32, true
   461  	}
   462  	return left + right, false
   463  }
   465  func (b *EndpointBuilder) filterIstioEndpoint(ep *model.IstioEndpoint) bool {
   466  	// for ServiceInternalTrafficPolicy
   467  	if b.service.Attributes.NodeLocal && ep.NodeName != b.proxy.GetNodeName() {
   468  		return false
   469  	}
   470  	// Only send endpoints from the networks in the network view requested by the proxy.
   471  	// The default network view assigned to the Proxy is nil, in that case match any network.
   472  	if !b.proxyView.IsVisible(ep) {
   473  		// Endpoint's network doesn't match the set of networks that the proxy wants to see.
   474  		return false
   475  	}
   476  	// If the downstream service is configured as cluster-local, only include endpoints that
   477  	// reside in the same cluster.
   478  	if b.clusterLocal && (b.clusterID != ep.Locality.ClusterID) {
   479  		return false
   480  	}
   481  	// TODO(nmittler): Consider merging discoverability policy with cluster-local
   482  	if !ep.IsDiscoverableFromProxy(b.proxy) {
   483  		return false
   484  	}
   485  	// If we don't know the address we must eventually use a gateway address
   486  	if ep.Address == "" && (!b.gateways().IsMultiNetworkEnabled() || b.proxy.InNetwork(ep.Network)) {
   487  		return false
   488  	}
   489  	// Filter out unhealthy endpoints
   490  	if !features.SendUnhealthyEndpoints.Load() && ep.HealthStatus == model.UnHealthy {
   491  		return false
   492  	}
   493  	// Draining endpoints are only sent to 'persistent session' clusters.
   494  	draining := ep.HealthStatus == model.Draining ||
   495  		features.DrainingLabel != "" && ep.Labels[features.DrainingLabel] != ""
   496  	if draining {
   497  		persistentSession := b.service.Attributes.Labels[features.PersistentSessionLabel] != ""
   498  		if !persistentSession {
   499  			return false
   500  		}
   501  	}
   502  	return true
   503  }
   505  // snapshotShards into a local slice to avoid lock contention
   506  func (b *EndpointBuilder) snapshotShards(endpointIndex *model.EndpointIndex) []*model.IstioEndpoint {
   507  	shards := b.findShards(endpointIndex)
   508  	if shards == nil {
   509  		return nil
   510  	}
   512  	// Determine whether or not the target service is considered local to the cluster
   513  	// and should, therefore, not be accessed from outside the cluster.
   514  	isClusterLocal := b.clusterLocal
   515  	var eps []*model.IstioEndpoint
   516  	shards.RLock()
   517  	defer shards.RUnlock()
   518  	// Extract shard keys so we can iterate in order. This ensures a stable EDS output.
   519  	keys := shards.Keys()
   520  	// The shards are updated independently, now need to filter and merge for this cluster
   521  	for _, shardKey := range keys {
   522  		if shardKey.Cluster != b.clusterID {
   523  			// If the downstream service is configured as cluster-local, only include endpoints that
   524  			// reside in the same cluster.
   525  			if isClusterLocal || b.service.Attributes.NodeLocal {
   526  				continue
   527  			}
   528  		}
   529  		eps = append(eps, shards.Shards[shardKey]...)
   530  	}
   531  	return eps
   532  }
   534  // findShards returns the endpoints for a cluster
   535  func (b *EndpointBuilder) findShards(endpointIndex *model.EndpointIndex) *model.EndpointShards {
   536  	if b.service == nil {
   537  		log.Debugf("can not find the service for cluster %s", b.clusterName)
   538  		return nil
   539  	}
   541  	// Service resolution type might have changed and Cluster may be still in the EDS cluster list of "Connection.Clusters".
   542  	// This can happen if a ServiceEntry's resolution is changed from STATIC to DNS which changes the Envoy cluster type from
   543  	// EDS to STRICT_DNS or LOGICAL_DNS. When pushEds is called before Envoy sends the updated cluster list via Endpoint request which in turn
   544  	// will update "Connection.Clusters", we might accidentally send EDS updates for STRICT_DNS cluster. This check guards
   545  	// against such behavior and returns nil. When the updated cluster warms up in Envoy, it would update with new endpoints
   546  	// automatically.
   547  	// Gateways use EDS for Passthrough cluster. So we should allow Passthrough here.
   548  	if b.IsDNSCluster() {
   549  		log.Infof("cluster %s in eds cluster, but its resolution now is updated to %v, skipping it.", b.clusterName, b.service.Resolution)
   550  		return nil
   551  	}
   553  	epShards, f := endpointIndex.ShardsForService(string(b.hostname), b.service.Attributes.Namespace)
   554  	if !f {
   555  		// Shouldn't happen here
   556  		log.Debugf("can not find the endpointShards for cluster %s", b.clusterName)
   557  		return nil
   558  	}
   559  	return epShards
   560  }
   562  // Create the CLusterLoadAssignment. At this moment the options must have been applied to the locality lb endpoints.
   563  func (b *EndpointBuilder) createClusterLoadAssignment(llbOpts []*LocalityEndpoints) *endpoint.ClusterLoadAssignment {
   564  	llbEndpoints := make([]*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints, 0, len(llbOpts))
   565  	for _, l := range llbOpts {
   566  		llbEndpoints = append(llbEndpoints, &l.llbEndpoints)
   567  	}
   568  	return &endpoint.ClusterLoadAssignment{
   569  		ClusterName: b.clusterName,
   570  		Endpoints:   llbEndpoints,
   571  	}
   572  }
   574  // cluster with no endpoints
   575  func buildEmptyClusterLoadAssignment(clusterName string) *endpoint.ClusterLoadAssignment {
   576  	return &endpoint.ClusterLoadAssignment{
   577  		ClusterName: clusterName,
   578  	}
   579  }
   581  func (b *EndpointBuilder) gateways() *model.NetworkGateways {
   582  	if b.IsDNSCluster() {
   583  		return b.push.NetworkManager().Unresolved
   584  	}
   585  	return b.push.NetworkManager().NetworkGateways
   586  }
   588  func ExtractEnvoyEndpoints(locEps []*LocalityEndpoints) []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints {
   589  	var locLbEps []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints
   590  	for _, eps := range locEps {
   591  		locLbEps = append(locLbEps, &eps.llbEndpoints)
   592  	}
   593  	return locLbEps
   594  }
   596  // buildEnvoyLbEndpoint packs the endpoint based on istio info.
   597  func buildEnvoyLbEndpoint(b *EndpointBuilder, e *model.IstioEndpoint, mtlsEnabled bool) *endpoint.LbEndpoint {
   598  	addr := util.BuildAddress(e.Address, e.EndpointPort)
   599  	healthStatus := e.HealthStatus
   600  	if features.DrainingLabel != "" && e.Labels[features.DrainingLabel] != "" {
   601  		healthStatus = model.Draining
   602  	}
   604  	ep := &endpoint.LbEndpoint{
   605  		HealthStatus: corev3.HealthStatus(healthStatus),
   606  		LoadBalancingWeight: &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{
   607  			Value: e.GetLoadBalancingWeight(),
   608  		},
   609  		HostIdentifier: &endpoint.LbEndpoint_Endpoint{
   610  			Endpoint: &endpoint.Endpoint{
   611  				Address: addr,
   612  			},
   613  		},
   614  		Metadata: &corev3.Metadata{},
   615  	}
   617  	// Istio telemetry depends on the metadata value being set for endpoints in the mesh.
   618  	// Istio endpoint level tls transport socket configuration depends on this logic
   619  	// Do not remove
   620  	var meta *model.EndpointMetadata
   621  	if features.CanonicalServiceForMeshExternalServiceEntry && b.service.MeshExternal {
   622  		svcLabels := b.service.Attributes.Labels
   623  		if _, ok := svcLabels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceLabelName]; ok {
   624  			meta = e.MetadataClone()
   625  			if meta.Labels == nil {
   626  				meta.Labels = make(map[string]string)
   627  			}
   628  			meta.Labels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceLabelName] = svcLabels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceLabelName]
   629  			meta.Labels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceRevisionLabelName] = svcLabels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceRevisionLabelName]
   630  		} else {
   631  			meta = e.Metadata()
   632  		}
   633  		meta.Namespace = b.service.Attributes.Namespace
   634  	} else {
   635  		meta = e.Metadata()
   636  	}
   638  	// detect if mTLS is possible for this endpoint, used later during ep filtering
   639  	// this must be done while converting IstioEndpoints because we still have workload labels
   640  	if !mtlsEnabled {
   641  		meta.TLSMode = ""
   642  	}
   643  	util.AppendLbEndpointMetadata(meta, ep.Metadata)
   645  	tunnel := supportTunnel(b, e)
   646  	if mtlsEnabled && !features.PreferHBONESend {
   647  		tunnel = false
   648  	}
   649  	if b.proxy.Metadata.DisableHBONESend {
   650  		tunnel = false
   651  	}
   652  	if tunnel {
   653  		address, port := e.Address, int(e.EndpointPort)
   654  		// We intentionally do not take into account waypoints here.
   655  		// 1. Workload waypoints: sidecar/ingress do not support sending traffic directly to workloads, only to services,
   656  		//    so these are not applicable.
   657  		// 2. Service waypoints: in ztunnel, we would defer handling service traffic if the service has a waypoint, and instead
   658  		//    send to the waypoint. However, with sidecars this is problematic. We don't know which service is the intended destination
   659  		//    until *after* we apply policies. If we then sent to a service waypoint, we apply service policies twice.
   660  		//    This can be problematic: double mirroring, fault injection, request manipulation, ....
   661  		//    Instead, we consider this to workload traffic. This gives the same behavior as if we were an application doing internal load balancing
   662  		//    with ztunnel.
   663  		//    Note: there is a pretty valid case for wanting to send to the service from ingress. This gives a two tier delegation.
   664  		//    However, it's not safe to do that by default; perhaps a future API could opt into this.
   665  		// Support connecting to server side waypoint proxy, if the destination has one. This is for sidecars and ingress.
   666  		// Setup tunnel metadata so requests will go through the tunnel
   667  		ep.HostIdentifier = &endpoint.LbEndpoint_Endpoint{Endpoint: &endpoint.Endpoint{
   668  			Address: util.BuildInternalAddressWithIdentifier(connectOriginate, net.JoinHostPort(address, strconv.Itoa(port))),
   669  		}}
   670  		ep.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.OriginalDstMetadataKey] = util.BuildTunnelMetadataStruct(address, port)
   671  		if b.dir != model.TrafficDirectionInboundVIP {
   672  			// Add TLS metadata matcher to indicate we can use HBONE for this endpoint.
   673  			// We skip this for service waypoint, which doesn't need to dynamically match mTLS vs HBONE.
   674  			ep.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.EnvoyTransportSocketMetadataKey] = &structpb.Struct{
   675  				Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
   676  					model.TunnelLabelShortName: {Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: model.TunnelHTTP}},
   677  				},
   678  			}
   679  		}
   680  	}
   682  	return ep
   683  }
   685  func supportTunnel(b *EndpointBuilder, e *model.IstioEndpoint) bool {
   686  	if b.proxy.IsProxylessGrpc() {
   687  		// Proxyless client cannot handle tunneling, even if the server can
   688  		return false
   689  	}
   691  	// Other side is a waypoint proxy.
   692  	if al := e.Labels[constants.ManagedGatewayLabel]; al == constants.ManagedGatewayMeshControllerLabel {
   693  		return true
   694  	}
   696  	// Otherwise has ambient enabled. Note: this is a synthetic label, not existing in the real Pod.
   697  	if b.push.SupportsTunnel(e.Network, e.Address) {
   698  		return true
   699  	}
   700  	// Otherwise supports tunnel
   701  	// Currently we only support HTTP tunnel, so just check for that. If we support more, we will
   702  	// need to pick the right one based on our support overlap.
   703  	if e.SupportsTunnel(model.TunnelHTTP) {
   704  		return true
   705  	}
   707  	return false
   708  }
   710  func getOutlierDetectionAndLoadBalancerSettings(
   711  	destinationRule *v1alpha3.DestinationRule,
   712  	portNumber int,
   713  	subsetName string,
   714  ) (bool, *v1alpha3.LoadBalancerSettings) {
   715  	if destinationRule == nil {
   716  		return false, nil
   717  	}
   718  	outlierDetectionEnabled := false
   719  	var lbSettings *v1alpha3.LoadBalancerSettings
   721  	port := &model.Port{Port: portNumber}
   722  	policy := getSubsetTrafficPolicy(destinationRule, port, subsetName)
   723  	if policy != nil {
   724  		lbSettings = policy.LoadBalancer
   725  		if policy.OutlierDetection != nil {
   726  			outlierDetectionEnabled = true
   727  		}
   728  	}
   730  	return outlierDetectionEnabled, lbSettings
   731  }
   733  func getSubsetTrafficPolicy(destinationRule *v1alpha3.DestinationRule, port *model.Port, subsetName string) *v1alpha3.TrafficPolicy {
   734  	var subSetTrafficPolicy *v1alpha3.TrafficPolicy
   735  	for _, subset := range destinationRule.Subsets {
   736  		if subset.Name == subsetName {
   737  			subSetTrafficPolicy = subset.TrafficPolicy
   738  			break
   739  		}
   740  	}
   741  	return util.MergeSubsetTrafficPolicy(destinationRule.TrafficPolicy, subSetTrafficPolicy, port)
   742  }
   744  // getSubSetLabels returns the labels associated with a subset of a given service.
   745  func getSubSetLabels(dr *v1alpha3.DestinationRule, subsetName string) labels.Instance {
   746  	// empty subset
   747  	if subsetName == "" {
   748  		return nil
   749  	}
   751  	if dr == nil {
   752  		return nil
   753  	}
   755  	for _, subset := range dr.Subsets {
   756  		if subset.Name == subsetName {
   757  			if len(subset.Labels) == 0 {
   758  				return nil
   759  			}
   760  			return subset.Labels
   761  		}
   762  	}
   764  	return nil
   765  }