
     1  apiVersion: release-notes/v2
     2  kind: bug-fix
     3  area: installation
     4  issue:
     5  - 33455
     7  releaseNotes:
     8  - |
     9    **Improved** the installation of Istio on remote clusters using an external control plane.
    10    The istiodRemote component now includes all of the resources needed for either a basic remote or config cluster.
    12  upgradeNotes:
    13  - title: The istiodRemote installation component now includes config cluster resources.
    14    content: |
    15      Installing Istio on a remote cluster that is using an external control plane was previously done by disabling the `base` and `pilot`
    16      components and enabling the `istiodRemote` component in the IOP:
    18      {{< text yaml >}}
    19      components:
    20        base:
    21          enabled: false
    22        pilot:
    23          enabled: false
    24        istiodRemote:
    25          enabled: true
    26      values:
    27        global:
    28          externalIstiod: true
    29      {{< /text >}}
    31      If the remote cluster also serves as the config cluster for the external control plane,
    32      the `base` component would also be enabled:
    34      {{< text yaml >}}
    35      components:
    36        base:
    37          enabled: true
    38        pilot:
    39          enabled: false
    40        istiodRemote:
    41          enabled: true
    42      values:
    43        global:
    44          externalIstiod: true
    45      {{< /text >}}
    47      To simplify the implementation and to completely separate the remote installation from the `base` component,
    48      the `istiodRemote` component now includes all of the charts needed for any remote cluster, whether it serves as a config
    49      cluster or not. A new variable `` is used to enable/disable the resources needed
    50      in a config cluster:
    52      {{< text yaml >}}
    53      components:
    54        base:
    55          enabled: false
    56        pilot:
    57          enabled: false
    58        istiodRemote:
    59          enabled: true
    60      values:
    61        global:
    62          externalIstiod: true
    63          configCluster: true
    64      {{< /text >}}