
     1  apiVersion: release-notes/v2
     2  kind: feature
     4  area: traffic-management
     5  issue: []
     7  releaseNotes:
     8  - |
     9    '**Improved** TCP probes now working as expected: When using TCP probes with older versions of istio the check was always successful, even if the application didn't open the port.'
    11  upgradeNotes:
    12    - title: TCP probes now working as expected
    13      content: |
    14          When using TCP probes with older versions of istio the check was always successful, even if the application didn't open the port.
    15          This may cause problems when upgrading: If you had a missconfiguration in a TCP probe (e.g wrong port) you maybe haven't noticed.
    16          After the upgrade a missconfigured TCP probe will fail and therefore might cause downtimes.
    18  docs:
    19  - '[details]' # Not yet updated