
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package local
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"io"
    21  	"os"
    22  	"strings"
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	v1 ""
    27  	kerrors ""
    28  	metav1 ""
    29  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	kubelib ""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  )
    56  // IstiodAnalyzer handles local analysis of k8s event sources, both live and file-based
    57  type IstiodAnalyzer struct {
    58  	// internalStore stores synthetic configs for analysis (mesh config, etc)
    59  	internalStore model.ConfigStore
    60  	// stores contains all the (non file) config sources to analyze
    61  	stores []model.ConfigStoreController
    62  	// multiClusterStores contains all the multi-cluster config sources to analyze
    63  	multiClusterStores map[cluster.ID]model.ConfigStoreController
    64  	// cluster is the cluster ID for the environment we are analyzing
    65  	cluster cluster.ID
    66  	// fileSource contains all file bases sources
    67  	fileSource *file.KubeSource
    69  	analyzer       analysis.CombinedAnalyzer
    70  	namespace      resource.Namespace
    71  	istioNamespace resource.Namespace
    73  	// List of code and resource suppressions to exclude messages on
    74  	suppressions []AnalysisSuppression
    76  	// Mesh config for this analyzer. This can come from multiple sources, and the last added version will take precedence.
    77  	meshCfg *v1alpha1.MeshConfig
    79  	// Mesh networks config for this analyzer.
    80  	meshNetworks *v1alpha1.MeshNetworks
    82  	// Which kube resources are used by this analyzer
    83  	// Derived from metadata and the specified analyzer and transformer providers
    84  	kubeResources collection.Schemas
    86  	// Hook function called when a collection is used in analysis
    87  	collectionReporter CollectionReporterFn
    89  	clientsToRun []kubelib.Client
    90  }
    92  // NewSourceAnalyzer is a drop-in replacement for the galley function, adapting to istiod analyzer.
    93  func NewSourceAnalyzer(analyzer analysis.CombinedAnalyzer, namespace, istioNamespace resource.Namespace, cr CollectionReporterFn) *IstiodAnalyzer {
    94  	return NewIstiodAnalyzer(analyzer, namespace, istioNamespace, cr)
    95  }
    97  // NewIstiodAnalyzer creates a new IstiodAnalyzer with no sources. Use the Add*Source
    98  // methods to add sources in ascending precedence order,
    99  // then execute Analyze to perform the analysis
   100  func NewIstiodAnalyzer(analyzer analysis.CombinedAnalyzer, namespace,
   101  	istioNamespace resource.Namespace, cr CollectionReporterFn,
   102  ) *IstiodAnalyzer {
   103  	// collectionReporter hook function defaults to no-op
   104  	if cr == nil {
   105  		cr = func(config.GroupVersionKind) {}
   106  	}
   108  	// Get the closure of all input collections for our analyzer, paying attention to transforms
   109  	kubeResources := kuberesource.ConvertInputsToSchemas(analyzer.Metadata().Inputs)
   111  	kubeResources = kubeResources.Union(kuberesource.DefaultExcludedSchemas())
   113  	mcfg := mesh.DefaultMeshConfig()
   114  	sa := &IstiodAnalyzer{
   115  		meshCfg:            mcfg,
   116  		meshNetworks:       mesh.DefaultMeshNetworks(),
   117  		analyzer:           analyzer,
   118  		namespace:          namespace,
   119  		cluster:            "default",
   120  		internalStore:      memory.Make(collection.SchemasFor(collections.MeshNetworks, collections.MeshConfig)),
   121  		istioNamespace:     istioNamespace,
   122  		kubeResources:      kubeResources,
   123  		collectionReporter: cr,
   124  		clientsToRun:       []kubelib.Client{},
   125  		multiClusterStores: make(map[cluster.ID]model.ConfigStoreController),
   126  	}
   128  	return sa
   129  }
   131  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) ReAnalyzeSubset(kinds sets.Set[config.GroupVersionKind], cancel <-chan struct{}) (AnalysisResult, error) {
   132  	subset := sa.analyzer.RelevantSubset(kinds)
   133  	return sa.internalAnalyze(subset, cancel)
   134  }
   136  // ReAnalyze loads the sources and executes the analysis, assuming init is already called
   137  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) ReAnalyze(cancel <-chan struct{}) (AnalysisResult, error) {
   138  	return sa.internalAnalyze(sa.analyzer, cancel)
   139  }
   141  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) internalAnalyze(a analysis.CombinedAnalyzer, cancel <-chan struct{}) (AnalysisResult, error) {
   142  	var schemas collection.Schemas
   143  	for _, store := range sa.multiClusterStores {
   144  		schemas = schemas.Union(store.Schemas())
   145  	}
   147  	var result AnalysisResult
   148  	result.ExecutedAnalyzers = a.AnalyzerNames()
   149  	result.SkippedAnalyzers = a.RemoveSkipped(schemas)
   150  	result.MappedMessages = make(map[string]diag.Messages, len(result.ExecutedAnalyzers))
   152  	for _, store := range sa.multiClusterStores {
   153  		kubelib.WaitForCacheSync("istiod analyzer", cancel, store.HasSynced)
   154  	}
   156  	stores := map[cluster.ID]model.ConfigStore{}
   157  	for k, v := range sa.multiClusterStores {
   158  		stores[k] = v
   159  	}
   160  	ctx := NewContext(stores, cancel, sa.collectionReporter)
   162  	a.Analyze(ctx)
   164  	// TODO(hzxuzhonghu): we do not need set here
   165  	namespaces := sets.New[resource.Namespace]()
   166  	if sa.namespace != "" {
   167  		namespaces.Insert(sa.namespace)
   168  	}
   169  	for _, analyzerName := range result.ExecutedAnalyzers {
   171  		// TODO: analysis is run for all namespaces, even if they are requested to be filtered.
   172  		msgs := filterMessages(ctx.(*istiodContext).GetMessages(analyzerName), namespaces, sa.suppressions)
   173  		result.MappedMessages[analyzerName] = msgs.SortedDedupedCopy()
   174  	}
   175  	msgs := filterMessages(ctx.(*istiodContext).GetMessages(), namespaces, sa.suppressions)
   176  	result.Messages = msgs.SortedDedupedCopy()
   178  	return result, nil
   179  }
   181  // Analyze loads the sources and executes the analysis
   182  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) Analyze(cancel <-chan struct{}) (AnalysisResult, error) {
   183  	err2 := sa.Init(cancel)
   184  	if err2 != nil {
   185  		return AnalysisResult{}, err2
   186  	}
   187  	return sa.ReAnalyze(cancel)
   188  }
   190  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) Init(cancel <-chan struct{}) error {
   191  	// We need at least one non-meshcfg source
   192  	if len(sa.stores) == 0 && sa.fileSource == nil {
   193  		return fmt.Errorf("at least one file and/or Kubernetes source must be provided")
   194  	}
   196  	// TODO: there's gotta be a better way to convert v1meshconfig to config.Config...
   197  	// Create a store containing mesh config. There should be exactly one.
   198  	_, err := sa.internalStore.Create(config.Config{
   199  		Meta: config.Meta{
   200  			Name:      "meshconfig",
   201  			Namespace: sa.istioNamespace.String(),
   203  			GroupVersionKind: gvk.MeshConfig,
   204  		},
   205  		Spec: sa.meshCfg,
   206  	})
   207  	if err != nil {
   208  		return fmt.Errorf("something unexpected happened while creating the meshconfig: %s", err)
   209  	}
   210  	// Create a store containing meshnetworks. There should be exactly one.
   211  	_, err = sa.internalStore.Create(config.Config{
   212  		Meta: config.Meta{
   213  			Name:             "meshnetworks",
   214  			Namespace:        sa.istioNamespace.String(),
   215  			GroupVersionKind: gvk.MeshNetworks,
   216  		},
   217  		Spec: sa.meshNetworks,
   218  	})
   219  	if err != nil {
   220  		return fmt.Errorf("something unexpected happened while creating the meshnetworks: %s", err)
   221  	}
   222  	allstores := append(sa.stores, dfCache{ConfigStore: sa.internalStore})
   223  	if sa.fileSource != nil {
   224  		// File source takes the highest precedence, since files are resources to be configured to in-cluster resources.
   225  		// The order here does matter - aggregated store takes the first available resource.
   226  		allstores = append([]model.ConfigStoreController{sa.fileSource}, allstores...)
   227  	}
   229  	for _, c := range sa.clientsToRun {
   230  		// TODO: this could be parallel
   231  		c.RunAndWait(cancel)
   232  	}
   234  	store, err := aggregate.MakeWriteableCache(allstores, nil)
   235  	if err != nil {
   236  		return err
   237  	}
   238  	sa.multiClusterStores[sa.cluster] = store
   239  	for _, mcs := range sa.multiClusterStores {
   240  		go mcs.Run(cancel)
   241  	}
   242  	return nil
   243  }
   245  type dfCache struct {
   246  	model.ConfigStore
   247  }
   249  func (d dfCache) RegisterEventHandler(kind config.GroupVersionKind, handler model.EventHandler) {
   250  	panic("implement me")
   251  }
   253  // Run intentionally left empty
   254  func (d dfCache) Run(_ <-chan struct{}) {
   255  }
   257  func (d dfCache) HasSynced() bool {
   258  	return true
   259  }
   261  // SetSuppressions will set the list of suppressions for the analyzer. Any
   262  // resource that matches the provided suppression will not be included in the
   263  // final message output.
   264  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) SetSuppressions(suppressions []AnalysisSuppression) {
   265  	sa.suppressions = suppressions
   266  }
   268  // AddTestReaderKubeSource adds a yaml source to the analyzer, which will analyze
   269  // runtime resources like pods and namespaces for use in tests.
   270  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddTestReaderKubeSource(readers []ReaderSource) error {
   271  	return sa.addReaderKubeSourceInternal(readers, true)
   272  }
   274  // AddReaderKubeSource adds a source based on the specified k8s yaml files to the current IstiodAnalyzer
   275  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddReaderKubeSource(readers []ReaderSource) error {
   276  	return sa.addReaderKubeSourceInternal(readers, false)
   277  }
   279  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) addReaderKubeSourceInternal(readers []ReaderSource, includeRuntimeResources bool) error {
   280  	var src *file.KubeSource
   281  	if sa.fileSource != nil {
   282  		src = sa.fileSource
   283  	} else {
   284  		var readerResources collection.Schemas
   285  		if includeRuntimeResources {
   286  			readerResources = sa.kubeResources
   287  		} else {
   288  			readerResources = sa.kubeResources.Remove(kuberesource.DefaultExcludedSchemas().All()...)
   289  		}
   290  		src = file.NewKubeSource(readerResources)
   291  		sa.fileSource = src
   292  	}
   293  	src.SetDefaultNamespace(sa.namespace)
   295  	src.SetNamespacesFilter(func(obj interface{}) bool {
   296  		cfg, ok := obj.(config.Config)
   297  		if !ok {
   298  			return false
   299  		}
   300  		meta := cfg.GetNamespace()
   301  		if cfg.Meta.GroupVersionKind.Kind == gvk.Namespace.Kind {
   302  			meta = cfg.GetName()
   303  		}
   304  		return !inject.IgnoredNamespaces.Contains(meta)
   305  	})
   307  	var errs error
   309  	// If we encounter any errors reading or applying files, track them but attempt to continue
   310  	for _, r := range readers {
   311  		by, err := io.ReadAll(r.Reader)
   312  		if err != nil {
   313  			errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
   314  			continue
   315  		}
   317  		if err = src.ApplyContent(r.Name, string(by)); err != nil {
   318  			errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
   319  		}
   320  	}
   321  	return errs
   322  }
   324  // AddRunningKubeSource adds a source based on a running k8s cluster to the current IstiodAnalyzer
   325  // Also tries to get mesh config from the running cluster, if it can
   326  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddRunningKubeSource(c kubelib.Client) {
   327  	sa.AddRunningKubeSourceWithRevision(c, "default", false)
   328  }
   330  func isIstioConfigMap(obj any) bool {
   331  	cObj, ok := obj.(*v1.ConfigMap)
   332  	if !ok {
   333  		return false
   334  	}
   335  	if _, ok = cObj.GetAnnotations()[k8sresourcelock.LeaderElectionRecordAnnotationKey]; ok {
   336  		return false
   337  	}
   338  	return strings.HasPrefix(cObj.GetName(), "istio")
   339  }
   341  var secretFieldSelector = fields.AndSelectors(
   342  	fields.OneTermNotEqualSelector("type", ""),
   343  	fields.OneTermNotEqualSelector("type", string(v1.SecretTypeServiceAccountToken))).String()
   345  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) GetFiltersByGVK() map[config.GroupVersionKind]kubetypes.Filter {
   346  	return map[config.GroupVersionKind]kubetypes.Filter{
   347  		gvk.ConfigMap: {
   348  			Namespace:    sa.istioNamespace.String(),
   349  			ObjectFilter: kubetypes.NewStaticObjectFilter(isIstioConfigMap),
   350  		},
   351  		gvk.Secret: {
   352  			FieldSelector: secretFieldSelector,
   353  		},
   354  	}
   355  }
   357  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddRunningKubeSourceWithRevision(c kubelib.Client, revision string, remote bool) {
   358  	// This makes the assumption we don't care about Helm secrets or SA token secrets - two common
   359  	// large secrets in clusters.
   360  	// This is a best effort optimization only; the code would behave correctly if we watched all secrets.
   362  	ignoredNamespacesSelectorForField := func(field string) string {
   363  		selectors := make([]fields.Selector, 0, len(inject.IgnoredNamespaces))
   364  		for _, ns := range inject.IgnoredNamespaces.UnsortedList() {
   365  			selectors = append(selectors, fields.OneTermNotEqualSelector(field, ns))
   366  		}
   367  		return fields.AndSelectors(selectors...).String()
   368  	}
   370  	namespaceFieldSelector := ignoredNamespacesSelectorForField("")
   371  	generalSelectors := ignoredNamespacesSelectorForField("metadata.namespace")
   373  	// TODO: are either of these string constants intended to vary?
   374  	// We gets Istio CRD resources with a specific revision.
   375  	krs := sa.kubeResources.Remove(kuberesource.DefaultExcludedSchemas().All()...)
   376  	if remote {
   377  		krs = krs.Remove(kuberesource.DefaultRemoteClusterExcludedSchemas().All()...)
   378  	}
   379  	store := crdclient.NewForSchemas(c, crdclient.Option{
   380  		Revision:     revision,
   381  		DomainSuffix: "cluster.local",
   382  		Identifier:   "analysis-controller",
   383  		FiltersByGVK: map[config.GroupVersionKind]kubetypes.Filter{
   384  			gvk.ConfigMap: {
   385  				Namespace:    sa.istioNamespace.String(),
   386  				ObjectFilter: kubetypes.NewStaticObjectFilter(isIstioConfigMap),
   387  			},
   388  		},
   389  	}, krs)
   390  	sa.stores = append(sa.stores, store)
   392  	// We gets service discovery resources without a specific revision.
   393  	krs = sa.kubeResources.Intersect(kuberesource.DefaultExcludedSchemas())
   394  	if remote {
   395  		krs = krs.Remove(kuberesource.DefaultRemoteClusterExcludedSchemas().All()...)
   396  	}
   397  	store = crdclient.NewForSchemas(c, crdclient.Option{
   398  		DomainSuffix: "cluster.local",
   399  		Identifier:   "analysis-controller",
   400  		FiltersByGVK: map[config.GroupVersionKind]kubetypes.Filter{
   401  			gvk.Secret: {
   402  				FieldSelector: secretFieldSelector,
   403  			},
   404  			gvk.Namespace: {
   405  				FieldSelector: namespaceFieldSelector,
   406  			},
   407  			gvk.Service: {
   408  				FieldSelector: generalSelectors,
   409  			},
   410  			gvk.Pod: {
   411  				FieldSelector: generalSelectors,
   412  			},
   413  			gvk.Deployment: {
   414  				FieldSelector: generalSelectors,
   415  			},
   416  		},
   417  	}, krs)
   418  	// RunAndWait must be called after NewForSchema so that the informers are all created and started.
   419  	if remote {
   420  		clusterID := c.ClusterID()
   421  		if clusterID == "" {
   422  			clusterID = "default"
   423  		}
   424  		sa.multiClusterStores[clusterID] = store
   425  	} else {
   426  		sa.stores = append(sa.stores, store)
   427  	}
   428  	sa.clientsToRun = append(sa.clientsToRun, c)
   430  	// Since we're using a running k8s source, try to get meshconfig and meshnetworks from the configmap.
   431  	if err := sa.addRunningKubeIstioConfigMapSource(c); err != nil {
   432  		_, err := c.Kube().CoreV1().Namespaces().Get(context.TODO(), sa.istioNamespace.String(), metav1.GetOptions{})
   433  		if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
   434  			// An AnalysisMessage already show up to warn the absence of istio-system namespace, so making it debug level.
   435  			scope.Analysis.Debugf("%v namespace not found. Istio may not be installed in the target cluster. "+
   436  				"Using default mesh configuration values for analysis", sa.istioNamespace.String())
   437  		} else if err != nil {
   438  			scope.Analysis.Errorf("error getting mesh config from running kube source: %v", err)
   439  		}
   440  	}
   441  }
   443  // AddSource adds a source based on user supplied configstore to the current IstiodAnalyzer
   444  // Assumes that the source has same or subset of resource types that this analyzer is configured with.
   445  // This can be used by external users who import the analyzer as a module within their own controllers.
   446  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddSource(src model.ConfigStoreController) {
   447  	sa.stores = append(sa.stores, src)
   448  }
   450  // AddFileKubeMeshConfig gets mesh config from the specified yaml file
   451  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddFileKubeMeshConfig(file string) error {
   452  	by, err := os.ReadFile(file)
   453  	if err != nil {
   454  		return err
   455  	}
   457  	cfg, err := mesh.ApplyMeshConfigDefaults(string(by))
   458  	if err != nil {
   459  		return err
   460  	}
   462  	sa.meshCfg = cfg
   463  	return nil
   464  }
   466  // AddFileKubeMeshNetworks gets a file meshnetworks and add it to the analyzer.
   467  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddFileKubeMeshNetworks(file string) error {
   468  	mn, err := mesh.ReadMeshNetworks(file)
   469  	if err != nil {
   470  		return err
   471  	}
   473  	sa.meshNetworks = mn
   474  	return nil
   475  }
   477  // AddDefaultResources adds some basic dummy Istio resources, based on mesh configuration.
   478  // This is useful for files-only analysis cases where we don't expect the user to be including istio system resources
   479  // and don't want to generate false positives because they aren't there.
   480  // Respect mesh config when deciding which default resources should be generated
   481  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddDefaultResources() error {
   482  	var readers []ReaderSource
   484  	if sa.meshCfg.GetIngressControllerMode() != v1alpha1.MeshConfig_OFF {
   485  		ingressResources, err := getDefaultIstioIngressGateway(sa.istioNamespace.String(), sa.meshCfg.GetIngressService())
   486  		if err != nil {
   487  			return err
   488  		}
   489  		readers = append(readers, ReaderSource{Reader: strings.NewReader(ingressResources), Name: "internal-ingress"})
   490  	}
   492  	if len(readers) == 0 {
   493  		return nil
   494  	}
   496  	return sa.AddReaderKubeSource(readers)
   497  }
   499  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) RegisterEventHandler(kind config.GroupVersionKind, handler model.EventHandler) {
   500  	for _, store := range sa.stores {
   501  		store.RegisterEventHandler(kind, handler)
   502  	}
   503  }
   505  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) Schemas() collection.Schemas {
   506  	result := collection.NewSchemasBuilder()
   507  	for _, store := range sa.stores {
   508  		for _, schema := range store.Schemas().All() {
   509  			result.MustAdd(schema)
   510  		}
   511  	}
   512  	return result.Build()
   513  }
   515  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) addRunningKubeIstioConfigMapSource(client kubelib.Client) error {
   516  	meshConfigMap, err := client.Kube().CoreV1().ConfigMaps(string(sa.istioNamespace)).Get(context.TODO(), meshConfigMapName, metav1.GetOptions{})
   517  	if err != nil {
   518  		return fmt.Errorf("could not read configmap %q from namespace %q: %v", meshConfigMapName, sa.istioNamespace, err)
   519  	}
   521  	configYaml, ok := meshConfigMap.Data[meshConfigMapKey]
   522  	if !ok {
   523  		return fmt.Errorf("missing config map key %q", meshConfigMapKey)
   524  	}
   526  	cfg, err := mesh.ApplyMeshConfigDefaults(configYaml)
   527  	if err != nil {
   528  		return fmt.Errorf("error parsing mesh config: %v", err)
   529  	}
   531  	sa.meshCfg = cfg
   533  	meshNetworksYaml, ok := meshConfigMap.Data[meshNetworksMapKey]
   534  	if !ok {
   535  		return fmt.Errorf("missing config map key %q", meshNetworksMapKey)
   536  	}
   538  	mn, err := mesh.ParseMeshNetworks(meshNetworksYaml)
   539  	if err != nil {
   540  		return fmt.Errorf("error parsing mesh networks: %v", err)
   541  	}
   543  	sa.meshNetworks = mn
   544  	return nil
   545  }
   547  // AddSourceForCluster adds a source based on user supplied configstore to the current IstiodAnalyzer with cluster specified.
   548  // It functions like the same as AddSource, but it adds the source to the specified cluster.
   549  func (sa *IstiodAnalyzer) AddSourceForCluster(src model.ConfigStoreController, clusterName cluster.ID) {
   550  	sa.multiClusterStores[clusterName] = src
   551  }
   553  // CollectionReporterFn is a hook function called whenever a collection is accessed through the AnalyzingDistributor's context
   554  type CollectionReporterFn func(config.GroupVersionKind)
   556  // copied from processing/snapshotter/analyzingdistributor.go
   557  func filterMessages(messages diag.Messages, namespaces sets.Set[resource.Namespace], suppressions []AnalysisSuppression) diag.Messages {
   558  	nsNames := sets.New[string]()
   559  	for k := range namespaces {
   560  		nsNames.Insert(k.String())
   561  	}
   563  	var msgs diag.Messages
   564  FilterMessages:
   565  	for _, m := range messages {
   566  		// Only keep messages for resources in namespaces we want to analyze if the
   567  		// message doesn't have an origin (meaning we can't determine the
   568  		// namespace). Also kept are cluster-level resources where the namespace is
   569  		// the empty string. If no such limit is specified, keep them all.
   570  		if len(namespaces) > 0 && m.Resource != nil && m.Resource.Origin.Namespace() != "" {
   571  			if !nsNames.Contains(m.Resource.Origin.Namespace().String()) {
   572  				continue FilterMessages
   573  			}
   574  		}
   576  		// Filter out any messages on resources with suppression annotations.
   577  		if m.Resource != nil && m.Resource.Metadata.Annotations[annotation.GalleyAnalyzeSuppress.Name] != "" {
   578  			for _, code := range strings.Split(m.Resource.Metadata.Annotations[annotation.GalleyAnalyzeSuppress.Name], ",") {
   579  				if code == "*" || m.Type.Code() == code {
   580  					scope.Analysis.Debugf("Suppressing code %s on resource %s due to resource annotation", m.Type.Code(), m.Resource.Origin.FriendlyName())
   581  					continue FilterMessages
   582  				}
   583  			}
   584  		}
   586  		// Filter out any messages that match our suppressions.
   587  		for _, s := range suppressions {
   588  			if m.Resource == nil || s.Code != m.Type.Code() {
   589  				continue
   590  			}
   592  			if !glob.Glob(s.ResourceName, m.Resource.Origin.FriendlyName()) {
   593  				continue
   594  			}
   595  			scope.Analysis.Debugf("Suppressing code %s on resource %s due to suppressions list", m.Type.Code(), m.Resource.Origin.FriendlyName())
   596  			continue FilterMessages
   597  		}
   599  		msgs = append(msgs, m)
   600  	}
   601  	return msgs
   602  }
   604  // AnalysisSuppression describes a resource and analysis code to be suppressed
   605  // (e.g. ignored) during analysis. Used when a particular message code is to be
   606  // ignored for a specific resource.
   607  type AnalysisSuppression struct {
   608  	// Code is the analysis code to suppress (e.g. "IST0104").
   609  	Code string
   611  	// ResourceName is the name of the resource to suppress the message for. For
   612  	// K8s resources it has the same form as used by istioctl (e.g.
   613  	// "DestinationRule default.istio-system"). Note that globbing wildcards are
   614  	// supported (e.g. "DestinationRule *.istio-system").
   615  	ResourceName string
   616  }
   618  // ReaderSource is a tuple of a io.Reader and filepath.
   619  type ReaderSource struct {
   620  	// Name is the name of the source (commonly the path to a file, but can be "-" for sources read from stdin or "" if completely synthetic).
   621  	Name string
   622  	// Reader is the reader instance to use.
   623  	Reader io.Reader
   624  }