
     1  // Copyright Istio Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package controller
    17  import (
    18  	"errors"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"testing"
    21  	"time"
    23  	""
    24  	admission ""
    25  	kerrors ""
    26  	metav1 ""
    27  	""
    28  	ktesting ""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	istiofake ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  )
    44  var (
    45  	unpatchedWebhookConfig = &admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration{
    46  		TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
    47  			APIVersion: admission.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
    48  			Kind:       "ValidatingWebhookConfiguration",
    49  		},
    50  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    51  			Name: webhookName,
    52  			Labels: map[string]string{
    53  				label.IoIstioRev.Name: revision,
    54  			},
    55  		},
    56  		Webhooks: []admission.ValidatingWebhook{{
    57  			Name: "hook0",
    58  			ClientConfig: admission.WebhookClientConfig{Service: &admission.ServiceReference{
    59  				Namespace: namespace,
    60  				Name:      istiod,
    61  				Path:      &[]string{"/hook0"}[0],
    62  			}},
    63  			Rules: []admission.RuleWithOperations{{
    64  				Operations: []admission.OperationType{admission.Create, admission.Update},
    65  				Rule: admission.Rule{
    66  					APIGroups:   []string{"group0"},
    67  					APIVersions: []string{"*"},
    68  					Resources:   []string{"*"},
    69  				},
    70  			}},
    71  			FailurePolicy: ptr.Of(admission.Ignore),
    72  		}, {
    73  			Name: "hook1",
    74  			ClientConfig: admission.WebhookClientConfig{Service: &admission.ServiceReference{
    75  				Namespace: namespace,
    76  				Name:      istiod,
    77  				Path:      &[]string{"/hook1"}[0],
    78  			}},
    79  			Rules: []admission.RuleWithOperations{{
    80  				Operations: []admission.OperationType{admission.Create, admission.Update},
    81  				Rule: admission.Rule{
    82  					APIGroups:   []string{"group1"},
    83  					APIVersions: []string{"*"},
    84  					Resources:   []string{"*"},
    85  				},
    86  			}},
    87  			FailurePolicy: ptr.Of(admission.Ignore),
    88  		}},
    89  	}
    91  	webhookConfigWithCABundleFail   *admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    92  	webhookConfigWithCABundleIgnore *admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    94  	caBundle0 = []byte(`-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    98  8h0TkId1f64TprLydwgzzLwXAs3wpmXz+BfnW1oMQPNyN7vojW6VzqJGGYLsc1OB
    99  MgwObU/VeFNc6YUCmu6mfFJwoPfXMPnhmGuSwf/kjXomlejAYjxClU3UFVWQht54
   100  xNLjTi2M1ZOnwNbECOhXC3Tw3G8mCtfanMAO0UXM5yObbPa8yauUpJKkpoxWA7Ed
   101  qiuUD9qRxluFPqqw/z86V8ikmvnyjQE9960j+8StlAbRs82ArtnrhRgkDO0Smtf7
   102  4QZsb/hA1KNMm73bOGS6+SVU+eH8FgVOzcTQYFRpRT3Mhi6dKZe9twIO8mpZK4wk
   103  uygRxBM32Ag9QQIDAQABo1MwUTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUc8tvoNNBHyIkoVV8XCXy63Ya
   105  AwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAVmaUkkYESfcfgnuPeZ4sTNs2nk2Y+Xpd
   106  lxkMJhChb8YQtlCe4uiLvVe7er1sXcBLNCm/+2K9AT71gnxBSeS5mEOzWmCPErhy
   107  RmYtSxeRyXAaUWVYLs/zMlBQ0Iz4dpY+FVVbMjIurelVwHF0NBk3VtU5U3lHyKdZ
   108  j4C2rMjvTxmkyIcR1uBEeVvuGU8R70nZ1yfo3vDwmNGMcLwW+4QK+WcfwfjLXhLs
   109  5550arfEYdTzYFMxY60HJT/LvbGrjxY0PQUWWDbPiRfsdRjOFduAbM0/EVRda/Oo
   110  Fg72WnHeojDUhqEz4UyFZbnRJ4x6leQhnrIcVjWX4FFFktiO9rqqfw==
   111  -----END CERTIFICATE-----`)
   113  	caBundle1 = []byte(`-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
   114  MIIDCzCCAfOgAwIBAgIQbfOzhcKTldFipQ1X2WXpHDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAv
   118  AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC6sSAN80Ci0DYFpNDumGYoejMQai42g6nSKYS+ekvs
   119  E7uT+eepO74wj8o6nFMNDu58+XgIsvPbWnn+3WtUjJfyiQXxmmTg8om4uY1C7R1H
   120  gMsrL26pUaXZ/lTE8ZV5CnQJ9XilagY4iZKeptuZkxrWgkFBD7tr652EA3hmj+3h
   122  fcVyYQyXOZ+0VHZJQgaLtqGpiQmlFttpCwDiLfMkk3UAd79ovkhN1MCq+O5N7YVt
   123  eVQWaTUqUV2tKUFvVq21Zdl4dRaq+CF5U8uOqLY/4Kg9AgMBAAGjIzAhMA4GA1Ud
   125  oF71Ey2b1QY22C6BXcANF1+wPzxJovFeKYAnUqwh3rF7pIYCS/adZXOKlgDBsbcS
   126  MxAGnCRi1s+A7hMYj3sQAbBXttc31557lRoJrx58IeN5DyshT53t7q4VwCzuCXFT
   127  3zRHVRHQnO6LHgZx1FuKfwtkhfSXDyYU2fQYw2Hcb9krYU/alViVZdE0rENXCClq
   128  xO7AQk5MJcGg6cfE5wWAKU1ATjpK4CN+RTn8v8ODLoI2SW3pfsnXxm93O+pp9HN4
   129  +O+1PQtNUWhCfh+g6BN2mYo2OEZ8qGSxDlMZej4YOdVkW8PHmFZTK0w9iJKqM5o1
   130  V6g5gZlqSoRhICK09tpc
   131  -----END CERTIFICATE-----`)
   132  )
   134  // patch the caBundle into the final istiod and galley configs.
   135  func init() {
   136  	webhookConfigWithCABundleIgnore = unpatchedWebhookConfig.DeepCopyObject().(*admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration)
   137  	webhookConfigWithCABundleIgnore.Webhooks[0].ClientConfig.CABundle = caBundle0
   138  	webhookConfigWithCABundleIgnore.Webhooks[1].ClientConfig.CABundle = caBundle0
   140  	webhookConfigWithCABundleFail = webhookConfigWithCABundleIgnore.DeepCopyObject().(*admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration)
   141  	webhookConfigWithCABundleFail.Webhooks[0].FailurePolicy = ptr.Of(admission.Fail)
   142  	webhookConfigWithCABundleFail.Webhooks[1].FailurePolicy = ptr.Of(admission.Fail)
   143  }
   145  const (
   146  	istiod    = "istio-revision"
   147  	namespace = "istio-system"
   148  	revision  = "revision"
   149  )
   151  var webhookName = fmt.Sprintf("istio-validator-revision-%s", namespace)
   153  func createTestController(t *testing.T) (*Controller, *atomic.Pointer[error]) {
   154  	c := kube.NewFakeClient()
   155  	revision := "default"
   156  	ns := "default"
   157  	watcher := keycertbundle.NewWatcher()
   158  	watcher.SetAndNotify(nil, nil, caBundle0)
   159  	control := newController(Options{
   160  		WatchedNamespace: ns,
   161  		CABundleWatcher:  watcher,
   162  		Revision:         revision,
   163  		ServiceName:      "istiod",
   164  	}, c)
   165  	stop := test.NewStop(t)
   166  	c.RunAndWait(stop)
   167  	go control.Run(stop)
   168  	kube.WaitForCacheSync("test", stop, control.queue.HasSynced)
   170  	gatewayError := setupGatewayError(c)
   172  	return control, gatewayError
   173  }
   175  func unstartedTestController(c kube.Client) *Controller {
   176  	revision := "default"
   177  	ns := "default"
   178  	watcher := keycertbundle.NewWatcher()
   179  	watcher.SetAndNotify(nil, nil, caBundle0)
   180  	control := newController(Options{
   181  		WatchedNamespace: ns,
   182  		CABundleWatcher:  watcher,
   183  		Revision:         revision,
   184  		ServiceName:      "istiod",
   185  	}, c)
   186  	return control
   187  }
   189  func setupGatewayError(c kube.Client) *atomic.Pointer[error] {
   190  	gatewayError := atomic.NewPointer[error](nil)
   191  	c.Istio().(*istiofake.Clientset).PrependReactor("*", "gateways", func(action ktesting.Action) (bool, runtime.Object, error) {
   192  		e := gatewayError.Load()
   193  		if e == nil {
   194  			return true, &v1alpha3.Gateway{}, nil
   195  		}
   196  		return true, &v1alpha3.Gateway{}, *e
   197  	})
   198  	return gatewayError
   199  }
   201  func TestGreenfield(t *testing.T) {
   202  	controllerStop := make(chan struct{})
   203  	clientStop := test.NewStop(t)
   204  	kc := kube.NewFakeClient()
   205  	gatewayError := setupGatewayError(kc)
   206  	c := unstartedTestController(kc)
   207  	kc.RunAndWait(clientStop)
   208  	go c.Run(controllerStop)
   209  	webhooks := clienttest.Wrap(t, c.webhooks)
   210  	fetch := func(name string) func() *admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration {
   211  		return func() *admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration {
   212  			return webhooks.Get(name, "")
   213  		}
   214  	}
   215  	// install adds the webhook config with fail open policy
   216  	webhooks.Create(unpatchedWebhookConfig)
   217  	// verify the webhook isn't updated if invalid config is accepted.
   218  	assert.EventuallyEqual(
   219  		t,
   220  		fetch(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name),
   221  		webhookConfigWithCABundleIgnore,
   222  		retry.Message("no config update when endpoint not present"),
   223  		LongRetry,
   224  	)
   225  	webhooks.Delete(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name, "")
   227  	// verify the webhook is updated after the controller can confirm invalid config is rejected.
   228  	gatewayError.Store(ptr.Of[error](kerrors.NewInternalError(errors.New("unknown error"))))
   229  	webhooks.Create(unpatchedWebhookConfig)
   230  	assert.EventuallyEqual(
   231  		t,
   232  		fetch(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name),
   233  		webhookConfigWithCABundleIgnore,
   234  		retry.Message("no config update when endpoint invalid config is rejected for an unknown reason"),
   235  		LongRetry,
   236  	)
   238  	// verify the webhook is updated after the controller can confirm invalid config is rejected.
   239  	gatewayError.Store(ptr.Of[error](kerrors.NewInternalError(errors.New(deniedRequestMessageFragment))))
   240  	c.syncAll()
   241  	assert.EventuallyEqual(
   242  		t,
   243  		fetch(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name),
   244  		webhookConfigWithCABundleFail,
   245  		retry.Message("istiod config created when endpoint is ready and invalid config is denied"),
   246  		LongRetry,
   247  	)
   249  	// If we start having issues, we should not flip back to Ignore
   250  	gatewayError.Store(ptr.Of[error](kerrors.NewInternalError(errors.New("unknown error"))))
   251  	c.syncAll()
   252  	assert.EventuallyEqual(
   253  		t,
   254  		fetch(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name),
   255  		webhookConfigWithCABundleFail,
   256  		retry.Message("should not go from Fail -> Ignore"),
   257  		LongRetry,
   258  	)
   260  	// We also should not flip back to Ignore in a new instance
   261  	close(controllerStop)
   262  	_ = c.queue.WaitForClose(time.Second)
   263  	controllerStop2 := test.NewStop(t)
   264  	c2 := unstartedTestController(kc)
   265  	go c2.Run(controllerStop2)
   266  	assert.EventuallyEqual(
   267  		t,
   268  		fetch(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name),
   269  		webhookConfigWithCABundleFail,
   270  		retry.Message("should not go from Fail -> Ignore"),
   271  		LongRetry,
   272  	)
   273  	_ = c2
   274  }
   276  // TestCABundleChange ensures that we create request to update all webhooks when CA bundle changes.
   277  func TestCABundleChange(t *testing.T) {
   278  	c, gatewayError := createTestController(t)
   279  	gatewayError.Store(ptr.Of[error](kerrors.NewInternalError(errors.New(deniedRequestMessageFragment))))
   280  	webhooks := clienttest.Wrap(t, c.webhooks)
   281  	fetch := func(name string) func() *admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration {
   282  		return func() *admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration {
   283  			return webhooks.Get(name, "")
   284  		}
   285  	}
   286  	webhooks.Create(unpatchedWebhookConfig)
   287  	assert.EventuallyEqual(
   288  		t,
   289  		fetch(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name),
   290  		webhookConfigWithCABundleFail,
   291  		retry.Message("istiod config created when endpoint is ready"),
   292  		LongRetry,
   293  	)
   295  	c.o.CABundleWatcher.SetAndNotify(nil, nil, caBundle1)
   296  	webhookConfigAfterCAUpdate := webhookConfigWithCABundleFail.DeepCopyObject().(*admission.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration)
   297  	webhookConfigAfterCAUpdate.Webhooks[0].ClientConfig.CABundle = caBundle1
   298  	webhookConfigAfterCAUpdate.Webhooks[1].ClientConfig.CABundle = caBundle1
   299  	assert.EventuallyEqual(
   300  		t,
   301  		fetch(unpatchedWebhookConfig.Name),
   302  		webhookConfigAfterCAUpdate,
   303  		retry.Message("webhook should change after cert change"),
   304  		LongRetry,
   305  	)
   306  }
   308  // LongRetry is used when comparing webhook values. Apparently the values are so large that with -race
   309  // on the comparison can take a few seconds, meaning we never retry with the default settings.
   310  var LongRetry = retry.Timeout(time.Second * 20)
   312  func TestLoadCaCertPem(t *testing.T) {
   313  	cases := []struct {
   314  		name      string
   315  		cert      []byte
   316  		wantError bool
   317  	}{
   318  		{
   319  			name:      "valid pem",
   320  			cert:      testcerts.CACert,
   321  			wantError: false,
   322  		},
   323  		{
   324  			name:      "pem decode error",
   325  			cert:      append([]byte("-----codec"), testcerts.CACert...),
   326  			wantError: true,
   327  		},
   328  		{
   329  			name:      "pem wrong type",
   330  			wantError: true,
   331  		},
   332  		{
   333  			name:      "invalid x509",
   334  			cert:      testcerts.BadCert,
   335  			wantError: true,
   336  		},
   337  	}
   339  	for i, c := range cases {
   340  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("[%v] %s", i,, func(tt *testing.T) {
   341  			err := util.VerifyCABundle(c.cert)
   342  			if err != nil {
   343  				if !c.wantError {
   344  					tt.Fatalf("unexpected error: got error %q", err)
   345  				}
   346  			} else {
   347  				if c.wantError {
   348  					tt.Fatal("expected error")
   349  				}
   350  			}
   351  		})
   352  	}
   353  }