
     1  # This configs KinD to spin up a k8s cluster with mixed protocol LB support
     2  # This should be used to create K8s clusters with versions >= 1.20
     3  kind: Cluster
     4  apiVersion:
     5  featureGates:
     6    MixedProtocolLBService: true
     7    EndpointSlice: true
     8  kubeadmConfigPatches:
     9    - |
    10      kind: ClusterConfiguration
    11      metadata:
    12        name: config
    13      etcd:
    14        local:
    15          # Run etcd in a tmpfs (in RAM) for performance improvements
    16          dataDir: /tmp/kind-cluster-etcd
    17      apiServer:
    18        extraArgs:
    19          "service-account-issuer": "kubernetes.default.svc"
    20          "service-account-signing-key-file": "/etc/kubernetes/pki/sa.key"
    21  containerdConfigPatches:
    22    - |-
    23      [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.mirrors."localhost:5000"]
    24        endpoint = ["http://kind-registry:5000"]